View Full Version : The life and times of Lieutenant Pardius- 3.5 solo sandbox

2013-06-24, 11:53 AM
Battle Chart
{table=head]Initiative|Name|HP|AC|Position|X Gear|Notes
21|Bonedrinker|??|17|J2||-2 to Hit, crouching awkwardly
13|Fosgrove #1|12|17|A3||Nauseated
13|Robart #2|12|17|B2||Nauseated
13|Anika #3|11|18|D4|Lantern|Nauseated
13|Forester #4|12|17|D2|Lantern and sack with boots/leg|
13|Costic #5|13|17|G2|Lantern|Nauseated
13|Tanis #6|2|17|H2||Nauseated
10|Gill|9|9|E2||huddled non-responsive
4|Arness|31|20|F2||Dodge on Bonedrinker

The Setting

I'm deviating just slightly from Forgotten Realms canon. I'm adding a geographical location that doesn't exist per canon. Other than that, the world is standard FR 3.5. circa DR 1380ish. The game is set in the vicinity of the Silver Marches, which is home to a loose confederacy of cities/towns that work together for mutual support. Culdhaven lies outside any of these political boundaries, and is essentially a very small city-state unto itself.

Faerunian Calendar-

12 months of exactly 30 days, plus 5 festival days. Each month is made up of three "tendays", also known as a "ride". Every fourth year, another day (Shieldmeet) is added as a leap day.

1. Hammer
2. Alturiak
3. Ches
4. Tarsakh
5. Mirtul
6. Kythorn
7. Flamerule
8. Elesias
9. Elient
10. Marpenoth
11. Uktar
Feast of the Moon
12. Nightal

Nestled within the eastern peaks of the Nether Mountains lies a sheltered mountain valley that was carved out by ancient glaciers. Only accessible from two navigable passes (to the Northwest and the South), and isolated from any major population centers, this area went largely untouched and untamed for millenia. Heavily forested, the entire valley was co-opted by the Truescale Clan of Shield Dwarves. Flush from the benefits of the Thunder Blessing (in which the ever-declining dwarf population begins to surge, thanks in large part to Moradin), the Truescales take pragmatism to an entirely new level, and are very savvy merchants and craftsmen. While they dominate the High Council and other positions of authority, they make up less than 5% of the total population of Culdhaven.

It is the first day of Flamerule (July) in the year DR 1381, the Year of the Starving. In Mirtul (May), there was a freak cold snap that descended on the North, causing widespread starvation, especially for more isolated areas. This did not affect Culdhaven, as their food supply is not disrupted when the high mountain passes are snowed in.

On Flamerule 1, a massive wintery storm appears from nowhere and swirls round the entire Culdhaven valley, burying the two mountain passes and dusting the entire valley floor with a couple of inches of snow. Unlike a typical storm, this one does not move off following the prevailing winds, but rather squats in place, rotating around the valley as though on an axis. This keeps the temperatures much cooler than normal, and ensures that the passes will remain closed for the forseeable future. All folks knowledgeable about the weather agree that it isn't natural.

The Free City of Culdhaven

Founded nearly 50 years ago by an intrepid and destitute scion of the scattered Truescale clan, Culdhaven is a city of many contradictions. Raised by dwarves, the city is nonetheless mostly above ground, and was sized for human inhabitants. For an outpost as isolated as this one is, the population of 20,000 souls is a wonder in and of itself.

Culdhaven is not associated with any nation or organization. It is wholly and privately owned by the Truescale Clan, and is under the direct supervision of the ruling High Thane. Most of the decisions concerning the town and it's assets are discussed and voted on by the High Council (dominated by the Truescales, but with a couple of "affirmative action" style positions held by non-dwarves). For the record, Pardius is a "Lieutenant of the Watch", ranking only behind the High Marshall (in charge of the entire City Watch), and the High Thane.

Why did the Truescales bother?

Culdhaven Valley is a craftsmans dream. Within the valley, the following assets are in place.

Ruby Mine- This is what the founder of the city had located, and is the reason he first set up a camp that eventually grew into Culdhaven.

Iron Mine- Across the valley from the Ruby Mine, a strong vein of iron was subsequently discovered.

Smelter- The smelting operation is within the city walls. The dwarves determined that transporting the raw ore is less costly than "losing" wagonloads of finished iron/steel.

Shipwright- Yes, you read that correctly. The Free City of Culdhaven sits hard on the Northen shore of Wyrmbone Lake (so named because of the dragon skeletons that have been found within it's depths and shallows). The lake is tinged red (really due to iron deposits, but colloquially it is believed that the red tinge is the blood of the dragons that died in the lake), and a fairly narrow but strong river feeds out from the southwestern end of the lake. Locally, that river is known as the Dripping Wyrm, but it is really just a tributary of the River Rauvin. Here's the strange part.. In centuries past, this area was under the control of the Netherese arcanists, who raised human understanding of magic to its highest levels, and used magic for nearly every task. A few miles from it's head, the river cuts down into the rock beneath it, and actually travels into an underground riverbed at a place called only "the Maw", where the stone has been worked into a gigantic dragons head into whose mouth the river flows. Inside the Maw, the river is still navigable, thanks to expansive use of both the "Dig" and "Continual Light" spells. The shipwrights in Culdhaven, using exotic and strong timber local to Culdhaven, build their ships, fill them with manufactured goods, and send them down the river. It takes approximately four days for ships to traverse the still-dangerous tunnels, at which point they come out on the River Rauvin a few miles downriver from the city of Sundabar (the closest city of any size). More to come on this later. By the way, most of the vessels are narrow and nimble rivercraft with only one sail, but the occasional barge or larger vessel is built for a special order.

Shipping- The Truescales really have it all figured out here. The entire city is theirs, as are the shipyard, the docks, and most everything else. They save a lot of money by building the ships, loading them with supplies, then using the boats to get the supplies to market, at which point the ships are unloaded and then sold, having been successfully stress-tested. Anything that doesn't have a pulse that is loaded onto one of these ships is required to carry the Tax-Seal of Culdhaven. (Anything WITH a pulse had better have paid their steerage, or they'll go over the side).

Lumber- Thick forest coats the valley floor. Duskwood trees abound, and these are some of the finest and strongest for shipbuilding. Careful monitoring of the cut-rates and with the assistance and blessing of the local Druid Circle (though how they got that baffles many) ensures that no part of Culdhaven Valley is being despoiled or stripped of it's vegetation.

Sawmill- Gotta do something with the lumber after they cut it down. A story from about 20 years ago states that an entire shipment of lumber was ordered by a merchant coster downriver. A special boat was constructed to allow for more cargo space than normal, but the buyers balked at the price of the boat. Incensed, the Harbormaster ordered all of the lumber to be dumped over the side. Several days later, much of it could be seen floating past the city of Silverymoon, where the original buyer was from.

Shops- The entire city was built by the Truescale Clan or their contracted laborers. All rents are paid to them, all duties, fees, tariffs, taxes and penalties flow to them as well. So, even when not specifically owned by a member of the Truescale's, each gem-cutter, bladesmith, armorer, brothel, tavern, etc, pays a portion of its profits to the Truescales.

Your Company

You are in charge of an entire company of the City's defenders. There are 200 total members of the City Watch, split into 5 Company's of 40 men, with a trained militia that numbers nearly 3000 available to be called up at need.

Of the four companys, one is always on leave, two man the wall, one patrols the entire town except for the Hub, and the fourth patrols the Hub itself. (The central keep and surrounding streets in the central district of Culdhaven (where the Truescales live, and most of the important city buildings are. So, a traditional watch schedule for a Company, Week 1 & 2, on the wall, Wk 3, City Patrol, Wk 4, Hub Patrol, Wk 5, Leave- (Please note that "week" here has the meaning of 10 days, or "tenday", or "ride").

Each Company of the Watch consists of;

1 Commander (you)
1 Sergeant Major (your 2nd in command)
1 Aide- Expert, Rogue, or Bard (Your personal aide)
1 Clerk- Expert- Keeps track of their personal information, arranges their pay.. Basically this is your secretary
2 Clerics- Assigned to the Watch for a year at a time, each Company will have one Senior (usually 3rd level) and one Junior (usually 1st level) cleric assigned to it. Deities vary, but will always be good or neutral
2 Investigators- Usually Bard, Rogue, or Ranger, these men investigate crimes in and around
2 bailiffs- Often detached from your Company, these men perform double duty as jailers, and as officers of the court who escort prisoners during trials. All 8 bailiffs spend most of their time in either the Chamber of Law (the courtroom) or the Chamber of Waiting- (the prison).
3 10 man squads of medium infantry- All are armed with a Chain Shirt, a Helmet, a Large-Wooden Shield, Spear, Shortsword, Light Crossbow and 20 quarrels.

Your Company

Sergeant Major- Vincent Terrakey- Mid 40's, slighly gimpy after a severe knee injury suffered years ago. Solid, dependable, gruff.

Aide- Walter Bruno- A sarcastic but extremely intelligent and conscientious man, Walter has terrible penmanship, and can rub people the wrong way, but you have a lot in common and get along well.


Clerk- Virgil Tance- Constantly disheveled, as though he had just rolled out of bet. Slightly sullen, with poor military bearing, but outstanding at hearing rumors and his reports are always on time, legible and accurate.


Clerics- Senior- Morriston Sembaer- Cleric of Lathander (spring, birth, renewal, the dawn, athletes, vitality)- Morriston is an enthusiastic can-do optimist. Very active, and painfully cheerful

Junior- Acolyte Bob- Acolyte Bob is something of a fixture in Culdhaven. He's been an acolyte for 15 years, and seems to want to keep it that way. A very devout follower of Torm, he nonetheless doesn't like telling people what to do, or making important decisions, preferring to be a follower. Friendly, efficient, and knows almost everyone.

Investigators- Fordwil Leybrim is a married man in his mid-30s with a dozen children. He always seems to be at work, strangely enough, rarely taking any time off. He has a friendly and easygoing nature. (Picture your average super-friendly Irish cop walking a beat. He helps old ladies, stops and chats with the locals. Has a solid idea of the general goings-on in town, but always thinks the best of people.

Larista Stonechill- A female dwarf (btw, my female dwarves are typically unbearded unless otherwise noted), Larista is a no-nonsense, just-the-facts type of investigator. More of a pessimist than Fordwil, she doesn't do as well as far as community relations, but is dogged when tracking down a criminal. (has levels in both rogue and ranger, specializes in physically tracking criminals down)


Changu Deen- Changu is from far to the East in the nation of Rashemen. Standing six and a half feet tall, Changu has dusky skin and a shaved head. Speaks with a heavy accent, and isn't very talkative. Best wrestler in Culdhaven, hands down.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpgT971qaFcpEU9uPZEjqpXtoElTLq3 S74sFtAM0hEPryYhM_k

Devin Ormshord- An educated man, Devin wants to become a barrister (lawyer). Inordinately clean, Devin carrys rags and solvents at all times, and will clean up a stain on your floor (or the floor of the jail) in a heartbeat. Has been known to lose his focus when escorting a prisoner, and has had one escape, and another grab his truncheon straight out of his hand.

Bannerman (each squad has a leader known as a Bannerman)

Bannerman Wezzel-

Bannerman Arthur Arness-


Bannerman Wendolisa Burns- (female)

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3K5F5jtlq_zQo0V3GR4qqIZfB7vgci nAXmOQX0XIDAkfw7HUA

Will add names to your 27 guardsmen soon

By the way, the Truescales believe in fitness (at least for their guardians), so you won't have a Guardsman with a Constitution under 12, and they don't hire idiots, so they will have at least a 10 Intelligence.

None of your men have mounts (though some might own a personal horse), but both you and your Sergeant Major are granted a very fine Riding Horse, which is yours even if you depart their service. (They thought about granting warhorses, but since your sole function is the protection of the interior of the town, they felt that warhorses was overkill).

More details about your Company to come

Major NPC's

BTW, can I request some of your expert help in teaching me how to find and load good thumbnails. I liked the way you handle it in Crimson and Gold and would like to steal that.

(Btw, the below is just a list for me, telling me which individuals I need to get some details on).

High Thane http://images.community.wizards.com/community.wizards.com/user/dndsow/npcs/784f1092a9e5ca0affc9ace2c4b93ee1.jpg?v=157500
Council Members 1-10
Other 4 Watch Lieutenants
Some details about all of your company
High Priests
Ubiquitous Characters

Bannerman Arness

Clerk Virgil Tance- Not much to look at, and not big on military discipline, Virgil nonetheless has a talent for ferreting out secrets. He has only been attached to your Company for three months, but other than the dissheveled appearance, he has been a highly productive member of your team.

Trooper Jancy- An otherwise solid trooper, but with a bit of a weakness for dwarven ale.

High Thane

Bannerman Wezzel

Trooper Jonas- A solid trooper, not endowed with overmuch intelligence, but loyal and steadfast.

Lieutenant Purser- Leads the 2nd Company of Culdhaven Guards (You command the 4th). Professional and friendly, with a can-do attitude, and always willing to help out where he can.

Farn Tarkle- Farn is the premier weaponsmith in Culdhaven. His prices are high, his quality even higher. Farn only makes special orders these days. He is Gnomish, and tall for a gnome, nearly 4 feet tall. He has corded muscle all over his body, and prefers to wear laborers vests that display his physique.

Luthoris "Smalleye" Warbunker- Luthoris is a Master Engraver, renowned for his exquisite scrollwork on all types of metal.


Final touches to CharGen

Under Construction

Having been an officer in the Culdhaven City Watch for several years, you have gained soft "abilities". Select three from the following list.

1. Known in the City- The Citizenry of Culdhaven is both attentive and well-disposed to you. You will receive a +4 circumstance bonus to any skill check made by you when the citizen(s) know that you are a representative of the city. (most already do).

2. The Right Ears- You have the trust and backing of the High Council, and very rarely will you ever have an issue due to "rank".

3. Rally to me!- This skill, gained through years of service, represents the faith that the citizens and soldiers of Culdhaven have in you. Whereas "Known in the city" assists you with any skill checks, "Rally to me" will increase the response of your soldiers and occasionally even the run-of-the-mill citizenry, as it pertains to combat only. (basically, the soldiers that you personally lead will receive a bonus to hit and to morale, and if "the call" ever goes out, civilians will steadfastly shoulder a weapon and march to battle at your call

4. It's a Miracle- **ONE USE ONLY**This is your classic get-out-of-jail-free card. For when your plan absolutely, positively has to work overnight.. this is your freebie.. Whatever goal you are trying to accomplish will be a spectacular success. (Subject to limitations, but only if you try to "win" the entire game with it).

5. Through the Eyes of a God- **ONE USE ONLY** Also known as the "Big Phone-a-Friend". At some point you will be tired, horrified, drained, and completely clueless about what to do next. In that moment, you will reach out to Torm for guidance. And he will grant it.

6. Family Heirloom- Pardius is the proud owner of a family heirloom. This can be any item of 25k or less value (presumably magic, but it could just be a REALLY nice necklace or something if you want, lol).. Feel free to be creative..

7. Drinking Buddies- You have two close personal friends, not involved with the Watch, the Militia or anything like that. Instead, these two were adventurers, and their loyalty to you means that they will come to your aide when the poop hits the fan, and will remain with you and assist you. (Basically, this would be two NPC's that I would create, but they are your personal friends and are extremely well disposed to you)

8. He's been there- Your 2nd in command (currently with the working title of "Sergeant Major") is an actual member of the Truescale family, and a stout veteran of many wars. (Dwarven Level 2 Expert/ Level 3 Fighter). (Without this perk, your Sergeant Major is going to be a 3rd level Warrior or Fighter, and not be a member of the ruling family

9. Now you see him- You are reasonably tight with a local wizard (for reference, somewhere in the 5-7th level range). If you can find him/her, there is a strong possibility that you will be able to arrange for their help, to the extent that they can provide it.

10. Now you don't- Similar to the wizard from above, this perk means that you are personal friends with a married (retired) pair of Master Thieves, that specialized in burglary. Some of the most pleasant people you've ever met, and skilled at getting into places they shouldn't.

11. A wholesome breakfast- Pardius gains +1 Level.

12. Master Scrounger- Both because you know almost everyone in town, and because you are well thought of, you will receive a +4 luck bonus to any attempt to procure items in town. (for example, if you just HAD to have a set of 15' tall bronze doors, though lord knows why, this perk will grant you a bonus to realize- "Yeah, the temple of Chauntea ordered iron doors, but they sent them bronze.. Now they're just sitting in the rain behind the church)..

2013-06-24, 01:48 PM
Reserved by DM

Important NPC's

Pardius' Friends

Stevor the Wolf

Name:Stevor the Wolf
Class:Ranger/Cleric of Hoar
Relationship: Friend
{table=head]Name|To Hit|Dmg|Crit|Range|Size|Type|Special Properties
Javelin of Lightning||5d6|||||
{table=head]Name|Type|Bonus|Penalty|Speed|Special Properties
Ring of Protection +2|||||
Light Wooden Shield|Shield|+1|-1||
(already modified by Attributes)
Climb: 5
Concentration: 6
Handle Animal: 3
Heal: 6
Hide: 6
Jump: 5
Knowledge/Geography: 3
Knowledge/Nature: 3
Listen: 6
Move Silently: 6
Ride: 6
Search: 4
Spot: 4
Survival: 5
Use Rope: 6

Improved Overrun
Weapon Focus: Spear
Improved Initiative
Power Attack

Special Abilities
Turn Undead
Favored Enemy- Human
Wild Empathy
0-Level: 5 1st Lvl: 4+1 2nd Lvl: 3+1 3rd Lvl: 1+1
Domains: Retribution- If you have been harmed by someone in combat, you may make a strike of vengeance with a melee or ranged weapon against that individual on your next action. If the attack hits, you deal maximum damage. You may use this supernatural ability once per day
Domain Spells: 1: Shield of Faith 2: Endurance 3: Speak with Dead

For a total of 1 round/level per day, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. Add Survival to your list of cleric class skills
Domain Spells: 1: Longstrider 2: locate Object 3: Fly

Loximilian "Lox" Latch

Nationality:Silver Marches

{table=head]Name|To Hit|Dmg|Crit|Range|Size|Type|Special Properties
{table=head]Name|Type|Bonus|Penalty|Speed|Special Properties
Appraise: 5
Balance: 8
Bluff: 7
Climb: 4
Diplomacy: 5
Disable Device: 6
Escape Artist: 6
Gather Info: 6
Hide: 12
Jump: 3
Knowledge/Local: 5
Listen: 3
Move Silently: 17
Open Lock: 10
Profession/Butcher: 2
Search: 10
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of hand: 11
Spot: 3
Swim: 1
use Magic Device: 3
Use Rope: 7


Special Abilities
Sneak Attack +2d6
Trap Sense +1
Uncanny Dodge

2013-06-24, 01:56 PM
Pardius (myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=479721)

Reserved for Pardius!

Will add more to this after I read and will likely slap the link to his character sheet here as well!

Final Touches:

The first step is to find a picture that you feel best represents the character (preferable one that shows the face well... or not, if that's the point).
Next... is a wonderful (and completely free) paint program called GiMP - with this, you can accomplish many great things! I crop the image into square dimensions (in Crimson & Gold, I did from top of the head to navel when I could... in Arrath, I did top of head to chin/neck).
Third, scale the image down to a "manageable" size (I choose 100x100 pixels for both games).
Then you put them into whatever online image hosting site you use (I use photobucket). And then you copy and paste the 'direct link' for each into its rightful place within...
Your coding for a table (which I did initially for the Arrath game and now for Crimson & Gold as well). And if you need to figure out how to do that, you can go to either one of those posts and hit the 'quote' button to see exactly how the coding works. If you need further help with anything dealing with that, just let me know!

2013-06-24, 04:56 PM
So am I a "Lieutenant" or a "Commander"? The title says Lieutenant, but the break-down of the company says Commander.

I get where I am in the pecking order and know that the particular name matters very little. But I just want to be clear on my actual rank title (what I would be known as).

2013-06-24, 07:43 PM
An officer who holds the Rank of Lieutenant commands a Company of the Watch. In law-enforcement and/or military discussions (assuming the fighting is in the city), you only have three superiors. Your immediate supervisor is the Captain of the Watch, who also sits on the High Council, which in turn is nominally beholden to the High Thane.

The Captain of the Watch is a jovial (for a dwarf) old cuss named Bamberton, (Bam, for short, as in, Capain Bam, which is just about the only thing he'll answer to). He spends entirely too much of his time drinking in taverns with young dwarven warriors, and calling it "training" for your taste, though he wields matched warhammers well enough that you'll never challenge him on it.

Others from the High Council will be added above soon.

2013-06-26, 11:39 AM
So... how's the picture thing going? Learning anything useful with it?

2013-06-28, 11:00 AM
Is there anything that I can help do to urge this along, good Pife?

2013-06-28, 11:25 AM
Haha, you just did.. Good show, Erasmas, I'll get to work on it right now!

2013-06-28, 06:44 PM
Your friends are done, in post #2.

Having a hell of a time with Gimp.. I've downloaded it like 6 times, and it looks like it completes, but then I can't find anything to "open" and get into it. It's like it's hiding.. I've been looking at some pictures that I'm going to use once I figure it out though.

2013-06-28, 07:56 PM
Excellent on the comrades, they look awesome!

And that's weird with GiMP... what browser are you using? Can you find where it is downloading the set-up file to? If you are using Mozilla, then when you download something, it gives you a green arrow up in the upper right-hand corner. Clicking on that should show you the file that you just nabbed and allow you to run it from there (or view the containing folder that it put it into). You will have to run the set-up wizard thing first, to install it and then you should have the icon on either your desktop or your start menu (if not both). If you can't get it tonight, then I can show you when you come over tomorrow... just remind me!

