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The Giant
2006-12-05, 12:04 AM
New comic is up.

2006-12-05, 12:05 AM
Hmm I can't see it. Is it only me?

EDIT - of course the time I get first post is when I can't see the comic.
But heh, V is one I relate to. Go V.

2006-12-05, 12:05 AM
Nope, I can't see it either.

EDIT: Now that it's up... Brilliant!

*runs off into the sunset singing: clang, clang, clang goes the trolley...*

2006-12-05, 12:06 AM
I can't see it, either.

2006-12-05, 12:06 AM
All of I sudden I can completely understand the concept of "Hell"...

This is painful man, this is painful...

2006-12-05, 12:06 AM
Nor can I.

Edit: Ah, now I can. That was a pretty good comic, with V's long rants, and how he can peacefully enjoy the wine, when Belkar chased Durkon past V.

2006-12-05, 12:07 AM
No puedo verlo. :smallfrown:

I can't see it. (For you non-spanish speaking folk. :smallbiggrin:)

2006-12-05, 12:07 AM
I cant see it either, its giving me the funny little polygons taht mean there is an unloaded picture. And it seems to have only updated on half the site, the comics bar in teh News links to 384

2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
Ah, a sympathetic ear, but an unsympathetic eye...

2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
I think it's pretty universal that it isn't working.

The Giant
2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
OK, please hold while we sort out technical difficulties...

2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
Holy mother ****!!!!!!

The rate at which people respond to this topic is INSANE!!!!


2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
This is just wrong. Why Giant Why.

2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
I haven't got it either...

2006-12-05, 12:08 AM
I can't see it either. :smallsigh:

[EDIT] Ok Giant, I will hold on!:smallwink:

2006-12-05, 12:09 AM
Like right there...

I was making another post (expecting to double post), and Rich sneaks one in before I can even press the "Submit Reply" button.


The Giant
2006-12-05, 12:09 AM
Fixed now.

2006-12-05, 12:10 AM
Holy mother ****!!!!!!

The rate at which people respond to this topic is INSANE!!!!


Yes...We're a rather enthusiastic bunch...

2006-12-05, 12:10 AM
I can't see it. I want to see it.


EDIT: I thought outsiders couldn't get drunk...

2006-12-05, 12:10 AM
Okay... I give up...

I was expecting to double post AGAIN, but 3 something people sneak their posts in before me.


2006-12-05, 12:11 AM
The second to last panel is epic. It's going to make me chuckle for hours, right alongside "Oh gods, she shot me! The crazy bitch!"

2006-12-05, 12:11 AM
I see it now. It's hilarious, particularly Belkar and Durkon in the final panel.

2006-12-05, 12:12 AM
Haha! That is awesome in so many ways, especially because of Belkar.
:durkon:: Git away from me, ye daft fool!
:belkar:: Clang, clang, clang goes the trolley!

2006-12-05, 12:12 AM
AHAHhahahaha Nothing beats those circly eyes!

2006-12-05, 12:13 AM
Last 2 panels are AWESOME!

2006-12-05, 12:13 AM
Yay!!! Let's hear it for Charmed Belkar! He looks so happy yet not evil happy.

2006-12-05, 12:13 AM
Fixed now.

Wow, quick service

Great Comic, but why didn't sabine recocnige the ooTs??

2006-12-05, 12:13 AM
Saw it. Very funny.

As for Sabine, isn't she in a drunken stupor?

2006-12-05, 12:14 AM
That was unexpected, but a lovely close to the day. (And I love Meet Me In St. Louis.) It is both nice and funny to see V. commenting on love since (s)he has done so in the past. And a bit more fodder for the Nale/Sabine love triangle folks. (And I do wonder if perhaps they have some nice Dwarvish beer if they have elven wine?)

2006-12-05, 12:15 AM
thank god thats over.

2006-12-05, 12:15 AM
If I may steal a phrase from somewhere else on the Internet...

Pure win and cookies.

Nuff said.

2006-12-05, 12:15 AM
So apparently demons can become soused enough to seek out their mortal enemies for advice? Interesting. (I'm just assuming that if she were sober she'd not ask V for advice.)

I'm bothered by Belkar though. Charm Person just makes you a friend willing to help out. He knows about the mark of justice and should be luring OotSs out of town to attack them. Wait: maybe the show tunes are his way around the mark of justice. They cause damage but it's non-lethal. :)

2006-12-05, 12:15 AM
Great Comic, but why didn't sabine recocnige the ooTs??

I assume she was just too drunk before V or any of the others showed up.

And for some reason, I can't stop laughing at Belkar's singing...

2006-12-05, 12:15 AM
Nice Comic.

Reminds me of an inside joke with my friend about elf wine and not being able to drnk it.

Nale's plan... fail from multiple sides maybe?

2006-12-05, 12:16 AM
Saw it. Very funny.

As for Sabine, isn't she in a drunken stupor?

I am pretty sure Outsiders are exemppt from along with breathing, and eating, drunkingness

2006-12-05, 12:17 AM
OMG... this is going to be good! :smallamused:

And for the first time in a long run I enjoy V again!

hooray! :smallbiggrin:

P.S. Please forgive my english... I'm very sick right now... :smallsigh:

2006-12-05, 12:17 AM
Great Comic, but why didn't sabine recocnige the ooTs??

I got the impression that she does recognize him/her, but is drunk enough to not care right now. The "You're all right, elf" struck me as a way of saying, "I know we're mortal enemies, but you're not too bad a person."

I find the parallels between Haley's friendship with V and this scene interesting...I think Haley and Sabine are more alike than either would admit.

2006-12-05, 12:18 AM
Guess :vaarsuvius: picked the wrong bar to enjoy an elven wine!

Wine, women and song, what's not to love about this comic!

2006-12-05, 12:19 AM
Oh dear, (charmed)intra-party conflict :smallbiggrin:

DO I detect a dispelmagic spell coming along :smallamused:

Good advice V, but wrong person.

2006-12-05, 12:20 AM
*Wonders how many strips the Giant can get away with using Belkar chasing someone as a punchline before it gets old.*

Quite a few, I think. Quite a few.

2006-12-05, 12:23 AM
It's so beautiful...

2006-12-05, 12:24 AM
Not that it's still ironic, since the title of THIS comic isn't "he knows the words" but the bell's meant to go "ding," not "ring."

I hadn't realised until this moment what deep psychological scars my little sister inflicted on me in our youth.

Definitely a nice intersection of a fair few short-term plotlines though.

2006-12-05, 12:24 AM
I am pretty sure Outsiders are exemppt from along with breathing, and eating, drunkingness

No, they simply don't need to eat or drink, but can if they want to. However, they don't have any special immunities to drunkeness... though I believe alcohol does qualify as a poison, so yes, she would be immune to being drunk due to her fiendishness (but not her outsiderness)... but it's funnier this way.

(And I do wonder if perhaps they have some nice Dwarvish beer if they have elven wine?)

I don't think they would because the dwarven lands are likely harder to get to (they're likely landlocked, so getting the Dwarven Ale all the way south may be problematic). Furthermore, Dwarven Ale, as demonstrated, probably couldn't be sold at a tavern, so much as a weapon's dealer.

2006-12-05, 12:26 AM
Alas, the poor lot that has fallen upon V.

Seriously, I'm sure V would be bored if things like this didn't happen all the time.

2006-12-05, 12:27 AM
Oh my word. Belkar singing "Meet me in St. Louis" while chasing Durkon is possibly the funniest OotS moment in a very long time.

2006-12-05, 12:27 AM
Haha! That was awesome, Rich.

It was already a good strip before the end, but Belkar chasing Durkon while singing, and V's sighing in the last panel....classic! I've laughed out loud at 2 out of the last 3 strips now. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-05, 12:29 AM
I am not certain i am the most qualified to comment on gender traits...
i think that's one of the better jokes no one seems to be talking about.

2006-12-05, 12:30 AM
The second to last frame is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time, especially with that look on :belkar:'s face.

:durkon:: Git away from me, ye daft fool!

Rich, you have outdone yourself

2006-12-05, 12:31 AM
"I am certainly not the most qualified to comment on gender traits"...hah! It's meta-licious!

Also, second to last panel...there are no words...

2006-12-05, 12:32 AM
Well, the comic made me laugh a lot, that's for sure -- the last three strips were priceless and classic -- but I'm not liking where this is going.

Sabine and Nale are interesting villains precisely because their relationship is good. If they become yet another quarrelling or confused couple, ... well, the strip already has enough of those.

