View Full Version : Air Lancer (3.P build help)

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-24, 04:53 PM
Ok, so I am going around looking at making a character for a posible game and I feel like I need a little help. This is for an aquatic (ship based) game.

So I am making a lancer who rides around on an air elemental. The idea is mobility used to fight people constrained to the deck of a ship.

Race : Halfling, adaptable luck and outrider racial traits
Class : Rogue (Scout, Swashbuckler)
Feats -
1 - Mounted Combat
3 - Ride By Attack
5 - Spirited Charge
7 - Planer Touchstone (catalouges of enlightenment : Air domain)

2 - Get Away Artist
4 - Combat Trick - Power Attack
6 - Combat Trick - Furious Focus
8 - Favored Terrain (aquatic)

I am aiming for level 8ish, as that is what is required to make this work (if the DM has lower, I will think of something else)

Ok, the idea is that I use the Planer Touchstone to get the air domain granted power from 3.5. This will allow me to rebuke air subtype creatures. A Medium air elemental is 4HD, so I can rebuke 1 at level 8 and have 1 more in my pack as spares.

The DM will have to approve this, as it may be overwritten by the Pathfinder air domain, but I hope to talk him out of that.

Then using the 100ft perfect fly speed of my mount, this rogue ducks in with a lance and spears people. The ability to move 100ft in any direction lets me be 30ft up and 60ft away from the target of my charge.

As far as I can tally from this rough build, I should be doing something like (Str*1.5 + 6 +1d6)*3 + 4d6 each charge with 6BAB + Str + 2 to hit.

So with that build, I have run into a problem.


What is the best way to get access to an air elemental that can hang around on the prime material?

Also, build advice would be appreciated. Items, stat focuses, and ideas are welcome.

- The build has ended up changing to fit a 3.5 game and for 6th level. Does anyone know a good 3.5 medium flying creature with 3HD?

2013-06-27, 11:16 PM
You can get a wasp mount item for 800 gp, and there's a dustform elemental in Ss for 1.5k that's explicitly for use as a mount. I can't remember if it flies, though. There's also the Dragonfly Medallion for ~30k.

AaEG lists Dire Bats as a good mount, and they only cost 100 gp to train, and 150 gp for a youngling. The Giant Dragonfly has 3HD, and costs 500 for an egg and 300 gp to train.

MMI has a pegasus (which I personally use for my cleric), Giant Bee, Giant Eagle, and Hippogriff.

If you get an item of shrink person, you can use even smaller creatures as mounts, if you want something specific.