2013-07-01, 10:46 AM
Flamerule 1

The Dream... "And send a squad of archers to support 2nd platoon, the tuskers look like they're massing for a breakout bellows Lieutenant Renquist. Bannerman Pardius! SIR!, you answer, snapping to attention and executing a sharp salute, right fist striking over your heart. Bannerman, go find Captain Bam, and tell him I think we need to reinforce the holding force at the bridge! Tell him that if the orcs are paying attention, they'll see that they can open another escape route, our lines are too thin there. Go now! Leaping into your saddle, you lay across the neck of your straining mount as you streak across the battlefield, bodies (mostly human) strewn sporadically across the swampy ground. To your distant right, you can see the jagged and broken towers of the ruined stronghold that the war party of orcs took refuge in. A flash of light from the corner of your eye streaks from the half-crumbled battlements, blinding you, the hair on your arms standing on end. The smell of ozone and burning flesh overwhelms all other sensory input, and your horse shrieks and stumbles, pitching you roughly onto the ground, as it continues it's fear-inspired gallop.

The clouds overhead seem to be moving too quickly, but that could just be your spinning head. Now, the blue-white streams of light begin to appear more frequently from the battlements, lashing out and scorching, if not obliterating anyone in it's line. The earth trembles with each blast, thunder that rumbles long and deep. Pulling yourself to your feet, you set yourself against the shifting earth, and begin to trot in the direction of the command tent. At least it isn't cold,, you tell yourself as your armor and gear clanks uncomfortably with every step. That would just make it more miserable. Lightning strikes the ground no more than 20 feet from you, throwing you off your feet, your head the first part of your body to hit the ground. Stunned, you are only able to rise to your knees before a trio of skeletal orcs rises up out of the very ground before you, and impale you in the gut, chest, and throat.. As your vision fades, you hear a raspy and impossibly deep voice, I win again, Fallen One.

You come instantly awake, grasping for the sword that is not at your waist. Sweat pouring from you, the sheets sodden and smelling sharply, as of rotted cheese, you realize that it is dark, that you are sitting in your drenched smallclothes in your own bed. Just another dream, you think. That is, until you feel the chill in the air. As you acclimate, you realize that yuo can feel the entire building trembling, hear a low rumble that fades just as the trembling does. Then another violent clap of thunder bursts, knocking a mug from its perch on the edge of your desk, the sound of shattering glass muffled by the loud peal.

Looking out of the thick, nearly opaque window on the other side of your chamber, you see snow falling, thick flakes drifting lazily to rest on your windowsill. Snow? In Flamerule? How bizarre! You rise and dress hurriedly. You know from experience that it's almost impossible to capture any more sleep after one of your nightmares, so you might as well get the day started.

After getting dressed and scrubbing your teeth with a stick cleverly shaped to scrape the layer of crud away, you open the door to your chamber, intending to go to your office to see if anyone else had already risen. As the door glides silently open, you see your clerk, Virgil Tance, with fist raised, ready to knock on the now-open door.

Saluting sloppily, Virgil clears the long stringy hair from in front of his narrow face, his eyes betraying his fatigue. Morning sir, he mumbles. Sorry to disturb you, but it's been a strange night. There's a snowstorm outside!, he says, as though you might have missed it. The High Thane has ordered us to clear out the Evening Street Market and to prepare the firepots, in case people start bringing their livestock in. Also, Trooper Jancy has been reported by Bannerman Arness, something about being drunk on duty again. And finally, we've been asked to send a squad out with the SnowMen. Apparently they're going to begin clearing the roads to the passes today. The High Thane's advisors apparently believe that this storm is still building and is going to hit us hard.

The SnowMen- Culdhaven normally only endures heavy snow for a couple of months a year, typically from Nightall to Tarsakh. During those times, a special crew of engineers and laborers, using special-built harnesses and trained oxen, clears the road of snow and debris, ensuring that the roads to and from the passes remain clear. The harnesses fit four oxen simultaneously, who walk three-abreast and one centered behind, down the road. The heavy harnesses are attached to a wooden framework that surrounds the oxen to a distance of about 8 feet, the bottom of the front sporting an angled metal blade that sits between 1-3 inches off of the ground as the oxen plod along.

Just as Clerk Tance finishes his report, you hear the sound of someone lumbering heavily up the stairs, equipment clanking. A very out of breath Trooper Jonas hurriedly salutes, water dripping from his arm and helm, (but it's still a sharper salute than Tance's was). Sir, Lieutenant Purser sends his regards, and informs us that Farn Tarkle, and Luthoris "Smalleye" Warbunker have both gone missing. Tarkles wife claims he went to bed with her last night, but wasn't there this morning. Master Warbunker's landlord reported hearing a crashing sound from his room, and several chairs were overturned, the bedclothes torn half off the bed. He winds down, and adopts a proper "at attention" stance, waiting..

2013-07-01, 12:52 PM
Pardius firmly took Virgil's fist from the right side of his chest and placed it over the left in correction, ensuring that he met the young man's eyes and the lesson was understood... though it would likely do little the next time he saluted either. Continuing towards his office, he interrupts the clerk at one point when they crossed paths with one of the staff and said simply, "Have the kitchen prepare my breakfast hearty and awaken Walter, gently. Have him bring the food to my office as soon as it is ready, along with a bottle of sweet mead, please."

Pressing on, the two men in tow, he went and stood by the window and looked out for a long moment before addressing any of the aforementioned issues. Finally, he turned about and began with Jonas, "Good morning, Jonas. While I am happy to receive the good tidings from dear Lieutenant Purser, and mean him no disrespect... but has he put men to the task of investigating either of these disappearances? Regardless... Jonas, I want you to go and wake up Larista Stonechill and Fordwil Leybrim. Tell Larista that she has been assigned to the case of Master Warbunker as is to get underway on the double. And have Fordwil start asking around about Farn; just to make sure that he didn't simply go for a mid-night walk. Thank you Jonas, that will be all."

Once he had left, Pardius then looks to Virgil. "Virgil, sit down; you look more bedraggled than I feel. A snowstorm in the middle of summer. I never thought I would see that." The commander then made his way around to the back of his desk and lowered himself into the leather chair with a long exhale. "Now, let's see about the rest of this business, shall we? Send word to Trooper Jancy that he is to report to me immediately. Which squad has been performing the best in training and which one has been doing the poorest?"

2013-07-01, 01:45 PM
The Barracks
Each Company of the Guard has a barracks, a freestanding three story round stone tower. Each is set in the middle of one of the main thoroughfares of Culdhaven. (Literally, the streets around these act as a roundabout, and the streets have been widened so as not to impede the flow of traffic). Each barracks sports crennelated battlements on top. The first floor contains an office (This is Virgil's workstation), a small kitchen and common dining hall, and a garderobe, along with a small holding cell that holds no more than three medium sized individuals. The second floor holds the actual barracks itself, the armory, the Duty Office (where the duty officer sleeps, who can be yourself, your Sergeant Major or one of the Bannermen, on a rotating basis), and another garderobe. The third floor holds your chamber (though you may also have a residence in town if you choose), your office, and a third garderobe. There is a small basement (just a room at the bottom of some stairs) that holds supplies, both foodstuffs and general (like oil, rope, tools, etc) .

Virgil endures your correction with his usual "verve", Thank you, Lieutenant, I'll do better next time.

Jonas- Yes, Lieutenant. Err, no, Lieutenant.. The 2nd Company is fielding a squad for the SnowMen heading to the Western Pass, and they are out of investigators. Old Teague retired last week, and Philbin has that broke ankle from when he jumped off his horse in the competitions last month. Lieutenant Purser asks if we can support both inquiries, sir. And I'll go get Larista and Fordwil hoppin', sir! Sensing that he has been dismissed, Trooper Jonas salutes sharply again, flinging water onto Virgil in the process, hesitates for a moment in case you have further instructions, and departs if none are forthcoming.

Virgil Trooper Jancy was on the night watch last night, Lieutenant. Shall I rouse him?

And, as to the training..
Virgil squints and looks up at the ceiling as he thinks about your question. Bannerman Burns' squad was the highest scored squad in the City, as of our last training review. Arness' squad has several rooks (rookies), but otherwise they're solid. And Wezzel's squad is struggling in both their archery and crowd-control protocols.

Will that be all Lieutenant? I'll be rousing Walter, and arranging for Trooper Jancy to meet with you.

2013-07-01, 02:08 PM
"Have Jancy sober up first, and then yes... have him come to me. Inform Bannerman Wezzel that his squad will be moving out with the SnowMen. And then let Bannerman Burns know that her squad is on the Evening Market assignment, have them start immediately following breakfast. And yes, send Walter to see me once he is awake, please. And yes, that is all, Virgil. Thank you."

Pardius then began sifting through the papers on his desk, intending on at least organizing them a little before his morning meal got here. As Virgil opened the door to go, he called out, "Oh, and one last thing, Virgil... get some sleep, lad."

2013-07-01, 02:58 PM
The Five Companies of the Culdhaven Watch

By the way, as you know there are five watch companies. Under normal circumstances, your men receive every fifth week off (remember, a "week" is 10 days). The 5th Company is the Relief Company, and they fill in for the duties of each company in turn, a week at a time in each Ward, of which there are four, and the 5th week is their week off.

Each Lieutenant controls how his Company patrols, but there is an expectation that there be at least one squad (or it's equivalent) on duty and patrolling at night, leaving two squads for typical daylight patrols. Each company has a section of the city that is "theirs" to patrol. The city is broken down into Wards (more to come on this soon). If you wish to set a specific "this squad is on duty from point a to point b" schedule, feel free. Otherwise, I'll just abstract it, and try not to have any continuity problems.

Also, there is an expectation of 24 hour coverage at your barracks, so that citizens may always know that they can receive assistance at any hour. When the Relief Company is giving you your leave, they post someone at both their barracks and yours, but do not move into your barracks.

Aye, Lieutenant, mumbles Virgil as he skulks from the room. The lad has a good mind, but is relatively monotone all the time. And you've even seen him polishing his boots no less than 20 minutes before an inspection, and they were still scuffed up during the review.

The thunder continues to rumble outside, and the chill in the air is becoming difficult to ignore. (Temperature is in the low 40's and falling). You can tell from the arrow slit that serves as a window in your office that the snow is definitely accumulating, and a glance down at the street tells you that several inches has fallen overnight. You can see a few citizens beginning to plod around, but even a brief observance from 40 feet up tells you that most people are stunned and moving about in a bit of a daze. (not to mention most of them have on a hodgepodge of summer and winter clothing).

In only a few minutes time, Virgil returns, just poking his head into your office. An attempt has been made to corral his hair, but even as he looks at you to speak, you see an unruly fall across his face again.

Pardon, Lieutenant he mumbles, Walter has been roused and is fetching your morning repast, Burns and Wezzel have received their instructions, and Larista and Fordwil are making preparations to leave.

I checked downstairs, and it appears another runner has come from the Hub. We're informed that the entire Sewerman's Guildhall has collapsed, perhaps under the weight of the snow. Three dead, two injured, no collateral damage. But, all three High Brothers of the Sewermen's Guild are unable to be located.

Trooper Yancy is unconscious, and we've been unable to rouse him to this point. After having delivered that news in his typical monotone, he begins to pull his head out of the door, preparing to close it behind him. Walter should be here directly, sir.

2013-07-01, 03:35 PM
Pardius exhales his reply, "Thank you, Virgil. And Virgil... find someone to restock all of the hearths and get them going, would you? I'm putting the last of the firewood I have here in right now."

He rose and did just that, moving over to the stone fireplace and building a fire in it. A fire... in Flamerule... what's next?! After he was finished building the hearth, he made his way back to his chambers to change his clothes and don his cloak, before getting back to work.

2013-07-02, 11:22 AM
While you get dressed, you can imagine a flurry of activity downstairs. Indeed, within 10 minutes, Walter fumbles with the door and enters carrying a small tray. The smell of boiled beef arises from under the covered dish. A loaf of bread, likely baked yesterday sits in a small basket with a knife. Lifting the lid on your tray reveals a handsome cheese, a sjorl, if you are not mistaken, a fine cheese from Rashemen that you have grown to enjoy quite well.

Walter sets the tray down at your dining board (a small table with only two chairs set under the arrow slit), and produces a length of toweling from under his arm. With this, he sets to sopping up the small amounts of melted snow that have blown in.

Mornin' boss! Try though you might, you've never been able to break him of his familiar attitude in private. In public, he is the picture of propriety, but behind closed doors, you know that his tongue won't be curtailed. Fine pickle the town is in, eh? Why, over a dozen men missing, and all prominent citizens, overnight! Not to mention the bloody blizzard thats getting ready to come down on us. It's bad omens, is what it is!

Oh, Walter remembers, Uh, Virgil asked me to tell you that Fordwil has already departed, and Larista is heading to the storage vaults for some winter clothing. Something about dwarves, and dresses, and beards.. Walter shrugs I dunno, she never made much sense to me. Burns is already out of the barracks with her squad, and Wezzel has sent a runner to find out where to meet up with the Snowmen heading to the Northern Pass. While Walter is still in mid-sentence, there is a solid double knock at the door, which then opens to reveal Trooper Yannosh, a short but stocky hairy blonde bear of a man from the mountains of Damara. His arms are full of kindling and logs, which he takes to the fireplace in your office, filling the woodbox and laying two more logs on your dwindling fire. Moor to com soon mulor' (okay, the accent didn't play as well when written.. Romanian-ish, btw) I will fill the box in your chamber as well. And with that, he salutes and smoothly leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

Walter continues without missing a beat I think I should go to the market and fetch some extra vegetables. No telling how long this weather will hold, but if it lasts very long, there won't be a fruit or leaf in town that doesn't set you back a pretty penny. He continues straightening up, chatting amiably as he does, and is just finishing up when there is another, heavier knock at the office door. Quite busy today, aren't we? Walter quips, opening the door and allowing a bedraggled Trooper Yancy to enter. Tall, and painfully slender, wearing a ragged tabard and breeches, Bortal Yancy stands near to 6 and a half feet, but weighs less than 150 pounds. His skin seems to hang loosely on him, as though he were once much larger. Bleary and blood-shot eyes are fixed straight ahead, and the man desperately needs to acquaint himself with razor and brush. Only slightly slurring his words, he looks briefly down on you before resuming his forward gaze, Trooper Yancy reporting as ordered, Lieutenant.

2013-07-02, 12:24 PM
Pardius didn't mind Walter's manner of speaking when it was left to just the two of them... or even when he wasn't in official capacity for that matter. He did spend years upon the road with Lox; and any expectation of formality with him died with the goblins in that first cave they had explored. And Walter's comfortableness was far easier to abide because of it.

"Morning, Walter. Sorry to wake you so early." he replied as the man came in and began bustling about. The commander moved to the dining board and dug into his morning meal... he knew that today would test his endurance, and that would be impossible to persevere on an empty stomach. However, before his second bite could pass his lips, the news about more disappearances spilled out of his aide.

"A dozen, you say?! I was only informed of two; just moments ago! A bad omen indeed...", Pardius fell into contemplative silence as Walter prattled on about the carrying out of assignments that he had already handed down this morning. Yannosh broke his concentration when he entered and once he was finished, he thanked the large man. He noncommittally muttered "Umm hmm..."s and "Yes, yes..."s as the conversation turned to vegetables, though he was paying little attention to what was being said. His mind was turning the events over and over in his mind, refusing to simply let them go as a mere oddity. Suddenly, he interrupted Walter, "Walter. I want you to send a runner to Captain Bamberton to inform him of these disappearances and with a request to lend us the aide of more investigators."

When the knock came from Trooper Yancy, Pardius had to wrack his mind in order to recall what purpose he had in sending for the lad. He quickly remembered, however, and ushered him in and asked him to take a seat. He sat across from the footman in his own chair and let the silence fill the room for a moment, staring at the man.

Finally, he spoke, "I am going to assume that you know why I called you here, Trooper. You were found to be in your cups while on duty again, Bortal." The commander purposefully used the young man's first name, trying his best to appeal to him. "While I have no trouble with drink... you must moderate yourself while you represent this company. If an enemy had attacked us last night, charging the walls of your home, how do you propose that you would have been able to hit your target with your crossbow? I've seen men so drunk that I was surprised that they hit the ground when they pissed. And how would you get your shield up in time to keep their axes from taking your head off; your reactionary timing so impaired that you can barely catch yourself when you fall about?"

Pardius paused and toke a deep breath, realizing that he likely could've been talking to himself ten years ago. Maybe he still was talking to himself, every bit as much as he was berating this poor man now. He forced himself to soften a little, before fixing his gaze upon him once more.

"You will be docked three days wages, since this is the third offense. If it happens again, Yancy... I'll be forced to throw you in the brig for a week. Do you understand the severity of which I speak?"

2013-07-02, 01:58 PM
Your memory of Lox reminds you that you're supposed to have supper with both he and Stevor this evening at the Green Griffon. And if you recall correctly, it's your turn to pay. If only Stevor didn't drink quite so much.

Walter Bruno Alright, I can do that. How many investigators you want me to ask for? Captain Bam prob'ly already knows, but it won't hurt to be sure. He looks at you in mild surprise, one eyebrow lifting as he regards you. Yeah, can't find Chalaz Goodspice, that halfling brewmeister, or Smalleye Warbunker, Farn Tarkle, that gnomish Master Smith, Madame Youngtree, the High Priestess over at the Church of Chauntea, she's missing too. Elibert Truescale, Head of the Jewellers Guild went missing two nights past, and Mordecai Highbucket, the Master Smelter is gone too. Coupla' others. I'm hearin' this morning that all three of the leaders of the Sewermen's Guild can't be found neither. Didja hear about their Guild hall?

Bortal Yancy The beanpole of a man winces at the talk of losing wages, and again at the prospect of the brig.. His shoulders slump, and he begins studying his boots, as though even making eye contact with you will embarrass him further.

With the clipped tone of a country yokel, Yancy apologizes. I'm right sorry, Commanda'. Ain't got no 'scuse for't neither. It's person'l, y'see? Mah wife, she.. well, ain't no nevermind.. T'won't happen agin, Commanda', y'kin count on me. I'm shore sorry to let yeh down, I am. I'mma volunteer to pull extra watches, so's I can't tempt meself with spirits. And so's I kin stay in these here barracks for a spell longer. Thank ya for not having me strapped, Lieutenant. I'll come good for ya, wait and see.

2013-07-03, 11:09 AM
He hoped that he would be afforded the time to actually take supper at the Green Griffon this evening; at the rate the day was going... he may very well end up eating it in this very same room.

To Walter, he replied, "If we have a dozen missing and I have already assigned both of my investigators to task... we should need at least two more, I should think. That means that each one of them will have to be looking into three different cases at once. And yes, I did hear about the unfortunate event of the guild hall collapse. I am afraid that that leaves Sergeant Terrakey and myself for assignment on that front. If he is not roused already, please fetch Vincent for me... and tell him to 'oil his knee', he's going to need it today."

When he was responding to Trooper Yancy, he said, "I understand wholeheartedly the things that can drive a man to seek solace at the bottom of a cask. Sometimes numbing the pain seems to be the only answer. But I will assure you that you will not find what you so desperately yearn for there, my friend... but only the dredges - both of yourself and of the ale. Now go - I will hold you to your word and see you better yourself, son. Sleep off the rest of your drunkeness and report to Bannerman Arness for duty at first light upon the morrow."

2013-07-03, 02:02 PM
Bortal Yancy The bleary-eyed trooper nods emphatically at your words. Aye, Lieutenant, Yancy answers. And thank you, sir, it won't happen ag'in. With that, he comes fully to attention, rising to his full height, and salutes you before turning on his heel and striding from the room.

Walter Bruno Sergeant Major Terrakey is making the night rounds on foot patrol sir. I can send a runner to find him, or he should be back shortly after sunup. You realize that it's still more than two hours till dawn, and yet the thrum of activity that you can hear from outside your window indicates that much of the city is already awake and moving. Noticing your gaze, Walter adds, Most of the city is scrambling for extra firewood. People had enough on hand for cooking, but not enough for heat.. I'll bet the price of firewood is rising as we speak!

Thunder rumbles ominously outside, softly but with great duration. You note that the snow Virgil wiped up a bit ago has been replaced by more. Looking out of the arrow slit, it seems that the snow has begun falling at a faster rate, and a chill breeze causes several lit candles to flicker fitfully.

You soon receive a knock on your door. Walter sticks his head in the door, looks around, finds you, and Lieutenant, Bannerman Arness is here to see you. At your nod, Walter opens the door fully and allows Arthur Arness to stride into the room. "Stride" is the correct word. Everything about Arness screamed of military efficiency. Although his boots are slightly scuffed and definitely wet along with the rest of him, you can see the remnants of a glittering shine on them, and there is nary a stain, rip, or Moonshae Pennant Reference "Irish Pennant" to be seen. You're confident that you could shave a gnats nuts with the edge of Arness' longsword. Taking two strides into the room, Bannerman Arness stops sharply, and snaps to attention, performing a crisp salute, and greeting you with a barked "Good morning sir! Bannerman Arness requests permission to report, sir! Sharp blue eyes like augers focus on the point on the wall directly in front of his gaze. A few drops of water can be seen running down the sides of his neatly shorn head, and a wisp of steam can be seen rising from his shoulders. Sergeant Major Terrakey has jokingly lamented that if a person didn't respond to Arness, he would just stand there like a statue until you do. You're fairly certain that he's right.

2013-07-12, 12:20 PM
Pardius sighed; he had forgotten that Vincent was on night watch. The poor bugger was not going to be worth much as the day waned on without getting some sleep.

