View Full Version : So, I made a Half-Celstial Chaos Gnome... how should I justify her existance?

2013-06-24, 11:28 PM
So, my DM reluctantly allowed me to make a Half-Celestial Chaos Gnome for an upcoming 3.5 campaign. I have been mulling over an appropriate backstory and reasoning for why a celestial being procreated with a chaos gnome. Any good ideas?

T.G. Oskar
2013-06-25, 12:00 AM
Eladrin are chaotic good, and incline towards the idea of "Celestial Fae", so that'd be a good start. Other than that, it'll be a bit hard to justify.

A good start would be to define the backstory of the world you're playing with, to figure why would an eladrin (of any kind, basically) would mingle with a chaos gnome. I figure that the eladrin parent may want to create a sort of "spanner in the works", where your character's existence may be tied to a celestial gamble, and thus you're granted that load of powers. That seems to be the best idea thus far: the chaos gnome parent might just go with it out of curiosity or for the heck of it, but the eladrin parent definitely has something behind.

2013-06-25, 12:00 AM
A poor roll on the random encounter table? I got nothing.

There are plenty of Gnomes in Bytopia, it's possible some Chaos gnomes might be present. And Bytopia isn't too far from Elysium, but it would be a bigger stretch to get to Arborea or Ysgard.

Edit: Swordsage'd by a matter of seconds.

2013-06-25, 12:23 AM
Chaotic Good outsider definitely seems the way to go (with Chaos Gnome for the other parent, of course).

2013-06-25, 03:04 PM
Three words: frisky eladrin explorer.

Simple as that really.

2013-06-25, 03:13 PM
You could always just ignore the fluff of being a half-celestial. Your character could of been just infused with a large amount of divine energy somehow, and not the child of a celestial. Mechanically, that could result in the half-celestial template.

Like gamma rays for the Hulk.

2013-06-25, 05:29 PM
Surely no weird parenting issue cannot be solved by a one drunken night of random encounters. Then you can add allomony and visitation rights to your background

2013-06-25, 05:40 PM
Regular gnome + night with chaotic good outsider = half-celestial chaos gnome?

2013-06-25, 05:49 PM
I'm gonna go with "A wizard did it".


2013-06-25, 10:08 PM
I'm gonna go with "A wizard did it".

>2 sending spells, one to a chaos gnome, one to a celestial.

>1 ghost sound for music.

>1 hero's feast.

>2 suggestion spells, worded very carefully.

>1 rope trick for privacy.

2013-06-25, 10:37 PM
Surely no weird parenting issue cannot be solved by a one drunken night of random encounters. Then you can add allomony and visitation rights to your background

That is somewhat close to my suggestion. Your character's parent of choice visited Ysgard. Got drunk on ale and battle, hooking up with an outsider of your choice. Fast forward some months later and you are born!

2013-06-25, 11:33 PM
the only option I can think of that hasn't been covered is "cause I said I am"

the wizard one could come from poly morph any object, or maby a druid and a reincarnation spell were to blame.

2013-06-26, 02:52 AM
My best idea so far is a particularly mischievous celestial who serves Garl Glittergold took interest in my character's father. This celestial then traveled to to the material plane and seduced him with her wit, they had a thing and then my character was born!

2013-06-26, 02:58 AM
Your character one day chanced upon a dying celectial in his crashed spaceship damaged planar gateway who bestowed his power upon him along with his mission before he expired?

2013-06-26, 11:54 AM
Your character one day chanced upon a dying celectial in his crashed spaceship damaged planar gateway who bestowed his power upon him along with his mission before he expired?

Only if he plays a druid that can only wildshape into animals he's touched before.