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2013-06-22, 06:14 AM
3'600'000 Million XP Team 1

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=288676)

The sun blazes down on the choppy water of the Yondabakari River as the party of brave heroes treks down the bank. On the southern side the bank of the riverbank is riddled with small tributaries leading into a vast Mushfens. A massive bog of epic proportions.

With the wind whipping up the choppy water and a slight spray misting the party the slight disturbance up ahead nearly goes unnoticed before the waters part and large bulky monster rears up, water streaming from its hulking form as it stamps upon the banks some 60ft down river of the party.


The massive creature with gaping claws and a tusked mouth howling loudly, a crude axe formed from a broken shard of boat decking and a gaff spike clutched in its hooked and clawed hands...

Its on the bank 60ft away from you.
Initiative [roll0]

2013-06-22, 07:01 AM
Tanos Legbreaker

The mangy gnoll snuffed. Hunched shoulders rolled to the sound of assorted bags and tools clanging together. Heh. A big one. Plenty of meat, if it falls. Well, they'd soon see who'll be eating who...

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-06-22, 09:02 AM
Thak Val Zsing

The bald dwarf smiles and drops into a combat pose.

Init: [roll0]

2013-06-22, 09:33 AM
Sword quickly drawn he fans out a bit watching the creature.

init: [roll0]

2013-06-22, 09:50 AM

A year ago she might have panicked but since then she had fought ice creatures, ogres and more. She readied herself.


2013-06-22, 10:05 AM

Heran stepped forward, his blade at the ready as he stared down the monster.

initiative [roll0]

2013-06-23, 03:39 PM

Moving forward she fires her crossbow then drops it as she knows her spells will be better utilized once the monster in engaged.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage

2013-06-23, 09:59 PM
Stepping to the side, Thak raises his bow and fires two arrows at the creature in a quick succession.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-06-24, 03:02 PM
The creature roars as a hail of bolts and arrows rain upon it. The crossbow bolt slams into a bony tusk deflecting wide even as it ducks under one of the monk's arrows before the second plunges into its chest with a wet thud and slow leak of green ichor...

One arrow hit. Still waiting on a couple of players to post round 1 actions

2013-06-24, 07:07 PM
Pauses, giving a clear shot to the others before making his charge whispering words of power as he does. His sword shimmering in the light he charges the creature.

Swift: spend one point of arcane pool to enchant long sword.
Full: Charge. (ac 13 until end of turn)

Attack: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

2013-06-25, 03:42 PM
Still trailing ichor the arrowhead pops back out of the creature as the wound heals to near invisible line. Even as the Magus engages with him the sword flickering out and bouncing off the heavy scaled and slimy hand.

The long claws lash out, wooden blade abandoned as it stretches out towards the delicate magus in front of him. Claws seeking blood...

Claw 1 [roll0] damage [roll1]
Claw 2 [roll2] damage [roll3]

One of the claws is deflected by the darting sword but the second claw slashes deep across the elf's chest leaving a bloody trail of 3 ragged long cuts.

Gnoll and Dwarf to go

2013-06-26, 08:19 AM

Heran lurches forward at the river beast and swings his blade upwards into its body.

Charge at the river beast.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

AC 16

2013-06-26, 11:17 AM
Tanos Legbreaker

Gheh. One of these. Old Tribe used to keep one for food when game was poor. Whole tribe could eat off one for months, though not well. Putrid meat good for filling bellies but no else.

The unganely hyena-man shuffles forward and lays a clobbering polearm stroke on the river beast from over Heran's shoulder.

Move to directly behind Heran.

Power Attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-06-26, 06:38 PM

She moves into position if she can to cast her color spray so that it will catch only the beast if not she will summon for her inner hag.

move and cast color spray if she can do it without hitting more than one of her allies. if not she will do Horrific Visage DC 16 vs Will or shaken for 1 round.

2013-06-28, 09:58 PM
Redoubles his efforts attacking his will and his blade.

Full action:
Attack Blade: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Spell: Acid Splash
Touch attack: [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

2013-06-30, 03:43 PM
Taking a deep breath, Thak closes his eyes and draws and nocks an arrow. Exhaling, his eyes flicker open and ever so carefully lets go, slamming the arrow forward towards the creature's skin. Quickly, he repeats the motion.

Full attack, deadly aim
Use Perfect Strike to roll twice and take the better for each shot.
Shot 1: [roll0]
Shot 1: [roll1] [roll2]
Shot 2: [roll3]
Shot 2: [roll4] [roll5]

2013-06-30, 04:02 PM
Its carnage as the monster slashes at Kael. Heeran and the mangy troll Tanos lurch forward. The dwarf unable to penetrate the tough hide but the hammer of the gnoll shatters bones. The beast's regenerative power not able to heal all of the brutal blow.

Even as that happens the Magus strikes again but impeded by the chest injury cannot hurt the monster. Even as he strikes with a dull thwack an arrow slams into the creature's check angering it further.

The sorceress walks forward- unable to find a gap for the wave of colour so instead calls upon her ancestry - her face twisting into a horrible snarl trying to scare the beast away...

Will save [roll0] VS 16

Despite the magic the beast lashes about in a blind fury - its bestial mind lunging forward for a bite of gnoll as the claws lash at Heeran and Kael.

Claw Kael [roll1] damage [roll2]
Claw Heeran [roll3] damage [roll4]
Bite Tanos [roll5]* damage [roll6]
* includes Heeran providing cover

If the Will saved failed subtract 2 from all of the above.

- Arkwright/Nixed. If you let all 3 of the others (Tanos, Heeran and Dalya) go and then you do it'll be the monster again.

2013-07-01, 01:03 AM
Tanos Legbreaker

Phha! The thing thought to bite a Gnoll? An Eater? These lands must truly have gone soft!

Still keeping behind Heran's shoulder, Tanos strikes again....

Power Attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-01, 03:13 PM

Heran slips to the side taking a quick swing upwards into the creatures body with his blade.

Five foot step mostly for ****s and giggles, and then attack

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-07-01, 04:09 PM
Working as a team the Lucerne hammer slams again into the beast's head send it reeling backwards, a cloven dent in its skull. A screech in its throat dying as Heeran's blade tears out its innards with a bloody rending squelch.

Victory (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk)

Well done you win!

You have ~2 hours - in game time before there will be another encounter - so min/level, 10 min/ level will have all worn off.

What else are you doing in the post battle mop up.

2013-07-01, 04:33 PM
Thak quietly lets out a sigh of relief and lowers his bow. Strapping it to his back, he walks over and pulls out his arrow shafts from the creature. "T'was well fought, all!"

2013-07-01, 06:52 PM
Theoretically it was a good win for them, only one injury. That fact doesn't lessen the sting of the gash across his chest.

2013-07-01, 08:45 PM

"Is anyone hurt badly, I have a few healing potions," she says before examining the creature.

2013-07-01, 08:58 PM
Looks over at Dalya "I got slashed pretty good here."

2013-07-02, 08:30 AM

The hunched gnoll grunts affirmatively in the general direction of Thak, before hobbling over to the fallen body. Both hands reach down, and strong fingers with untrimmed nails ripped off two large chunks of bloody, greenish meat.

Tanos holds one out to Heran as his jagged teeth take a bite out of the other.

Heran may be aware that heirarchies of who-eats-what are a rather big deal in Gnollish culture.

2013-07-02, 02:28 PM

Not long after the monster is dead, a humanoid figure emerges from the woods on the opposite side of the riverbank.

As he pauses to observe the surrounding and process the aftermath of the battle, the band of heroes is able to see that the new arrival is a young human who, by the way he moves and his overall physical fitness, does not see to be a stranger to combat.

That looks like one amazing fight we just missed! hails the man as greeting

In a display of athleticism, the monk runs across the bank and, finding a narrower spot in the river, he jumps across to the other side

My name is Thrune, and my companion and I continues the monk, pointing back to the forest as if nothing had happened had been tracking this beast for the last couple days, but it would seem that your group beat us to it.

I heard that there are more creatures in the area, and it seems you have been blessed and cursed with a knack to find them. Would you mind if we joined your band for a while?

2013-07-02, 02:43 PM

If Heran does not heal their companion she will offer two potions of healing.


She looks at the new comers, "Sure you can join us, but first who are you and what can you do?"

2013-07-02, 03:58 PM
The party joined by the newcomers manages to share a nice brunch - possibly of dead swamp troll - before continuing. The sun continues to beat down upon the party and the mosquitos are out in force bother everyone apart from the half orc and the mangy looking gnoll.

The soft splash of water some 60ft away...

40ft forward and 20ft into the ~10ft deep river on your right

Attracts your attention however as the regal head of some sort snakelike monster juts forth!

It hisses alarmingly a you appear to have wandered into its territory! Acidic mucous dripping from its teeth and strange membranous wings upon its spine beginning to give off a low thrumming buzz.

Initiative [roll0]

Stealth [roll1]

2013-07-02, 08:21 PM
Grendil comes forth from the undergrowth next to a large Sabertooth tiger, which lopes out with him, a hare in its mouth.

The half orc jogs up next to Thrune and smiles, his spear in hand and he merely shrugs as the man asks what they can do.

"I am a Druid of the wild, Rascal here" he pauses to ruffle the large creatures main as its sharpening and cleaning its huge teeth of some wood "he's a good companion, he'll fight anything I will, plus I can call upon the power of nature every now and then, healing some, and calling animals to aid in fights."

Upon hearing the hiss of a new oncoming monsters he stands with spear in hand, Rascal jumps up, his hackles standing upright.

Actions -
Standard: Cast Flare (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/flare), DC 13 Fort negates dazzled for 1 minute, range 25 feet. When within range, ready/move 20ft if necessary.

Rascal will charge if creature fails save:
AC: 12
HP: 19/19

If it succeeds save, ready a charge if it moves and attacks another creature (using above rolls)

Grendil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=589121)
M LN Half Orc Druid, Level 2, Init +4, HP 15/15, DR -, Speed 20
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 1
MW Spear +5 (1d8+4, x3)
Sling (50/50) +3 (1d4+3, x2)
Club +4 (1d6+3, x2)
Hide (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition Darkvision
Orc Blood

2013-07-02, 10:34 PM
The surprising noise alerting the dwarf, he quickly draws his trusty longsword and looks around, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the noise.

Since my perception check failed, i'll just use a move action to draw my weapon and call it a move. However, for when it is visible...

Knowledge (Nature) check to identify it [roll0]

2013-07-03, 01:09 PM
And I am trained in a number of hand to hand techniques replies the monk when describing his abilities


When the creature appears, Thrune quickly turns around in the direction of the foe. Quickly calculating the distance to the foe, the monk realizes that he would not be able to reach it while maintaining his usual fighting style.

Adjusting his methods, the monk runs out to the edge of the bank and drops into a fighting stance.

Wait until it attacks me first! calls Thrune to the others

Swift: Activate Crane Syle
Move: Move 30' in the direction of the enemy (probably closer to the edge of the bank, but anywhere is ok as long as he can maintain footing on the ground)
Standard (Readied action): If enemy gets within range, attack while fighting defensively

[roll0](1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

IF ENEMY ATTACKS, 1 melee attack is cancelled and counterattack is triggered
[roll2](1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

Hp= 16/16
AC= 18 (10+ 2 DEX + 2 WIS + 3 Fighting defensively + 1 dodge)

2013-07-04, 12:35 AM
Heeran glances round. A stone tablet by Kragen Thunderhammer coming back to him describing River Drakes as short, mean quasi dragons. Strong and fast with exploding acid spittle!

True to form the one in the water closes its eyes briefly as the Orc throws a flare towards it but it seems to have no outward effect. The squat creature rears its head up out the water and scuttles onto the very edge of the bank before coughing up a massive gobbet of partially digested acidic spittle that streaks towards the rest of the party...

So spits an acid ball at the party where Tanus (1), Thak (2), Dalya (3), Kael (4) and Heeran (5) are still standing.

Its hits 3 of them (randomly determined to be 3 standing near each other as you walked along) [roll0] taking the first 3 non-repeat rolls.
Acid Ball is [roll1] damage and save Ref DC14 for half and to avoid being entangled

The acidic spittle ball splattering burning sticky gooey slime over half of the party leaving them covered in acidic glutinous muck.

The second Drake takes everyone by surprise, Its normally ambushing tendancies kicking in as it suddenly rears up and pounces on the monk who has strayed too near the river bank!

The long sinuous form leaps forward in a torrent of teeth and claws and lashing tail upon the hapless monk...

Bite [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Tail slap [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Even as it does so the hungry cat is relaeased - streaking like a furred dart upon the dragon assailing Thrune and tearing a chunk out its swampy hide.

All the low Init players can post and then Bel and Drothmal and then its the drakes agains

Drake 1: Is 40ft away on the shore
Drake 2: Is 30ft eating Thrune and being attacked by Rascal.

2013-07-04, 12:15 PM
HP: 4/12
Condition: Entangled.


Badly hurt and covered with goo Dalya tries her best to summon her inner hag again.

DC 16 or shaken.

2013-07-05, 07:09 PM
Reflex save: [roll0]

2013-07-05, 07:12 PM
Thak's face wrinkles up in disgust as he scrapes tar off from his body. Quickly, he fires two arrows at the creature.

Arrow 1[roll0] [roll1]
Arrow 2[roll2] [roll3]
Status: Entangled, 13/21hp

2013-07-06, 12:16 AM

Foolish human, did he want to be Eaten? But then, humans and their kin, more than any other creatures, varied from Eaten to Eater with the most ease. Strange folk.

Tanos advanced to put his tried-and-true tactic into play.

Advance to directly behind Thrune.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-06, 01:47 AM
Not having time to recover from the previous creature he stays back a moment, blade still in hand he reaches out with the other firing a blast of energy at the engaged creature.

Move back a few steps.
Action>Cast Magic Missile on same one as tanos attacked [roll0]

2013-07-07, 08:03 PM

Shrugging off the attack with nothing but his sheer constitution, Heran lurches forward at a slight run to shove his blade clean at the creatures inner gut, yelling a vicious battlecry as he did.

Charging attack on the nearest dragon.

Attack roll (Power attack) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-07-08, 09:45 PM
Grendil gramaces as his spell flashes before the creature and the thing ignores it with the ease of a fly to a horse.

Rascal keeps up the pressure, slashing out with the tooth and claw, while Grendil summons the very waves of the river the thing was standing in to beat upon it.

Rascal attacks after 5ft step to setup flank:
Full attack -



Rake if the two claws hit

Grendil moves 20 ft behind Rascal and casts Hydraulic Push (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hydraulic-push) on the creature fighting Rascal.
[roll7] vs CMD
If successful he pushes it directly away from Rascal.

2013-07-09, 04:21 PM
Carnage breaks out on the river bank. Thrune falls bloodily to the ground as the drake savages the monk tossing his body aside in a bloody heap. Even as he does that Rascal streaks in clawing at it.

Half of the party dashes in, Heeran's blade sliding off its head even as Rascal's claws fail to do much damage. As the ball of acidic spittle splatters the party the Sorceress reveals her horror at the Drake.

Drake 1 [roll0] VS DC 16

Even as that happens the magus lashes out with a casual blast of magical energy scoring the drake's hide. Thak also responds as his skin sizzles with the acid before his two return arrows splash harmlessly into the water.

The fighting continues as the Gnoll races in to join Heeran and Rascal, the hammer slamming a massive chunk out of the drake as Rascal sinks his teeth into some more, claws shredding and tearing at it leaving it near death.

Before it can respond Grendil runs in the water wave pushing the beast backwards in a vast wave.

2013-07-09, 04:28 PM
The wounded drake surges back into the fight leaking ophidian ichor and lashes out at the doughty dwarf inquisitor.

Bite [roll0] damage [roll1]
Tail slap [roll2] damage [roll3]

The second drake surges forward in a giant bow wave of water, leaping out of the water to snap at cheeky rascal...

bite [roll4] damage [roll5]


All players feel free to go

Shugyosha - if you had wanted to take a CLW or cast a Cure light between encounters feel free to do that. I'm aware there was a short gap between the two encounters.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtopfWRRgE6HdFd3a1hXMGE3LVFPaTNYRUJyOUlvc kE&usp=sharing)

2013-07-10, 12:03 AM

Move to R6 via Q4. Flanking

Lucern Hammer vs D2:
Attack: [roll0], for [roll1]

2013-07-10, 09:37 PM
The drake's blows fly over Thak's head as he nimbly sidesteps back and shoots another two arrows.

5-foot step back
Arrow 1 [roll0] [roll1]
Arrow 2 [roll2] [roll3]

2013-07-10, 10:09 PM

Covered with goo Dalyla moves as best as she can and drinks a vial of healing potion.

[roll0] healing
double move to o4
she didn't need the healing it was Nixed's character that she would have passed the potions to.

2013-07-11, 08:12 AM
Caught in a poor position he circles around

Double move: R4

2013-07-12, 06:52 AM

Unphazed both by the dragons attacks and by his failure to hit, Heran lurches another hit in on the dragon with his blade, fighting with sheer determination.

Regular attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-07-13, 04:29 PM
The battle begins to heat up as the river edge soon begins to stain red with blood as the River drakes cutting fangs and slashing tails begin to wound and hurt the party.

Tanos lashes out again with the heavy hammer but in the melee it goes astray from its mark. The same fate befalls Thraks arrows as the pair of whizzing ash shafts go astray of the mark.

Dalya, still singed from the acid advances - her wounds healing up as she drains the minty fresh healing potion. Her advance slower than the magus who sprints past her into a flanking position near the gnoll.

Heeran - the doughty inquisitor ignores the blood and the combat and with deliberate focus rams the blade deep into the Drake's throat leaving the beast rolling belly up on the ground as litres of draconic visceral fluids pour out.

The original drake lets loose a reptilian hiss and waddles out of the water forward past Grendil and Rascal to chomp on the Inqsuitor.

Bel has pulled out so Rascal and Grendil will go inative.
Attack Heeran
Bite [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Tail [roll2]damage [roll3]

All players go
New Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtopfWRRgE6HdFd3a1hXMGE3LVFPaTNYRUJyOUlvc kE&usp=sharing)

Is everyone happy with the map format?

2013-07-14, 12:21 PM

Heran, ripping his blade from the downed drake, spins around and swings his blade clean at the next one, allowing the drakes blows to bounce off of his armor as though they were nothing.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-07-15, 12:18 AM
Gambling that any other drakes in the nearby water would have shown themselves by now, Kael maneuvers around to hopefully draw the drakes attention and allow his companions to finish it off if he is unable to do so. Forcing more energy into his blade he lashes out at the Drake channeling electricity through his blade as he does.

Swift: Enhance Blade +1 ((Assuming the delay between battles was enough for the previous effect to wear off))
Move: Q7 through r6
Standard: Spell strike. Shocking Grasp
Attack: [roll0]
Damage Longsword: [roll1]
Damage Spell: [roll2]

2013-07-15, 12:33 AM
The second Drake tangled with Heeran, teeth and sword both scraping ineffectualy off chain and scale. A blur of motion behind the beast and a smell of crackling ozone is all the warning they have before Kael's blade tears into the Drake, the blow shearing through the beasts skull.

Feel free to do any post victory actions

2013-07-15, 08:17 AM
A fierce grin crosses his lips as his blade strikes home. Quickly he moves over to the mauled monk, dragging him back from the edge of the river, which is about the extent of the aid he can offer the man. He then steps back so one of the others who may be of more use can help while he stands guard, ignoring his own injuries for the moment.

2013-07-15, 09:39 AM
Thak wipes his brow, stows his bow away and then begins the long and gruelling process of wiping lizard gunk off of him.

2013-07-15, 10:51 AM

Heran approached Thrune and placed his hand on his shoulder, channeling his divine magic into him to patch up his wounds. "Be careful next time friend. There's a limit to how much magic can repair."

Casting Cure light wounds twice on Thrune


Here's hoping he doesn't nearly die again. I'm already running dry on healing.

2013-07-15, 12:26 PM

Thrune groggily opens his eyes to find that the battle is over.

Thank you says Thrune to Heran as he sits up and gets his thoughts in order

Since the last thing he remembered was a splash coming from behind him and now he could see two fallen enemies, the monk realizes that he had just walked into a trap.

At this point the monk kneels in front of the others and brings his right fist into his left palm in a sign of respect

If it were not for all of you, I would have been killed. I believe in the principle of "A life for a life", so if you would agree to it, I would like to stay with your group until I have been able to repay the debt I have just incurred.

2013-07-15, 04:44 PM
As the party begin to patch their wounds the druid looks around "I wish you well my fellows but the balance of nature is upset by recent events to the North so I must travel that way. I wish you well"

And the half orc and the rascal leopard pad North.

The evening begins to dim as the party assemble a few lean to's amidst the sparse copses of trees nearby and a over a merry campfire and a some mud roasted fish get to know one another

"An overnight" means all Hps and spells fully restored.

Some search checks or other relvant checks may find the Drake lair for loot!
I'll get the next day's enocnters started tomorrow night probably.

2013-07-15, 10:37 PM

Once she is out of the goo she starts looking for possible loot and goodies known to exist after a fight with creatures like this.

[roll0] perception

2013-07-16, 08:11 AM
After they are settled in Kael helps look around for the lair.

2013-07-16, 03:26 PM
The evening for the brave adventurers passes well. Even more so for the party after the elf's sharp eyes and the dwarves intrinsic sense for gold finds the small cave in the bank where the pair of Drakes lived. A smattering of skeletons and their bags yielding some generous loot including the cool minty bottles of healing balm.

Two days of swamp walking pass quietly with no encounters as the river is crossed and the flies and leeches build up around you all. Well all save the gnoll as Tanos's mangy hide proves unpalatable to swamp flies.

As the midday sun creates a warm humid muggy cloying environment the trees give way to a small clearing. Where 300ft away from the group amidst the slimy streams and a few scattered humanoid skeletons lies some ruins. A selection of symbols on them weathered and pitted with moss.


2 days later....
All are full health bar some midge bites
Anything you wanted to do with 2 evenings of "free time" let me know.

You are entering at the base of the picture. THe ruin is 300ft away...

2013-07-16, 03:58 PM
Upon seeing the ruins, Thrune comes to a stop and carefully analyzes the terrain. Hoping not to repeat his previous performance as "live bait", the unarmed warrior retrieves a potion from his back and drinks it in one long gulp, summoning an arcane armor that would further enhance his defenses.

Does anyone recognize those runes? asks the monks to his companions, for he himself was not versed in many languages

Drink potion of Mage armor (+4AC, 1 hour duration). 3 potions left

2013-07-16, 06:18 PM
Bones are as good a reason as any to draw his blade and show caution despite the his obvious interest in the ruins.

Letting the others move ahead a moment, he casts Detect magic.

2013-07-16, 10:41 PM

Her heart began to pound. It wasn't fear but she was anxious, she knew something was here and that there would be more loot.

[roll0] perception

2013-07-17, 06:26 AM
Slightly wary, Thak carefully drags his fingers along the bow strapped to his back, ready.

Perception [roll0]

2013-07-17, 03:01 PM
The sharp eyes of Thak, Thrune and the sorceress all pick out the movement by the ruined tower some 300ft away. A flicker of wings - a buzz of something insectile as the massive wasp, first one then a second one as the small hive is disturbed.

The sharp eyes of Thrune and THak spotting a strange purple glow emanating from the tails of these monstrous wasps...

Prepare your initiative!
2 giant wasp like creatures emerge 300ft away
-- Init [roll0]

2013-07-17, 03:33 PM
Let's spread out suggests Thrune to Those with ranged capabilities should weaken them from afar while those who can only do hand to hand should prepare to intercept incoming enemies

And watch out for their stings! warns the monk to the others There seems to be something foul in them


2013-07-18, 07:03 AM
Thak frowns and grips his bow. "A pity, I would prefer flight over a fight like this... but let us see."

Init: [roll0]

2013-07-18, 07:40 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2013-07-18, 03:08 PM
The two massive wasps, bulbous tails the size of a small dwarf much less the rest of the pinched and chitinous beasts. They buzz forward on opalascent wings like cruel aerial hunters...

As they flit forward through the muggy swampy air their tails begin to glow and suddenly spinning balls of energy streak forth on trails of murky purple energy.

The balls of energy striking Tanos, Thrak, Heeran and Dalya...

Wasps buzz forward 60ft to close to 200ft
They fire missiles of energy (As magic missiles with range 520ft)
- Damage to Tanos, Thrak, Heeran, Dalya
- All take [roll0] from the force impacts

In future I think I'll take up Drothmal's suggestion.
In this case the super fast wasps go first as you can't beat them.

Players to go

P.S. I'm away for the weekend so posting will be slow.

2013-07-18, 04:11 PM
Surprised by the wasp's ranged capabilities, Thrune realizes that a quick change of tactics is needed if the group is to survive.

Using all his athleticism, the monk breaks into a run and dashes through the side of the battlefield, hoping to bring the battle to a melee confrontation where he can be of service to his companions.

Full round= Run 120ft (4x30ft=120)towards the wasps, still avoiding to block line of fire.
Running suppresses DEX bonus to AC (and therefore the Dodge feat too)

AC= 16 (4 armor + 2 wis)
F=+5, R=+4, W=+4

Mage armor= 59/60 mins

2013-07-18, 08:54 PM

She looks around for a place to take cover.

2013-07-19, 08:51 PM

Heran draws his weapon and begins a quick incantation, moving in front of the group in hopes of being a more appealing target, being as he had barely felt the sting of the first attack

I cast the spell Bless.

2013-07-20, 02:09 AM
Thak swallows a curse and shoots two arrows at the lead insect.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-07-20, 01:16 PM
The heroes leap into action. Dalya ducking down behind a section of ancient moss covered wall. Heern screening the others as a pulse of well being and bravery spreads from him. Thak notches a pair of arrows - the first clipping a wasp burying itself into its chitinous hide. THe second bouncing off.

Thrune darts forward, leaves, moss and splashes of muddy ponds streaming from him as he races forward. The wasps respond, one buzzing directly at Thrune and lunging at him with its pointed stinger as large as a human spear head

Charge 120ft to meet THurne
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] + DC 17 Fort (6 rounds 1d2 dex, 1 save to stop)

The second one buzzes forward on flickering wings closing to 50ft from the rest of the party

Wasp 1 (6/XX hp) and Thrune --70ft--- Wasp 2 -- 50ft ---- "rest of party"

2013-07-20, 01:44 PM
As he sees one of the wasps charging forwards to meet him, Thrune begins to run faster.

For a moment, it looks as if the monk will be impaled against the deadly sting.

At the last second, Thrune breaks his run into a slide, slipping underneath the giant insect. Using his powerful muscles, the monk springs back into action, delivering what he hopes will be a deadly blow

Swift: Activate Crane Syle
Move: Move 5' step to be in range/good footing/etc
Standard: Attack! (I'll be assuming that bless took effect before Thrune ran off)

(1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively+1 Bless)

IF ENEMY ATTACKS, 1 melee attack is cancelled and counterattack is triggered
(1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively+1 Bless)

AC= 22 (10+ 4 Armor + 2 DEX + 2 WIS + 3 Fighting defensively + 1 dodge)
F=+5, R=+4, W=+4

Mage armor= 59/60 mins

2013-07-22, 05:01 AM
Thak notches and fires an arrow twice once more, spending it spiralling through the air towards the wand.

Attack the 50ft-close wasp.

2013-07-22, 08:17 AM
Sprints forward closing the distance between him and Thrune, slashing at the attacking wasp before it can fly out of range again.

Swift: enhance longsword +1
Full Charge Wasp: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC @ 13 until next round

2013-07-22, 11:10 AM

From her crouched position she fires her crossbow.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] dam

2013-07-22, 08:13 PM

Heran lurches forward into a dead run, his stocky slow self making little distance as he charged past his allies in pursuit of the further bug.

Run action, move 60 feet towards Thrune and his Wasp

2013-07-23, 02:21 PM
Even as the gnoll drops into the bushes vanishing from sight the wasp and the monk exchange a flurry of blows as Thrune's fists cannot damage the heavy chitin and fluttering wings force him back - neither can the arrows fired by the monk of the bow.

Even as that's happening heavy footfalls announce the arrival of the inquisitor in support of the lone monk.

The second wasp as it buzzes closer twitches as the crossbow bolt slams into a wedge of the chitin before a swinging blow from a flashing longsword cuts off the tip of one of its legs.

The two wasps now with prey buzz angrily hovering in the air. Stingers plunging down attempting to skewer Thrune and Kael...

Attack Thrune [roll0] damage [roll1] + DC 17 Fort (6 rounds 1d2 dex, 1 save to stop)
Attack Kael [roll2] damage [roll3] + DC 17 Fort (6 rounds 1d2 dex, 1 save to stop)

Wasp 1 6/X, Wasp 2 11/X

Wasp 1 + Thrune - 60ft - heeran - 10ft - Wasp 2/Kael - 50ft - Thak/Dalya

2013-07-23, 03:56 PM
Thrune deflects the wasp's sting and tries to deliver a counter, but the insect moves too fast for the monk to connect a decisive blow.

Undeterred, the martial artist whirls around the wasp and throws a roundhouse kick.

Move: Move 5' step to be in range/good footing/etc
Standard: Attack!
[roll0](1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively+1 Bless)

IF ENEMY ATTACKS, 1 melee attack is cancelled and counterattack is triggered
[roll2](1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively+1 Bless)

AC= 22 (10+ 4 Armor + 2 DEX + 2 WIS + 3 Fighting defensively + 1 dodge)
F=+5, R=+4, W=+4

Mage armor= 59/60 mins

2013-07-23, 09:39 PM
The stinger finds a weak spot in his armor and he's staggering back, bleeding profusely. Having no place to safely fall back too, he curses furiously slashing at the creature with his blade, the air crackling with energy once again.

Full action: Spell Combat
Spell: Shocking Grasp w/spell strike
Attack: [roll0] ((+1 strength, +1 bless, +1 enchantment, +1 bab, -2 spell combat penalty ))
Damage spell: [roll1]
Damage Weapon: [roll2]

Weapon attack:
Attack: [roll3] (same bonuses)
Damage: [roll4]

2013-07-23, 11:51 PM
Even impaled on the stinger Kael is able to summon deep reserves of something.... Crackling lightning and the sweeping blade engulf the wasp and seconds later the heavy magically charged thorax seperates from the head as the tiny elf dismembers the giant wasp ...

wasp 1 still going, thak, heeran and dalya still to act.

2013-07-24, 12:00 AM

She reloads her cross bow and then moves into firing range of the second wasp.

Not sure how the ranges work here, but she'll move to about 70 ft from the wasp for her crossbow. If she is already there then:
[roll0] to hit (-4 for firing into melee)
[roll1] dam

2013-07-24, 04:35 PM
Two more arrows search out through the air for waspflesh.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-07-24, 05:19 PM

Heran lurches forward after the further wasp, readying himself to strike.

Double move 40 foot.

2013-07-25, 12:40 AM
Even as the dwarf spirint forward the distance and his smaller legs prove to make it a vain effort. Thrune's fists slam into the face of the wasp driving it backwards before with a dull thunk thunk the two archers - both with aim blessed and guided by dwarven magic thud home and with a final buzz the wasp drops to the ground.

The clearing near the towers still and silent once more...

What are you up to now?

2013-07-25, 01:44 PM
Is everyone alright? asks Thrune to his companions

If so, I would like to explore the towers as soon as possible, for the potion I just consumed only lasts an hour. We can search the surrounding area after we have been to the ruins

@DrK: Should we roll perception now for searching (and you'll just tell us what we will find when we search later) or should we just remember to search after we go to the ruins?

2013-07-25, 06:15 PM
"Not so much," answering Thune's question, still impaled by the now severed stinger. "Can one of you help with this, or should I take that potion we just found?"

2013-07-25, 06:22 PM
Thak stretches his bow arm as he straps his weapon onto his back. "Before we be discussin' the booty, laddie, are we be all alrigh"?

2013-07-26, 10:26 AM

She gets up from her position and quaffs a potion. "I'm fine."


2013-07-27, 01:07 AM
It takes a few minutes of roaming around the swampy ground before you reach the base of the Tower. a brief "where has Tanos" gone announcing the disappearance of the large hammer wielding Gnoll.

Dalya and Kael wounds now healed slightly the rocky tower seems ruined with large runes on it. Even as you go to examine it however you hear a shout of rage behind you as one of the other ruins topples over - a crazed figure emerging from the swamp water...


He shouts at you in broken Varisian "You slay my pets. My friends. I slay you. Eat your hearts"

Swamp warlock 40ft away from you

Evil swamp warlock [roll0]
Dalya [roll1]
Thak [roll2]
Kael [roll3]
Heeran [roll4]
Thrune [roll5]

2013-07-27, 01:09 AM
As you watch he howls out a challenge to the skies, his axe like toothy weapon brandished high as he crackles with magic and shimmering scales and chitinous plates erupt from his flesh and begin to coat his body...

He casts a spell
DC17 spellcraft identifies it as Barkskin

2013-07-27, 03:30 AM
We shall see about that! replies Thrune as he dashes towards the enemy, stopping only a few feet away before assuming a fighting position

Move: Move 30' in direction of enemy
Swift: Activate Crane style
Standard: Readied action to attack enemy if he comes within range
[roll0] (1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

IF ENEMY ATTACKS, 1 melee attack is cancelled and counterattack is triggered

AC= 22 (10+ 4 Armor + 2 DEX + 2 WIS + 3 Fighting defensively + 1 dodge)
F=+5, R=+4, W=+4

Mage armor= 49/60 mins

Changed Thrune's speech color so it doesn't overlap with Kael
Assumed that about 10' went by between fights. Please let me know if it was more

2013-07-27, 09:47 AM

[roll0] spellcraft

2013-07-27, 09:52 AM
Thak covers a curse, gauges distance and wind then carefully aims two arrows at his chest.

Use Perfect Strike to roll twice and take the better for both.
Arrow 1 [roll0]
Arrow 1 [roll1]

Arrow 2 [roll2]
Arrow 2 [roll3]


2013-07-27, 04:14 PM

Heran lurches forward, drawing his blade in a sudden movement to thrust it clean into the warlocks chest. "Pin him down, don't let him get away from me and he'll be an easy target"

Charging Power attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

For those of you who don't understand, Heran has the disruptive feat, keeping the warlock in range should make his concentration checks impossible.

2013-07-27, 07:18 PM
The magus watches the swamp dweller, a bit slow to react after his previous injuries.

Spellcraft: 1d20+

2013-07-28, 04:37 PM
Sword still drawn he advances as well, angling just a bit to avoid being caught too close to either of his companions, or charge in still bloodied from their previous encounter. A flick of his free hand sends a blob of acid at the caster, not wanting to commit anything else until they know the whole situation.

move: 30' towards swamp guy
Action: Acid Splash Ranged touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-29, 10:09 AM

She worried a bit at the sight of the mad man. Quickly she cast a spell on his weapon.

Casting grease DC 16

2013-07-29, 03:07 PM
The savage swamp warlock grunts in surprise staggering back as the pair of arrows slam into his chest - green blood pooling at his feet from the pair of impacts.

Even as that happens the Inquisitor rumbles in barging the swampy druid and basing his weapon and spellcasting hands away.

While that's happening Kael, Dalya and Thrune begin the attack. Acid missing and the grease being dissolved by the swampy slimy water.

The swamp druid lets loose a cackle and there is a rumble as from the water behind him a massive snappy crocodile appears and pounces upon THrune...

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1] CMB Imp Grab [roll2]

The druid slipping and bleeding swings the axe at Heeran despearetly...

Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]

2013-07-29, 05:58 PM
Thrune's face is one of pain as the crocodile teeth sink int his flesh. With an effort of will, the monk steels his body and begins fighting the reptile

Standard: Attack!
[roll0] (1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

IF ENEMY ATTACKS, 1 melee attack is cancelled and counterattack is triggered
[roll2] (1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

AC= 22 (10+ 4 Armor + 2 DEX + 2 WIS + 3 Fighting defensively + 1 dodge)
F=+5, R=+4, W=+4

Mage armor= 49/60 mins

2013-07-31, 12:41 AM
Looking between the crocodile and the druid, Thak hesitates before firing two more arrows at the bearded figure.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-07-31, 08:09 AM
Circles around he attempts to get behind the druid before attacking with his blade.

Swift: Enhance longsword +1
Move: Approach druid, flanking if possible
Attack; w/ sword: [roll0] (no flanking included)
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-31, 09:05 AM

He had the advantage in this environment, she thought, as she raised he crossbow and fired it at the croc.

[roll0] to hit (firing into melee)
[roll1] dam

2013-07-31, 09:43 AM

Allowing the druids attack to strike him, Heran takes the blow with the raw constitution of his earthly heritage, and in turn brings his blade to bear on the swampy foe.

Power Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-07-31, 02:54 PM
Arrows flying wide of the combat the swam warlock gave Thak a nasty glare. The glare was transferred to Heeran as the toothy axe met the sword in a shower of sparks. Seconds later it was over for the warlock - a fast moving elf darting round and a single darting stroke to the neck and a fountain of blood ending the threat of the swamp wizard.

Nearby the crocodile's heavy hide deflected the crossbow bolt before with a sickening crunch Thrune broke its leg, as it lashed at him he brought his elbow down hard on its nose shattering bones and teeth...

Seconds later with all 5 of the party unleashing their fury upon it the beats was dead.... a nice set of shoes or a hide shield all it was worth.

The crocodile was just alive, but as Thrune can deflect all of its attacks it would just die this round so I'm killing it off.


What next?
Healing? Searching? Roaming?

2013-07-31, 03:26 PM
Thrune wipes some of the blood (some crocodile's some his own) from his hands and walks up to the druid's corpse, searching the foe for anything valuable.

Heran, do you still have any healing powers available? asks the monk, pointing so where the crocodile's indentation can still be seen on his own flesh.

Let us search for a bit and then press on. By my calculations, the potion should still have over half an hourglass left.

Proposed plan
- Loot druid
- Healing for Thrune and Heran
- Search for 15'
- press onwards

2013-07-31, 03:41 PM
Crouching by the body, experience adventuring hands rifle through the dead corpse finding a small booty of trusty loot...

Scroll, Divine [Produce Flame, Scent trail, Find Traps] CL3
Potion Reduce Weapon (1st)
Potion Cure Light (1st)

[120 gp] saltwater pearl
[90 gp] unworked chrysoberyl (worth 45 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[110 gp] chrysoberyl
[600 gp] black pearl

Masterwork Hide Armour
Master Work Bone Battleaxe

2013-08-02, 02:03 PM
Exploring the ruins the party rapidly find a small circle inside the wasp's nest. The dried husks of the beasts litter the grounds. Underneath all of that the still stuttering Thassolnian runes of an ancient and small stone door sealed shut for ages...

Its up to you if you want to rest or go downstairs... if you can open the door :smallwink:

2013-08-02, 02:22 PM

She begins to inspect the area, then at the Thassolnian runes, and finally the door itself.

Is anyone going to carry the masterwork armor and battle axe?

[roll0] perception general area inspection
[roll1] knowledge Arcana
[roll2] perception looking for traps

2013-08-02, 02:51 PM
Thrune kneels next to the sorceress and does his best to examine the non-magical components of the door

Aid another to Dayla for both perception checks

Even if we find a way through, we should probably rest before we venture past this door suggest the monk to his companions

2013-08-02, 10:39 PM
Mutters quietly under his breath, recasting detect magic, then goes to help see if he can identify anything.

knowledge arcane: [roll0]
knowledge dungeoneering: [roll1]
perception: [roll2]

2013-08-03, 12:09 AM
Thak grins, reaches into his backpack and pulls out a crowbar. Sliding it into the door, he starts trying to pry it apart. "C'mon, word-door! Have somethin' nice for ya uncle Thak!"

2013-08-04, 12:29 AM
The night in the swamp passes uneasily with buzzing, chirping and grumbling emanating and echoing from the reeds and misty starlit grass patches. However the night is safe and no attack occurs.

Dalya and Kael with some assistance form the learned monk Thrune study the strange portal. They can detect the magical locking mechanism within and after some extensive study Dalya begins to believe that the door is connected to one of the ancient Thassilon magic lords - "Greed". If the something is sacrificed (blood most likely) then the portal may open. Or the crowbar may be used to assault door... but its a lot of magical energy.

Blood sacrifice or physical assault on the stone square?

2013-08-04, 07:42 AM
Thak heads over to the abandoned body of the druid and drags it over next to the door. He slits open the arm and squeezes some blood onto the door.

2013-08-05, 12:42 AM
With cunning insight and a slight uncare for the proper way to treat the body of a fallen enemy Thak tosses the druids body onto the circle before wringing it out slightly. A few hundred ml's of dark clotted blood are squeezed out and ooze onto the circle.

The circle glows and spins as magical energy suffuses the circle and the hungry vampiric magics are sated and the portal shimmers before vanishing showing a 10ft drop into a rough walled cave!

XP bell, ding ding ding. You have defeated the trap - an in an ingenious manner :smallsmile:

2013-08-05, 12:06 PM
Thrune watches as the trap is disarmed

Well thought, Thak! says the monk to his companion as he looks down the well. Does anyone have a rope? I can go down first and see if there are any perils

Retrieving and drinking another of the potions that had served him so well for the battles the day before,Thrune prepares himself for new battles to test the strength of his martial arts.

Activate Snake Style (I'm assuming that going down this entrance counts as dungeon crawling)
Drink Mage Armor potion (1hr duration)
If anyone provides a rope, use it to climb down. If no one has a rope, just jump down.

2013-08-05, 12:29 PM

She was hunched over pondering how best to open the door when Thak brought over the body and spurted some of the dead's druid's blood on it. This made her frustrated, both because she didn't get a chance at the trap and for not thinking of it herself.

When asked she hands Thrune her silk rope.

2013-08-05, 06:20 PM
Finds a few decently sized stones, casts light on them and drops them into the cave before moving to help lower Thrune in.

2013-08-06, 02:13 AM
Thak looks at the rest of you and grins. "Bunch o'sissies the lotta ya!" Stepping forward, he nimbly hops down into the cave, somersaulting through the air with surprising deftness.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

2013-08-07, 12:44 PM

See looks down the hole to see if Thak is alright.

2013-08-07, 03:16 PM
Landing with a dull thud and a heavy stumble in the entrance. A massive doorway facing him with leering gargoyles looking at him in the light of the glowing rocks.

A large 3 fingere hand indented in the door a likely hint of some sort of lock or opening mechanism.

You have landed in the top left in the entrance. The door is big and stone!


2013-08-07, 04:09 PM
No enemies! You can all come down! yells Thrune to the others after descending with the rope and checking the room.

Then, the monk looks at the massive doorway and the three fingered hand. The martial artist then approaches the door, closely inspecting the gargoyles to see if they have fingers in their hands.

2013-08-07, 04:15 PM
I realize that a perception roll might be required


2013-08-07, 10:10 PM
Lowers himself into the pit, and takes a look at the door/gargoyles.

Take ten on check to climb down?
knowledge dungeoneering: [roll0]
knowledge arcane: [roll1]
perception: [roll2]

Cast detect magic

2013-08-08, 09:55 AM

She climbs down slowly and once there marvels at the sight.

[roll0] History
[roll1] Arcana
[roll2] Perception

2013-08-08, 02:02 PM

Heran follows after them, his hand on his sword as he watches for danger while the others investigate

Perception [roll0]

2013-08-08, 02:32 PM
Dropping down into the small cave like room all of the PC's glance around and stare at the door and the statue high above it. Dalya can see the runes and the continuing theme of the ancient Thassilonians - but more importantly she sees the pair of spike throwers buried deep in the eyes of the gargoyle and the pressure plate in the 3 fingered hand.

- About the same time as Drothmal sees the gargoyles leg has 3 fingers. An obvious opening tool or so the unwary would think.

- Dalya instead see's the small switch - a thin hole where the gargolyes bottom would be that the point of a dagger or arrow could fit into to open the door without setting off the trap.

The trapfinding rogue saw a trap!

2013-08-08, 05:50 PM

"Do move," she announces and points to the pressure plate, "it's a trap don't step there."

Looking a bit more she says, "Get me a dagger or arrow." Once in her hand she places in to the hole at the base of the gargoyle.

Finally this archetype is paying off...:smallbiggrin:
Do I need to made a disable device roll? Can I take 20 or 10?

2013-08-09, 02:57 PM
Inserting the arrow up the gargoyles butt the door opens with a dull crunch. Stairs into pitch darkness beckon. The dim light of the light spells revealing the first half of the stairs as there is a sound of chitinous creaking and a slight hissing from the inky blackness below coupled with a faint splashing and the smell of stagnant water.

Stairs are ~50ft long so the light spell does not illuminate all the way to the doorway of the next room (entrance hall on the plan)

2013-08-09, 03:50 PM
Good call says Thrune to Dayla as she stops him from doing something stupid.

As the door opens, the monk looks down the stairs.

This place has already shown us two traps... we should expect many more. Dayla, you seem to be the most skilled at finding these traps: would you take the front of the formation with me?

Should any enemy appear, I'll make it my first priority to interpose myself between you and the foe.

(not sure how wide the stairs are, but if they are at least enough for 2 people to fit side to side, Thrune's offer consists in walking up next to Dayla with a readied action to spring in between her and any danger)

2013-08-10, 04:17 AM
Thak peers down the stairway with interest, but gets behind Dayla as everyone heads down.

2013-08-11, 12:33 AM

She nods hiding her apprehension. She casts a quick light spell for herself then begins to move cautiously and slowly, making her way.

perception for traps

2013-08-11, 11:09 PM
Casting light on his blade he follows the group down the stairs.

2013-08-12, 01:41 PM
The stairs descend into the gloom slowly seeping into a mire of dimness and darkness lit by the shining light spells as the slight fog and mist crept up - first ankle high then waist high as they slowly approached the doorway looming out of the mist below. The light setting the mist glowing spookily and the strange wet fog clinging to their bodies and giving all the metallic weapons a wet sheen.

As you reach the base of the stairs the room opens up - the mist still filling the room faintly revealing a door on the far side of the room some 40ft away and a door to the right - some 40ft away but the room is dominated by the large 15ft square foot pool in the centre.

Even as you approach the doorway the water seems to rise up like some sort of savage creature. A snarling face appearing and a long tendrils capped with rough foam splashing in the gloom...


PC's can go first (i'm kind like that)
- Its a large watery creature in the pool.
- You have 10ft border of stonework around the pool
- The doorway you are in is 15ft away from the beast and 10ft wide - with I guess Thrune and Dalya leading the way :smalleek:

2013-08-12, 01:46 PM

And this is the reason she hated being in front, but atleast the creature seemed to be confined to the pool, She moved diagonally toward the creature with a single step and blasted it with a cone of color.

five foot step and color spray DC 16

2013-08-12, 02:30 PM
How do you strike water? Thrune wanders as he sees the enemy

Nonetheless the monk stay true to his word and he moves to attack the creature from an angle that would make it difficult for the watery foe to strike back at the sorceress.

Swift: Dragon Style
Move: move against water creature thing, preferably providing cover for Dayla
Standard: Attack!

[roll0] (2 BAB + 4 STR + 1 feat)
[roll1] (6 STR)

If elemental attacks Thrune, activate Serpent Style, using immediate action from next turn for Sense motive as AC

AC= 18 (4 armor + 2 dex + 2 Wis)26 (Snake Style)

2013-08-12, 07:33 PM

Heran lurches in at the creature, his sword drawn in an instant as he makes an instant strike to cut into it.

Knowledge Check to identify it [roll]1d20+10[roll] knowledge (Whatever's applicable)

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

I assume i've got enough range to move up to it and attack, since i'd be right behind Thrune most of the time.

2013-08-12, 07:59 PM
Thak raises a surprised eyebrow but sidesteps back and fires two shots into the creature.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
Snake Style: Activate!

2013-08-13, 08:06 AM
Waits a moment, not wanting to charge in if the creature is confined to the pool and can be picked apart from a distance.

Hold turn to see how it reacts to the attacks from others.

2013-08-13, 02:45 PM
The party bursts onto the scene. The room lights up like a veritable rainbow as Dalya blasts out with her colour spray. The massive elemental pool shimmering as rainbow light plays and refracts out from within it. The dazzling effects stunning the creature for a round!

Even as that happen Thrune steps forward - the creatures long reach of no help when confused by the dazzling light. The water feeling unusually solid as he lashes out. The two arrows splash into it the body of water, one floating around and causing what appears to be a small puncture. Unlike Heeran's sword that glances off the side with barely a splash

Stunned this round :smallfrown:

It takes 8 damage overall from an arrow and a fist

2013-08-13, 03:31 PM
Let's attack from both sides! yells Thrune to the others as he presses on his attacks, trying to damage the elemental as much as possible before it gets a chance to move.

5ft step (if possible, assuming a flanking position)
Standard: Attack!
[roll0] (2 BAB + 4 STR + 1 feat) (add +2 if flanking)

If elemental attacks Thrune, activate Serpent Style, using immediate action from next turn for Sense motive as AC

AC= 18 (4 armor + 2 dex + 2 Wis)
24 (Snake Style)

2013-08-13, 07:21 PM

Seeing her companions move into position she tries to buy them some breathing space. The young sorceress calls forth her inner hag to vex the watery creature.

