View Full Version : What would you do : Dangerous Skeleton Thing

2013-06-25, 06:41 PM
A blur of silver cuts over their heads, racing into the open air over the keep.
Coming to a stop, the halo races back, flying back into the waiting hand of a giant skeleton with four arms, a scimitar clutched in each of its bony extensions. Towering at a height of ten feet, the skeleton gives its blades a series of spins, its dark eye holes hiding a distinctly malevolent personality.

So its me high level beguiler and some total stranger with unknown abilities or powers, versus this thing.

What would you do or suggest?

2013-06-25, 06:46 PM
knowledge (religion)

also, what equipment do you have?

edit: just to clarify, are you the high lvl beguiler or was that a list missing comma?

edit 2: for that matter, what lvl is this "high lvl" beguiler? are there any house rules we should keep in mind?... (you gave WAY to little info)

2013-06-25, 07:48 PM
I would get the guy with the unknown power to Wild Shape into a Tarrasque and bull rush the skeleton while you hang back and debuff the skeleton.

2013-06-25, 07:50 PM
So its me high level beguiler and some total stranger with unknown abilities or powers, versus this thing.

What would you do or suggest?

I'd start by stalling for time by asking the DM how he caught the chakram if he had a scimitar in each hand.

Then I'd try using an illusion to see if it's got any kind of intelligence if you don't already know. Mindless Undead are very weak to illusions, as they don't question what they see, they just see it.

Make an illusion of some kind of plausible obstruction that is impassable and not worth interacting with to try to get through to get you and that also breaks its line of sight to you.

2013-06-25, 07:58 PM
Talk to it.

2013-06-25, 09:02 PM
Okay so an update...

I rolled a 36....on a arcane check and 27 on a religion check, and from both rolls the most I ended up finding out, was that it is a construct.

The fact, that is the most I found out about it, kind of scares the **** out of me lol.

I won the initiative, now am waiting for it to make the next move, will bring up about the arm thingy though.

2013-06-25, 09:09 PM
The beguiler should probably open with either invisibility or haste, depending on how far away you are. Against a construct, the beguiler isn't much good other than buffing the team.

2013-06-25, 09:25 PM
I agree with the others; you need to determine if it's intelligent or not.

Assuming it's not, your [phantasms] should function perfectly well against it.

If not... well, you can always cast haste on your ally.

2013-06-25, 09:26 PM
Guess I should have added, I can caste cleric spells through rainbow servant, and have access to shadow evocation and shadow conjuration.

2013-06-25, 09:29 PM
1. Can you give us a number on what level you are? Or at least what spell level you can cast?

2. I bet this thing can't fly, and/or is a melee monster. Flight will be useful.

3. Let the stranger tank it, especially if he insists.

4. The "malevolent personality" bit implies intelligence and Evil alignment. The DM's probably enough of a **** that mind-affecting won't work on it though.

5. You're fighting Count Dooku General Grievous (4 armed evil skeleton robot).

6. Figure out what the halo is. If it can't fly and you take out its ranged capability, you can plink it to death from above.

I rolled a 36....on a arcane check and 27 on a religion check, and from both rolls the most I ended up finding out, was that it is a construct.

DMs, especially bad ones (those ignorant of the rules doubly so), are notorious for giving players the same answer regardless of their check result, having failed to read the Knowledge skills or prepare information for them. Some DMs are so obtuse that Knowledge checks above 20 are useless in their games, giving the equivalent of a Spot check ("you know this monster is green, scaly, and has big teeth").

So yeah, I wouldn't worry about the Knowledge result.

2013-06-25, 09:34 PM
...5. You're fighting Count Dooku (4 armed evil skeleton robot)...

You mean General Grievous, right?

2013-06-25, 09:48 PM
You mean General Grievous, right?

Yeah, that guy.

After a point, all those lightsaber-wielding jerks just kind of mush together in my mind.

2013-06-26, 12:37 AM
Okay so an update...

I rolled a 36....on a arcane check and 27 on a religion check, and from both rolls the most I ended up finding out, was that it is a construct.

smack your DM...really hard...this DM is obviously trying to make it so you have to run away as a story device. Either that or two things:

1. Hes an idiot and thinks you can kill it
2. He wants to kill you because he hates your characters, is that a possibility?

2013-06-26, 12:52 AM
4. The "malevolent personality" bit implies intelligence and Evil alignment. The DM's probably enough of a **** that mind-affecting won't work on it though.

