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View Full Version : Rockin'! Earth Elementalist Base Class

2013-06-18, 08:16 PM
Hey there I have a series of base classes each based around a single basic element.
Earth, Fire, Water, Air
Each is a base class designed to flow with the element and be filled with flavor.

Here it is the Earth Elementalist! (aka Geomancer)

HD: d10
Skill Points at 1st level: (4+Int)X4
Skill points at each additional level: 4+Int
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis)
Proficiencies - The Earth Elementalist is proficient with simple weapons

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
1st|+0|+2|+0|+2|Earth Shaping, Stone Armor
3rd|+2|+3|+1|+3|Scour 1/day
4th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Earthen Fist, Geospikes 1/day
5th|+3|+4|+1|+4|Stone Armor +1
6th|+4|+5|+2|+5|Earth Shake
8th|+6|+6|+2|+6|Boulder Toss, Stone Armor +2, Geospikes 2/day
9th|+6|+6|+3|+6|Scour 2/day
11th|+8|+7|+3|+7|Stone Form, Stone Armor +3
12th|+9|+8|+4|+8|Scour 3/day, Earthen Fist +1, Geospikes 3/day
14th|+10|+9|+4|+9|Stone Armor +4
15th|+11|+9|+5|+9|Scour 3/day
16th|+12|+10|+5|+10|Earthen Fist +2, Geospikes 4/day
17th|+12|+10|+5|+10|Fissure 1/day, Stone Armor +5
18th|+13|+11|+6|+11|Scour 4/day
19th|+14|+11|+6|+11|Earthwalk +
20th|+15|+12|+6|+12|Earth Scion, Stone Armor Max, Geospikes 4/day, Fissure 3/day[/table]


Earth Shaping - A number of times per day equal to their elementalist level plus their Wisdom modifier, an Earth Elementalist may shape up to five cubic feet of earth and stone per elementalist level. Earth shifted this way moves at a rate of five feet a round per elementalist level, or slower, if the elementalist wishes. Activating this ability is a standard action. Any creatures standing on earth or stone as it is being shifted must make a DC 10 + the Earth Elementalist's class level + wis mod Balance check or fall prone. If a creature would be pressed between two substances, they are shunted to the side, taking 1d6 damage per ten feet shifted (Reflex save for half damage). The Earth Elementalist cannot shift earth that is currently being affected by magic or results from magic (Meld into stone, wall of stone, etcetera), unless his class level exceeds the caster level of the effect. If the Earth Elementalist chooses to take a full round action to activate this ability as opposed to a standard action, he can move the earth and stone twice as fast.
Materials shifted by this ability cannot weigh more than 150 pounds per caster level, even if their area would be less than the elementalist could normally shift.

Stone Armor - An Earth Elementalist of second level or higher may shape composite minerals into an iron-hard second skin that protects him from harm. As a full-round action, the Earth Elementalist may form the stone armor around himself. It provides a natural armor bonus to his armor class equal to his Wisdom modifier, and Damage Reduction 1/-. Once it has absorbed 25 points of damage + 1 per wis mod, it crumbles away, but the Earth Elementalist can spend a turn to reform it. It has an armor check penalty of -5 and a maximum dexterity mod of +1. While using this ability no other armor can be worn, even though it is not actually considered armor.

