View Full Version : Pokemon Sandbox Detectives

2013-06-26, 06:20 AM
The basic training was short, and you didn't really learn much. Still, you got your two pokemon, some basic orders and four companions.

"Suppress the criminal element"? You have no idea what that even means.
Doesn't really mater, you are detective now, and you have a shiny badge to prove it. It might come in handy, people are more inclined to cooperate with you if you have some authority, even if you are still considered junior.
You remember the only advice you were given, about a small ranch near Verdeturf. You should stop by there if you need to trade. Otherwise, you are on your own, ready to make your adventure.

2013-06-26, 09:23 AM
Obo smiles as he thinks to himself "Aww first post", he looks around to see his surroundings.

2013-06-26, 04:49 PM
John Stone looked around at the other recently minted detectives. He didn't trust any of them, and he suspected the feeling was mutual.

"Look, let me just make this clear," he growled, "Don't mistake me being here with me wanting to be here. If it weren't for my parole agreement, I wouldn't be associating with any of you."

He looked around again and sighed deeply. He would be stuck in this arrangement for a while, he might as well get used to it.

2013-06-26, 08:25 PM
Winger is starting to doubt if it was a good choice to join as a detective "The pay is not that great...I will take ages to buy a new plane and help the town and my father."

He then look around and see a quiet guy and a Large guy complaining about something "Hey! I didn't want to be here also...for me it is just a job, not my dream comming true you know?"

2013-06-27, 12:23 AM
Tombo scratches the back of his hand absentmindedly, then looks over to the two complainers, "Alright guys calm down. Let's not get too chummy."
A grin breaks across his face as he finishes the sentence, "So what do we do now?" He glances at his watch and his eyes widen. "I haven't had a coffee in Two Hours!Anyone be up for a coffee-donut run? We'll feel like professional policefolk."

2013-06-27, 05:06 AM
John glanced over at the man responding to him. "A job, huh?" He didn't mind that; it would be nice having some punch-the-clock guys to work with who wouldn't pry too much into his personal life.

"As for food...sure, why not."

2013-06-27, 09:27 AM
Its a means to an end Obo said. We have a unique way to yield power. And i want to be the very best like no one ever was.


2013-06-27, 01:29 PM
John stayed quiet as his newfound companions discuss what to do. He kept reminding himself that this was just a stepping stone. This work will get him practice as an investigator and connections within the law to help him uncover the conspiracy later, should it prove to exist. However, doughnuts sounded good.

"Let's go make a run, then."

2013-06-28, 12:25 AM
After donuts we should take some time to train. Obo was never a stagnant person.

balian arcanine
2013-06-29, 02:51 PM
With the 'training' over Roderick thinks to himself. (Well that was hardly training, I knew that already. But this is not the end goal, just a stepping stone. Keep working hard.)

He gets out his new pokemon. A cyndaquil and a shinx. (That's a pretty good line up) he thinks. Introducing himself to each one he says to the cyndaquil and shinx in turn "My name is Roderick, I'm your new trainer. We are gonna work hard and be a great team. I think you'll be Orisian, and you'll be Fariel."

The introductions done, Roderick starts to pay attention to his fellow Junior Detectives. Once noticing that they are milling around towards some donuts he walks nearer to them and asks "Donuts sound good, do you mind if I join? My name is Roderick."

2013-06-29, 03:08 PM
"Join in Roderick, nice to meet you! I am Winger Dumont, but you can call me Winger." Winger takes his pokedex and scan Roderick's pokemons, he then release his own pokemon saying "Well I think we should scan each other pokemons if we are going to work together, that way we at least know a bit about each other, if happen any battle."

"This is Chili..." *He points to a charmander full of energy* "and this is Aerosmith." *he points to a brave-looking Starly*

2013-06-29, 04:26 PM
Obo fumbles through the box finding a jelly filled donut. Casually he drops hes 2 pokeballs and out pop two pokemon. This is Grubmeister he said as he points to a healthy looking Turtwig and Speedy he points to the other one, a Trapinch.

I really didnt get to know any of you during "training" but perhaps we could get to know each other better through a series of friendly matches?

2013-06-30, 01:09 AM
John will ignore invitation to the scanning party and head over to get some doughnuts.

balian arcanine
2013-06-30, 04:00 PM
"I feel like I already know as much about most mons as a basic pokedex scans will tell you" (even if it isn't really so).

"I wouldn't be opposed to a quick battle though. Maybe have it on the way to the ranch we are supposed to go to? They can fight and walk at the same time, its not like its a life or death fight."

Roderick thought while he ate his donut. A quick battle would be a good way to learn about his new pokemon a bit, but he wanted to get a move on to this ranch and get out there and do his job.

Done with his donut he says "Well I think i'll start heading towards that ranch. Come with or i'll see ya around. " as he walks towards to do to leave.

2013-07-03, 09:13 PM
"All right! let's go to the ranch. We can fight over there. I'm up for a good warming battle!" Winger starts to follow Roderick while he leaves.

2013-07-03, 11:46 PM
Obo shall follow.

(Out of character - we really need to post more often, thread isnt gonna last at this pace.)

2013-07-04, 03:45 PM
During the walk, Winger turn around to Obo and says "What do you think about mine Starly versus your Trapinch?"
Winger look serious to Obo and then finally sais "The rules are: 1) items cannot be used, 2) until one of our pokemon faint and 3) no trainer interference besides encouragements!"

Map Aerosmith vs Speedy
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/360/7jsf.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/7jsf.png/)
Brown Dot:Aerosmith (Starly)
Red Dot: Speedy (Trapinch)

Light Green: Grass
Dark Green: Tall Grass (dificult terrain)
Light Brown: Road
Gray: Rock(s)

For initiative: Aerosmith (mine Starly) got 10 of speed.

((OOC: I did not place the trainers, this is a friendly fight poke vs poke. If you do not agree with the battle, I will just Edit the post and remove the map and stuff. And yes we do need to post more.))

2013-07-04, 05:22 PM
John crossed his arms as he stood to the side watching the fight. He wasn't really the type to battle for recreation. He had gotten into enough real fights as it was, and he didn't need to hold back for those.

2013-07-05, 01:30 AM
Interested in fight, placeholder for when im a bit more conscious.

2013-07-11, 07:06 AM
((forget about the fight, lets move on...))