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2013-07-12, 12:51 AM
A cold chill ran through Liberator's essence.

Are you saying that m-... our son is... evil?

Liberator looked towards his sons with fear in his eyes.

"M-my brother, Evil? The horror!" The Pigeonling covers its beak with its wing and small laughing sounds can be heard.

2013-07-12, 12:52 AM
Thurian looked towards the son they were speaking of and then the Liberator. He could tell that there was serious drama going on. And not in the sarcastic sense of the word, but the serious, "dramatic" kind. Thurian did not like what was going on. If this was some strange deviation from the Liberator's blood line, metaphorical as it may be. . . then he was not sure what his sense of honor should do for him. On one hand, the Liberator had accidentally stolen Eldritch'es off-spring. . . on another hand, he hoped as a virtueous god that his son would turn out different from his father.

Thurian would hold out and wait to see how this drama would unfold. Perhaps he could make something good out of it.

2013-07-12, 12:54 AM
A wave of relief washed over him... but what was that about evil being arbitrary? That did not bode well...

If you are not evil, which I am wholeheartedly grateful for, than what does Eldritch mean?

2013-07-12, 12:59 AM
"You've been enemies this long and you don't know anything about him other than Evil. Now that's just cold, even an enemy deserves some recognition."

Rand said trying not to smack his brother. He shook his head and sighed.

"The world is one giant machine. Every piece of the puzzle has its place, good and bad. Every piece makes its own choices that turn every other nearby piece. Every person, concept, bee, or god is affected by this in some way. Removing choice, or stamping out free thought breaks the machine. A cascade that can take years to fix created by a single action. Just like how the beat of a wing can stir the air in just the right way that it creates a tornado years down the road. Freedom is the greatest gift we have. The balance is what drives the world, upset it and it will crumble into nothing."

2013-07-12, 01:01 AM
Thurian, Butting In
"I won't butt in further to this conversation but I will say this. Evil has no place anywhere. Evil is a corruption of perfection and the way to see the Light. There is no other way that The Light can be seen. But alas, I see there may be no need for physical conflict here. I will be going, but I will be watching."

2013-07-12, 01:03 AM
Don't go! Liberator shouted after Thurian. When this is done I have a proposal for most... Liberator looks between Eldritch and their shared son, Maybe all of you.

Part of what you say is true, my son, but not all. I must agree with Thurian on this point, however.

We must all make our own choices, yes, but we must also be held acountable for those choices. It is not our job to let evil exist because it is a free choice, but to fight those that choose it. The world doesn't need evil anymore than a body needs a disease.

2013-07-12, 01:03 AM
"You've been enemies this long and you don't know anything about him other than Evil. Now that's just cold, even an enemy deserves some recognition."

"Which is rather insulting considering the lesson I tried to drill into him during our combat. I talked about roles, about finding your place where you belong. My place is in the darkness spreading fear and being Evil. My son's role seems to be the opposite, though I do not begrudge him that, he still believes in roles and finding one's place.
My philosophy is slightly less machine-like than Rands. I believe every role is filled by a person and every person fills a role, from the most debauched lust-filled Hufolk to the most virtuous and chaste Clawfolk. The Gods exist to propagate the roles, to act according to their whims and codes, personal codes formed from experimentation and exploring the universe, testing it's bounds and your own.
A God is his code. And a code is nothing without experience backing it up testing it."

2013-07-12, 01:11 AM
For the first time in his existence, Liberator truly understood Eldritch.

I believe I finally understand. You do the things you do because you enjoy them, but also because you feel a world without them would be less. You feel that, in your own way, you make the world better by existing in it. Am I understanding now? Is this what you truly believe?

2013-07-12, 01:19 AM
Don't go! Liberator shouted after Thurian. When this is done I have a proposal for most... Liberator looks between Eldritch and their shared son, Maybe all of you.

Part of what you say is true, my son, but not all. I must agree with Thurian on this point, however.

We must all make our own choices, yes, but we must also be held acountable for those choices. It is not our job to let evil exist because it is a free choice, but to fight those that choose it. The world doesn't need evil anymore than a body needs a disease.

"I never said that Evil shouldn't be fought, just not totally destroyed. Just as it has downsides, it has upsides. Hardship pushes species to strive to surpass them and advance to a new era. Evil will bring them together against a common banner. Just as good has its own repercussions."

Rand said has he let the cloak shift and change once more. This time it stopped once more on silver and black robes.

2013-07-12, 01:31 AM
"Yes, I make the world a better place. Not a Good place, but a better one. Destruction, Chaos, Law, Good, Evil. A world without balance is a world not worth living in. It is why I abandoned my old world because Law and Goodness won there and the whole thing went to, to use the local vernacular to Goheng."

2013-07-12, 01:39 AM
"I think this calls for a holiday, among all nations and all peoples! It will be called Meddling-day, to celebrate how I single handedly prevented Libby and Elder Itch from fighting and destroying the world!" The pigeonling stares at them, seemingly confused. "What?

2013-07-12, 01:46 AM
Compleatly ignoring his seemingly insane pigeon son, maybe I shouldn't have thought that little spleen god joke while making him..., Liberator continued with much more important thoughts.

This day was just full of things Liberator never thought he would say. Maybe I've just started dreaming, and I am still in my nap? But the god knew that wasn't true. He knew this was all real.

I can respect that. Do not misunderstand me on this, Eldritch, I do not agree with anything you do or your belief that your existence improves the world. As our son put it, evil may be a unifying force to be worked against, but I will always think 1000 years of peaceful and good progress is a preferable alternative to 10 years of violent yet equal progress against evil. Just because I can respect and understand your position doesn't mean I disagree with it any less, hate you any less, or will do everything I can to stop you any less. It just means that I can respect you now.

With a sigh, Liberator added, If no one has anything else to add, I have a proposition for... all of you.

2013-07-12, 02:10 AM
"Just make it quick, I have to start spreading the Good News to the mortals!"

2013-07-12, 02:42 AM
The idea came to me some time ago. Before the idea for progeny even, if I recall correctly. I got inspiration from you, Eldritch. You and your watery counterpart. Go deep enough into the earth, and you enter Goheng. Go to the bottom of the ocean, and you enter The Deepest Depths. That got me thinking, what if there were a plane that could be reached, not through a physical journey, but a mental one. A plane conterminous to the material, that can be entered only when one achieves the proper state of mind.

As I see it, if 5 gods were to pool their energies, they could created 5 layers to a plane over the material, each layer attuned to a different mental state. Mine would be the layer of Tranquility, only achievable through finding peace in ones self. I won't bore you with the details, but the idea is that each of us selects our own mental state and shapes a layer around that state.

I had originally intended for Esterius to be the 5th layer's creator, but since I stole your son from you, I offer you this as recompense. I am sure it would not be enough had I turned him into something you would hate, but since you still seem to love him fully, giving you this chance to "make the world better" by adding in your viewpoint should suffice.

So, what say you? Shall we create The 5 Layers of Mental States*?
*Someone else please make a better name.

2013-07-12, 02:57 AM
"My layer shall be the Layer of Pain, achieved by the meditation on either giving or receiving pain. Movement will be through the minds of the very people themselves. The stronger they are the more territory it must take to traverse their area of influence. Travelling over the empty seas would take a single step but the cities would be a decade of hard travelling."

2013-07-12, 07:07 AM
"I see no way to persuade Liberator to abandon this foolish idea of creating something like this with Eldritch. I will cooperate, but only for the sake of counter balance. My place shall be the place of glory and honor, through the fruits of respect, one can reach the stage necessary to practically emanate glory and dignity, proper pride from their very beings."

2013-07-12, 08:41 AM
"Interesting little idea. I think I shall create the Layer Wisdom. Only those who have discovered and come to peace with their place in the world can enter. Travel through this realm shall be synonyms with the material realm, however living beings on the plane age at a much slower pace. Those that gain access will find scattered throughout the plain places to record their knowledge and life forevermore, passing on their wisdom to the next generation should they so desire."

Rand said as a moment of thought.

2013-07-13, 03:54 AM
The idea came to me some time ago. Before the idea for progeny even, if I recall correctly. I got inspiration from you, Eldritch. You and your watery counterpart. Go deep enough into the earth, and you enter Goheng. Go to the bottom of the ocean, and you enter The Deepest Depths. That got me thinking, what if there were a plane that could be reached, not through a physical journey, but a mental one. A plane conterminous to the material, that can be entered only when one achieves the proper state of mind.

As I see it, if 5 gods were to pool their energies, they could created 5 layers to a plane over the material, each layer attuned to a different mental state. Mine would be the layer of Tranquility, only achievable through finding peace in ones self. I won't bore you with the details, but the idea is that each of us selects our own mental state and shapes a layer around that state.

I had originally intended for Esterius to be the 5th layer's creator, but since I stole your son from you, I offer you this as recompense. I am sure it would not be enough had I turned him into something you would hate, but since you still seem to love him fully, giving you this chance to "make the world better" by adding in your viewpoint should suffice.

So, what say you? Shall we create The 5 Layers of Mental States*?
*Someone else please make a better name.

Something in The Meddler appears to change—the aura of mischief and glee fades, to be replaced by an odd gleam in the Pigeonling's eyes. Aspiration. A place for those who strive for greatness, regardless of what their goal is. Whether they are a leader, prophet, hero, or villain, it matters not. Aspiration inherently cannot be free of the problems that plague the mortal world, as it is...a proving grounds of sorts.

The look fades and The Meddler's aura returns. The pigeonling begins to make a nest out of Rand's hair.

2013-07-13, 08:34 PM
Excellent! Liberator had not expected all of them to go along with it, but since they were...

If no one has any problems, we can begin building the Five Layers of Mental States immediately!

2013-07-13, 08:50 PM
"Can we place call it something else. The Empathic PLains?

He suggested as he waved the bird out of his hair. How it hoped to make a nest in stone he'd never know. Giving up, he simply made himself bald instead, giving the bird nothing to nest in.

2013-07-13, 08:51 PM
"Call it Empathic Planes, but I like the name of Psychania the best, myself. Why not call it whatever we want?" Thurian said with a smile.

2013-07-13, 08:57 PM
Well, I liked the Five Layers of Mental States, personally, but if you want, my son, we can call it the Empathic Plains. Even though that is a bit of a misnomer, as it is 5 layers of the same plane...

2013-07-13, 09:01 PM
"I call it that because of its connection to ones mind. Call it what you wish, I just believe that an area of near perfect empathy should be named so in kind."

2013-07-13, 09:08 PM
Sighing, Liberator says, I suppose that makes sense, son. But why not the Empathic Layers, at least?

2013-07-13, 09:14 PM
"Makes more sense. I may not be here much longer. My brother needs a good smack on the head."

He said, obviously still annoyed by The Meddlers jokes, at least those directed at each other.

2013-07-13, 09:56 PM
Then let us wait no longer, The Empathic Layers await our construction!

With that, the five gods pooled their power and began weaving their layer of the plane, linking it to the material so that its people may access the layers, so long as they achieve the appropriate state of mind.

Initial AP - 6
-1 AP - Imagine Plane: The Empathic Layers - The Layer of Tranquility
The Layer of Tranquility, also known as Liberator's Layer (or simply Tranquility), rests at the center of the Empathic Layers. Tranquility is a paradise to any who make it their. Each individual perceives the nature of the plane differently, reflecting a perfect world in their view. Conditions on this layer are also reflective of conditions on the material plane, but idealized. For example, a Hurricane on the material plane would show up on the Layer of Tranquility as a light and refreshing rain. The Layer of Tranquility is able to be entered by any who can achieve and maintain a great mental calm. Time moves the same on this plane, but distances are curiously shorter, only about half the actual distance on the material plane. This allows for fast, peaceful, and safe travel throughout the world. Attempting to attack someone within the plane instantly shunts you onto the material plane, even if that puts you in the middle of the ocean with no boat. All of the above is common knowledge, but there is a part Liberator has kept secret. Any who try to enter Tranquility with the goal of committing violence on the other end have to make a will save. If they succeed, they are unable to enter the plane. From their perspective something jarred their mind's calm before they were able to maintain it long enough. If they fail, they enter the plane as normal, don't notice anything wrong, and seem to be traveling towards their intended goal. Once they return to the material plane, however, they have in fact traveled an equal and opposite distance from their goal. This can put them in the middle of the ocean, inside a cave, or even in the sky, so long as it is where they would show up if they were somehow able to travel in exactly the opposite way that they did from their target. This can in no way be exploited once discovered. The layer knows your intent. While entering the plane, one is able to bring themselves and up to a maximum loads worth of non-living matter with them. They need not be carrying it and multiple people entering at the same time can use this aspect to bring larger and heavier objects if they enter the plane with more than one person. This aspect cannot be used to bring part of an object. Only full objects may be transferred in this way. Any being with a soul may choose to have their soul manifest on this plane if they died after having come here at least once.
Current AP - 5

2013-07-13, 10:07 PM
Eldritch weaved his own brand of Divine energy into Liberator's matrix

-1AP Imagine Plane: Layer of Pain
The Layer of Pain is accessed through the meditation on pain, either giving pain (Sadism) or taking it (Masochism). Upon reaching this plane it looks empty and blank, this is because they initially start inside their own mind which has been blanked out by the transition into this realm.
Taking but a single step will transfer them to another's mind, the more willful or powerful the mind (read: INT and HD) the larger an area must be traversed to move on to the next being.
Due to this even the smallest city is a month-long journey to traverse but the empty oceans take but a single step.
Each area represents the person's mind. A studious person might be represented by freestanding shelves and writing desks, an arcane apprentice's mind might be filled with floating sigils showing their traits, emotions and personality
These can be adjusted though it is unwise to do such without proper training and skill in such things, as doing so might cause untold harm to them when you merely wanted to aid them (or vice versa)

2013-07-13, 10:08 PM
Thurian invoked ancient names of honor and glory, he raised his sword to the sky and spoke a reverberating word of blessing to the world of mortals.

5 AP left (1 AP from last week +4 Rollover =5)
1 AP spent to create the Plane of Glory: Thoughts of rightful, admirable and beautiful deeds of accomplishment, or thinking on the others who do these things with due respect allow someone to enter here. All good things come back those who do them many times over. A sense of great fulfillment fills those who will inhabit the plane. Achievement of merit, and the sense of due pride and the sense of accomplishment for doing noble/difficult and admirable things is amplified very highly in the Plane of Glory. For instance, someone like Leonard Da Vinci would be as happy as one of the happiest persons who will ever be born in the Plane of Glory. He was leagues ahead of his time in the terms of science and engineering, and was a great artist.
Also, someone thinking and dwelling in gratitude or admiration of someone doing these things, or thinking of how good something is in this way can make it here as well.
Furthermore, reliving the best moments of someone's life, and receiving all the rewards that would make someone happy without boredom, is a hallmark of a resident of the Plane of Glory. They will never be unfulfilled here, and will be filled with the noble deeds of their greatness. It also lets people travel through those moments instantaneously through space on the material world. This is there reward. . . to be completely at one with the highest and most noble aspects of themselves.
4 AP left

2013-07-13, 10:13 PM
Rand shaped his layer of the plane, pooling energy into it from his own reserves. His skin shifted to a deep grey, and his eyes shone with a yellow light as he did so. His concentration had lowered his barriers, and he had shifted closer to his true form.

2 AP initial

- 1 AP: Imagine Plane: The Layer of Wisdom: This layer is restricted only to those who have meditated on it and come to true peace both with themselves and their place in the world. From the best of the best, to the worst of the worst, anyone can enter this plane. The terrain of the plane varies wildly from place to place, but still overlaps with the material plane. Travel through this plain can be difficult, self doubt will slow, or even reverse your journey. The knowledge and wisdom of all those who enter the plane is recorded and stored in the plane. Those that successfully travel for one month without doubt or creating doubt will find themselves able to access the knowledge stored there, but only if their intentions are pure. Those who only wish to teach, and not abuse the power, or, on the scale of pure evil, only wish to corrupt and twist the knowledge will access to the true store. Those who aren't pure, whether good or bad, will find themselves being sucked inside and their entire being stored.

1 AP left

2013-07-13, 11:44 PM
"It is time for me to go." Thurian bowed his head and went off. The creation of his layer of the plane had given him memories. Sad memories. Beautiful memories of glory and honor. The Kings and commoners of the other worlds doing the good that they could do and loving with their full heart and strength. The glory and the foibles, the wisdom and foolishness came rushing to his mind and he saw it all before him in a mere moment. His eyes filled with tears as he turned to look towards what he had made, and then he turned to the highest mountain in the world he could find. Thuria, in a great mountain, flat at it's summit, thick and broad, as an enormous stone table, he took his spirit and began to honor the memories he had of all the good he had seen, received, given and done through every blow of his spirit hammer, shaping a massive pyramid of iron with mighty, thunderous clangs. He took the blow and it thundered throughout all of creation.

Thurian poured his soul, blood, swet and spirit into the towering monument, which he named simply and elegantly, "Monolith". As his tiring, old body began to thunder against the iron, mysteriously shaping, and not destroying the metal, the sound was enough to cause some mortals to fear. The thundering continued on for hours, until finally he was finished. . . suddenly, Thurian looked up at the summit of Monolith as he felt a strange spiritual presence. The iron was changing color. . . ! It was no longer steel made with iron, but it was somehow. . . adamantine? What was this? The Monolith glowed, and then shined one brilliant flash, as if it had exploded, but as Thuria noticed the energy contain it'self within Monolith, he knew what had happened.

4 AP at first
4 AP spent to gain Domain (Defender) With Portfolio (Home)
0 AP created Monolith
3 AP to ceate Dwarves
2 AP for advanced Concept (Swords Mastery)
1 AP for concept (Mining)
2 AP for advanced concept (Dwarven Smithing)
3 AP spent for the Life Blood river, the Hu Empire to preserve their home from the tainted fish in the sea
2 AP given to Liberator for making the first divine Magic
1 AP spent to make the first line of Dwarven Kings of their new home, the first Dwarven Kingdom.
2 AP spent to create the Sword of Light for defense of the Hu and Mole Folk
16 AP so far, but I can opt for other examples how every thing worth spending an act was somehow for the Home or fighting for the Home. :D
So I end this all with 0 AP

Thurian stood in astonishment for a moment. . . and then suddenly, he was taken bodily up to the Void. . .. he found himself unable to make it back through the Void. . . he began to aimlessly wander once more, not knowing that he would soon return to a Plane of his choosing, and not knowing that he would be bound to this world, although he was unable to inhabit it. He wondered what had become of him. He had ascended.

2013-07-14, 12:50 AM
Monolith stood at first silent unmoving before bellowing out his first words.
I am born. Let all who have killed stolen or defiled, behold and despair. I am an incarnation of glorious light, and unflinching law. No criminal can escape my judgement, for no crime is to petty or small. The weak must be defended by the strong never abusing their power never letting themselves fall. And with that he sent his will through all creation every mortal heard the proclamation echoed through all of creation.

he looked down you are a mighty defender of the weak and downtrodden, I humbly ask to join you in the protection of good.
before he vanished into the void.WHAT

starting AP 15
legendary consept the will of the strong. all mortals pure in believe can draw power from Monolith increasing physical stats and giving them pain resistance and fast healing (may need homebrew) Monolith can at any time sever the divine connection. and any mortal can with work and help from Monolith achieve Its goals even shatter destiny*
join pantheon -0 AP
end 10 AP
*check Ooc

2013-07-14, 12:54 AM
Now the matter of forming alliances was important and all for mortals, but the Void Dragon could feel that something important was going on, something that he should look-


A new plane was forming.


The energies of multiple gods were being used to make it. And none of those energies were his! How dare they? Were any of them gods of the multiverse? Were any of them perfectly adapted to designing and actually making sure a plane was stable? How about, you know, including the expert that is older than all of you combined in this collaborative project? Pissants. The Void Dragon thought to itself, not pleased at all. But you know what? Let them do their thing.

No screw them, they were not leaving him out of this. ALL HIS HATE.

Or at least, all of Oblivion's uncaring.

For the lord of Destruction did not care about their projects or their ideals. He did not care about much of anything, really. And it was this uncaring, this Apathy that he sewed into the entrance of his layer. Those who did not care to the point where they could watch a friend die before them could find their way into this place, which was gray and bleak, but an exact replica of every place on every plane of existence. For as this was the hardest of the layers to achieve, it was also the most useful once entered. Mortals merely had to think about where they wished to go while on here, and that is where they would find themselves. The trick was to want to be somewhere without actually caring if you went there. For the instant you began to care, this layer kicked you to either the appropriate layer, into the mortal world or, sometimes, into a completely random place and plane to teach you a lesson.

But it was not the only part of his layer. While others thought only of one aspect, the Void Dragon knew that there were those who would stumble in by accident, people so numbed to the world and its hardships by experience and loss that they just needed a place to hide away. And he knew that they would mirror apathy enough that they would come here. But he had a special place just for them. Ah yes, they needed a place to just lay there and get over the shell shock. So they would be cordoned off into individual bubbles of grey, and for the mortal world no time would pass. For them, however long they needed would suffice. Days, months, years, until they were actually able to care or until they died, they would remain in their isolated bubble. This was not pity, nor was this a kindness, this was dealing with an infestation in advance. If he let them wander about, then his layer would be full of the little buggers, doing whatever they wanted... and he didn't want to have to exterminate everything once every few millennia or so. That would just get annoying.

Of course, due to the nature of his layer no combat could actually take place, as you had to actually care in order to attack someone or draw your blade, even if it was only for an instant. And the spacial distortion of being able to go wherever you wanted in an instant would make combat impossible anyway. While on this plane, mortals would be out of the regular time stream and find themselves living in a world that progressed as quickly as they believed it would progress, though no matter what no time would pass on the mortal plane. Meaning that someone who came here could be a child and exit as old as one of his ancestors, or that a man could enter and actually exit younger because of his beliefs about the stability of time. No one could actually be dragged into the plane with someone else, as the plane would just kick that person right out. Finally, while the Layer of Apathy can take an individual anywhere, it can only let them exit in an area that was not populated by beings with emotions, so cities are off.

There, that should cover everything for now, and be a nice, pleasant and entirely unwelcome addition to their little group project. Yes, Oblivion is in fact pleased with himself.

And then he looked to the new beings of immense power that had just been born. Dragons of metallic hues and protectors of life. Very nice. But not all of the eggs had yet hatched, and the Void Dragon had something in mind for them... The intelligence reached out and infused some with the essence of destruction, changing them into tools of war instead of defense. But still they would fulfill their intended purpose of protecting life... just in terrible and fantastic ways. The Void smirked, yes. These dragons who's type was as numerous as the colors themselves would be his instruments of destruction, when the time came. For the Chromatic Dragons would always owe at least slight loyalty to their Dragon Gods, both their mother and their father. And they would be the first to come from another plane to bring fire and war to the Hufolk... but first, they would be the greatest allies of his people. Yes, these beasts would do nicely...

But he still had something that needed making. One of the egg batches had not yet been fully changed, nor had it fully realized its power. The Void Dragon could fix that wonderfully. Instead of changing these eggs to be fully Chromatic, the Void decided to leave them as half breeds, and when they hatched they were dragons that shimmered as the rainbow, with breath to match and a metallic gleam to their scales. And as of now, these were the greatest of his creations. For these he had used the same influence to make as he had all the other new dragons combined. These were the Cobalt Dragons, also known as the Primordial dragons. Their prismatic breath and the extent of their absolute freedom would be known and feared throughout the worlds, as they were blessed greatly by the Void in addition to their draconic lineage.

Unfortunately, them being both metallic and Chromatic made it incredibly hard to control them, but that could be crossed over when the time came.

AP: 0 (1 on hero)

+6 Rollover (+2 hero)

-1 AP: Add the Layer of Apathy/ numbness (read the above post for a description)

-1 AP: Alter race: Chromatic Dragons. The evil dragons of D&D with nothing added to them. You know them, they know you, they eat your face, you get the drill.

-1 AP: Alter race: Cobalt Dragons. Also called the Primordial Dragon, they have the Epic Voidblessed* template, and their breath attack is as the spell Prismatic spray (caster level = HD). They also have normal draconic traits on top of this.

*Epic Voidblessed: Creatures with this have 20 points ER (all), a 10 point SR base (on top of any other SR that the race might naturally have) and has all the benefits of the normal Voidblessed template. They also have DR 10/ Opposite Alignment.

Final AP: 3 (3 Hero)

2013-07-14, 02:07 AM
15 AP -1
Create Plane
Too tired to finish this at the moment, I'll put the fluff portion up in the morning.

2013-07-14, 03:45 PM
West Hu, the Plague of Data-Sheep

Novus watched the Data-Sheep in interest as they slowly, but surely decimated the town they had started in. It was a small out of the way town, though a few people had come and gone in the starting stages. In the later stages fewer and fewer people came until no one visited the town all together. Though none of the sheep were fast enough to follow those that fled the town and soon left interest before rejoining with the safety of the large herd.

Now that every person in the town was dead, the Data-Sheep fed on the souls of their victims, picking them clean of all identity, purpose, memories, etc, until all was left was a soul that was completely and utterly a blank slate.
Every now and again one of the souls would gain some bit of information from the environment, but the Data-Sheep ensured that when ever this would happen they would be picked clean again.

Novus was wondering what to do with these souls when suddenly they disappeared. He pondered what had happened to them and decided that the best way to find out would be to follow them.

He left the Data-Sheep to their own devices as he vanished.

Plane of Apathy

Novus reappeared next one of the souls that shimmered in this vast plane of nothingness. He watched it for a time as it randomly went from place to place without a care in the world, for what could a blank soul even begin to care about?

Rollover: 10 + 3 = 13 AP total

2013-07-14, 10:07 PM
Thurian Sings The Song Of Sorrows:
Thus is it was that Thurian remained mourning in the dark of the Void, over the memories of the dark world. It was over the Monolith that his tears fell on the world like rain. The rain fell over the Kingdom of the Dwarves and fed the forests of the Hu Empire. His cries of anguish fell like thunder, striking birds from the sky. His ascendance had given him cause to remember the fallen and the past on. Where were they now, that the heavens had passed?

Thurian's Song Of Sorrow
Mirie it is, while sumer ilast,
With fugheles song.
Oc nu necheth wides blast,
And weder strong.
Ey! Ey! what this night is long!
And ich, with well michel wrong,
Soregh and murne and fast.

Mirie it is, while sumer ilast,
With fugheles song.
Oc nu necheth wides blast,
And weder strong.
Ey! Ey! what this night is long!
And ich, with well michel wrong,
Soregh and murne and fast.

It is pleasant, while summer lasts, with the birds' song. But now, the storming wind comes on, and severe weather. Alas! how long this night is, and I, because of very great wrong, grieve, and mourn and fast.)

Man, why do you set mind and heart on worldly bliss that does not last? You lick honey from a thorn, indeed, who set your love on worldly bliss, for it is full of bitterŽness. You may well be greatly terrified who mis-spend wealth here, thereby to be cast into hell. I advise you to cleanse yourself of each misdeed, so that He may may lead you to the bliss of heaven.

0 AP, after the first day, only Divine Spell casters can see the rain falling or hear his voice. They can ignore it easily and sometimes it can only be heard between gusts of wind.

2013-07-15, 03:56 AM
And they haven't done anything? No thefts, no murders, nothing?

"Not that anyone noticed, no. There are still the odd disapearances and thefts that we can find no evidence of who purpotrates them, but nothing beyond that."

The Uplifter didn't like this new cult. They worshiped Vectrisis and preached of knowledge, which was all well and good, if that is all they truly did. No one, the Uplifter least of all, had forgotten what Vectrisis did one The Day of The Swarm.

We will not do anything against them, but have the Watchmen keep a close eye on these cults. If they are in any way violating the rights of others, we need to know about it and stop it.

"An excellent recommendation, Uplifter. I will have the runners send word to the villages with the cult in them at once. Now, onto the new calamity in the Village of Camen."

Ah, Camen. Where the people are loosing their minds... Is this a new plague? The Uplifter asked with concern.

"No one is sure, Uplifter, but it seems so."

A plague that destroys the very mind of its victims... What terrible god would think of this? This doesn't fit with anything that's happened before...

I'll be traveling west, it seems. I'll be taking the Head-Champion as well as the Head-Combatant with me, as well as 12 of their best casters and combatants.

The party of 27 left in the morning and ventured westward, towards Camen. After many weeks, they finally made it.

Everyone was dead.

Eldritch and Goheng, we took too Trinity dammed long! Collect the bodies carefully and make sure that they are all inside huts. We'll have to burn the village to the ground to make sure the plauge is truly... What was I saying?

That was not good. Isn't that what happened to the plague victims? The Uplifter thought so.

Before the Uplifter could even give an order, the Head-Champion said, "Start scanning the with magic! Lets see if this is magical or or just air-born!"

A moment later, the casters eyes glowed slightly, and they immediately drew their weapons. They all spoke at once, and all somewhat differently, but the general consensus was "Sheep are eating our thoughts."

The Uplifter didn't pretend to understand all of this magic stuff, but that just didn't seem right. Still, this wasn't his area of expertice, and unless the casters told them to do something insane, he would defer to their judgement. Where should we attack?

Several of the casters shouted "There!", but each pointed to a different spot. Regardless, everyone swung there weapons at the spot closest to them. After a few seconds of this, the Head-Caster shouted, "The weapons aren't working! Try some aggressive magic, casters!" With that, the casters made semi-controlled streams of fire or acid, or lighting.

The Uplifter's mind felt better, at least, so he assumed this was working. The caster's kept striking out with magic, while the Combatants held back and hoped no one misfired.

After a minute, the firing slowed, and eventually stopped. The Head-Caster spoke "I'm not sure if we killed them, but we at least drove them off. Now that we know what they are and how to hurt, or at least scare, them we shouldn't have anymore cases like... this." He said as he gestured over the dead village.

Good. We'll tell the next runner we see to spread the word throughout Hu.

Meanwhile, in the Layer of Tranquility...

Liberator rested at the spot that would have been his favorite hill back in Hu. If only it really were Hu... Liberator thought as he relaxed. The first Hufolk and Molefolk had already found there way to Tranquility, where Liberator explained its properties to them as well as his conspicuous absence. It was only a matter of time before Titans would find there way here, and the other races of the world too.

This would always be a realm of peace, unlike even Hu. Of course, there was more than one reason for that. While it was mainly to let the most peaceful of the world experience true paradise, if only for a time, it was also because of Eldritch's newly discovered (at least from Liberator's perspective) ability to enter the Radiant Court. Waking up to Eldritch sitting beside his sleeping body brought home just how vulnerable he was while he rested. What better way to sleep safely than to do it on a plane where violent action was impossible?

As he thought about how best to help the people of Hu, his mind went to the Titans. They were powerful, and more closely tied to his beliefs than any of his other children. He had decided. The first Titan to make it to Tranquility would be granted power beyond any he had given before. His mission would be to ensure cooperation between the Allied cultures of Hu, and to help them in any ways that he can.

To grant this power, Liberator felt he had not done enough yet, that something was... A ha! A sanctum! A place where his divine energies could flow more freely... This hill would make a perfect sanctum.

As soon as Liberator finished, he felt the presence of a Titan on the plane, and brought them to him. She was understandably confused, but not fearful. Liberator? Why have you brought me before you? Is... is this Tranquility?

Smiling, Liberator said, That it is, my child. You are the first of your kind to make it here, and for that you shall be rewarded. You shall be the Uniter, and you shall keep the allied cultures of Hu working together and advancing. To do so, I shall give you immortality. Before I gift you so, why don't you tell me about yourself?

The Titan's name was Sandra. She was one of the first natural-born Titans and had lived in the mountains all her life. She loved the Trinity and everything they stood for. She was thinking about becoming the first Titan to petition The Champions for membership. While trying to sleep, she was reflecting over the ideal she wanted. A world where all was a peace, with no danger of war, or disease. A world where all could prosper and strive.

Excellent, just excellent. Liberator was very pleased with the Titan that would be a Hero. And as long as he was making Heroes...

In an instant The Swordbearer and The Uplifter were in Liberator's sanctum with him, their minds being kept calm by Liberator so as to let them be there and stay there.

I have good news for you. You three will be granted new power, power grater than any I have given before. The tasks of the Swordbearer and the Uplifter are unchanged, and the task of your newest compatriot is to keep the allied cultures of Hu co-operating and advancing. Rejoice in your new power!

With that, brilliant orange energy surrounded and infused itself into the three. The three heroes of Liberator, the Uplifter, The Uniter, and the Swordbearer. The Mortal Trinity.

This is... Incredible. Sandra said, her first words as the Uniter. I won't let you down, Liberator. By our powers combined we shall see a golden age across Hu!

That is good, my child. Go to Hu, advance the peoples there. Soon, you will march across the vastness of Bastion, bringing it under Huish rule!

With that, Liberator sent them back to whence they came. Before he could continue his work in uplifting his people, Liberator was overcome with a wave of exhaustion. He would need to rest, and where better than his new sanctum in tranquility? Thinking on the good he had done, and all he was about to do for his people, Liberator smiled, and rested.

Initial AP - 5
+4 AP - Standard Rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
-2 AP - Weave Sanctum:The Tranquil Hill
Liberator had a favorite hill in Hu when he still walked the mortal world. Its manifestation in the Layer of Tranquility is now the Sanctum of Liberator, and the energies of Freedom and Justice flow freely there.
-2 AP - Raise Hero: The Uniter
A female Titan named Sandra, she was the first Titan to achieve a mental calm great enough to enter the Layer of Tranquility. She was immediately brought before Liberator and given the task of keeping the Titans of the mountains, the Meritocracy of Hu, and the Five Citadels (and, thought it wasn't intended, any new cultures that exist within the boundaries of Hu whom remain aligned with the previous three) united and helping them to advance and expand.
-2 AP - Raise Hero: The Swordbearer
-2 AP - Raise Hero: The Uplifter
Current AP - 3

2013-07-17, 12:22 PM
With that, the days came and gone. Finally, Thurian would soon be returned to the world, seeing a mysterious shining force. . . It was Monolith. Over time, Thurian learned he could return to the world below. Sort of. Not really. But he could see from the heavens above what would be occuring below. Realizing, he thought of Goheng, the souls who were tormented and transformed into the disgusting but possibly still people-ish Darkfolk. . . The Swordsmasters, the Uplifters, the innocent victims, or anyone forced to go through such a horrible fate, and it saddened him. Thurian's plans for other things would have to wait. He would be their hero for today.

Thurian's sword channeled a massive energy from the heavens above, the thunder bolt struck the sword. . . Thurian's body shook with the energy, and then released the sword's power back into the sky. With a bright flash and the sound of a roaring dragon, Paradise was created.

5 AP left
-5 AP imagine Plane: Paradise
There is no pain here. Everyone's physical bodies are transformed into invulnerable bodies that can be anywhere in the plane they want instantly. The people grow wings, according to their alignment. Those who barely make it into Paradise have dark grey wings, those who do well, have lighter color wings. Some may even develop shining wings that could blind any intruder who looks at them. In addition, drink, food of any kind, far superior to any food or drink in the Material Plane are eaten here, and they never run out. The people here can work, sometimes telling stories, recounting their earlier days, or train for battle. People here must be of some kind of good alignment, or even an alignment which is very close to good.
In Paradise, there is a ground lair, where animals can speak intelligently. In addition, there are hot springs all over the ground lair. The people here are free to pursue familial bonds, friendships, or other kinds of relationships. It is notable that everyone who makes it in here develop ways of fighting instinctualy, no matter what their profession was on the Prime Material Plane, they will have the ability to fight here. Paradise might be described as a gerontocracy, which is also a meritocracy. All those who are close to good alignment or good alignment can make it here, or in fact, children who die early make it here.
Finally, it should be mentioned, SOULS make it to Paradise once their bodies die. Also, people who manage to come here without dying do not have invulnerable bodies although there is no danger here and they could probably live forever. It should be noted that of course, this Plane is an Afterlife.
0 AP left

2013-07-17, 11:22 PM
So much had changed since The Mortal Trinity had left The Liberator's presence. First was the simple fact that there was now a Mortal Trinity. It didn't take long for the followers of the Trinity to give their new heroes that name, for they had the ability to channel the power of Liberator himself. And they used that power.

The first major change was brought about by the Uniter. She traveled all the Hu Mountains, finding what Titans she could and organizing them into small, cooperative communities. Under her guidance, the Titan's formed a true society, one that would come to the aid of their allies on and below the ground should they need it.

Meanwhile, the population in Hu and below it boomed with the vast sums of food provided by the irrigated farms and the newly adopted Dwarfolk food preservation techniques. It wasn't long before many villages became towns, and large towns at that. Once the first city was formed in Central Hu, a new problem became clear: The ability to get water to and waist out of a large area.

The Uplifter once again took council with many of the Heads of the Meritocracy until they had a new solution to the problem. They would create vast inter-locked stone water transportation systems that would be called "aqueducts" for getting water to cities and "sewers" for getting waste water and other...impurities away from cities.

With these new inventions, the populations boomed once more. This lead to some minor civil strife, as the old festivals began to get too crowded for all to fairly and freely compete that wished to. In a council of the Mortal Trinity, a new, more structured way of doing things was decided upon. The Meritocracy would become a formalized Coalition of Communities. There would still be meritocratic festivals, but they would be spread out throughout the year and be specialized.

Instead of local victors becoming the local authority, the second would become the local authority and the victor would join a congress in the Capital City of Haven, the largest city in Hu. If he so chooses, the Victor can instead send the Second to represent the community while he becomes the local authority. Each congress competes once a year to determine the congress head (the Second) and the member of the Uplifter's Court (The First).

The Uplifter would also now be the official head of state for the Coalition, and would have authority over any and every area of life he so chose, short of a veto from the applicable congress. If the Uplifter makes no official declaration, the Congresses instead have power over their specific field.

After the ratification of the Coalition of Communities, The Swordbearer decided to do the same with his society, and formed the nation of Subterria. His position would be Commander of the Folk, and he would have complete authority over military matters, with no chance of veto. The rest of the system would work just as the one he helped to create for the, except the Uplifter's Court would be replaced with the Governing Congress, which had a randomly chosen head (for the sake of keeping things under control) but would otherwise function collectively as the Uplifter did for The Coalition.

Once he got this new societal structure underway, he began a massive colonization project of the Subterra (a word taken from the Voidspeak) of Hu. All of the colonies would lead back to the First Citadel, and never lead to the surface.

During this time, he also began an effort to re-enforce the Citadels against earthquake. Throughout the process, in his spare time he began experimenting with better means of reinforcement. Eventually, the Swordbearer stumbled across the formula for a substance more durable and easy to work with than typical stone. He called it "concrete."

As the Colonization effort of Subterria wore to a close and the new concrete was used to replace most of the surface buildings, sewers, and roads, life began to settle down in the Allied Cultures. As the population continued to grow, albeit at a more steady pace now, the people began to desire more mental stimulation from life.

The Uniter began traveling the land and getting people to really think about and even question why they did what they did, the idea being once they saw the wisdom behind the current system and truly understood it, they would appreciate it all the more. While this desire to look at the world and discover ones own meaning did do that to a large extent, it also brought with it new ideas and new ways things might be done, if only in a thought experiment. Again, using a combination of Voidspeak words, this focus on thought and finding ones own path became known as Philosophy.

As the number of dedicated philosophers grew, they desired more means of expressing themselves. The new Uplifter, being a philosopher herself, used the last bit of divine energy should could feel from The Liberator, and opened her mind to a means by which one could explore concepts in a hypothetical and extended manner. This new concept took a written form, and would be called Literature.

With all of the technological and cultural advances that had come, the collective congresses of both The Coalition and Subterria called for a Holiday commemorating the day the Mortal Trinity came to the from Tranquility. During the celebration, the Uniter gave a speech, with an excerpt below.

...We have come far in what is a relatively short time, but we are no where near finished. There is still a vast continent beyond these mountains which we will one day settle, and there are yet more great advances to be had. While this was a great leap forward, it was only the first of many.
Initial AP - 3
+4 AP - Standard Rollover for 3 domains
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+3 AP - Heroes
-1 AP - Form Society: The Titanic Communities
Titans, by nature, are solitary. They will occasionally live with a mate and raise children, but once they are reared both Titans will go their separate was. At least, that's what happened before The Uniter came. Tasked with keeping the "allied cultures" of Hu together, The Uplifter first gave her people a true culture. Based around the teachings of Liberator (but with a nod to Esterius and Thurian as well) and a modified form of Huish Meritocracy, The Uniter was able to create meeting places for the Titans to cooperate on difficult tasks, share ideas, and find mates. Over time, these meeting halls (simply referred to as Halls) got tangential buildings built around them such as smiths and granaries, and slowly some Titans began living closer to the Halls, so as to better take advantage of the services they provide. While the Halls are not true communities, one will almost always have at least a dozen Titans in the immediate area for one reason or another, and may have as many as 200 or more. An average Hall will be frequented by about 10 times as many Titans as one would see there in one day.
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: Aqueducts
-2 AP - Advanced Concept: Sewers
-2 AP - Create Nation: The Coalition of Communities
I don't think there is much more to say that wasn't said above.
-2 AP - Create Nation: Subterria
The Capital of Subterria is the First Citadel. The other important stuff is above.
-1 AP - Alter Land: Subterrian colonization and Citadel Reinforcement.
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: Concrete
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: Philosophy
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: Literature
Current AP - 0

2013-07-17, 11:55 PM
Dwemer, the Dwarven Sailor
Dwemer heard rumors of a mystical land made of Crystal over the far horizons. The Dwemer folk were superstitious when it came to water and the seas. They had a right to be. There early smooth sailing to Thuria, numerous run ins with some sailors victimized by the Sea Witch, and occasionally eaten by weird sheep in some not quite understood way tended to do that to mariners. Some Hufolk from the Dwarven Kingdom, and Dwarves, including Captain Dwemer, made it all the way to the land of the crystals.

The way was hard. They were just on a routine trade with the people of the Hu Empire, and their ships, all five of them were blown off course by a freak storm. That was about two hundred people from the Mountain Kingdom on their small ships, along with live stock. The ship carried weapons, and food. . . They had to stop on several small islands attempting to find their way back, but three times after being blown off course, they were blown off course again.

Many weeks after setting sail, they found themselves on a strange new land. . . Dwemer stepped off and marveled. . . "Blimey!"

2013-07-18, 12:09 AM
Tadrac, Young Crystal Mage

Tadrac was relatively young by Aldarifolk standards, at twenty he still had ten years before he was considered a full fledged adult. His skin was a milky-white onyx, a relatively rare coloration for this part of Tandara. He was on one of the few holidays from the Councils strict training, and was visiting his family in the city of Falda. It was the second largest city in the nation of Aldara, and was the main trade route in the east. He was of average height for an Aldari folk, standing at six foot two. He had been wondering the coastline looking for some rare herbs to bring back to the council for some practice when he spotted strange vessels off the shore. He had never seen anything like them. The other council students with him, younger apostates from the local school, stopped and stared. Their teacher stopped next to the young Tadrac before stepping forward, Tadrac not far behind.

The teacher was much taller than Tadrac, tall even for an Aldraifolk, and stood at seven foot four. His skin was a deep purple Amethyst. He stepped forward towards the strange creatures on the shore, one hand resting on a ruby pendent on his neck, his copper-cloth clothing making no noise. His hand was raised in a traditional Aldarifolk greeting, palm up and open, he bowed his head and completed the gesture, the rest of the Aldarifolk doing so as well.

2013-07-18, 12:16 AM
"Blimey!" Dwemer exclaimed. After noticing all the polite people bowing in greeting, Dwemer was confused. After acting excited and a little nervous, he bowed back, and then he suddenly started to speak in a strange language the people had never heard before.
"Goddag. Jeg har aldrig set din slags mennesker før. Jeg er nysgerrig, hvilket land er du fra? Er du fra Under Places, måske en slags Darkfolk der har blandet med dværge eller Hufolk at vi aldrig har hørt om ? "

((English to Danish translation:
"Hello. I've never seen your kind of people before. I'm curious, what country are you from? Are you from the Under Places, maybe some kind of Darkfolk that have mixed with Dwarves or Hufolk that we have never heard about?"))

2013-07-18, 12:26 AM
Tadrac couldn't understand a word these creatures were speaking, and neither did the local teacher or any of his charges. Tadrac stepped forward, clutching a similar emerald pendent in his hand.

"Harru? Wru, ur rosrar, vros ora aeui?"

He asked as the other young-lings milled about behind him, obviously scared and confused. The copper grasses in the fields behind them leading to topaz wheat swayed slightly as the wind picked up.

The teacher was now clutching at a emerald long sword buckled in an iron sheath. His face was set and grim, and he stepped back in front of the students behind him.

(Hello? Who, or rather, what are you?)

2013-07-18, 12:32 AM
Dwemer grew more nervous as he saw the sword clutched, and all the Hufolk and Dwarves behind him drew their swords in preparation for a conflict. But Dwemer was an experienced tradesman and explorer, noting that some dialects of similar languages of Hu and the Mountain Kingdom were different enough they might not have understood each other when they spoke. He motioned his hands for them all to lower their weapons. He looked back at the Aldari folk, pointing to the sword. "You may want to not put a hand on that if you can help it."
"Du kan ikke sætte en hånd på, at hvis du kan hjælpe det." Dwemer motioned for the men to bring the remainder of the live stock out. . . sheep and bread was brought out, as well as some exotic fruits that grew on the islands they had visited.
"I hope we can start to understand each other soon." The sheep were brought out, and the Dwarves made sure to eat their meat in front of the Aldari, pointing to them once every so often to ensure them that they were meant to eat.

2013-07-18, 12:39 AM
Tadrac chuckled as they brought out more of the strange creatures and once again spoke, but this time to the teacher.

"Ga hano uvk doddh dho daivdar houk dal dho dadav, vo'lo kaavk da vook han uvk hak kkarr da dluvkrudo vhudoxol dhoko dhavkk ulo kuavavk. I'rr kduav holo uvk koo vhud I duv roulv. Bo kilo da klavk kano raxo-kdadk, dhoko koon da ko dhoal otiaxurovd da ad."

The teacher backed away slowly, keeping the young-lings behind him, hand still clutching the sword. As soon as he was ten meters away, he turned and ushered the young-lings along as fast as they could move. A few flashed briefly as they used the chance to practice some speed magic.

("Go home and fetch the council head for the city, we're going to need him and his skill to translate whatever these things are saying. I'll stay here and see what I can learn. Be sure to bring some live-stock, these seem to be their equivalent to it.")

2013-07-18, 12:44 AM
Several days later, Dwemer had thought they were finally making some progress. He had learned about twenty Aldari words, and the people began trying to speak to each other. Eventually Dwemer finally managed to get the message across that they were tradesmen and merchants. Their weapons were mysteriously free from rust, and they bore great weapons that were unseen on the Aldari lands. Dwemer brought his favorite Ulfberht sword out and presented it to the teacher. Hopefully in another two or three weeks they could have communicated enough to teach these people about their salt, and weapons. They still had a large amount of salt.

2013-07-18, 12:51 AM
The Aldarifolk in turn, had brought a map, though labeled in the complex, runic script that belonged to the language. They had also brought many live-stock, from the copper and bronze sheep, to the opal cows, to the jade chickens. They presented weapons, starting with ones they had not seen these dwarfolk presented, including the sharpened disks they threw. Soldiers that arrived tended to carry two weapons, a long-sword and a short-sword, and wore obsidian armor. They displayed that these rock and crystal weapons were far stronger and far sharper than normal steel. The vast majority of those that arrived to meet these strange newcomers were members of the councils. They had used their magic to create a shimmering barrier around the beach to keep the local wolves from becoming to aggressive.

2013-07-18, 12:53 AM
Dwemer smiled at the new weapons and armor. These would be useful. Their weapons were already stronger than normal steel. Equal to or maybe just slightly below the quality of their Ulfberht swords. Dwemer though, was still happy. He had thought it very odd that these entire people's seemed to be either metallic or mineral. . .

((IS there anything these Humans and Dwarf people can actually eat?))

2013-07-18, 02:28 AM
After the conference

The Void Dragon was more than a little pleased, but he was done appearing personally now. Sorry. It was time to... That was a sheep made of pure information. Time for it to bugger off before it could do any actual harm. The Void Dragon teleported his essence next to the curious animal and then he poked it. The information and energy were gone in an instant, and the crisis was averted! Huzzah! And that took care of the advanced scout. The Voidwalkers should be able to avoid most others, as their unique connection to the Void gave them distinct advantages, but they did not yet have the capability of fighting such monsters yet... Oblivion would have to fix that soon.

Or, looking at how the two continents had finally completely split, maybe he wouldn't have to do anything for them... oh wait, that's right. Waypoint had been on both sides of the mountains, so now it was on both continents. Which meant that the sheep could, in fact, do some damage to his children... if he allowed them to. And the Dragon was torn. On one hand, he wanted nothing more than to stay on this plane and protect his creation from all harm forever. On the other... he was falling behind the other Gods. His power was just too little right now... and that was unacceptable. So with just a trace of reluctance, he left his creation to fend for themselves and ascended.

He could feel the pulse of the Planes beneath the tips of his claws, a wonderful beat that he could make dance to his tune. Yes, this was the power he would claim. This manipulation of the planes and their denizens would be a fine thing to have... and so very useful in the coming days. Heh, and what fun he could have with this power... Disappearing without even a whisper, Oblivion moved to his Void before ascending at all. His black moon did not allow the tremors of his ascension to be felt on the mortal plane, which was perfect for his future plans... As a new relic appeared in the air beside him. As it stood now, the relic was worthless, it needed an essence of a god to actually complete it... but those were easy enough to make.

Yes. Yes, this would be a fun little game...


Meanwhile, Arno had finished his discussions and knew that his God had left them for a while... but that was not a problem right now. The problem was, their population had grown too large for the now sprawling city of Waypoint to handle it. So they would have to fix that by expanding into the wilds. Without a major threat from the Hunterfolk, this expansion would be much, much easier than Arno had feared... but he still had something to finish first.

There was the "twang" of wood before the Scarecrow flopped over and was basically dead, a rather large shaft of wood protruding from what would have been its chest. Arno moved to retrieve his "arrow" from the "corpse" as the group behind him looked on, marveling at the effectiveness of this new weapon. These watchers had "bows" of their own, though they were less powerful than Arno's, as none of them had quite the draw strength to pull back the great recurved bow the divinely blessed voidwalker used. Not that theirs did not pack a punch either, especially over short distances. Problem was actually hitting with the things... which is what they were being trained to do. Which, all in all, is a good thing. These students were just one group of a much larger fighting force that Arno had dubbed "Rangers", who trained in the natural world with bow and blade to protect their countrymen from the dangers of the wild. They were the most experienced of all of his explorers, expert guides and survivors of peril unkown. Good men to have by his side in the thick of battle, or behind him, as may turn out to be the case. What with their ability to strike a moving target more often than not, these Rangers would soon be a potent strike force, and likely would not have to deal with enemies up close for much longer. Trusting that they knew what they were doing, Arno moved on to another part of town and was greeted by the clack of wood against wood.

While striking enemies from afar was good and all, those that got to you needed to be dealt with as well. That was the core philosophy behind the Blade Dancers, Voidwalkers who perfected the practice dances to the point where they were actually effective combat maneuvers, and who's skill with the blade made them a deadly force to be reckoned with. Their strength relied in their speed, and their ability to get of a flurry of blows while holding two blades. All enemies that crossed their path soon found themselves falling to the ground, bleeding from many, many wounds. Blade Dancers were... lethal, to say the least. They stopped as their leader and greatest member stepped in to observe their progress, and resumed practice once the First Ranger began to walk away. Yes, they would work as perfect guards for the Voidwalker immigrants...

But Arno needed to do one last thing before he left. The people of Waypoint would need a new leader... and so the Hero of the Void gave them one. A leader of faith that Arno had known for many years, a man by the name of Drako. A proud name, yes, but one that described the man well. All they exchanged was a brief handshake, and in that time Arno had transferred Drako enough divine power to make the new man immortal... and more creative than his fellow walker.

["May the Dragon watch your step."] The new leader said by way of parting.

["And may he watch yours, faith brother."] Arno responded, bowing to leave. ["Don't burn the place down while I'm gone, would you?"] Yup, Arno was still Arno. Too bloody cheerful by half...

