View Full Version : Mountebank questions

2013-06-24, 10:48 AM
this is the for Dragon Compendium base class:

Their 1st level ability/signature ability: Beguiling Stare.

i first saw this and was like wow that's pretty cool. the more and more i looked at it though the less it impressed me...

besides helping out other party members, can someone shed some light on this for me as to how/why it would/could be useful?

2013-06-24, 11:03 AM
I'm not impressed by it. A 1 round debuff. Hm. Can't affect the same person more than once a day. Double Hm.

It could possibly be used to lower the chances that the victim will resist a Dominate Person or other control spell as a One-Two Combo. So it can act like Lullaby. Or, if there is a Bluff check that can be completed in 1 round, the SQ might be useful for that.

But that's all I can think of... the round after they come to, the victim knows what you did. So... not that great as far as mind affecting abilities go.

2013-06-24, 11:05 AM

yea the more i look over it, it would be a great thing to have in a party of bards and rogues.

lowering will saves and denying dex....great, for everyone else in my party hahaha