View Full Version : first new "god"

2013-06-20, 12:50 AM
I've finished my first new god. I would like some feedback. He will be the villain my pcs fight in a few weeks. Please note that in my new world, gods are, just very powerful outsiders with no divine ranks.

Zachur, lord of insanity CR 33
CE winged half beholder kaiju ulitharid demon lord (chaotic, evil, obyrith)
This is what I have that I can post. I'm posting from my phone currently.
There are stats, I just forgot to bring them so I could copy them. Oops.

2013-06-20, 12:54 AM
That looks like an unholy mess of Templates.

Considering you're running a "Low Magic" world why make it an outsider? I mean that will make for an insanely tough encounter. Basically the Outsider will have a significant natural advantage against them. Even if it's just the ability to gate in something like 25 CR 2 demons at once, it'll probably be more than your party can deal with. Not to mention you're gonna have a devil of a time (Ha ha!) dealing with the Outsider's DR, or it's Natural Armor even.

2013-06-20, 12:56 AM
If you need additional deities to fill out your world, to make it more three dimensional, I might suggest Donjon's Random Generator (http://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/name/#setting)- just make sure to select Fantasy Setting, and then Deities and Gods. It's just like Madlibs.

At least he's Chaotic and Evil... means little organizational ability. I'd be more scared of a Lawful Evil god, simply because of efficiency and the ability to plan intricate long range plans.

I'd hate to see Zach's family tree. Pretty gruesome pairings : / Was it the power that drove those couplings, or just really kinky incentives?

2013-06-20, 01:02 AM
Well the idea of low magic is starting to wear thin on me. I think the idea of doing somthing that is a little more in line with traditional d&d as my first homebrewed world will be easier. Hence the bbeg you have seen. And also, do you consider the choice of templates bad?

2013-06-20, 01:15 AM
I'm not a man in favor of heavy templating myself. Not my style. Tends to create paper tigers, and usually makes almost no sense other than "... so a bunch of wizards got drunk and came up with a game to figure out who Planeshifted out to get more asgardian beer... and um... that was the result."

Thus when you see things like the half ogre half minotaur tauric serpentine half devil vampiric feykissed dragonborn...

Just not something I like. And I know that's just a personal taste thing.

As far as BBEG? Especially since you're planning an encounter so soon, I'd aim lower. Not dealing with the "God", but dealing with middle men. So that their BBEG for the time being is: Zachur, File Clerk of the Damned! ... that sounds a lot scarier in Abyssal.

Thing is when you bust out "Gods" as villains? There's not really any room to escalate to. If you're fighting and killing Godlings... what is there to look forward to? What next great level of adversaries do you have coming? Somehow dealing with Baron Fatass, the level 8 Aristocrat with plans to take over the nation just loses it's appeal when last week you kicked in the teeth of a God.

2013-06-20, 01:20 AM
I see what your saying, but I shouuld have been more specific. The fight coming is a one off to test zachurs power, to test my players abilities at high level.