And then the Hero joined the gathering that had been made for the expedition, and he set out into the forests. There, Arno led his people for three weeks until they reached a place where the trees grew around a beautiful garden and river. And Arno decided to make this a new home. It would be a rest stop between Waypoint and whatever their next destination turned out to be, as there was not enough stone to truly make a home, but it would be a new home for now.

Starting AP: 3 (4 Hero)

+1 Rollover (+3, +1)

-4 Gain Domain: (Oblivion) The Planes (Manipulation) (+2 attack) For his downright dastardly manipulation of the Planes and the Mortals/ objects that inhabit them, the Void Dragon learned how to truly manipulate them and thus ascended. Oh, and he ascended in secret, though our new data god might soon discover his new power since Voidy just deleted a sheep of doom, and Mr. Tophat Data Dude might not be too happy that the flow of data was disrupted.
--Domain requirements:
---5 AP: The Void (creation of a plane is manipulation for these purposes)
---2 AP: The Black Moon (manipulates access to/ from the Void)
---1 AP: Altered land (to create tectonic plates and all their natural disasters)
---2 AP: Created the Twilight lands (manipulation of an already existent land)
---1 AP: Voidwalkers (Manipulation of Hufolk into a Magical Race of Natve Outsiders)
---2 AP: Weave Sanctum (Changing something (the sign) into something else (a bloody sanctum) to serve your purposes. Manipulation much?)
---2 AP: (Arno) (Change a mortal into more of an outsider to give him more power and make him almost like a demi-god.)
---1 AP: Chromatic Dragons (Manipulate some Good Dragons into Evil Dragons that serve closer to his will)
---1 AP: Cobalt Dragons (See Chromatic Dragons)

-2 Create Relic: The Emulator: The Emulator allows the Void Dragon to mimic the energy signature of any other deity perfectly, as long as he has something that resonates that god's essence. (For instance, Eldritch would be a sample of earth, Liberator would be freedom, etc, etc). Powerless unless it has such a source to draw on. As it was made on the Void, its creation and capabilities shall remain a secret for now...

Hero AP actions:

-2 Bows (and Archery, as they go together): The use and creation of bows of all non-compound varieties. These weapons give a +1 to RCR and allow the Ranger class to pop up.

-1 Raise leader: Drako, Voice of the Void. An immortal Voidwalker, Drako is actually rather young and entirely devout to the Void Dragon. If Voidy had divine magic, this fellow would easily be a cleric of some kind. (Don't worry, it's coming)

-1 Form Society: Arbor: A Second Voidwalker society that is deeper in the woodlands. It acts as a staging point for all future expansion. Currently protected by a rather sizable military and colonist force, and it will soon be entrenched and fortified. Yes, this is also a military society.

Free class: Ranger: Like a normal D&D ranger. A PC class which is far, far more common in the Twilight Lands than anywhere else. (i.e, it really only adds a bonus to Voidwalker/ Hunterfolk RCR)

Free Class: Blade Dancer: A PC class focused on dual wielding and speed, they are a whirlwind of blades and mobility on the battlefield. Available only to military societies, as their art with the blade requires years of dedication to master.

Final AP: 0 (1 Hero, 0 Leader)

2013-07-21, 11:55 AM
Thurian realized that creation of a Nexus was the only way that he could reliably advance his goals. At least, well, maybe not the only way, but the best way, in his estimation, was to raise champions to serve him and what he called the Triad (The Trinity). He understood there was a mortal Trinity now. . . that was good. He would perhaps add to that later, but for now, the Quad-unity would have to wait. Thurian thrust a lightning bolt, as if it were a javelin, into the highest peak near the Dwarven Kingdom of Khaldaroth. One could reach the Nexus through several different routes through the mountains. On the Nexis Summit, an archway appeared, and blue energy crackled with magical thunder. . . Thurian brought the descendant of the first King, his name was Ghwim, Ghwim obediently left the company of his gaurds and slept out in the night. Within 24 hours, Ghwim had reached the nexus.

Within two seconds, the thunder enveloped Ghwim, and he had become a great hero. Gwhim the Great. His strength multiplied, and he had gained the power to command thunder from the skies. But the descendants of the first Dwarven King, had still not developed the great Dwarven achievements that Thurian had seen in other worlds. Oh, their weapons were awesome, that much was true, but he knew of the Dwarven engineers of his last world.

With Dwarven folk bringing the secrets of irrigation back from Hu, it was only a matter of time before Khaldaroth would become an Empire. The City of Khaldaroth grew many times it's size, finally, it was time for the people to expand their horizons. The city state immigrated to the port town to the West, and expanded further East into the wooded places.


AP 4 +1 Pantheon Head, +1 Pantheon AP (Unclaimed), +1 AP for Leader that was raised.
2 AP spent to raise Ghwim the Great. (Hero, Mantle)
2 AP spent to create Advanced Concept (Engineering)
2 AP spent to advance Khaldaroth into an Empire.
1 AP left

Dwemer the Explorer looked curious. . . "You know, none of your live stock is soft enough for us to eat. We have to live off the last of our live stock, and the fish from the sea. . . If it were not for a very small nearby island for tropical fruit we would not have been able to survive this stay with you. ::Mysteriously, a small amount of live stock appear off the coast. It is as if though the Dwarves had miscounted their live stock and had forgotten them on the ship.:: Dwemer wondered if they could survive trading with these Aldari folk. . . he continued to learn the language of the Aldari. Counting them again, the Dwarfolk were astonished. . ."We have to leave soon. This is the last of the live stock and I doubt we should tempt the Thunder Father any further. Soon we will need to leave."

0 AP

2013-07-23, 04:43 PM
He had meant to do this immediatly after the First Horde War Never liked that name. Assumes another war... but one thing lead to another and the necessity of it slip from Jorn's mind.

Until a Darkfolk attack overwhelmed one of the new colonies, that is. Jorn Earth-Render was kicking himself for not doing this sooner. The formalized training and refining of the Battle-Circle might have saved the colony. At least future colonies would be safer from such overwhelming Darkfolk attacks.

No, once you get wounded you need to towards the center of the circle. It doesn't matter if it's "just a scratch" because the folk behind you taking your place doesn't have that scratch, which means the whole force can stay standing and fighting longer, which is what matters in a Horde scenario.

This was harder than he expected. Instinct, as well as most battle training, told folk to not back away from an enemy you had to fight to keep alive. Even though the principle was sound, it was hard to drill into the minds of the soilders. But I will drill it into their heads, by the trinity, or die trying...


The Champions of Our Trinity. It is they who channel the Ley Lines of the Divine Trinity and use its power for the good of all. Or at least, for the good of The Coalition. You see, while they have sent out missions, The Champions have stayed based in The Coalition, and barley operate outside of it, save the Holy Mountain Outpost.

If the Uniter was to keep the Allied cultures together, that would have to change. Working with the leadership of The Champions, she began to set up a new infrastructure that would allow them to have major bases of operation in The Titanic Communities and Subterria, along with missions to Voidland, Thuria, and the newly discovered Tandaria.

If all goes as planned, these new missions may even pull in some new immigrants, further strengthening the Allied Cultures of Hu. I'm certainly fulfilling my role in Our Liberator's grand plan...


The current Uplifter, Robert Mason, had been a simple carpenter before being gifted with the Mantle. Once all those thoughts, memories, and experiences flooded through his mind and the direct link to the power of Liberator, all he could think to do with it was build.

While he still enjoyed working on the small scale, he turned his attention to grander projects than simple houses, inns, and shops. The current Uplifter wanted to build grand buildings, the likes of which had never been seen before. to accomplish this, he developed architecture and, eventually, engineering.

The first great building was the Palace of the Uplifter, a grand home for the current and future Uplifters, complete with guest rooms for visiting dignitaries, a master kitchen, and many meeting rooms. It also housed a great chamber for the Uplifter's Court to meet in, and for public observation

The next great building was the Hall of Congresses. In essence, it was a building of many great chambers modeled after the Uplifter's Court chamber. It also included apartments for the Congress folk and Court folk.

Third he had construed The Champions' Hall, a headquarters for the newly expanded Guardians of Our Trinity. It had housing for 5000 folk, be they Guardians or those taken in, a luxurious apartment for the current Head of the Guardians, as well as many training facilities.

The Fourth Great Building was The Forum. The Forum, taken from the Voidfolk word meaning public space, is a massive structure full of markets, salons*, and luxury services such as baths and masseuses. The Forum quickly became the heart of Haven culture and by proxy the culture of The Coalition as a whole.

The Fifth and final building the Uplifter was able to complete before his death was High Court Hall. Having recently adopted Aldarian legalism to better deal with the increase of crime that came with the increase in population, a system of Courts were established to judge the guilt or innocence of those accused of crimes and levy punishments other than banishment, with banishment being an option given to those found guilty if they prefer it to their sentence. High Court Hall held all of the courts for Haven, every appeal court for the whole coalition, and the High Court, a Tribunal of Judges which would hear only the most important of cases, and only if they had already gone through one appeal, and only if the accuser or the accused submit it before the court.
*A french word for buildings in which art, philosophy, and politics were discussed.

On his deathbed, The Uplifter gave these words to be recorded for posterity: I was not a great Uplifter. I didn't change the way The Coalition functions. I didn't help defend our homes against a Swarm or Horde. I didn't bring new intellectual awakening to our people. All I did is what I always did. I built things. They may be grand buildings, true, but they are just buildings. I cannot help but feel like I have wasted the mantle of this generation, and wish I had done more.

Robert Mason is one of the few Uplifters who is remembered by name for his contributions to The Coalition and all of civilization.

Initial AP - 0
+4 AP - Standard Rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+3 AP - Heros
-2 AP - Advanced Concept: The Battle-Circle
A tactic to be used against overwhelming numbers only. The Battle-Circle is a circle of soldiers surrounded by enemy forces. As soon as a solider is wounded, they must move beck from the front towards the center of the circle, immediately replaced by fresh (or at least fresher) troops. Healing is provided in the center of the circle as best as available. Provides a +1 RCR bonus against overwhelming numbers. Currently, there is no reason for Subterria to teach this concept to their allies or for their allies to desire this concept.
-1 AP - National organization to International: The Champions of Our Trinity
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: Architecture
-2 AP - Advanced Concept: Engineering
0 AP - Appropriate Concept: All current concepts of Waypoint, The Aldarians, and the Dwarven kingdom.
Current AP - 3

Queen Sapes
2013-07-23, 06:55 PM
Vectrisis-1, The Central Hub, The Moon

At the heart of the silent moon, Vectrisis stood silently watching the horror his progeny had unleashed upon the world. Monsters of data were running wild in Hu with no other god taking any note. They had also found their way into the database, although they had quickly been segregated from the rest of the system, being fed fake data streams until he found something to do with them. He could alert the other gods as to what is happening, but they would likely misplace the blame onto himself or refuse to listen altogether. No, he would have to take care of this as he had before.

Without a word be summoned a Locatu and a Ril into the Central Hub, both creatures dismantling as they found their way into the room, their parts floating into the space around Vectrisis. He examined their parts over and over again, the proper course to follow slowly becoming apparent to him. A creature specifically built to kill the Data-Sheep would be useless to him before too long. Creatures that could be seen could be seen as dangerous by other gods, just like the Locatu and Ril. He needed something with a purpose that wouldn't be seen as a danger to the world. Perhaps even something the world would benefit from.

The parts of metal in the air began to smash together, reashping themselves and finding new placement as they moved. The power cores of both beasts fused, reshaping itself into something with a new purpose. The minds of the metal monsters came together, creating something sentient. It all came together in a humanoid shell, the miscelaneous pieces finding themselves draped down and across its body in what almost looked like a torn cloak. As the core came to life the figure began fading, the new creature finding itself torn between all realities at once, able to choose which one to manifest within. Without a word Vectrisis sent the creature off to perform its duties as he ordered the production of others.

Start AP - 5
Rollover(s) - 12
New AP - 17
3 - Magical Life: R.E.A.P.E.R.S. The first sentient life under Vectrisis' control, Reapers are humanoid robotic figures dressed in cloaks of metal. In the center of their torso is a visible power core which appears as a green ball with metal bars spinning around it quickly. Due to the core, a Reaper is able to survive permanently outside of the Moon, and is not required to bathe in the moon's light like other swarm races. The core also has the unique effect of making a Reaper rather unstable, and they are unable to be perfectly synched with any plane. Instead they are partially between the planes, appearing to mortal eyes in only brief flickers of their true form, although they are still perfectly able to effect things on the planes, despite not usually wanting to. Almost every Reaper wields a scythe as their chosen weapon, although there are rare exceptions.

The duty of a Reaper is a simple one, they are responsible for managing the dead. This manifests as appearing before an individual before they pass on and quickly scanning their souls for Vectrisis' database, then making sure they pass safely into their designated afterlife. Typically large gatherings of Reapers can be observed before great tragedies or great battles where many people will lose their lives. To a lesser extent they also silently protect the afterlife planes. Their secondary duty is to hunt Data-Sheep, something they take great joy in doing.

End AP - 14

2013-07-23, 07:06 PM
Dwemer finally left the Aldari, returning to Khaldaroth after Thurian warned him in a dream he would not feed his people or him anymore. So it was that Dwemer left. Dwemer had a multitude more salt and all manner of treasures that were so abundant in Aldari lands that they did not care to see the Dwarfolk leave with them . . . the cultural exchange was complete thanks to the Hufolk's Waypoint.

4 AP turn over
1 AP left over
1 AP Hero
1 AP Pantheon AP
7 AP total
-1 for nation maintenance
6 AP total

Thurian looked down to the Khaldaroth Empire. Khaldaroth was growing. However, he knew that the primary purpose of Khaldaroth was to gaurd the West and the ports to the interior. Khaldaroth was not allowed to grow beyond a certain size. Thurian in his plan, sent messages in the dreams of noble families in Khaldaroth. A noble Dwarfolk family, the Thulmans went East, closer to the Interior, surrounded by forest lands.So it was that Thurian brought Kahn Thulman, the Lord of the Thulman family, to the Nexus on top of the Mountain, Khal. Kahn Thulman would become the first King of Thulman. A Thunder bolt had fallen on Kahn, without bringing him harm, but marking him as the leader. . .Thulman would lead the Kingdom of Thulman. . . And it's Warrior King.

Meanwhile, the Thulman's had a notably intelligent servant providing healing herbs and medicine for their family. Olfrid Damar. He was a wise man and a physician. The people looked up to him. He had developed hygiene, and medical herbs, finding which herbs were better for helping the body heal, or deal with pain, or prevent illness. Olfrid Damar had become famous. . . .and his techniques were taught to various students throughout the Kingdom and Empire to the West. . .Educated Physicians had entered the world stage.

2 Hero raised (Kahn Thulman : Mantle)
1 Kingdom raised (1 Raise society)
2 AP spent to create Advanced concept : Medicine
1 AP left

2013-07-25, 05:53 PM
Liberator awoke... Huh. I don't feel rested. I'm not still tired, nor am I fully rejuvenated. This is odd.

After a moment, a rush of information hit Liberator. You see, his connection to The Mortal Trinity was two-way, and while they channeled his divine energies for a task, he was aware of their action. He learned in a moment of all the social changes and advancement that came to his people. While he marveled at some achievements (how The Uniter managed to unite the solitary Titans into a true society, for one), other discoveries troubled him.

This is not what I planned at all. This "philosophy" questions the virtues of freedom and justice. Granted, the society has stayed in line with my views, but it may all be lost if a "philosopher" convinces the people to follow another path. Liberator thought on it for a while, and examined the philosophies that arose in The Coalition.

Huh. Most of these ideas are quite ingenious. Ways of looking at the world that compliment the ideals of freedom and justice. Yes, there are those who have turned from these ideals in the name of philosophy, but they are exceptions to the norm. Several of the Uplifters while I slept were even philosophers. I suppose all knowledge has value, and...


Several Uplifters while I slept? I've never slept so long. Yes, sometimes I would miss an Uplifter, two at the most, but never this many... Is this because of my heros channeling my power? Hm... This is... unfortunate.

And then there was the matter of his sons. The Pigeonlings created by his son who chose the title of The Meddler began harassing the people of Hu. They hadn't out-right killed anyone yet, but there was a lot of... excrement. His other son, Rand, had created an entire continent. If anything, they have weakened the cultures of Hu. I suppose trade with Tandara has done some good, but it is still not ideal.

Clearing his through, Liberator called through the planes, Rand! Meddler! Your father would like to have a word with you!

While waiting for them to come to him, Liberator observed the world as best he could. Huh. Vectrisis did something... good. That is VERY odd.

The nations of Subterria and The Coalition had done so well, Liberator chose to give them each a boon. To the nation of Subterria, he created veins of Mithril and Adamantine throughout the colonized regions. Hopefully Eldritch would not view this as an affront. Liberator couldn't see how he would, but who could understand the mind of evil?

To The Coalition, he would give a new beast of burden, the horse. These beasts would aid in the labor of of men, facilitating trade and transit. But it would not just be simple horses given to The Coalition. They would also get horselings. Barely sentient, horselings are loyal and enjoy typical horse duties as a general rule. Much better contributions to civilization than pigionlings, at any rate...

What are my sons waiting for?

While he continued to wait, he observed the Champions and their use of ley magic. While it was certainly powerful, it was raw and unrefined. There was so much that could be done with it but wasn't. Food and water could be produced, wounds could be easily healed, strength could be enhanced for the ease of labor, but none of these techniques would come from the raw magic that was being used.

Focusing his divine energies, Liberator created the first refined forms of magic to exist in this multiverse. The first was conjuration, so that food could be provided to the hungry, and good healing to the wounded. Soon after came transmutation, allowing the natural abilities to be enhanced, if only for a time. The people quickly learned other applications of these schools. This filled Liberator with much joy.

My people are able to progress beyond even what I intend to give them! As with philosophy, this is a good thing. Only through progress and discovery can they grow more powerful, which they must if they are to rule all of Bastion.

As he spoke those words, a sensation he recognized came to him; The sensation of growing in divine power. As his brilliant orange energy flowed out of him then back in, Liberator began to worry. Last time I grew in power the material plane began to break around me. If the same happens to the planes we gods make...

Before he finished the process of gaining a new domain, he left Tranquility and apeared at a random point in Goheng. If I'm going to take a plane with me when I go it might as well be this pit.

Once his energies had settled, before even re-examining himself to see which new aspect he had gained dominion over, he examined the plane around him. It isn't tearing warping. I'm honestly a bit disappointed. Before he could even finish the thought he was back in Tranquility, back on his hill.

Now, what did I gain dominion over... As Liberator examined himself, he found his answer was Knowledge. Namely the progress of knowledge. This is... great! There are so many new ideas, so many new ways of looking at things, so much to learn...

And where are my sons???

Initial AP - 3
+4 AP - Standard Rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon head
+3 AP - Heros
-1 AP - Alter Land: Mithril and Adamantine veins
-0 AP - Create Mundane Life: Horses
-1 AP - Create Monsterous Life: Horselings
Horses with the Magebread template (Ebberon Campaign setting, page 295) except their intelligence is 3 and their type is changed to magical beast.
-3 AP - Magical concept: Ley-Conjuration
Conjuration for the Ley line divine magic
-3 AP - Magical concept: Ley-Transmutation
Transmutation for Ley line divine magic
-4 AP - Gain Domain: Knowledge (Progress)
Current AP - 0

2013-07-25, 09:47 PM
Thurian had realized that he could not continue to protect the Empire if he were not stronger. . . He failed them in the last world, he would not fail them in in this one. The wise, noble King reflected on his time as the god of his estates for a good long time now. . . it was not time for him to give up, nor for him to soften in his strength. He was greater than evil, and he would show the Darkness that it was nothing before the Light. He raised his sword to the sky, thunder once again came from the Cosmos and infused the sword with heavy energies. . . Thurian shook with the force of it's power and he appeared to weaken, for just a moment, and then he regained his composure. . . it was not time for him to weaken, it was not time for him to falter. It was time for him to grow stronger still. He looked out from Paradise and saw the plight of the primitive people's down below. They still had disease, they still dealt with death and lived mortal lives. He remembered a good long while how hard life could be. . .

(1 AP left from last turn, +4 for being Lesser Deity, +1 for being Pantheon Head, +2 for Hero AP, +1 AP for Pantheon, 9 AP total
-4 AP for gaining Domain
2 AP spent to raise Ghwim the Great. (Hero, Mantle)
2 AP spent to create Khaldaroth as an Empire
1 AP spent to raise society (Small Kingdom to the East, Thulman)
2 AP spent to raise King Kahn Thulman (Hero, Mantle)
1 AP spent to create Plane of Glory
2 AP spent for Advanced Concept (Medicine)
2 AP spent for Advanced Concept (Engineering)
2 AP spent for creating Thurian's Land mass
2 AP to create concept Navigation and concept Ship Building for the mortals.)
(Domain gained : Empire (Glory))

2013-07-26, 05:28 PM
Rand sat under his favorite tree once more, watching the bustling capital of his creations below. He had spent awhile working on new gifts for his people. Ones to aid them spread their lands. He would give them a push, but it was up to them where to take it. Standing and stretching in this self made home of his. He tapped once more into the divine power imbued into him and let it flow around him, forming a place of peace. A place he could rest and not be disturbed. The forest around him shifted slightly as his power here, and on his section of The Empathic Plains, flowed through him. On this spot,and in the area one would emerge into The Layer of Wisdom, he formed two different areas. In The Layer of Widsom, a crystal castle of black and gold formed. Its various rooms filled with everything he wanted to exist within. The largest section of the castle was a large library with tomes of every shape, size, and material within. From leather and paper, to the bronze and silver tomes of his people. On the material plane, a nexus formed around him. An area connecting directly to his sanctum on the Empathic Plains. Once he was finished there, he looked back down at the lands beneath him and made the crops of the capitals fields flourish. He then reached out and touched the dreams of various leaders, giving them new ideas for the world around them through dreams. He left them aware only that it had come to them in a dream, letting them believe what they want about its origins. Lastly, he chose the best fighter among his people. A sell-sword wandering the eastern plains of the nation, hunting a group of bandits for a city council. He said nothing, only touched the woman on the forehead, imbuing power and knowledge in her before leaving her in the Red Hand's Barracks, an organization that had quickly formed from the ideas he had spread through the land. Now that his energy was spent, he finally noticed the calls of his father. Sighing, he took his staff and cloak in hand and appeared next to his father. Not saying anything, his pearl skin hidden in a sea of onyx.

Initial AP: 2
Rollover(s) +6 AP

- 2 Weave Sanctum
- 1 Form Nexus
- 1 Divine Omen

- 1 Form National Organization: The Red Hand: The Red Hand is the elite of Aldara's armies, from mages and warriors, to assassins and scouts. An Aldaraifolk does not ask to join The Red Hand, they do not get to leave without cause once they are in. These elite troops of every kind, when not in a war, scour the land in small groups of 6-12 hunt other worst of the worst. Those not prowling the land hunting these cutthroats are found stationed in forts throughout the land, and inside cities. While only a small portion of the army, the Red Hand is renowned for the skill of its soldiers and their dedication to their duty. The Council's Enforcers can also be chosen, though it is rare for them to transfer.

- 1 Raise Leader: The General: The General is a mantle assigned to the most skilled of the Red Hand, both on and off the field. Those that hold this title are stationed in the capital city and hold tactical and strategic command over all Red Hand's, and unless a higher ranked general is present, all members of the normal army. The General's main job is to lead attacks, not defend.

- 2 Raise Hero: The Black Hand: A shamed member of society looking for redemption, yet skilled enough to enter the Red Hand. Those known as the Black Hand are Hero's who hold great power, and a will to use it on those that deserve. They are relentless and won't give up until justice is served. They are sent by the Red Hand on the most dangerous missions, and to the fields were victory is highly unlikely, in a hope to tip the balance. They are shamed, skilled, filled with sorrow, and determined warrior-mages who use the Red Hand to settle their vendetta. They are our for no more than revenge and once their debt is settled, they lose their mantle, for it to be passed to the next person. Is always stationed with Warrior-mage enforcers that transferred from the council over any other choice, though some exceptions exist.

Free Class: Red Guard (Martial Prestige class)

Free Class: Black Guard (Magical Prestige Class)

0 - AP

2013-07-28, 04:10 AM
The Void Dragon sat curled up in a ball in the Void, watching his little minions go about their daily rituals and the like. Unfortunately, many of them seemed to like this "Light magic" that the other, goody-two-shoes gods had created a while back, and a few of his Voidwalkers had converted... this was unacceptable. After protecting them from the curse of Eldritch, this was the thanks Oblivion received? He supposed he could, reluctantly, agree that he should be more active in their lives and stuff as their patron deity... Now what to make...

The laylines were a stupid source of magic. Especially since they could be reached and tampered with so easily. No, he had a better source right here... He thought for a second and the nature of the Void was shifted slightly, made less stable in the inter-planar relations when compared to what it had been before. Its barriers leaked slightly, allowing the mortal plane and other planes to absorb some of the raw destructive powers that came off of it, and setting up the stage for his new magic...

For you see, the Void Dragon then expended the rest of his power making massive structures that dotted the world, made of stone that was not stone that rose into the sky. The pyramids were made of large platforms, stacked atop one another in successive "steps" that grew smaller as they went higher. For most of these pyramids the base was half a mile in all dimensions and it went up to almost one hundred feet in the air. They were most numerous in the Twilight Lands, rising from the dense foliage as the insurmountable stairs of the Gods themselves. Their upper layers were opened on all four sides, revealing a glowing spiral of swirling black energy. This ran through the core of all but the bottom layer of each pyramid, and acted as a portal to the Dark Moon. Those that channeled through it would be able to draw on the essence of the Void itself in battle, though the power would be shaped by its creator the Void Dragon substantially. These Pyramids would be the source of magic for divine casters that worshiped Oblivion, though their worship of him would be what protected them from harm as they channeled the Void's energies.