The Stone Armor improves as follows:
Fifth Level: Natural armor (Wis modifier) + 2, Damage Reduction 2/-, absorbs 50 points of damage, fire resistance 5, +2 on rolls to avoid becoming tripped, overrun, or bullrushed, -4 armor check penalty, +2 max Dex mod
Eighth Level: Natural armor (Wis modifier) + 4, Damage Reduction 3/-, absorbs 75 points of damage, fire resistance 5, cold resistance 5, +3 max Dex mod
Eleventh Level: Natural armor (Wis modifier) + 6, Damage Reduction 4/-, absorbs 100 points of damage, fire resistance 10, cold resistance 5, +4 on rolls to avoid becoming tripped, overrun, or bullrushed, -3 armor check penalty, +4 max Dex mod
Fourteenth Level: Natural armor (Wis modifier) + 8, Damage Reduction 5/-, absorbs 125 points of damage, fire resistance 10, cold resistance 10, electricity resistance 5
Seventeeth Level: Natural armor (Wis modifier) + 10, Damage Reduction 6/-, absorbs 150 points of damage, fire resistance 15, cold resistance 10, electricity resistance 5, cannot be tripped, overrun, or bullrushed, -2 armor check penalty
Twentieth Level: Natural armor (Wis modifier) + 12, Damage Reduction 7/-, immunity to fire, cold resistance 15, electricity resistance 10
At twentieth level, the Earth Elementalist's armor becomes indestructible, and is effectively always on.

Scour - At 3rd level the Earth elementalist may unleash a blast of grit and sand upon his foes. This takes the shape of a cone, ten feet long by five feet wide. All creatures caught within take 1d6 piercing damage per level of the Earth Elementalist, with Reflex save for half. Creatures caught in the cone who fail their saving throw are also blinded for 1 round. Creatures immune to critical hits, or creatures that do not rely on eyesight to perceive things, are not affected by this. At 3rd level, the Earth Elementalist may use this ability once per day. Every three levels afterwards, they may use it another time per day and the cone increases by ten feet in length and five feet in width.

Earthen Fist - Starting at 4th level the Earth Elementalist may turn his fists to stone giving him a natural slam attack dealing bludgeoning damage equivalent to his size, 1d6 base at medium size. He is proficient with the slam attack and may use it as a natural secondary attack after attacking with a weapon, receiving the usual penalty for two weapon fighting. At 12th level the slam attack damage increases by one size category. At 16th level the size category increases once more.

Geospikes - At 4th level, the Earth Elementalist may summon forth a cluster of stone or earthen spikes. These spikes occupy a ten foot square, dealing 3d6 piercing damage to all creatures caught in the area. Creatures taking damage from these spikes must make a Reflex save or be caught on the spikes, taking 1d6 damage a round until they break free (A DC 15 Strength check). They take another 1d6 damage when they break free. The Earth Elementalist may cause these spikes to spring forth anywhere within a short range (10ft + 5ft per elementalist level). This ability is usable once per day at fourth level, and an additional time per day every four levels afterwards. The damage increases by an additional 1d6 for every extra use they gain. There must be earth or stone comprising the ground within the range of the ability to use.

Earth Shake - At 6th level the Earth Elementalist may create shockwaves through the ground, knocking over creatures and causing damage to structures. Creatures of Medium size or smaller within thirty feet of the Earth Elementalist must make a Reflex save or fall prone, taking 2d6 damage as they are jostled around. Structures take 1d6 damage per Earth Elementalist level. Creatures burrowing underground take this damage as well, but may attempt a Reflex save for half damage. This ability is usable once per day at sixth level, and an additional time per day at tenth, fourteenth, and eighteenth level.

Boulder Tossing - At 8th level the Earth Elementalist gains the ability to create boulders from ambient particles and toss them at enemies. Upon gaining this ability boulders he creates have a range increment of 10ft and deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage. At 12th level and every 4 levels afterward the range increment increases by 10ft and the damage increases by 3d6. Any airborne creature struck by a boulder must make a reflex save or fall from the sky, taking falling damage (DC=10+1/2 Level + Wisdom Mod). The boulders are damaging but unstable, breaking back to particles after colliding with the target.

Stone Form - At 11th level the Earth Elementalist gains the ability to shift his being into stone and gain the appearance of a statue. This transformation is nonmagical and is not affected by an antimagic field or detected by detect magic spells. The statue form takes 1 minute to fully complete but only a few seconds to undo. The elementalist may use this ability to return to normal form if he is ever petrified. The statue form has a hardness of regular stone and hp equal to yours. This is an at will ability.

