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2013-06-22, 02:12 AM
Of free will and righteous intent
do I solemnly swear by the people of the lands of Eddria
to serve in the most noble order of Knights
of His Grace Frederick Underwood the First of Brakedale.
To honorably act with courage, magnanimity and patience,
To protect the defenseless,
To give aid to the disadvantaged and impoverished,
To denounce unfairness and hatred,
To deal justice to the violent and wicked,
To never turn down a challenge from an equal,
To do His Grace's bidding with diligence and competency,
To forsake love, lust and lands,
Until the flame of my life is extinguished
will I do this all with unquestioning fealty.
I am the land's strength,
The people's spirit,
The King's Cause.

Zyrene VaicomptBeing a Vaicompt in Alfros was wearying. Nevertheless studying under one of the most well known advisers to the King. Lords and Ladies would speak openly against Zyrene's involvement in any noble matter, and declare it a folly for her to be so near to the king. Common folk would spread rumors of her bewitching the king and his retainers in Lord Vaicompt's favor. Merchants would inexplicably raise their prices, claiming it a 'traitor's tax'.

However, as time went by, her loyalty was proven with action. The knights of the King's Cause would rely on her healing after battles. Priests and scholars staying or working in Cleaverun Keep received her help if they needed mending, and once even King Frederick had suffered a severe abdominal laceration that many think he might have died from if it weren't for her help. It became that she was looked upon as an asset, if only by most noble houses and Frederick's knights. So when there was word of a great gathering at the Cleaverun Keep in Alfros of every lordly house in West Eddria, it was no surprise that Zyrene was asked to attend. The letter was sealed with the Underwood's green and gold swirled wax and their great rooted tree impressed into it.

It was the morning of the gathering two days after receiving the letter when Zyrene heard a knock at the door to her chambers and Finsterol's wavery voice floating through the cracks,
'Excuse me, my apprentice? It's high time we head down to the courtyard. The procession has nearly started.'

Dame Magdalena du LacDuring the uprising of the bay lords, Ser Mazer Allgood had noticed Magdalena's noble spirit and had taken her as a squire. Throughout the ensuing battles, the elf and her ranger guardian Valar proved fierce courage and both earned knighthood when the throne was taken for King Frederick.

Dame Magdalena continued to serve the king through reporting news of the townsfolk from the various orphanages throughout the city. The king soon had her help set up informants and orphanages throughout the coastal cities of Eddria, to better understand how his people thought. Her fellow knight Ser Valar became a personal ranger for the king seeking out bandits and treasonous folk across Eddria, and Ser Mazer had gone to fight in skirmishes along the foothills of the Rusty Knolls.

A letter had come to Magdalena from the capitol city Alfros. It was an invitation for a great feast of all the noble houses of West Eddria, and the king's great council of knights, the King's Cause. As she came into the city, she found both Ser Valar and Ser Mazer waiting for her near the gates of the Cleaverun Keep. As Ser Mazer turned, he had sported one less eye than the last time Dame Magdalena had seen him. Along with a great scar cutting across his right eyebrow and through the pulverized eye socket.

'Magda! It's been so dreadfully long,' rasps Ser Mazer.

Dame Constance Von HimmerSince the Battle of the Fenns, Dame Constance was a part of the four knights who personally guarded King Frederick alongside the stout and surly Dame Gideon Damask, the lean and prideful Ser Zallus Flagg and the Hook-nosed and humorous Ser Marlon Binks. These four watched over Frederick as he campaigned throughout West Eddria, rallying the people behind his cause as more of his knights and soldiers were fighting back the crag men along the foothills of the Rusty Knolls and Grey Shock headed by the dauntless Ser Mazer Allgood and the Crimson Dragon Dame Modesty Cooper.

A year after championing the throne at Alfros, King Frederick received word from Ser Mazer of an immense battle at the Red Hill as several of the crag lords from houses Cobb, Bears and Yronmine advanced upon the peoples of the nearby towns along the banks of the Lodestone Rush. Frederick took Dame Gideon and Dame Constance as well as 2,000 sword, bow and mount to oppose the threat. As Frederick's army joined Ser Mazer's, they had crushed the opposing forces and scattered them into the mountains. The lord of the Bloody Stronghold, Lord Geoffrey Bears had bent the knee to King Frederick, and became a key strong point in the defense against the crags. Dame Constance earned honors during battle for saving her fellow knight, Ser Mazer after having his eye crushed in by a screaming madman with a wicked mace.

After long, Frederick continued his campaigning until he heard every lord south of the knolls and west of the shock swear fealty, which was to be concluded by a great gathering of them all at Cleaverun Keep.

The morning of the gathering, Constance stared out of her quarters at the great procession into the city when a there was a knock on her door accompanied by the high voice of a young squire, 'Dame Constance? King Frederick requests your presence at once.'

Ser Valar ArgentumAfter marching with Frederick Underwood alongside his charge, Magdalena Du Lac during the uprising of the bay lords, Valar Argentum was initiated into the service of Frederick's King's Cause for outstanding bravery and great tactical merit.

During the battle of the Fellfjord, it was Valar who had navigated the steep stone walls housing the Lodestone Rush to surprise their enemy. The city-keep of Fellfjord was build into the walls of this river canyon and is the only crossing for the Lodestone Rush for kilometers in either direction. The lord of Fellfjord, Lord John VonJohn IV was a staunch supporter of the Emporer Donald Wallace. The battle of Fellfjord was essential in reaching the throne city Alfros before the Emperor could get reinforcements, and to control the massive trade hub of the Lazuli Fjord.

As a knight, Ser Valar headed a small group of twenty rangers who scouted the lands of West Eddria for bandits, spies and militias loyal to the Wallaces. Notably among them was Maege Thorne, a young dwarven woman good with a crossbow, Gregory Marr, a middle-aged half-elf man who was missing an ear, but never seemed to miss a faint sound in the forest, and Gerdwick Prett, a lanky huntress who could see for miles and run for days. In the next couple of years, Valar and his majesty's rangers disbanded many small groups of Wallace's supporters, making travel and trade a bit safer in the west, though earning himself personal enemies as his name became wider known.

The ranger's stayed at a small abandoned abbey several miles north and east of the Cleaverun Keep in Alfros. It was here that Ser Valar recieved a summons from the King Frederick I to appear at the great gathering of the western houses at Cleaverun. It was two days later that Ser Valar was at Cleaverun and greeting with Ser Mazer, a former tutor of Dame Magdalena, when the Dame Magdalena showed up in person.

'Magda! It's been so dreadfully long,' rasps Ser Mazer.

Dame Modesty Cooper and Dame Merfire CaervelleModesty Cooper, Merfire Caervelle and the mounted forces of house Cooper were key in the uprising of the bay lords. Without their help, it was likely Frederick's foot soldiers wouldn't have made it to Alfros, and certainly couldn't have taken Cleaverun Keep at the battle of the Fenns. Modesty in particular was awarded for her courage and unwavering spirit during the march, and Merfire was praised for her valor and battle prowess. For their service, they both became anointed knights in King Frederick I King's Cause.

Afterward, Dame Modesty and Dame Merfire joined Ser Mazer Allgood, a close friend of King Frederick and fellow knight in the King's Cause, to the foothills of Merecrag in the Rusty Knolls. It was there that the three of them met 3,000 of Frederick's foot soldiers and drove back the Greenmonts who were supporters of Donald Wallace II. From Merecrag, they battled their way east along the Rusty Knolls and south along the Grey Shock to free the borders of West Eddria from bandits and cragmen rangers. At the Red Hill, the enemy was overwhelming. The crag forces of Cobb, Bears and Yronmine joined together to force Frederick's forces back, cleaving their already weakened army in two. After 3 days of battle, fresh forces from King Frederick's army headed by Dame Constance tilted the battle in Frederick's favor. The Dame Constance herself saving Ser Mazer's life, leaving him only scarred and missing an eye. The taking of the Red Hill signified the end of King Frederick's campaign, and the solidification of West Eddria under Frederick's banner.

This moment was celebrated with a large gathering of all the noble lords of West Eddria, in which the King's Cause was set to attend as well. On the day of the event, Dame Modesty and Dame Merfire traveled together to the capitol city Alfros, where the gathering was set to be held. As they drifted through the sea of people crowding the streets, they came unto the great banded oak doors of Cleaverun Keep, a haggard old guard hailed them,

'Dames! Aye, you'll be wantin' in I s'pose. The Cause'll be gathering in the west lesser hall just before the feast. I imagine you'll find some direction there.' The man raised a stubby fingered hand and signaled to one of the twin parapets. The great oak doors creaked open, allowing the knights entrance.

2013-06-22, 07:59 AM
Valar smiles at Magda as she approaches, his now shoulder length blond hair drawn back into a tight pony tail, accentuating his already pointed elven features. He has not changed from his northern hunting clothes: he sports a dark green tunic with a black cloak draped loosely over his shoulders, on it a small golden symbol of the king.

Valar bows slightly as Mazer greets Magda. "I, too, am glad to see you" He says in his quiet way.

2013-06-22, 08:24 AM
Magda's black hair has been dyed with a bright red streak to match her armor.

She smiled at both the older mentor and the hunter.

"Greetings, my friends. It has been a while but quiet and peace is good, no?"

2013-06-22, 12:11 PM
Walking along, Dame Modesty is idly tracing the fabric of her eyepatch. Set with the insignia of her house. "...I feel out of sorts." Mmm. "It must be the loss of my helm." Or, rather, her entire set of armor. It's like a second skin to her, at this point, and shows her station. Today, though, for the gathering, it's best to show her face. Instead, she's wearing a uniform - the split green and gold overcoat, the dark-green pants, the high leather boots she was riding in. And the gloves. Little...white things. Much flimsier and smaller than her gauntlets, or the leather gloves she's used to. Crimson locks tied in a low tail, instead of high. Sun-touched skin, showing now. And her eyepatch in clear view, as well as her other eye, of deep green. She's not the only one-eyed knight in the King's service.

For now, she has her sword on her hip, and her buckler on the back of her belt, in easy reach. Even without her lance, she doesn't go to a place unarmed. Not where duels have started, and assassins could wait. And she is just as skilled with the sword, as she is with the lance.

After coming to the doors, and...well, perhaps not needing an introduction, she gives the old soldier a bow and a tossed coin his way. It's customary to tip the doorman. And, going inside, the Dame gives a few quick looks around. "West lesser hall...I swear it, the family manor isn't this large. Need a map just to not get lost in here."

2013-06-22, 01:55 PM
Merfire follows Dame Modesty as a shadow, still feeling more as a loyal squire then a fellow knight. "To be honest, I'm glad to finally not wear a helm... or armor for that matter." She replies to Modesty's remark. Merfire did feel proud to were a fancy uniform instead of her normal clothes, but it was a lot more itchy then her own clothes.
When they reached the door Merfire also bowed to the guard and followed Dame Modesty in. "Don't look at me milady, I still have troubles with any building larger then the farming stead I came from."

2013-06-22, 05:24 PM
"Ah...the great ladies of the battlefield, meeting their mightiest foe yet: Architecture." Letting a smirk cross her face, she taps her chin. West hall...likely coming in...but was the building facing a different direction...? Nonsense.

She takes a left, leading Merfire. "You're a fully-fledged knight, now. If you wanted to fight in an iron pot on your head and leaves over your breasts, I'm quite sure you would get looks, but you would still be a knight doing it. T'is as close to royalty as you can get, without being of noble birth or marrying a well-hung prince." Hmm. She considers that. "Or, gods willing, a lovely, strapping tart of a princess." She moves her hands while she talks. Out here, curved in here, and a rather nice set of these. "T'would be the day."

2013-06-23, 06:21 AM
“Aye, Master Finsterol,” Zyrene replied, stepping over to the door and pulling it open that her aged mentor could hear her better. “I was just making sure that my raiment matches the occasion...they do tend to set such a store by appearance at court.” The young lady looked down upon her high-waisted gown of sapphire velvet with its rich-yet-understated silver embroidered trim.

“I would be happier in my plain cotton gown of teal,” the wizard’s apprentice said frankly, “But I know that I must dress as befits your station and this occasion...so this dress must again see the light of day.” She sighed and went to the nearby clothes-tree upon which hung the cloaks of both spellcasters, plucking up the one belonging to Finsterol and duly aiding the elder with fastening the golden brooch that held the garment in place--his fingers were sometimes too stiff for him to easily work the clasp. Once that was done, Zyrene took up her own cloak--a hooded woolen garment of deep forest green--and clipped it together at the base of her throat with a silver brooch.

“Has our monarch hinted at the purpose for this particular assembly, Master..?” she asked. “I have been so absorbed in my studies that I must confess to not following current events as closely as I normally would...” Zyrene took up her walking stick--a plain but sturdy staff that was a scant four feet in height--and opened the door for Finsterol as protocol demanded.

She was quite interested in any tales her master had to tell her during their journey to Cleaverun Keep.

2013-06-23, 08:29 AM
"Yes, it,has been quite a relief how quiet the north has been. But, if I have any sense for time, we must be off, and I must resign myself to this unfortunately common attire" he holds his cloak out for demonstration purposes, but looks neither worried nor embarrassed. His eyes gleam at Magda for a second: You are looking quite well, it seems our time apart was good for you he says inhis paternal way, in Slyvian, the language they had often spent time learning together, before Magda was a true knight.

2013-06-23, 11:04 AM
Magda smiles and responds in kind. "It has been...interesting to say the least. Our good king has had me setting up orphanages all across the land. I must say it's almost nice to be back in armor. Though seeing how the others are dressed, I may need be a bit over...underdressed. Ah well. Lead the way, my friend."

Morbis Meh
2013-06-24, 10:16 AM
This campaign had proven to be a long one, successful but with a high price, she grieved the losses solemly as she gazed at the procession before her window. Lost in though she did not hear the young squire approach her door, a rare occurance, the honed senses of the halfling knight normally didn't allow for such unnoticed intrusions. Turning the voice, Constance kept her surprise in concealed as she regarded the squire cooly. Hmmm Squire Farham I believe under Ser Mortman of House du Lac A bright smile forms on her pale face and she nods in response "I shall heed my Lord's call immediately, thank you Farham for the message. Oh and just a little tip, I believe you should focus more on your swordplay, you are much better at it than polearms. I know the du Lacs have an obsession with those gaudy things but I am a firm believer of building on your strengths.."

Turning back to the window she gives on last look to the profession before sighing gently. It takes only moments for Constance to slip on her mail shirt and cover it with her house tabbard, she wish times were different and she didn't have to arm herself everytime she left her room but as a guardian of her king she best be prepared for all situations. Attaching her sword belt to her waist and shouldering her bow and quiver, the halfling leaves her humble room and proceeds down the hallway. Within a few minutes she arrives at King Fredrick's chambers, not bothering to wait to be admitted she enters and kneels before her King.

2013-06-24, 04:34 PM
Valar nods, following along for the most part. I must say your mastery of Slyvian is... He pauses, as if grasping for a word concise He then frowns slightly at himself, and casually switches to his more comfortable, native elvish: "You must have been practicing. I too, have unfortunate garb for this occasion. But what's done is done, and we must be off." He then looks at Ser Mazer, and seems to remember himself. "Ah, but forgive my rudeness," he says, switching again into common, "I was merely commenting on how much Magda has changed since I saw her last. But more importantly on how we must be off." And with that, Valar begins to head off towards the doors of the great Cleaverun Keep

2013-06-25, 03:07 AM
Dame Magdalena and Ser ValarThe old knight stood stiffly in his brown and white slashed doublet and white woolen breeches. A pair of supple brown leather gloves tucked into his iron studded belt, and tall ochre boots on his feet. A silver great rooted tree clasped his flowing black cloak embroidered with the same silver tree and lined with sable. Ser Mazer offers a wearied, toothless grin, 'The King's peace is growing, to be sure. Come knights, we have a meeting in the West lesser hall before the feast with King Frederick I.' He turns away and leads you across the great ironwood drawbridge that spanned the man made river and under the heavy iron gate and into the towering three sided stronghold of Cleaverun Keep.

Zyrene VaicomptThe bent old man accepted the help with his cloak and brooch from his young apprentice graciously. He gingerly hobbled out of the room and into the tall hallway with the help of his gnarled bonewood stave, his droopy, faded pink sorcerer's cap bobbing as he walked. He paused for a moment and gave Zyrene a warm smile. 'First of all, I must say that I am very proud of your competence in sorcery thus far. I have no doubt that you will become a very helpful advisor for King Frederick, and a great teacher to your apprentice, should you ever choose to take one. This meeting is for the Cause, and the close advisors of King. His campaign has come to an end, and he must decide what is the next best action to take. He has need of all of his resources if he is to wrest North Eddria from those who think Donald Wallace III is the rightful heir to the throne. Now come, we must attend the others in the West lesser hall.' Finsterol turns and leads you down the turnpike staircase toward the main hall.

Dame ConstanceThe King was sitting at a low table enjoying roasted quail and egg, blood sausage, a sour pickled cabbage stew, and several bowls filled with figs, peaches, raisins, and chopped almonds. He was being attended by Ser Zallus, Dame Gideon and the King's personal squire, ward and Lord VonJohn's son, Bahn VonJohn. A cupbearer was refilling his winehorn when he shooed him away impatiently, 'Don't you know that just about two cups is the perfect amount of wine to drink?! Do you want me to be incoherent? Bring me some water.' He sets down his silverware and acknowledges the halfling, 'Dame Constance. I am having a meeting of my most loyal advisors just before the great feast. The West lesser hall. Go, I will be there shortly.'

Cleaverun Keep is an impenetrable architectural masterpiece. The stronghold is carved from one solid triangular slab of silvery blue granite jutting high up from the land just at the fork of the Rosewyne into the Copper vein and the Ruby vein. The keep resembles a massive blue ship cutting up the river with the earthy rainbow of onyx at it's merlons, adorning the hallways, entrances and the horizontal segments of steps. The Rosewyne forks along two of the flat sides of the keep, and there is a manmade river cutting along the front of the hold leaving Cleaverun on a triangular island. Seven tall towers outline the keep sporting well protected battlements with deep cut crenelations just wide enough for an archer to see out of. Every hallway of the castle was carved by hand and includes beautiful etched scrollwork along the bottom portion of the walls with fantastical battle scenes carved in milky onyx adorning the top. Larger rooms with vaulted ceilings have great paintings spread across their domed surfaces of gods, constellations or fantastical monsters in vibrant and flowing colors. In the great and lesser halls are tall green and bronze satin draperies with the Underwood's rooted tree upon them hanging from the ceilings almost to the floors.

The West lesser hall wasn't any different. The domed ceiling had stained glass along it's length with images of the council of kings who first ordered the creation of this castle. Four fires burned in wide hearths two on each lengthwise wall. Between the six granite columns lining the room, three long tables enough for a hundred men each were bustling with the knights of the King's Cause, each with the black cloak with gold embroidered trees upon them. As Ser Mazer entered the room, a wide jawed man thick arms and a barrel chest stands up and bellows through his gap toothed grin, 'Allgood! I thought I heard you spilled your brains on the field?!' The man raises his tankard and shouts to the rest of the room, 'To Ser Mazer and all the King's men who nearly died for his peace!' The room erupts in a wave of agreements and general hollering.

Morbis Meh
2013-06-25, 09:20 AM
"As you command my Lord." Constance rises from her position and exits the way she came, maneuvering around the unfamiliar corridors slowly until reaching the hall. The raccous laughter both caused her to smile and roll her eyes, it was not even noon and the men were already into their tankards Peace seems to have made them complacent already, though I suppose they have earned a brief respite for the time being.... She enters the hall while the cheers sound from the toast "Ser Mazer and the rest of you, may I suggest you take on a more restrained tone; Our King follows behind me and shortly we will begin today's council, as much as I enjoy commradery between my fellow knights this is not the most appropriate of times. We have not finished our fight yet and it is best that we remain vigilant until the Northern Threat has been dealth with. Though if you are all having trouble focusing I could serenade you with a pipe tune..." An impish grin sprouts from the corner of her mouth as she threatened their ale clouded heads with bag pipes.

2013-06-25, 11:02 AM
"And I would need my lance, for your pipes are best-served as a battle-standard upon the end of it, Dame Constance Von Himmer." Walking in, hands behing her back as she paces, Modesty stares at Constance from across the tables. A mirthful smirk on her face. "When you last played them, the very people dead upon the battlefield rose up and aided us, so we could all get some rest. Were you to play again for the King, I am sure his hair would fall out on the spot." She walks along, approaching the short Dame. "T'were it not for Dame Merfire, I would surely have perished on the spot. But alas, no mercy was shown, for I still live in a cruel land, where Dames may torment us all with their instumental prowess." She kneels before Constance, grinning as she's on one knee, so they're at face-level with each other.

2013-06-26, 12:40 AM
Zyrene gently made sure that her master had ample support as he carefully advanced towards their ultimate destination. His pace gave the apprentice more than enough time to carefully consider the matter of how to deal with the matter of North Eddria.

She recalled the obdurate insistence by most members of her family that the Wallace family was the true and rightful ruler of the land, regardless of their personal history for treating absolutely everyone like stable fodder. It was a view that her estranged father held near and dear to his own heart.

“May the Watcher guide us, then,” Zyrene said softly, “I fear that the Wallace supporters will not give up without exacting a heavy toll from us all.”

Zyrene’s heartfelt hope was lost as the toast to honor Ser Mazer and the fallen heroes of battles past was bellowed aloud and enthusiastically received by the nobles already in attendance. Zyrene smiled in agreement and guided Finsterol to his usual place at the assembly before seeking her own seat.

Morbis Meh
2013-06-26, 08:29 AM
Constance pouts in jest "Dame Cooper, I thought you would like the gift I got you for your previous nameday. You could use a little music in your life and what better way to motivate you than to have an enchanted pair of pipes in your home. You do know that if you wanted them to stop playing all you would have to do is play them yourself for a few minutes." The halfling looks her companion in the eye before giving a playful shove "Now get off of the floor I am no Lord and you are going to get your tabbard dirty, I know it isn't as pretty as my house colours but you should respect them all the same!"

2013-06-26, 10:51 AM
She stands, waving her hands a bit. "I dare not touch those hellish things! The fact that I could not bathe in peace reinforces my intent." Modesty plants a hand on top of Constance's head. "I'm sure being pretty will stop many a soldier, but I only kneel so that we may stand on equal terms." Grin. "And I have yet to see your sword-arm do much more to me than grace my ankles with a blade."

2013-06-26, 12:25 PM
Valar follows Ser Mazer into the grand hall, and is silent for much of the going-ons. He watches a display between a halfling and a knight who was missing her eye that Valar didn't know the name of. It was to be expected, he did not know many of the knights of the king since he spent so much time in the forests, and it didn't bother him in the slightest. Valar finds himself smiling slightly, and leaning towards Magda a little, he whispers in Elven: "Why do you think humans insist on insulting their friends? I have been here for almost a hundred years, and still that surprises me"

2013-06-26, 12:49 PM
As the young sorceress sat down by her master, she noticed a female knight teasing another female knight, this one a halfling. They looked to be in high spirits, like the majority of the nobles present. Zyrene smiled and chuckled. The matter at hand would soon turn this assembly serious enough, so it was nice to see others having fun now.

2013-06-26, 12:55 PM
Merfire stands behind Dame Modesty trying not to laugh out loud. There was a thin line between supporting one knight and insulting an other. She decided to look around and take in the sights. She sees two elves entering, talking to each other and wondered if she could understand them if she got closer. Then she realizes she is knight and it is wrong to spy on others. She tries to look around more and fiddle with her thumbs, but still curiously peeks at the elves, intrigued by their presence.

Morbis Meh
2013-06-26, 12:59 PM
Constance raises her hand as she sighs "I am afraid it's rather difficult to anything but your ankles since they extend all the way to your hips. Maybe that's why your father was never able to find a respectable suitor, last I heard the giants are all in hiding. Cheer up though Dame Cooper ye shall always have me at your side and I will play my pipes in hopes that one day you will wear a veil instead of that ghastly dragon helm of yours."

2013-06-26, 01:40 PM
Valar finds himself smiling slightly, and leaning towards Magda a little, he whispers in Elven: "Why do you think humans insist on insulting their friends? I have been here for almost a hundred years, and still that surprises me"

Magda shrugs. "It is beyond me. Even though I was raised among them, it still confuses me...though perhaps here it is a way of showing camaraderie...I notice it happens amongst the younglings in the orphanages as well." She responds in Elven as well.

2013-06-26, 08:56 PM
Magda shrugs. "It is beyond me. Even though I was raised among them, it still confuses me...though perhaps here it is a way of showing camaraderie...I notice it happens amongst the younglings in the orphanages as well." She responds in Elven as well.

Value smiles "Camaraderie should be said in your words and shown in your actions, not batted about like prepubescent school children. Remember that, Magda" it feels good to speak in elvish, after being stuck to the human's tongue for so long.

2013-06-27, 01:38 AM
The knight's all cheered on the scene with raucous cries. The men and women clinking their steel rimmed horns and drinking ale and wine to peace and brotherhood. Then Dame Gideon and Ser Zallus appear at the door's entrance, stand on either side and rap their poleaxes loudly on smooth granite floors until the noise subsides. All knights in attendance find a spot at a table, but stand at attention as King Frederick the First calmly walks down the center aisle, attended by the Fellfjord ward, Bahn VonJohn walking in front and Frederick's own son Felldrick Underwood walking just behind. Both young boys are wearing velvet doublets of their houses and colors, and holding wooden poles with their house standards hanging from them; the rooted tree of Underwood and the diving falcon of VonJohn. Frederick himself stands at 5'6'' only just above the young boys' heads. His bright smile seeming to stretch to impossible proportions across his fleshy face. Small but intelligent eyes dart across the room, meeting the knights' eyes as he walks past. He wears a soft green leather doublet with gold scrollwork along the seams and a matching cape clasped to his shoulders by the roots of two silver trees. A bastard sword with a jade pommel in a jade encrusted iron and leather sheathe peaks from under his cloak, and a modest white gold and onyx crown sat atop his pale and wiry hair. As he ascends the dais and turns to the rest of the hall, the young boys post their standards in small mounts and wait in front of their chairs.

'At ease, my knights. There will be plenty of time to celebrate our successes at the great feast just after this gathering. Take a seat and listen.' The King patiently waits for the one hundred and forty two in attendance to quiet down, then continues, 'All of Eddria west of the crags is for the moment safe. This has come much too late, and has cost us many innocent lives on both sides! The Emperor's former bannermen are still enforcing his law in North Eddria, which we cannot abide by! The Wallace family cursed this nation with rampant thievery and brought every sort of brigand and highwaymen to find homes in our woods. We must take back our lands and bring justice to those who profited from our pain!

Frederick looks to the back of the room and waves someone in. A short and wide man with close set blue eyes and short sandy hair ambles through the tables and kneels before king Frederick, his flowing pale blue silks draping along the dais steps.

'Rise, lord VonJohn.'the king then looks out to the knights, 'Lord VonJohn has agreed to wed his daughter to my eldest son Felldrick, and I am to keep his first born son Bahn Von John at Cleaverun Keep as ward and as a gesture of fealty. The houses Underwood and VonJohn uniting shall herald a new era of peace, and the fall of the Wallace Empire!' After the cheering subsided, Frederick smiles and gestures and John VonJohn bows deeply before walking out of the door. Looking back to the knights Frederick continues, 'There is just under an hour before the first of this ten course feast is underway. I implore you to join the gathering noblemen and women in the Grand Hall and enjoy all the wine and ale you wish. The king then gestures for everyone to stand and place their hand on their heart. All attending speaking as one voice the room becomes alive:

'I am the land's strength,
the people's spirit,
the King's Cause.'

The two boys attending the king then stand up and leave their standards in the mounts as they walk out of the room just behind King Frederick I. The knights left to mingle or leave as they wish.

To Everyone:
As you go to exit the room, Dame Gideon Damask stops you and tells you the king wants to see you privately. To go directly to his solar and waste no time at the feast.

2013-06-27, 05:48 AM
Vallar murmurs: "I wonder what it could be about. Perhaps they're upset by our lack of dress after all"

Morbis Meh
2013-06-27, 08:32 AM
Constance smiles crookedly, she knew something was up and it smelled like a fox hunt. Out of the remaining knights assembled, Constance was best aquainted Damn Damask. She certainly was not the most pleasant to be around but at least her heart and arm were true to the cause. Constance felt odd, she was used to being in the King's personal guard but as of late she had been kept on the edge. Whether or not this was a punishment for an unknown slight or a necessity for a higher purpose she would find out soon enough. "Very well Dame Damask, but in return you must drink for me in my absense." Her smile turns into a grin as the halfling knight departs.

2013-06-27, 03:27 PM
Magda shrugs. "Perhaps. I suspect give our Liege though, there is more to it."

2013-06-27, 09:39 PM
Nodding, and following along with the others after the speech and shpiel and whatnot, Modesty thinks to herself. "...in all honestly? If I were to be wed off to some rich, royal haughtiness, he would have to be able to keep up with me, first."

2013-06-29, 02:21 PM
Merfire follows as well but does wonder out loud: "The king wants to see us... Is that the good kind or the bad kind?"

2013-06-29, 08:27 PM
In spite of the immediacy of the summons, Zyrene took the time to find a knight who acquiesced in her request to help Finsterol to his customary place at the feasting tables and to see him comfortably seated. This took a moment or two, as the first couple of nobles she attempted to address deliberately ignored her attempt to hail them...as it was, the third (who was kind enough to tend to Finsterol) clearly only did so in deference to the revered wizard and not Zyrene herself.

Yes, suspicions regarding her true loyalties were still very much alive and healthy at court. Ah, well--at least King Frederick himself believed in the sorcerer’s apprentice, and that bolstered Zyrene through the obvious snub.

As a result of her slight delay, the ivory-maned young lady found herself trailing a handful of His Majesty’s other knights: an elven couple, a very colorful dragon-themed knight with a companion of the halfling persuasion and...


Zyrene was stumped by the last figure: dressed in clean and predominantly green clothing, the person she was following to the solar was shorter than the average elf; much, much taller than the average halfling--and yet also (somehow) seemed to prompt the feeling that Zyrene really ought to have known the race...yet it escaped her brain every time she tried to grasp the answer to the puzzle.

'I have a feeling that I should have applied myself more strenuously to the study of other-worldly cultures rather than fixate on the healing arts,' she thought to herself. Now she was just sure that the puzzle about the heritage of the fiery-maned female with the green kerchief was going to distract her no end for the next few days...

2013-07-02, 02:12 AM
Out of the west lesser hall, a corridor with vaulted ceilings lead left and gradually upwards with shallow, onyx topped steps. The hallway's right wall sported a series of wide arched windows, giving an impressive view of the Great Hall where many lords and ladies are gathering at the twelve long oak tables, squires are busy hanging monstrous house banners with magnificent heraldry, and kitchen maids, pot girls and cupbearers are bringing out silverware and drinks for the attendants. The sweet smells of crisped honeyed ham, crumbly barm cakes and savory mushroom pasties waft from the kitchens below.

The corridor you follow meets it's twin at an intersection just above and behind the king's throne. The throne itself is the rich violet of polished amethyst with the striped gold of tiger's eye set into its surface as intricate embroidery. The doors to the King's private quarters were also made of the same polished amethyst with tall tiger's eye bars for handles.

Inside, the king was standing beside a long ironwood table next to a wide-nosed dwarven member of the King's guard with the salty look of a sailor. As you all file in, there is enough room along the sides of the table for the six of you and the sea-knight. Frederick looks about the table, nodding in silent approval the team he's assembled. He looks toward the door and gestures for Dame Gideon and Ser Zallus to guard the hallway. After the door groans shut, the King turns back toward the seven in the room and gives a weary sigh, 'Knights, welcome. The shadow of Donald Wallace still looms over this country. Despite our efforts, there are still those in West Eddria who believe Donald Wallace III ought to be King. I fear I may have brought unnecessary bloodshed to the capitol, as I have sources who tell me that some of the guests for this banquet may be assassins or Wallace loyalists. I must attend the feast for the morale of my country, and if something should happen, my Cause will not let the scoundrel escape unscathed. I must also attend this feast because I have something more important that I must have done while it happens.'