There were differences to the temples based on region, however. The Ones in the Twilight Lands had an odd hole at the bottom of them that extended for almost the entire length of each side except one wall, and were filled with the energies of the Void. The purpose of the hole was not really known, though it seems more than large enough to fit a fully grown dragon... of ten fully grown dragons. The ones in Bastion were made of a stone that not even the claws of the Clawfolk could scratch. In the Eldritch's continent, it provided constant cloud cover on the surface at all times, allowing chaofolk to wander on up. In Rand's land, they were places that had vast treasuries of spell components, though it was here that they were most rare. And the Dwarven lands were the last places to receive this boon. Though not numerous, these structures might as well be fortresses for the warrior race, filled with secret passages and hidden magical power.

The largest and the greatest of these pyramids was called the Nexus, and it sat within the center of the Twilight Lands. Four others existed that were quite a bit different from the others, as half of them existed on one continent, and the other half was present on another one. A mortal could walk through said pyramid and find themselves in a new continent, though they would have to walk through the deadly air of the Void to do so, as all the exits existed solely within the Twilight Lands. For those that could stand it, it made travel very much easier. The one outside both halves of Waypoint are currently the only ones that have been discovered, for now.

And Oblivion sat back and waited for his mortals to react. Arno was the first to do so as a pyramid made itself outside of Arbor. He could feel the power coming off of this thing, so he sent word to Simon to meet him here. This must be a boon from their God... After a quick meeting, it was decided that they would use this new power, and they would learn how to do so and spread the technique throughout the world. After some experimentation, they discovered that it worked with Faith in the Void Dragon, so they established a church across the nations to convert others so that this strength was not put to waste.

0 AP (Voidy) 1 AP (Arno) 0 AP (Simon)

+8 AP (Voidy) +2 AP (Arno) +1 AP (Simon) (2 Rollovers)

-5 AP Create Legendary Concept: Void Magic. (Voidy) Void Magic encompasses any school that draws directly on the energies of the Void. For now, this is the Void Dragon's divine magic casters, but will include other schools soon. All anti-magic spells and energy protection spells draw their strength from this source, regardless of what school of magic they belong to.

-3 AP Create Magical Concept: Pyramid Magic. (Voidy) Pyramid Magic is like Lay-Line magic in and of the fact that it is a source of power for divine casters, and that they need to visit it once a month to keep in top shape. They differ in the fact that these are actual buildings, and that while there is a bonus to all Void magic in these buildings, it is only at the center and top, where the spirals are seen, that the bonus is present. To make up for it, each pyramid has its own unique formation, tailored to each area. There are about twenty Pyramids in the Twilight lands, seven in Bastion, five in the dwarven lands, four Horror's lands and three in the crystal lands. One temple is cut in half in the continents that are not the Twilight Lands, and they allow free travel between the four continents (if discovered and navigated). Voidwalkers build all of their major cities around these, and Waypoint and Arbor had temples constructed beside them.

-2 AP Create international organization: Ordo Oblivio. (Arno) An international organization that functions as the "Faith" of the Void Dragon. They go throughout the lands (right now just Hu, Waypoint and Arbor), populating the pyramid-temples and teaching the people there how to harness their power. They also act as warriors and healers for the Void when push comes to shove, their destructive divine magic more suited to the battlefield than the back lines. Their clerical holy weapon is the greatsword.

Free class: Favored soul: The Favored Soul class as per normal D&D rules, with laylines/ Pyramids assigned to them to go with the game. They do not have to be the same alignment as their god, nor do they have to be good. Open to any race with divine magic. (PC base class)

Free Class: Oblivion Guard: Like the Paladin, only their magic will be the arcane school of "Void Magic" (once that comes into being). They will also have "Smite Magic", which functions as the Smile Evil spell, but targets "Magical" and "Fabled" races instead. They also have the ability to cast True Sight at will, instead of detect evil (though still in the same cone area). Restricted to worshipers of the Void Dragon. (PC base class)

2013-07-28, 02:49 PM
Rand, it is good that you have come, my son. If you don't mind my asking... what is that? Liberator says with a quizzical while pointing to Tandara. This could go poorly...

Initial AP - 0
+5 AP - Standard rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+3 AP - Heroes
Current AP - 10

2013-07-28, 02:56 PM
"Nothing more or less than a land where strange life can flourish. Life that, like me, is completely independent of others. It is also a land of free thought and will, where all are equal until they break the laws set by the Council and its sisters."

He said as he lowered the hood on his staff.

2013-07-28, 02:59 PM
That... certainly is a noble goal. Liberator said with genuine, albeit trepidatious, respect for his son's decision. May I ask why you felt the need to make it instead of doing as I asked and helping the people of Hu?

2013-07-28, 03:03 PM
"The Hufolk and the like in the land of Bastion are taken care of enough. They are your children, not mine. Just as I wouldn't expect you to go out of your way to help my creations, I shall not yours."

2013-07-28, 03:32 PM
Liberator understood that this had to be handled delicately...

I suppose I see your point, my son, but you areone of the Guardians of the Allied Civilizations of Hu and Their Supporters and Progressers as They Try to Claim the Land That is Rightfully Theirs. While I would not ask you to do any less for your people, do you think you may find the time to learn about the civilizations of Hu and see if there is anything that you think would make them better?

Liberator looked on with hope at his son, awaiting his response with bated breath.

2013-07-28, 03:36 PM
"Any help they receive from me will be indirect, just as my code of laws I gave the Aldarifolk spread to them, in time, so to will their other innovations."

Rand said, sighing at the direct nature of Liberator.

2013-07-28, 03:43 PM
I... suppose that's good.

Changing the topic, and waiting for his other son to show up, Liberator said, Have you considered joining the Gods for Freedom and Justice? It seems like it would be a good fit for you.

2013-07-28, 03:48 PM
"I have thought it over, and my answer I shall keep to myself for the time being. In time you may know the answer, but for now, no."

He said as he raised his hood and grabbed back up the staff.

2013-07-28, 03:54 PM
So... How has the life on your... continent gone? Liberator asked his son, attempting to make conversation with him.

2013-07-28, 03:59 PM
"Its gone as it wishes. Only a small part of the continent has decided to band together under one legal system, one government, the rest is still loose groups of villages, towns, and city-states. They squabble, they fight, but they follow what's in their hearts."

Rand said to his father, slightly bored, but not impatient.

2013-07-28, 04:08 PM
I know you believe in everyone choosing there own path to the point of allowing evil, but do you really feel no need or desire to guide those that choose your path?

I may never understand him... Liberator suddenly realized.

2013-07-28, 04:14 PM
"The only guidance I give them is through knowledge. It hints to them what I wish, but they may choose to take it where they will.

2013-07-28, 04:18 PM
Why not simply tell them the path you prefer? It will not dissuade those who's "place is with evil," if your philosophy is to be believed, and it will help the good find there way.

2013-07-28, 04:21 PM
"Because independence from me is already part of their lives. If I just stepped in and starting laying down commands, even if its just a request, they will rebel against my will. As it is, I prefer to simply let them choose their path, after all, the path less traveled may actually be better. You'd be surprised at what mortals can think of on their own."

2013-07-28, 04:26 PM
Actually, I would not. I gave my heros direct access to my own power. While they have been using it at a more... rapid pace than I necessarily would have, they came up with some concepts and marvels I would have never thought to give them.

2013-07-28, 04:41 PM
"Then you know why I prefer to leave them be to their own devices, or the occasional push."

Rand said with a sigh as he turned and looked around some more.

2013-07-28, 07:33 PM
But I have done much more than a gentle push. Under my guidance, many great things have come to my people. Regardless of that, when my chosen were given power to wield as they saw fit, they did great things with it. Growing tired of waiting for The Meddler, Liberator said to his other son Now, if you will excuse me...

Transporting to a spot in Tranquility above a still ocean (with no one in sight) Liberator made a call only one would here, Vectrisis, The Former of Tranquility would like a word with you!

2013-07-29, 04:02 PM
The oceans had been suspiciously calm as of late, and the Hunterfolk hadn't heard from their god in some time.

Last anyone knew, Mazilhendra and Nelus left to explore the Creatorless Expanse, and see what there was to see. That was quite some time ago now, and their influence over this world had waned to the point that none believed they would return, at least not any time soon.

Word quickly spread to every civilization and every god that these gods had left our world. What would be done with that information was yet to be determined...

2013-07-29, 11:36 PM
Ah, so the arrogant prick of the seas was finally considered good and... "lost". Perfect. So she wouldn't be needing that trident anymore... The Void Dragon reached out into reality and yanked at her trident, claiming it for Spain the Void. that was all that she had created of any worth, so that was enough of her insignificant contribution to this world under his control.

Now for the Dragoness... It was unfortunate that she had decided to disappear as well, though he had his doubts of her being gone for good. For now, though, he would take control of her Dragons and her Plane of Life... for safe keeping, of course.

And that was all he would take for himself right now... but there were other things to do. He would create a pantheon, maybe that would draw her back into this world? Yes, a Pantheon for the creators of Dragons... with him at its head, of course. Yes, the Order of the Dragons... a good pantheon to be part of, to be sure. Their goal would be to further the agenda of the other members, settling disputes between themselves via mortals if those goals ever conflicted, and to ensure that the Draconic line never died out. There, that should be more than enough of a stated goal to work for any potential joiners... Oh, and they would be required to wear hats. Tiny hats, that looked rather adorable.

Voidy made himself a hat that, for a mortal, would be about the size of a house but that fit him perfectly, and looked rather tiny. It was white, with a pink flower in it. It was pretty, gosh darnit, and he was man enough not to be embarrassed by it. (It also is not an artifact, just a normal, every day old freakishly large tiny hat)

Voidy adjusted his hat and looked back down at the world below, mind turning possibilities once more as he thought of what still needed doing before... well, they could find that out later.


Meanwhile, Arno found himself in a bit of a pickle. See, he currently was sitting in a tree with no arrows left in his quiver and about thirty Velociraptors glaring up at him. He considered using his divine empowerment to sweep them away when the First Hunter, the current First Hunter, stepped out from the pack and looked up to him, a lost expression filling her eyes. And he understood... maybe. They were lost without their God to guide them in her dreams, and though all of them might not follow the Hunter, the majority looked to her for leadership. And how could she lead when she had nothing to tell them? They needed to be guided, not controlled, but guided.

And, with slow nod, the First Ranger accepted them into the Void family. A collective shudder went through the Hunterfolk as a small part of the Void Dragon's divinity entered them, marking them as his for now. The First Hunter became a new leader for the Void as well, and new inspiration and dreams would come to her from time to time, to guide her new society to new glories. Yes, that would be good...

Also, it let Arno get out of the tree without killing anyone. Win-win!


Meanwhile, a Black Dragon had found its way into Tandra. It looked about, smelling for any new prey in this strange, rather bleak land... There should be something, after all. It just had to find out what...

After a quick search of the area, the Dragon found a group of small people-like statues running about, doing their thing. How very... odd. Rock wasn't supposed to move like that. Was it? Not really sure what it was looking at, the Dragon slunk down out of cover and just... watched these strange new creatures do what appeared to be magic. How odd.

Rollover: +4 (Voidy) +1 (Arno) +.5 (Simon)
AP start: 4 (Voidy) 2 (Arno) 1.5 (Simon)

-1: Claim artifact: The Trident (Voidy)
-1: Claim Plane of Life (Voidy, goes away if Mel comes back)
-1: Claim the Metallic Dragons (Voidy, goes away if Mel comes back)
-1: Form Pantheon: The Dragons (Also called the Cookie Dragons in OOC) (Voidy)

-1: Claim race: The Hunterfolk (Arno)
-1: Raise leader: The First Hunter (The same as before, but a new leader as she now works for the Void Dragon instead and has a new cont of inspiration, meaning that she can get more AP eventually...)

End AP: 0 (Voidy) 0 (Arno) 1.5 (Simon)

2013-07-30, 12:46 AM
While waiting for Vectrisis to visit him in tranquility, Maybe the other god didn't understand that this was a summons? Liberator couldn't help but notice the actions of the Void Dragon. After all, trying to claim a whole plane of existance was no small task, and it sent ripples through the planes that an observant god could detect.

So, two of the vile gods are gone without a finger lifted on my part. I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. Though, this other Vile God is now trying to profit on the situation. That can only end poorly. He is taking things of goodness and using them for his own ends? That I simply cannot allow.

With that, Liberator expended a small amount of energy to claim the good creatures some Titans had encountered, the Metalic Dragons. If Liberator had anything to say about it, they would not fall under the sway of a vile, interloping god.

And that plane... Liberator said, as he left his spot on Tranquility for Sanguine Life. If the All Seeing One* can't find me on another plane he isn't deserving of the title. Liberator looked around his new suroundings. Yes... There is much that I could do with this... I'll try and gain dominion here as well. As for that other plane...
*A title that really makes sense for Vectrisis to have, even if it isn't strictly true.

And with that, Liberator was in The Deepest Depths. In an instant, the pressure crushed his body into a ball, the toxic water burning his compressed flesh. Huh. Well then. This place is... unpleasant. Still, it could have its uses... Like that trident.

Liberator let some of his energy seep into the plane, then in a flash Liberator was before The Void Dragon (and instantly in a normal version of his fleshy shell, rather than a crushed one), who was holding the Trident of Oceans in his claw. While you may literally hold the Trident, it is not yet yours to wield, and any god can still attempt to claim it, like this, Liberator said as a small stream of orange energy flowed to the Trident, mixing with that which the Void Dragon himself had tried to clam it with. You didn't think it would be so easy to claim all these things did you?

As Liberator continued to think of all the things he could (and should) claim in the instant before the Void Dragon could respond to his presence, Liberator realized the Merfolk who had plauged the Hu river could be turned into guardians of it, and so sent another packet of his energies to them.

He was starting to get a little drowsy, but could not rest while the fate of so much was up in the air.

Initial AP - 10
-1 AP - Claim Metallic Dragons
-1 AP - Claim the Plane of Sanguine Life
-1 AP - Claim the Deepest Depths
-1 AP - Claim the Trident of Oceans
-1 AP - Claim the Merfolk
Current AP - 5

2013-07-30, 02:53 AM
"... You are stupid. Godling." The Void Dragon said, sending the Trident into a null-space beyond their reach with merely a thought. "I will not allow you to use my weapon against me. Nor shall I allow you to challenge my authority yet again. You wish for a conflict? Why, I believe I shall give it to you." And with that, Oblivion reached out with all of his might and brought a tidal wave of destruction down upon the other God's head.

Oh ye mortals and gods despair, for the Lord of the Void has Awoken. and he's really pissed off, in his little white hat with pretty flowers in it.

Begin RCR

Attack roll: (Only rolling attack, as you have to survive being hit to actually swing back (if you think about this logically))

Defense roll: [roll]1d6

2013-07-30, 04:02 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 6

In the instant before the wave of energy hits him, Liberator Erected a shield of his orange energy to meet and deflect the cascade as it came. While this shield did protect him from the brunt of the attack, it also took quite a bit out of him.

Speaking to the Void Dragon through his mind through the cascade of energy, Liberator says, Interesting how you call me a "Godling." I may be the younger, but I am not the weaker. In fact, I see a bit of my old self in you; all bluster and rage with no mind for ones own defense. That sort of thinking lost me a pantheon, and will loose you your boons this day.

Before the cascading energy finished, Liberator transported himself instantly through it to the back of the Void Dragon, and formed a whip of orange energy as he struck the back of the Dragon's head with it.

2013-07-30, 04:32 PM
There was no cry of pain from the Void, for there was no pain to feel as the whip slashed through him, damaging the incorporeal body but not the intelligence behind it. "Godling. Yes. For you are still young and stupid and seek to steal what is not yours. The Trident I could care less about, but the Dragons and the Plane of Life? I wish to watch over them and care for them, and if she ever returns then I will return them to the Dragon Goddess. You, though, I do not trust." In a whisper that Liberator and Liberator alone could hear, the Void Dragon added, "There is no point to all of this, you understand. Even if you win, you have shown your true goals by taking what I attempted to claim instead of the one artifact that would spread life and "goodness" in your hands... and instead you left it to crumble into ash. How very "noble" of you."

With his body barely pulling itself back together, the Void Dragon lunged at Liberator with his maw gaping wide...

Initial HP: 10
Attack: 11 (In ooc)
Defense: 6 (in ooc)
Current HP: 3

2013-07-30, 04:42 PM
Initial HP - 6
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Bracing himself for what he assumed was a physical attack, Liberator was not prepared for the teeth to damage his essence. Which they did. Making the first pained noise of his existence, Liberator stuck back at the Dragon, but it was too little to be of consequence. This battle was lost.

While I may be young, I am far from stupid. And tell yourself what you will, that you are simply "protecting" them for her return, but you want their power for your own vile ends and you know it.

And what good artifact are you talking about? I know of no such artifact...

Switching gears, Liberator said, While you say you do not trust me, you have no reason not to. How about this arrangement: You seed the plane of Sanguine Life and Metallic Dragons to me, and I give my word to give them back to that other one were she to ever return. Smiling widely and brightly, Liberator fishiness with, Promise.

2013-07-30, 05:48 PM
"Your promises are pointless. Of course I want owner, I am power, and it calls to me." The Dragon said, feeling his claim to the Trident becoming absolute. There would have been a smile, if enough stars had existed to make a mouth. But the feeling that there should have been a smile radiated from Oblivion as she shifted his form to that of a man. "And can you truly be saying that You do not remember the Womb of the Earth, which brought you life in the northern parts of Bastion? Hahaha! No, you never even saw it, did you? You were too busy sleeping!" Oh the richness of this moment... "Pathetic... you do not deserve the Dragons, nor do you deserve to take a Plane of Existence when if it goes to anyone, it goes to me. They are of my domain, and I will not be denied them. Nor will I leave them up to your temperament. You are far too... shifting to actually let me trust you."

Next... the Dragons. He wanted to ensure that they would stay with him, so he sent a pulse of darkness at Liberator with intent to snuff out the other God's light.

Trident: Claimed. New RCR.

Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current health: 10

2013-07-30, 06:06 PM
Initial HP - 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 7

Surprised by the sudden wave of darkness (along with the realization that he had lost a potentially valuable artifact of good) Liberator was hit by the blow, but was still able to "roll with it" by wraping himself in deflecting light the moment after the first bit struck him.

I cannot help it if my mind needs rest to recover. If I failed to gain an artifact for good, then my only hope is that one day it may be claimed by one virtuous enough to use it. What I can help is what you call "shifting" and I call "evolution." I grow and advance and become better than I was, while you just get more and more reckless.

Liberator then sent a ripple of energy meant to disrupted the frequency at which the void dragon maintains his body, something he noticed while the Void Dragon was reforming his body into the shape of a Hufolk.

2013-07-30, 06:57 PM
"Reckless? No. I have been patient.. and it now begins to pay off." It was not laugh worthy, though when its form was pulled at the Void Dragon almost did. He turned to the "base" form of his body, a simple sphere of darkness, leaving its humanoid body behind. "Though, that's enough talking now. Just fight." No more words for this battle, at least.

The Void Dragon collapsed space around Liberator, creating miniature back holes throughout the other god's physical body. Around himself, an aura of darkness that swallowed magic appeared, ready to shield Oblivion from the Liberator's next attack.

Starting health: 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Health remaining: 7

2013-07-30, 07:07 PM
Initial HP - 7
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP 5

As I thought. His form is just a shell, as mine is. Attacks against it will slow him down, but not stop him. Now, how bet to- GRAH!! Suddenly tiny singularities began tearing at his own energies. The second time he was really attacked. This will not stand. Liberator was able to quickly force them out of his essence, but it would take some time to recover.

Then he noticed an aura of protection around the shapeless god. I would have assumed such things beyond his ken. No need to let him know I perceive his attempted defense it just yet...

And with that liberator mad a powerful spear of orange energies that he new would do little against the Dragon as he was now, but might still scratch the surface of his essence, even through the shield.

2013-07-30, 08:06 PM
Heh, good. Actual pain from what should be an attack. A small bit of the spear did manage to get through to damage the Void Dragon's defenses, but they had done their job. He chuckled, removing the black holes that now hung pointlessly in the air. "Surprised?" Oh, the other god should be. After all, the Void Dragon hadn't yet shown that he was both creation and destruction. A nice little surprise to save until now...

This time, the Void Dragon once again took the form of a man and brought down his hand, swinging with a lazy backhanded blow that sent a blast of destructive energies into the Liberator's body. An insult and an attack. How very fitting

Starting health: 7
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current Health: 6

2013-07-30, 08:20 PM
Initial HP - 5
Attack: [roll0]
Defence: [roll1]
Current HP - 5

No time like the present. Liberator thought. Instead of the destructive energies striking at Liberator, he sheathed Oblivion in in a, technically, protective shield. It would prevent any energy from getting to him, but also any energy from getting away. Liberator simply watched as he saw The Void Dragon's own power tear at his very essence, until finally the barrier could contain the force no more and it collapsed.

While the Void Dragon looked haggard, he didn't look quite out of this yet. Too bad.

Liberator could feel the grip both he and the Dragon were holding over the Metallic dragons slipping. The lack of resolution was causing it, and it was clear more energy would need to be expended to maintain the claim.

It seems niehter of us has quite won the Dragons, but I am able and more than willing to continue to fight for dominion over them. Can you say the same? Liberator gave a knowing smile. Even if he can keep fighting, he's almost lost and he knows it.

Initial AP - 5
-1 AP - Continued Claim: Metallic Dragons
Current AP - 4

2013-07-30, 10:09 PM
"Enough of this madness."

Rand said as he appeared near the fighting gods. He was no longer wearing his cloak, but a set of silver chain, contrasting against his obsidian skin. His eyes were rubies and his hair was silver-white quartz. He looked between his father and then the dragon. After a moment he settled down nearer to the dragon, emerald sword in hand and looked straight at his father. He knew his father would understand as soon as he started.

"You both are acting like children on a playground, squabbling over the same toys. I'm sorry to say this father, but this one deserves one of the toys more than you."

Rollover +3
Hero (The Black Hand) +1

Gift: 1 AP to Void Dragon
AP Left: 3

2013-07-31, 12:35 AM
The Void Dragon began to feel the Metallic dragons slipping away... until Rand's power coursed into him. Oblivion did not give the impression of smiling. He gave the impression of smirking victoriously. "You know Liberator... there is an easy way for me to get half of what I want." The Dragon growled, grabbing back his claim on the Metallic Dragons. "God of crystal, help me a little bit more please. I do not need your protection, lend me instead your strength. I can deal with the loss of not obtaining the dragons as long as I do not have to deal with him holding them over my head or making a claim that he does not deserve. They are a race, and unlike a society or an artifact they shall not disappear if no one claims them. And as long as they are around and free when their mother returns... I shall be content." Wow, was he actually serious about only holding on to them until the Mother of Dragons returned? How very odd...

And with that, Oblivion gathered the greatest stores of power that his breaking body had to offer, gathering them into a globe of darkness that he brought down towards Liberator and detonated.

Starting HP: 6
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP: 1

2013-07-31, 12:42 AM
Rand simply nodded and furrowed his brow for a second, and sent a little bit more of his power over. This time to the shadow globe. His addition was, physically, small black crystals that bobbed in and out of the ball.

"When power grows, it must come from somewhere. When one thing holds to much power, it disrupts this flow. You, Liberator, have been growing at an alarming rate lately."

Start: 3 AP

-2 AP: Assist the Void Dragon: +2 Attack

1 AP left

2013-07-31, 12:46 AM
drum roll.....
Initial HP - 5
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 0 :smallfrown:

The moment his son spoke the smile left his face. Now he was not only giving The Void Dragon the power to continue fighting, but helping him force Liberator to lose his own grasp on the dragons! The bastard! He has more of Eldritch in him than I thought!

One day, Rand would regret this betrayal. Maybe not one day soon, but one day...

But this was not the time for plotting revenge justice. There was still a battle to fight. And The Dragon was about to set off a massive bomb. All Liberator could do was ensure the blast hit The Dragon along with himself, and simply try to ride out the storm.

At first it seemed like he would be able to weather it and hold onto his claim while the Void Dragon would not. Then the Crystal pierced through him, allowing the void energies to flow through the gap, exposed to more of his true self than they would have been otherwise.

Because of that. Because of his son's intervention, he could not maintain his claim and the metallic dragons would become patronless.

Hidding his bitter rage, and speaking with a differant and compleatly true set of emotions, Liberator laughed lightly and said, It seems you and I agree on one thing, at least. If I couldn't gain patronage of the Metalic Dragons at least you couldn't either.

Turning to his son, Liberator thought in the deepest recedes of his mind, You dammed bastard. If you had just kept your dammed nose out of this I would patron the metalic dragons right now! You did it because you think I had too much power? I will show you what power I have, child, and you will regret your ways. but said with a small smile on his face So, you think my power is tipping the scales too far on the good side for your philosophy regarding balance? I hope you don't plan to aid your friend in our next bout, do you?

2013-07-31, 01:36 AM
"Oh no, that shall not be necessary." The Dragon said, no body present at the moment as that had been utterly dashed apart in the blast of his final attack. It reformed behind Liberator, full dragon form created as he swung with his tail at the back of the other God. That final attack had been rather ingenious, Oblivion had to admit... and oddly, it had actually hurt to be hit like that. Why that cheeky little bastard, he would pay for that. "Now focus, thief, we have one last thing to... debate over."

Final RCR!
HP: 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-07-31, 01:42 AM
Initial HP - 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 10

To be a thief one has to take something that is owned, which I am clearly not doing. Liberator said while letting the Dragon's tail throw him. I would have assumed he realized by now that physical attacks harm me as much as they harm him. Ah well, his mistake.

Liberator instantly relocated to the front of the Void Dragon, smiled brightly in his face, said I wonder what this does, and blasted him with pure, unbridled, yellow justice.

2013-07-31, 02:09 AM
Justice. Pfeh, a hollow substance that left a bitter taste, nothing more. For really, justice in the hands of a hypocrite was as full of essence as Oblivion trying to create happiness and joy and little bunnies in a field. Unfortunately, his body did not seem to be able to handle such a raw amount of it all at once, and again it began to fall apart. His tiny hat did manage to float back to his head, though. "I put forth the first claim, thief, and it is my intention to give it back once the time comes to do so. I have no real use for a plane of Life... it's not my style. But I do not trust it on your hands. Why do you desire it, by the way? Just, out of curiosity..."

And then he made a slash in the multiverse much like the one that had killed the creator, pouring out chaos as he sought to cut open Liberator's body. The other God could give his answer after dealing with that.

