View Full Version : Expedition to the Demonweb Pits advice

2013-06-23, 11:19 PM
Hi, I've recently started running this module for my group, and could use some advice... although I honestly have too many questions I'm not sure where to start. If there were an already-made guide going over it like the one I found for RHoD, that would be great. I found this thread:

Where someone tried to link to a campaign journal but apparently forgot the link, and that's about it.

The main general problem I've encountered is with the party following the plot, or doing things which it doesn't provide for. I feel like the plot as the module lays it out would work fine for a video game, but in a game without automatic objectives and quest markers you have to follow it kind of falls apart.

As an example, Rule-of-Three asks the party to do three things apparently before he knows what the third thing is. The only explanation I can see for this is that he just has to make requests in three and... maybe assumed that whatever it was they needed to do, he could manage to make it seem like two requests. (Actually this seems like a good explanation: They wind up doing about six things, with one not being mentioned by him and the rest being him trying to convince them that they need to do more for the sake of the Material Plane. I think 3 might be the number of favors he requires until he'll tell them the way home, not how many things he knows they'll have to do before bringing the prophecy back)
Much more significantly, the party can find out that he's a son of Graz'zt with an easily reachable Knowledge: The Planes check (and the Archons will specifically *tell* them that he's a known chaos sympathizer and will suspect them if he's mentioned), but there doesn't seem to be any procedure for what to do if they decide to simply stop working with him, even though doing so would be fairly sensible.

Those are just examples though, I've run into several more such issues just getting to the beginning of the third chapter. Basically the only way I've managed to keep them moving is by outright telling them "you do this because this is what you're supposed to do in the module".

2013-06-24, 01:17 AM
The main general problem I've encountered is with the party following the plot, or doing things which it doesn't provide for. I feel like the plot as the module lays it out would work fine for a video game, but in a game without automatic objectives and quest markers you have to follow it kind of falls apart.

This is the main problem with most prewritten campaigns. My advice is to read ahead and try to plot out some possible alternative ways to get the PCs to the next stage of the quest. I'm usually against railroading PCs but if you're running a module sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

2013-06-24, 07:01 PM
This is the main problem with most prewritten campaigns. My advice is to read ahead and try to plot out some possible alternative ways to get the PCs to the next stage of the quest. I'm usually against railroading PCs but if you're running a module sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

Eh. Our group has run multiple modules (the entiretly of RHoD and I think a third of Shackled City) before and didn't have this problem anywhere near this magnitude. The PCs sometimes had trouble figuring out what to do next, but once they figured it out they'd do it.
There's other problems as well- for example, the whole Yggdrasil and Beastlands portion (and maybe some part later) assume that the party can't fly, so not only can they skip the whole portion with flight, I'm not really clear how to let them find where to go without it. In the Beastlands, actually, it seems generally problematic; as far as I can tell the party just happens to find a path that leads to the exact shrine they're looking for.

But yeah, reading ahead definitely sounds necessary. I've already been doing that, but I suppose I'll need to try to put myself into the mindset of what the party would or might do after I read each piece of descriptive text to them, which requires thinking of a lot of possibilities. If some people who've actually run the campaign and seen what parties do in various situations had posted advice somewhere online, that would be incredibly helpful.