Earthwalk - At 13th level the Earth Elementalist may blend with solid earth or stone. He may move through it along with any gear he has on and up to one other willing creature of large size or smaller that he remains in contact with at his normal land speed. While he is earthwalking he and any creature he has with him may breathe and act normally but their vision is obstructed and they are blind as long as their eyes remain in the stone though they retain their sense of direction and gravity. While earthwalking the Earth Elementalist and any creature with him may move through stone or other sorts of earth the same as if he was under the windwalk spell in air. He may partially exit the stone or earth while earthwalking. If the Earth Elementalist has a creature with him he must maintain contact or the other creature will be trapped in the earth and begin to suffocate until contact is restored. In addition as long as he is completely immersed in stone he has tremorsense 60 ft. At 19th level he may take up to two large size or smaller creatures with him and his tremorsense doubles to 120ft while completely immersed.

Fissure - At 17th level the Earth Elementalist learns to use his ultimate attack. He rips open the ground underneath his enemies causing them to fall into the depths of the earth then he closes the fissure crushing any caught inside. The Fissure is 50 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 50 feet deep the Earth Elementalist may make the fissure smaller if he wishes and may choose not to close the fissure or may delay its closing. Any enemy caught in the fissure takes normal falling damage and takes 15d6 points of crushing damage when the fissure closes they also begin to suffocate but may dig. At 20th level the fissure's length and width both double. Opening and closing the fissure each take a full round action and the Earth Elementalist may open a fissure 1/day at 17th level, and 3/day at 20th level.

Earth Scion - At 20th level the Earth Elementalist becomes one with the earth and stone around him. He gains permanent tremmorsense to 60 feet and ceases aging, becoming as timeless as the earth itself. He also gains the ability to Speak with Stone as the spell at will. Additionally, he gains the active protection of the earth. Earth elementals, even primals, will never attack him unless he attacks them first.

Questions and comments greatly accepted

2013-06-19, 07:59 PM
HD: d10
Skill Points at 1st level: (4+Int)X4
Skill points at each additional level: 4+Int
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Survival (Wis)

Your chassis seems good. Perhaps add Balance and Handle Animal as class skills. I can't imagine a Geomancer ever falling down during a quake (Balance) and it would make sense for them to be able to tame burrowing animals (Handle Animal). All classes have Profession as a class skill so you should probably add that as well.

Also, you're missing a list of weapon and armor proficiencies.

Earth Shaping - A number of times per day equal to their elementalist level, an Earth Elementalist may shape up to five cubic feet of earth and stone per elementalist level. Earth shifted this way moves at a rate of five feet a round per elementalist level, or slower, if the elementalist wishes. Activating this ability is a standard action. Any creatures standing on earth or stone as it is being shifted must make a DC 10 + the Earth Elementalist's class level + wis mod Balance check or fall prone. If a creature would be pressed between two substances, they are shunted to the side, taking 1d6 damage per ten feet shifted (Reflex save for half damage). The Earth Elementalist cannot shift earth that is currently being affected by magic or results from magic (Meld into stone, wall of stone, etcetera), unless his class level exceeds the caster level of the effect. If the Earth Elementalist chooses to take a full round action to activate this ability as opposed to a standard action, he can move the earth and stone twice as fast.
Materials shifted by this ability cannot weigh more than 150 pounds per caster level, even if their area would be less than the elementalist could normally shift.

This seems fine, but consider that at level 1 the only thing a geomancer can do is shift the earth once and have a powerful suit of armor, that's not much. It would be nice to give them more things to do at early level. Perhaps allow them to shape Weapons out of stone as well as armor? You could also just give the Geomancer more uses of the Earth Shaping ability, perhaps Class Level + Wis per day?