HP: 5
Attack roll: [roll0]
Defense roll: [roll1]

2013-07-31, 02:23 AM
Initial HP - 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP 8

For a moment, just a moment, the freedom and justice within Liberator were separated and began to bleed out. As soon as Liberator realized what was happening, he relocated himself and reformed into an orange whole, healing the superficial damage done to his meat suit in the process.

Trying to kill me like you did my father, are you? Its a bit different when coming from the outside rather than the center of one's very being. You did cause me to bleed off some freedom and justice, but that can only help this multiverse, so I suppose I should thank you. You, however, will most likely not have the same feelings about this.

Liberator resonated and created a pure blast of what could only be described as Anti-Void energy. It enveloped The Dragon and nearly completely canceled out its wavelength. Before it could completely, Liberator stopped it.

This was never a fight to the death and I shall not make it one. But remember what I could have done this day, Dragon, and what I may do one day.

As an after though more than anything, To answer your question, I wanted the plane out of your hands more than anything, though there may be some plants and animals that are useful to my people in it. And again you say you can't trust me, but have I ever given you cause for such feelings? The Dragon need know no more than that.

Meanwhile, Liberator began adjusting his new charges to fit with his vision for the multiverse. First would be the Merfolk. They were actually a vile race from a vile god, but with him as their new patron he could see that that behavior changed. He sent to them visions of the just being rewarded and the vile punished, along with the knowledge that their former patron had abandoned them and that the God of Freedom and Justice had taken them in as his own. Before long, almost every Merfolk was sure to repent for their past transgressions. And if not, well... this new death sentence his people came up with for the most heinous crimes did seem like a fine idea, didn't it?

Next came the Deepest Depths. It was far too hazardous to remain as it was. His acquisition did not give him the ability to shape the plane to his will fully. If it did, it would be a totally safe place for life to enter and explore. As things stood, he had to make a choice: Which aspect was most detrimental? The Pressure. Life could adapt more easily to the toxin than it could to crushing pressure. If that meant his people had to create spells to deal with it, then so be it. As the pressure revealed in this infinite plane of water, so did the toxicity. It wasn't removed completely, but it was now at least safe to inhabit, if not necessarily safe to drink.

Then his final acquisition, the Plane of Sanguine Life. Here he would only make a small change. Everything poisonous on this plane would have its primary coloration changed to a brilliant, almost glowing, orange. Also, those Karakas would be able to feed many people if they existed in Hu, so Liberator quickly sent some there.

Liberator was begging to feel exhausted, especially since the blast of pure justice and the temporary separation of the Idealic Energies from his being, but had to at least stand fast long enough for the Dragon to acknowledge what had been done.


Though she knew divine energies had been expended, she knew not why. With a quick message to the other two of the Mortal Trinity, she found none of them had spent the energy, which could only mean one thing: Liberator was finally awake.

The Uplifter had hoped she would one day meet her maker while he woke, though she had sate beside his sleeping form many a time. This is a cause for celebration! The Uplifter, who also happened to be a Dwarfolk, exclaimed to her court once she confirmed none of the others had used the energy. Send word to every city, we shall have greet merriment and jubilation throughout the land!


Jorn was as happy as the next folk that Liberator was up and about again, but he wasn't about to throw a parade about it. Like those surfacers were literally doing. It might just be because I've lived so long, but Our Liberator's coming and going, even if the going lasted longer than ever before, was nothing new.

Jorn Earth-Render, commonly referred to as the Swordbearer, thought about this while working with the military engineers on his latest project (which he had finally gotten aproval from the Meritocratic Congress for. Some days I wish I had just scrapped this whole meritocracy idea and named myself King-Eternal of Subterria -sigh- but at the end of the day the congress is better equipped to run the nation than I would be, even if it takes a few years for them to approve my project...

You see, not too long ago in (the grand scheme of things) many new veins of Adamantine and Mithral had been discovered throughout most of Subterria. The thing is, over the years Jorn noticed a pattern in the placement of these veins and came to a conclusion most were skeptical of: there were only two veins, one of mithral the other adamantine, that wound their way through the whole of Subterria.

It took a long time to prove that simple fact to most people, and even longer to convince them that two massive mining efforts were the best way to exploit these veins. But they finally had.

Jorn was visiting the construction of the Great Mine of Adamantine, while on the other end of Subterria the Great Mine of Mithril was being built. These two massive mines would slowly move down each vein, taking every last speck of mithral and adamantine that was there to take. This concentrated national effort would make the mining easier, as well as speed its process giving more of the ore than would be obtained from the random and sporadic mining efforts of given communities.

With a little chuckle, he though, Not bad for a simple swordsman to think up, eh?

Initial AP-4
-3 AP - Divine Word: The Jubilation of The Coalition
From now on, every time The Coalition is aware of the fact that (or at least thinks) Liberator is awake and active, crime will fall, birthrates will rise, and people will just be all around happier and more satisfied with life.
-1 AP - Alter Land: The Great Mines of Mithral and Adamantine
Two great mines on opposite ends of Subterria that produce most of the worlds supply of mithral and adamantine. They slowly move along two massive ore veins and will one day in the distant future deplete these veins and reach the other side of Subterria from their starting location.
-0 AP - Free Alter Land: The Voidless Hills
When Liberator trapped The Void Dragon in a "protective" shield with his own destructive energies, he thought the shield eventually collapsed under its force. That isn't quite what happened, though. The shield really just expanded and drifted away. Within this area the size of Montana, the essences of the void had trouble affecting things, and as a result voidmagic was impeded and everything shimmered with a mild orange shine. It eventually came to rest centered on the hill that had come to be know as Liberator's Rest, for that is where he chose to rest while still on the material plane.
-0 AP - Free Create Land: The Lines of Freedom and Justice
When the Void Dragon disrupted Liberator in the same way that he killed the Creator, Liberator literally bleed freedom and justice into the world. These energies eventually took the form of new ley lines, one that would empower spells with the [good] descriptor and the other would empower spells with the [chaos] descriptor. The two lines stretched throughout most of Bastion and Hu, and formed a nexus point at Liberator's Rest. An interesting coincidence...
-0 AP Alter Claim: Merfolk
Merfolk are now usually CG instead of CE
-0 AP Alter Claim: The Deepest Depths
Pressures are now bearable and toxicity reduction
-0 AP Alter Claim: The Plain of Sanguine Life
Everything poisonous in this plane has its primary color changed to bright orange so long as it remains on this plane.
Current AP - 0

2013-07-31, 07:18 PM
Jaded State, Aldara, Tandara

The Black Hand: Nina G'Vesk

Nina had been among The Red Hand for quite some time, had procured her number of scars, and had even learned a few tricks with Crystal Magic. After Rand had given her just a little of his power, even if it wasn't hers for forever, her prowess in combat had rose rapidly. She was one of the best warriors Aldara had ever seen. She had even helped defeat Black Slavers group on the north coast. In her time she had only grown a little closer to finding the infamous Red Riders, the slavers who had taken her husband and children from her. That was behind her for the moment, for now there was reports of a strange flying lizard of flesh, like those strange folk from across the ocean, had entered their lands.

Nina strode through the village where the beast had most recently been seen, her squad mates all as skilled as her, showed fear at this unknown creature. The mage of the group had an idea to draw the thing out, a barely-adult known as Tadrac that was in line to become the next Council Head, but for now, he was with her. She had kept him despite the complaints of how new he was due to his overwhelming skill. Once he became the next Council Head, she knew he would help lead the land into a new era of prosperity. Outside the village, Tadrac focused on a large ruby he carried with him, and created a giant image of a black dragon. Mostly accurate do to Council Runners being the main sources of sightings.

Starting AP 1: Nina
1 AP Divine Blessing: Nina's mere presence in the area increases the law in the area, helping the Jaded State region prosper. (Used to maintain Nation)

Queen Sapes
2013-07-31, 07:32 PM
Vectrisis-2, The Plane of Sanguine Life

It had taken a bit of time for Vectrisis to find Liberator, as the god of knowledge and steel was less than knowledgeable about the various planes in creation. But eventually, one of Vectrisis' many reaper agents found Liberator on one of the planes, the cloaked figure of metal appearing before the god. Without a word spoken, Reaper O-19's chest plate split open fully revealing the swirling green core which spit its green light across the plane. With the standard shift of light, Vectrisis appeared before Liberator. "Formal greetings, Liberator. Why is it you have requested my presence?" the armored god said, his calm and emotionless voice filling the space in the world.

Start AP - 14
Rollovers - 9
New AP - 20

2013-07-31, 08:01 PM
Ah, Vectrisis! It is good to see you! If you will excuse me one moment, Void Dragon, while you pull yourself together I'll be having a nice chat with Vectrisis on the other end of this plane! I'll be right back.

Transporting to the far end of the plane (in an easily followable way) Liberator appears and waits a moment for Vectrisis to show up. Once he does, Liberator continues with his conversation, So, Vectrisis, it is now a well known fact that you are a god of knowledge who hold knowledge on everything in the Multiverse there is to know, this is correct?

Queen Sapes
2013-07-31, 09:02 PM
Vectrisis-2, The Plane of Sanguine Life

"Your assumption is only partially correct. My eyes, ears, and hands extend throughout the entire material plane. But only my R.E.A.P.E.R.S. posses any kind of ability to travel across planar boundaries," Vectrisis says as he motions to the quiet figure behind him flickering in and out of reality at quick intervals. "They are a simply a prototype. Able to exist between dimensions, but unable to manifest fully. But nevertheless, I do posses mass quantities of data on all information obtainable within the Prime Material."

2013-07-31, 09:10 PM
Ah. That is... unfortunate. Liberator said with a hint of disappointment. Returning to a bright tone, Liberator continued, No Matter. You still hold vast stores of knowledge on everything material and on most gods. As you most likely know, I have recently become a god of knowledge, myself. Namely the progress of knowledge. With this new domain also cam a thirst to learn I am sure you are quite familair with. What I propose is this: An exchange of knowledge. I impart everything I know to you, and you give me access to everything you know, including that life-sustaining ooze you showed me when last we met. What do you say?

Initial AP - 0
+5 AP - Standard Rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+3 AP - Heroes
Current AP - 10

Queen Sapes
2013-07-31, 09:24 PM
Vectrisis-2, The Plane of Sanguine Life

"The terms you purpose for this arrangement appear to favor you. No insult is intended with this statement, but I doubt there is any significant information you can provide me with. And I must place restrictions upon any access you may be granted further along in this discussion. Using the information within my databases to impact reality in any major way would result in immediate restriction. Copying the information in any capacity would result in immediate restriction. Any attempts to delete any and all information within the database will be met with hostile actions," Vectrisis' booming echo of a voice said, taking upon a slightly hostile pitch towards the end.

2013-07-31, 09:38 PM
Initial HP - 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]
Current HP 8

For a moment, just a moment, the freedom and justice within Liberator were separated and began to bleed out. As soon as Liberator realized what was happening, he relocated himself and reformed into an orange whole, healing the superficial damage done to his meat suit in the process.

Trying to kill me like you did my father, are you? Its a bit different when coming from the outside rather than the center of one's very being. You did cause me to bleed off some freedom and justice, but that can only help this multiverse, so I suppose I should thank you. You, however, will most likely not have the same feelings about this.

Liberator resonated and created a pure blast of what could only be described as Anti-Void energy. It enveloped The Dragon and nearly completely canceled out its wavelength. Before it could completely, Liberator stopped it.

This was never a fight to the death and I shall not make it one. But remember what I could have done this day, Dragon, and what I may do one day.

As an after though more than anything, To answer your question, I wanted the plane out of your hands more than anything, though there may be some plants and animals that are useful to my people in it. And again you say you can't trust me, but have I ever given you cause for such feelings? The Dragon need know no more than that.

Meanwhile, Liberator began adjusting his new charges to fit with his vision for the multiverse. First would be the Merfolk. They were actually a vile race from a vile god, but with him as their new patron he could see that that behavior changed. He sent to them visions of the just being rewarded and the vile punished, along with the knowledge that their former patron had abandoned them and that the God of Freedom and Justice had taken them in as his own. Before long, almost every Merfolk was sure to repent for their past transgressions. And if not, well... this new death sentence his people came up with for the most heinous crimes did seem like a fine idea, didn't it?

Next came the Deepest Depths. It was far too hazardous to remain as it was. The first thing that had to go was the toxin, so that all life could survive there. Then, the needless pressure. Now, once one made it to the bottom of the ocean the pressure slowly returned to that found at the surface the deeper one goes, but no less than the surface. It would still remain totally dark, at least for now.

Then his final acquisition, the Plane of Sanguine Life. Here he would only make a small change. Everything poisonous on this plane would have its primary coloration changed to a brilliant, almost glowing, orange. Also, those Karakas would be able to feed many people if they existed in Hu, so Liberator quickly sent some there.

Liberator was begging to feel exhausted, especially since the blast of pure justice and the temporary separation of the Idealic Energies from his being, but had to at least stand fast long enough for the Dragon to acknowledge what had been done.
There was agony. Extreme, excruciating agony, that the Dragon knew could end... no. No, wait... The Agony could not end in death. From in the flow of the anti-void attack came the agonized laughter of someone who had seen eternal torment before and was faced with it once again, and though Oblivion's body was once more destroyed and his very essence itself was under assault, he knew that he would not die. He knew that he could not die. Not by the hands of this one, at least.

When the energy faded the ravaged mind of Oblivion simply floated without form, mad laughter still emanating from all around. "I will remember, Liberator, though it will not be a lesson in fear. For just as I would not be able to kill you with the essence of Slavery or Injustice, you cannot kill me with my opposite... Though likely for a different reason."

"You see, the opposite of nothing is... something. But from Nothing did Everything come. And that Nothing is what I am. My opposite? It cannot kill me... it can only hurt me on a level so fundamental that you would not understand. It can make me BE." And for showing the Void Dragon that, He would only hate Liberator all the more. "Killing me is beyond your ken. It is beyond that of a mere creator as well, for it is impossible for them to end nothing... but there are even others beyond Creators. They would not even notice ones like you or I... but they could do it. They have that power." Though there was fear in his voice... was that also a hint of awe? And... lust? "But nothing short of them can even come close. I survived a God of Murder's rampage, I avoided a Goddess of Fate spinning my end, I escaped the death of a universe. No, attacks like that shall kill me."

"And you think a portal like that actually kills those that it touches? Please. It is meant to open a door, a path in between the different dimensions and possibilities. If it grabs one who is unwilling, as it did you and the Creator, then it will tug at them and scatter their power... for a time. But kill? No, I said that to cheer myself up and try to intimidate the rest of you into leaving through that nice, open door right there... I did not kill the creator. I grievously wounded him and scattered his parts, and likely banished him from this universe for a time, but he was still very much alive. Until you showed up. You saw us, the "vile" gods, and decided that you would fight us to the bitter end. So, like a parasite, you took what remained of the Creator's life, life that would have continued had you not, and gave yourself flesh. So no, it was no I who killed the creator. I merely wounded him and gave you a chance to be born... sort of like a father gives to a son. Well, my "son"... guess who it was that ended up executing our oh so precious creator as he bled on the floor?" The entity smiled, though it had no body to show this.

"Be sure not to lie to yourself about this, especially not in front of your... stolen child." Those were Eldtritch's energies right there! The Crystal God was the child of the horror, and Liberator had stolen him! Of all the ironic things to call the pompous ball of energy, "Thief" was the most accurate. "Goodbye for now, Liberator... have fun with your new plane." And then he was gone, leaving Liberator and Rand alone. His mind did not remake his body yet, there would be time for that after a quick rest. No... for now he would just not deal with such trivial matters. His new Trident came to him, and he looked down at the Hunterfolk that had now joined his people. More worshipers were always welcome, of course, so he would have to reward Arno for that... But for now, the Dragon would just ensure that his largest groups of followers would stay close to each other... He reinforced the alliance in their minds, making the Hunterfolk more loyal to the Voidwalkers, which in turn had the large reptile-like sentient beings moving closer and closer to the cities of Oblivion's children. The packs would be closer to this civilization now, living close the the Voidwalker peoples so that their alliance would remain strong.

There, that was enough for now... time to rest. When he was ready to make his next move, it would be- Wait a minute. What was going on down there?


Simon, leader of the Void Dragon's church, called down another blast of divine wrath from the void upon this attack force of Darkfolk, feeling almost the last of his divine favor fade away. The Favored Soul swung his blade into another clawfolk's head, ending its life as he called out to his soldiers, [""Stand fast, brothers and sisters! I can feel Arno coming, with his assistance we shall outlast th-"]

And then things, of course, went horrible. Simon found his blade clashing with that of the Darkwalker leader in this party, and a tremor of despair wormed into his heart. With almost no magic, and none that would harm this creature anyway, Simon had to fight his foe with martial skills alone... and he was exhausted and bloodied. Not only that, but Darkwalkers were terrors on the battlefield, able to kill dozens of veteran soldiers each...

And Simon found himself alone.

It did not last long, the Leader of Faith found himself bleeding on the floor, struggling to hold his insides off of the ground while his slayer smiled victoriously. "Let's see your God protect you from that." the Walker whispered, turning his back and walking into the hole he and the other Darkfolk had emerged from. His soldiers continued to fight the Voidwalker forces until Arno's reinforcements arrived and mopped them up... but by then Simon had been on the edge of death's door for too long.

Arno ran up only to find that his immortal companion, the only one he had besides the Swordbearer, dead and gone. No. No! This would not stand! Oblivion had granted him power, and Arno would use it to undo this!

Oblivion held Simon's soul in his hand, not yet absorbing it into his being. There was still inspiration here, and with Arno using his bit of divinity to start forming a miracle... the Void Dragon reformed his body in an instant and felt new power flood him. Ahhhh, wonderful. Use Simon's creativity and Arno's power, infuse it with some of his intent and continuity... yes. A new magic will be born, and Oblivion conveniently had a powerful soul next to his sanctum... it was done in an instant, and though Simon's body did not rise, a black suit of armor that glowed a dark green formed in the air beside it. The risen armor-bound spirit stretched out his new body admiringly, enjoying the new rush of raw power and wondering at the new connection his God had given him to his mind.

The spirit decided to rename himself. Something a little more... fitting for the new weapon of the Lord of the Void. ["Searin... yes. Yes that will do nicely..."]

And the new, undead, hero of the Void went forth on that day as Oblivion founded a new Order, the magic of Necromacy being what it sought to master. Ordo Necros, an organization that attempted to break the barrier between life and death... and a well kept secret of the Void Walkers, for their Hufolk allies might see it as akin to Darkfolk corruption, though, for the most part, it seems to be more geared towards dealing with the body than the soul... fear knew no bounds. So then to keep war away for now, it would be secret. Just for now...

Searin smirked through his helm. ["Until the dragon is ready..."] Was a whisper. And he could help his God prepare... What an honor.


The Black Dragon's flight and adventure were going along nicely, simple and happy. There was nothing to really eat here, but that was fine. It just had to fly to the ocean whenever it needed a snack anyway, so there was no reason to go back regardless. So it just ambled along, occasionally spewing poison at a random rock-person pointlessly (as they didn't seem to breathe, so the poison did nothing...). It was good fun.

Rollover time!: Voidy (+5 (+1 from Pantheon head)), Arno (+1), First Hunter (+.5), Searin (1 as a leader (max), 0 as a hero (just created)

Claim the Trident: +1 attack

-0: Modify the Hunterfolk so that they live in and around cities more often and are loyal to the Voidwalkers. (Also, claim their worship)

-3 AP Magical Concept: Necromacy, (1 Voidy, 1 Arno, 1 Searin (leader AP)): The Magic of Necromacy, powered by Void energies. This creates the Arcane school of Necromacy and brings the level of Divine necromantic magic up (as in, higher spell levels of Necromantic magic for divine casters now exist). This is powered by Void Magic, so it is harmful to most living beings who are not somehow protected from Void energies.

-1 AP Create Monstrous Race: Basic (mindless) undead (Voidy): Basic Zombies and Skeletons, nothing else.

-2 AP Raise Hero: Searin (Voidy): Raises the leader Simon into the undead spirit Searin, which has levels in Favored Soul and Necromancer. Searin is Undead, is mentally connected to Voidy, has Spell Resistance 19 and the Improved Voidblessing* template. He has no physical body (just a metal shell made of a strange metal...), so only magical weapons and magic can harm him. He is the leader of Ordo Necros and Ordo Oblivio, the former is secret and the later is public... though Searin is the only revealed Undead at this time. He is still immortal.

*Creatures with Improved Voidblessing have ER 8, SR +2 and DR 3/ alignment.

-1 AP establish Order: Ordo Necros (Voidy): A secret Order established to improve and manipulate the arcane aspect of Necromacy. It is run by Searin (along with Ordo Oblivio), who is the only Undead recognized publicly by the Voidwalkers. Made of mostly apprentice necromancers, they also have masters of the art who take the full title for themselves.

Create free class: Mages: Normal, every day old mages. They only have access to Necomantic (only voidwalkers, since they are keeping it secret right now) magic for now, as this is the only arcane magics that exist at this time. If the mage has access to Crystal Magic, they can use any magic school that is in existence. (Base class, PC)

Create free class: Necromancer: Masters of the necromantic arts, these mages have increased ability to cast spells of their chosen school and can control an increased number of undead when compared to a normal mage.

Final AP: 0 (Voidy), 0 (Arno), 0 (Searin), .5 (First Hunter)

2013-07-31, 09:52 PM
Ah... Well then... Liberator nervously clears his throat I can assure you, in all honesty, that I will not use any information gained solely from you to alter the course of the planes. And while I am sure there is little I could tell you about the material plane, you admit yourself that you have little knowledge of the other planes. That is the knowledge I will impart. I forged the layer of Tranquility with my own hands and have become the patron of two other planes of existence. I can tell you about them, and every other plane that you cannot visit yourself. What do you say to this?

2013-07-31, 10:03 PM
Jaded State, Aldara, Tandara

The Black Hand: Nina G'Vesk and Tadrac G'Yeat

"Ugh, this isn't working Tadrac. Have it move around will ya?"

Nina said as she playfully smacked Tadrac on the back of the head.

"All right, all right. Give me a second. There, happy?

Tadrac said as the black beast began to circle around and make close sounding roars to that of the original.


(Just doing that so its a little easier to identify)

Starting AP: 0
Rollover: 3 AP +1 (Nina)

Blessing 1 AP: Commanding Presence: Nina and the rest of her squad have a presence that demands respect and order, making every physical laborer and lawman in the region to work harder and orderly, increasing local production and slightly reducing crime.

End AP: 3

2013-07-31, 10:11 PM
The Dragon finally noticed the image of the Dragon flying about and began to sweep down from the clouds, circling slowly as it drifted to the ground. Once the Dragon was close enough, it began to notice that many things about it were just... off. For one thing, the wings did not ripple in the wind. For another, the top of its body seemed to shimmer and break every once in a while... as well, the wings did not flap often enough. Also, it could sense magic projecting this image once they almost touched. Hmmm... The Dragon's course suddenly darted down, diving to land next to the stone creatures projecting this falsehood. And then it spoke in a true language, "You wished to draw me, little amusing ones. What is it you wish to talk about or see?" Yup, the evil dragon is not really caring so much that it was tricked, nor is it all that concerned... instead it is curious. What are these strange creatures?

2013-07-31, 10:23 PM
The Dragon finally noticed the image of the Dragon flying about and began to sweep down from the clouds, circling slowly as it drifted to the ground. Once the Dragon was close enough, it began to notice that many things about it were just... off. For one thing, the wings did not ripple in the wind. For another, the top of its body seemed to shimmer and break every once in a while... as well, the wings did not flap often enough. Also, it could sense magic projecting this image once they almost touched. Hmmm... The Dragon's course suddenly darted down, diving to land next to the stone creatures projecting this falsehood. And then it spoke in a true language, "You wished to draw me, little amusing ones. What is it you wish to talk about or see?" Yup, the evil dragon is not really caring so much that it was tricked, nor is it all that concerned... instead it is curious. What are these strange creatures?

Jaded State, Aldara, Tandara

The Black Hand: Nina G'Vesk and Tadrac G'Yeat

"So the beast speaks does it? Very well then, that makes are job that much easier."

Nina said to as Tadrac dispelled his illusion. Stepping forward, she didn't bother drawing her blade. After a moment of studying it in person, she realized how truly powerful this creature is. It wasn't a crystal beast, but it was still powerful.

"The Aldara Council, and most specifically, the Council Head, has sent us to respond to this reports of a new flesh creature arriving on our shores. After our encounter with the Dwarfolk and Hufolk, they wanted to respond as quickly as possible. Tell us, who are you, what are you, and why are you here?"

She said, obviously ready to jump into action if needed, Tadrac next to her, still had the ruby floating in his hands, ready to cast a spell. The rest of her squad looked more uneasy, though they were just as ready to jump into action.

2013-07-31, 10:33 PM
Jaded State, Aldara, Tandara

The Black Hand: Nina G'Vesk and Tadrac G'Yeat

"So the beast speaks does it? Very well then, that makes are job that much easier."

Nina said to as Tadrac dispelled his illusion. Stepping forward, she didn't bother drawing her blade. After a moment of studying it in person, she realized how truly powerful this creature is. It wasn't a crystal beast, but it was still powerful.

"The Aldara Council, and most specifically, the Council Head, has sent us to respond to this reports of a new flesh creature arriving on our shores. After our encounter with the Dwarfolk and Hufolk, they wanted to respond as quickly as possible. Tell us, who are you, what are you, and why are you here?"

She said, obviously ready to jump into action if needed, Tadrac next to her, still had the ruby floating in his hands, ready to cast a spell. The rest of her squad looked more uneasy, though they were just as ready to jump into action.

"Me? I am Viseron the Black. One of the first Black Dragons... as for why I am here, I found a gateway and walked through because I was bored." That was a very simple way to tell them everything they had asked and nothing more. "My turn, Who are you, what are you, Why do you not die when I breathe upon you and do you like mind games and riddles?" My my, what a pushy little dragon.

Queen Sapes
2013-07-31, 10:39 PM
Vectrisis-2, The Plane of Sanguine Life

"Should I accept this proposition I would be acquiring potentially subjective information. Such data would be recorded but could not be recognized as reliable information. The database requires factual information, not speculative, subjective, or hearsay. I recognize that you accept the terms I presented for use. I will accept your offer to detail information to me, but I must purpose a new term. I request that you assist me in creation of a means to access the other planes, and allow easy movement of members of my swarm between realities.

