View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Gunslinger build help

2013-06-24, 12:26 PM
Could someone help me develop a good gunslinger build? I'm able to use 20 point buy, 2 traits, and whatever is in the open game content website (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/classes/gunslinger.html), including any races in the race book and alternative class features/archetypes/etc.

We're starting at level 1 and probably going to 6-12.

If nobody wants to give a full build, could you recommend what are feats/tactics to embrace or avoid with a gunslinger? Also, I got the position of party rogue, so I'd like to do at least a 1-level dip into Rogue to get trapfinding, unless there's an ACF that gives it.

I want to be a competent long-range damage-dealer. Being able to do pretty good on skills would be nice as well. I'll probably wind up middle-of-the-road optimization, but from what I'd read Gunslinger is considered around Fighter level of power, so probably as optimized as I can be will be okay. (Rest of the party is a cleric, monk, magus, and probably druid. I realize I may be the weakest of them, 'sides maybe the monk, but that should work okay with this group.)

Hunter Noventa
2013-06-24, 02:57 PM
The biggest issue with Gunslinger is the cost of guns and ammo. Even at the suggested reductions if guns are more common, you won't be buying a new gun for ages, and at low enough levels, you could be scraping up money to buy more ammo, because it's 1gp a shot. The prices for guns are WAY out of whack if they're anything beyond extremely rare items.

That said, most archery-related feats will help, though not manyshot and the like for obvious reasons. Make sure to look at all the Grit feats and understand just how it works and how you can use it.

2013-06-24, 03:38 PM
Be either a musketeer or a pistolero, take rapid shot, and abuse the crafting rules to make gunpowder to afford whatever you want.

2013-06-24, 07:56 PM
The Gunslinger's Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11719683) might help you.

DrakeRocket's guide (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2modi?DrakeRockets-Guide-to-Grand-Gunslinginger) on the Paizo boards is decent as well.

Make sure you put 1 rank in Craft (Alchemy) so you can crank out your own powder and alchemical cartridges. Also, try to get your gun enchanted to be Reliable as soon as possible. Misfires suck big time.

2013-06-25, 10:54 AM
Take 2 Levels of Ninja.
Mysterious Stranger for 3-5 Levels.
Remaining levels as Ninja.
The groovy part? Pick up the Ninja trick Smoke Bomb and Invisibility.
Get a set of Fogcutting Lenses or a Goz Mask so you can see through Fog/Smoke.
Grats, you can now hit things with Ranged Touch Attacks hitting Flat Footed targets, dealing Sneak Attack damage.
BUT WAIT! Act now, and abuse the Poison Use feature that Ninja grants you.
Craft Alchemy + the feat Master Alchemist. You can make alchemical items (including but not limited to ammo and poison) faster and cheaper.
Apply injury/contact poison to all of your ammo. High damage potential, very tactical character. You can also poison your smoke bombs.

Be a Gun Ninja. At some point pick up Sniper Goggles and deal sneak attack damage from any range you like. You don't even have to be on the map with the rest of the party, you can cover them from very far away. By level 10 you do excellent damage along with requiring multiple fortitude saves from your targets due to poison.


2013-06-25, 11:08 AM
Bladebound Magus 3 with Axe Musket heirloom into Gunslinger. Get the Spell Blending Arcana to get Abundant Ammunition.

This gives you an unbreakable gun and the ability to get unlimited ammo multiple times a day, not it says mundane so you can use the alchemical ammo.

Is it cheesy, yes. Is it awesome yeah.

2013-06-25, 03:05 PM
What about something like Ranger (Falconer) 1/Gunslinger (Musketeer) 3/Ranger 1/Gunslinger 2/Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 4/Ranger 2?

2013-06-25, 06:09 PM
Also, I got the position of party rogue, so I'd like to do at least a 1-level dip into Rogue to get trapfinding, unless there's an ACF that gives it.

Short of going with Rogue/Ninja, Ranger would be your best bet. Take the Trapper (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/trapper) archetype, you lose spells (the horror), but gain Trapfinding on a Full Bab, 6 skills/level class.
In face, you may as well take (at least) 2 levels of Ranger.
You can go with either Archery or Crossbows as your Combat Style (the feats don't care if you use them with guns).
Or there's also the option of taking Trophy Hunter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/trophy-hunter) as well. You lose the combat feat, but get +2 to your Grit pool, and any 1st level Gunslinger Deed (pick up whatever you traded away with your Gunslinger archetype, most likely).

Start with the 1 level of Gunslinger, that's most important, then take your level of Ranger (or trapfinder). Then go wherever from there.

I'd recommend at least 5 levels of Gunslinger for DEX-to-Damage (unless going Mysterious Stranger).

Edit: Races!
Ones with good "Favored Class: Gunslinger" bonuses
Half-Elves, Hobgoblins, and Humans all get +1/4 Grit per level.
Dwarves get 1/4 Reduced chance of Misfire.
All of the above also have solid Stat adjusts.