Horrific visage Will save DC 16 or shaken for 1 round

2013-08-13, 11:20 PM
Not finding much to be concerned about yet when the others attack it successfully Kael circles to the side as Thrune suggests and slashes with his blade, conserving resources for now.

Swift: enhance blade +1 ( -1 pool point)
Move; space near water creature flanking if possible.
Attack w/ longsword: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2013-08-14, 03:25 AM
Grinning, Thak repeats the motion, and two more missiles shoot out after the creature.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-08-18, 04:25 PM

Heran circles around and gives the elemental another good swipe with his blade, hoping to strike in a manner to damage him.

Power attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Sorry about the delay in posting. Work sucks ass.

2013-08-19, 02:47 PM
THe beast seems to spin and turn into a great vortex as the party assail it. Thak's arrows being pulled away, Heeran's blade for nought and Kael's sword doing little more than catching spray. Only THrune only walking up to is able to make contact, fist slamming into the water like a rock into a puddle.

Dalya at the stairs looks at it as it rises amongst them before looking at it with a cross stare that seems to repel the water slightly.

Will [roll0] VS 16 or shaken (-2 to hit)

The beast lashes out in all directions. Fists and splashing waves and curling foam beating at the party. One of the fists beating down at Thrune who reads the intentions ducking and weaving like the water itself. The other slams onto the dwarf, crushing at Heeran.

Attack Thrune [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Attack Heeran [roll3] Damage [roll4]

-- Take -2 off the attack roll if its shaken above

2013-08-19, 03:09 PM
In a fluid motion, Thrune lands on his left foot and spins in place, transforming the momentum of his dodge into a roundhouse kick.

Fearlessly, the monk follows up his first attack with a second one, propelling himself into the air and using his left leg for another kick.

Free: Enemy missed an attack last turn, triggering a counterattack
[roll0] (2 BAB + 4 STR + 1 feat) (add +2 if flanking)

5ft step if necessary to obtain flanking
[roll2] (2 BAB + 4 STR + 1 feat) (add +2 if flanking)

If elemental attacks Thrune, activate Serpent Style, using immediate action from next turn for Sense motive as AC

AC= 18 (4 armor + 2 dex + 2 Wis)
30 (Snake Style)

2013-08-20, 02:29 AM
Thak remains behind the rest, methodically pumping arrows into the creature.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-08-20, 11:19 AM

She continued her magical assault on the creature's resolve.

continuing with her horrific visage: DC 16 vs will or Shaken

2013-08-20, 06:22 PM
Reassessing the danger after the vortex starts lashing out at multiple allies at once, Kael stops holding back. Returning to what has worked, he adjusts his position before unleashing two quick strikes along with a blast of electricity.

Move: 5' step if needed to gain flanking
Full action: Spell combat
Attack w/ Longsword: [roll0] (flanking not included)
dmg: [roll1]
Spell strike: Shocking Grasp
Attack: [roll2]
weapon damage: [roll3]
Spell damage: [roll4]

2013-08-22, 05:56 PM

As the dagger strike bounces off of his armor, Heran launches another powerful attack at the beast, with more focus and determination than the last

Power attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-08-25, 02:51 PM
Again the massive wave of water coupled with some unlucky slips and trips leaves the party floundering. Only the monk connects with a loose blow that waves the water.

The elemental grimaces and lashes back out at the monk in an effort to Pull the monk into the pool with the elemental.

Will [roll0] DC 16

Pull Thrun into the pool [roll1] VS Thrunes CMD

Sorry for the slow reponse. I had family visiting this weekend

2013-08-27, 10:30 PM
Thak begins to whistle and sing a jaunty sea shanty about mermaids pulling sailors into the seas to their deaths.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-08-27, 11:27 PM

She continued to distract the creature.

continuing with her horrific visage: DC 16 vs will or Shaken

2013-08-28, 11:29 AM
Despite his martial training, there is not much that the monk can do against the torrent of water sucking him into the pull.

Using his athleticism, the monk remains above water and tries to go back to surer footing from where he can attack

Swim check = 23 (see OoC)
Move out of pool as a full round action (if this provokes AoO, do so after the rest have moved to see if they can kill it first)
Still using Snake style, so in case an AoO is provoked

AC= 18 (4 armor + 2 dex + 2 Wis)
18 (Snake Style)

2013-08-29, 08:20 AM
Kael curses as Thrun gets pulled in. When the monk resurfaces he quickly abandons his instinct of risking making things worse in an effort to help the man, and instead concentrates on finishing the elemental, though he does change his approach in an effort to not zap the other man in the process.

Spell Combat full round:
Attack w/ sword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Spell Magic Missile:
Damage: [roll2] 2nd:[roll3]

2013-08-29, 02:18 PM

Heran strikes once more with his blade, his focus unbreakable as he attempts to slay the beast.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-08-30, 02:57 PM
The party fares poorly again as the foam and splashes seems to daze and dazzle the heroes. Only a single arrow finding a mark on the massive spinning wall of water before a pair of holes are punched in the creature with hissing magic missiles.

Thrune begins to paddle but the massive elemental pounds and tears at him with its watery strength. Its full force coming to bear upon the monk before he is able to struggle out of the pool.

Will [roll0] VS 16. If fail subtract 2 form Attack rolls

AoO on THrune [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Slam Thrune [roll3] Damage [roll4]
Slam Kael [roll5] Damage [roll6]

Sorry with its DR /- its taking some time to kill it. And you guys are having dreadful luck with dice rolls.

2013-08-31, 11:53 AM
Dodging out of the way of the attack he redoubles his efforts channeling energy into his blade as he slashes again.

5' step if it can get flanking
Full Action Spell combat
Attack Sword(+1): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Pool Strike (electric).
Touch w/ Longsword: [roll2]
Sword Damage: [roll3]
Electric Damage: [roll4]

2013-09-01, 05:07 AM
"Then up spoke the cabinboy, of our gallant ship
And a nasty little lad was he
"I'm not quite sure I can spell mermaid
But I'm going to the bottom of the sea..."

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2013-09-01, 08:08 PM

Heran slipped away from the elemental and knelt by the monks body once he felt he was out of reach. "It is not your time, friend." He mumbles softly, his hands carefully on the monks chest as healing light envelops the body.

I'm taking a five foot step out of reach and casting Cure Light Wounds on Thrune.

Healing roll [roll0]

And, just in case the elemental has a ten foot reach (I'm unsure, and don't want not rolling one to deny me a roll). Concentration check [roll1]

2013-09-02, 12:29 AM
Escaping the pool left Thrune rather unprepared for the water creature's attack. As the water hits him in the temple as if it was a sledgehammer, the monk begins to lose consciousness.

Fortunately, Thrune was not fighting alone.

Heran's magic proves enough to return the martial artist to fighting condition, and Thrune once again attempts to damage the elemental with his fists.

5ft step if necessary to obtain flanking
[roll0] (2 BAB + 4 STR + 1 feat) (add +2 if flanking)

If elemental attacks Thrune, activate Serpent Style, using immediate action from next turn for Sense motive as AC

AC= 18 (4 armor + 2 dex + 2 Wis)
32(Snake Style)

2013-09-09, 08:15 PM

She wanted to help Thrune who looked worse for wear but she didn't have a wand and doubted he had time to take a potion from her. Instead she continued what she was doing, hoping it was enough.

Horrific visage again