View Full Version : Help with bbeg

2013-06-25, 07:12 PM
ok so I am starting a new campaign soon and later on while stuck in a strange city that they have never been to before. The city is ruled by 7 people. All humans. The leaders know of the PC's though the PC's enemy. So i know it might seem kinda dumb but through magical means the leaders of the city have erected a giant shield that can only be disabled by killing all the leaders.

So to the question, each of the leaders specialize in one of the schools of magic (counting out Divination as they all have that school). When I say specialize I dont necessarily mean that are all Wizards, just that that is what they focus on. So what I am looking for is fun class combinations that still specialize in a specific school but is not extremely overpowered.

I have a few thoughts of things but I want to know of other opinions on what people think

Evocation: Wizard(Evoker)/Force Missile Mage
Enchantment: Bard/??
Necromancy:Dread Necromancer
Transfiguration: Wizard/ Master Transmogrifist
Conjuration: Wizard/?
Abjuration: Wizard/Fighter/ Abjurant Champion
Illusion: Beguiler

As you can see I am kinda stuck. So any fun and kinda different suggestions for class combos that show off the strengths of each school without being too over powered?

Thanks for the help!

Edit: Everything I bolded is suggestions that I took and locked in place :)

2013-06-25, 07:14 PM
You need Beguiler in that mix somewhere, either as your Enchanter or your Illusionist.

2013-06-25, 07:38 PM
You need Beguiler in that mix somewhere, either as your Enchanter or your Illusionist.

Thanks. I knew I was forgetting something :) I edited the OP

2013-06-25, 08:39 PM
A few sample lists to get ideas flowing..

Mixed Class List-
Evocation: Sorcerer/Some Blaster focused PrC
Illusion: Beguiler
Enchantment: Wizard/Enchantment-based Nightmare Spinner(From the Nightmare Spinner adaptation passage)
Necromancy: Dread Necromancer
Conjuration: PF Summoner(easy enough to adapt to 3.5e, honestly.)
Transmutation: Wizard/ Master Transmogrifist
Abjuration: Wizard/Fighter/Abjurant Champion

All Wizard List-
Evocation: Wizard(Evoker)/Force Missile Mage
Illusion: Wizard(Illusionist)/Shadowcraft Mage
Enchantment: Wizard(Enchanter)/Enchantment-based Nightmare Spinner
Necromancy: Wizard(Necromancer)/Pale Master
Conjuration: Wizard(Conjurer)/Maleconvoker(Refluffed to allow evil entry)
Transmutation: Wizard(Transmuter)/ Master Transmogrifist
Abjuration: Wizard(Abjurer)/Fighter/Abjurat Champion

Darth Stabber
2013-06-25, 08:48 PM
If you are looking for a abjuration focused character without the insane power of iotsfv, and are willing to use homebrew, I recommend the courtmage in my sig. It's part of my attempt to complete the cycle of fixed list arcanists (warmage, beguiler, and dread necromancer). The mutationist is untested and needs further refinement, and I never got that far on the conjuration class. It's fairly well blanced, though it can surprise a bit when he has prep time, but still nothing compared to iotsfv.

2013-06-25, 09:20 PM
A few sample lists to get ideas flowing..

Mixed Class List-
Evocation: Sorcerer/Some Blaster focused PrC
Illusion: Beguiler
Enchantment: Wizard/Enchantment-based Nightmare Spinner(From the Nightmare Spinner adaptation passage)
Necromancy: Dread Necromancer
Conjuration: PF Summoner(easy enough to adapt to 3.5e, honestly.)
Transmutation: Wizard/ Master Transmogrifist
Abjuration: Wizard/Fighter/Abjurant Champion

All Wizard List-
Evocation: Wizard(Evoker)/Force Missile Mage
Illusion: Wizard(Illusionist)/Shadowcraft Mage
Enchantment: Wizard(Enchanter)/Enchantment-based Nightmare Spinner
Necromancy: Wizard(Necromancer)/Pale Master
Conjuration: Wizard(Conjurer)/Maleconvoker(Refluffed to allow evil entry)
Transmutation: Wizard(Transmuter)/ Master Transmogrifist
Abjuration: Wizard(Abjurer)/Fighter/Abjurat Champion

I actually love the idea of a Force Missile Mage. the party will probably be loading up on resistances and wont expect this :belkar:. Plus it does not seem that over powered.

If you are looking for a abjuration focused character without the insane power of iotsfv, and are willing to use homebrew, I recommend the courtmage in my sig. It's part of my attempt to complete the cycle of fixed list arcanists (warmage, beguiler, and dread necromancer). The mutationist is untested and needs further refinement, and I never got that far on the conjuration class. It's fairly well blanced, though it can surprise a bit when he has prep time, but still nothing compared to iotsfv.
Thanks for the suggestion but I have a rule of no homebrews. Even for me as the DM. I feel that if I use something then the PC's are able to also.

2013-06-26, 11:30 AM
if the level is high enough, mix in Force Missile Mage with Argent Savant, it basically allows you to double up.

2013-06-26, 11:39 AM
I like Spellwarp Sniper on my Evokers. Nothing quite like spellwarped split ray twin cyclonic blast to ram people into strategically placed prismatic walls.

2013-06-26, 04:24 PM
For the Evoker, I'd suggest a different tack. Depending on how powerful these guys should be I'd suggest a Sorcerer 4, Fighter 2, Spellsword 10. Take the feat that allows him to boost his caster level by 4 (Practiced Spellcaster) and give him a glove of storing so he can wield a sword and swap round to round for his spell casting.

He won't have too many spells, but if you focus on blasting spells and speed/defense spells he'd easily be the most dangerous of the seven in direct combat. Able to wear full plate, wield a heavy shield, and cast magic freely sound good? Just make sure to give him improve toughness as well to shore up his likely lacking HP.

2013-06-26, 04:32 PM
Evocation should probably be a sorcerer or a warmage. Also, if you're going to go Wizard-Fighter-Abjurant champion, why not just go Duskblade-Abjurant Champion?

2013-06-26, 04:34 PM
Enchanter-Bard would certainly be flavorful, at least. Here, have some [Compulsions] to go with your diplomancy (from diplomancer)