View Full Version : Horimyo (Wizard Archetype) Help?!

2013-06-25, 06:30 AM
Hopefully this is an easy subject for some of the forum-goers.
I am getting ready to start in a Campaign and have just discovered the Horimyo.
I have everything pretty much down for a few things I can't find any information on. Like can (and if so how does) a Horimyo use spells from actual scrolls? They store their spells on scrolls and lose Scribe Scroll to the Spell Tattoo class ability instead, I know that to create a regular scroll I'd now need the Scribe scroll feat but Can I even make a Scroll usable since all my Spells are recorded as Tattoos now? Does this mean I need to use UMD to use wands and such even if they are Wizards spells? Please somebody must know the answers to these questions that will help me understand the other mechanics of magic that I have been boggled by for Horimyo.

Thx in advance for any help even if you only read this and have no answer.

2013-06-25, 10:33 AM
So, ah, what book is the Horimyo in?

2013-06-25, 10:38 AM
So, ah, what book is the Horimyo in?

The Way of the Yakuza from Rite Publishing its 3rd Party.

2013-06-27, 06:12 AM
Ok so I decided to buy the of PDF in hopes that the answers would be there. Alas that wasn't the outcome, considering the book was made for the more obscure magic mechanics they didn't make any mentions of how it would pay out I'm a higher fantasy campaign. So I guess the only thing I can hope for is maybe somebody who has more experience with mechanics helping with tips on how to incorporate the common backup magic like scrolls, wands and maybe how I could even work in how to make them with this unusual magic style.