'My son Feldrick is the heir to the throne. I must keep him safe no matter what the cost. You seven will leave with my son for Brinkwatch along the Boulder Road tonight. Its a good two weeks travel on horseback, but no one could follow you without being seen. There's an ally in Brinkwatch to take Feldrick and give you word of what needs to happen next. I need to use each of your expertise to rouse the North in my favor, and put an end to the long and bloody reign of the Wallaces.'

Frederick looks about the room, then begins speaking to the sailor, 'Ser Horus Monde, you have been key in keeping my trade routes and coastal towns safe. Without you, the march to Cleaverun would have been harried by seaborne fleets. For this, I am greatly appreciative. Your position as first nautical officer will be passed on to your twin daughters, after tonight.'

He then looks at Zyrene, 'Zyrene Viacompt. There is no better healer in my court or in my kingdom as you. You give me hope that our enemies may yet see that we can build an era of prosperity together. You have shown the utmost of loyalty in the face of adversity. For this I thank you. Finsterol will be sad to hear you have moved on, but he may yet have years enough to train another apprentice, as I'm sure you will as well.'

'Dame Magdalena DuLac. You have helped me keep a step ahead of my enemies by being well informed. It was your informants who allowed me to counter the threats of the crag men skirmishes along the mountain foothills, and also who informed me of the ill-meaning guests at tonight's feast. For this, you have my thanks. While you are traveling on duty, we will need one of your informants to become my head of secrets. Hopefully one as capable as you. Possibly the sister who runs the Alfros orphanage, or the one from Greenbrooke? We'll have to decide tonight, unfortunately.'

'Dame Constance VonHimmer. You have personally protected me for three years, and I have never felt safer. Your valor was key to winning the Battle of the Fenns, and your cunning won the Battle at Red Hill and saved Ser Mazer's life. For this I am most grateful. You must now protect my son and this group as you have honorably protected me.'

'Ser Valar Argentum, my senior Ranger. You know these lands more intimately than I could ever dream. Your rangers use sharp wits and sure swords to keep Eddria free of malicious folk, and your ingenuity in battle earned us the Fellfjord with minimal casualties. For this, I give my deepest thanks. The rangers will be left in the care of one of them. The choice is up to you who I can trust to do the job.'

'Dame Modesty Cooper, the Crimson Dragon. You have been at the front lines of every major battle since I have reigned as king, and even during the march on the throne. Without your inspiration and leadership, I couldn't have hoped to hold the throne for long. For this, you have my utmost respect. As I send you to wage peace for your King, bring my knights back alive.'

'Dame Merfire Caervelle--you have been a force to be reckoned with as accounts of your prowess in battle reach my ears. See Mazer himself swears that no enemy could best you in single combat. You are well trained in many styles of weaponry, and embody the discipline needed to make a change in this country. For this, I thank you. I will need your skill to see my plans to the end.'

King Frederick I stands up straight and announces to those at the table, 'Rise my knights. You seven are my most loyal and capable followers. The fate of Eddria depends on how well you perform the task set before you. As well as being knight's of the King's Cause, you seven will form an elite council of knights sworn to carry out the King's orders, sometimes in secrecy. Each of you will get a rooted tree brooch that will allow you access to contacts throughout Eddria, as well as 1,000 gold coins to get you to Brinkwatch. Ser Marlon Binks is waiting in the royal stables with my son and your mounts.' The King upends a canvas bag onto the table, spilling out seven smaller burlap satchels, each containing 1,000 gold and an ornate enameled gold brooch in the shape of the Underwood tree.

2013-07-02, 12:04 PM
Modesty takes the bag, looking over the brooch for the moment. Contacts...she looks at the others. "...well, Dame Constance. It seems you will have to wait a while yet before I ever retire the helm." Appraising each and every one. Seaman, spy, healer, ranger, soldier, shield...making her the tip of the lance. If one must do it... "Knights, we dare not tarry. Those needing to discuss their replacements, do so now - gather what things you must, but if it can be done without, then it shouldn't have to come with you. Dame Constance, Ser Valar, you are my eyes, and Dame Magdalena, you are my ears. You, and I, have seen too much battle to fall for an ambush on a leisurely stroll to Brinkwatch. Ser Horus, we shall need your expertise before the end - Madame Zerene, it is an honor to have you along. And Dame Merfire..." She smirks. "...I do believe it's time for the Dragon to put on her scales."

Bowing... "We meet in one hour at the stables. King Frederick...know that whatever happens tonight, we shall meet again, in one form or another. It is still my honor to serve you and the cause." She straightens, intent on headed straight for the small house her and Merfire have been residing in. These fancy clothes don't suit her - her armor and lance are hanging, there, waiting to rejoin her. She has a mission.

And may the heavens have mercy on any soul who dares stand against the Dragon or her comrades.

Morbis Meh
2013-07-02, 02:33 PM
Constance can't help but crack up as Modesty goes on "Oh Modesty, I think you missed your true calling, your love of the dramatics is so amusing. Though you should really pay better attention, our Lord told us we leave tonight, not on the hour. Though unlike yourself I could leave at this very moment but just because we can be ready to move doesn't mean our charge is. We leave when Lord Feldick is ready and not a moment sooner, to rush would bring notice to our mission.'

Wiping a tear from her eye she smiles and bows to her king "No worries my liege, we shall keep your son safe... as long as Modesty doesn't bore him to death with one of her speeches or I don't serenade him with my pipes." Casually, the halfling picks up the purse and removes the brooch from it. Momentarily inspecting it, she follows her friend out of the room.

2013-07-02, 05:17 PM
Magda seems a bit surprised by the suddenness of the Crimson Dragon's taking of the reigns but having heard of her exploits in battle, she is not unwilling to follow her leadership.

To the King, she responds. "My leige, I would recommend Sister Amys from Greenbrooke, she is well versed in the same arts I have been." She bows.

"And since, I have not had much chance to unpack, so I will join the Dragon in the stables to await your son."

2013-07-02, 06:03 PM
Zyrene frowned inwardly as King Frederick made his announcement--he was taking quite a risk by insisting on sticking to etiquette, but she couldn’t really fault him on his logic: appearances often did make a difference when it came to popular perception, and maintaining himself as the highly-visual target of any assassination attempt would likely mean that only Frederick himself would be hurt in any attempt to kill him.

Still, leaving her monarch to face possible ambush while she fled the city...no, that part surely didn’t sit well with her at all. Nor would the other knights present like that aspect of this plan, either.

But, again, this squad of seven would not be fleeing to save themselves--they’d be safeguarding the heir to the throne. A noble cause, even if it would look otherwise to the uninformed.

“Sire,” the young sorceress spoke up, “Forgive my breech of etiquette, but...is this mission to be a secret from everyone--even Master Finsterol...?”

2013-07-03, 06:42 AM
Valar rises and bows slightly, keeping his arms to his side as is custom for his people. "Thank you, M'lord. I am honored. Feldrick shall not be harmed. Rest easy in that thought. As for my replacement, there is a young human ranger- young, I say, she is probably forty or so now, aged by your standards- she goes by the name of Marie-Danielle LeClaire. She knows those woods better than anyone, but more importantly, she's has a good heart, and a sharp mind. She will guard the forests well in my absence. " He picks up the enameled gold brooch and pins it to his cloak: "I shall wear this badge with honor, as shall we all" he turns and smiles at Magda for a moment, before turning to the rest of the knights: "Pack warmly, the north is cold any time of the year, and I suspect we may not get the opportunity to return for some time. We will leave when Feldrick is ready, but the more distance we can cover tonight, the better. Dame Modesty Cooper, your skill in war precedes you. I would gladly follow you into open combat, but for the times ahead, it may not be so straightforward. Remember that."

Seeming contented with his words, Valar sighs slightly, bows once more to the king, almost reluctantly takes the bag of gold, and heads to leave the room.

2013-07-03, 02:03 PM
Merfire almost glows with proud when king compliments her, but quickly she realize gain the seriousness of the situation again. "Thank you for your acknowledgement my liege. and I wear I do my best to protect your heir". then, like Merfire was used, Dame Cooper took charge. When she told Merfire to 'put on her scales' Merfire responded with "Also claws and fangs." She stands up, still feeling proudly, grabs the sack, not giving it a lot of thought and follows Dame Cooper.

2013-07-09, 02:12 AM
Ser Horas clears his throat and speaks up along with the others, 'It's been an honor, Your Majesty. I'll do anything you ask until my death, t'help the Cause. My ships'r at yer disposal, and my daughters are more'n capable to command yer fleet.' He gives a great gap-toothed grin and bows until his beard nearly touches the ground.

King Frederick patiently listens to Dame Modesty Cooper and Dame Constance speak, nodding as they take on the challenge without question.'The honor is truly mine,' he replies to the Crimson Dragon. 'I will feel safe knowing my son is in capable hands.' he says to the both of them.

The king listens and weighs what the Dame Magdalena says, 'Very well. I shall have Ser Ramsay see to it that it is done.'

Frederick smiles with sad eyes as Zyrene poses her question, 'I'm afraid so, milady. I have told Finsterol as much as he needs know. He understands the will of the King comes first. you may say your goodbyes, but do not mention any specifics of your mission to anyone.

Valar speaks and the king nods at his suggestion, 'LeClaire? It shall be done.'

His Majesty smiles with approval at the interaction between the knights. and gives them one last word of encouragement, 'If you leave within the hour, you'll have the cover of the inbound traffic from the feast. I believe you are the only ones who can do this. May the watcher see you through.'

Ser Horas lumbers out of the room. 'I'll see the rest of you at the stables,' he shouts as he pushes his way out of the door. Beyond the tiger's eye threshold, the bustle of the feast was growing steadily. The longtables were becoming laden with fragrant dishes from the kitchens and an endless stream of guests continued to pour in to find seats amongst their friends and families.

Morbis Meh
2013-07-09, 08:52 AM
On the way down toward the stables, Constance smirks over to her friend "May I suggest we break into three groups, two leave in other directions with the Prince going the proper way, then after an hour or so of travel wheel back and meet up at a specified stop? That way if someone is watching or following we stand a better chance of giving them the slip."

2013-07-09, 11:07 AM
"'Tis all well and good, Dame Constance, but I couldn't find my way into the bottom of a river if I was wearing iron boots and starting off by the edge. I am quite horrid, without a road or a map. Or a guide." Hmm. There's a thought... "Indeed, though...if one of the side groups has one who dresses as the Prince, that may likely be a good distraction." Hurrying along. "When we reconvene with the horses and the Prince, I propose we should have our preferred groupings ready by then."

2013-07-11, 06:08 AM
Zyrene bowed her head when King Frederick clarified that “secret” meant just that--there would be no confiding in her beloved master...not until after she returned from her mission. Ah, well, such was the call of duty. She suppressed a wince when Ser Horas made his boisterous announcement, inwardly hoping that there were no unfriendly ears listening for that tasty tidbit.

“Very good advice, Dame Constance,” the ivory-maned sorceress agreed with a nod. “I’ll wait a bit before leaving...I have little to pack for this trip.”

2013-07-12, 09:59 AM
"Good plan, Dame Constance. It would be really odd if seven knights suddenly left together with the prince. Still, even 2 leaving every couple of hours might be suspicious, but with a couple of good excuses we might able to keep a low profile. Maybe a few of us need to stay at a banquet for at least an hour or so, while others already leave... But I don't know how many enemies we have and we don't want to get overwhelmed because we are too spread out, it might be risky. By the way... who of us looks the most as the heir?"

2013-07-12, 10:02 AM
"and in contrast, I have very little to pack" Valar says simply as they walk towards the stables. "but I am not bad in the wild. I would be able to take one of the groups; I am confident I can find the primary group again. "

Morbis Meh
2013-07-12, 10:23 AM
Constance looks at the others "I have been a member of the King's guard and have more bodyguard experience than most of you so I think it best that I go with the duplicate Prince since I am more likely to be associated with that task. As for looking like the prince well that rules me out in a big way..."

2013-07-12, 03:12 PM
"I would say that Dame Merfire and I could go with the actual prince along the main road. I have no doubts as to the skill employed by my father's teachings, and I dare anything to stand in front of my lance. And we've been together almost exclusively during the war."

2013-07-13, 07:36 AM
Joining the conversation, Magdalena adds her opinion.

"I am willing to go with the duplicate prince," she says, "My skills lend themselves to encouraging duplicity. However, I must question the wisdom of splitting our group. If we are attacked in force, it will be easy to outnumber either of the small groups."

Morbis Meh
2013-07-15, 09:14 AM
Constance chuckles and looks at Magdelena with a bemused expression "Pardon my grim sense of humor but if we are met with a large force within the first day, the only time we will be split, on a secret mission then we have a much bigger problem on our hands."

2013-07-15, 07:20 PM
Magda blushes. "Oh, I see. I thought you meant to split the group for several days. If it's only one, then I see no problem. Is there someone within our group who can cast illusions? If there is no one similar in size and shape to the prince, the illusion of his highness upon other may serve as well."


2013-07-16, 06:20 AM
Zyrene smiled slightly.

"I'm glad my initial supposition about 'splitting up to leave the room' has been confirmed," she said a bit humorously. "Now...who's going first...?"

If nobody else volunteered, the sorcerer's apprentice planned to exit the conference room and make her way to her quarters, there to gather together what items she'd be taking with her. To Magda, however, she felt compelled to respond:

"Alas, I don't have any magic that may be used to disguise a person...I will have to try to study up on that for future use..."

2013-07-18, 12:43 AM
Zyrene:Your quarters reside in at the top of one of the three towers at the corners of this triangular keep. As you walk out of the Great Hall and into the courtyard, a large tower rises at the far corners of the courtyard. On the right the stables sit just beneath the barracks of the Cause in one high tower, and the apothecary and healer sits just below the royal library and observatory in the left tower where you and Finsterol stay.

The Great Hall's monstrous doors were agape to accommodate the flow of foot traffic. A guard of the Cause stationed on either side, the finely woven golden carpets leading out into a long, high-arched hallway with colorful stained glass panels depicting scenes of battle, magic and love. At this hall's end, two smaller corridors lead away on either side, and a second set of oaken doors stood open to the sunlit courtyard beyond. Across this courtyard and quite out of the way of the main path, the royal stablehouse squatted beneath the castle's curtain, both built of the same blue granite of all Cleaverun. The stables were fairly large, able to accommodate a few hundred horses for the Cause, the king and visiting nobles. The king's son waits in the stableboy's quarters, being guarded by Ser Zallus Flagg, and dressed in simple commoner's garb.

2013-07-18, 09:04 AM
Valar remains silent through much of the discussion, only speaking up to say: "whatever decision we reach, we should act fairly quickly. Best not to give the King's enemies time to realize that his son is leaving." since Valar essentially just arrived in town, he starts heading towards the stables, shouldering his pack and walking along the castle curtain. An elf was sure to attract at least some attention, since there seemed to be few of them here.

2013-07-18, 11:56 AM
Magda nods.

"I believe most of my gear is still on horse, so I will give it a few moments and then follow Valar."

True to her word, she waits for a few minutes than sliding her cloak back across her shoulders, she heads out. A few minutes walk and she finds herself in the stables. Gathering her gear and saddling her horse take another few minutes. As soon as she is ready, she begins to take in the surrounding area including the Prince.

[roll0] Perception

2013-07-18, 03:35 PM
Zyrene made sure to wait a few moments after the knight before her left the private conference chamber before exiting and walking to her quarters, neither hurrying nor dawdling, because she knew that exhibiting either extreme would invite observation, and that was something she and her fellows were trying to avoid.

Once inside her room, she took up her finely-crafted backpack and made sure that it was packed with all of her traveling gear, adding a spare set of clothing. She quickly changed out of her festival finery, putting on an outfit more suited to quick travel through the countryside. Then she went to the cabinet at the far end of the laboratory where Finsterol made her practice her lessons in the arts arcane.

Opening the cabinet, she searched for and found three magic wands that she knew her group would find useful: one wand added some extra protection in battle, another wand emitted a ray that could sap the strength from its target, and the third wand was one that could heal wounds. She gathered these up and tucked them away for future use. The ivory-maned apprentice scribbled a hasty note:

"I have need of these and plan to return them when we meet again."

She didn't sign the note, as she knew that Finsterol would know her handwriting--besides, it would give the court wizard plausible deniability about whom may have taken his items and for what purpose should Finsterol need that meager protection.

