View Full Version : Threatened square

2013-06-18, 04:58 AM
Yesterday happened something still never happened to me in a combat. I will explain and need to know something about that.

My party enter in a room with a mage inside. He know we was entering and casted a spell.
This was the surprise round that is over.

Then we rolled initiative and my char won the roll.

I decided to use all my round to move and come closer to the mage, holding my battle axe. He was in a corner so he cant move. He act after me and he just casted another spell. I expect to force him to cast in defence but GM told me i couldnt do any attack of opportunity because i wasnt threatening that square cause i just moved in this round and didnt any attack yet. Is that right? Seem really strange to me this.

Thanks for any extra info about that.

2013-06-18, 05:04 AM
you got jipped, read the players handbook on this subject.

also, if you didn't use your full movement and had at least 10 feet of clear distance between you and target, you could have made charge attack, attack can be made with charge as long as you still have 5 feet of movement left for your action.

2013-06-18, 05:09 AM
Your DM is plain wrong. You were not flat-footed - you had taken an action. You thus threatened any square you could attack into, i.e. squares adjacent to yourself (assuming you're Medium-sized and using a regular weapon, giving you 5 ft. reach). Not having attacked has nothing to do with it.

2013-06-18, 05:42 AM
Yup, your DM was wrong. Not only do you threaten adjacent squares as soon as your initiative is up (=you get to act), but you were allowed to charge the mage as well.

2013-06-18, 05:46 AM
also, if you didn't use your full movement and had at least 10 feet of clear distance between you and target, you could have made charge attack, attack can be made with charge as long as you still have 5 feet of movement left for your action.

I don't see where this is stated. A charge means you can move up to twice your normal distance and attack, gaining +2 to the roll and -2 to AC. You don't need to save any movement, but you need to cover a minimum of 10' before attacking (there are some other restrictions as well).

2013-06-18, 05:55 AM
Well i couldnt charge because there was a table on the way so i hadnt a clear line to reach the mage

2013-06-18, 05:57 AM
Unless you can clear the table with a jump, but that's not a given due to the restrictions on jumping. Still, you should have been able to close the distance and threaten the mage.

2013-06-18, 06:07 AM
Btw i am speaking of Pathfinder not D&D 3.5

Its same right?

2013-06-18, 06:13 AM
Btw i am speaking of Pathfinder not D&D 3.5

Its same right?
Yeah. Acting is acting, and that includes movement. Specifically, it follows the rule from 3.5, which is, "At the start of a battle, before you have had a chance to act (specifically, before your first regular turn in the initiative order), you are flat-footed." Thus, I'm pretty sure that you could just stand there, taking absolutely no actions, and you'd stop being flat footed after you've had your turn. Still, the condition summary implies that there's some necessity to actually act, so your movement may have been required. You should definitely have gotten that AoO though.

2013-06-18, 06:23 AM
Great... Thanks everyone for fast answare!

2013-06-18, 06:24 AM
Btw i am speaking of Pathfinder not D&D 3.5

Its same right?

Yeah, it's the same. The DM made the wrong call, and there's really no reason for this to be made a houserule either.

It happens; gently correct him (or her) and move on.

2013-06-18, 08:39 AM
gently correct him (or her) and move on.

Never! The only option is war!! :smallfurious: