View Full Version : 3'600'000 Million XP Team 2

2013-06-22, 06:15 AM
3'600'000 Million XP Team 2

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=288676)

The sun blazes down on the choppy water of the Yondabakari River as the party of brave heroes treks down the bank. On the southern side the bank of the riverbank is riddled with small tributaries leading into a vast Mushfens. A massive bog of epic proportions.

With the wind whipping up the choppy water and a slight spray misting the party the slight disturbance up ahead nearly goes unnoticed before the waters part and large bulky monster rears up, water streaming from its hulking form as it stamps upon the banks some 60ft down river of the party.


The massive creature with gaping claws and a tusked mouth howling loudly, a crude axe formed from a broken shard of boat decking and a gaff spike clutched in its hooked and clawed hands...

Its on the bank 60ft away from you.
Initiative [roll0]

2013-06-22, 09:23 AM
Grendil was walking along taking in the scenery, it was quite the environment, and he sighed as it bought him back to his home. Shaking the nostalgia away he looked to Rascal and smiled, the great cat was bounding down towards him a rabbit in his mouth after a some hunting.

Just as he was about to tear into it beside his master, the beast emerged from the water.

Spear in had, Grendil looked to the others and was reassured everyone was ready, this was going to be interesting, their first blooding.

His left hand readies a spell, the energies forming in his hand, but he doesn't release it yet. Rascal simply growls at the monster, his huge canines jutting up ready to tear at its flesh.


Grendil readies a Flare (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/flare) for when the monster is within 30 ft, DC 13 fort negates dazzled for 1 minute.

Rascal readies a charge if the creature comes within 20ft.
[roll=Charge attack]1d20+7[roll]
AC after charge: 12

Grendil will take Green.

2013-06-22, 10:08 AM
rerolling charge attack

2013-06-22, 06:21 PM
As soon as the enemy makes his presence known, Thrune quickly runs in front of his companions and assumes a fighting stance

Everyone wait for him to attack me first asks the martial artist of his companions before turning to the foe

Come at me, you beast! Let us test our mettle yells the monk as he makes an inviting gesture with his hand towards the creature

Move: Move in front of party (but still at distance where others can charge/attack)
Swift: Activate Crane Style
Standard (Readied action): If enemy gets within range, attack while fighting defensively

[roll0] (1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

IF ENEMY ATTACKS, 1 melee attack is cancelled and counterattack is triggered
[roll2] (1 BAB + 4 STR - 1 fighting defensively)

Hp= 16/16
AC= 18 (10+ 2 DEX + 2 WIS + 3 Fighting defensively + 1 dodge)