Also, I'm REALLY hoping this whole subplot is leading to Haley's speech-cure, and I thought that would be quite simply resolved when she kissed him (since, as far as she knows, she has then let go of her secret). I don't want Sabine to interrupt before they can get that far. (Of course, soon after that, something needs to interrupt Nale's plan. But I was hoping Sabine would never find out what Nale chose to do to "amuse himself.")

Also, where is Roy? It's more funny to have him absent with this new Belkar sub-plot (and come to think of it, he really should have thought of giving Durkon the command word for the MoJ ... not V or Elan or some others, but Durkon would have been safe). But it's going to stretch credibility if he's missing without an explanation for much longer. I mean, he's not on a date! And hopefully Parcheesi cured his bad mood after chatting with Shojo. Hopefully he's having a chat with Dad, although I can't imagine that going well enough to NOT be a comic. Anyway, if V can't take care of Belkar quick, we'll need to find Roy.

I also want some resolution of Elan's "I have to warn Haley," even though I don't want to leave the current storyline.

Lastly, I thought that Sabine recognized V, and just didn't care that V is her enemy right now, but now I'm pretty sure that somehow she didn't recognize V after all. Because I remembered that in 252, she called V a "dude," and now she thinks V is a girl.

2006-12-05, 12:33 AM
I can't see it. I want to see it.


EDIT: I thought outsiders couldn't get drunk...

That's why Sabine's having ANOTHER THREE!

Giant, I really like that last panel with V - s/he can never catch a break. I wonder how V's gonna stop Belkar. I'd cast Silence on him first.:smallwink:

2006-12-05, 12:33 AM
Yes! Wait...is Sabine drunk? I thought she was an outsider. Oh well. Great comic Rich!!!!!! Go Belkar!

2006-12-05, 12:33 AM
I'm just curious what Randy is... because it might help us settle what kind of fiend Sabine is...

So, what's medium sized, horned, black, and has four eyes?

2006-12-05, 12:35 AM
I guess this solves that thread about whether or not Sabine loves Nale...

2006-12-05, 12:36 AM
I actually feel sad for Nale...I can totally relate.
I mean, didn't your girlfriend ever got confused when you try to kill another chick?
I know mine did :)

2006-12-05, 12:39 AM

Thanks for that Rich, needed the laugh right now. Damn college...

Anyways, I bet Rich can extend Nale's disguise as Elan for maybe two more comics before the **** has to really hit the fan. Next comic will likely be Sabine beating on Haley, but she still won't necessarily know that it's Sabine and Nale, instead of one of Elan's old flings.

Although it looked like Sabine was gonna go into "I'm a drunk, angry fiend" mode, complete with level drain and I don't think that's included in a geisha's skill repertoire...

2006-12-05, 12:41 AM
Judy Garland much? LOL

2006-12-05, 12:45 AM
Oh, so much gold.
This plot is rattling along, the jokes are hysterical and the tension is sky high!

Re the "Where is Roy?" question:
I wouldn't be suprised if this entire plotline panned out, without him appearing, and we later find out that he was in bed the whole time. Rich could do a lot with a situational joke like that.

2006-12-05, 12:46 AM
Looks like this spells the end for Nale's plan. Too bad, it was rather devious.

2006-12-05, 12:46 AM
I know that sigh all too well...I usually do that when I have to fix someone elses screw up.

2006-12-05, 12:46 AM
Oh my word. Belkar singing "Meet me in St. Louis" while chasing Durkon is possibly the funniest OotS moment in a very long time.

It's actually funnier than that! "Clang, Clang, Clang Went The Trolley" is a completely different song from the musical "Meet Me in St. Louis", which demonstrates that :belkar: knows an awful lot more about show tunes than I would have given him credit for!

2006-12-05, 12:47 AM
Hey V, you gonna finish that elven wine? I've always wanted to try some.

I guess this solves that thread about whether or not Sabine loves Nale...
Sadly, no. I can easily imagine people arguing based on the "I think so" and "it's complicated" lines.

Winged One
2006-12-05, 12:48 AM
Even if Sabine is immune to the effects of drunkeness normally, note that she's drinking something that comes with an umbrella in it. Umbrellas in a glass are a sure sign of the presence of the elemental forces of booze, so strong that they can get anything drunk. :wink:

2006-12-05, 12:48 AM
What love isn't?

2006-12-05, 12:48 AM
No, they simply don't need to eat or drink, but can if they want to. However, they don't have any special immunities to drunkeness... though I believe alcohol does qualify as a poison, so yes, she would be immune to being drunk due to her fiendishness (but not her outsiderness)... but it's funnier this way.Were it my game, I would rule that the immediate physical effects of the alcohol would be effective - though technically a poison, most often one knows when one's drink is alcoholic, so it's not as if someone is trying to poison you. In other words, if an outsider PC wants to get drunk, I'm not going to let a silly thing like immunity get in the way. However, I'd also rule that the undesired effects of the alcohol (hangovers, liver damage, dependence, etc.) do not occur.

I don't think they would because the dwarven lands are likely harder to get to (they're likely landlocked, so getting the Dwarven Ale all the way south may be problematic). Furthermore, Dwarven Ale, as demonstrated, probably couldn't be sold at a tavern, so much as a weapon's dealer.That was dwarven brandy, not dwarven ale. Brandy, as a distilled drink, is far more potent than ale, which is just a type of beer.

2006-12-05, 12:49 AM
This most definitely has been said before, but bears repeating. If it hasn't been said, well.... here it goes.

The last three panels = win. Belkar had me stifling my laughter so I wouldn't wake up my roommate.

2006-12-05, 12:53 AM
Haley will figure out which kind of obscure alchemical metal harms Sabine.

Actually, no she won't, so it can continue to irritate her.

2006-12-05, 12:54 AM
Alas, the poor lot that has fallen upon V.

Seriously, I'm sure V would be bored if things like this didn't happen all the time.I think V enjoys feeling put upon.

Maerad of Pellinor
2006-12-05, 12:54 AM
Wow. :vaarsuvius: gives advice to :sabine: AND :belkar: is singing show tunes and chacing :durkon: around! Great comic! :smallbiggrin:

Too bad there aren't any trees, now....:smallwink::smalltongue:

2006-12-05, 12:57 AM
I think Sabine was focused on the Nale and Haley thing and just wanted to consult with someone who might understand, Vaarsuvius was the nerest intelegant thing to talk to.

Also about the Belkar charm, not suggestion or dominate,
You remember when Roy was defending Belkar from Miko and he suggested that belkar was a loyal member of the OOTS because he could have killed them in their sleep and taken their magic items. Belkar then said that that was a good idea. As you see Belkar could easaly be persuaded to do that, especaly if his best friend asked him to. I think that this is the meaning of the last comics title.

I also think that V made her spelcraft check and knows that Belkar is charmed, thus her reaction to what needed to be done.

2006-12-05, 12:59 AM
Were it my game, I would rule that the immediate physical effects of the alcohol would be effective - though technically a poison, most often one knows when one's drink is alcoholic, so it's not as if someone is trying to poison you. In other words, if an outsider PC wants to get drunk, I'm not going to let a silly thing like immunity get in the way. However, I'd also rule that the undesired effects of the alcohol (hangovers, liver damage, dependence, etc.) do not occur.

That was dwarven brandy, not dwarven ale. Brandy, as a distilled drink, is far more potent than ale, which is just a type of beer.
So, if I know something is a poison, it doesnt count as a poison?

I honestly dont think that, technically speaking, it is possible for feinds to get drunk. they can imbibe as much alcohol as they want, and it will taste good, but they wont be getting a buzz or feel muddled, so I doubt it would be very sueful for drowning their sorrows. But, feinds have trickable brains just like mortals, so they could fool themselves into acting drunk. It would sort of be an act or affectation, only they beleive it as well (see the scene in the Mended Drum in Soul Music, by Terry Pratchett; death lacks glands, liver, and brain, but, after drinking the whole place practically dry, he does eventually remember how to get drunk. Sad Hilarity Ensued

So, maybe Sabrine Just liked the taste of Alcohol, and objectively knows that when this sort of thing happens to mortals, they go and get wasted, so she decided to give it a try.

2006-12-05, 01:00 AM
Also, I'm REALLY hoping this whole subplot is leading to Haley's speech-cure
It almost has to. Her decision to not look the gift horse in the mouth is almost the only half-plausible justification for falling for the miserable impersonation job.

Lastly, I thought that Sabine recognized V, and just didn't care that V is her enemy right now, but now I'm pretty sure that somehow she didn't recognize V after all. Because I remembered that in 252, she called V a "dude," and now she thinks V is a girl.Heheh. The shapeshifting (and self-confessedly sex-changing) demon not caring enough about the androgynous elf's ambiguous gender to keep it straight dovetails well with V's not even finding "Elan's" apparent bisexuality worth mentioning. I think it's awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-05, 01:01 AM
Belkar's lucky he ran into Durkon first, and that Durkon seems more annoyed than angry. I'd be willing to bet that "dwarf" isn't one of Belkar's (probable) three favored enemies, much less the one that gives him +6 on damage. Without that--and with Durkon's own combat and healing abilities--Belkar is literally little more than an annoyance to him, giving him the luxury of simply avoiding him until he can figure out what's going on as opposed to killing him, as (say) Roy or V. would have had to.

That being said, that's a *really* funny chase scene. :smallsmile:

2006-12-05, 01:03 AM
Every time V is called sister or dude or something along those lines I forget it's been called both and think the Giant slipped up and revealed it's sex. It's actually kind of frustrating. Somehow I knew Durkon would be Belkar's victim, but I was still relieved. I was a bit afraid that he'd fulfill his prophesy via V or Roy, however.

2006-12-05, 01:04 AM
So, if I know something is a poison, it doesnt count as a poison?Well, think of it this way: if you have magic resistance, you can temporarily negate it in order to recieve a healing spell without risk of it being ineffective (at least, you could in 2nd ed). Why not poison immunity?

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-05, 01:07 AM
It's actually funnier than that! "Clang, Clang, Clang Went The Trolley" is a completely different song from the musical "Meet Me in St. Louis", which demonstrates that :belkar: knows an awful lot more about show tunes than I would have given him credit for!
Nale said to sing the complete score from the musical, so that's what he's doing. :smalltongue:

2006-12-05, 01:08 AM
You guy's could just use what my DM affectionately calls "the golden rule" on the whole drunk outsider thing.

"If the DM said it happened, it happened."

2006-12-05, 01:10 AM
I honestly dont think that, technically speaking, it is possible for feinds to get drunk.See, the Forcecage thing bothered me (til the explanation in the next strip), but this kind of thing totally doesn't. I don't care if it's special booze, or she's getting drunk psychosomatically, or if the immunity can be turned off at will, or what. There are any number of possible explanations and I don't really care if Rich explains which.

If I had a player whose character had poison immunity, I'd probably let them pick whether they could get drunk or not - whatever works best for the character.

2006-12-05, 01:10 AM
I would also like to say that Sabine doesn't seem to be thinking things through very well (and by that, I mean before she crawled into the bottle). She attempted to use her charms to get Roy to lower his guard without a second thought, but she can't fathom Nale doing the same to Haley. (Granted, Sabine would probably have finished Roy off much in much less time than Nale is taking, but I doubt she'd enjoy it any less than Nale is.)

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2006-12-05, 01:11 AM
Just getting my quick two cents in.

Belkar's cameo in this strip stole the whole scene. I love that little lunatic's antics. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-05, 01:13 AM
I would also like to say that Sabine doesn't seem to be thinking things through very well (and by that, I mean before she crawled into the bottle). She attempted to use her charms to get Roy to lower his guard without a second thought, but she can't fathom Nale doing the same to Haley. (Granted, Sabine would probably have finished Roy off much in much less time than Nale is taking, but I doubt she'd enjoy it any less than Nale is.)Jealousy is never rational, trust me.

Also, I'm glad that this whole thing looks like it's going to be wrapped up pretty simply. All this convoluted stuff was looking to be painfully drawn-out to resolve.

2006-12-05, 01:13 AM
The comic is down again! :smalleek:

2006-12-05, 01:16 AM
Hmmm... thats odd. When I go to the "latest OOTS" link, it comes up with number 384, and under the "Comics" thing, it will say 384 is the latest comic, but when I am viewing the latest comic from this forum or other places, it says that 385 is the latest comic.

Might want to fix that Rich.

2006-12-05, 01:17 AM
Wow! Great comic, Giant :smallbiggrin:
:belkar:chasing :durkon: is just amazing!
i do hope we see :elan: soon... please?

2006-12-05, 01:19 AM
I like the mention of the stick. ;) Cleverly punny.

2006-12-05, 01:20 AM
Vaarsuvius giving advice on fighting for love? What is this world coming to?

2006-12-05, 01:21 AM

oh my gods! seeing belkar going after durkon, I just about fell out of my chair!

I can only wonder as to what hell sabine is going to unleash upon haley... and a more pressing question: when sabine shows up, will nale be able to keep his act going?

~The Patriots~
2006-12-05, 01:21 AM
I half expected Sabine to come back and get pissed at Nale. But I had no idea it was going to end up like this. It seems now she's going to fight with Haley for Nale. This is all going to be completely crazy... Also I don't think Haley took her bow with her on the date

F.H. Zebedee
2006-12-05, 01:22 AM
Bravo, Giant! This comic explored several characters, and still had your trademark gutbusting humor! Huzzah!

2006-12-05, 01:22 AM
Well, think of it this way: if you have magic resistance, you can temporarily negate it in order to recieve a healing spell without risk of it being ineffective (at least, you could in 2nd ed). Why not poison immunity?

From what I understand, even in 3.X, a person with spell resistance can reduce their SR by a set amount. However, a creature with Spell immunity can't, since their SR is effectively infinite. Furthermore, other resistances (such as elemental) do not grant such abilities.

Besides, I'm betting the whole thing is psychosomatic on Sabine's part. She's acting drunk because she wants to be, but she really isn't.

2006-12-05, 01:23 AM
Brilliant. This comic has spoiled all other webcomics for me.

Alright, so what... 48 hours or so until Wednesday night?

2006-12-05, 01:25 AM
TOOOOOO Funnny! And now we know how Nale's plan falls apart :smallsmile:

2006-12-05, 01:26 AM
I think it's 'Hussy's,' though I am probably the last person who should be correcting speeling, syntax and grammar.
Though I knew the Trolley Song was coming, I was still cracking up.
And speculation in the spoiler space...CAFIGHT!!!

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-05, 01:32 AM
Oh, and how is Belkar not catching Durkon? He's got barbarian levels and is wearing light armor; there's no way Durkon should be ahead of him, particularly not in full plate.

2006-12-05, 01:35 AM
Oh, and how is Belkar not catching Durkon? He's got barbarian levels and is wearing light armor; there's no way Durkon should be ahead of him, particularly not in full plate.
Belkar's been singing continuously for a while now, maybe he's a bit out of breath. :)

Professor Tanhauser
2006-12-05, 01:36 AM
OK, so now rich has kindly answered the question that has so bedeviled (Pun intended) me: Sabine actually loves Nale.

Now we also know what stops nale from killing haley: Sabine. We also know how the order will find out that nale isn't elan: Sabine.

Now we just need to see if elan loves sabine back. But when he explains what he was really up to, will sabine's face be red....:smallredface:

2006-12-05, 01:38 AM
1) I believe the fact that I DON'T know the musical in question is actually saving me from much pain.
2) I like how Belkar went after Durkon. I mean, of the three available choices, he's already got an issue with Roy and V. What has Durkon ever done to him other than heal him when Belkar needed it?

Professor Tanhauser
2006-12-05, 01:41 AM
One thing I don't get: Why is durkon running away from belkar? I mean, one touch of thor's might and belkar would be on his ass.

Maybe durkon assumes belkar's drunk or just acting stupid, and is simply trying to avoid having to hurt the little twit. BTW, I've never noticed any real acrimony between drukon and belkar.....

Professor Tanhauser
2006-12-05, 01:52 AM
Did anyone else notice the look on Nale's face? Like worry, or stunned surprise? It didn't look like the kind of sadistic grin one would haveif one was plotting a horribly sadistic murder, more like "Ohmigod, why am I feeling like I so do NOT want to kill this woman holding me?!"

Haley had a beautific smile on her face, she was happy. Nale looked worried or distraught. I hope that gets explained.

2006-12-05, 01:53 AM
Why is durkon running away from Belkar?

1- Because it's funnier this way. And because this strip is not about them, is about Sabine. The next strip will probably be about them.

2- If you want to get more IC, Durkon probably was surprised by belkar's attack, and will run until he can gather his wits. Like he did with the trees.

Great comic! Very cute ant OOTSish :-)

EDIT: Nale is probably looking like that due to the Herculean effort needed for him to hold his tongue :-P

2006-12-05, 01:56 AM
This one was instant and constant laughs. Masterfully done. No, KEENLY done, now that I know what a keen blade is. On top of what has already been said, I can't wait to see how these many plots collide.

2006-12-05, 01:56 AM
V is the greatest :biggrin:

2006-12-05, 01:57 AM
The only time I saw any acrimony was when Durkon saw Roy had released Belkar and asked him, "Are ye mad?"

