View Full Version : Art The LGBTArts 'n' Crafts Thread!

The Succubus
2013-06-21, 04:53 AM

Welcome to what I fondly hope will be the first of many threads dedicated to artworks with an LGBTA theme to them. Sometimes they'll be stories or paintings with a non-hetronormative flavour to them, other times they'll be artworks done by folks from the LGBTA community!

We follow the same rules as the main LGBTA thread in Friendly Banter:

Everyone is welcome. Let's try to keep from seeming otherwise.
Keep this topic free of politics and religion. (so, don't violate the board rules, plz)
It's beyond the scope of this thread to discuss whether LGBT is "Right." (And really, most discussions probably should avoid moralizing too much anyway)
Please refrain from posting sexually explicit content. (Keep it friendly as well as board safe :smallsmile:)

We'd also respectfully request to keep the thread focused more on the arts and crafts side of things - if you're looking for a more general thread to chat about LGBT stuffs, our main home is currently here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=288693). :smallsmile:

The Succubus
2013-06-21, 04:56 AM
To get the ball rolling, here's some collaborative fairy tales by The Succubus and Lycunadari:


Once upon a time, there was a man in the moon and he was a very bitter man. One day, he saw a young person that was struggling to discover who they were. The person believed heart and soul that she was a girl.

Ever the spiteful one, the man called down to the girl and said "I am the moon and I curse you to always be a man!" and the girl was sad and frightened because the moon was full and bright. Yet in her heart she whispered to herself "I'm a girl..."

Two weeks passed and the man in the moon spied the girl again. "I am the moon and I curse you to always be a man!" he cried. Yet when the girl looked up, the moon was half shrouded in darkness, it's frightening glow dimmer than before. She said to herself "I am a girl."

Another two weeks past and the man in the moon spied the girl again. "I am the moon and I curse you to always be a man!" he cried once more. The girl looked up and saw the moon was little more than a sliver of light, almost eclipsed in darkness.

"Man in the moon," said the girl, "what do you know of "always"? Three times you have appeared above me and each time you are different. You were full and I was a girl. The second time you were a half moon and I was a girl. Now you appear as a thin crescent...and I am still a girl. Which of us has remained unchanged?"

And the man in the moon saw the wisdom in her words and troubled her no more.


Long ago, there was a child living in the countryside and they were a very special child because they liked to try different things. Some days the child would dress in a shirt and trousers and go hiking through the forest. He felt grand and tall as walked among the trees, with the sun shining down upon him. Other days the child would wear a dress and she would wander amongst the flowers in the meadow. She would often lie down on the soft grass and sleep with the sun shining down upon her.

The child woke up one morning and found a fog had formed around the house. As the child walked down the path towards the meadow and forest, they grew frightened. The trees were twisted and scary and the flowers in the meadow were wilting. As the fog closed in, the child tripped over a stone and fell on the floor crying. As the child’s tears touched the ground, a small flower began to grow. It turned its petals towards the child and began to speak.

“Little one, why are you so sad?”

“I am frightened and alone and I have lost my way. I do not know which path to choose to go forward and I do not know my way back.”

“Look up,” said the flower.

As the child looked up, the fog seemed to clear just a little and she saw the sun.

“The sun is your friend,” said the flower. “It doesn’t care whether you walk among the forest or the meadows. It will always be there for you.”

It seemed to the child that the fog was beginning to clear, the path becoming clearer. The child looked around and the world was very different. The trees around him were just as he remembered, yet the forest floor was covered in grasses and flowers, just like the ones from her meadow.

“One day you may choose to stay in the forest or the meadow but wherever you choose to walk, your friends will always be with you.”

The child hugged the flower and made their way home, with the sun shining down upon them.

In land far, far away, there lived a young princess and she was very much in love. Her lover was another young girl that wished to be a warrior and they would kiss and cuddle each other beneath a cherry tree, while the white petals fell around them. Yet they were afraid that the king would not approve of their love, being a somewhat old fashioned person and together they hatched a plan.

The princess went to the king and said, "Father, I know that it is time I married, so that I may have someone good and true to rule the kingdom with when you are gone. I propose a tournament - the person that can best me in combat shall rule the kingdom beside me." The king agreed.

The tournament drew some of the greatest knights in the kingdom and many of the knights had given themselves grand sounding titles. As the princess put on her armour and stepped onto the field, her opponent was the Stone Knight. The Stone Knight was a bad man - he cared naught for the princess; all he wanted was the money and power that he would get from marrying her.

The Stone Knight and the princess fought...and with a mighty CLANG the princess smacked the Stone Knight's helm with her sword and he fell to the floor.

"Stone Knight, when you gaze upon me, all you see are lands and titles. You do not see me as an equal." The Stone Knight growled and stomped off the battlefield, defeated.

The next opponent was the Sky Knight. He was a gentle sort but he did not take the princess seriously. She was only a girl and would be easily defeated.

The Sky Knight and the princess fought...and with a mighty CLANG the princess smacked the Sky Knight's helm with her sword and he fell to the floor.

"Sky Knight, when you gaze upon me, you see a weak and fragile person. You are a good soul but you do not see me as an equal." The Sky Knight nodded and walked away, determined to learn from his mistake.

Only one knight remained before the princess - the Blossom Knight. The Blossom Knight and the princess fought for an hour while the crowd cheered both of them on...and with a mighty CLANG the Blossom Knight smacked the princess' helm with the sword and she fell to the floor.

As she fell, the princess twisted her ankle and cried out. The Blossom Knight dropped the sword and rushed to the princess and helped her to her feet.

"Blossom Knight," said the king, "you have proven your valour and worth. Remove your helm so that we might see your face."

The Blossom Knight took off her helm - and beneath it was the princess' girlfriend. For a moment, the king was wrathful at having been deceived. As he stood up to call for the guards, a gust of wind carried a handful of white petals before him and the smell of cherry blossom. The king paused and listened to the voice of reason.

"It is plain you care for the princess and have fought hard and valiantly to reach her. If she will take your hand, then you have my blessing as well."

And so it was that the princess and the blossom knight were married and lived happily ever after.

2013-06-28, 03:40 PM
Story I wrote. (https://www.box.com/s/v0x3gxp1rwq834e4n1p4)

Well, when I say story I mean novella. Still not fully edited and has a couple of bits of terrible narm in it but whatevs.

Karen Lynn
2013-06-28, 03:46 PM
Spoilered because OMFG HUGE PICS OF STORM!

First three pics are taken within seconds. You can see it move a little...




The panoramic shot I got!

2013-06-28, 05:43 PM
Oh, my. Where did you take those photos?

Karen Lynn
2013-06-28, 07:00 PM
Oh, my. Where did you take those photos?

Storm cell blowing southjust outside my apartment. I also saw a DeLorean today! Doc Brown is in town!

2013-06-28, 09:56 PM
Storm cell blowing southjust outside my apartment.
Oo. Nice.

I also saw a DeLorean today! Doc Brown is in town!
The... The motor company?

Karen Lynn
2013-06-28, 10:12 PM


2013-06-28, 10:37 PM
Oo. Old fashioned, I see.

2013-06-28, 10:38 PM
Oo. Old fashioned, I see.

Used as a time-travel device in the movie "Back to the Future (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088763/)".

2013-06-28, 10:43 PM
Used as a time-travel device in the movie "Back to the Future (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088763/)".

Well. I just feel silly, now.

2013-06-28, 10:50 PM

Well. I just feel silly, now.

No worries. Everybody's had a pop culture reference go over their head at some point.

2013-06-28, 10:53 PM
No worries. Everybody's had a pop culture reference go over their head at some point.
Most pop culture references go over my head.

2013-06-28, 11:07 PM
I made something! Just for this thread.

It is a Rainbow Eevee. Myesh. In oil pastels.

Karen Lynn
2013-06-28, 11:10 PM
Rainbow Eevee~

Is it a rainbow 'me'-vee? :3

2013-06-28, 11:13 PM
If you want. :3

2013-06-28, 11:36 PM
I made something! Just for this thread.

Oh! I like it!

2013-06-29, 01:03 PM
Couple of drawings I did a while back:


Bonus points if you can say who the characters are (without looking at the file names, Mr Inevitablesmartarse).

Blarg, need to draw more.

The Succubus
2013-06-29, 02:16 PM
Some really great contributions so far!

I loved your story Zorg and I will bug you relentlessly to continue the adventures of Ursula and Soni. =3

The storm was very pretty Karen, although I hope it didn't mess with your travels too much. =)

The rainbow Eevee was really sweet too. ^_^

2013-07-01, 03:36 PM
An asexual heart.
My avi (maybe I'll export a larger version later).

Rain Dragon
2013-07-02, 02:58 AM
Ohai! Cool stuff everyone!

I have recently got back into drawing. I used to draw more cartoony sorts of things... Just not well. I have decided comics are fantastic. Here is a single frame!

Apparently I need to put a ruler in the shop... Yeah, I drew this at work. Shhh, don't tell anyone I am a slacker. :smallwink:

(Nobody remembered to tell me I can't draw hands to save my life!)

Waiting for a train

EDIT: I didn't title the magazine 'Women' because there are a lot of magazines around here like Women's Day and Women Weekly which are full of gossip and relationship advice rather than bad jokes and bikini babes. So I used the German word for 'women'. I am quite sure it probably doesn't even make sense, but I stink at titles for things!


2013-07-02, 05:46 AM
(Nobody remembered to tell me I can't draw hands to save my life!)


Hands are a pain in the tail, I still have immense difficulty with them after many years of practice.

That said one of the best tips I ever got regarding how to do hands is this:

Before you draw the finished form, sketch out a 'skeletal' hand with a ball at each location there'd be a joint. This helps you envision each segment of each finger and how it wraps around an object.

Rain Dragon
2013-07-02, 05:57 AM
Hands are a pain in the tail, I still have immense difficulty with them after many years of practice.

That said one of the best tips I ever got regarding how to do hands is this:

Before you draw the finished form, sketch out a 'skeletal' hand with a ball at each location there'd be a joint. This helps you envision each segment of each finger and how it wraps around an object.

That is usually how I draw hands except with sausages after the stick-hands, but I accidentally made the entire picture too small and was having an argument with my erasey thing. It apparently could not get fingertips or avoid smudging, so these hands are beyond lazy and are not posed well at all.

To be fair though, my fellow's hands are quite obviously careless yet lacking in the usual proportion issues I suffer. You can even see where I drew the hand then did the curve for fingers (you know, how fingers are not all the same length) and fixed the pointer on one hand under 'Frauen' but did not manage to fix it.

Still, I will try instead of sausages drawing tiny circles for joints before finishing fingers to see if that fixes anything. Already I can see it improving my drawing of knuckles. I'm going to stick to drawing cartoons and comics because I enjoy it most, but hands are so expressive. So hard, but so good! You know?

Thanks for the input! Also, was the point of the comic kinda easy to understand or naaah?

Oh, I just realised I forgot to put glasses on the guy... Whoops!


2013-07-02, 10:30 AM
Hands are a pain in the tail, I still have immense difficulty with them after many years of practice.

That said one of the best tips I ever got regarding how to do hands is this:

Before you draw the finished form, sketch out a 'skeletal' hand with a ball at each location there'd be a joint. This helps you envision each segment of each finger and how it wraps around an object.

They are a massive pain in the tail, but...
You have a tail as well? O.O

And if I end up drawing out any of various ideas I have, I'll put them up here. Might be a while.

2013-07-02, 11:40 AM
Hands are pure evil. <.<

I finally finished the painting for the cherry blossom story! :smallsmile:


I wanted to sign it with Juniper but I don't want my family to question why I didn't use Lucy. Not yet. <.<

The Succubus
2013-07-02, 11:56 AM
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3

2013-07-02, 08:15 PM
Hands are pure evil. <.<

I finally finished the painting for the cherry blossom story! :smallsmile:


I wanted to sign it with Juniper but I don't want my family to question why I didn't use Lucy. Not yet. <.<

Wow that's really sweet / awesome / beautiful / [many more positive adjectives]:smallsmile:

2013-07-04, 12:57 PM
eek! resize more! (irfanview is free and good)
But yeah, public toilets. true comic is true. I'm cis, but ever since dating a nonbinary person I haven't been able to suppress a twinge of irritation every time I see the usual binary ones. and I get too annoyed by gender stereotypes when I go shopping for things now...

2013-07-04, 01:20 PM
eek! resize more! (irfanview is free and good)
But yeah, public toilets. true comic is true. I'm cis, but ever since dating a nonbinary person I haven't been able to suppress a twinge of irritation every time I see the usual binary ones. and I get too annoyed by gender stereotypes when I go shopping for things now...

Oh, I just walk into the woman's toilets and remember to wave the correct piece of legislation at anyone who says no.

Karen Lynn
2013-07-04, 02:11 PM
I just go to the LGBT club I love so much, and am allowed to use the correct toilet there. :3

2013-07-04, 02:32 PM
I just go to the LGBT club I love so much, and am allowed to use the correct toilet there. :3

*Shrugs.* The only reason I ever use the women's ones is in protest, because I'm not actually Trans*, I just respect people who are.

Also, you get LGBT clubs? Where on earth do you live? 'Cause I want to be there.

2013-07-05, 11:41 AM
Waaaaaaaaiiiit ...are you saying that I can use...Men's toilets? :smallredface: I uh...how?

I....Might not soon and will still try to go for the unisex/family bathrooms when I can but....I am able to...that would be kinda awesome....Probably better if I do it where nobody knows me though :smallredface:

2013-07-08, 12:28 AM
I've never understood the point of gender-segregated bathrooms, anyway. Is it that important to cis men to stand up when they pee? The only reason I can think of is when people use public bathrooms as changing rooms, but most people I know who do that just use a stall.

