View Full Version : Difficulty with creating a multi-class Martial Adept.

2013-06-19, 04:59 PM
I'm currently building a relatively nicely powered Pouncing/DFI Bard4/Barbarian1/Warblade13/Crusader2 (not neccesarily in that order) with the classic SotWR and DFI feats, Spirit Lion Pounce, a focus on White Raven (I get some leeway for maneuvers with a Crusader dip). I am using the moderate Cheese of rebuilding my IL through a Major Draconic Bloodline (UA). I have a few questions however:

1) I'm perfectly ok with DFI being Fire based, as I don't have tons of Feats to spare. However, as I'm likely to use Battle Dragon for my bloodlines (NG, love battle, fits the theme of the character), am I allowed to save the two feats required to switch DFI to another energy type? In other words, Does my Dragon Bloodline have the same effect as would being a half-dragon for the purposes of DFI? Strict RAW I assume not, but RAI?

2) Do my bloodline levels also count as class levels for the purposes of advancing Inspire Courage (DFI)? This could obviously get wacky fast, if it applied to all three classes for a total of 9 class levels added on. However my DM would likely use a saner interpretation that the bonus levels could only apply once, (for a total of 3 levels). This would be nice, as it would mean I could actually reach the IC+4 threshold, since I lose a level by taking a dip in Barb. I have trouble remembering what Bloodline levels do and do not advance, however.

3) This Ruling has left me perplexed:

Q: The maneuvers known description of the crusader, swordsage, and warblade (in the Tome of Battle) state that you can learn a maneuver in place of one that you already know. However, these descriptions are unclear about whether you can learn a maneuver in place of one that you learned through another class. Can you swap maneuvers gained through different classes?
To clarify this with an example, can a crusader 4/warblade 3 who has taken an additional level in the warblade class and learned a maneuver as a result 'forget' a maneuver that he learned through his crusader levels and learn a warblade maneuver in place of that maneuver?
A: Yes, these abilities do not care what the origin of the replaced maneuver is.

This raises a bunch of questions. If I were to swap some of the 5 maneuvers gained from my 2 levels of Crusader with new Warblade ones; Do I ready these new maneuvers as Crusader or Warblade maneuvers? Both answers seem problematic to me. If they are readied as Warblade, I steadily lose Crusader maneuvers known, resulting in having certain maneuvers every turn (WRT would be nasty.) If they are readied as Crusader, I wind up either only being allowed to trade for maneuvers a Crusader could learn or potentially end up with DM/TC/IH maneuvers on a Crusader recovery mechanic.

Thanks for your time!

2013-06-19, 06:34 PM
For what it's worth, the official 3.5 FAQ states the following:

When a multiclassed martial adept chooses to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows,
can he choose to “lose” a maneuver from one class and “gain” a maneuver from another class?
No. Both maneuvers must be taken from the same class’s list of maneuvers.

2013-06-20, 10:46 AM
For what it's worth, the official 3.5 FAQ states the following:

When a multiclassed martial adept chooses to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows,
can he choose to “lose” a maneuver from one class and “gain” a maneuver from another class?
No. Both maneuvers must be taken from the same class’s list of maneuvers.

Ok, that changes the build slightly. :) thankfully it won't break anything I'm attempting to do. I might as well run with that ruling, even if it is contradictory to the one I posted. That way I don't have to worry about my DM disallowing the build.

What about the first couple questions? Can anyone help?