It's a Construct, so immune.

2013-06-26, 12:53 AM
smack your DM...really hard...this DM is obviously trying to make it so you have to run away as a story device. Either that or two things:

1. Hes an idiot and thinks you can kill it
2. He wants to kill you because he hates your characters, is that a possibility?

Question on my 36 knowledge role, is the thing just that incredibly unique or high in HD, that my character would know absolutely nothing about it with such a high roll?

Dm responce

Either. Neither. Both. Tread carefully.

This is the entirety of my build

Beguiler 6/Rainbow Servant 10/Shadow craft 5/Nightmare spinner 2/ 1 warblade/ 1 shadow adept

*edit update*

So ..am frustrated with my DM, the creature sundered my weapon , is nigh immune to most of my spells being so close to me has a very large chance of interrupting my magic.

Am almost considering using my boots of temporal acceleration and summoning a elder earth elemental and drop 20 tons suddenly on the roof we are fighting on * le sigh*

2013-06-26, 03:21 AM
Dm responce

Either. Neither. Both. Tread carefully.

This is the entirety of my build

Beguiler 6/Rainbow Servant 10/Shadow craft 5/Nightmare spinner 2/ 1 warblade/ 1 shadow adept

You're level 25? Well duh, no wonder you're getting 24+HD constructs. I'd be worried that would be enough!

2013-06-26, 03:33 AM
Dm responce

Either. Neither. Both. Tread carefully.

This is the entirety of my build

Beguiler 6/Rainbow Servant 10/Shadow craft 5/Nightmare spinner 2/ 1 warblade/ 1 shadow adept

*edit update*

So ..am frustrated with my DM, the creature sundered my weapon , is nigh immune to most of my spells being so close to me has a very large chance of interrupting my magic.

Am almost considering using my boots of temporal acceleration and summoning a elder earth elemental and drop 20 tons suddenly on the roof we are fighting on * le sigh*

I'd have started summoning before I tried to attack such a thing with my weapon as a caster, aye.

2013-06-26, 03:42 AM
If you have a massive variety of spells that you can constantly access, why would you shoot stuff that can be stopped by SR at a mysterious construct? It seems possible that the thing is a golem of some kind, so you should probably use some of your crazy list to do something that hurts golems. Ya know, anything with no save, and no SR. If you have access to crazy things you can summon, as you mentioned, that seems like the kind of thing to do against a construct.

2013-06-26, 04:23 AM
Don't...constructs have spell immunity...generally?

2013-06-26, 05:29 AM
Don't...constructs have spell immunity...generally?

From the SRD:

Immunity to Magic (Ex)
A clay golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.

This applies to other magic-immune constructs with the same ability. People usually use Orbs of Fire / similar spells that have SR : No to take out constructs using magic for this reason.

2013-06-26, 05:39 AM
Don't...constructs have spell immunity...generally?

Golems do, although as noted it's not quite as amazing as you might think. (It does nothing to protect them from telekinesis-flung projectiles, conjured orbs of fire, a hail of stone, or a wall of iron in their path.) However, most constructs are not golems, and have no particular immunity to magic in general.

2013-06-26, 07:12 AM
you have shadow conjuration..... why aren't you using summon monster 9?

2013-06-26, 10:10 AM
you have shadow conjuration..... why aren't you using summon monster 9?

unless I'm forgetting some combo, no version of shadow conjuration can do 9th's

2013-06-26, 12:31 PM
sundered my weapon

Pull yourself together, man! You can cast the entire Cleric list spontaneously via Rainbow Servant, and you're swinging a weapon?

At the very least, you can find any viable no-SR spell of 7th level or lower, then duplicate it with a casting of Miracle. Or just buff your friend because he's probably supposed to be a tank.

2013-06-26, 09:25 PM
unless I'm forgetting some combo, no version of shadow conjuration can do 9th's

He has access to the Cleric List anyway, so he doesn't need it to do so.

2013-06-26, 09:32 PM

Second, fly upward.

Third, do summons and SR: no and walls and phantasms and stuff against it.

2013-06-27, 08:05 PM
I hope we see an update soon.

2013-06-28, 07:18 AM
He has access to the Cleric List anyway, so he doesn't need it to do so.

point, he can just straight up cast summon monster 9. it's been a while since I've seen the shadow craft prestiege class.