I made an ace awareness pony! Her (super-original) name is Ace. Marvel at my powers of creativitiy!
http://puu.sh/3vNMu.png (http://puu.sh/3vNMu.png)

2013-07-08, 01:44 AM
I've never understood the point of gender-segregated bathrooms, anyway. Is it that important to cis men to stand up when they pee? The only reason I can think of is when people use public bathrooms as changing rooms, but most people I know who do that just use a stall.
I think it's an outdated tradition, really.

I made an ace awareness pony! Her (super-original) name is Ace. Marvel at my powers of creativitiy!
Oo! I like it.

2013-07-08, 09:20 AM
I've never understood the point of gender-segregated bathrooms, anyway. Is it that important to cis men to stand up when they pee? The only reason I can think of is when people use public bathrooms as changing rooms, but most people I know who do that just use a stall.

Standing up is convenient, but urinals aren't necessary for that. I never use urinals. On the other hand, have you ever been in a public men's restroom? Nine out of ten grown men were never toilet trained as kids. So much urine everywhere. :smallyuk:
More on restrooms:
It's part tradition, part "but the horrible men will commit sexual crimes if they use the same bathroom as those poor defenseless women", part some other nonsense, I think. I've never understood the "but people will commit crimes" arguments—anybody going to commit a crime is already willing to break rules and a little sign with a capedress won't stop them.

I made an ace awareness pony! Her (super-original) name is Ace. Marvel at my powers of creativitiy!
http://puu.sh/3vNMu.png (http://puu.sh/3vNMu.png)

Nifty. Very creatively named. :smalltongue:

2013-07-08, 02:09 PM
Standing up is convenient, but urinals aren't necessary for that. I never use urinals. On the other hand, have you ever been in a public men's restroom? Nine out of ten grown men were never toilet trained as kids. So much urine everywhere. :smallyuk:

Haha, nope. Trust me, I work as a janitor, women's rooms are worse, in my experience of being the one who cleans them up...

2013-07-08, 02:12 PM
Haha, nope. Trust me, I work as a janitor, women's rooms are worse, in my experience of being the one who cleans them up...

I've been in lots of women's restrooms, though never any public ones, and I've only rarely had to deal with scattered urine or used pads. There were frequent clogged toilets in one of those, but the pipes in that dorm are probably ancient... Are public women's restrooms that much worse than private ones?

2013-07-08, 03:46 PM
I've been in lots of women's restrooms, though never any public ones, and I've only rarely had to deal with scattered urine or used pads. There were frequent clogged toilets in one of those, but the pipes in that dorm are probably ancient... Are public women's restrooms that much worse than private ones?

At the three places I worked, which are public places, the *only* time the men's has been worse than the women's bathroom was when we had 150 5 year olds, 90% male, for a karate thing. And then they were all dismissed for a bathroom break at one time.

2013-07-08, 03:50 PM
At the three places I worked, which are public places, the *only* time the men's has been worse than the women's bathroom was when we had 150 5 year olds, 90% male, for a karate thing. And then they were all dismissed for a bathroom break at one time.
All... All one hundred and fifty of them?!

Irish Musician
2013-07-08, 03:57 PM
At the three places I worked, which are public places, the *only* time the men's has been worse than the women's bathroom was when we had 150 5 year olds, 90% male, for a karate thing. And then they were all dismissed for a bathroom break at one time.
( •_•)>⌐■-■
( •_•)
My God............140 5 yr old boys.....PEE, PEE EVERYWHERE!!!! :smalleek:

2013-07-08, 05:46 PM
( •_•)>⌐■-■
( •_•)
My God............140 5 yr old boys.....PEE, PEE EVERYWHERE!!!! :smalleek:

Yeah... wasn't fun. 135, though. The other 15 were girls.

And yes. They called a bathroom break. All 150 went.

2013-07-10, 09:54 PM
Huh. Well this is new.

No worries. Everybody's had a pop culture reference go over their head at some point.


You Sir, are Released!

2013-07-22, 12:58 PM
Have some pictures of the Landshut (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landshut_Wedding) Wedding (http://www.landshuter-hochzeit.de/en/the-festival.html)!
Warning, lots of pictures, but none very big.

Children sitting around in the camp life area.

A future standard bearer.

And some impressions from the procession:







That's the bride.






2013-07-26, 09:57 AM
Have a painting.

TW dysphoria.

Karen Lynn
2013-07-26, 10:10 AM
Ohaithere nightmare, haven't seen you in a while.

Irish Musician
2013-07-26, 10:28 AM
Have a painting.

TW dysphoria.
Amazing artwork......I peed myself, but amazing :smallwink:

2013-09-22, 12:37 AM
Ah, we have art now!? And crafts? What is this devilry, which I will definitely take part in! I just finished a pretty cool pastel portrait (not of an actual person) I feel pleased with, and have a bunch of pens waiting to be used!

2013-09-22, 01:11 AM
Hands are a pain in the tail, I still have immense difficulty with them after many years of practice.

That said one of the best tips I ever got regarding how to do hands is this:

Before you draw the finished form, sketch out a 'skeletal' hand with a ball at each location there'd be a joint. This helps you envision each segment of each finger and how it wraps around an object.

You know, funny story, but I can't really draw anything else, but I can draw the crap out of some hands.

2013-09-22, 01:15 AM
Haha, nope. Trust me, I work as a janitor, women's rooms are worse, in my experience of being the one who cleans them up...When I was working in a nightclub in the UK, I came to the conclusion that the women's were messier, but the men's were dirtier. Mostly. There were... incidents.

2013-09-22, 03:15 AM
Have a waterfall rainbow:


That's in the Huka-Falls in New Zealand. :smallsmile:

2013-09-25, 06:40 PM
I did a little doodle when I was giving class.


2013-09-26, 04:13 PM
Well, this is what I've been up to over the last hour or so.


2013-10-12, 10:30 PM
In the quote for The Fourth Wall, why is clones outlined? :smallconfused:

2013-10-12, 10:57 PM
In the quote for The Fourth Wall, why is clones outlined? :smallconfused:
Because 'clones,' of course.

2013-10-30, 09:21 AM
In the quote for The Fourth Wall, why is clones outlined? :smallconfused:

It reinforces the whole "You're expected to be the same as everyone else," thing.

Irish Musician
2013-10-30, 12:53 PM
It reinforces the whole "You're expected to be the same as everyone else," thing.

I like it, personally :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 01:16 PM
Some old and bad poems I wrote:

There is a demon on top of my closet

There is a demon on top of my closet
Watching me sleep
Mocking my problem deep

There is a demon in my crowd
Watching me walk away
Knowing how I question my way

There is a demon in my mirror
Watching my hate
Knowing my redemption is late

There is a demon under me
Watching my form
Wondering if I have courage to transform

There is a demon inside my head
For a demon am I

I hoped you would gain a face

I hoped you would gain a face
And this would turn out to be a phase
So after solstice I could feel joy
And be just a normal boy

My happiness is lost
And salvation has a cost
To see behind all the lies
I have to close my eyes

Inside I am now hollow
And have to hide how I feel low
Questions, probes and even scrying
Won't reveal reason for my crying

In the mirror I see behind your mask
And all I had to do was ask
To know your true name
Eternal shall be my shame

He is a mask

He is a mask
Item gained sentience
A veil of mist given form

He is a mask
A cursed item, a possessor
Controlling the wearer

He is a mask
A being of evil
Forever corrupting the pure

He is a mask
A warden of the insane
Giving an incoherent mind coherence

He is a mask
A thing that can't be killed
Only removed

He is a mask
Hiding an ugly face
From beautiful society

He is a mask
The one people refer to
No one speaks to face beneath

He is a mask
A disguise gained sentience
A prison we wake up in

Have I changed so

How long time has it been?
Since we were last seen
Standing together and just talking
Without shouting or barking

You have not changed at all
You still bounce like a ball
You still don't care how the dice fall
Or whether your running is stopped by the wall

Yet we both have grown
And our differences have been shown
Have I changed so much?
That the gap between us would be such

Have I changed so?
What has caused your hatred to grow?
Could our worlds really be so much apart?
Why do we have to disagree about the art?

Have I changed so?
Why does you fear show?
Am I really such a freak?

So teen angst poems back from I was first really dealing with dyshporia.

2013-12-02, 01:18 PM
I totally forgot to post my painting for the Trangender Day of Remembrance here, so here it is now:

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/321/f/f/20th_november__transgender_day_of_remembrance_2013 _by_lucyndaria-d6uld5e.jpg

2013-12-02, 01:24 PM
That's lovely Lycunadari, very well done!

2013-12-02, 03:07 PM
That is wonderfully beautiful, Lucy. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Mina Kobold
2013-12-02, 03:09 PM
That looks amazing, Juniper! ^_^

PS: I actually made a piece for the Day of Remembrance too, but I completely forgot that I could add it here. Sorry! m(_ _)m


2013-12-02, 03:14 PM
Yeah, saw that one on DA Keveak, was awesome then and is still awesome now!

2013-12-02, 03:58 PM
I like both the pictures, the colors on the wings of Juniper's are especially nice. (No idea why those in particular are nice, but they are to me.)

2014-01-07, 03:49 PM
Something I wrote for Zorg a while back that I thought I would share. Not really LGBT related, but still worth sharing.

We who are broken understand what it is to be shattered.

To stare into a world with but a fragment of who we are.

We who are broken can only help but watch as the whole take charge of their destiny, while we helplessly pull our souls together.

We who are broken cannot help but wonder if one of the fragments of our lives, one of the hundreds of pieces of ourselves we try to mend, one of a million shattered hopes and dreams is not our true self.

And that we didn't just cover up ourselves with a pale reflection of what we were.

2014-01-07, 05:16 PM
Something I wrote for Zorg a while back that I thought I would share. Not really LGBT related, but still worth sharing.

We who are broken understand what it is to be shattered.

To stare into a world with but a fragment of who we are.

We who are broken can only help but watch as the whole take charge of their destiny, while we helplessly pull our souls together.

We who are broken cannot help but wonder if one of the fragments of our lives, one of the hundreds of pieces of ourselves we try to mend, one of a million shattered hopes and dreams is not our true self.

And that we didn't just cover up ourselves with a pale reflection of what we were.
Ah, poignant words. Dabrowski wrote something about this too, though he took a more positive stance:

Be greeted psychoneurotics!

For you see sensitivity in the insensitivity of the world,
uncertainty among the world's certainties,

For you often feel others as you feel yourselves.

For you feel the anxiety of the world, and
its bottomless narrowness and self-assurance.

For your phobia of washing your hands from the dirt of the world,
for your fear of being locked in the world's limitations,
for your fear of the absurdity of existence.

For your subtlety in not telling others what you see in them.

For your awkwardness in dealing with practical things, and
for your practicalness in dealing with unknown things,
for your transcendental realism and lack of everyday realism,
for your exclusiveness and fear of losing close friends,
for your creativity and ecstasy,
for your maladjustment to that "which is" and adjustment to that which "ought to be",
for your great but unutilized abilities.

For the belated appreciation of the real value of your greatness
which never allows the appreciation of the greatness
of those who will come after you.

For your being treated instead of treating others,
for your heavenly power being forever pushed down by brutal force;
for that which is prescient, unsaid, infinite in you.

For the loneliness and strangeness of your ways.

Be greeted!

2014-01-08, 07:22 AM
Oh, we're posting poetry?

For a friend of mine who's not in great shape. He's got a good chance of being alright, but it's been hard on all of us. I know it's really rough and crappy as far as poems go but whatever.

requiescat in pace, leki azeri

legacies are eternal.
stay safe, arekan.
soar to new highs
among audial peaks and clouds
of synesthesia; pure sensation
pure sound.

just because we weren't there for you
just because i wasn't there
doesn't signify our disappointment
or contempt.
you have nothing to apologize for.
we're the ones who must
explain ourselves
for ignoring your presence
as if you were a mere annoyance.
we are sorry. we love you.

i only wish you'd told us sooner.

2014-01-09, 03:40 AM
Oh, we're posting poetry?

For a friend of mine who's not in great shape. He's got a good chance of being alright, but it's been hard on all of us. I know it's really rough and crappy as far as poems go but whatever.

requiescat in pace, leki azeri

legacies are eternal.
stay safe, arekan.
soar to new highs
among audial peaks and clouds
of synesthesia; pure sensation
pure sound.

just because we weren't there for you
just because i wasn't there
doesn't signify our disappointment
or contempt.
you have nothing to apologize for.
we're the ones who must
explain ourselves
for ignoring your presence
as if you were a mere annoyance.
we are sorry. we love you.

i only wish you'd told us sooner.
Ah, nice! I like the rough stylistic choice.

2014-03-02, 05:11 PM
Not sure if this fits the thread.. but ti couldn't hurt to post
I made some onigiri today:smallsmile:
Salmon for the filling, and an average medium grain rice.

2014-03-05, 06:51 AM
Been feeling really bummed of late, lots of anxiety and gender dysphoria. However I think I've come up with a method to combat the latter, at least a bit.

I spent some time drawing a "what if" picture of what I wish I could look like if I ever tried to transition. It's imperfect, as with all my art, but I'm happier with it than anything I've done in awhile, so that's something.

Here's the DA link go here for pic. (http://mistformsquirrel.deviantart.com/art/What-if-438371927)

And under the spoiler is a smaller version if you don't want to go to DA:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/mistharm/Beautiful_zpsc7cbfd50.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/mistharm/media/Beautiful_zpsc7cbfd50.jpg.html)

I need to shade it yet, but I'm happy with where it's gone so far at least.