"No... let him finish his rounds. When he returns, have him come to see me. And tell the stables to ready my horse - in a few hours, I will head out to the Sewerman's Guildhall. And send out two wagons with Bannerman Wezzel's squad as they move out to join the SnowMen. Instruct them to gathered downed wood as they go and have them return it to the city when they come back. That should help alleviate some of the strain on the woodpiles."

He listens to the storm rage on outside and walks to the window, touching the new-fallen snow with his fingers and shaking his head to himself in disbelief. Perhaps the gods do have a sense of humor, after all.

When the knock came, the commander couldn't retain the exhale that escaped his lips at the thought of yet more added stress.

"Let him in.", he had said without even realizing it. When Arness was finished, Pardius nodded and uttered, "Proceed, Bannerman."

2013-07-17, 07:12 AM
Walter Bruno- I'll leave word for the Sergeant-Major to see you, have your horse readied, and arrange for cargo wagons to accompany Bannerman Wezzel. With that, he closes the door behind him, his footsteps echoing faintly as he walked down the hall.

Bannerman Arness Lieutenant, while conducting my rounds this morning, I noticed a boot near one of the sewer drains just off Blackarrow Alley (so named for Henster's Fletchery. He uses only Black Ash for his arrow, and they are extremely good quality. Old Svenich Henster has arthritis, but he has a half-dozen young apprentices whom he rides mercilessly if they make mistakes with his legacy.) Normally, I'd just kick the boot down the drain and assume someone threw it out. But this one was fine tooled leather, with silver spurs inset.. So, I picked it up and looked around. In the storm drain, I found the other boot. Sir, it still had a foot in it, hell, half a leg really. I've left Warston and Costic there with instructions not to enter the sewer, and I sent Lyreen to the Sewermens Guild to fetch us a guide. I'd like to request your permission to take part of my squad down there to search for the rest of the body, and perhaps learn what did it? Arness winds down, and his gaze returns to the wall opposite him.

2013-07-18, 04:04 PM
The creases on Pardius' forehead compounded as Arness went on. When he had finished with his tale and posed his formal request, the commander got up from his chair and went back to the window. He stared out of it for what seemed like minutes, before finally addressing the bannerman.

"Assemble your men and meet me at the Sewermans' Guild Hall, Arthur. You will aid me in that investigation and then I will go with you to discover the meaning of the disembodied leg. I fear that the two may be connected. Dismissed."

Once he was gone, Pardius went back to his room and outfitted himself in his armor and gathered his adventuring gear, packing lightly as there would be no need for 'road' items. When he saw Walter next, he hailed him, "Walter, stay that order to have Vincent report to me. Upon his return, he is to take charge of the post until I make it back. I am going with Bannerman Arness to sort out this business with the Sewers." He then grabbed his weapons and slung his shield upon his back, and headed down to the stables to retrieve his horse.

2013-07-23, 09:00 AM
Whilst in the middle of buckling on your armor, Walter returns to your office with a steaming cup of tea, a rare and exotic beverage recently discovered on the mysterious continent of Maztica. The aroma of cloudberries wafted your way as he set the cup down on your desk and silently began tightening straps and buckles in hard-to-reach places on your armor.

Yes, Lieutenant says Walter quietly. He seems quieter than normal, less boisterous, and his trademark sarcasm hasn't made an appearance yet this day. Seems an unlucky day, don't it , Lieutenant? Snow, disappearances, murder, building collapses. And this, the kind of day you'd like to curl back into your blankets with a willing wench and a jack of mulled wine. Come to think of it, forget the wine.

I'll inform the Sergeant Major that you wish him to remain here until your return. Walter finishes adjusting your armor and wraps your baldric around your waist and slips the strap over your shoulder. Be careful out there my Lord. Something is not right, today. Leaving you alone with your thoughts and a steaming cup of tea, Walter closes the door to your office behind you.

Within ten minutes, you find yourself exiting through the recessed entry into the Guard Barracks, the massive iron-bound oaken door booming shut behind you, the bell mounted in its center dinging weakly a couple of times from the motion. Steamed breath rose from nearly a dozen men and women formed up in double-ranks facing you, Bannerman Arness snapping to attention, and barking, Squad! Stand Ready!. 9 backs straightened, 9 pairs of eyes facing front, and motionless, the only movement coming from the frosty breeze that rippled hair and uniforms.

It was only now that you noticed a smallish, mousy man in his middle years, idly picking at a boil on the side of his face. His brown on brown ensemble of ragged canvas (canvas clothing, how uncomfortable) was held together with spit and horsetail cord, if your eyes are any judge. He appeared largely disinterested in his surroundings, and his watery eyes fell on you for only a moment before proceeding to ogle a rotund bakers assistant as she slipped and stumbled her way up the street with a tray of sweet smelling rolls.

Bannerman Arness remains at attention. Good morning Lieutenant! I didn't know how many you wanted, so I brought them all, just in case. Well, save for Warston and Costic, who are still at the gutter drain. Lyreen fetched us good Master Gill, here, he says, a flick of his eyes indicating the bedraggled sewerman. He'll be taking us into the sewers to search.

2013-07-23, 01:01 PM
"Thank you, Walter... the tea should help ward off the cold for a bit.", Pardius said while he sipped the hot liquid. The commander added, "I'm starting to think that there aren't many 'willing wenches' left in Culdhaven." And finally, at Walter's parting words, as he was hanging his mace from his belt and slinging his shield to his back, he uttered, "You're right about that... something is not right indeed."

And finally, before he left, he knelt before his bed and lowered his head into his gauntleted hands, "Torm, hear me now. I know that I am without honor and therefore go forward through this life without the presence of thy divine grace. But in my duty to these people and to this place, please, I beg of thee, do not let me fail them. Give me strength to uphold my sworn oath. Give me courage to defend those behind my shield. Give me wisdom to better know thy bidding. Give me the hours and days ahead to root out what evils may now befall my people. Amen."

Pardius halfway inspected the nine men and women that were gathered, almost more out of ceremony than anything else. He stopped before the sewerman and curled his lip at the stench. "Master Gill. Please, lead on."

2013-07-24, 10:02 AM
The odiferous Master Gill harrumphs and trundles off down the road, kicking at the snow with each step as though he were angry with it. The trip to the storm drain should have only taken a few minutes. As it turned out, it took more than an hour for you to traverse the quarter mile from the tower to the drain, as citizens swarmed you, looking for answers. Blue-lipped beggars hopping from one rag-covered foot to another, portly goodwives shaking their fingers in your face, even a crippled old dwarf on crutches, approached you in the street to demand solutions for their problems. Among others..

The larger than life cook at the Stonebones Tavern, about one of the stableboys working there..
' And then he threw a frozen horse turd right into my stewpot!! And I wanna know what you're gonna do about it!!

A darling little angelic girl, about 8 years old, and wearing only one shoe..
Mister, mister, my auntie fell down on the ice, and her leg is in the wrong place

A grizzled old soldier who still respectfully doffs his much-worn cap to you...
So the Thane ain't rightly sure what's causin' this, Lieutanant?

A smartly dressed female dwarven merchant (no beard)
Deep tidings of joy to you, Lieutenant. My handcarts wheels are frozen to the cobbles, could your fine men assist me for a moment please?

The fattest man you've ever seen
Mah' confections!! Ruined, zey are!! No wood for ze fire, anywhere. Zey tell me to stick a wick in myself, and I could burn for weeks. Zey have no respect for an arteest! When? When will ze znow melt, eh?

What starts out as annoying turns to amusement in your mens eyes as they watch you attempt diplomacy while still making your way. Amusement turns back to frustration as they realize that you are slowed to a crawl, usually making it no more than 20 paces before being hailed by yet another aggrieved citizen. Master Gill becomes more indignant and impatient with each "Lieutenant!! Over here!", but holds his tongue, and passes the time sucking loudly on his teeth.

Giving what aid you could as you pushed through to your destination, you feel exasperated and tense by the time you see Troopers Warston and Costic, leaning on their spears in front of an otherwise normal-looking storm drain. Bannerman Arness splashes through the slushy snow, and there dusts the flakes from a heretofore hidden cloak laying on the ground. Over here, sir he says, gesturing at the cloak. Upon your approach, he eyes the people passing by on the street before hurriedly lifting the cloth from what it held... A fine leather boot, fairly new if the sole is any indication, with excellent stitching, and inlaid etched-silver spurs. These boots must have cost over 100 gold crowns all told. Reaching down to pick it up, you are reminded of it's "cargo", as it is entirely too heavy for just a boot. Turning the heel down, you peer into the opening and see a jagged bone protruding from a mass of half-frozen meat. A leg. Appears to be a left leg, from about mid-shin down.

Master Gill hops toward you, avoiding the puddles with unexpected adroitness. In a raspy voice, he says Sewer Access, right over there, pointing to a stone wall about 15 feet away. You can barely see that there is a door set into the stone, secured by an inset padlock (the padlock is inset into a small "alcove" in the wall about 6"x6".). He jingles a ring of keys at you. Got things to do, son, lets be about 'em.

2013-07-25, 01:34 PM
Pardius tried his best to placate the townsfolk of Culdhaven as they made their way to the scene of the crime. Once there, he looked over the boot and ordered one of the Troopers to put it into a sack; they would be taking it with them. If the family was wealthy enough, they may wish to have the man resurrected... withstanding that, the boats were worth enough that they should go to them, even if just to offset the cost of his funeral.

When "Master" Gill started barking, the commander looked to Bannerman Arness and rolled his eyes at the indignant tone of the man. He then made his way over, drew his mace and shield, and took point of the expedition.

2013-07-25, 04:03 PM
Master Gill jingles, splashes and shivers his way over to the lock, inserting a large key and disengaging the padlock. Removing the padlock, and grasping the hasp, he pulls the door slowly open. A faint grinding sound can be heard, that of stone on stone, and as the door opens, your nostrils are subjected to a minor assault.

Inside the door is a small landing, about 6 feet on a side, leading to a narrow stone staircase leading down and curving slowly to the left. The air smells dank and old, permeated with the vile, sharp stench of offal. The stone walls are mildewed, and a dozen slightly rusted pegs, from which hang slightly grimy hooded lanterns, stands out about 4 feet off the ground all around the landing. A small (about 2' tall, 1' diameter) handcask marked "OIL" sits covered with dust immediately inside the door and to the right. The bung is missing, and has had a tattered rag stuffed in the hole. A small paper wrapper filled with punks that can be used to light the lanterns rests atop the handcask.

Ware yer step grumbles Master Gill, as he fumbles with one of the lanterns. You can hear the faint grumbles of your men as they realize what an odiferous adventure they're on. One man, Rellick, you believe, draws a handkerchief from his pouch and begins to tie it onto his face until a sharp look from Bannerman Arness stops him in his tracks.

"By your leave, Lieutenant, every second man to carry a lantern, sir? " Arness asks. "Shall I leave a sentry here at the surface to ensure no children follow us down there? "

Master Gill seems to be impatient, as he begins to descend the stairway ahead of you.

