View Full Version : 3.5 - Is this a new pp recharge trick, or is it ye olde hat?

2013-06-23, 04:11 PM
Okay, you're a magic mantle'd psion/cerebremancer, or a spell-to-power'd erudite, or a Magic Mantle'd psion who has otherwise hedged his way into nabbing Metapower (Linked Power / Synchronicity) + Dweomer of Transference. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/spells/dweomerOfTransference.htm)

You take the DoT, Synchronicity, and one 2nd level power (or above) that can target you, Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Meditation, Linked Power, Metapower (Linked Power / Synchronicity) and, for preference, Extend Power.

Round 1: Make sure both foci are full and manifest Link Power'd Synchronicity + (for preference, Extended) Dweomer of Transference. Use your remaining actions to fill up your foci.

Round 2: Dweomer of Transference takes effect. More Linked Power Synchronicity along with the 2nd level power you've got. Regain focus. Do it again with a swift/immediate/move action power Linked with Synchronicity.

Round 3: Repeat round 2.

For every time you use Linked Power'd Synchronicity with a 2nd level power, you spend 2 pp and gain back 3. You want to Extend DoT so you can get more time to recharge.

Is this a well-known trick, or is it new? Inquiring minds want to know!

[edit] Second question. Would the magic mantle allow Expanded Knowledge to give you spells from arcane and divine classes as powers known?

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-23, 04:25 PM
I haven't seen it before but I also came up with it maybe two weeks ago, when I figured out how to amp your CL up through the roof.

Real fun though is Dweomer of Transference from a Psychic Chiguery from a StP Erudite with Metapower: Persistent Dweomer of Transference, Metapower: Linked (level 1 power of your choice), Linked, Persistent Dweomer of Transference.

That nets you a 3 point PP reduction on PDoT. Use a Torc and Earth Power and you have a five point reduction.

Or 10 PP to manifest it.

You can throw in a couple more Linked iterations to drop that (potentially down to 1 PP total with enough feats to burn) or just up your ML a bit.

Now dip one level of Warlock. Their Eldritch Blast counts as a spell so it gives you unlimited free PP recharge.

But that's not the real benefit, the real gain is that you are now totally immune to all magic (including things like Dispel and Disjunction) for the rest of the day.

Dump on Extend and drop the shenanigans at a higher level and just laugh. Manifest it every day and be totally immune to all magic (including epic magic). I got the Extended Persistent DoT online at ECL 8 but that is on pretty much a pure TO build.

2013-06-23, 04:36 PM
And I deleted mine. Delete yours and I'll delete this one. :)

I'm just writing this so as to make sure that this thread won't make sense.

2013-06-23, 04:53 PM
Huh, that's a lot of hoops for a really poor pp to rcharge rate.

My preferred route is stp erudite with DoT and summoning a monster that has an at will Sp.

2013-06-23, 04:56 PM
Huh, that's a lot of hoops for a really poor pp to rcharge rate.

My preferred route is stp erudite with DoT and summoning a monster that has an at will Sp.Well, that works so long as you have access to summoning such things (such as with a psion that can cheese it up via Chirurgery, as Tippy suggested). It doesn't if you don't, so you have to do it my way.

2013-06-23, 05:12 PM
I have heard about Dweomer Of Transference + Spell to Power Erudite casing "spells" at themselves (with discounted PP on spellcasting) to recharge their PP that way. As such, this isn't entirely a new trick. I haven't gone thought your steps fully (or referenced back to the trick) to see if you've come up with something new or ended up with a similar solution.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-23, 05:15 PM
I have heard about Dweomer Of Transference + Spell to Power Erudite casing "spells" at themselves (with discounted PP on spellcasting) to recharge their PP that way. As such, this isn't entirely a new trick. I haven't gone thought your steps fully (or referenced back to the trick) to see if you've come up with something new or ended up with a similar solution.

Doesn't work. StP Erudite doesn't cast spells. He manifests powers.

2013-06-23, 05:18 PM
Doesn't work. StP Erudite doesn't cast spells. He manifests powers.And yet regular transparency treats spells as powers and vice versa.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-23, 05:22 PM
And yet regular transparency treats spells as powers and vice versa.

No, by RAW it doesn't.

" When the rule about psionics-magic transparency is in effect, it has the following ramifications.

Spell resistance is effective against powers, using the same mechanics. Likewise, power resistance is effective against spells, using the same mechanics as spell resistance. If a creature has one kind of resistance, it is assumed to have the other. (The effects have similar ends despite having been brought about by different means.)

All spells that dispel magic have equal effect against powers of the same level using the same mechanics, and vice versa.

The spell detect magic detects powers, their number, and their strength and location within 3 rounds (though a Psicraft check is necessary to identify the discipline of the psionic aura).

Dead magic areas are also dead psionics areas. "

That is all that Psi/Magic transparency means.

2013-06-23, 05:34 PM
If this works -- maybe with magic mantle super transparency? -- than you get +25 pp and some healing in two minutes.

2013-06-23, 06:10 PM
Oh, and feel free to use a hat of disguise each round to do this without actually casting spells yourself.

2013-06-24, 01:22 AM
Well, that works so long as you have access to summoning such things (such as with a psion that can cheese it up via Chirurgery, as Tippy suggested). It doesn't if you don't, so you have to do it my way.

Or a 10th level stp erudite who gets his hands on a scroll of SM IV....