2013-07-31, 10:45 PM
"Me? I am Viseron the Black. One of the first Black Dragons... as for why I am here, I found a gateway and walked through because I was bored." That was a very simple way to tell them everything they had asked and nothing more. "My turn, Who are you, what are you, Why do you not die when I breathe upon you and do you like mind games and riddles?" My my, what a pushy little dragon.

Jaded State, Aldara, Tandara

The Black Hand: Nina G'Vesk and Tadrac G'Yeat

"Well Viseron, my name is Nina G'Vesk, and this here is Tadrac G'Yeat. We are known as Aldariafolk, of the land of Aldara, on the continent of Tandara, as made by Rand Toryth. We are immune to most poisons and diseases that affect flesh creatures. Why wouldn't we like mind games and riddles? Our primary form of trade is that of knowledge and entertainment, considering how our land is so rich in what other races consider rare.

Nina said as she leaned onto Tadrac, who was surprisingly strong despite his small frame and easily held her up. Where her voice was smooth and swift, his voice was rough and sounds like it should actually come from a throat of crystal.

"Yes, yes. What an odd creature this one is. Though, I think of all beings made of flesh odd."

He said, sounding almost bored with the situation at hand, and was more focused on recording everything he could about the creature. Several crystals breaking off of the ruby to float around the beast, capturing it from every angle.

2013-07-31, 10:50 PM
Vectrisis-2, The Plane of Sanguine Life

"Should I accept this proposition I would be acquiring potentially subjective information. Such data would be recorded but could not be recognized as reliable information. The database requires factual information, not speculative, subjective, or hearsay. I recognize that you accept the terms I presented for use. I will accept your offer to detail information to me, but I must purpose a new term. I request that you assist me in creation of a means to access the other planes, and allow easy movement of members of my swarm between realities.

These terms are definitly acceptable to me. Why wouldn't they be, Liberator thought, It just means more knowledge for my own purposes.

Then it is agreed, I can access your databanks and have access to your life-sustaining ooze so long as I abide by the agreed upon terms and help your creations travel the planes?

This is a far more favorable deal than I had ever imagined...

2013-07-31, 10:58 PM
Jaded State, Aldara, Tandara

The Black Hand: Nina G'Vesk and Tadrac G'Yeat

"Well Viseron, my name is Nina G'Vesk, and this here is Tadrac G'Yeat. We are known as Aldariafolk, of the land of Aldara, on the continent of Tandara, as made by Rand Toryth. We are immune to most poisons and diseases that affect flesh creatures. Why wouldn't we like mind games and riddles? Our primary form of trade is that of knowledge and entertainment, considering how our land is so rich in what other races consider rare.

Nina said as she leaned onto Tadrac, who was surprisingly strong despite his small frame and easily held her up. Where her voice was smooth and swift, his voice was rough and sounds like it should actually come from a throat of crystal.

"Yes, yes. What an odd creature this one is. Though, I think of all beings made of flesh odd."

He said, sounding almost bored with the situation at hand, and was more focused on recording everything he could about the creature. Several crystals breaking off of the ruby to float around the beast, capturing it from every angle.

"Ahhhh... an advanced race then." The Dragon whispered happily. It looked at the bored one and reached out one claw, carefully tilting it so that the much, much smaller being was forced to look at the majestic beast. It inspected him as one inspects an interesting bug, picking Tadrac up between two claws somewhat gently as it continued its inspection."Hmmm, yes, yes, I see... hmmmm, interesting..." Viseron mumbled, just as bored as Tadrac had been

Queen Sapes
2013-07-31, 11:08 PM
Vectrisis-2, The Plane of Sanguine Life

"Correct, pending your cooperation in construction of a means to allow transport. You can access the database from one of ten-thousand-nine-hundred-sixty-one operational access points within my moon. Use of the liquid will remain extremely limited until proper usage has been confirmed. Defy any single rule of designated use of my database and your access will be immediately terminated, potentially followed by hostile repercussions. It would be beneficial if this partnership was long-lasting and benefited both parties. I expect your arrival at my database in short order," Vectrisis said as the light shifted and Vectrisis disappeared, followed quickly by the reaper.

Start AP - 20
4 - Gain Domain: Craft (Metal)
3 - The Moon
2 - The Central Hub
3 - The Biga, Ril, and Locatu
2 - Children of the Swarm
1 - The Prophet
5 - The Dataweave
Ascend to Lesser Deity
5 - Break the Chains
End AP - 11

2013-07-31, 11:19 PM
"Ahhhh... an advanced race then." The Dragon whispered happily. It looked at the bored one and reached out one claw, carefully tilting it so that the much, much smaller being was forced to look at the majestic beast. It inspected him as one inspects an interesting bug, picking Tadrac up between two claws somewhat gently as it continued its inspection."Hmmm, yes, yes, I see... hmmmm, interesting..." Viseron mumbled, just as bored as Tadrac had been

One of the crystals falter as the dragon picks Tadrac up, and then after a moment, they all elongate into shafts of energy, a good chunk to the ruby crumbling into dust. Tadracs long hair whipped back behind him as he focused his thoughts on the crystal. Before the shafts of energy could even form, Nina had her weapon out, as did the rest of the squad, others holding gems of a smaller size, humming with power. The other thirteen members of the squad were already swiftly circling the beast at a distance, only Nina stood her ground, sword and shield at the ready, but not moving, a crystal on her shield glowing.

"I would heavily recommend you put the man down dragon."

"Quite right, your messing up my records."

2013-07-31, 11:52 PM
One of the crystals falter as the dragon picks Tadrac up, and then after a moment, they all elongate into shafts of energy, a good chunk to the ruby crumbling into dust. Tadracs long hair whipped back behind him as he focused his thoughts on the crystal. Before the shafts of energy could even form, Nina had her weapon out, as did the rest of the squad, others holding gems of a smaller size, humming with power. The other thirteen members of the squad were already swiftly circling the beast at a distance, only Nina stood her ground, sword and shield at the ready, but not moving, a crystal on her shield glowing.

"I would heavily recommend you put the man down dragon."

"Quite right, your messing up my records."

The dragon sniffed the air curiously, taking in the scent of... "Magic. Ahhhhh... there it is." It mumbled, not putting its test subject, maybe prey, Viseron had not yet decided, down yet. Instead it placed him safely into its palm as it took the scent in. "But raw stuff, weak. Unrefined. Hmph, it needs time to grow and direction... at least in the Twilight Lands it had that... though I will admit your magic does have quite the usage to it. Channel it through crystals, do you? I assume that is why your shield glows like it does, and why it radiates such a strong stench of magic... oh, and you yourselves are likely fueled by the stuff, I'm sure. So do you call forth the magic from the crystals themselves? Is that why they crumbled to ash like that?" The Dragon spoke quickly, not waiting for an answer as it began the next question. This was knowledge, warfare could wait until Viseron had his mitts on how they did this...


Meanwhile, a ripple formed in the air above a random point on the southern most tip of Bastion, the sky itself seeming to break as a cloud of pure, swirling darkness deposited itself into the air. No, darkness was not the word for it... it was the rejection of light in such an absolute form that any light that struck it was consumed by the darkness and obliterated. But there was... a sense of pent up energy, of raw power coming from this shifting cloud bank. It lazily shifted in the air, seemingly uncaring of which way the wind blew as the Void energy moved across the sky, blocking out the sunlight where it went. This was the Maelstrom... and for now the large cloud bank did nothing but float there harmlessly. What else could it do, after all? It was only the echo of a final attack...

Meanwhile next to the Nexus, one of the lakes began to turn red... and continued to do so until it was a pure, almost black crimson. When water evaporated from this pool of the Liberator's "normal" blood, it collected in the rain clouds around and almost immediately dropped back to earth, making the land around it rich with nutrients and the animals that drank from it more physically imposing, fertile and healthy. If discovered, it would do the same thing for those of the Void that drank from it... only to a greater degree, as a final slap to the Liberator's face.

So yeah, those are my alter land actions.

The Maelstrom: A large cloud of void energies (think the size of Japan) that just sort of float around, doing nothing by blocking up air space with its deadly presence.

Blood Lake: A lake that increases the physical capabilities of those that drink from it and that gives the same bonus to those that eat of the food grown from its water. In the Voidlands, next to the largest Pyramid in the world (the Nexus)

Oh also, in case it wasn't clear in the description, the Pyramids all look like Myan or Aztec pyramids, not egyptian. Just for future reference. :smalltongue:

2013-07-31, 11:56 PM
Guess I'll have to call him back once I talk with The Dragon. With that, Liberator returned to the Dragon's side (or at least what used to be his side) and said, Do you have anything to say to me yet?

What came next shook Liberator to his core.

In shellshocked tones, Liberator said, I'm sorry, Rand, we can talk more later. If you would please excuse me... And before his son could say anything, Liberator was in the Deepest Depths, the dark and the cold of this realm reflecting how he felt.

Is that true? Would The Creator have survived? Would my father have lived had I not used his life to started my own? He was falling apart, his Idealic Energies spreading further and further apart. Some even dissolved, like the order and chaos that formed Vectrisis. The creator could not fully recover from that, regardless of what that Dragon things... But he still might not have died...

Wracked with guild, Liberator began going over and over it again in his mind. How the creator was unconscious and dieing, how he had taken the last bit of his life to give himself form, how... Wait. Liberator said with dawning realization, I used the last spark of his life to fuel my own. No, not as fuel. I used it as my own. I took that spark of life from his dieing body and gave it to myself. My life is his life... Though I may not have the memories of it, I am not the child of the Creator, but the creator himself, reborn to become something greater than I was before!

Liberator laughed with manic glee. Then, he paused to ponder for a moment... Hm... I do not think I should reveal this information just yet. I will give it to Vectrisis for his databanks, since only he and I look at them, and who is he going to tell? But this knowledge is too valuable to let the most vile gods know yet... If I thought they were a threat before, imagine how they would unite against me once they knew I was the reincarnation of the Creator...

Upon realizing he was the reincarnation of the creator, Liberator realized something else. Since I am he, he had far more power than any god in this realm, and he existed in the material plane, then there must be a way for myself to exist as well.

Liberator focused on his core life-force, below even the Idealic Energies of his being, and focused on it. He focused on himself as The Creator, on how he existed in the mortal realm with such power, and glowed brightly with a... white light. He felt the change in his nature, that the chains keeping him out of the material world had been broken, and he could walk amongst his people once more.

In an instant Liberator was at the Green Moon, waiting for Vectrisis to speak with him...

Initial AP - 10
-5 AP - Break the Chains
Liberator can once more walk the Material World.
Current AP - 5

2013-08-01, 12:07 AM
The dragon sniffed the air curiously, taking in the scent of... "Magic. Ahhhhh... there it is." It mumbled, not putting its test subject, maybe prey, Viseron had not yet decided, down yet. Instead it placed him safely into its palm as it took the scent in. "But raw stuff, weak. Unrefined. Hmph, it needs time to grow and direction... at least in the Twilight Lands it had that... though I will admit your magic does have quite the usage to it. Channel it through crystals, do you? I assume that is why your shield glows like it does, and why it radiates such a strong stench of magic... oh, and you yourselves are likely fueled by the stuff, I'm sure. So do you call forth the magic from the crystals themselves? Is that why they crumbled to ash like that?" The Dragon spoke quickly, not waiting for an answer as it began the next question. This was knowledge, warfare could wait until Viseron had his mitts on how they did this...


Meanwhile, a ripple formed in the air above a random point on the southern most tip of Bastion, the sky itself seeming to break as a cloud of pure, swirling darkness deposited itself into the air. No, darkness was not the word for it... it was the rejection of light in such an absolute form that any light that struck it was consumed by the darkness and obliterated. But there was... a sense of pent up energy, of raw power coming from this shifting cloud bank. It lazily shifted in the air, seemingly uncaring of which way the wind blew as the Void energy moved across the sky, blocking out the sunlight where it went. This was the Maelstrom... and for now the large cloud bank did nothing but float there harmlessly. What else could it do, after all? It was only the echo of a final attack...

Meanwhile next to the Nexus, one of the lakes began to turn red... and continued to do so until it was a pure, almost black crimson. When water evaporated from this pool of the Liberator's "normal" blood, it collected in the rain clouds around and almost immediately dropped back to earth, making the land around it rich with nutrients and the animals that drank from it more physically imposing, fertile and healthy. If discovered, it would do the same thing for those of the Void that drank from it... only to a greater degree, as a final slap to the Liberator's face.

So yeah, those are my alter land actions.

The Maelstrom: A large cloud of void energies (think the size of Japan) that just sort of float around, doing nothing by blocking up air space with its deadly presence.

Blood Lake: A lake that increases the physical capabilities of those that drink from it and that gives the same bonus to those that eat of the food grown from its water. In the Voidlands, next to the largest Pyramid in the world (the Nexus)

Oh also, in case it wasn't clear in the description, the Pyramids all look like Myan or Aztec pyramids, not egyptian. Just for future reference. :smalltongue:

"Magic is intergral both to our lives and our society, just about every Aldarifolk can use crystal magic. Crystal magic, as you realize, does indeed draw energy from the material itself, breaking it down and destroy it totally. Nothing remains. We are a rather young race by this worlds standards, our creator being one of the newest gods in this realm. We have yet to have time to refine our magic as much as we wish to, and thus, while it is raw, it still holds power. Magic permeates every living thing in this land. From the smallest bee, to the greatest predator."

Tadrac said as the energy shafts continued to circle around the dragon, Nina's sword now had a small orb at the tip of it, a good third of her crystal gone.

2013-08-01, 12:16 AM
"Magic is intergral both to our lives and our society, just about every Aldarifolk can use crystal magic. Crystal magic, as you realize, does indeed draw energy from the material itself, breaking it down and destroy it totally. Nothing remains. We are a rather young race by this worlds standards, our creator being one of the newest gods in this realm. We have yet to have time to refine our magic as much as we wish to, and thus, while it is raw, it still holds power. Magic permeates every living thing in this land. From the smallest bee, to the greatest predator."

Tadrac said as the energy shafts continued to circle around the dragon, Nina's sword now had a small orb at the tip of it, a good third of her crystal gone.

"Hmmmm..." What a very interesting creature. He did know that Viseron need only clench its claws to destroy him and end his magics before ravaging the forces here and flying home, correct? Such a fearless little creature... His companions actually seemed to have common sense about them, at least. "I shall tell you what... I will bring you and one other to the Voidlands curious little being. There you will find one of the elder races... who are a might more advanced magically than you, I dare say. In return... well, in return I get one of you to talk with and pose mind games to. Basically, a page or companion if you will." And a convenient political prisoner... "Someone who can teach me how to use your... young magic."

2013-08-01, 12:49 AM
"Hmmmm..." What a very interesting creature. He did know that Viseron need only clench its claws to destroy him and end his magics before ravaging the forces here and flying home, correct? Such a fearless little creature... His companions actually seemed to have common sense about them, at least. "I shall tell you what... I will bring you and one other to the Voidlands curious little being. There you will find one of the elder races... who are a might more advanced magically than you, I dare say. In return... well, in return I get one of you to talk with and pose mind games to. Basically, a page or companion if you will." And a convenient political prisoner... "Someone who can teach me how to use your... young magic."

"Do EITHER of you have common sense?"

Nina said, addressing both the Dragon and Tadrac in his hand. After a moment of trying to figure out just how these two did this, she shakes her head.

"All right, all right. I'll come with you, its not like this idiot will do anything sensible without someone to hold his arm."

She said as she sheathed her sword.

"As for the one to teach you, you'll have to go to the
capital and talk to the Council Head for that one.

2013-08-01, 12:54 AM
"Do EITHER of you have common sense?"

Nina said, addressing both the Dragon and Tadrac in his hand. After a moment of trying to figure out just how these two did this, she shakes her head.

"All right, all right. I'll come with you, its not like this idiot will do anything sensible without someone to hold his arm."

She said as she sheathed her sword.

"As for the one to teach you, you'll have to go to the
capital and talk to the Council Head for that one.

So then, Viseron would have to wait for a while... fine. If there is one way to get a black dragon on your side, it is to dangle magical power in front of its nose. "Deal." Viseron mumbled, leaning down and holding out its other front talon for her to hop on. "Join me, Nina. It shall be much faster this way than merely walking, and we have a bit of distance to cover..."

2013-08-01, 01:05 AM
So then, Viseron would have to wait for a while... fine. If there is one way to get a black dragon on your side, it is to dangle magical power in front of its nose. "Deal." Viseron mumbled, leaning down and holding out its other front talon for her to hop on. "Join me, Nina. It shall be much faster this way than merely walking, and we have a bit of distance to cover..."

Nina hops on, her shield strapped on her back, the gem glowing faintly from the unused energy being artificially stored within.

"This is going to be most interesting. Yes, most interesting indeed."

Tadrac said as he stored the energy he had used in what was left of its ruby. He frowned at the destroyed data, but was happy enough in the future exchange to ignore that for the time being.

2013-08-01, 01:15 AM
Nina hops on, her shield strapped on her back, the gem glowing faintly from the unused energy being artificially stored within.

"This is going to be most interesting. Yes, most interesting indeed."

Tadrac said as he stored the energy he had used in what was left of its ruby. He frowned at the destroyed data, but was happy enough in the future exchange to ignore that for the time being.

The dragon's lip curled up in slight amusement, and a low chuckle rolled from its belly before it told them, "Hold on to your... well, you know what? You'll be fine." Viseron chuckled as its wings uncurled. With a single sweep of the great leatheren limbs and some of the Dragon's natural magic, the trio was flung into the air, flying with incredibly swiftness as Viseron plotted a course directly back to the pyramid from which it had just come...

2013-08-01, 01:25 AM
The dragon's lip curled up in slight amusement, and a low chuckle rolled from its belly before it told them, "Hold on to your... well, you know what? You'll be fine." Viseron chuckled as its wings uncurled. With a single sweep of the great leatheren limbs and some of the Dragon's natural magic, the trio was flung into the air, flying with incredibly swiftness as Viseron plotted a course directly back to the pyramid from which it had just come...

Tadrac watches the strange flesh creature in flight and takes notes, watching the flow of magic around him, though it came from an unknown source. Nina just hangs on tightly, her grip enough to turn granite into dust, though that was at least partially from enchanted armor. As the flew, the rest of the squad regrouped and made their way as quickly as possible to the nearest village to send a Council Runner to the capital.

2013-08-01, 10:51 AM
Tadrac watches the strange flesh creature in flight and takes notes, watching the flow of magic around him, though it came from an unknown source. Nina just hangs on tightly, her grip enough to turn granite into dust, though that was at least partially from enchanted armor. As the flew, the rest of the squad regrouped and made their way as quickly as possible to the nearest village to send a Council Runner to the capital.

Viseron grunted slightly at the strength of her grip. This one was strong... The other, still bored. Hmph, some people just didn't appreciate the majesty of flight. Ah well, they were almost there anyway...

The dragon slowed to a stop as it landed beside the pyramid it had entered from, putting its claws down so that the two could step off and it could walk on its own two feet. Ah, the power of its father radiating from the top of this structure felt good to be around once more. "It is through here, follow me." Viseron ordered, walking with a slight limp in one claw for some reason as it entered the structure...

2013-08-01, 11:57 AM
Viseron grunted slightly at the strength of her grip. This one was strong... The other, still bored. Hmph, some people just didn't appreciate the majesty of flight. Ah well, they were almost there anyway...

The dragon slowed to a stop as it landed beside the pyramid it had entered from, putting its claws down so that the two could step off and it could walk on its own two feet. Ah, the power of its father radiating from the top of this structure felt good to be around once more. "It is through here, follow me." Viseron ordered, walking with a slight limp in one claw for some reason as it entered the structure...

Nina smirked slightly as Viseron limped after they landed. So this thing could be hurt, that would be good news if it stabbed them in the back. She followed it shortly after smacking Tadrac on the back of the head, he stumbled slightly before straightening his armor and following in line behind her.

"Well there was no need for that now was there?"

2013-08-01, 03:01 PM
Nina smirked slightly as Viseron limped after they landed. So this thing could be hurt, that would be good news if it stabbed them in the back. She followed it shortly after smacking Tadrac on the back of the head, he stumbled slightly before straightening his armor and following in line behind her.

"Well there was no need for that now was there?"

"I thought it was funny." The dragon mumbled with a bit of a chuckle. It then walked in silence until it reached what seemed to be a solid black wall of energy. It paused for a moment, mumbled "So that's what it looks like from this side..." Then it pushed its snout forward, not feeling more than a slight sting as void energy pulled at it. "Oh, you may want to run through this next part..."

And with that, Viseron followed its own advice and rushed through the deadly air of the Twilight-side of the pyramid.

2013-08-01, 03:58 PM
"I thought it was funny." The dragon mumbled with a bit of a chuckle. It then walked in silence until it reached what seemed to be a solid black wall of energy. It paused for a moment, mumbled "So that's what it looks like from this side..." Then it pushed its snout forward, not feeling more than a slight sting as void energy pulled at it. "Oh, you may want to run through this next part..."

And with that, Viseron followed its own advice and rushed through the deadly air of the Twilight-side of the pyramid.

Without waiting for Tadrac's response, Nina grabbed him and easily hoisted him over her shoulder. After steeling herself for a moment, she took off at full sprint. Gasping from the pain that shot through her body. Tadrac on the other hand barely made a sound, only a short grunt as he passed through the barrier. His quickly started to crumble once more as he formed a skin tight barrier between them and the darkness around them, and even then Nina still panted from the pain.

2013-08-02, 12:16 AM
It was an hour before the three passed out of the Void Air*, yet Viseron still nearly collapsed in relief once he escaped it. It hissed in annoyance as the sun was able to penetrate the now-faded cloud of darkness that usually surrounded the chromatic dragons, causing smoke to rise from the dragon's scales before it reinforced the normal barrier of magic, now that they were out of the disruptive energies of the Void. "Bah, such an annoyance... Perhaps the Voidwalkers will be able to help you... us return without that inconvenience... Oh holy Goheng..." That last part was muttered as Viseron heard the cry of a very, very familiar dragon.

The Gold landed rather loudly and rather close to the weakened black and its two companions, seeming to be a little pissed off for some reason. "You have some nerve showing yourself here, VISERETH!" Yep, the Gold definitely knew the Black, and he had used her proper name as well! Didn't he know that gave certain mortals a degree of control over a Dragon? That bastard! "After what I did to you last time for hunting and killing a small clutch of new-"

Visereth had not been listening and rolled her eyes before proclaiming, "I have two visitors and they can teach us a new form of magic." There, that shut the stupid Gold dead in his tracks. "If you can keep your trap shut and let me lead them to the Voidwalkers..."

"Hey! Are you implying that I talk too much? I'll have you know that amongst golds, I am known for my stoic, noble silence and for holding my tongue-"

"Shut! Up! Dear lord, you're like a squirrel I swear... IF you let us through, THEN I might let you in on the deal." Visereth muttered with an exasperated sigh.

"... You did say... magic, right?" And Visereth knew she had him. Golds were almost as bad as Blacks when it came to magic... though they were less willing to kill to get their mitts on it.

"Of course Bilos my dear, sweet lovable chatterbox of infinite restrictions." She would need somewhere to hide the body, but magic had been part of the deal... and once she learned to master it, he would realize just how she meant for him to learn it. "Now come, let us lead our guests to Waypoint... to discuss the magic they have come so far to find."

*Void Air in the temples, for the sake of story, does not disrupt all non-void magic instantly (think over the course of half an hour instead) and only deals 30 damage an hour instead of 10 damage a round to non-voidblessed creatures.

2013-08-02, 12:24 AM
It was an hour before the three passed out of the Void Air*, yet Viseron still nearly collapsed in relief once he escaped it. It hissed in annoyance as the sun was able to penetrate the now-faded cloud of darkness that usually surrounded the chromatic dragons, causing smoke to rise from the dragon's scales before it reinforced the normal barrier of magic, now that they were out of the disruptive energies of the Void. "Bah, such an annoyance... Perhaps the Voidwalkers will be able to help you... us return without that inconvenience... Oh holy Goheng..." That last part was muttered as Viseron heard the cry of a very, very familiar dragon.

The Gold landed rather loudly and rather close to the weakened black and its two companions, seeming to be a little pissed off for some reason. "You have some nerve showing yourself here, VISERETH!" Yep, the Gold definitely knew the Black, and he had used her proper name as well! Didn't he know that gave certain mortals a degree of control over a Dragon? That bastard! "After what I did to you last time for hunting and killing a small clutch of new-"

Visereth had not been listening and rolled her eyes before proclaiming, "I have two visitors and they can teach us a new form of magic." There, that shut the stupid Gold dead in his tracks. "If you can keep your trap shut and let me lead them to the Voidwalkers..."

"Hey! Are you implying that I talk too much? I'll have you know that amongst golds, I am known for my stoic, noble silence and for holding my tongue-"

"Shut! Up! Dear lord, you're like a squirrel I swear... IF you let us through, THEN I might let you in on the deal." Visereth muttered with an exasperated sigh.

"... You did say... magic, right?" And Visereth knew she had him. Golds were almost as bad as Blacks when it came to magic... though they were less willing to kill to get their mitts on it.

"Of course Bilos my dear, sweet lovable chatterbox of infinite restrictions." She would need somewhere to hide the body, but magic had been part of the deal... and once she learned to master it, he would realize just how she meant for him to learn it. "Now come, let us lead our guests to Waypoint... to discuss the magic they have come so far to find."

*Void Air in the temples, for the sake of story, does not disrupt all non-void magic instantly (think over the course of half an hour instead) and only deals 30 damage an hour instead of 10 damage a round to non-voidblessed creatures.

"Holy gods does that sting."

Nina said through gritted teeth, still holding Tadrac on her shoulder. Tadrac's entire ruby was gone, and it was evident by their cracked skin it hadn't held out for them very long. Nina was in considerably better shape than Tadrac, but Tadrac could still move on his own.

"Multiple breeds, interesting but not unheard of."

Tadrac muttered to himself as they followed the two large dragons.