2013-07-25, 04:17 PM
Pardius curls his nostrils and hacks once, before spatting its production off the landing and into a darkened recess or another. It wasn't the foulest-smelling place he had ever entered, but it certainly ranked up there... and it had been some time since his last encounter with such a powerful odor. Rellick, if that was the lad's name, had the right idea; but for the sake of Arness' authority, he didn't undermine the Bannerman's wordless order; Pardius, however, did wish that he had thought to bring a handkerchief of his own. Nevertheless, this was the task at hand, and it needed doing.

"Better make it every third, Bannerman. Foul things dwell in foul places. And if there's something about that causes a man to go missing his boot with his foot still in it... my bet is that it might be hiding down here. The simple fact is that a lantern takes a hand to hold, and I want more hands on blades. And aye, leave two here... from this point onward, no man is to be on his own - stay by twos at the minimum."

2013-08-07, 01:24 PM
There is some slight shuffling as 3 men select, fill and light lanterns.

Master Gill is completely out of sight by the time your troops are prepared to proceed. Bannerman Arness takes up a position at the rear of your little column. Stay tight, lads, he instructs, and you hear the distinct rasp of nearly a dozen swords leaving their scabbards as your troopers ready arms. The stench is making you slightly light headed, and you get a morbid idea for how to punish the next man to report for duty drunk.

As you begin down the steps, you realize that the ceiling is only about six and one half feet, slightly shiny and dark. The chill of the snowy breeze fades rapidly, to be replaced with the dank and noxious unmoving air down here. The torches burn brightly, but seem to be glazed a slightly different color than you are used to. (the normally yellow-orange flame has the slightest green tint to it).

The stairwell switches back once, and comes to a landing. You imagine that the floor you stand on is only about 12-15 feet below the surface. Master Gill is about 40 feet away from you, standing impatiently on the two-foot wide stone pathway. The sounds of his tapping foot mingle with a slight slurping sound coming from around a bend beyond him, and the irregular drip and plop of things you are likely better off not knowing.

Surprisingly, the stench is less severe here. Oh, it still burns your eyes and curls your nose-hairs, to be sure, but there is a definite lessening of the effect at the foot of the stairs. Set into the wall at about 3.5 feet is a stone shelf, slanted slightly toward the floor. It appears to be some kind of workstation. A worm eaten ledger sits here, along with other writing implements, ink, quills, that sort of thing.. A small toolbox sits atop the ledger, it's wood stained and gouged, the handle of some hand-tool sticking out of the top.

From where you stand (your troopers are still on the stairs above you)..

Directly Ahead- the Sewer Trench- You are told that it is 6 feet deep. the walls of the trench are stone-lined, and they are stained heavily with offal up to about 8 inches from the top, though it looks like the normal "high water" mark is only about 2 feet, as four feet of "trench" remain unsubmerged. It is 7' wide, and goes both left and right out of sight (about 20' to your right, as the canal curves, and about 50' to your left, just beyond where the light fails). Words carved into the stone in neat Dwarven script on the wall directly behind the stone "desk" appear to be some sort of warning or notice.

C'mon, ye great brave geese harrumphs Master Gill. You'll not find what you're after, and I have better things to be doin'. Lets get this over with. A hacking (and altogether unhealthy sounding) coughing fit overtakes Gill, and he doubles over, hacking and hawking half of his lungs, expectorating into the rancid sludge of the sewage.

2013-08-07, 04:14 PM
Pardius didn't know if he was more disgusted by what fed this rancid river or by whatever pestilence that Master Gill had been adding to it by spatting into it. In any order, he certainly didn't feel in the mood for a swim... and he silently hoped that whatever they found down here didn't lead to the hasty decision to change his mind.

The commander pulled the shield from his back and secured its straps to his off-handed forearm, shifting slightly with the unbalancing weight of it. He then drew his mace and followed after the sewer rat.

"I assure you, Master Gill... no one wants to be done with this task sooner than my men and me. But while you are accustomed to making your way down here, I'd be willing to bet that none of them are. And we have no way of knowing what maimed that man before we stumble across it. So, while we proceed with this matter, I'd prefer it if you kept your want for haste and your condescending tone to yourself. Do your job, and we shall do ours."

2013-08-08, 09:38 AM
Master Gill shrinks in on himself, seeming to lose several inches of already sparse height. Beggin' yer pardon, milord. Didn't mean nuthin by't. Looking genuinely contrite in the flickering torchlight, he murmurs This way, then sirs.

You hear a murmuring in the file behind you, catching only the phrase "Nope, never did either, n' that's a fact". The walls seem to amplify some sound while muffling others. The sound of boots thumping softly on the stone floor mixes with the sound of 10 men breathing heavily through their mouths.
If you'd like to try to have heard the original comment, make a Listen Check DC14)

We'll be wantin' ta get off this main line, huffs Master Gill, though it appears that he is out of breath rather than impatient. The line that storm drain feeds into is over here. He rounds a blind curve, and nimbly hops over a 3 foot feeder line that intersects the main line here. A narrow 12 inch "walkway" hugs the right wall (from your perspective) of the feeder line, and the ceiling drops to less than 6 feet, causing many of your troopers to have to duck and shuffle . "Ware yer step, Lieutenant". With a curse and a splash, the light behind you dims slightly, and there is a general kerfuffle behind you. You turn in time to see Trooper Costic pulling his soaked left leg from the filthy and cold "water", while Trooper Tanis gingerly fishes Costic's spear out of the pungent canal . Sorry, sir. mumbles Costic. Slipped. Agh, he adds as Tanis hands over the befouled spear. Disgusting, he exclaims, drawing a wheezy chuckle from Master Gill.

Make a Spot Check, DC17
Make a Fortitude Save DC12

2013-08-08, 11:01 AM
He felt mildly bad for chastising the elder man so, but only just. He had no time for a miserly old codger to berate his men for their reluctance at such a task. Even Pardius himself loathed the situation immensely, though he tried to continue to do his best to not let them see it.

When Costic nearly dropped himself into the muck along with his weapon, the commander give only a brief disapproving stare back down the line before a slight smile crossed his face at the poor man's discomfort and the irony of the Trooper's name.

"Careful, Trooper. If you fall in, I'm afraid you may have to sleep in the stables.", Pardius attempted to interject a small amount of levity.

Gah! I just revisited my abilities and remembered how ghastly they are!

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Fortitude [roll2]

2013-08-08, 12:43 PM
Continuity correction: Your men lit lanterns, not torches. Please assume any reference to "torchlight" down here refers instead to lantern light, and Costic dropped a lantern into the canal, rather than a torch. Apologies!

A low chuckle from your men echoes eerily in the tunnel. After a sharp warning from Bannerman Arness to Stay tight, no straggling, your men settle down and awkwardly make their way along the tiny path.

Master Gill begins to whistle a jaunty tune, just as the trooper immediately behind you retches loudly. He's right, the stench is intensifying. Over the next few minutes, over half of your troopers begin to have mild trouble breathing, with two losing their lunch entirely, and most of the rest with watery eyes and nausea. While thoroughly unpleasant, the surroundings do not affect you in the same manner, and Master Gill seems completely unfazed.
Five of your troopers, including Arness can be considered nauseated

After what you're sure has been at least 20 minutes below ground, Master Gill informs you that you've reached the storm drain that your men are standing guard on. When one of your troopers questions how long it took to go so short a distance, Gill informs him that the routing of the sewer tunnels does not match up well with the street grid, so distances can be deceiving.

A definite lessening of the foul odor precedes a lightening of the darkness. A small ribbon of light, about 8 inches high and four feet long sits at the junction of ceiling and wall to your left, across the canal. Freezing cold muddy water oozes down the wall from the drain into the canal. Grateful troopers are able to breathe through their noses again, at least for the moment, as a chill breeze wends it's way down your spine. The sounds of Culdhaven are muffled but audible as city-life continues unabated above your head.

Tymora's tasseled tits! exclaims Trooper Fosgrove, and you turn, following his pointed finger to the barely visible shadowed outline of something on the walkway a few feet ahead of Gill (and less than 15' from you). At the junction of a "T" intersection ahead, a child-sized shadow stands unmoving. Details are sparse, more because your night vision has been mitigated by the light from the storm drain than any other reason.

Whaaaaaat's this, then, Master Gill queries, as he steps toward the shadowy form.

As soon as Gill takes a single step, the darkened outline seems to burst into motion, diving into the putrid muck of the sewage canal, and with a kick, disappears from sight below the surface, which quickly stills. Gasps and startled cries erupt from most of your troopers, and there is a flurry of sound as weapons are brought to bear. Unfortunately, none (save possibly Gill) are close enough to intercede, and the narrow walkway limits your men's mobility.

2013-08-08, 03:07 PM
Pardius stares disbelievingly at what he just saw for but a moment, but wait... what had he just seen? He stepped closer to where the thing had disappeared into the waste and scanned the surface before rounding on Master Gil.

"A child... living down here?! And swimming completely submerged beneath this... filth?! What do you know of this Gil?"

2013-08-08, 03:49 PM
Eyes wide, Gill waves his hands in the universal "Wait, wait, no, not me" motion, exclaiming "Nuthin, milord, I promise it! Tha' weren't no child! It had claws and fangs, it did! Gill continues to protest his innocence, and you get the feeling that he's genuinely shaken.

"Oy! Who's down there, a male voice calls from the street. You see the face of Tovarik, one of the Troopers you left streetside. His face is scrunched up like he smells something bad, (go figure), then breaks into a wide, toothy grin when he sees you. Oh, tis you, hullo Lieutenant! All clear up here sir!

Several of your men are hunkered on the narrow walkway, backs to the stone wall. One uses his sleeve to hastily try to wipe filth and dirt from the glass pane of the hooded lantern, then aims it's wavering beam past you to where the figure stood. There, on the stone walkway is a tattered linen doublet, light green by design, but mostly a mottled brown and black given it's surroundings. Most of the shirt lies on the walkway, but one of the arms hangs down into the water, bobbing gently in the slow current.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see emaciated fingers gingerly reach up through the muck from underneath to grasp the sleeve of the shirt, then yank it down, the filthy rag disappearing with a gentle "blooop".

Gill decides that it's time to leave, and attempts to push past you, exclaiming Did you.. ? You saw it.. We have'ta, I mean, we've gotta... Don't let it get me milord! Lets go back!

2013-08-09, 10:41 AM
"Behind me.", he muttered lowly, allowing the man to pass while keeping his eyes focused on where he spotted the hand and the shirt only a moment before. He then adds, equally quiet and even in tone, "Bannerman Arness, please contain Master Gil and make sure that he does not abandon us in this wretched place. And do keep him safe, hmm? Trooper, you there... with the lantern... come to the front."

The ex-paladin then slowly stalked forward, mace held at the ready, to the spot where he last saw whatever foul thing now lurked beneath the surface. And then he waited.

2013-08-17, 01:36 PM
The slender Trooper, nearly swallowed by her suit of mail, shuffles around those between you and she, (Anika, you think it is, one of the rookies) and tentatively steps past you on the extremely narrow ledge. Her lantern was either new or had been cleaned this year, for the bright yellow light that now bathes the slightly gurgling stream of gently flowing detritus and filth illuminates the area cleanly, Anika holding her sword in a defensive posture. Beyond where the light from the gutter drain can pierce, and only barely brightened by the lantern is a widening of the path, to about 10 feet. Hard against the wall is a large stone chest with a wooden lid. It looks like it would hold tools. The latch appears to be broken on the chest, but the light is still too sparse at this distance to make it more clear.

The spot where the.. creature.. disappeared into the water is still and calm, only the slight gurgle of water slipping by, and the muted stench rising from it of any note at all. (Though you notice that the water may have risen an inch or two, and you notice that water is pouring fitfully in from the gutter. Apparently the temperature above has risen a bit, and some of the snow is melting.

2013-08-19, 12:02 PM
"Anika, is it?", he offered in an attempt to calm the fear that he was certain that the girl was feeling, as it was threatening to do so in himself. He had never felt fear while his faith had been strong, but ever since he had lost his way, he had found that it had crept back into his thoughts... smuggling in amongst the confusion and doubt.

Pardius then stepped past the Trooper with the lantern, and advanced as far as the widening of the pathway, coaxing the girl along right behind him. The commander kept his eyes glued to the area where the thing had gone under, except whenever his attention was demanded elsewhere due to the placement of footing or the like. When he got nearer the box, he used the toe of his boot to lift the lid enough to afford him a cursory look inside.

2013-08-21, 09:43 AM
Aye, Lieutenant, she replies tremulously. She squeezed against the wall to allow you to pass her again, and she remained two paces behind you. As the walkway opens up she moves slightly to your right (still behind) so as to shine the light past you, toward the box.

Your troopers had moved a bit forward. Now three of your troopers (including Anika) have left the narrowest part of the walkway. Of the three, only Anika has a lantern, but the other two take up position near where the creature submerged itself, and assume a defensive posture, spears at the ready.

Splashing behind us, Lieutenant calls Bannerman Arness solidly, his voice reverberating gently in the enclosed tunnel, as he tells off the two troopers at the rear to turn to face the way you had come. Can't see anything yet, but it doesn't sound far off.

The hinges of the box protest loudly as they are opened. Anika moves up to your side in order to shine light into it, revealing a bloody mess. There's a corpse in the box, atop bloody shovels, buckets, and other tools. At least, there's part of a corpse. While both legs and everything above the pectorals (including arms and head) are gone, the naked lower torso that remains is mangled almost beyond recognition, though you "think" the body was male. The fact that you can't be sure just tells you how wrecked this now-empty shell is. Ribbons of flesh, and purplish blue entrails like disgusting sausage links protrude from a massive wound in the pale belly. Blood and other fluids lay congealed among and below the tools. Trooper Anika retches, the now-swaying lantern causing all of the shadows to lurch ominously.

The smell, while thoroughly unpleasant, isn't very strong. You believe that part of the reason is the overpowering stench of the sewer, your retreating sense of smell, and the cold humid air suppressing the odor. However, the other part is more telling. This corpse is only hours old. You've seen enough battlefields to know the difference.

Make 4 Spot checks (one for you, one for the three troopers nearest you (all 3 troopers receive a +2 modifier to their check).

2013-08-22, 01:03 PM
Pardius reaches out and grabs ahold of Trooper Anika's upper arm, both to steady both the woman and the lantern's light. The commander peered down at the mess - this was rapidly becoming a very serious business. Whatever it was that did this had to be dealt with, and soon.

"I think I found the owner of the...", Pardius began before he was cut off by Bannerman Arness' warning. Still ready for a fight, the ex-paladin whirled around and steeled his nerves.

Spot checks!


2013-08-26, 10:22 AM
Hey, do you have any interest in helping me learn how to use the great maps like you have for the arena's in Crimson and Gold? I'd like to give you the same visual advantages you've given me, but I have no clue how to make that work.. If you like, I could set up the battle (oops, spoiler) for you.

2013-08-26, 12:50 PM
I would love to teach you!
I will warn you, however, that if your Google Fu is not stronger than mine... then you have to make yours (like I usually have to). And it is not all that difficult, but it certainly takes some working knowledge of a good painter program (again, I use GiMP). And teaching you how to use that would probably be better done in person.

2013-08-27, 11:34 AM
Okay then, in person it shall be, lol.

Area description (rough and horrible though it may be, lol)
In the meantime, assume the canal runs north-south.

The western wall has a storm drain, about 6 inches high and several feet across. The western wall also is also the canal wall (there is no walkway on the western side)

The canal is about seven feet across and six feet deep, though the water level is currently at around 3.5 feet. The water is opaque, smells horrid, and is very "lumpy".

There is a two foot walkway (apologies, this is increased from my stated width of one foot) on the eastern side of the canal, smooth-cut stone with good traction when dry (which it is).

The ceiling is only 6.5 feet high and the ceiling curves inward (the meeting of wall and ceiling is rounded), making it difficult for people over about 6.2 to stand upright.

The area is lit by 3 hooded lanterns carried by your troopers.

There is a stretch of 30' on the eastern side where most of your troopers are. Just north of this 30 foot stretch, the walkway widens to 10' for 20' before closing back to 2' rapidly.
Damn, it doesn't like the formatting of my silly little "diagram".. Must.. improve.. skills... I've now sent you a sad little diagram via email and Excel. Deleting my even sadder version below..


You spin around, as do your troopers, facing back the way you have come. You can now hear splashing as well. It sounds for all the world as if someone was walking through water that was at least to their knees, the disturbed water gurgling angrily as the sound grows larger. The trooper at the rear of the formation shines his light back down the tunnel the way you came. Because of where you are, you cannot currently see three of your men, Arness, and two of your troopers are out of sight on the 2' walkway.

(Anika has one lantern, the man in the rear has another, and the man at the corner of where the wall expands to the east has the third).

You hear a muffled what in the nine... which you think may have come from Arness, when Trooper Tanis yells wordlessly in dismay, and Trooper Costic screams "KILL IT Tanis, KILL IT!

Roll for initiative (for yourself, I will handle your troopers). Gonna steal your sexy template for the combat table too, btw, will post that shortly).

2013-08-28, 12:50 PM

By all means, steal away sir! I stole it from someone myself.

2013-09-05, 03:11 PM
Haven't forgotten this one. Have put a Battle Chart on the first post, still filling that in, and need to master the map thing as well, but I think that's going to have to wait till I get home tonight. Didn't want you to think that Pardius was going to be stuck in limbo forever.

2013-12-11, 05:57 PM

You: 16
Troopers: [roll0]
Arness: [roll1]
Gill: [roll]1d20-1[/roll

In the bright, if wavering beams of light that Troopers Costic (#5) and Forester (#4) are shining back the way you came, something truly unnatural can be seen, climbing out of the canal, and crouching on the narrow walkway. Were it to stand up straight, you're sure it wouldn't be an inch short of seven feet, it's emaciated form the home of numerous sores that weep a thick viscous pale white fluid. Rancid sewer water sloughs off it's body in muddy rivulets. Of particular note are the creatures wicked talons, the half-dozen 6 inch razor sharp fangs in it's disturbingly wide maw, and the pale, writhing tentacles extending from under it's gaunt arms. They appear to extend and retract at will, and the tentacle on it's left side brushes the ceiling easily, and once nearly touched the far wall.

There is a bellow of disbelief and disgust from Trooper Tovarik, who was still peering into the storm drain, as well as cries of alarm from several of your troopers and a wail of dismay from Master Gill. Trooper Costic is fumbling with shield, spear, and lantern, while a lightless Tanis begins to set his spear and shield in a defensive posture, crouching low to make himself a smaller target.

Behind them, Arness pushes an unresisting Gill to the ground and draws his longsword with a sharp curse. Trooper Forester is setting his lantern on the ground and bringing his spear to bear, as is Anika. Troopers Fosgrove and Robart likewise prepare for battle, both keeping an eye on the canal for the other, smaller creature.

We told you not to take them yet, the creature rasps in a deep and ominous tone, in heavily accented but recognizable Common. It is not time. . The tentacle on the creature's left side whips forward, hurtling toward Trooper Tanis.

2013-12-11, 11:13 PM
Bonedrinker goes first.

Tentacle Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
**Would you be interested in using your critical system, and if so, do you have a sheet that describes what each event is?

Improved Grab (if tentacle successfully hits) [roll2]

Trooper Tanis howls as the tentacle whips around his shield and latches onto an arm with a wet slap. Several links of chainmail break away under the blow, but he shakes the tentacle off, and, shield arm sagging slightly, chooses to await your command.

**Trooper Tanis' successful resistance of the grapple was rolled separately for convenience and to prevent requiring yet another consecutive post. Didn't plan the rolls well for the last post.

2013-12-12, 01:56 PM
"Everyone to me! Fall back! Fall back!", Pardius barked. He then drew his shield and Peacemaker, his heavy mace, and took a step forward to the edge of the widened pathway. The commander then began ushering his men past him, that he may take the forward position along the narrow walkway to face the disgusting creature.

Move to D3 and try to get everyone "south" of me to the north of me, to step out onto the walkway.

Fixed Battle Map (with the swapped Trooper positions).

2013-12-12, 03:00 PM
Your voice reverberates in the enclosed space, and you find that, due to your adrenaline, you can't even notice the smell anymore, a small mercy, given the circumstances..

Your men begin to move, the rookies less smoothly than the veterans. (Your rookies are #'s 2, 3, 4, or Robart, Anika and Forester as their mothers called them). Bannerman Arness reaches down and yanks Gill to his feet with his free hand, shoving him back into Foresters fumbling arms with a growled, Get him out of here!. Costic and Tanis are the last to pass you, both moving in good order, taking careful steps backward while keeping eyes and weapons trained on your foe. As he passes, you quickly note that Tanis' shoulder could be broken, and at the very least, there are chain links embedded in his upper arm where the tentacle struck. A brave lad, to have held the line with an injury like that.

Behind you, Arness continues to focus the troops. Fosgrove, Robart, watch the water, there's another one in there somewhere. Costic and the sewerman to the rear, with a will!

"With a will", meaning quickly, heartily, with determination.

Here are the new Battle Map Positions;

1- A2
2- B2
3- B4
4- C2
5- B3
6- A3
Gill- A4
Arness- C3
Pardius- D3
Bonedrinker- hasn't moved

2013-12-13, 01:23 PM
"A frontline well held, Tanis. Job well done, soldier.", Pardius thanked the lad as he passed, making a mental note to look into a promotion or pay raise when they got back... if they survived. The ex-paladin then spoke quietly to the Bannerman.

"If I fall... make sure that the men get out of here - this is not a fitting place to die."

He then stepped out onto the narrow walkway and faced his enemy. Calling back over his shoulder, he spoke without taking his eyes from the thing, "We hold our ground, Troopers! Stay vigilant and sharp. We hold and we live."

He raised Ram's Head before him and hunkered slightly behind the large steel shield. And holding his heavy mace at the ready, he focused his breathing as best he could down here, and waited to see what this could creature had in store.

