View Full Version : Favorite Character, and reason?

2013-06-23, 10:27 AM
Just an opinion thread, who is your favorite character out of all the ones who have been introduced thus far? Preferably of the ones still living (or undead, as the case may be), but any are eligible.

In addition, if you have a reason why they are your favorite, please include that as well.

Speaking personally, I would have to say Belkar, because how can you not love the sexy shoeless god of war?

2013-06-23, 10:34 AM
I'm not sure.

I guess either Belkar or Xykon. They are both badasses and pretty funny. And paraprhasing Roy, "they are clever in their own brain-damaged way"

2013-06-23, 11:23 AM
Damn, there are so many good characters, whether they be main or secondary. But overall, my favorite character: :xykon: wins by an Olympic outcome. His whole entire backstory and display astonishes me, for example in SoD with his perfectly timed moments at Right eyes house and his last few words to Redcloak. Xykon is overall one of the best characters, with is badass humor and amazing oneliners. In conclusion, Xykon is my favorite character.
:xykon: I ripped off my own living flesh so that I wouldn't have to admit weakness. You're strictly little league compared to that. That right there? That's the difference between bonafide true Evil with a capital "E" and your whiny "evil, but for a good cause," crap. One gets to be the butch, and one gets to be the bitch - bitch.

2013-06-23, 11:27 AM
Fruit Pie the Sorcerer! Proof That I am Deeply Disturbed (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0091.html) is its own reason. Such a shame Fruit Pie was not included in the tournament.

2013-06-24, 12:53 PM
everyone loves wizard


sexy shoeless god of war

2013-06-24, 01:01 PM
It's a tough call, but Elan. I like chaotic goods, and I like characters that manage to surprise people with unexpected competence. He's also had the most personal development of any character aside from Roy.

2013-06-24, 01:20 PM
Xykon. I like his style, fighting and otherwise.
To be honest, I liked him less after SoD, though he kills without mercy in the online strips, his brutality in SoD was a little off putting.

I want to anti-vote for Tarquin. No one reeks as much as "90's style try hard meant to pander to the audience" as much as him. :P

Gift Jeraff
2013-06-24, 01:25 PM
Xykon, because the dude manages to be both funny and friggin' scary. Thog would be a very close second, for similar reasons.

2013-06-24, 01:31 PM
Definitely Belkar. He's comedy gold and a sexy shoeless god of war. CHeck out my forum name.

2013-06-24, 03:37 PM
I like the chaotic members of the Order - Elan (whom I still think of as the protagonist - he's way more central than Roy, at least the way I read the strip), and Belkar (should be a shoe-in, if he'll pardon the inappropriateness, for Best Supporting Character).

Haley not so much. For her, 'chaotic' is just an excuse to do whatever seems tactically convenient - she's always been more interested in 'plot' than 'having fun'.

2013-06-24, 04:12 PM
I really enjoy most of what Redcloak does, because for the most part he's the Straight Man on a dysfunctional team. He does what he needs to do with brutal efficiency, while trying to stay under the radar of the local bigger fish he's trying to manipulate. Sure, he's a horrid evil bastard when it comes to certain things - torture of humans, for example - but he seems to genuinely care for the goblin people and is not concerned about his own personal losses anymore.

That, and he can be real funny in his own deadpan way.

Next up is V, another character who's been using some really dodgy methods of getting things done, yet cares enough to change in the end. Belkar is awesome for being a sociopath, but V's acts of destruction match my preference for more intelligent characters speaking arrogantly and eloquently yet having the firepower to back it up.

So yeah, Redcloak and V. Both intelligent spellcasters who snark at their team's failures and have high stakes riding on their actions.

Other characters I like are Roy and Hinjo for being likable leadership figures, Xykon for being both scary when he's serious and hilarous when he's not, and Tarquin and Malack for their similar share of goofiness and proficiency.

2013-06-24, 04:17 PM
:redcloak: Because he's one of those no nonsense not messing around villains (look at that serious face, it's the serious face of a champion), AAAAND he killed Tsukiko which is also awesome. To put the icing on the cake, his title is the Supreme Leader of Gobbotopia. Pretty cool if you ask me.

2013-06-24, 05:09 PM
I have always loved O'Chul.

To me, he's the epitome of how a Paladin SHOULD be role played. A warrior fighting and struggling for a holy cause, but with human faults, and not so blinded by any self-conceived purity or righteousness that he can't make good decisions or recognize that non-paladin characters can contribute to their cause.

Being an incredible badass doesn't hurt either. Charging an epic-level Lich sorcerer with nothing but a loincloth takes, as Xykon puts it, +5 holy cojones. :smallcool:

(By contrast, I think Miko is my LEAST favorite character in the strip, mainly because she's so dumb and delusional).

2013-06-24, 05:16 PM
Redcloak and Elan are my two favorite characters. And I also look at then as the true main antagonist and the true main protagonist of the strip.
... And I just realized that they are more opposite than Elan and Nale. Is Redcloak Elan's true long-lost evil twin brother?

Belkar deserves a mention for me, as well.

As for minor character, I find myself oddly caring about Qarr.

Domino Quartz
2013-06-24, 05:37 PM
O-Chul. This (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0655.html) is why. Also, he's a really good example of a paladin done right.

2013-06-24, 07:06 PM
Elan is my favorite character. His enthusiasm and optimism are simply contagious. He's not just a hero, he's a good guy. He's honest and direct, in a Ralph Wiggum sorta way. Not surprisingly, Ralphie is my favorite Simpsons character.

Tiktik Ironclaw
2013-06-24, 08:38 PM
It's a toss-up between Belkar and Redcloak. Belkar because I just have a thing for pyscho characters who slaughter their way through problems. Probably because I enjoy being evil because I act the exact opposite. You need to get me really angry before I get physical, and not very, even then. Redcloak, I like because he's always seemed very sympathetic and "human" to me. 830 is probably my favorite strip in the entire comic.

2013-06-24, 08:44 PM
Xykon. A good antagonist is harder to pull off than a good protagonist, especially when they're snarky.

Rogar Demonblud
2013-06-24, 08:48 PM
O-Chul, for being possibly the single best example of a paladin I've seen in fiction or at the table.

For least favorite, probably Durkon. He's pretty much a bundle of stereotypes with an annoying accent tacked on. Reminds me of far too many gaming sessions derailed by bad acting.

Jay R
2013-06-24, 10:56 PM
Tarquin. He is both genre savvy and reality-focused - an extremely rare combination.

2013-06-24, 10:58 PM
Surely Redcloak, he's one of the most complex, interesting and complete characters you can have.

V's also extremely well done, as well Tarquin and Xykon who also have the advantage of being awesome. Also, even though I didn't like him at first, I now like Elan a lot since the EoB arc, he's still as light hearted while being able to actually have some epic moments.

I don't really share all the love for O Chul so many people have for him. While he's pretty cool, he is just another flawless paladin, so it makes him a little bland. There seems to be litterally nothing that makes him any different from other characters of that kind like say, Uther the Lightbringer from Warcraft.

2013-06-25, 03:05 AM
Probably Roy. His constant state of snarkiness never fails to amuse me.

Xykon is a close second. He is one of the evilest characters I've ever seen in fiction, and yet he's still hilarious.

2013-06-25, 04:21 AM
Redcloak. His background in SoD is quite sad, and I love his "evil, but with a good cause" thing, as Xykon puts it. What Redcloak wants is not evil in itself, goblins have been treated unfairly, wishing to be equal to the rest of the world. He's pretty smart and I love his sarcasm, too.

2013-06-25, 07:22 AM
The first D and D character I ever played was an evil halfling who was obsessed with killing people, so I just kind of always felt a connection with Belkar from the very beginning

2013-06-25, 08:48 AM
There seems to be litterally nothing that makes him any different from other characters of that kind like say, Uther the Lightbringer from Warcraft.

Well, for a start: Uther's a pretty lame stereotype who acts in ways that are evocative of paladins without actually spending the effort to establish him as a character or do anything interesting.

O-Chul's got depth and layer, adds a twist (the East Asian influence) and also demonstrates that when he is serious, he is deadly serious.

Comparing OotS to WC is kind of ... well, I treat the lore in that the way many people react to Twilight, I'll put it that way.

2013-06-25, 09:31 AM
My favourite OotS character is Redcloak. He's an excellent example of a very complex, strong antagonist with motives you can sympathize with, but that don't excuse his actions. He's tragic, because he either doesn't realize he's let himself become a monster, or doesn't admit it.

Warren Dew
2013-06-25, 09:46 AM
Of currently active characters, Malack. The character has considerable depth, and is also an interesting treatment of a very alien perspective, that of free willed undead.

Overall, Miko, of course.

2013-06-25, 11:48 AM

Smart, sympathetic, complicated. Plus he made Tsukiko's wights eat her and then each other.

Xykon is a close second. His "power equals power" speech was... powerful.