View Full Version : Bit of a Supernatural Pickle

2013-06-26, 06:42 PM
Okay, so I'm running this whole undead campaign setting thing. I got these evil divine rocks and the party has acquired one. The rock makes someone sick and they take a point of divine DM magic damage that can only be healed if someone dies near the person.

Anyways, the farther the person is from a stone they've touched, the more they embody what the stone represented.

So my party gets the stone and gives it to a Gnome. They figure the stone is bad so they decide to ditch it. This is a stone of slaughter, so after about a half mile the Gnome fails his DC 15 will save and is compelled to slaughter the closest person, the Cleric in the party. The party restrains him and all is good.

So now the thing is, my party was following my campaign exactly how I hoped they would, but now they think a demon is possessing their friend and they went way to the middle of bum**** no where to get an exorcism done.

Do I make it so he is possessed by a demon, or do I let their hopes down knowing it'll probably irritate them. I need them back to where the stone was originally found sort of in order to progress the story.

What should I do, lol!?

2013-06-26, 07:13 PM
You should have expected this. You've broken your campaign

Possession + kn local for an ancient temple nearby to break the hold.

2013-06-26, 07:16 PM
The person doing the exorcism should be able to tell that it's not a demon. Fake a knowledge roll and give them a hint that it's the rock.

Of course, the gnome will keep getting slaugther-ier. If dramatically appropriate, have the gnome kill the exorcist in the middle of the explanation of what is going on.

2013-06-26, 07:25 PM
The person doing the exorcism should be able to tell that it's not a demon. Fake a knowledge roll and give them a hint that it's the rock.

Of course, the gnome will keep getting slaugther-ier. If dramatically appropriate, have the gnome kill the exorcist in the middle of the explanation of what is going on.

For some reason I really like this idea. I think I'll probably combine the two. Cleric knows about some temple, but before he can say where all he can muster out is some name of a local shop or some weed before the Gnome kills him.

Great idea, and this way I can railroad my party back where I'd like them lol.

2013-06-26, 10:42 PM
Great idea, and this way I can railroad my party back where I'd like them lol.

Except this time, you may want to make some preparations for when they decide to jump the tracks again.