Declaring Dodge on Bonedrinker.
Full Defense.

Here is the Battle Map for Round 2!

2013-12-13, 03:59 PM
No, the beast rasps, viscous brown phlegm falling wetly from it's jaws, obviously agitated. We don't want to kill you yet, it gloats. Soon, you will all be dead, and we will feast. Conversational though it may be, this horror doesn't sound particularly educated, nor particularly worried about you. More of the vile white goo that seeps from the creatures numerous gaping wounds drips to the walkway with a disgusting "gloomp". It's tentacles wave almost lazily, both extended several feet in front of it, and wiggling. Go back to your pointless lives until we come for you. Think of me... it growls finally, as it begins to slink backward slowly on the walkway.

Unless you pursue it, it will withdraw.

2013-12-13, 04:44 PM
Pardius took a retributive step forward, anger welling up inside of himself alongside the desire to smite this vile creature from this world. But, he stopped himself after that one step, and faltered; doubt welling up to take place of desire and anger both. You are no longer that man..., he told himself, ... and without the blessing of Torm to guide your weapon, what chance have you of besting such a creature of darkness?

Rendered impotent by his self-apprehension, tears began to fill Pardius' eyes. Why?! Why was it so difficult to march forward into the face of evil as he had done so many times before? Why did he continuously have this internal debate of conscious when he knew the correct path laid before him? He was unsure of his own success against such a foe, this much is true... but it assuredly was not the first time that had been the case and it had never stopped him then. There was no hesitation, no worry about his own outcome - only that righteousness and good prevailed. He blinked away the gathered pools of water from his eyes and stood there for too long a moment. And before he had made up his mind on what to do, the creature was gone.

Straightening himself and lowering his shield a bit, he spoke once more, quieter now. "Troopers, gather up Master Gill. We are leaving."

2013-12-13, 05:28 PM
The mood is subdued, tense, the troopers quiet as you cautiously make the return trip to the surface. Master Gill was able to be revived, and he "led" the way back from the middle, calling out directions. It's strange, you can smell the sewer even more acutely, it seems, and you are more aware of the oppressive darkness just at the edge of the lantern's glow.

Every abnormal sound caused men to jump and curse. It takes only minutes to retrace your steps and return to the fresh, crisp air above. Troopers Tovarik and Warston are standing by the sewer grate, Tovarik crouched near the opening with his crossbow ready, looking into the dimly lit chamber you just left. Nothing stirs, Lieutenant, Tovarik announces quietly, while Warston makes sure that passers-by continue moving. There are, you note, most townsfolk milling around nearby, especially considering the weather.

It has warmed up enough to begin melting the snow, but this has just caused freezing slush to take it's place. What was first a trickle heading into the sewer has grown to become a steady stream. The streets are well laid out for drainage, and the gutters are kept clear, so the flow is strong and steady.

Arness reorganizes the squad into ranks, after giving Tanis' arm a quick inspection, and deciding that it can wait till the troop returns to the tower. He then approaches, and quietly asks, Orders, Lieutenant?

Gill, for what it was worth, thanked you profusely for not letting him be eaten. With that, he takes off the small, grimy patch on his tunic, a crossed Brush and Shovel over a trench, ripping it from the canvas material and letting it fall into the icy slush. I'll not be goin' back down there, , he begins loudly, see that I don't! Twenty years, I been crawlin' through them tunnels, and never saw a thing like that! Can you believe it, Captain, what was it?

You notice some of the townsfolk edging closer. Some are dressed for the unseasonable weather, others are not. Some are obviously worried, and some are just curious. But all seem to know that "something" strange is happening, and you happen to be the only symbol of authority in sight.

None of your men are nauseated now.

2013-12-17, 12:43 PM
Pardius exited the sewers along with his men, troubled by what he had seen. While he was certainly no stranger to fighting monsters and abominations in his career as an adventurer... having the damn things right here in the city, beneath their very feet no less... troubled him very deeply indeed. They were all in grave danger, and he needed help in figuring out how to handle the situation.

"Bannerman Arness - your men and women have performed above and beyond their duty today. Take them back to the tower and allow them time to bathe, eat, change their clothes, and rest a while. Have a healer look at Tanis' arm at the City Watch's expense. But do not allow them to stray far from the tower... the city may yet still need them before sun sets on this day."

The Commander then turned to the ex-sewerman, "I'll take your keys, Gill.", he said in demand. Once he had them in his hands, Pardius approached the door that had permitted them access into the sewers and locked it up. As he did so, he thought about the festering man's question.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out... and then kill it.", he managed.

As Pardius began making his own way back towards the tower, he noticed the gathering throng of townsfolk - unrest and fear in their faces. He sighed; if he didn't play this right, it could insight a panic... and that wouldn't do anyone any measure of good.

"People of Culdhaven, go back to your business and your homes. A man was murdered here. The nature of the crime was such that it caused some unease in some of the Troopers. Rest assured that I fully intend to find the culprit and visit justice upon him."

2013-12-17, 12:55 PM
Arness executes a sharp salute, and immediately leads his squad back toward the tower in good order.

Gill gladly hands over his keys, a ring with dozens of numbered keys. 'ere Lieutenant, and good on yeh. Ye'll find the number that corresponds to each lock on a plate attached to each door. Once mentioned, a small iron plate engraved with a number stands out on the sewer access door. Got me a niece in Silverymoon. Perhaps 'tis time I paid a visit. Looking back at the sewer grate, he pauses. A long one. I'll be sayin' a prayer to Tymora for ye tonight, Lieutenant. Shivering in the breezy cold, though perhaps for more than the temperature, he takes his leave.

Make a Diplomacy Check with a +2 bonus. (The people of Culdhaven are comfortable with their security, and trust the Watch to keep them safe. You, yourself, are also a fairly well known person in town, and your reputation helps in cases like this). The results of your roll will help determine the crowd's response to your order.

2013-12-17, 01:33 PM
Diplomacy: [roll0] (+5 normally, +2 circumstantial bonus)

2013-12-17, 01:49 PM
You speak to the crowd, imploring them to go back to their business. Your words are solid, and reassuring, but, perhaps it's your posture, or perhaps you glanced one too many times at the storm drain. Many of the citizens do in fact continue on their merry way. However, a middle aged man in particularly unctuous clothing calls out, loud enough for those near him to hear. You there, Guardsman! Yes, over here, sirrah. My shop sits directly over this sewer grate, as if the stench wasn't proof of that, he snarls, sniffing daintily at a rose scented pomander. First the snow, now this? A murder in front of my shop? Do you have any idea what this could do to my business? Have you taken the fiend in custody? Is there to be a hanging? Who is to compensate me if my business is damaged by your failure to maintain order? Hmm? He fixes you with narrow eyes, obviously exasperated by having to speak with you.

2013-12-18, 04:34 PM
"That would be 'Commander', merchant.", he replies as he stepped towards the man, stopping only when he was just a little too close for comfort's sake. He then spoke in a low, quiet, and harsh tone.

"As I said, I fully intend to find the culprit. I wouldn't have said that I would find him if he had already been found... for only a dolt would think that possible. But I do fully intend to maintain order here. Which is precisely why I asked that you all return to your affairs. Though, much to your disappointment, I am afraid, there is not to be a hanging... yet. Unless, of course, I manage to find someone that is being disorderly."

Pardius let this last part sink in, implying his meaning with a heavy stare at the greasy man. He tightened his hand upon the pommel of Peacemaker, the leather of his gauntlet creaking against the same of the grip.

"Does anyone like that come to mind?"

2013-12-23, 03:34 PM
I.. But.. You!! His repeated attempts to interrupt you trail off into undignified silence, gape-mouthed as he receives your quiet tirade. This puffed-up jackanapes has truly deflated by the time you pose your last question to him. Smiling obsequiously, he shakes his head, No, Commander, but I will keep my eyes open for such a miscreant.. If you'll excuse me, he stammers, I believe I hear my wife calling me. Good day, he finishes lamely before turning hurriedly and scurrying back into his shop.

The majority of the crowd has crept away, though likely only into the nearest taverns to spread the spotty details like chaff on the wind. The breeze blows lustily and briskly, the wet in the air slightly painful on any exposed skin, and your metal armor is merely absorbing the cold and radiating it onto you.

More thunder rumbles ominously, and the dark clouds appear to be gathering for another onslaught of snow and freezing rain, thought the temperature is still slowly melting the surface layer of snow, and the gutters run full of icy, muddy water.

You make your way back to the guard tower alone. A less-dark spot in the clouds shows the sun still short of midday, but by how much is hard to tell.
A line of about 10 people stands outside the outer door to the guard tower, stamping their feet and huddling in their cloaks and coats. The door is being guarded by none other than Trooper Yancy, whose eyes are still red, but quite alert, his countenance professional yet compassionate, his uniform sharp. He stands at the proper "rest" position for a watchman on duty, and is speaking in friendly but firm tones to the citizens near the front of the line. .. was saying, good people, there are already more than a dozen inside, we haven't the room for more. Please wait until those inside have addressed their concerns, and you will be allowed in the warmth to have your say as well.

As you approach, you see two laborers in rough homespun wrestling one of the large braziers from the roof of the tower and set it next to another identical one. Two more laborers emerge carrying a tarp between them, filled to bursting with firewood. It appears that someone is setting up firepots so the villagers can warm themselves while they wait.

At your approach, Trooper Yancy hurriedly excuses himself from his conversation, and comes to attention, his wickedly pointed spear glistening in the wan light. His salute is crisp, and appropriate. Good morning, Commander, he says. Walter and Virgil are in the lower office, along with the Sergeant Major and some others, sir. Sergeant Major's compliments, sir, they would like you to join them at your earliest convenience.

In general, if you were wanting to report up the chain of command, you could dispatch a runner with a message for Captain Bamberton, or any/all of the Council, if such is in session today, or if you deemed it important enough, to the High Thane himself. Potentially, you could even go personally to them, if such was your desire. I don't know if you had any plans to do so, just realized I had never specified how that might work.

2013-12-30, 02:03 PM
"Thank you, Trooper. Good to see you at your post again, son. Keep up the good work.", he patted his gloved hand upon Yancy's shoulder and moved inside, stamping the snow and ice from his boots beforehand. He shivered involuntarily as the slightly warmer temperature inside the tower washed over him, and Pardius brushed and shook what snow he could from his cloak, not quite ready yet to remove it. He headed immediately to the lower office in search of the men gathered there. Once he reached the heavy wooden door, he pushed it open and strode directly over to the fireplace to further warm himself.

"Before we get much further in the conversation... Virgil, I want you to make a note. Whomever's idea it was to bring out the firepots for those waiting outside - mark him down for acknowledgement and accommodation. Walter, send a message to Captain Bamberton and the rest of the council members immediately. It is urgent that I have an audience with them as soon as can be permitted. Now...", he turned towards the Sergeant Major, "... to this foul business, Vincent. What do you know of what transpired within the sewers?"