View Full Version : Greater Status Abuse for Partial Invulnerability

2013-06-18, 01:24 PM
I thought of some abuse using greater status: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/spells/statusGreater.htm

You leadership up an army of low level clerics with the community domain and give them a wand of greater status to share. Now they know your condition and can cast 1st and 2nd level touch spells at you from any safe place on the same plane. So what? Load them up with scrolls to make sure you never get feared, paralized, poisoned, charmed, dominated or anything else fixable with a 1st or 2nd level touch (harmless) spell. Have your 1st level clerics spam sanctuary on you every combat round so that foes need 50 or more will saves to even attack you directly. If you get hurt, several cure light wound spells from items or prepared slots can instantly heal you to full. You might set aside some clerics with readied actions just for this.

You can make up a signal or have them start the moment you get wounded or gain a negative condition, since status relays this information. You might carry a vicious weapon or employ some other trick to let them know faster.

You could include a 2nd party member in the effect at no additional cost.

The 420 gp per wand charge cost is a bit of a drawback but as you reach higher level it's not as bad. You can also take up wand crafting. Or a high level group of elite community clerics could use the trick for free and send out agents. The added advantage is that they can communicate via telepathic bond, since it is a 5th level community domain spell.

2013-06-18, 01:36 PM
Having to touch back at base every 7 hours to have the Greater Status refreshed would be a bit of a hassle, although as you get further into your levels it becomes more feasible to Teleport home and then back to the actual adventure location. And I have to think there are probably more productive things a small unit of clerics could be doing than sitting around on alert for you to need a spell. I don't know if this is something I'd want to try and maintain as a standard operating procedure.. but it sounds like a pretty nifty hack if you're going to prep for a big fight.

2013-06-18, 01:41 PM
They could engage in other activities as well with a slightly slower round 1 response time, since greater status alerts them to damage or negative conditions. The high level elite clerics might have better things to do but 1st-3rd level clerics not as much. The elite clerics do have the advantage of 24 hour extended greater status and free spells so that their infiltration agents are always at the ready. If all the elite clerics are active, as long as they aren't all in combat at precisely the same time they can at least fix eachother's problems and hp damage via cheap expendable magic items. Though limited spells per day in this case removes the 50 sanctuary trick without blowing a big pile of gold on wands.

Yes, it is mainly meant for big fight prep.

2013-06-18, 01:51 PM
You leadership up an army of low level clerics with the community domain and give them a wand of greater status to share. Now they know your condition and can cast 1st and 2nd level touch spells at you from any safe place on the same plane. So what? Load them up with scrolls to make sure you never get feared, paralized, poisoned, charmed, dominated or anything else fixable with a 1st or 2nd level touch (harmless) spell. Have your 1st level clerics spam sanctuary on you every combat round so that foes need 50 or more will saves to even attack you directly. If you get hurt, several cure light wound spells from items or prepared slots can instantly heal you to full. You might set aside some clerics with readied actions just for this.Aside from the not-negligible difficulty of collecting an army of low-levels clerics, all with the Community domain and all willing to do nothing with their powers but play whack-a-mole with the injuries of a single person (because this is a lot to ask even with Leadership in play) the bolded section wouldn't work due to effect-stacking clauses unless I'm completely misunderstanding your intention. Each Sanctuary spell would at best override the previous one's duration; it would still only take one Will save to get at you.

2013-06-18, 01:58 PM
this sounds like something to do for the boss fight, not for normal walking around a dungeon.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-06-18, 02:17 PM
Aside from the not-negligible difficulty of collecting an army of low-levels clerics, all with the Community domain and all willing to do nothing with their powers but play whack-a-mole with the injuries of a single person (because this is a lot to ask even with Leadership in play) the bolded section wouldn't work due to effect-stacking clauses unless I'm completely misunderstanding your intention. Each Sanctuary spell would at best override the previous one's duration; it would still only take one Will save to get at you.

Not to mention the first hostile action would break all the sanctuaries anyway.

2013-06-18, 02:22 PM
Not to mention the first hostile action would break all the sanctuaries anyway.

He said they were casting every turn. I personalty assumed he was having them (or atleast some of them) go after him.

2013-06-18, 02:22 PM
I'm really tempted to institute a house rule that all PCs have a permanent greater status effect on them and can "dial in" spells from HQ for the appropriate GP cost.

2013-06-18, 04:27 PM
He said they were casting every turn. I personalty assumed he was having them (or atleast some of them) go after him.
And I think Lapak is right, that there could only be 1 sanctuary each round, hence the strikethrough. Though foes might sometimes roll low on their will save.

I'm really tempted to institute a house rule that all PCs have a permanent greater status effect on them and can "dial in" spells from HQ for the appropriate GP cost.
Would this be 1/round or would they be calling in full heals for about 150 gp?

2013-06-18, 04:35 PM
Would this be 1/round or would they be calling in full heals for about 150 gp?
They have one greater status, not 15. Whoever is at the other end can only do one spell per round.