View Full Version : help gnomish D*** punch

2013-06-25, 05:25 AM
Many months ago I read a joke on here or penny arcade about a gnomish **** punch and I thought it would be funny to toss it into a game.

So i had a naked gnome leap out from behind a chest, screams "Gnomish Cockpunch!" and punches the groups half orc barbarian in the nuts. Then he ran away hastened screaming he was sorry.

My idea was that he was cursed in someway.

My players loved it. Every so often I'll toss it in again as a running gag. Leaping out from behind chests, leaping out of fountains or brushes. He is always naked and always sorry for his actions but flees, flys or teleports away. It's been working quite well. But now that my players are higher level the mage in my party has begun keeping a few spells in reserve to catch him or try and chase him down. I don't want to just not let them get him, that would be poor of me.

So I'm asking for some fun ideas of what to do once they capture him? Why he is cursed or some sort of quest:smallsmile:

2013-06-25, 05:30 AM
Maybe when they capture him they find out that all the gods have been conspiring against them/using them as pawns/etc, I dont know what your campaign is or the hook but im guessing its not the sort of thing that happens to every day people? Turns out they have been manipulated and toyed with all along.

This was simply a result Garl Glittergolds creative input.

Can lead to a more epic campaign from there too if you havent already got it all planned out.

2013-06-25, 05:42 AM
you could always say he has a cursed ring, and every so often the ring forces him to do specific actions, write up a table and roll on it a couple of times each day, then, once he completes the action he realises what he did (hence the apologising)

2013-06-25, 06:26 AM
The Gnome in question is actually a Cleric with the Travel Domain and Travel Devotion. Meaning he can escape things. OR you can make him a Cursed "Domain Monk". Anyway he should have the Travel Domain. One way or other.

He got cursed by a Cleric of the God of Pranks and the God of Pranks himself enjoyed the curse that much that he infused this gnome with a bit of his essence, basically forcing him to debauchery, pranks and other stuff.

His Crotchpunches are accompanied by tied shoelaces or other prunk stuff int he future due to the gods essence getting deeper into him and going out of control. He is sorry because it isn't his doing.

If the party catches this poor fella they will have a chance to see the nature of the curse due to some omens or symbols. If they have him captured for more than a few minutes they'll hear him moan: "oh no! no, no no no! It's starting again!" and then he fades before their eyes.

On their quest they get some rumors about a forge that built avatars of gods or where souls can be "split" or something else.

Hope this helps.

2013-06-25, 06:28 AM
He took a bet from some friends that he couldn't punch the same group of people in the nuts X amount of times, while naked. The rules dictate that he can't tell the group what he's doing, or bribe them in any way.

This will probably lead to an interrogation, but he won't give anything away until threatened with serious harm (he wants that gold!).

2013-06-25, 06:59 AM
He took a bet from some friends that he couldn't punch the same group of people in the nuts X amount of times, while naked. The rules dictate that he can't tell the group what he's doing, or bribe them in any way.

This will probably lead to an interrogation, but he won't give anything away until threatened with serious harm (he wants that gold!).

that could be a very interesting plot hook :smallamused:

2013-06-25, 07:02 AM
That gnome is the greatest lover in the whole multiverse. He allowed himself to be enslaved in order to enter an Efrit prince's harem. Once there, he seduced the whole harem, and used his sexual charm to convince the Efrit's wives and concubines to help him trap the genie.

The gnome hoped to make himself rich, powerful and immortal abusing the Efrit's Wish spell-like ability, but the Efrit outwitted him and managed to twist his wishes to curse him.

Now the gnome is damned to roam the world naked, punching the crotch of all the scariest-looking creatures he meets.

2013-06-25, 07:11 AM
Maybe the curse can only be broken if he gets caught!
The curse also gives him freedom of movement, teleport, haste etc so it would TAKE a high level party to actually catch him and free him from this horrible fate!

(btw, Im stealing this... Gnome **** punch is too hilarious not to use):smallbiggrin:

2013-06-25, 02:46 PM
Thanks everyone, these are some good ideas. Also I hadn't even thought about the Travel domain to help with his escaping! Infusing him with some of the God of pranks against his will might be a really fun quest.:smalltongue: