View Full Version : [FR AD&D 2e] Sword of the Dales IC

2013-06-25, 03:30 AM
The past winter has been a particularly cold one, so much so that finding the motivation to adventure has been nearly impossible. Fortunately the winter is finally coming to a close, as the rural charms of Shadowdale are rapidly wearing thin, and some of you may be running short of coin. Soon, perhaps, an opportunity might present itself, saving you the trouble of seeking out employment.

Tonight, the Old Skull Inn, which has the only lodging and decent food in town, is where you find yourselves. A fire crackles merrily in the hearth, and good food and drink are plentiful. Due to the icy weather, however, a few small groups of farmers and townsmen sitting at scattered tables are the only other patrons tonight. So far, during your stay, you've seen no sign of the adventurers who supposedly make the town their base, save for a couple of fellow novices like yourselves.

Over in the corner, an old lady plucks a passable tune from a harp, while Turko, the cook and waiter of the inn lazily makes his way to each of the tables, where he explains at great length the virtues of his own cooking. Meanwhile, Jhaele, the owner of the inn, tends the bar in a brisk but not unfriendly way, occasionally giving Turko a stern glance to move him along.

2013-06-25, 08:50 AM
Alyin sits at one of the tables with her head resting in her right hand as she absently listens to the older woman play the harp. So far, her stay in Shadowdale hadn't exactly went how she planned. She was suppose to find a decent job, quest, or even just a little adventure, save the day and be a big hero, and take all the money she was suppose to get for said adventure back to her parents so that they wouldn't end up in the streets. Instead, she was kind of stuck in Shadowdale for the winter, but at least she had made a friend during her stay.

"She seems to be getting better," Aylin says softly to Sunny, commenting on the harp player.

2013-06-25, 11:04 AM
Li, Truth-Seeker of Dusgard, Tomekeeper of the Dusgard Library
Well, I have no money and I'm pretty much stuck here for the winter; there's no possible way I could manage to go through Serpent Pass in the blizzard conditions that the weather was like. It was a mistake to travel down here, despite the great materials I gathered...I hope the library is holding up well.
I grin, sheepishly, and speak in an elegant, if slightly embarrassed, tone.
"You wouldn't happen to have something I could do to earn my meal, would you?"

2013-06-25, 12:51 PM
Sunny sits at the same table as Aylin, looking even more bored if possible. She is leaning back in her chair, her feet on the table, and her hands behind her head. She is balancing precariously on her chair's hind legs while also balancing a spoon on her nose.

"Ya-huh," she says absently to the fighter, barely paying any attention.

2013-06-25, 04:02 PM

Lianthas sat alone, listening to the harp with clear appreciation. The Half-Elven priest was a new visitor to town and still finding his bearings, though he had heard that a fellow Half-Elven priest was around and looked forward to seeking him out.

2013-06-26, 03:34 AM
Asteroth was sitting alone, thinking of the past few months. Ever since he displayed his arcane powers in public he was hunted by the Cowled Wizards, it was a miracle he managed to escape. If it wasn't for his friends in the Order, he wouldn't be sitting here. He was hoping that the Wizards won't be looking for him here, it was too far from Athkatla. He didn't mind the cold, it was a welcome change from the scorching heat of his home. He looked around the tavern, trying to find any adventurers that need companions. His training at the temple was enough to teach hom how to wield a hammer and how to cast a few healing spells, and his arcane training would surely be useful in a combat situation. The few adventurers that were in the inn didn't look very inviting and he didn't have any people skills. He decided to wait for them to approach him.

2013-06-26, 12:30 PM
Sunny sighs, taking her feet off the table and letting her chair fall back on all fours with an audible 'thump.' She removes the spoon and tosses it onto the table with a clatter. "By the gods, this place is boring!" she pouts, crossing her arms. "I thought the legendary Shadowdale was supposed to be filled with adventure and excitement. I was sure by now I'd be partying with the Knights of Myth Drannor or signing up with the Harpers. But nothing has happened at all since I got here."

She drops her head onto the table, smacking it with her forehead. "Maybe it's me. Maybe I have awful luck. I bet if I walked into Zhentil Keep, they'd all just be having tea and biscuits and discussing the weather."

2013-06-26, 03:34 PM
"You tend to attract trouble, if I remember correctly," Aylin states with a small smile. "But, um, you have some pretty high expectations if you thought you would be hanging out with the Knights of Myth Drannor by now."

Aylin thought something more exciting would have happened by now, but she certainly didn't have the high expectations that Sunny seemed to have. She takes a moment to stretch a bit before she leans back in her chair comfortably. "I guess we are just going to have to make our own fun."

2013-06-26, 06:30 PM
Li, truthseeker of Dusgard, tomekeeper of the Library of Dusgard
"Too boring? The weather this winter set eight records! But I do agree this place is rather disappointing. The library here is pitiful, despite the rich abundance of materials for bookbinding and papermaking, not to mention currency. Why does modern society glorify mindless violence over the pursuit of truth and knowledge? If somebody actually wanted to win a war, they should do so through knowledge, planning, wit, and tactics."
A mischievous grin spreads across my face, as I slowly pull out the chess set I crafted over the long winter, rapidly placing the pieces in their starting positions.
"I'll bet any of you one day's food that I could beat you at chess."

2013-08-02, 07:47 PM
Well, there goes a great game down the pipes. :smallsigh:
Oh, well.