Stone Armor - An Earth Elementalist of second level or higher may shape composite minerals into an iron-hard second skin that protects him from harm. As a full-round action, the Earth Elementalist may form the stone armor around himself. It provides a natural armor bonus to his armor class equal to his Wisdom modifier, and Damage Reduction 1/-. Once it has absorbed 25 points of damage + 1 per wis mod, it crumbles away, but the Earth Elementalist can spend a turn to reform it. It has an armor check penalty of -5 and a maximum dexterity mod of +1. While using this ability no other armor can be worn, even though it is not actually considered armor.

How does Sundering interact with this? Can a Geomancer wear normal armor at the same as Earth Armor?

Scour - At 3rd level the Earth elementalist may unleash a blast of grit and sand upon his foes. This takes the shape of a cone, ten feet long by five feet wide. All creatures caught within take 1d6 piercing damage per level of the Earth Elementalist, with Reflex save for half. Creatures caught in the cone who fail their saving throw are also blinded for 1 round. Creatures immune to critical hits, or creatures that do not rely on eyesight to perceive things, are not affected by this. At 3rd level, the Earth Elementalist may use this ability once per day. Every three levels afterwards, they may use it another time per day and the cone increases by ten feet in length and five feet in width.

You should get rid of the part I bolded. The ability is already greatly limited by its very few uses per day.

Earthen Fist - Starting at 4th level the Earth Elementalist may turn his fists to stone giving him a natural slam attack dealing bludgeoning damage equivalent to his size, 1d6 base at medium size. He is proficient with the slam attack and may use it as a natural secondary attack after attacking with a weapon, receiving the usual penalty for two weapon fighting. At 12th level the slam attack damage increases by one size category. At 16th level the size category increases once more.

I would increase the damage to 1d8, in order to be on par with the average longsword, but it's not necessary. Also, natural weapons don't interact with multi-weapon fighting the same way wielding two weapons does, so you can get rid of the clause I bolded.

Perhaps the Geomancer should be able to have his Earthen Fists enchanted despite them being natural weapons? Otherwise the Geomancer would be better off just using a manufactured weapon.

Geospikes - At 4th level, the Earth Elementalist may summon forth a cluster of stone or earthen spikes. These spikes occupy a ten foot square, dealing 3d6 piercing damage to all creatures caught in the area. Creatures taking damage from these spikes must make a Reflex save or be caught on the spikes, taking 1d6 damage a round until they break free (A DC 15 Strength check). They take another 1d6 damage when they break free. The Earth Elementalist may cause these spikes to spring forth anywhere within a short range (10ft + 5ft per elementalist level). This ability is usable once per day at fourth level, and an additional time per day every four levels afterwards. The damage increases by an additional 1d6 for every extra use they gain. There must be earth or stone comprising the ground within the range of the ability to use.

Earth Shake - At 6th level the Earth Elementalist may create shockwaves through the ground, knocking over creatures and causing damage to structures. Creatures of Medium size or smaller within thirty feet of the Earth Elementalist must make a Reflex save or fall prone, taking 2d6 damage as they are jostled around. Structures take 1d6 damage per Earth Elementalist level. Creatures burrowing underground take this damage as well, but may attempt a Reflex save for half damage. This ability is usable once per day at sixth level, and an additional time per day at tenth, fourteenth, and eighteenth level.

Perhaps the damage should be unavoidable for subterranean creatures? It would make sense for the Geomancer to be better equipped at combat when underground.

Boulder Tossing - At 8th level the Earth Elementalist gains the ability to create boulders from ambient particles and toss them at enemies. Upon gaining this ability boulders he creates have a range increment of 10ft and deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage. At 12th level and every 4 levels afterward the range increment increases by 10ft and the damage increases by 3d6. Any airborne creature struck by a boulder must make a reflex save or fall from the sky, taking falling damage (DC=10+1/2 Level + Wisdom Mod). The boulders are damaging but unstable, breaking back to particles after colliding with the target.

All good, very cool.

Stone Form - At 11th level the Earth Elementalist gains the ability to shift his being into stone and gain the appearance of a statue. This transformation is nonmagical and is not affected by an antimagic field or detected by detect magic spells. The statue form takes 1 minute to fully complete but only a few seconds to undo. The elementalist may use this ability to return to normal form if he is ever petrified. The statue form has a hardness of regular stone and hp equal to yours. This is an at will ability.

This kind of ability was easily achievable 10 levels ago with the spell Disguise Self (or anyone with a good disguise check). This ability should either be more powerful (perhaps able to affect allies or give high defensive properties to the Geomancer when they use it) or be available much earlier.

Earthwalk - At 13th level the Earth Elementalist may blend with solid earth or stone. He may move through it along with any gear he has on and up to one other willing creature of large size or smaller that he remains in contact with at his normal land speed. While he is earthwalking he and any creature he has with him may breathe and act normally but their vision is obstructed and they are blind as long as their eyes remain in the stone though they retain their sense of direction and gravity. While earthwalking the Earth Elementalist and any creature with him may move through stone or other sorts of earth the same as if he was under the windwalk spell in air. He may partially exit the stone or earth while earthwalking. If the Earth Elementalist has a creature with him he must maintain contact or the other creature will be trapped in the earth and begin to suffocate until contact is restored. In addition as long as he is completely immersed in stone he has tremorsense 60 ft. At 19th level he may take up to two large size or smaller creatures with him and his tremorsense doubles to 120ft while completely immersed.

This is good, as I read it I was thinking of mentioning some sort of Tremorsense ability but then you brought it up towards the end.

Fissure - At 17th level the Earth Elementalist learns to use his ultimate attack. He rips open the ground underneath his enemies causing them to fall into the depths of the earth then he closes the fissure crushing any caught inside. The Fissure is 50 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 50 feet deep the Earth Elementalist may make the fissure smaller if he wishes and may choose not to close the fissure or may delay its closing. Any enemy caught in the fissure takes normal falling damage and takes 15d6 points of crushing damage when the fissure closes they also begin to suffocate but may dig. At 20th level the fissure's length and width both double. Opening and closing the fissure each take a full round action and the Earth Elementalist may open a fissure 1/day at 17th level, and 3/day at 20th level.

This is good.

Earth Scion - At 20th level the Earth Elementalist becomes one with the earth and stone around him. He gains permanent tremmorsense to 60 feet and ceases aging, becoming as timeless as the earth itself. He also gains the ability to Speak with Stone as the spell at will. Additionally, he gains the active protection of the earth. Earth elementals, even primals, will never attack him unless he attacks them first.

This is very cool. I like it alot. However, you should space out the tremorsense and allow the Geomancer to slowly gain it as they level up (culminating with a 60 ft. range at level 20). This would also help fill in some of your dead levels.

- - -

I like this class, but it has two major problems. First, the dead levels aren't fun. You could fill those up with my idea I mentioned when commenting on the Earth Scion ability, or you could come up with a couple new scaling abilities to fill in those levels. The Geomancer's second problem is the fact that many of its abilities (including some of its best) are only usable in very specific environments. I'm imagining a 20th level Geomancer standing inside the iron tower of their arch-nemesis. The Geomancer can't use Fissure, Earthwalk, Earth Shake, Geospikes, or their signature classic ability; Earth Shaping. I'm not sure how to fix this problem, except with some sort of ability that allows them to manufacture earthen material. Perhaps they could spew forth sand or loose dirt as an ability? As a standard action X times per day the Geomancer can spew forth waves of sand from their very pours, making an area with a radius of X-feet around them count as earth for the purposes of their abilities ans possible drowning creatures of the "Fine" size or smaller.

If you want any other inspiration then there's Dandria's six level Earth Elementalist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13097737&postcount=402) class, which has a cool weapon creation ability as well as specific abilites concerning variations of earth such as sand, crystal, metal, sand, mud, and stone.

There's also Jiriku's Earth Dreamer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=155003) class which has rules for an Earth Elemental companion ability as well as a coll stability ability.

