View Full Version : Balance effects of comprehensive Persistent duration recovery?

2013-06-24, 12:50 AM
In my main game, I have it set up so that effect durations that last for hours de facto last all day because the means for activating those abilities usually recovers by the time or before the duration would expire.

Thus, for example, at Level 2 a sorcerer can cast Mage Armor and, if they do what's needed to trigger the recovery effect, by the time the 2 hours are up they'll have recovered the spell slot. Likewise, at Level 1 a wilder can keep Inertial Armor up all day long because he'll regain the power point used to manifest it once the hour is up.

Not that this fact matters a ton, but there's a variety of recharge methods, each one uniquely specific and inherent to the source of the effect (that is, there's one inherent to spells, one inherent to psionics, one inherent to infusions, one inherent to per-day abilities, etc.).

What I want to know is: What would become horribly horribly overpowered as a result of allowing long-duration effects to be de facto persistent?

If I had to guess, many DMM Persist tricks and other duration-extending tricks would become simply not worth the effort, but that's hardly a strike against it.

It's not like it takes no effort to keep the effect running, but they do have to invest some of their consistent resources on keeping it up.

2013-06-24, 01:00 AM
Well it depends what the rituals are to regain the spell slot. If I had to spend 15+ minutes in a ritual in a dungeon in order to get it back, I might still go for DMM persist, Persist power, Persist spell etc. If it's incredibly efficient with regards to time and resources, then it's a nice way to let the casters get a feat they might otherwise not have had.

2013-06-24, 01:16 AM
If I was goign to cast mage armor, recharge and cast it again, can I now instead cast mage armor, recharge and cast endure elements also?

2013-06-24, 01:37 AM
If I was goign to cast mage armor, recharge and cast it again, can I now instead cast mage armor, recharge and cast endure elements also?No, but you could cast endure elements, recharge it (which could take anywhere from 15min to an hour depending on what kind of caster you are), and then cast mage armor "as well" since the endure elements spell lasts for 24 hours flat.

2013-06-24, 05:08 AM
around lvls 7-8 caster extend h/lvl spells anyway so they are persisted (14-16 hours +8 sleep)in a way, but that costs money and dispells hurt.

why would you gift casters(who already are op) the 2 drawbacks there only exist when they effectively persist h/lvl buffs?

2013-06-24, 05:35 AM
I don't think it would necessarily change a lot, but there's bound to be a few trouble spots. So I'd advise keeping track of those individually.

Can't think of any right now, though.

2013-06-24, 07:43 AM
The best spells to Persist are the ones that lasts rounds or minutes anyway (Friendly Fire, Divine Power, Wraithstrike) so I don't think this change would much affect how often people would invest in Persisting things.