View Full Version : ESL Resources

2013-06-25, 10:08 PM
International D&D question here.

I teach in China. Specifically, I teach programming at an English immersion school. Last week we were kicked out of the computer lab (being used for Gaokao marking) so I brought in my RISK copy and had the students learn the rules, then design a player GUI, using the widgets we had learned about previously.

After class a student raised their hand.

"Do you like Board Games?"

"Well yes, I enjoy them a lot."

"Do you know about Dungeons and Dragons?"

Apparently they'd heard about it on the web and wanted to play. Now the city I live in isn't that prominent, with game stores usually found right next to the unicorn preserve. So I had to resort to some not-technically-legal methods to get them a copy of the core books (I realize I probably should have gone with pathfinder, but I don't know that system as well).

They were really ecstatic to have their own copies, but I'm a bit worried about their ability to use them. I know that there is a Chinese version of 4E (one of my other students has it), but does anyone know of something similar for 3.5/Pathfinder? Or any kind of resource devoted to non-English D&D?