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View Full Version : How do Epic Stats Work?

2013-06-25, 09:00 PM
So as of now the build pre epic I am going for is as follows:


Bard 2/Druid 3/Green Whisperer 5/Rogue 2/Sublime Chord 1/Foch. Lyrist 7

BAB: 14
Fort: 0 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 2 = 9
Ref: 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 5 = 12
Will: 3 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 17

7th lvl divine spells & 8th lvl arcane spells

If I were to continue with Foch. Lyrist into epic levels would I gain the saves and bab of the class normally till I obtain all 10 levels or would I gain them differently? What about spell casting?

EDIT: Had reflex saves wrong first time. Sorry :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-25, 09:13 PM
After you reach 20th level, you will cease improving your base attack bonus and base save bonuses. Epic-level characters instead gain a +1 epic bonus to attacks at 21st level, which improves by +1 at every odd level thereafter. Similarly, epic characters gain a +1 epic bonus to all three saves at 22nd level, which improves by +1 at every even level thereafter. Fochulan Lyrist levels will continue to provide class features as normal until you finish out your levels in the class.

You should make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules on epic levels in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/basics.htm) if you plan to play an epic-level character.

2013-06-25, 09:27 PM
With regards to spell casting this will increase as normal until you get to caster level 20 in a spell casting class. After this point any further advancement in caster level for that spell casting class will not give any further spells per day, though it will continue to increase your actual caster level.

2013-06-25, 09:59 PM
Once you reach a total character level of 21, you are epic. You now gain epic attack bonus and epic save bonus in place of the base amounts, and these bonuses are the same regardless of what class you're taking at the moment. You also now qualify for epic feats (provided you meet any other prerequisites-- They often require 24+ skill ranks).

Once you reach level 20 in any base class, you can choose to take levels in the epic version of that class. Epic versions of all classes give bonus feats every so many levels (how many levels depends on the class). The epic version of a spellcasting class does not increase your spells per day or spells known, but does increase your caster level. Class features which increase in power according to a clear pattern will continue to increase according to the same pattern (for instance, taking levels in epic rogue will increase your Sneak Attack by +1d6 every odd-numbered level).

Some prestige classes (generally, those with 10 or more levels pre-epic) also have epic versions. To qualify for such a class, you must be epic and you must also have finished all of the levels of the pre-epic form of the PrC.

The epic version of any class, base or prestige, has an unlimited number of levels. Thus, one could (for instance) have 20 levels in wizard followed by 2000 levels of epic wizard. In principle, at least, though the game has broken down horribly long before that point.

You might choose to just take a new class (base or prestige) instead of progressing one of your existing classes into its epic version. In this case, you get everything you'd normally get from levels in that class, aside from your attack bonus and saves progressing differently.

2013-06-25, 10:08 PM
Ok, thank you for the clarification. People on GITP have been saying Arcane Hierophant is easier to use for a druid bard gish build but what I dont understand is why they say that?

I'm not focusing on wild shape or anything like that. In fact Im focusing on summoning monsters round 1 and round 2 using my bardic music to buff them.. :smallconfused:

Is that a good strategy or should i focus something else for druid bard?

2013-06-26, 06:10 AM
Arcane Heirophant is much easier to qualify for than Fochlucan Lyrist. But if you can somehow manage to qualify for Fochlucan Lyrist, it's quite good. The problem is just what you need to give up to do that. In your sample build, for instance, those two rogue levels to get Evasion aren't giving you any spellcasting ability at all, much less the dual-advancement spellcasting you'd really prefer.