View Full Version : Technology and Magic

2013-06-21, 08:57 AM
Right I'm playing in a game based in Napoleonic levels of technology so armies are kitted out with brown bess style muskets and navies have HMS Victory style ships. But as with any proper D&D campaign it has magic, there are limitations on magic items creation so its mostly just spells. I've got a character who is a bit of an inventor.

My topic of discussion is what tehnologies can be produced/discovered/enhanced through using magic that are keeping with the period of the 19th century. I've already developed a way of harnessing spells like lightning bolt and shocking grasp to charge batteries and use those in electric motors, any other ideas?

2013-06-21, 09:18 AM
Automation through unseen servants. You could have entire 'factories' powered this way. Imagine all those servants performing all the mindless, lower-than-DC-10 tasks while real people do the challenging work. There would be floating disks going back and forth from storage areas to work floors with materials and finished goods too.

What about 'cinemas' powered by illusion spells?