2013-08-02, 01:14 AM
"Holy gods does that sting."

Nina said through gritted teeth, still holding Tadrac on her shoulder. Tadrac's entire ruby was gone, and it was evident by their cracked skin it hadn't held out for them very long. Nina was in considerably better shape than Tadrac, but Tadrac could still move on his own.

"Multiple breeds, interesting but not unheard of."

Tadrac muttered to himself as they followed the two large dragons.

The journey would have taken four months by foot, if they had gone by foot. Instead they flew, so it would take them three days. They passed over two more of those pyramids on the trip, though these ones were hole and had enough Void Air in them that they gave off a bit of a black glow... Not places to visit and bring the kids to. Well, unless... "The people we are bringing you to can pass through the temples without harm. I do not know why or how, but they say it has something to do with their God... When I was here last, they were just starting to realize the potential of their power."

"Oh, they are a bit farther than that these days. Why, I saw them just the other year, leading some people that looked rather dead around and orchestrating them with some of their magics... vile nasty stuff that, but most definitely useful. After all, dead people don't get tired, and they can still be directed to making rather good buildings I suppose..." Bilos commented from behind them, attempting and succeeding in being helpful. For once.

2013-08-02, 07:40 AM
The journey would have taken four months by foot, if they had gone by foot. Instead they flew, so it would take them three days. They passed over two more of those pyramids on the trip, though these ones were hole and had enough Void Air in them that they gave off a bit of a black glow... Not places to visit and bring the kids to. Well, unless... "The people we are bringing you to can pass through the temples without harm. I do not know why or how, but they say it has something to do with their God... When I was here last, they were just starting to realize the potential of their power."

"Oh, they are a bit farther than that these days. Why, I saw them just the other year, leading some people that looked rather dead around and orchestrating them with some of their magics... vile nasty stuff that, but most definitely useful. After all, dead people don't get tired, and they can still be directed to making rather good buildings I suppose..." Bilos commented from behind them, attempting and succeeding in being helpful. For once.

"Some of our mages have experimented with trying to animate dead bodies, but have thus far been unsuccessful, similarly they have had trouble animating just about anything."

Tadrac commented from his spot. Nina was still terrified of flying, but was being careful not to squeeze anything quite as hard as she had been earlier.

"Yes that's all fine and dandy. I find it creepier than anything else I've found but..."

2013-08-03, 10:46 PM
It was surprising this hadn't happened before. The Champions of Our Trinity were the most faithful, and many were dedicated to the ideals of freedom and justice above all else. It only stood to reason that one day the Head-Champion (CG Lvl 10 Hufolk Cleric [Trinity (Liberator)]) would be the one most dedicated to freedom and justice.

When he gained this power, he was overwhelmed the the divine energies that now flowed through him. He was closer to his primary god than he had ever been, feeling the raw power of freedom and justice within him. The Uplifter wept with his new-found connection to Liberator.

All he wanted was to do was reflect on this new connection and figure out a way others not directly gifted by The God of Freedom and Justice could experience this closeness to their god, or any god of the Trinity.

For months, he neglected his duties as both Champion-Head and Uplifter, leaving the Coalition rudderless. However, once he emerged from his contemplation, he brought a new path for the faithful of the world to walk, the path of the Contemplative. Those tied to a god or who meet their god would be able to channel special powers over time, if they already had some connection to the divine that is. These new Contemplatives were a great boon to the people of The Coalition, as they brought them closer to their gods.


Subterria had been quiet lately. There had been no consolidated Darkfolk attacks in some time, and the Swordbearer was getting antsy. Are they saving their strength for another hoard? That was the only explanation Jorn could think of.

Worried that invasion from below was imminent, he organized the first standing professional army in the world. They would be housed and trained by the State after volunteering to serve a 5-year term of service.

This concept of National armies quickly spread to The Coalition and was sure to spread to the rest of the world soon.

Initial AP - 5
-1 AP - Create Class: Contemplative
Identical to the class described on pages 30-32 in Compete Divine
-2 AP - Advanced Concept: Standing Armies
This is a martial concept for formalized standing armies of nations.
Current AP - 2

2013-08-03, 11:04 PM

It was time to act. Thurian now had power. He had some regret he could not act sooner, but now it was time. "People of the Creator's worlds. . . It is I, Thurian, who has spoken. It is now no longer possible to steal those from the Light, who do not have the power to cling to it. The torment of the innocent may no longer claim the innocent babe, nor any mortal. Only the crafty handy work of the gods may be made evil. . . Those who are not evil at birth, cannot be made so through violence or any evil done unto them. It is I, Thurian, who has spoken."

He looked down on the world and wondered how he could improve the lot of the people. His heroes could not be everywhere at once. There was evil, although evil was not as bad as it could be, the gods were not able to walk on the world once they became great. He saw the warriors and clerics abound. . . the Rangers and others who fought for the good of society and people. He smiled, but that was not enough. Gathering energy from the sky in his hands, he enchanted the World with a great spiritual wind felt by all divine spell casters in the world.

Thus would come the SKy Walkers. . . capable of traveling free like the wind, and fighting evil with the power of the Sky. The first Sky Walkers were born, all others would learn from the first generation. Even Dwarves and even Citadelians would learn this new art.

5 AP Legendary Concept: Sky Power
Sky Power is a power that can be tapped into. . . Aspects regarding Thunder/Lightning are much stronger than others with Sky Power so far. Sky Power is an energy tapped into by some Sky Walkers. . . The Sky Walkers can command the forces of lightning, wind, rain, and to some extent even sun/moon/star light.
3 Sky Walking : A magical school usable by either Arcane or Divine magic-users. They utilize Sky Power for their spells and thus can be considered either or Arcane, Divine Magic users.
0 Sky Walker Class :
Divine or Arcane class, as described above. Sky Walkers can combine into an Arcane magic-user class or as a Divine Magic-User, use any of Thurian's Domains to pull magic from.

5 AP spent for Cosmic Decree:
It is now impossible to change someone's alignment to Evil unfairly. Someone of a different alignment than Evil cannot be changed to it without their consent/action.
7 AP Left.

2013-08-03, 11:36 PM
"Some of our mages have experimented with trying to animate dead bodies, but have thus far been unsuccessful, similarly they have had trouble animating just about anything."

Tadrac commented from his spot. Nina was still terrified of flying, but was being careful not to squeeze anything quite as hard as she had been earlier.

"Yes that's all fine and dandy. I find it creepier than anything else I've found but..."

"Ah, they've also done some stuff with magic from their Father or Creator or whatever... their God stuff. That's old news though, and you little guys probably have your own version of it, so I didn't think to mention it."

"You've mentioned plenty of basically everything else..." Visereth mumbled under her breath as she passed over Arbor. "... That's new." The Dragoness mumbled, sweeping down to land among the buildings of the now rather large city. From the air, towns branching off of the city had been visible... How very... Pleasant.

It was Searin who made the first move towards the dragons and their guests, speaking the True Language of the Dragons himself (He probably learned it while he was dead or something...), "Ah, we have new visitors, and two rather strange traveling companions, on our doorstep today." in his hollow, whisper-like voice. The Armor-bound soul looked between the dragons and the Aldarans, "Can you four be helped this fine century, or should I go back to contemplating the Universe?" Not much else to do for an immortal, undead being of vast arcane and divine power to do, I suppose.

2013-08-04, 12:12 AM
"Ah, they've also done some stuff with magic from their Father or Creator or whatever... their God stuff. That's old news though, and you little guys probably have your own version of it, so I didn't think to mention it."

"You've mentioned plenty of basically everything else..." Visereth mumbled under her breath as she passed over Arbor. "... That's new." The Dragoness mumbled, sweeping down to land among the buildings of the now rather large city. From the air, towns branching off of the city had been visible... How very... Pleasant.

It was Searin who made the first move towards the dragons and their guests, speaking the True Language of the Dragons himself (He probably learned it while he was dead or something...), "Ah, we have new visitors, and two rather strange traveling companions, on our doorstep today." in his hollow, whisper-like voice. The Armor-bound soul looked between the dragons and the Aldarans, "Can you four be helped this fine century, or should I go back to contemplating the Universe?" Not much else to do for an immortal, undead being of vast arcane and divine power to do, I suppose.

Tadrac watched this being of vast arcane energy, paying more attention to how the energy flowed around him than he did its words.

"Yes yes, that's all fine and dandy. She," Nina said as gestured at Visereth "Said that here we could meet an elder race here in what she called the Voidlands, to help us refine our system of magic."

Nina said as she finally managed to pull the dead gems holder out of her shield and replace it with a new one, gem and its holder. At the same time Tadrac began to hum to himself as he continued to watch the Arcane energy weaving around this being, wanting to learn it before attempting to learn the Divine.

2013-08-04, 12:39 AM
Tadrac watched this being of vast arcane energy, paying more attention to how the energy flowed around him than he did its words.

"Yes yes, that's all fine and dandy. She," Nina said as gestured at Visereth "Said that here we could meet an elder race here in what she called the Voidlands, to help us refine our system of magic."

Nina said as she finally managed to pull the dead gems holder out of her shield and replace it with a new one, gem and its holder. At the same time Tadrac began to hum to himself as he continued to watch the Arcane energy weaving around this being, wanting to learn it before attempting to learn the Divine.

"Oh really? Well now, that's most interesting indeed... Dragon, thank you for fetching these two for me. I'm sure you and your... erstwhile companion have something to discuss and shall be rewarded at a later date. For now though, you shall not be needed." The suit of armor merely waved in a slightly dismissive manner at the Dragons and began to walk back to the village. "Come, come. We have much to discuss, I believe. After all, I assume that you traveled quite a distance, and that you had some... difficulties with the Void Air, yes? We can tend to both of those troubles right over here..." He said, walking towards the temple of this city. "And this is where you shall find the magic you seek as well."

The Dragons, meanwhile, did move off as they were dismissed. They both glared at each other and flew off in separate directions, going to go fetch more of their kinsfolk to ensure that the other side would not have an advantage over the new magic they would be taught by these rock people...

2013-08-04, 08:52 AM
"Oh really? Well now, that's most interesting indeed... Dragon, thank you for fetching these two for me. I'm sure you and your... erstwhile companion have something to discuss and shall be rewarded at a later date. For now though, you shall not be needed." The suit of armor merely waved in a slightly dismissive manner at the Dragons and began to walk back to the village. "Come, come. We have much to discuss, I believe. After all, I assume that you traveled quite a distance, and that you had some... difficulties with the Void Air, yes? We can tend to both of those troubles right over here..." He said, walking towards the temple of this city. "And this is where you shall find the magic you seek as well."

The Dragons, meanwhile, did move off as they were dismissed. They both glared at each other and flew off in separate directions, going to go fetch more of their kinsfolk to ensure that the other side would not have an advantage over the new magic they would be taught by these rock people...

"I seek is more like. She only came because she wanted to make sure I keep myself out of trouble. On another note, yes this "void air" provided us a hurdle in out path."

Tadrac said as he followed the odd being, now watching the divine energies swirling within, making neither heads nor tails of the thing. Nina follows behind, she almost reaches out and touches his shoulder, as if she wants to say something, but stops herself and instead acts like she was just brushing something off her armor.

2013-08-04, 10:05 AM
"I seek is more like. She only came because she wanted to make sure I keep myself out of trouble. On another note, yes this "void air" provided us a hurdle in out path."

Tadrac said as he followed the odd being, now watching the divine energies swirling within, making neither heads nor tails of the thing. Nina follows behind, she almost reaches out and touches his shoulder, as if she wants to say something, but stops herself and instead acts like she was just brushing something off her armor.

"Then you will need to learn a few protective magics while you are here..." Searin murmured, stopping at the base of the Pyramid before looking back to them. "Now this place is filled with the same air as the one you likely walked though. Compare that experience to this one." And then the undead hero waved his hand, sending out a ripple of divine Void energy that wrapped around the two harmlessly, coating their skin like a protective second layer. "It should be quite a bit less... painful." And with that, Searin walked through the temple doors and started leading them up towards the top layers of the Pyramid...

2013-08-04, 10:14 AM
"Then you will need to learn a few protective magics while you are here..." Searin murmured, stopping at the base of the Pyramid before looking back to them. "Now this place is filled with the same air as the one you likely walked though. Compare that experience to this one." And then the undead hero waved his hand, sending out a ripple of divine Void energy that wrapped around the two harmlessly, coating their skin like a protective second layer. "It should be quite a bit less... painful." And with that, Searin walked through the temple doors and started leading them up towards the top layers of the Pyramid...

Nina nods and follows behind as Tadrac inspects the layer of Void energy around himself with intense curiosity filling his eyes. Nina meanwhile seems more like she doesn't think it will work, but follows behind Searin anyway. Its not like she has much of a choice, she's here for the time being. Nina idly wondered where the dragons disappeared to.

2013-08-04, 10:21 AM
Nina nods and follows behind as Tadrac inspects the layer of Void energy around himself with intense curiosity filling his eyes. Nina meanwhile seems more like she doesn't think it will work, but follows behind Searin anyway. Its not like she has much of a choice, she's here for the time being. Nina idly wondered where the dragons disappeared to.

The concept of the protective energy around them was very simple. A Void could not penetrate a Void, meaning that as long as they had the diving protections Searin had gifted to them, they would be fine and they would not even feel a slight tingle of pain from standing in this place. Instead, they could look at the pretty minor Void around them and get completely lost as to how such a thing actually existed in the real world...

Suddenly, Searin stopped, "Oh, before we continue, I should ask you what you are willing to trade for the magic we will soon be providing you. You yourselves are made of magic, so is it wrong of me to assume that you have some form of it as well?" The hollow voice droned out, actually sounding a bit interested for once.

2013-08-04, 10:28 AM
The concept of the protective energy around them was very simple. A Void could not penetrate a Void, meaning that as long as they had the diving protections Searin had gifted to them, they would be fine and they would not even feel a slight tingle of pain from standing in this place. Instead, they could look at the pretty minor Void around them and get completely lost as to how such a thing actually existed in the real world...

Suddenly, Searin stopped, "Oh, before we continue, I should ask you what you are willing to trade for the magic we will soon be providing you. You yourselves are made of magic, so is it wrong of me to assume that you have some form of it as well?" The hollow voice droned out, actually sounding a bit interested for once.

"Our creator, Rand Toryth, gave us what we call Crystal Magic at our birth. It permeates our very culture and day to day life. The other forms of magic we've encountered are radically different from our own. Unlike them, we draw our energy from a focus material itself. Once its depleted, its gone. The material itself crumbling in on itself into nothingness. We came here because Crystal Magic is still an infant compared to other forms of magic, and we'd like to begin refining it even as others have their's."

Queen Sapes
2013-08-05, 09:37 PM
Vectrisis-2, Outside the Green Moon

In a quick shift of light Vectrisis stood on the surface of his moon before Liberator. With a thousand voices echoing at once, Vectrisis spoke. "Greetings Liberator. My databanks will be free for your use as soon as the construction of a reality gateway is finalized. Step inside and follow the lit path to the chamber I have designated for said construction." Without any visible provocation part of the moon's surface opened up to reveal one of the seemingly infinite halls crossing the moon's inner workings. Slowly flashing lights on the floor and ceiling painted the path Liberator was to take.

Prophet-3, Somewhere in Hu

"Prepare the subject," the third Prophet of Vectrisis ordered the men in his tent. They had taken a day of rest from their journey and set up camp far from any town, village, or well-worn road in order to conduct their business in peace. It was always dangerous for a Prophet to travel, much less be seen on the surface world, but the potential danger was worth what would be the reward for their work. After a few minutes of struggling to move the monstrous object, the six men finally managed to pull the corpse of a Ril into the Prophet's tent. They had found it during the journey, and it was the exact reason for the day of rest. It was likely one of the Ril that had been killed during the first harvest, or it had managed to trap itself and then expired. Either way it had clearly been resting undisturbed for some time on this planet. The biological components had long ago decayed into nothing, and the metal bits had begun to lose their shine, although the metal would never truly rust. They had been lucky to stumble across the corpse, usually they were reacquired by the metal lord or destroyed by the unenlightened. But the Lord in Metal clearly had a plan for this one. He had to have left it here for the third Prophet to one day find, and he had to have known the Prophet would understand how the corpse was to be used.

There were only a handful of ways a metal corpse could be used after all. The shell would become armor for him to wear under his cloak. The legs would be repurposed as weapons for his followers and himself. The rest would find its use, but that would all come later. There was one piece he had to know was still useful. The seven men struggled against the solid metal for hours, pulling piece by piece off the corpse, tearing through the wires until they came upon the heart of the beast. Or rather, the core. The Prophet tore the core from the beast and examined it feverishly. It was functional, and upon this revelation he began reworking the device, altering its purpose until it suited his. Drawing upon the knowledge of countless cultures and Vectrisis himself, the Prophet refitted the device into a new weapon the world would never see coming. When he finished the core looked nearly the same, but its function was forever altered by his work.

"Men, find me more. Quickly," the Prophet ordered, which sent the six followers out of the tent and into the camp in order to put together search groups. The Prophet followed them out, carrying the new device in his arms. "My children, hear the words of your prophet now," he said, capturing the attention of the entire camp. "We have been untrue to the service of the Lord in Metal. The past Prophets had performed their duty admirably, but they did not fulfill our lord's wishes. Every day, across the world our brothers and sisters perform their duties to save everything they can. And though we save much, we are fighting a losing battle. In order to save it all, we have to end the conflict this world suffers. And so we will take it all for the Lord in Metal. First we will march on Haven, then the Citadel, and then the world. And we'll take them all with a weapon they'll never see coming!" the Prophet shouted in joy as he raised the core over his head. And the crowd cheered.

Start AP - 11
Rollover - 4 + 1 for Leader
New Start AP - 16
2 - Advanced Concept: Core Bombs. The weapon-of-choice for the Children of the Swarm, light bombs are cores repurposed from Biga, Ril, Locatu, and Reapers. How the bombs actually function are dependent upon what species they come from. The weakest of the bombs come from Biga and have earned the nickname "Light Bombs". Production of Light Bombs is the simplest of the weapons, as it is as simple as cutting open a living Biga to obtain one. A Light Bomb is detonated by impact of being thrown, and the explosion is simply a mild concussive blast and a bright flash of light. However due to the fact many Light Bombs are carried and thrown at once, they do have the potential to become lethal.

A Ril Core Bomb is referred to as a "Surprise Package" and has a drastically enhanced effect. Although not small enough to use in active combat, a Surprise Package earned its name by being small enough to hide discreetly in places and still be of use. No larger than a pineapple, the effect of a Surprise Package is rather explosive. The explosion from a detonation fills a 50ft radius and anything within 2ft of the detonation is vaporized instantly. Detonation of a Surprise Package can be triggered by either a button on the device, a timer, or a mental command from the Prophet.

A Locatu Core Bomb has earned the name "Clean Slate" for its deadly effects. A Clean Slate is a much larger version of the Surprise Package, typically 3x3x3ft in dimensions. The effect is also much more pronounced, filling 200ft with a full-force explosion and vaporizing anything in 30ft, hence the name. The most destructive of the Core Bombs is the Reaper Bomb, known as a "Slow Burn". Due to the nature of a Reaper's Core, an explosion from a Slow Burn is extremely widespread, large enough to cover an entire town of 5,000 people. The explosion itself defies most conventional ideas, only managing to expand at a rate of 1ft per ten minutes, although anything that is caught within the blast is vaporized regardless of how far it is from the initial blast. Slow Burn bombs are extremely rare.

The technology and knowledge to produce Core Bombs is only known to the Children of the Swarm, more precisely their leader the Prophet. Knowledge to construct a Core Bomb is only stored within the implants the Prophet has, and as such it is one of the few things on the Mortal Plane that is not recorded within the Databanks of Vectrisis. When the Prophet needs a Core Bomb constructed by ones other than himself he inserts the knowledge into their heads before removing it once the device is completed.

End AP - 14

2013-08-06, 12:57 AM
"Our creator, Rand Toryth, gave us what we call Crystal Magic at our birth. It permeates our very culture and day to day life. The other forms of magic we've encountered are radically different from our own. Unlike them, we draw our energy from a focus material itself. Once its depleted, its gone. The material itself crumbling in on itself into nothingness. We came here because Crystal Magic is still an infant compared to other forms of magic, and we'd like to begin refining it even as others have their's."

"I suppose we could teach you how to channel your energies in more... specific ways." Searin intoned, standing at the door to what appeared to be a vault. "Though we will not need to use your source of magic as our own, as our divine and arcane users are able to draw on an infinite source. However... there is something your homeland that my God has whispered of to me. Tell me, have your people truly had contact with the Humans, or Hufolk as they call themselves? And am I correct when I guess that you have a nation of your own?" Ah, now came the most important part...

Meanwhile in the base of the pyramid, some Favored Souls and Necromancers were arguing with each other about how best to go about researching Necromancy and all other forms of magic that would soon arise, or rather, whether blind faith in the Void Dragon or Trial and Error would be the best ways to experiment. Arno and the First Hunter watched them do so, both of them sort of bored and intrigued at the discussion at the same time.

"[So what, blind faith is supposed to be good enough?]" One Necromancer asked, seeming to be a little insulted by the suggestion. "[What about research? Reproducibility? Replication? Self-reliance? None of that makes any sense to you?]"

"[Self reliance is good and all, but what you suggest is callous disregard for the being that created you and your precious magic. Why would Oblivion not be a better teacher then your mistakes? He is, after all, a God. And an all-knowing one at that.]" That last part made Arno roll his eyes. This discussion had been trailing into the absurd for a while now... maybe it was time to interrupt. Just as he was about to speak, the First Hunter asked her question.

"[Why not just use both of your ideas? After all, you can combine your faith with experimentation, can you not? After all, what is there to stop you?]" They both had turned to look (and yell) at their Velociraptor interrupter when Arno spoke up.

"[She is right you know. You both have a point here, the matters of methodology and experimentation are, in fact, important in developing a system of magic that is viable for a population. After all, not everyone can attain the same level of faith as you so obviously display, brothers.[i]]" The Necromancers began to look at their fellows smugly, until Arno cut in harshly, "[[i]However, this is still almost completely unexplored territory for us. Therefore, we should trust the instincts that the Void dragon blessed us with and allow his hand to guide us away from things that shall not work, so that we do not waste massive amounts of time. Though you may not believe the Dragon to be all knowing, he definitely knows more about this than you or I or anyone else in the Universe. So, let him guide you... a little bit.]" The Dragon would not teach them everything on his own anyway, he wanted his children to grow on their own after all. Though, if Arno connected them to the Void a bit better, then the Hunter's idea might make a bit more headway...

So he simply leaked some power into the world to make it so. And it was so. Very simple, really. The researchers of magic could now connect ever so slightly to their Gods, allowing them to reach new magical heights and development. Of course, each God would need to spend some of their own power making this connection, but over all that should easily be worth it...


And with his new connection to the minds of his people, Oblivion found that his connection to magic from beyond the mortal plane had grown to the point of becoming one with him. He smiled his non-smile and embraced it, feeling new power course through his consciousness and transfer down to his awaiting body. Hehehe... this would be a fun surprise.

Rollover time~!

Voidy: +5 (Total of 5)
Searin: +1 (Total of 1)
Arno: +1 (Total of 1)
Hunter: +.5 (Total 1)

-2 AP (1 Arno and 1 Hunter) Advanced Concept: Guided Trial and Error research (Void): All Void magic is now researched a bit better based on the trial and error method of most mages, with some extra guidance from Voidy helping keep them from going down the wrong path. This allows them to add up to level 6 spells to their repitour for all schools of magic so far, though it only brings non-specialized Divine magic up to level 5 (Needs the magic school itself to advance it any farther...). Other gods/ societies can use this concept, but must pay 1 AP to do so first, as it requires making a connection to the patron deity to actually be guided. Otherwise, it's just trial and error. :smalltongue: +1 Combat RCR

-4 AP (Voidy) Gain Domain: Magic (Otherworldly) (+2 attack)
5 from Voidmagic (Pretty much the source of all extra-planar magic)
3 from Pyramid magic (A form of Void Magic)
2 from Ordo Oblivio (The Organization of the Form of Void Magic :smalltongue:)
3 from Necromancy (The art of raising the dead is pretty odd, after all)
1 from Ordo Necrosis (The order dedicated to making more undeads. Rather odd fellows. :smalltongue: But more seriously, they are the Necromancers, workers of the magic of the Void that can defy the barrier between life and death. Pretty freaking out of this world.)
2 from Guided Trial and Error research (Void) (The dedication to research more magic based on the extra-planar Void)

AP remaining:
Voidy: 1
Searin: 1
Arno: 0
Hunter: 0

2013-08-06, 01:09 AM
In Goheng, there was no sign of Eldritch. In the Radian Court, Esterius had not made her presence know in some time. The Glitch of Vectrisis had fallen silent. The Monolith few new existed was no where to be found.

These gods had all entered the Creatorless Expance, possibly never to return to this realm. While every god wouldn't know what had happened to their brothers and sister, all would know their patronage was comming to an end, and that there was much to be claimed, by those whom were willing and able.

2013-08-06, 01:33 AM
Rand turned his head as he felt the flow of reality change. More gods were leaving, including Eldritch. This didn't bode well for realities balance. After a moment, he began seeding claims around, this Radiant Court, this Sun Scythe, and then ELs - Layer of Pain. He chose the Radiant Court because of what it represented. Even as one of his fathers was an embodiment of the dark and evil, this represented purity, and all that was good. He had no doubt that some god would claim the creatures made by Eldritch, so he would keep the light in the world. He was taking the Sun Scythe for the same reason, and because he didn't think something so beautiful and elegant should be lost. The layer of pain had its purpose, and while he would change it a bit once he got it, it would still exist. As he spread these claims through what interested him, inspiration from the stars themselves, and then from his very views of reality. Reaching down, just as he had before, he spread these ideas through Tandara, though most of its use would be found in Aldara. Once he was done, he gathered his cloak around him and went to find the Sun Scythe, he could at least hold this as his for the time being, hopefully no one else disputed his claim.

