View Full Version : Knights of the Chalice - an accurate OGL video game! The dev is taking suggestions!

2013-06-26, 01:18 PM
Hi there, I seem to have found an OGL video game, turn based combat, everything you'd expect -- this seems to be the best version of 3.5e combat since, well, the Temple of Elemental Evil, with the Circle of Eight modpack fixing things!

Has anyone heard of Knights of the Chalice or Knights of the Chalice II before?


Edit: It looks like the developer is taking class and balance suggestions! Get your monk fix in, get your Druid appropriate for this gaming system fix in, etc. etc. etc.!

2013-06-26, 01:22 PM
Looking at Youtube videos for KotC2, the sound is incredibly irritating and the dialogue text is unreadable. I don't know how close it is to the mechanics, but I would not be able to play this game for any period of time.

2013-06-26, 07:42 PM
This looks great - amazing potential here. The graphics remind me of Ultima, about halfway between 6 and 7.

And oh look, they included the Psion! You have my attention :smallamused:

Now if there were a kickstarter to get Pathfinder rules put on it... such a thing, all of my dollars. For now though, I'll be happy to give it a go and report my findings :smallsmile:

It does seem to have some Pathfindery elements already, like giving Wizards and Sorcerers d6, and rogues d8s for HP.

Looking at Youtube videos for KotC2, the sound is incredibly irritating and the dialogue text is unreadable. I don't know how close it is to the mechanics, but I would not be able to play this game for any period of time.

I can read the dialogue in YT vids of it just fine - maybe your browser needs to be adjusted? Honest question.

2013-06-26, 08:06 PM
Psyren: He's accepting class and balancing suggestions, you know. Just go to the forum and offer suggestions on his existing classes...

2013-06-26, 08:22 PM
Psyren: He's accepting class and balancing suggestions, you know. Just go to the forum and offer suggestions on his existing classes...

I'll do that, but first I need to play the game so I can give good suggestions :smalltongue:

So I downloaded the demo and fired it up, and marched my tiny party through some ruins and right into a 6 lizardman ambush. The AI is pretty brutal as three of them made a beeline for my wizard, but he certainly got the 5-foot step rules right as I was able to quickly shift him out of melee and make him invisible. At that point, I was surprised when two of them pursued him to maintain the attack - either they have some kind of scent quality or it was a bug, but thankfully the 50% miss chance for being invisible was working all right and my squishy caster avoided their hits, and even a grapple attempt that could have been quite nasty.

My two Knights (Not the 3.5 class I assume) moved to intercept and we traded blows a bit. Apparently they are pretty well armored (I didn't really check) because the lizardfolk misssed their claw attacks. My cleric took a claw to the face so I had him buff up with pro evil.

Wizard's next turn, I had him 5 foot away again and this time go on the offensive. I dropped a glitterdust on 3 of the lizards and was rewarded with a sparkly graphic and all my foes being blinded. I guess their fort saves weren't much to write home about. In true 3.5 fashion, the battle was all but over at that point, with little to do but mop up - one of the blinded lizards was still able to follow my wizard somehow, but naturally he had little hope of actually connecting with his attacks. The others didn't get a chance to do much as my fighters went next, at which point I was pleased to learn that at least one of them knew Cleave.

Thus ended my first combat, from which dropped a very handy Wand of CLW I promptly gave to the cleric.

So far I'm pleased!

2013-06-26, 08:24 PM
Wow, that sounds pretty awesome, Psyren. I think I should take a chance ot check this out in the near future.

2013-06-26, 08:33 PM
Here are the classes for Knights of the Chalice 2:


That's different from the three in KotC (knight, wizard, cleric).

2013-06-26, 08:46 PM
I assume KotC2 isn't out yet? I didn't see it anywhere so I assume he's still working on it.

Anyway... Playing it a bit more and I'm getting more impressed, he did a good job of getting even more complicated rules in.


I found a staircase going down in one abandoned building, and surprised 4 zombies who were busily snacking on... my guess is the last poor schlubs to wander down here. And lo and behold I got an actual surprise round, complete with only a standard action per character, just like I'd expect.

But the real kicker was when I got to the fighters, and saw that he'd programmed partial-action charges into the game. That's a level of detail you won't find in NWN :smallsmile: Not wanting to waste the coder's hard work, I obliged and got my fighters knee deep in zombie as they ran up and attacked. I also had the cleric charge in, but planned on Turning Undead with him later. Surprise round over, it went back to my fighters, who had won initiative, and got some solid hits in before the cleric did his thing. He doesn't seem to have programmed turning right (It's a circular spread, not a cone) but the effects worked well enough - one zombie resisted, one made a beeline for the far wall (provoking AoO, ha!) and the last one who was already next to a wall began to cower. Not to be outdone, my fighters followed and the bonuses to hit cause the battle to end pretty quickly.

And it looks like I leveled! I guess I'll pick Improved Initiative for everybody.

Wow, that sounds pretty awesome, Psyren. I think I should take a chance ot check this out in the near future.

I'd say it has potential. If KotC2 can do half of what he thinks it will then I'd say this guy has a lucrative Kickstarter in his future.

2013-06-26, 08:47 PM
Yes, that's the point of giving advice for a game that isn't out yet...

...So you can suggest changes to the final product. He's taking advice for KotC2.

2013-06-26, 08:51 PM
Yes, that's the point of giving advice for a game that isn't out yet...

...So you can suggest changes to the final product. He's taking advice for KotC2.

Chill, my question wasn't related to the advice bit :smalltongue:

2013-06-27, 12:05 AM
Looking at Youtube videos for KotC2, the sound is incredibly irritating and the dialogue text is unreadable. I don't know how close it is to the mechanics, but I would not be able to play this game for any period of time.

You know there are lots of options to change the font, movement markers, game speed, etc. etc., right?