Rain Dragon
2014-03-05, 06:55 AM
Your picture is pretty. :smallsmile: 「I hope some day you get to transition」

I only post with something you have probably already noticed. The knees/lower legs and hips seem really out. I think it solves the leaning thing as well.

I really, really like it though and only noticed after I had been looking at it for a few moments already.

Even though they have pink, I wish I had those socks...

EDIT - Looking at the socks more, I like the feet posing.

2014-03-05, 07:06 AM

I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to.

I actually saw in your Squirrel Arts thread first and for some reason I thought it was inspired by Caroline.:smallconfused:

2014-03-05, 09:19 AM
Is pretty! I like it, though can't see anything wrong with it.

Irish Musician
2014-03-05, 02:09 PM
Been feeling really bummed of late, lots of anxiety and gender dysphoria. However I think I've come up with a method to combat the latter, at least a bit.

I spent some time drawing a "what if" picture of what I wish I could look like if I ever tried to transition. It's imperfect, as with all my art, but I'm happier with it than anything I've done in awhile, so that's something.

Here's the DA link go here for pic. (http://mistformsquirrel.deviantart.com/art/What-if-438371927)

And under the spoiler is a smaller version if you don't want to go to DA:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/mistharm/Beautiful_zpsc7cbfd50.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/mistharm/media/Beautiful_zpsc7cbfd50.jpg.html)

I need to shade it yet, but I'm happy with where it's gone so far at least.

She is quite gorgeous. Only thing I'd watch out for is making the skin tone too close to the dress's color. They are almost blending up there by where the dress meets her chest.

2014-03-05, 10:47 PM
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you liked it! I'm planning to shade it tonight/tomorrow, so that should clear up the blending issues with the dress I think. Though if that doesn't work I may just darken the dress a bit hehe <^_^>

2014-03-07, 11:37 AM
Updated the previous picture - I added shading!

DA link (http://mistformsquirrel.deviantart.com/art/What-if-Shades-438815504)

Photobucket IMG under the spoiler:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/mistharm/Beautiful2_zps3c9b0e27.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/mistharm/media/Beautiful2_zps3c9b0e27.jpg.html)

Irish Musician
2014-03-09, 07:52 AM
Updated the previous picture - I added shading!

DA link (http://mistformsquirrel.deviantart.com/art/What-if-Shades-438815504)

Photobucket IMG under the spoiler:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/mistharm/Beautiful2_zps3c9b0e27.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/mistharm/media/Beautiful2_zps3c9b0e27.jpg.html)

Absolutely loverly. The shading really helped and the darkening of the pink dress did as well. Beautifully done.

2014-03-09, 09:15 AM
Really nice Mist :smallsmile:

Done some arts:

All modern AU Attack on Titan stuff for something I hope to get round to starting - basically two already unlikely friends get cast as Romeo and Juliet in the school play and tons of gayngst hilarity ensues!

Since it's AU i'm using existing designs for the most part, but modded a little in some cases, tending towards the manga designs than the anime.







2014-03-10, 11:46 AM
Thanks you two! I've been having a rough go the last few weeks so it feels good to put something out that's well received.

Irish Musician
2014-03-10, 11:56 AM
Really nice Mist :smallsmile:

Done some arts:

All modern AU Attack on Titan stuff for something I hope to get round to starting - basically two already unlikely friends get cast as Romeo and Juliet in the school play and tons of gayngst hilarity ensues!

Since it's AU i'm using existing designs for the most part, but modded a little in some cases, tending towards the manga designs than the anime.







1) Love this so much. All of the different everythings makes this awesome. The drawing is also done quite well and I get where you are going with it.

2) As a lighting/sound guy.....Nail on the freakin' head with those two :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-17, 12:49 AM
Not really LGBTAI related, but as there are several Frozen fans here, I guess I can post it here. :smallsmile:


2014-05-10, 02:19 AM
https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/500x375q90/842/zpl5j.jpg Hm, not really related, but something little made by me I think someone might be interested in. Lenght 55cm or 21inch, made from spring steel. This counts as crafts, right?

2014-05-10, 04:24 AM
https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/500x375q90/842/zpl5j.jpg Hm, not really related, but something little made by me I think someone might be interested in. Lenght 55cm or 21inch, made from spring steel. This counts as crafts, right?

I don't know where the LGBT+ part comes in, but awesome craft.:smalltongue:

2014-05-17, 11:46 AM
I wrote something.