Last is the Earthbender (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3747450&postcount=4) from the Avatar d20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68630) project. The Earthbender has a bunch of "Seeds" which could provide excellent inspiration for more Geomancer abilities.

2013-06-20, 09:24 AM
::tear:: TOPH!


Edit: In regards to dead levels, maybe having earthne materials not count against carrying capacity.

ala; at second level 200lbs of earth doesn't count increasing by 100 each level or something similar.

2013-06-21, 08:20 AM
love the class and its flavour, good job!

Peaches' time: I agree with Blueiji's suggestions and I'd also propose the Mettle special ability (with Fortitude and Will as its good saves, this is somewhat a must have for the class) and scaling Acid resistance, since this is the element normally associated with earth in D&D.

2013-06-21, 09:53 PM
Metalbending. It needs Metalbending.

That initial reaction aside, the chassis definitely seems good.

It needs something more for early levels. Moving stone 1/day and making armor is not a very interesting first 2 levels, and it doesn't get much better until Earthen Fists (and even then, only marginally so).

As blueiji said, letting him enchant his fists despite being natural weapons would be a good idea. I'd recommend a look at the PF Paladin's Paladin's Bond.

Stone Armor seems weird. It's really nice armor, but the limited durability feels odd. It makes sense, but it doesn't feel to me like it fits with the rest of D&D 3.5.

I agree about letting Scour hurt crit-immune enemies. It doesn't even make that much sense to begin with, to be honest.

Mettle would be a nice addition as CinuzItza suggested.

And last but not least, uses per day. Uses per day are never fun. The PF Paladin alleviates the problem slightly by having Smite last until the monster dies, not for just a single attack. For this, almost all of the iconic abilities are highly restricted in uses. The easiest and most reasonable way I can think of to fix it would be to change all those nasty words "day" with "encounter" Uses per encounter is just as valid of a restriction, but much more reasonable for making this class even the slightest bit useful.

2013-06-22, 04:11 PM
Alright thanks for the suggestions.

Earthen Armor - First, Blueiji it already says cannot use armor while it is active but thanks for mentioning sundering, it doesn't come up much so I didn't think about it. Any suggestions on how it would work?

Scour - I worded this one wrong, the immunity was to the blinding effect only. It still damages.

Earthen Fist - I didn't really like this bit when I made it. Glad for the suggestions the riddle of stone from Dandria's earth elementalist. I think I'll tweak it to get more powerful with level to help fill in some levels.

Earth Shake - Save removed

Stone Form - Maybe allow movement while stone and give hardness equal to level + Wisdom mod? Also moving it back to get one level earlier.

As for the problems with dead levels and the limited environment problem I created this...

Dirt Spout - Beginning at second level as a standard action, the earth elementalist can produce a wave of dirt, rocks, and sand. The wave radiates outward from him in a 20 foot radius, leaving about 2 feet of the created materials. Any creature medium size or smaller other than the Earth Elementalist caught in the radius must make a reflex save (DC 10+1/2 EE level+Wis Mod) or be knocked prone and buried in the dirt. Medium and small creatures are only partially buried and take a full round action to free themselves. Any creature smaller than small size is completely buried in the dirt and must dig themselves out to the top, a full round action, and then free themselves, another full round action. At 7th level the radius increases to 40 feet and becomes deeper, burying small or smaller creatures completely and partially burying large and medium creatures as well as leaving about 5 feet of created materials.

What do ya think?

2013-06-22, 06:08 PM
What do ya think?

I still think everything should be per encounter, not per day

2013-06-22, 06:13 PM
I still think everything should be per encounter, not per day

I don't know, per encounter seems a bit odd. It might help though.

2013-06-22, 06:57 PM
I don't know, per encounter seems a bit odd. It might help though.

Perhaps it's not the most traditional or normal restriction... I've just always hated per-days when it's not something like the Arcane Archer's death arrow