2006-12-05, 02:00 AM
[Sabine] attempted to use her charms to get Roy to lower his guard without a second thought, but she can't fathom Nale doing the same to Haley. (Granted, Sabine would probably have finished Roy off much in much less time than Nale is taking, but I doubt she'd enjoy it any less than Nale is.)
Yeah, but just because because Sabine used this tactic on Roy doesn't mean she'll put up with Nale using it:

Nale: "But honey, you're a depraved fiend! You must be in favor of adultery!"

Sabine, angrily: "I'm also in favor of hypocricy."

(And yes, I totally stole this exchange from Andy Wier (http://galactanet.com/comic/).)

2006-12-05, 02:00 AM
The only time I saw any acrimony was when Durkon saw Roy had released Belkar and asked him, "Are ye mad?"

And when Belkar abandoned him and V during the Xykon fight. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0111.html) He said that if he were a dwarf, he'd be hanged for deriliction of duty.

2006-12-05, 02:01 AM
Also, it could get pretty bad for Haley before anyone figures out what Nale's up to. Did she even tell V that she was on a date with Elan? Does anyone know where she is? So we basically have a rogue with no sneak attack in a room with a fighter/sorcerer and a succubus, both of whom want to kill her?

And I thought the biggest foreseeable problem was Haley getting her psyche shattered even further when she realizes that her self-loathing was right (which is a pretty crummy thing to find out).

2006-12-05, 02:02 AM
Did anyone else notice the look on Nale's face? Like worry, or stunned surprise? It didn't look like the kind of sadistic grin one would haveif one was plotting a horribly sadistic murder, more like "Ohmigod, why am I feeling like I so do NOT want to kill this woman holding me?!"

Haley had a beautific smile on her face, she was happy. Nale looked worried or distraught. I hope that gets explained.

It's the same scene from the last panel of #384.

2006-12-05, 02:02 AM
People are a bit obsessed about posting around here, isn't it? Between the time I loaded the page and hit reply (I read everything before I post) three more replies appeared...

Sabine loves Nale. How sweet...

2006-12-05, 02:07 AM
Funniest comic in a long while, Giant. Keep it up.

2006-12-05, 02:17 AM
HAH! Something just occurred to me:

:sabine: "I go away for this thing for work for a few hours, and when I get back, he's groping her out on the dance floor."

...When she's disguised as a GEISHA! Now I know that's not the only thing geisha were paid to do (I read Memoirs, though I didn't see the movie), but I'm kind of surprised V didn't lift an eyebrow at that. Then again, as has been mentioned, jealousy doesn't ever make a lot of sense.

2006-12-05, 02:18 AM
I just keep looking at the last two panels and laughing hysterically.

2006-12-05, 02:22 AM
New comic is up.
That was hilarious. I forsee use of a Raise Dead in the near future.

2006-12-05, 02:27 AM
I wonder how Nale will react when his girlfriend attacks his date (and possibly also him, considering how angry/drunk she is)... Nale isn't terribly good at improvisation.

2006-12-05, 02:33 AM
He only needs to improvise one thing: Run!

Both V and Sabine are more attached to their mates than Celia ever was to her boyfriend. Drunk-vengeful-fiend-on-the-loose can't possibly be a good thing for anyone involved.

Though, one should think Sabine would know what it's like to be male. Guess gender boundaries will never be transcended.

2006-12-05, 02:38 AM
clang clang! hehehehe gotta love belkar.

now what im wonderin about, is how that lil sequence started off.

2006-12-05, 02:46 AM
That's marvelous!

I was reading the rather serious stuff, deep into the character's of V and Sabine. Loving the comic and feeling all thoughtful, and then... Belkar singing the musical score!

That actually made me laugh out loud and I'm still grinning like an idiot. Brilliant Rich, just brilliant :smallsmile:

2006-12-05, 02:47 AM
I am pretty sure Outsiders are exemppt from along with breathing, and eating, drunkingnessThat was my understanding as well...

Oh well, it makes for a funny plot anyways.

2006-12-05, 02:49 AM
HAH! Something just occurred to me:

:sabine: "I go away for this thing for work for a few hours, and when I get back, he's groping her out on the dance floor."

...When she's disguised as a GEISHA! Now I know that's not the only thing geisha were paid to do (I read Memoirs, though I didn't see the movie), but I'm kind of surprised V didn't lift an eyebrow at that. Then again, as has been mentioned, jealousy doesn't ever make a lot of sense.

Not a geisha, but a prostitute! The bow is up front, so she is dressed as a prostitute. But I'm not sure V notices such things very much.

2006-12-05, 02:52 AM
clang clang! hehehehe gotta love belkar.

now what im wonderin about, is how that lil sequence started off.
I agree, the "Belkar meets Durkon" scene was probably pretty good. :) Maybe there will be a bonus comic in the book.

2006-12-05, 02:55 AM
There goes V innocently making all kinds of new trouble for Haley. This should be interesting. I'm not usually a huge Belkar fan but somehow singing Belkar is just hilarious to me, esepcially murderous singing Belkar. That is just comic gold.

2006-12-05, 02:57 AM
I wonder if Durkon's running more to protect himself from Belkar, or to protect Belkar (who's obviously suffering a momentary mental lapse) from the mark. The latter was actually my first impression, as lawful good as Durkon is.

2006-12-05, 03:02 AM
Once again, Belkar wins. At everything. How can anyone not love a demented Halfling running around in a psychotic rage singing children's songs?

2006-12-05, 03:02 AM
I wonder if Durkon's running more to protect himself from Belkar, or to protect Belkar (who's obviously suffering a momentary mental lapse) from the mark. The latter was actually my first impression, as lawful good as Durkon is.
If Belkar wants to get healed after this, he'd do well to pretend he was Dominated, not Charmed. :smallwink:

2006-12-05, 03:04 AM
It's the same scene from the last panel of #384.

No, in the last panel of #384 Nale looks angry/upset. In #385 he doesn't.

2006-12-05, 03:07 AM
Right, Vaarsuvius. That's certainly the most wise and appropriate response to infidelity. No problem that can't be solved by casting the right spells at the right targets, eh?

Although I guess if all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

So, Sabine thought that V was a guy when she was sober, but she thinks that V looks female now that she's drunk. Clearly, we can infer from this that... Um... I mean, obviously, this is an indication that...


Though, one should think Sabine would know what it's like to be male.
Maybe that's why she that assumed Nale is trying to seduce Haley. :smalltongue:

2006-12-05, 03:14 AM

as a girl i resent the stereotype (girls fighting over "bad boy")

as a reader... LOVE IT!

2006-12-05, 03:28 AM
Between V giving love advice and Belkars singing, this is the funniest thing i have seen in ages.

2006-12-05, 03:43 AM
No, in the last panel of #384 Nale looks angry/upset. In #385 he doesn't.

It's probably just that some time has passed and he's gotten over it? I mean, it's not like he was particularly cheesed off about not getting to talk to begin with. I really don't think there's much to read into there.

2006-12-05, 03:57 AM
Poor V. *crit hit on empathy* That always happens to me too, whenever my elven char wants to indulge in the pleasures of elven wine.

2006-12-05, 04:01 AM
Great comic

This reminds me so much of 'Good Omens'. Only Sabine doesn't seem able to snap her fingers and sober up.

2006-12-05, 04:09 AM
This was just brilliant! I'm really not sure why Sabine is SO drunk that she is prepared to talk to V, but what the heck, it's funny.

The last scene was just wonderful. EXACTLY the right amount of unexpected idiocy! The weird thing is that I hate everything that Belkar stands for, and yet he is such a hilarious character - it was one of the funniest single cells for a long time for me... :smallcool:

I have to say, though, that we REALLY need to get back to Elan pretty soon; I'm anxious about him and, strangely, about :thog:, too.

Itdano: 'demented halfling' - nicely put; it sounds better and funnier than his usual 'psychotic' epithet.

2006-12-05, 04:26 AM
Vaarsuvius giving advice on fighting for love? What is this world coming to?

On the other hand, it's hardly a surprise that V's advice basically consists of "blow something up".

2006-12-05, 04:29 AM
Nale isn't terribly good at improvisation.

Honestly, he's not all that good at upfront planning either... :)

2006-12-05, 04:42 AM
Thanks Giant for having mercy!
I was absolutely sure that Rich would let us cliff-hanging and switch over to Elan..glad he didn't. And I'm impressed how Sabine avoided to let slip Haley's name only once:smallbiggrin:
Funny development, waiting in anticipation for the next strip. And I'm short way before going to the library and see if they have this musical...

2006-12-05, 04:47 AM
One more thing about :sabine: being immune to poison... does that mean she is unable to eat any spicy food? After all, the "hot" flavour is a reaction to poisonous substances...

And :vaarsuvius: : I like to point out i fully support androgynous characters, but is'nt she acting quite female at this one? Think about...
(a) ...would a man really ask "do you love him", instead of hitting on hear right away? Imagine what Belkar would do in that situation...

(b) ...would a man really consider a glas of noble wine less important than protecting some dwarf (some very well-armored dwarf, to be precise) from a halfling?

2006-12-05, 04:54 AM
It's probably just that some time has passed and he's gotten over it? I mean, it's not like he was particularly cheesed off about not getting to talk to begin with. I really don't think there's much to read into there.
Agreed. Besides, the small frown that Nale has there often appears as a more or less neutral expression in the comic. Nale isn't feeling worry or remorse, he's feeling some combination of boredom and frustration from having to endure silently dancing instead of talking or stabbing.

Also, to everyone wondering why Belkar went after Durkon, it's probably just because he ran into him first. Nale told him to attack any allies that he saw.

2006-12-05, 04:58 AM
One more thing about :sabine: being immune to poison... does that mean she is unable to eat any spicy food? After all, the "hot" flavour is a reaction to poisonous substances...

And :vaarsuvius: : I like to point out i fully support androgynous characters, but is'nt she acting quite female at this one? Think about...
(a) ...would a man really ask "do you love him", instead of hitting on hear right away? Imagine what Belkar would do in that situation...

(b) ...would a man really consider a glas of noble wine less important than protecting some dwarf (some very well-armored dwarf, to be precise) from a halfling?

Yes he would! on both accounts...

... at least from my point of view (which is male). I suppose people are different, and that today's comic will fuel yet another debate i yet another V's-gender-threads...

2006-12-05, 05:09 AM
Oh man...once again I am reminded of how bloody awesome Vaarsuvius is. "Don't just drink and mope, fool. Go make a stink about it! Blow things up!" So totally in agreement here. Passive-aggression never helped anything; open aggression, on the other hand, is frequently productive. Of change, at least, if not progress. I <3 V.

Although, to be fair, Sabine should be wanting to beat up on Nale, not Haley, shouldn't she? I mean, I know she already hates Haley for some reason, but Nale's the one who done her wrong...right?

2006-12-05, 05:12 AM
She's got to beat up an innocent somehow. It's in the fiend charter, or something.

Besides, as Wolfram put so eloquently...
Now is not the time to pass on a fight between Haley and Sabine. Nuh uh.

2006-12-05, 05:24 AM
Rich is renowned for being unpredictable.
On another note, Belkar should easily be able to outrun Durkon.

2006-12-05, 05:27 AM
Although, to be fair, Sabine should be wanting to beat up on Nale, not Haley, shouldn't she? I mean, I know she already hates Haley for some reason, but Nale's the one who done her wrong...right?

I don't think she's going to be too crazy about either of them, honestly. It's really a question of who she goes after first. It'd be kind of funny if Haley ended up protecting Nale from Sabine. I also don't think Nale is going to just say: "No wait, Sabine, I'm doing this to kill her!" as he's put too much thought into the execution of the 'seduce and kill before sex' scheme, so who knows what he might end up doing (Helping Haley?).


On another note, Belkar should easily be able to outrun Durkon.

Charmed or not, we know Belkar enjoys the chase from his fight with Miko. He's probably intentionally toying with Durkon.

2006-12-05, 05:45 AM
Charmed or not, we know Belkar enjoys the chase from his fight with Miko. He's probably intentionally toying with Durkon.
Hm... Belkar can't kill anyone inside a town, according to his bane. But has the order to kill. So while he is charmed has he gone daft, too?

2006-12-05, 06:09 AM
I was wondering when that would come up too. Assuming Belkar should easily outrun an armoured, even highly motivated, running dwarf; why isn't it activated by now?, except for more silliness that is.

And darn:belkar:, now I have that song playing Ipod in my head.

2006-12-05, 06:09 AM
I don't think she's going to be too crazy about either of them, honestly. It's really a question of who she goes after first. It'd be kind of funny if Haley ended up protecting Nale from Sabine. I also don't think Nale is going to just say: "No wait, Sabine, I'm doing this to kill her!" as he's put too much thought into the execution of the 'seduce and kill before sex' scheme, so who knows what he might end up doing (Helping Haley?).
Charmed or not, we know Belkar enjoys the chase from his fight with Miko. He's probably intentionally toying with Durkon.

What if Nale ends up liking Haley, and blocks a mortal blow from Sabine for some reason?
Just a possibility. Or it can all be staged, and part of Nale's plan, to like erase all doubts and making her believe 100% that he is Elan... but seeing Sabine's reaction to them dancing I can see that may not be a possibility.
I'm not too worried about Durkon right now. He has armor. He has dispel magic... right? Or is that V... whatever, they're all in the same room. I'm relieved Belkar ran into them without killing anyone yet. Nuthin bad can happen unless Belkar gets a good stab in first (then gets sick from the Mark)... what if he runs into V or maybe even Roy?

Sabine getting back early messed up some of my predictions... I honestly didn't expect that.

Another prediction idea: Haley saw a disguised Sabine with "Elan" earlier... what will be her initial reaction when she sees her coming in the room?

2006-12-05, 06:18 AM
Hmm shield, but no hammer on Durkon. Probably best to run... I think. How are clerics in unarmed combat?

2006-12-05, 06:50 AM
Best strip in a long time, last 2 panels were just sheer class

2006-12-05, 06:52 AM
ahh plate mail is clanga riffic.

who knew belkar had a sense of appropriateness in terms of music?

and again the question of v as being the romance guru of the group. hpow odd is it?

2006-12-05, 07:30 AM
Heheh. V was always good for advice.

I liked it - the simplicity of it was the masterpiece.

2006-12-05, 07:32 AM

That was classic. Not safe for work, though. *gets funny looks for emitting a muffled snort at his desk*

So much cool stuff here. I'm still quietly chortling at Belkar and Durkon's chase scene...

Always fun to see the villains get a little empathy too - Sabine gets an early lift back into town and finds Nale not only wrapped around some other girl, but around the one girl she hates most of all? No wonder she got wasted and went on a drunken tirade!

BTW, to all those concerned about the exact rules regarding outsiders and alcohol, the respective velocities of dwarves and halflings and other such things, may I refer you to one of the Golden Rules of gaming:

You can get away with just about anything, as long as it's funny.

Oh, and I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this little pun, given Sabine's nature and all... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-05, 07:41 AM
Somehow, I like where this is going...

2006-12-05, 07:45 AM
So, Sabine thought that V was a guy when she was sober, but she thinks that V looks female now that she's drunk.

Not necessarily. I've asked men why men suck before... I think it could go either way on this one.

2006-12-05, 07:45 AM
Excellent! Best one in awhile. *huggles V*

There's so many factors here now it is very difficult to try and anticipate what's going to happen next... well done, Giant.

Neon Knight
2006-12-05, 07:51 AM
So much tension...

Glad to see that at least Sabine loves Nale. Though by directly disobeying Sabine's request not to kill Haley till she got there he may be in hot water even if he gets to explain himself, and she believes him.

2006-12-05, 08:03 AM
I gotta get me some of them swirly eyes. Belkar looks so happy.

2006-12-05, 08:07 AM
I mean, :roy: 's not on a date!

Think so? Doesn't he have some catching up to do with a certain scantily-clad sylph? :smallbiggrin:

This was too funny. I wonder what :sabine: was drinking. Looks like some sort of cocktail... infernal Mojitos, anyone?

2006-12-05, 08:30 AM
Also, I'm REALLY hoping this whole subplot is leading to Haley's speech-cure, and I thought that would be quite simply resolved when she kissed him (since, as far as she knows, she has then let go of her secret). I don't want Sabine to interrupt before they can get that far. (Of course, soon after that, something needs to interrupt Nale's plan. But I was hoping Sabine would never find out what Nale chose to do to "amuse himself.")
She'd be annoyed by that, too; :sabine: wants to personally finsh off :haley: . (To be fair, :nale: did give her "no promises" on that score, and she accepted that.)

2006-12-05, 08:34 AM

as a girl i resent the stereotype (girls fighting over "bad boy")

as a reader... LOVE IT!

But Haley's hardly fighting over a bad boy :smalleek: ??

The fiend-skank just has some fiend issues.

2006-12-05, 08:36 AM
Saw it. Very funny.

As for Sabine, isn't she in a drunken stupor?

Yes, she is. She could ask a certain drunken wizard what happens when you mix alcohol and magic, but she'll have to wait until tomorrow!:smallbiggrin:

Dumbledore lives
2006-12-05, 08:37 AM
"Clang CLang Clang went the trolley"

2006-12-05, 08:37 AM
One more thing about :sabine: being immune to poison... does that mean she is unable to eat any spicy food? After all, the "hot" flavour is a reaction to poisonous substances...

And :vaarsuvius: : I like to point out i fully support androgynous characters, but is'nt she acting quite female at this one? Think about...
(a) ...would a man really ask "do you love him", instead of hitting on hear right away? Imagine what Belkar would do in that situation...

(b) ...would a man really consider a glas of noble wine less important than protecting some dwarf (some very well-armored dwarf, to be precise) from a halfling?

a) I certainly would. Last time I looked I was a man. Heterosexual, even.

b) It's not like that at all. V knows the universe has again conspired against him/her. The wine will be left on the table, and somebody elses problems come first again. I would sigh too...

2006-12-05, 08:56 AM
Heh heh heh... I actually laughed out loud over Belkar "Clang clang clang goes the trolley"... Heh heh heh. That was hilarious. As to Nale/Haley, now this is a fun twist! Very nifty! Later!

2006-12-05, 09:02 AM
FIENDS cannot get drunk. However, as a fiend, Sabine can fly and has horns. HUMANS, on the other hand, can easily get plastered. Fiends can't HIDE their features, they have to TRANSFORM them. When Sabine does not have her wings and horns visible, she should be affected by anything that affects humans, as the resistances are a natural, racial trait (extraordinary), not Supernatural or Spell-Like. Contrariwise, she'd retain her energy drain because that is supernatural, and supernatural abilities don't care what form you're in.

I could be wrong here, as I don't have time to double check before heading off, but I'm fairly certain this is how it works.

Simply put: Sabine in human form counts as a human for the purposes of getting drunk (though reverting to her true form should negate further effects of the alcohol... like that second in the morning vs. hangover)

2006-12-05, 09:03 AM
Wow, I laughed at the last 2 panels, probably 3 times.

Very very good stuff going on here.

2006-12-05, 09:16 AM
Wow! This was a great one! I laughed aloud several times, and I think my favorite part - aside from the fact that V is giving Sabine love life advice - is the huge sigh, and the slow, deliberate setting aside of the cherished glass of elven wine before getting up!! It was priceless!!!!!!!!!!


2006-12-05, 09:29 AM
Great comic

This reminds me so much of 'Good Omens'. Only Sabine doesn't seem able to snap her fingers and sober up.
HOLY Crap! I was thinking of the exact same thing! Its so seldom I ever meet someone who reads those books (or any books at all for that matter. Damn, I live in a crappy state, and go to a crappy college)

From what I understand, even in 3.X, a person with spell resistance can reduce their SR by a set amount. However, a creature with Spell immunity can't, since their SR is effectively infinite. Furthermore, other resistances (such as elemental) do not grant such abilities.

Besides, I'm betting the whole thing is psychosomatic on Sabine's part. She's acting drunk because she wants to be, but she really isn't.

Exactly what I said.

2006-12-05, 09:42 AM
Sabine getting back early messed up some of my predictions... I honestly didn't expect that.

I did; in fact, I may have been the first to post it (as a spoiler, of course).:smallcool:

As for :sabine: being drunk, although she has the tiny bubbles around her head, her balance, facial expressions and speech are all sober.

2006-12-05, 09:43 AM
Okay, so ... I've laughed out loud at OotS comics before. Many times, as a matter of fact. This is the first one, however, that made me laugh hard enough to tear up! :biggrin: The line that really got me was the "Clang clang clang goes the trolley...", but it started with the first panel. "Randy" ... all evil outsiders should have such simple names!

Funniest comic thus far!

2006-12-05, 09:44 AM
This was a wonderful strip. Yet another of the Giant's best.

2006-12-05, 10:04 AM
You know, after Sabine said her plane-shift worked once per day, I had a suspicion this was going to happen.

Now to see if my suspicion for how it plays out also comes true. And see if some popular long-ago speculation actually turns out to be accurate.

Oh, and K'tai, I'm terribly curious: did you get your name from Amtgard?

2006-12-05, 10:23 AM
Now I don't usually laugh at this comics. Mostly I smile, perhaps with a little snort or something. But those last three panels actually took a laughter from me. For that, I congratulate you, giant.

2006-12-05, 10:53 AM
Oh, and I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this little pun, given Sabine's nature and all... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
So we finally get to know that she is a devil?

About the immunity problem: Would you really expect someone like Sabine to not find a way to indulge in any pleasures she wants to indulge in (probably pretty much all of them)?

2006-12-05, 10:55 AM
I think I've figured out just what V's sex is.

Early on in my life, there were several female friends in our particular circle. At certain times, I'd be privy to discussions about their relationships, which would always end up the same way - the female huffily saying, "Men suck."

Then they'd look at me and say, "Oh, but you're different."

That's V. He's "different."

2006-12-05, 11:20 AM
The fun part about the Meet Me In St Louis song progression is that eventually, Belkar will start singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas". Great timing, Giant!

2006-12-05, 11:27 AM
Not necessarily. I've asked men why men suck before... I think it could go either way on this one.
Maybe, but how many men do you call "sister"?

HOLY Crap! I was thinking of the exact same thing! Its so seldom I ever meet someone who reads those books (or any books at all for that matter. Damn, I live in a crappy state, and go to a crappy college)

Although I didn't remember that particular part, I too think Good Omens is a fantastic book. (If it makes you feel better, lots of people I know have read it, too).

I think I've figured out just what V's sex is.

Early on in my life, there were several female friends in our particular circle. At certain times, I'd be privy to discussions about their relationships, which would always end up the same way - the female huffily saying, "Men suck."

Then they'd look at me and say, "Oh, but you're different."

That's V. He's "different."
*sigh*... you poor guy. I hope you told them that their sorrows were all their own fault, for continually dating men who were all the same. :smallwink:

2006-12-05, 11:31 AM
This is hilarious. Great! Can't remember the last time I laughed that loud. This storyline keeps getting better.

2006-12-05, 11:32 AM
Think so? Doesn't :roy: have some catching up to do with a certain scantily-clad sylph? :smallbiggrin:

Would you be referring to the particular sylph who is on another plane at law school, and who said she wouldn't see him again until the holidays (and only like a week has passed IC since then)?

2006-12-05, 11:39 AM
Simply put: Sabine in human form counts as a human for the purposes of getting drunk (though reverting to her true form should negate further effects of the alcohol... like that second in the morning vs. hangover)

Yeah, that's actually a good point. Forgot about that. She can be drunk, but once she shifts back to demon form, she'll become okay.

2006-12-05, 11:40 AM
ROFL, that was awesome =) All I can say. I eagerly await the next strip.

Grey Watcher
2006-12-05, 11:41 AM
Is this the wrong time and place to point out that it's "Clang, clang, clang went the trolley" etc.? :biggrin:

2006-12-05, 11:56 AM
Haley looks so happy in the third frame. It so going to destroy her to learn that it's Nale!

2006-12-05, 12:07 PM
Another great comic, and more good reasons why V is fast becoming my favourite member of the OOTS. I can very much empathise with him/her in this situation, particularly the long sigh at the end. Drunken Sabine is also brilliant, and should make for a fun series of forthcoming strips...

And as for Belkar in the second-to-last panel, nothing more needs to be said. :smallsmile:

Lastly - did somebody mention Good Omens? Good book, that. Add one more Pratchett/OOTS fan to the list!

2006-12-05, 12:08 PM
I think I've figured out just what V's sex is.

Early on in my life, there were several female friends in our particular circle. At certain times, I'd be privy to discussions about their relationships, which would always end up the same way - the female huffily saying, "Men suck."

Then they'd look at me and say, "Oh, but you're different."

That's V. He's "different."

:laughs: Been that different one before more often than I care to think about. Of course, it inevitably ended up that I'd have to adopt the big brother role; for all of being 'different' I was apparently also not regarded as date material.


2006-12-05, 12:11 PM
Ooh, I wonder who'll be madder? Haley at Nale for tricking her, or Sabine at both of them?

And yea, that did remind me of that scene from "Good Omens".

2006-12-05, 12:23 PM
I just realised something...

In retrospect, Nale really should have pulled out a kazoo and had Belkar play the Benny Hill theme music.

2006-12-05, 12:32 PM
Once V sees some woman beating on "Elan" for cheating on her, it's all over for Nale's not-Nale disguise.

Hilary Moon Murphy
2006-12-05, 12:35 PM
Delightful. I've read through it four times, and laughed out loud each time. This has been worth the ride, and I cannot wait for Wednesday's installment.


2006-12-05, 12:48 PM
In retrospect, Nale really should have pulled out a kazoo and had Belkar play the Benny Hill theme music.

Unthinkable. Nale does have some standards.

Although it would be a most appropriate soundtrack for the upcoming Sabine/Nale/Haley confrontation.

Remember: Don't Drink and (Energy) Drain. :smallsmile:

2006-12-05, 01:37 PM
She'd be annoyed by that, too; :sabine: wants to personally finsh off :haley: . (To be fair, :nale: did give her "no promises" on that score, and she accepted that.)
I'm pretty sure that Nale killing Haley is what she's annoyed by, actually! Reread the dialogue -- "Of all the possible choices..." It's pretty great. :smallsmile:

2006-12-05, 01:42 PM
That was hilarious. Absolutely hilarious!

2006-12-05, 01:43 PM
so, someone quoted earlier, about V being their favorite
and I have learned that I should never tell people who I feel is my favorite charcter. It goes back to the Oracle and Belkar.
My favorite always dies.
So I feel, just me :) that I won't be saying anything.

On the plus side. A really great strip. I'm super excited to see tomorrows!

2006-12-05, 01:53 PM
Aaaahahahaha. Sabine getting relationship counseling from Vaarsuvius? Just lovely. V's an elf of deep passions, ne? I like that advice, love the way he feels compelled to give a full and considered opinion of any conundrum presented to him despite his irritation at being interrupted, and am looking forward to seeing him lose his temper and show some of those not inconsiderable powers in the near future. Way to go, Giant!

I remembered that in 252, she called V a "dude," and now she thinks V is a girl.Hey, I'd forgotten that! The V's Gender Thread is probably experiencing a sudden surge of activity about now.....

2006-12-05, 01:55 PM
Sabine is definately not mad about Nale trying to kill Haley. And while she might seem like she is going to attack Haley for trying to take her man, that isn't how it ever works, Nale will be the full center of her anger at least when it starts.
The question of how Haley reacts is going to depend if Sabine confronts Nale in her normal form or in the Geisha outfit.

My bet is that she confronts them in the Geisha outfit and Haley doesn't at first realise that it is Nale, thinking it is some other random women getting mad at Elan for being with Haley. This will either make her defend Elan or very possibly dismiss him entirely, right before the rest of the OOTS show up having freed Belkar of the charm.

2006-12-05, 02:00 PM
Hmm shield, but no hammer on Durkon. Probably best to run... I think. How are clerics in unarmed combat?

His hammer is tucked into his belt. But I doubt Durkon has even noticed Belkar's daggers, the show tunes are driving him nuts.

2006-12-05, 02:01 PM
It's been mentioned before but it bears repeating. Sabine is not dressed as a Geisha. The way she's tied her obi is a distinct indication that she is dressed as a prostitute. Furthermore, Geisha tend to wear much heavier and more ornate clothes. Sabine is not dressed as a Geisha. She is dressed as a prostitute.

2006-12-05, 02:40 PM
Heh. Best. Comic. Ever.

I loved Belkar's bit at the end, and the conversation with V is great. Its also nice to see that Sabine truly cares for Nale.

I'm hoping that Nale somehow talks his way out of this by explaining that it was simply so he could kill her, and then the two decide to do a group stabbing of Haley with one of those quips about it saving their relationship.

before the others burst in; or Elan-- if he could somehow escape offscreen and reveal it with a summon plot exposition later.

2006-12-05, 03:34 PM
Absolutely fabulous Giant. The last 2 panels made me laugh out loud.

Amon Star
2006-12-05, 03:43 PM
Fantastic! :vaarsuvius: giving advice was the best! I can't wait for :haley: vs :sabine:, the rematch!

HAH! Something just occurred to me:

:sabine: "I go away for this thing for work for a few hours, and when I get back, he's groping her out on the dance floor."

...When she's disguised as a GEISHA! Now I know that's not the only thing geisha were paid to do (I read Memoirs, though I didn't see the movie), but I'm kind of surprised V didn't lift an eyebrow at that. Then again, as has been mentioned, jealousy doesn't ever make a lot of sense.

Maybe :vaarsuvius: isn't aware of the connotations of :sabine:'s disguise.

Honestly, he's not all that good at upfront planning either... :)

That is a matter of opinion.

Hm... Belkar can't kill anyone inside a town, according to his bane. But has the order to kill. So while he is charmed has he gone daft, too?

Maybe he's trying to chase :durkon: into a trap or out of town, so he can kill him then.

I'm pretty sure that Nale killing Haley is what she's annoyed by, actually! Reread the dialogue -- "Of all the possible choices..." It's pretty great. :smallsmile:

Or that :sabine: has just seen the man she loves dancing with the woman she hates. At the moment she acting pretty normal to me.

P.S. I to am a Pratchett fan and I loved Good Omens.

Manga Shoggoth
2006-12-05, 03:44 PM
Lastly - did somebody mention Good Omens? Good book, that. Add one more Pratchett/OOTS fan to the list!

And another.

This strip was great! Alas, I had to suppress my joy as the rest of the office get a little worried when the DBA laughs for no apparant reason.

Counting the hours 'till the next one...

2006-12-05, 03:50 PM
Why Do u think that alcool is poison?

This comic rox, Belkar singing ''the trolley song'' i'm almost fell of ny chair laughing

2006-12-05, 03:55 PM
And :vaarsuvius: : I like to point out i fully support androgynous characters, but is'nt she acting quite female at this one? Think about...
(a) ...would a man really ask "do you love him", instead of hitting on hear right away? Imagine what Belkar would do in that situation...

(b) ...would a man really consider a glas of noble wine less important than protecting some dwarf (some very well-armored dwarf, to be precise) from a halfling?

First of all, I oppose your stereotyping of all males in that manner.
Second, I think that we call all agree that; whichever gender V is, she is not typical to that gender. She's a very odd child.

Grey Knight
2006-12-05, 04:19 PM
Is this the wrong time and place to point out that it's "Clang, clang, clang went the trolley" etc.? :biggrin:

Hey, he's doing pretty well considering Perform(show tunes) is cross-class! :smallwink:

2006-12-05, 04:21 PM
Why Do u think that alcool is poison?Because alcohol is a poison. It's just not extremely potent in reasonable quantities. Wikipedia says, "Ethanol is a drug (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychoactive_drug), with potential for overdose or toxic poisoning if taken in excessive quantities."

As for Sabine being affected by poison, the SRD says, "Oozes, plants, and certain kinds of outsiders are also immune to poison, although conceivably special poisons could be concocted specifically to harm them."

Thus, either alcohol/ethanol just happens to be one of those special poisons or this random bar in Azure City sees enough fiend traffic that it stocks alcohol-like drinks suited to fiends (unlikely), or perhaps its some innocuous drink that gets fiends high, like say, goats milk. Or cranapple grape juice. You never know.

2006-12-05, 04:30 PM
You know, after Sabine said her plane-shift worked once per day, I had a suspicion this was going to happen.

Now to see if my suspicion for how it plays out also comes true. And see if some popular long-ago speculation actually turns out to be accurate.

Oh, and K'tai, I'm terribly curious: did you get your name from Amtgard?

Nope. It was actually one I came up with a long time ago, and I've used it for most of my games. There use to be a second name with it, but it wasn't necessary and kinda sounded stupid, so I just stuck with this. Thanks for asking!

2006-12-05, 04:37 PM
Well so much for Nale's carefully thought out plan. And got to love Belkar. If you don't than you've got no sense of humoir :p

2006-12-05, 04:37 PM
Lovely, funny, and raising even more confusion on V's gender. Nice work.

2006-12-05, 05:04 PM
The Magic-Wielding Whores strike back!

Now that we have enough evidence, it is time to make that prestige class official.

2006-12-05, 05:20 PM
What happens if Sabine hiccups in the middle of casting? Would that be enough of an interruption to mess up the spell?

Rich said in the news that he flubbed the lyrics but, I thought the lyrics were right. I can hear the music in my head and I just laugh at the thought of Judy Garland's voice coming out of ... Belkar's ... mouth--Oh hey! Belkar mentioned Auntie Em before too! This just gets better and better, I love character development!

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-05, 05:23 PM
Just read the new comic, and I gotta say...the only thing more awesome that Belkar is charmed, singing Belkar. I just about fell out of my chair.

2006-12-05, 05:28 PM
His song brought back hideous memories of high school plays... For the love of Thor, Vaarsuvius, stop him quickly!

Tussy the Druid
2006-12-05, 05:40 PM
Good comic. Anyway wondering why Sabine is still wearing the sexy school girl outfit instead of the old red leather? Not that i'm complaining..... :sabine:

Erek Garnsfel
2006-12-05, 05:47 PM
Ahhhhhhh.....We can always count on Belkar and V to provide some good comedy.