First, I tried to forget
But what use has this wish?
It will never come true
And there‘s no room for healing in it.
But it seemed better, easier than accepting the truth.
I wanted so badly to forget
How you subtly, without me, without anyone noticing,
Destroyed my ability to fly.

For a long time,
It didn‘t matter.
I was too young for flying anyway.
Sometimes I felt a distant ache
And a longing to touch the sky.
But I thought nothing of it, I would fly in time, right?
Once, a dark thought crept up to me, a dark memory.
But I pushed it away, buried it deep in the back of my mind
Never to be told, to be forgotten.

It took a long time, till I realised that I couldn‘t fly,
A long time till I realised
What you had done.

You broke my wings.
And when I tried to fly,
To spread my beautiful wings for the first time
I fell.
I fell, and I crashed and I burned.
And even while falling I still didn‘t understand what happened.
Lots of explanations crossed my panicking mind –
I thought my wings were to weak, I needed more time, more practise
Or I was ill somehow.

And as desperately tried to live with wings that couldn‘t carry me
Someone reached out a hand to me,
Helped me up and asked –
„What is the reason you can‘t fly?
Have your wings been broken?“
I stared at her for a moment, disbelieving.
But I could no longer hide from the truth.
And I broke down crying.

You broke my wings when I was just a child
Time had covered up the wounds, but nothing healed.
And when I tried to fly
Old wounds had opened up and left my wings,
My life, a broken mess.

Sometimes, there‘s hope.
Some days, I can even glide a bit.
Maybe my wounds are healing.
But sometimes, there‘s only agony.
The pain from my crushed wings paralysing me.
All I‘m able to do is curl up and cry for what I have lost.
And all hope for healing is so far away.

So here I stand,
Feeling the wind in my hair,
Seeing the stars so far away,
Singing a distant melody.
I look out to the sky,
But I can‘t reach it.
Here I stand,
Destined to fly, but turned earthbound.

2014-06-09, 09:02 AM
New painting, this time even somewhat LGBTA related:


Cyrael (on the left) and Ilya, from my stories. They're both genderless and hermaphrodites (like all elves in that universe) and poly (like most elves). Cyrael is also asexual. :smallsmile:

Edit: Found another poem I wrote a few weeks ago.

So this is how we meet again
A meeting both met with dread and anticipation
I missed you, a lot
I missed your wit, your humour, the way you smile and make me laugh.
But I was also glad I could avoid you, didn‘t have to see your face
How many lies do you hide behind you smile?
I cannot look into your eyes, I must avert my gaze
To hide the tears, I step away.
When I return, I fake a smile, no time for sadness now.

Maybe with time you notice
That I‘ve grown distant, careful, not the same.
You wonder what changed, why I am avoiding you.
I‘m doing it for you, because in spite of everything
I still love you and want to keep you safe
From judging and hate and misery.
So I keep my distance, stay away
To make sure I can keep my silence
And bury the hurt deep inside of me.

But maybe you don‘t even notice.
You never cared that much for me, did you?
(Not enough to spare me!)
I used to think – to hope! – you did, but I can‘t tell it anymore.
You were my idol, I was hungry for your affirmation
Until I realised the truth – one part of it, I think.
One part that shattered my picture of you
And leaves me dead and empty inside.
Because I just can‘t understand the why.

I want to ask you, beg you, scream at you
To tell me how you could do it, how this could have happened.
But I want to spare you the pain of realising that I remember at all.
So I keep silent, still.
And every day I die a little more inside.

2014-06-13, 12:41 PM
Lucy, you are truly a muse. You fill me with a desire to do better work, just so it can compare.

Speaking of some work, here is a picture I drew. Not really LGBT related, but a couple people asked to see it when I found it. In case you do not know, it is Asuna from Sword Art Online.


Septimus Faber
2014-07-13, 02:10 PM
I was inspired to write this poem after flicking through this thread. It's entitled "To a Homophobe". I know the rhythm went a bit... odd... in the last stanza, but I quite like it. What do you think?

Am I different, after all?
Is it your place to say?
And surely I would tell you if
I had the time of day.

I have moved beyond you now,
Above your petty lies,
Know that when I say this I
See fear in your eyes.

What business was it e'er of yours
What I did behind closed doors?
I will say this now to you.
Understand I'm human too.

If you can't, no fault of mine,
For now move on I must,
In the march of progress, some
Must be left behind in the dust.

Actually, maybe if I'd concentrated on the content rather than the meter it would have been better. Oh well, I suppose I just like rhyme.

Also, Lycunadari, when I read "Wings" I almost cried. That was scarily, wonderfully beautiful. Much better than my effort.

2014-08-13, 03:11 AM
I have seen for the first time that LGBT group can be so friendly and well behaved.