2013-06-24, 05:34 AM
Okay, you're a magic mantle'd psion/cerebremancer, or a spell-to-power'd erudite, or a Magic Mantle'd psion who has otherwise hedged his way into nabbing Metapower (Linked Power / Synchronicity) + Dweomer of Transference. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/spells/dweomerOfTransference.htm)

You take the DoT, Synchronicity, and one 2nd level power (or above) that can target you, Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Meditation, Linked Power, Metapower (Linked Power / Synchronicity) and, for preference, Extend Power.

Round 1: Make sure both foci are full and manifest Link Power'd Synchronicity + (for preference, Extended) Dweomer of Transference. Use your remaining actions to fill up your foci.

Round 2: Dweomer of Transference takes effect. More Linked Power Synchronicity along with the 2nd level power you've got. Regain focus. Do it again with a swift/immediate/move action power Linked with Synchronicity.

Round 3: Repeat round 2.

For every time you use Linked Power'd Synchronicity with a 2nd level power, you spend 2 pp and gain back 3. You want to Extend DoT so you can get more time to recharge.

Is this a well-known trick, or is it new? Inquiring minds want to know!

[edit] Second question. Would the magic mantle allow Expanded Knowledge to give you spells from arcane and divine classes as powers known?

So to get it straight because I got a bit confused. Your reading of Meta-linked power, is that your metapowered Power(Synchro) can be used as the Linked power to the original manifested power? Under free interpretation it could be done but most Dm's wouldnt allow it. Its less complicated imo: Manifest power A apply link power to power A then bring a Power B.

The problem though, is that Link-Power increases the cost by the cost of the Power B, in your case Synchonicity, which costs 1PP and u cant drop it below 0. I mention this because u said that you would link synchro to swift-action power(thus why I made the abovementioned hypothesis). I works normaly when u cast Syncho and then recast it from the ready action Synchro gave to u.

What I cant understand is, how/how fast you regain focus? The way you said to do it again with every action seems nice but as it seems u regain 1 focus/round with your move action.

Do you also add temp PP to the totall temp PP pool with every cast of the DoT, or its a seperate pool for each of them? I think that new applications would override the old ones like same source bonuses etc.

As for the 2nd Question, I'd say No.

2013-06-24, 01:03 PM
So to get it straight because I got a bit confused. Your reading of Meta-linked power, is that your metapowered Power(Synchro) can be used as the Linked power to the original manifested power? Under free interpretation it could be done but most Dm's wouldnt allow it. Its less complicated imo: Manifest power A apply link power to power A then bring a Power B.

The problem though, is that Link-Power increases the cost by the cost of the Power B, in your case Synchonicity, which costs 1PP and u cant drop it below 0. I mention this because u said that you would link synchro to swift-action power(thus why I made the abovementioned hypothesis). I works normaly when u cast Syncho and then recast it from the ready action Synchro gave to u.According to the Linked Power feat, the second power is treated as an augmentation to the first, as well as having the metapsionic cost be the pp cost of the second power. So anything that affects the first power also affects the second, as they're manifested simultaneously as one power. There are times when they would have to be treated as separate powers, however, such as for energy resistance and for being absorbed by the Dweomer of Transference (since they're of two separate power levels). And since the second is treated as an augmentation to the first for many purposes, the cost of the two Linked powers together would be reduced by 2.

What I cant understand is, how/how fast you regain focus? The way you said to do it again with every action seems nice but as it seems u regain 1 focus/round with your move action.The Psionic Meditation feat in the XPH lets you focus as a move action. Synchronicity gives you a readied standard action, which you can use to immediately regain focus. Thus, you use your standard to cast an Extended, Linked Synchronicity, and use your action from Synchronicity and your move action to gain your second focus back. And if you really needed to, you could use your swift action for a Linked Hustle (applied to something else, such as Summon Monster) to regain a third, with another power set to go off next round.

Do you also add temp PP to the totall temp PP pool with every cast of the DoT, or its a seperate pool for each of them? I think that new applications would override the old ones like same source bonuses etc.There's no text stating what happens when multiple spells are converted, though it seems like they would stack. Given multiple castings of DoT, however, those would not stack.

As for the 2nd Question, I'd say No.I'm not sure why that would be the case, since powers and spells are treated as being identical, and you can explicitly use Expanded Knowledge to pull from other lists.

2013-06-24, 05:01 PM
I haven't seen it before but I also came up with it maybe two weeks ago, when I figured out how to amp your CL up through the roof.

Real fun though is Dweomer of Transference from a Psychic Chiguery from a StP Erudite with Metapower: Persistent Dweomer of Transference, Metapower: Linked (level 1 power of your choice), Linked, Persistent Dweomer of Transference.

That nets you a 3 point PP reduction on PDoT. Use a Torc and Earth Power and you have a five point reduction.

Or 10 PP to manifest it.

You can throw in a couple more Linked iterations to drop that (potentially down to 1 PP total with enough feats to burn) or just up your ML a bit.

Now dip one level of Warlock. Their Eldritch Blast counts as a spell so it gives you unlimited free PP recharge.

But that's not the real benefit, the real gain is that you are now totally immune to all magic (including things like Dispel and Disjunction) for the rest of the day.

Dump on Extend and drop the shenanigans at a higher level and just laugh. Manifest it every day and be totally immune to all magic (including epic magic). I got the Extended Persistent DoT online at ECL 8 but that is on pretty much a pure TO build.Couldn't you do the magic immunity part with any Arcane or Divine caster with Hidden Talent + Ocular Spell + Persistent Spell and a way to reduce metamagic costs? That is some of the easiest TO I've seen...