2006-12-05, 05:48 PM
Unless I missed it, it's been 200 posts+ and noone has mentioned that weak excuse for positive poison....positoxin....those could work on her...maybe.


2006-12-05, 05:58 PM
Great strip. So now even V is commenting on his/her androganous nature?

2006-12-05, 06:20 PM
EDIT: I thought outsiders couldn't get drunk...

Well, they don't call it "the demon rum' for nothing. :smallwink:

Anyways, liked the whole :sabine: and :vaarsuvius: vibe (even if they did not know who they were talking to at the time), and :belkar: singing show tunes. And my guess is that, since Perform is a Charisma-based skill, his mangling the lyrics makes sense. At least that is my point of view. :smalltongue:

2006-12-05, 06:33 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the second to last panel was one of the funniest I've seen in a while. I think it was the mental sound track that started playing. And the eyes. The eyes are hilarious.

Edited cause I can't count.

2006-12-05, 06:57 PM
I loved it. ZOMG funny.

2006-12-05, 08:09 PM
Lately Belkar has been awesome.

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-05, 08:13 PM
Hmm shield, but no hammer on Durkon. Probably best to run... I think. How are clerics in unarmed combat?
Same as everyone else who's not a monk. They suck at it. Unless he uses touch spells, he deals 1d3 nonlethal and provokes an attack of opportunity every time he punches an armed opponent.

2006-12-05, 08:27 PM
Awesome! I liked the interplay between Sabine and V - especially her last line: "You're all right." Belkar's still charmed and singing show tunes :biggrin:

2006-12-05, 08:50 PM
I just love Belkar. I almost peed my pants

V--get a sense motive check or something. Geez

2006-12-05, 09:00 PM
I just love Belkar. I almost peed my pants

V--get a sense motive check or something. Geez

Sabine's probably sitting on a +19 bluff check and a +27 disguise. Even if V maxed out sense motive, it's cross class, so that's only about 7 ranks and his wisdom is probably only 12 or so. On top of that, with 2+int, even being a wizard, she's probably gone Concentration, Knowledge Arcana, Spellcraft, Craft (Alchemy), and other Knowledges. No room for Sense Motive there.

2006-12-05, 09:46 PM
Ok, :vaarsuvius: will take care of :belkar:, and will enjoy it. I just wonder if :durkon: went to brag about the Parchesi game just to meet the homicidal halfling. I wonder also if the halfling's proto-brain will remember anything about :nale:.

I worry more about :haley:. With :sabine: arriving she doesn't seem to have a chance. Who will save her?

And then there is :thog: and :elan:, :miko: and her horse companion, :xykon: :redcloak: :mitd: and their army. Will the Giant tie all these loose ends at the same time? I can't help remembering the panels about the reforging of :roy:'s sword.

2006-12-06, 12:20 AM
And :vaarsuvius: : I like to point out i fully support androgynous characters, but is'nt she acting quite female at this one? Think about...
(a) ...would a man really ask "do you love him", instead of hitting on hear right away? Imagine what Belkar would do in that situation...

(b) ...would a man really consider a glas of noble wine less important than protecting some dwarf (some very well-armored dwarf, to be precise) from a halfling?

I think the main thing to point out here is that V is not, indeed, a man...or a woman. V is an elf. Elves have the reputation, deserved or otherwise, of being somewha "fairyish" and "foppish" so s/he can get as sentimenal as s/he wants and still be either a male or female elf.

Fenrirs Ragnarok
2006-12-06, 12:31 AM
Watching Belkar chase Durkon while singing showtunes made me giggle.

2006-12-06, 01:12 AM
:laughs: Been that different one before more often than I care to think about. Of course, it inevitably ended up that I'd have to adopt the big brother role; for all of being 'different' I was apparently also not regarded as date material.


sounds familiar...eerily familiar.

2006-12-06, 02:42 AM
For those of you interested in show tunes, here are the lyrics for "Meet me in St. Louis"

When Louis came home to the flat,
He hung up his coat and his hat,
He gazed all around, but no wifey he found,
So he said "where can Flossie be at?"
A note on the table he spied,
He read it just once, then he cried.
It ran, "Louis dear, it's too slow for for me hear,
So I think I will go for a ride."


"Meet me in St. Louis, Louis,
Meet me at the fair,
Don't tell me the lights are shining
any place but there;
We will dance the Hoochee Koochee,
I will be your tootsie wootsie,
If you will meet in St. Louis, Louis,
Meet me at the fair."

Verse two

The dresses that hung in the hall,
Were gone, she had taken them all;
She took all his rings and the rest of his things;
The picture he missed from the wall.
"What! moving!" the janitor said,
"Your rent is paid three months ahead."
"What good is the flat?" said poor Louis, "Read that."
And the janitor smiled as he read.


"Meet me in St. Louis, Louis,
Meet me at the fair,
Don't tell me the lights are shining
any place but there;
We will dance the Hoochee Koochee,
I will be your tootsie wootsie,
If you will meet in St. Louis, Louis,
Meet me at the fair."

2006-12-06, 04:35 AM
It's been mentioned before but it bears repeating. Sabine is not dressed as a Geisha. The way she's tied her obi is a distinct indication that she is dressed as a prostitute. Furthermore, Geisha tend to wear much heavier and more ornate clothes. Sabine is not dressed as a Geisha. She is dressed as a prostitute.

Miko: "What is this "Japan" you speak of? I have never heard of it before. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0209.html)"

(Fantasy != Real World, D&D != Middle Ages, Azure City != Japan. What else?)

Manga Shoggoth
2006-12-06, 04:50 AM
Miko: "What is this "Japan" you speak of? I have never heard of it before. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0209.html)"

(Fantasy != Real World, D&D != Middle Ages, Azure City != Japan. What else?)

True words. Also, from the same strip: :miko: Truly this journey shall be the greatest challenge to my alignment yet.

The clash between Haley and Sabine is going to be fun. Given that Haley's affliction is supposedly caused by keeping secrets, and since Sabine is obviously keeping secrets of her own, what if the use of a mind-affecting spell transfers the affliction from Haley to Sabine?

(In which case, I suggest garbling her speech by jumbling everything but the first and last letter of each word. Taht way Sbnaei's mhtoed of eyotcipnrn wlil be dnfeeirft).

Renegade Paladin
2006-12-06, 05:52 AM
Honestly, he's not all that good at upfront planning either... :)
That is a matter of opinion.
No it isn't. If your plans all fail horribly, or only succeed through the foolishness of your enemies, then you are objectively bad at it.

Why Do u think that alcool is poison?
Assuming you mean "alcohol," we think that because it is one.

2006-12-06, 06:26 AM
Brilliant - Just brilliant!

Rich has nailed it yet again!

Oh and please let Hayley :haley: recover from her speech impediment during her rucour with nale:nale: and sabine:sabine: - its gone on too long!

And I miss:thog:

chocolate muffin
2006-12-06, 06:41 AM
I ordered t-shirts and before they even arrive I want more!

I just have to own one with darling little Belkar and 'clang clang clang goes the trolley...' on it. Wonderful!

That has to be the best two strips ever, I'm nervous with the suspense and laughing out loud at the same time. Not since Shakespear has that happened to me. Bravo!

Amon Star
2006-12-06, 09:49 AM
What happens if Sabine hiccups in the middle of casting? Would that be enough of an interruption to mess up the spell?

That's assuming she casts spells. So far everything she does has either been a Spell-like Ability or a Supernatural one.

Same as everyone else who's not a monk. They suck at it. Unless he uses touch spells, he deals 1d3 nonlethal and provokes an attack of opportunity every time he punches an armed opponent.

:durkon: may have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. Not likely, I know, but possible.

No it isn't. If your plans all fail horribly, or only succeed through the foolishness of your enemies, then you are objectively bad at it.

So far we've seen two of :nale:'s plans. The first worked perfectly, except for some unforseen spititual guidance. The second is still in progress. And manipulating your enemies foolishness is a major tool in a strategists' arsenal.

2006-12-06, 11:21 AM
I agree with everyone; the panel with Belkar and Durkon is probably one of the most hilarious I've seen ever. The mental image of :belkar: singing showtunes while trying to off :durkon: and :durkon:'s reaction to an especially bizarre :belkar: is just too awesome.

Anyone notice that :sabine: continued to rant on and on about :nale: from the moment she saw them through the skyroof to after she had three drinks at the bar? She must really be pissed off. :smalltongue:

2006-12-06, 03:38 PM
The Magic-Wielding Whores strike back!

Now that we have enough evidence, it is time to make that prestige class official.

Let's call them WHORE-IORS!