Zyrene returned to her room once more, looking around to make sure she had remembered everything. Her sapphire eyes fell upon one leather-bound tome that she realized she absolutely needed for the very near future:

The Codex of The Watcher

She had been toying with the idea of augmenting her sorcerous abilities and her natural knack for healing with the acquisition of divine spellcasting, but Zyrene had been told that she could not do so without studying the Codex and learning the basic aspects of The Watcher's religion.

She plucked up the book and stuffed it, too, into the backpack, tying it shut. Zyrene put on her sturdy traveling cloak and, after one last look around the tower quarters, left them and went to the stables, taking care to keep to a route frequented more by the servants than by the guests--it was only sensible, seeing as how her traveling clothes appeared to be "less than noble," her walking staff in hand.

2013-07-19, 12:26 PM
Going to the house that her and Merfire were sharing while they were in the city, Modesty wastes no time in going to the bedroom and changing out of the fancy clothes. And getting into her military uniform, and armor. The familiar helm feels...right, in her hands. She packs a quick bag, as well, with supplies. There's enough for a bit...in fact, it's her military backpack. What else...oh! She opens a drawer, packing a pair of sunrods, as well. Would need light on the road at night. It's a good thing they hadn't really unpacked!

Going back downstairs, Modesty checks her keys. Going to have to lock up...Merfire probably took less time to prepare than she did. Considering she had to make sure her armor was hidden under her cloak. And the debate on whether to wear the helm, or leave it off for now. The fact that it's in her bag shows what idea won out. Taking her lance from by the door... "Well, looks like we didn't get much time for reprieve, did we, Merry?" Her nickname, when they weren't speaking officially. She insisted that Merfire didn't call her by her big title either, in private.

2013-07-21, 05:40 AM
Merfire didn't had a lot to pack. She quickly dressed up in her normal clothes, grabbed a couple of her necessaries, mostly back up weapons. And she also decided to pack her chain shirt, even though she disliked wearing it, you never know when you need a piece of armor.

She was already waiting by the door, ready to go, when Modesty came down.
"Yeah, Modesty. We barely even got time to eat, and nothing from the deluxe banquet!" She replied, jokingly complaining.

2013-07-22, 03:53 AM
"Bah. Most of that stuff will probably give those nobles gas and fat stomachs anyway." Grinning back. And locking the door behind them. "Let's see where the wind takes us now, shall we?" Headed back to the stable, to meet up.

Morbis Meh
2013-07-22, 08:32 AM
Constance walked the halls at her standard pace, making herself visible to all whilst smiling pleasantly to all the servants. Stopping in the kitchen she ask for a few scraps to give the poor guards on duty as well as a couple of apples for the horses. It was well known that she spent a fair bit of time in the stables so it wouldn't be out of place for her to randomly visit. Being part of the King's bodyguard meant they had to be prepared to leave at a moments notice and equipped to handle an excursion in the wilderness if pressed to flee so she had a pack already prepared and in her pony's stall. Along the way she would smile and chat briefly with the guards on duty as she gave them some of the extra banquet food until she finally reached the stables. Cutting up the apples she had in her possession, Contance soon began feeding the pieces to the horses and ponies. She wore her tabbard openly now but the moment she left doubled back she had to done the neutral colours in her back lest they give their mission away. Bowing to his highness, Constance makes her pony 'Trepidation' (Trepid for short) ready for travel. She casually eyed her companions, measuring up who would be the best choice for a mock prince.

2013-07-22, 10:15 AM
The royal stables are teeming with young stableboys busy unbridling, feeding or grooming the visiting nobles' mounts, many of whom slept in the stables and had no home to speak of. The cell you arrive in is strewn with hay and has only a few cots and a barrel of wormy apples. Ser Zallus is sharpening his dirk next to the door and Feldrick is sitting on a cot with his head between his knees. The young boy looks up as you enter and sighs, 'I suppose it's time then?'

As you all file in, Ser Zallus brings out seven small burlap sacks,'I know you missed the feast, so the King had us prepare you some food for the road. In these bags are potatoes, carrots, salted beef, salted fish, blood sausage, onions, twice baked hardrolls, figs, mushroom pasties and some sharp cheddar, I think. It'll be enough for the journey, I'd imagine.'

2013-07-22, 11:05 AM
Magda nods. "My Thanks." She takes the bag and adds it to horse.

"So..how are we splitting up?"

2013-07-23, 06:12 AM
Valar shrugs at his younger elf companion. "There has been some mixed feelings about the event, I believe. But I think the final verdict has remained we are to send a decoy in a different direction while the true heir travels with the other half of the convoy. The reason we are only splitting into two is because I seem to be the only one who has volunteered his confidence of the wilderness. As for creating a decoy, I believe Constance may be the only one the correct height and build for the job, although I personally know very little about disguises"

Morbis Meh
2013-07-23, 08:29 AM
Constance looks bemused at the suggestion "The problem with me playing as the prince is that I am in fact a woman, fully grown in ALL ways, despite my height. Not to mention my eyes and hair do not match his royal highness; besides, my reason for not travelling with the prince was so that I could lend evidence to our ruse. I am a well known knight due to having served as a king's guard and there is no way I shall leave my war pony behind."

2013-07-23, 09:06 AM
Zyrene's eyebrows rose.

"It had been my understanding that splitting up was to be applied only to our exit from the conference room in the palace," she pointed out. "If we were going to send out a decoy...um...'prince and company'...the best way to have done that would have been to either recruit a group of people that included someone to play the heir's part--so that we, here, remained intact as his guard--or to use some rather advanced magic to create an illusion of prince and company striking out in a different direction." She shook her hooded head.

"It's not the wisest of ideas to split up a small group."

Morbis Meh
2013-07-23, 09:13 AM
Constance looks at the mage "I would hardly call 7 knights a small group sorceress and this would be a surefire way to verify if we have a tail and also enable us to draw attention away from the Prince. We could simply grab one of the stable boys, one that shares our Highness' likeness, and dress him up to be our decoy. We could compemsate the boy and give him a letter exusing his absence. Besides the split is only for a day, just enough to lure out any unwanted followers."

2013-07-23, 09:18 AM
Horus clears his throat as he replies to Valar, 'Oy! I know my way 'round this country, hunter. I can lead the group you do not.

2013-07-23, 02:46 PM
Magda sighs.

I have some small skill in disguise. If there is one of us we can use, I believe I can make that one appears as the prince. But I do not want to risk one of the stableboys. If by some chance, we are found out, it is not fair to put someone in the role that hath no skill at arms.

She glances at the sorceress..."Perhaps, you? You are young enough and slight enough to mimic the prince. With a bit of adjustment in your costume, I believe I could make you look like him."

2013-07-25, 01:49 AM
Zyrene's eyes blinked owlishly behind her spectacles.

"I am a good seven inches taller than the prince," she pointed out. "But...if you believe that you can disguise me sufficiently, Dame Magda, I'm willing to give it a try..."

2013-07-25, 03:25 AM
Merfire looks at Zyrene and judges her height. "We seem to differ about less then a feet... So I am only a couple of inches smaller then the prince. That is one tiny prince." She almost giggled at her own words, but stopped before she started because that wasn't behavior fit of a knight.

Morbis Meh
2013-07-25, 08:16 AM
Constance looks at the squire and smirks "Excellent! Let us make preparations before our departure, we have a route to discuss. Ser Valar, Horus I am sure you two are the best for determining our meeting point. Your highness, don't look so glum we shall make the best of our time, I can give you instruction in archery, Damn mod can show you the most effective way to lance, her former squire can demonstrate unarmed fighting, Valar can teach you how to track, Magda can school you in swordplay and Sorceress Zyrene will guide you in the ways of the occult. Not to mention I can always teach you how to play the bagpipes, it may not be the most graceful of instruments but it is the best for getting a rise out of your friends."

2013-07-25, 09:34 AM
"Thank you, Dame Merfire. Let us step over here." Magda guides the young lady to an unoccupied stall and closes the door. She leans back over it. "You there...come here." She calls one the page boys over. "Give us your outer garments."

As the boy self-consciously strips, she takes the garments. Then pulling out her disguise kit, proceeds to transform as much as possible the red-haired squire into a copy of the prince.

OOC: since I had a bit of cash left over and we haven't left yet, I'm assuming it's okay to put a disguise kit on my sheet?


2013-07-25, 10:27 AM
'Aye.'Ser Horus answers. 'I suggest I lead one group along the coast on the Boulder Road as planned. I'll bring a cage of homin' auks to send word back to Cleaverun, if need be. Ser Valar should head south n' east through the Greypine forest, and then directly south through the Tallrocks until you reach the Lodestone. Of course from there, you follow the Rush west to Brinkwatch at the sea.' Proud of his plan, the dwarf crosses his arms and smiles.

2013-07-27, 01:44 PM
"Better not to split for too long. By the evening we will have thrown them or not. We might as well keep our group as unified as possible for the trials to come. We should meet up again at the end of Greypine Forest and continue through the Tallrocks as one unit. We will be much less likely to be stumbled upon there than in the main road." Valar says, sounding quiet and agreeable despite his contrasting statement.

2013-07-27, 03:04 PM
The dwarf nods, 'Aye, that's wise. The Tallrocks'll take a bit longer, but there's least likely t'be trouble.' Horus scratches his salty beard in thought. 'It's best we be off if we're ready. Which party'll leave first?'

Morbis Meh
2013-07-29, 08:59 AM
Contance looks at the dwarf with a raised eyebrow "Why the one with the false prince of course, that way someone from the second group can watch and wait for the coast to clear. If anyone is planning on following the will go after us first since they have no knowledge of our ruse and it will ensure the saftey of the true Prince."

2013-07-29, 01:06 PM
"I don't think any one of us can be limited to a single skill. Either way, we are now pledged to you, milord." She pats Prydella's muzzle, after finishing the checking of equipment. A rich, chestnut-colored horse, with a light chainmail barding. Painted to appear as gold, just as the Dame's armor. Actual gold would be impractical for this. And climbs onto the heavy horse, holding her lance in her left hand and the reins in her right. "So Dame Constance, Dame Merfire and I will go on ahead with one other."

2013-07-29, 01:42 PM
"Me." Magda volunteers. "My skills might help convincing others. Though my role is less known than Dame Melody's, I may be able to help Dame Merfire in her deception if need be."

She pauses and counts heads..."oh wait..maybe Sir Horus should go. I'll remain with Valar, Zyrene and his Majesty."

2013-07-30, 02:50 AM
"When did I agree to this?" Merfire thought to herself. She shrugs, these new clothes are still decent and she got a giggle at the expense of a poor stable boy.
"I guess I also need switch horses." She said aloud, more confirming for herself then anyone else. She walks to her horse and tells it: "Be nice for the prince eh." Then walks to the horse of the prince and tries to make contact, let it get used to her smell and then give it a pet. "I am ready." Merfire reports.

2013-07-31, 11:38 AM
"I'd prefer to remain with the heir," Zyrene opined, "In case--gods forbid!--something happens that requires my healing skills. However, I will consider a sound argument for my leaving with the first group, should anyone have such logic to bear..?"

2013-07-31, 04:07 PM
Valar nods at Zyrene. "A wise choice. You, Magda and I can leave afterwards with his Majesty. The other four will be off shortly and we will reunite near the end of the woods." Valar nods, hoping their plan is sound. "Perhaps it's best we are off shortly, before anyone lurking notices our discussion"

Morbis Meh
2013-08-01, 08:47 AM
Constance nods "Very well, Mod, I assume you're taking point while I take rear?" It has been a long while since she had rode with her friend and the halfling was quite eager to do so again. Strolling casually over to her war pony, Constance gingerly mounts herself while waiting for a reply.

2013-08-01, 04:12 PM
"I am unsure that it is wise for you to stay in the back. I do not wish to offend, but your horse may have trouble seeing past the flanks of mine." She puts a hand in the air, flat toward the ground - pushing it down a bit. "It is of rather small stature." She's grinning behind the hood. And winks. Or...blinks. It's hard to tell with one eye. Which, speaking of... "Besides that, your perception is better than mine. I would say that you lead with Sir Horus. I shall be behind you with our 'prince'. A two-by-two formation is likely to be better for defense."

Morbis Meh
2013-08-02, 08:45 AM
Constance lets out a large and obviously over expressed sigh "I suppose you are correct Mod, it is quite difficult seeing past that large rump of yours. Though riding beside me may prove just as difficult since it would be more effective at unmounting me than your lance. " She returns the wink with a silly grin of her own.

2013-08-05, 03:49 PM
Zyrene's sapphire eyes danced with humor and her lips twitched, but she otherwise didn't react to the repartee between the two knights who obviously had to be friends of old.

2013-08-06, 05:22 AM
Modesty looks back, rubbing her bum self-consciously. "Tis not large. Just pert. And rather befitting someone in good physical condition." She makes a mental note of this, though. "Now, no more tarrying! Let us be off."

2013-08-06, 09:41 AM
After walking off to a nearby stall, Horus returns leading a stout ebony frisian. He looks about to those assembled, 'Dame Constance, Dame Cooper, Dame...stableboy--let's head out.' A wide-toothy grin shown on his face as he turns, quickly vanishing as he struggles to mount his horse. Red-faced and out of breath he addresses the second party, 'Right then!--See you at the stones.' He gives a brusque nod and waits for the first party to mount before heading out of the stables.

2013-08-07, 07:40 AM
Valar nods and says: "Safe travels to you, Sir Horus. May we meet again on the outskirts of Tallrocks safely." Valar then turns and scans the stables for horses. He hadn't taken on here; he much preferred walking to riding, but still, he was an expert rider, parallel to anyone in the realm, although he would never admit that, preferring to walk alongside mounted warriors. He eventually settles on a spirited chestnut, who bickers and rears up slightly when Valar tries to approach. Hello there, he says softly, cooing in Elvish, what's your name?

Morbis Meh
2013-08-07, 08:23 AM
Constances puts on a playful grin "That's Your Highness Prince Stableboy the third to you Ser dwarf, don't go and blow our cover before we even get out of the gates!" Constance gingerly mounts her warpony and waits for everyone to get into position.

2013-08-07, 12:22 PM
Still having been mounted, Mod is just waiting on Constance to lead with Horus.

2013-08-09, 03:03 PM
"Luck be with you," Zyrene said to the departing group, then rummaged around her person before producing an unremarkable-looking magic wand. She turned to the prince she was charged with protecting.

"Prince Felldrick," she said with a smile, "Can you tell me what your favorite hobby is?" As she spoke, her bespectacled eyes looked the young man over from head to foot.

"I'd like to cast a protective spell on you, if you don't mind," Zyrene told him, "It's designed primarily to aid those not wearing armor, though, so I'd need to know if you're wearing any--this spell is magic that I can't reproduce myself at this time, so I can't recharge the wand after using the power in it. No sense in wasting a spell on a useless effect, you know..."

2013-08-14, 11:05 PM
...and Zyrene waits patiently for the young prince to answer her question about his favorite hobby, as she has an idea that requires his response to the query...

2013-08-14, 11:49 PM
'Archery, m'lady. I've tried to keep diligent with my lessons. I'm afraid I won't get as much practice as I'd wish for on the trip.' Feldrick replies.

2013-08-16, 02:17 PM
"Perhaps...or perhaps not," Zyrene said with a sage nod, "But--for the purposes of keeping your identity shielded from accidental exposure--might I suggest that we call you 'Beau' while we are traveling..? It should be fairly easy for all of us to remember, as archery is your hobby, and that name is obviously a reference to the archer's bow..."

The young sorceress also awaited permission to cast the protective enchantment upon the prince.

2013-08-16, 05:06 PM
Feldrick looks up with a smile on his face, becoming a mirror image of his father, 'I would like that very much m'lady. I've always enjoyed playing pretend with the lords and ladies' children my age. I'm sure I'll be able to for the trip.'

2013-08-17, 09:20 AM
Magda nods. "That is a wise suggestion, Zyrene." She continues to keep an eye on the road as they ride along behind Valar.

2013-09-05, 02:59 PM
Zyrene tapped herself with the wand, murmuring the word to expend the protective magic on herself. Then--once again--she asked the boy now called "Beau" if he was wearing any sort of armor. Should he not be wearing armor, Zyrene was resolved to use another charge of the wand to grant him some extra protection.