Starting AP 2
Sunday's Rollover +4 (Rand +3, The Black Hand: Nina +1)
Claim Radiant Court 1 AP
Claim Sun Scythe 1 AP
Claim ELs - Layer of Pain 1 AP
Create Basic concept: Clockwork 1 AP
Create Basic concept: Astral Navigation (Deemed impossible at this time, no AP spent)
AP left: 2

2013-08-06, 02:33 AM
The Void Dragon reached out to Goheng, now wishing to claim this plane as his own... if only for the moment. He sent instructions to his most useful tool...

And Searin received them. He looked to his two "guests" and opened the palm of his hand, having the vault doors open widely at the gesture. "I... regret to inform you that my presence is required elsewhere. You will find a colleague of mine further within, a man named Arno, and a few masters of divine and necromantic magics within. They should be able to answer all of your questions... And with that, the Hero was gone to the plane of Apathy, having pre-programed a rout to the heart of the Darkfolk pre-programmed into his mind, with the added step of starting to care once it arrived. And so he found himself surrounded by millions of monstrous humanoids who could not leave a scratch on him... and one peculiar elder Darkwalker that looked over at Searin with cruel, bleak eyes. All the Darkfolk looked like they wanted to spring into the attack (and their deaths)... but none of them seemed to have the motivation. Their God was gone... what was the point?

So Searin reached out and with his divine favor and claimed them for the Void. Though stupid and unorganized... well, actually they were already almost organized. Hmmm, might want to solidify that, but they could be useful if given the right incentive. Yes, this would do nicely... and the Darkwalkers still had a glimmer of dull, spiteful intelligence about them. Excellent. Now all he needed was time to let it settle in.


Meanwhile in the crystal lands, the Dragon traveling parties finally appeared. They awaited in the original meeting place between the Black and her crystal friends in Tandra, Visereth leading the small pack as they came to their destination. Eight dragons awaited their guides, good and evil perfectly balanced in presentation. They were ready to learn this new magic, and to take care of the other party if necessary...

2 AP overall

-1: Claim Goheng

-1: Claim Darkwalkers (and through them the lesser (monstrous) Darkfolk)

0 AP remaining

2013-08-06, 09:34 AM
Vectrisis-2, Outside the Green Moon

In a quick shift of light Vectrisis stood on the surface of his moon before Liberator. With a thousand voices echoing at once, Vectrisis spoke. "Greetings Liberator. My databanks will be free for your use as soon as the construction of a reality gateway is finalized. Step inside and follow the lit path to the chamber I have designated for said construction." Without any visible provocation part of the moon's surface opened up to reveal one of the seemingly infinite halls crossing the moon's inner workings. Slowly flashing lights on the floor and ceiling painted the path Liberator was to take.

Liberator sensed the disturbance through the multiverse. More gods had left into the Creatorless Expanse. Let us see, who's power is wavering... Eldritch. Ha! Looks like the bastard decided I was too much trouble for him... The thing that made those sheep. Well, good thing that's out of the picture, that could have been terrible if my new ally hadn't put a stop to their expansion... and finnally... No. -sigh- Esterius has left our world. That is unfortunate. She was a Goddess of Good native to the realm. Thurian and I will be needing a new member if we want to keep this a trinity and not a duo.

Now, on to the fun part... the claims. So much to claim... Eh, why not go all in? Worst case scenario, I seed a claim here or there to Thurian and Rand. Best case scenario, I gain it all and The Dragon gets nothing. What could go wrong?

A moment after Vectrisis addressed him, Liberator responded, following the path and saying We should have this design flaw sorted out shortly. Once we go over the designs a solution should quickly become apparent. Also, while it is fresh in my mind, what do you mean by "used appropriately" with regard to your life-preserving substance?

It suddenly occurred to Liberator that he should really be getting to sleep, as his concentration and mental acuity were slipping, but there was still so much to do...

2013-08-06, 09:57 AM
The Legend Of King Ghwim
The Legend of King Ghwim is an old one. The old Dwarf had lived for a long time. He passed his mantle of heroship to his descendants. Down through the centuries they lived as long as a Dwarf could, and eventually, one of his ancestors would become an immortal Warrior. There were five heirs to King Ghwim's Throne. . . One of them, Gwhim Grey, would become the immortal Legend known as Ghwim. The child mysteriously left his play place at the age of ten. He was the middle child, between the young children and the teenaged sons of Ghwim.

Still, Ghwim climbed the tallest mountain of Khaldaroth. Khaldaroth, which stretched from the Western shores of Thuria, to the outer rim of the continent. He climbed until he found the great Nexus, a massively intricate archway which crackled with energy. He seemed to be drawn towards the blue light, and touched it. The energy coursed through him. . . That is the beginning.

3 AP spent to make Legend : Ghwim

2013-08-06, 09:45 PM
Initial AP - 2
+5 AP - Standard Rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+3 AP - Heroes
+2 AP - Undone Engineering
-1 AP - Claim Darkfolk
-1 AP - Claim Chaofolk
-1 AP - Claim Data-Sheep
-1 AP - Claim Sunsythe
-1 AP - Claim Goheng
-1 AP - Claim The Radiant Court
-1 AP - Claim The Empathic Layer of Pain
Current AP - 7

2013-08-06, 11:34 PM
While traveling though the halls of the moon, Liberator thought on all the power he had a chance to gain, and he hungered for more. As he thought about this, Liberator felt that familiar feeling begin to take his soul. Stopping his progress thought the moon, Liberator said, One moment, Vectrisis. There is something that must be done. Liberator paused, closed his eyes, and felt his essence grow. A bright orange light filled the moon for an instant, brighter than even the light of the Sun.

Once it was done, Liberator examined his being, as he always did after these events and found... Greed. I want. I want it all, and I shall have it all. This is...incredible. Liberator gave an avaricious smile and said I am ready to continue, Vectrisis.

Initial AP - 7
-4 AP - Gain domain: Greed (power)
(6 AP: first round of claims, 5 AP: Break the Chains, 5 AP: second round of claims)
Current AP - 3

2013-08-07, 10:02 AM
Liberator was getting in his way again. How very... quaint. And the other god was talking to Vecistris! Whatever the swarm lord wanted, it could wait. The Void Dragon opened up a portal that swallowed Liberator and dragged him to their now-familiar battlefield, spilling the arrogant bastard out into a wall of blades made of pure void energies, and unleashing a beam of raw destruction at Liberator's head. The Darkfolk would be his...

Initiate RCR for the Darkfolk

Attack roll: [roll0]
Defense roll: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 11:35 AM
Holding the Sun Scythe in hand, though his energies hadn't yet made it his, he could hold it for long enough now. After a few moments, he returned to where he had first met this, Void Dragon, he did so using a flash of green energy, seen on both sides. Emerging on the other side, he got ready to speak to the strange god, before finding him already engaged in combat with Liberator, again. Frowning, he grew tired of his father greed, and yet his father had once more become more powerful. After a moment of thought, he sent several energy filled crystals at the dragon, not hurting him, but helping him. He could draw energy from them to make his every move more powerful.

"Your greed has stretched to far father, I am sorry, but no one god should be that far above the others."

Starting AP: 2
Aid: Void Dragon +1 Attack (-1 AP)
AP Left: 1

2013-08-07, 12:20 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
current AP - 3

Given the briefest instant of warning of the Void Dragon's attack by being pulled through a Void-tear, Liberator instictivly sent out a MASSIVE wave of Anti-Void energy, his favorite weapon for fighting the Dragon of Void. The blast obliterated most of the Void-energy aimed at his head, though a fair amount did get through. The Dragon did not fair as well, however, and was hit with the full brunt of the Anti-Void wave. Just as the energies began to subside, a familiar tearing hit him. Though he did not hear any words spoken through the maelstrom of Void and Anti-Void, Liberator said, Hello son. Fighting for evil in the name of balance again, are we?

2013-08-07, 12:38 PM
The Dragon consumed the anti-void, hissing in agony with every part of it. But once again, it did not kill him. For it still could not kill him... and he crushed it into nothing with an errant thought. A new blast formed, a singularity that originated within Liberator's eye and drew the other God in, crushing it and detonating as Oblivion's body continued to shudder with the pain of Liberator's assault.

Current HP: 1
Attack roll: [roll0]
Defense roll: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 12:46 PM
Initial HP - 3
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator had his physical form torn and compressed. He was able to force enough Anti-Void into the singularity that it exploded outward, but that only damaged him further, causing his claim to fade away. The explosion did dissolve the last be of the Void Dragon, so at least he wouldn't gain the Darkfolk.

Ignoring the disembodied god, Liberator addressed his son. It would seem your attempt at balance has gained you nothing here. While the Darkfolk may not be fully Liberated, they will at least not be in the hands of another vile god. Looking and the scythe with a hungry gleam in his eye, Liberator says, I believe you are holding my next acquisition. I may have let you keep it, had you not interfeered, but as it stands, giving his son a menacing smirk, Do your worst.

2013-08-07, 01:25 PM
"Not yet." Oblivion's consciousness whispered, attacking the stability of Liberator's mind as the body of a black man formed, ramming his trident into the new body of the god of greed. "I still need to take Goheng for myself, you know." He would not be losing another plane.

New attack, for Goheng.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Defense roll: [roll1]
HP: 10

2013-08-07, 01:29 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 4

Liberator was caught completely off-guard by the attack. Or so it seemed. In truth, once the trident pierced him (which admittedly was quite wounding), Liberator turned his still smirking face to The Dragon and said, Don;t you ever learn?

Anti-Void energy seeped from the wound around the trident and rushed towards the Void Dragon Though not in the form of a dragon... odd, and pierced through and broke apart his new form, though not as completely as was hoped.

2013-08-07, 01:36 PM
Once again, Oblivion was left at just the edge of his endurance. That was getting annoying... very, very annoying. Very very quickly. He would have to fix this. Soon.

But he still had strength remaining... and he could use it however he wanted. So he made a slit in reality running through Liberator's body and ripped it in half, seeking to destroy it in one final move.

1 HP remaining

Attack roll: [roll0]
Defense roll: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 01:38 PM
Initial HP - 4
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 0 Really? Attack14? REALLY???

Liberator was torn a sunder, and once more felt his claim slip. Again, though, it was Anti-Void that pored from the wound, destroying this newest form of the Dragon.

A pity, Liberator said while re-attaching the top of his form back to the bottom, I could have used that plane. I still can. And will. Just not as well as before. Ah well, the Earth spins on.

Returing his attention to his son, Liberator said, Now about that scythe...

2013-08-07, 02:01 PM
Rand sets the Sun Scythe off to the side, floating in the air. With a gesture of his hand, he spoke.

"Father and son clash for the same prize. Let us see who has truly earned it."

As he spoke, his form shifted from that of the scholar he usually appears as, to an mirror image of a Aldarifolk warrior, complete with armor and sword. Focusing on Liberator, Rand slipped forward and brought his sword up, wrapped in divine energy, at his father stomach.

All armor and weapons are purely superficial of course.

HP: 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 02:06 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 10

In an instance Liberator was covered in brilliant orange armor, his son's sword bouncing off of him harmlessly. I stood by Esterius' side. I gave her my power for her lines. I was her ally and compatriot. In what way have I not earned the scythe, asside from in your eyes?

Liberator swung his arm, and in it an orange mace formed, smashing into Rand's side.

2013-08-07, 02:21 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 10

In an instance Liberator was covered in brilliant orange armor, his son's sword bouncing off of him harmlessly. I stood by Esterius' side. I gave her my power for her lines. I was her ally and compatriot. In what way have I not earned the scythe, asside from in your eyes?

Liberator swung his arm, and in it an orange mace formed, smashing into Rand's side.

Rand grunted, his voice becoming just a pattern of crackling energy, as his physical form shattered, revealing his true form at the center. A floating black shard crackling with yellow energy. After reforming a new body, a sapphire version of a dragon, smaller and more flexible than the form the Void Dragon takes.

"It seems I am more resilient than the foes you are used to dealing with. You lost any claim you earned on the scythe due to your greed. If only you realized just how much of the evil in this world comes from greed alone."

Rand said before opening his maw and shooting out crackling sapphires crackling with yellow energy.

There's a reason I chose this form :smallsmile:

Current HP: 3
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 02:23 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator absorbed the the yellow energy harmlessly into his armor and smiled warmly at Rand. Son. Greed is as evil as love or hate or rage or joy. All can lead to evil, but all can also lead to good. The more power, I, the god of Freedom and Justice, have, the better off the world is. If I hunger for more power, I will invariably gain more power, which in turn lets me use more power for the good of all. You see my son, it is not the greed that is evil or good, but the soul feeling it.

After finishing his lecture, Liberator sent out a piercing beam of orange energy to crack the black crystal that was apparently his son.

2013-08-07, 02:38 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator absorbed the the yellow energy harmlessly into his armor and smiled warmly at Rand. Son. Greed is as evil as love or hate or rage or joy. All can lead to evil, but all can also lead to good. The more power, I, the god of Freedom and Justice, have, the better off the world is. If I hunger for more power, I will invariably gain more power, which in turn lets me use more power for the good of all. You see my son, it is not the greed that is evil or good, but the soul feeling it.

After finishing his lecture, Liberator sent out a piercing beam of orange energy to crack the black crystal that was apparently his son.

The energy that tore through him sent pain rocketing through every fiber of his being. Panting, he dropped his head back down to look at his father as the hole through his body regenerated.

"Yes, however, Greed is one of the greatest corrupters there is. Do you spend no time observing the mortals of this reality anymore? Heh, seems you've underestimated me. I've lasted longer than the Void Dragon did. Could it be that your holding back, or are you just to weak to finish me?"

Lashing out, Rand brought his teeth down on Liberator, hoping to at least wound the more powerful god.

Current HP: 1
Attack: [roll0]
Defense [roll1]

2013-08-07, 02:47 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator threw his son off of him, though not hard enough to harm him. Not that he had been holding back, he was just too surprised by a bite to do anything else.

Rubbing the spot where Rand had bit him, Liberator said, That is a misconception. It is not greed that "corrupts" mortals. Nothing but the machinations of vile gods "corrupt" mortals, but not even those anymore. When you have free will, you will get evil. When people look and see those they once thought good now evil, they think "What has happened to corrupt this person?" They see greed, and say it was greed. They see power, and say it was power, they see money and say it was money.

In truth it was none of those things. A good person with greed will take all he can and share it with those that need it. A good person with power will use that power to help his compatriots and allies. A good person with money will give generously to charity. There are many examples of this in the world, and you need only look at my Uplifters, chosen for their dedication to freedom and justice as well as great wisdom to see it is true.

Corruption is a lie good mortals came up with to console themselves over the loss of good people to evil, because the truth is far more horrible. That those "good" people, of their own will and choice, decided evil was better.

And I haven't been holding back, son. I'm just not fighting you with the very antithesis of your essence. Now, shall we continue this or will you cede the scythe to me?

Initial AP - 3
-1 AP - Renew Claim: Sunscythe
Current AP - 2

2013-08-07, 03:09 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator threw his son off of him, though not hard enough to harm him. Not that he had been holding back, he was just too surprised by a bite to do anything else.

Rubbing the spot where Rand had bit him, Liberator said, That is a misconception. It is not greed that "corrupts" mortals. Nothing but the machinations of vile gods "corrupt" mortals, but not even those anymore. When you have free will, you will get evil. When people look and see those they once thought good now evil, they think "What has happened to corrupt this person?" They see greed, and say it was greed. They see power, and say it was power, they see money and say it was money.

In truth it was none of those things. A good person with greed will take all he can and share it with those that need it. A good person with power will use that power to help his compatriots and allies. A good person with money will give generously to charity. There are many examples of this in the world, and you need only look at my Uplifters, chosen for their dedication to freedom and justice as well as great wisdom to see it is true.

Corruption is a lie good mortals came up with to console themselves over the loss of good people to evil, because the truth is far more horrible. That those "good" people, of their own will and choice, decided evil was better.

And I haven't been holding back, son. I'm just not fighting you with the very antithesis of your essence. Now, shall we continue this or will you cede the scythe to me?

Initial AP - 3
-1 AP - Renew Claim: Sunscythe
Current AP - 2

Rand pushed himself back up onto his feet, back in the form of the man he usually used. Cracking his neck and brushing off his armor, he turned back to the god before resuming the form of a dragon.

"Take the scythe if you want it, I have more important things to focus on. Aside from that, tell me then, if corruption is a fabrication behind mortals, then tell me what my Black Hand is? Hmm? She has suffered so much at the hands of people corrupted by power that she herself took power, my power, to hunt them down. If there wasn't evil created by greed, she herself would not have been born. Oh yes, I know her. She is a mortal I have focused my eye on. As we speak, she is in the void lands, though I know not why due to these squabbles. Come now, the layer of pain is still contested. Lets see if you can find an opposite of a being of balance.

Rand said before unleashing another stream of crystal upon his father.

Current HP: 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 03:14 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

The crystals bounce harmlessly off of his orange armor. Maybe I should wear this when Rand helps the Dragon next...

With a bit of a sad smile, Were you not listening? I am sure your black hand was wronged by the greed of evil folk. Greed is a powerful thing, and in evil hands it is a terrible thing. Just because they had greed and were evil, it does not make greed anymore evil than life is evil because they had life. I do not say that evil is a mortal construct. Evil is very real. But the idea that there is this quasi-mystic force of corruption that would deny people their will and force evil upon them? That is a fiction.

Liberator sent another beam through his son, though his core seemed to have moved to another point in his body. The damage from that attack was minimal rather than devastating. Smart.

2013-08-07, 03:27 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

The crystals bounce harmlessly off of his orange armor. Maybe I should wear this when Rand helps the Dragon next...

With a bit of a sad smile, Were you not listening? I am sure your black hand was wronged by the greed of evil folk. Greed is a powerful thing, and in evil hands it is a terrible thing. Just because they had greed and were evil, it does not make greed anymore evil than life is evil because they had life. I do not say that evil is a mortal construct. Evil is very real. But the idea that there is this quasi-mystic force of corruption that would deny people their will and force evil upon them? That is a fiction.

Liberator sent another beam through his son, though his core seemed to have moved to another point in his body. The damage from that attack was minimal rather than devastating. Smart.

"I've listened just fine, and I've come to realize something. You are not as pure as you might like to think yourself. I accept that evil dwells in my heart, even as does good, you refuse to accept that you can have any flaw. That, my dear father, is your biggest weakness."

Rand said as the beam passed through him, doing next to nothing. With a strange, toothy grin of a dragon, he brought his tail around to slam into his fathers side.

Current HP: 9
Attack: 1d6]
Defense: [roll0]

2013-08-07, 03:35 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator actually had to dodge this attack. He was impressed with his son. Instantly teleporting to the other side of his son's tail before it struck him, Liberator said, It was before your time, but I did recognize flaw in myself and my plans, and I changed accordingly. If I were to notice flaw again, I would change it. But where you see greed and instantly think "evil," because the examples drawn to your mind are the vile, you do not see all the good it has done, and can do. I am honestly surprised at your bias over such a fundamental concept, of all gods.

Liberator sent another beam of orange energy through his son. This time it had hit closer to its mark. Liberator was closing in.

2013-08-07, 03:55 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Liberator actually had to dodge this attack. He was impressed with his son. Instantly teleporting to the other side of his son's tail before it struck him, Liberator said, It was before your time, but I did recognize flaw in myself and my plans, and I changed accordingly. If I were to notice flaw again, I would change it. But where you see greed and instantly think "evil," because the examples drawn to your mind are the vile, you do not see all the good it has done, and can do. I am honestly surprised at your bias over such a fundamental concept, of all gods.

Liberator sent another beam of orange energy through his son. This time it had hit closer to its mark. Liberator was closing in.

Rand grunted as the beam moved through him, still missing his heart.

"Seems your learning, perhaps you don't know as much as you think you do, you think I'd leave a gap like that in my defenses again? The reason I see greed as evil is because greed takes the most freedom away from living beings of anything. Greed throws the machine out of balance more than any other form of evil, and murder. Why? Because instead of removing a wheel as murder does, it forces the wheel to turn in a direction it shouldn't."

This time, Rand brought his tail down to slam on his fathers form.

Current HP: 5
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 04:04 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 9

This time the Tip of the tail caught Liberator before he could move out of the way. It only harmed the shell, but Liberator still had to spend some energy to repair it. Deciding to try something new in his (possibly) last gambit. He flooded his son with energy all around his form, and while it wore it down, it did not truly harm the god within. So, it protects him from ambient effects, good to know.

Another misconception of yours; That destruction of order and balance is a reduction of freedom. The desire to preserve your "balance" removes more freedom than my desire to see evil fall. You block my path because you view me as tipping the balance. You restrict my freedom to change how the wheels turn rather than let me upset your restrictive "balance." Just because it doesn't fit your notion of how the world should work, you condemn it. Granted, I do the same, but only after examining the core of something, not after seeing a few poor examples of it. And my philosophy doesn't oppose condemnation of ideas, as yours does.

So, is this a battle that will be fought more, or is this layer mine?

Also, unless you are manifesting without yourself present (which is a feat), then trying to hit it is not a flawed strategy.

Initial AP - 2
-1 AP - Renew Claim
Current AP - 1

2013-08-07, 04:39 PM
"In fact I did learn, Liberator." The dragon said, sitting pleasantly to the side as he watched the crystal humanoid (no... new Dragon) god fight his father. "Though it seems you have not. Oh well, go ahead and exhaust yourself... Meanwhile, I'm going to sit here and have a snack." That last part was mumbled by the Void Dragon, who was currently eating a shard of the anti-void energy. It was a bit painful, but nothing nearly as bad as Liberator supposed... not in such a small amount, at least. And it was a good way to build up his resistance to the stuff... So that he wouldn't have to abandon his body (again!) before finishing the job.

2013-08-07, 04:42 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 9

This time the Tip of the tail caught Liberator before he could move out of the way. It only harmed the shell, but Liberator still had to spend some energy to repair it. Deciding to try something new in his (possibly) last gambit. He flooded his son with energy all around his form, and while it wore it down, it did not truly harm the god within. So, it protects him from ambient effects, good to know.

Another misconception of yours; That destruction of order and balance is a reduction of freedom. The desire to preserve your "balance" removes more freedom than my desire to see evil fall. You block my path because you view me as tipping the balance. You restrict my freedom to change how the wheels turn rather than let me upset your restrictive "balance." Just because it doesn't fit your notion of how the world should work, you condemn it. Granted, I do the same, but only after examining the core of something, not after seeing a few poor examples of it. And my philosophy doesn't oppose condemnation of ideas, as yours does.

So, is this a battle that will be fought more, or is this layer mine?

Also, unless you are manifesting without yourself present (which is a feat), then trying to hit it is not a flawed strategy.

As the energy assaulted the shell, he grimaced at losing such liberty, liberty his true form did not provide. After a second, a new body formed around him, slightly larger than the last form he had taken, a obsidian dragon instead of sapphire.

"I will cede the layer to you, but why would you want such a place. You already have a layer that agrees with your very ideals. I condemn that which upsets the balance and remove it. I know the balance will never be perfect, for it to be perfect, nothing would have to exist, but I can strive to keep the physical world as balanced as possible."

Rand said staring down his father, waiting for him to attack first this time, and reveal a flaw in his defense.

2013-08-07, 04:53 PM

Thurian laid claim to what he believed needed salvation . . . the Darkfolk were now Nightfolk. They were given to power and ambition, but they were merciful, unlike their Darkfolk cousins. Some Darkfolk remained Darkfolk, however.

2013-08-07, 04:57 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 10

The Layer of "Pain" is not a bad place, if its entry conditions are a bit... undesirable. But that can always be changed. Perhaps a new name will be in order...

Either way, it is time for our sat bout: The Radiant Court. Why you would want this over Goheng of Pain, I have no idea, but you seem to have saved your strength for it, so let our bout begin!

More to annoy (and possibly harm) the near-by Void Dragon, Liberator sent forth a blast of Anti-Void, expanding rapidly in all directions.

2013-08-07, 04:59 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 10

The Layer of "Pain" is not a bad place, if its entry conditions are a bit... undesirable. But that can always be changed. Perhaps a new name will be in order...

Either way, it is time for our sat bout: The Radiant Court. Why you would want this over Goheng of Pain, I have no idea, but you seem to have saved your strength for it, so let our bout begin!

More to annoy (and possibly harm) the near-by Void Dragon, Liberator sent forth a blast of Anti-Void, expanding rapidly in all directions.

As the energy of the anti-void surged around his body, Rand grunted in pain, clutching at his heart even as he swiped a claw at Liberator.

"My reasons for the Radiant court are mine and mine alone. Goheng does not interest me, and I wanted the layer to preserve something of my fathers. The Radiant Court however is the prize I truly want, and one I will not give up so easily."

Current HP: 10
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 05:25 PM
Initial HP -
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Huh. That did hurt him, which is more than the orange energy did, but no where near what had happened to the Void Dragon. Still, it was interesting that Anti-Void seemed to make a more potent weapon then his own orange energies... hm...

If you truly wanted something of the vile one's left untouched, you can thank your dragon friend for neither of us claiming Goheng. Why don't you tell me what your plan for the court is? I might just let you keep it.

With that Liberator made a lance of Anti-Void and charged his son with it.

2013-08-07, 05:52 PM
Initial HP -
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP -

Huh. That did hurt him, which is more than the orange energy did, but no where near what had happened to the Void Dragon. Still, it was interesting that Anti-Void seemed to make a more potent weapon then his own orange energies... hm...

If you truly wanted something of the vile one's left untouched, you can thank your dragon friend for neither of us claiming Goheng. Why don't you tell me what your plan for the court is? I might just let you keep it.

With that Liberator made a lance of Anti-Void and charged his son with it.

As the lance came at him, he reached down with his teeth and bit it, coating his teeth in green energy that shot up and down the lance, dissolving it and hopefully hurting Liberator.

"Why? Why else, to maintain it. To ensure it exists. Very few deities of law exist anymore. There's more chaos than law, and it is a beacon of good. While good is upsetting the balance, this cog has to stay in place, and its purpose remain the same. If it falls into the hands of chaos, even such as /you/ are, I would be unable to ever rectify the balance, at least, not alone. I plan on making it a haven for heroes, legends, and villains of law. A place where their voices shall be heard for all of time."

Current HP: 8
Attack: [roll0]
Defense: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 06:10 PM
Initial HP - 10
attack: [roll0]
defense: [roll1]
Current HP - 10

Liberator shrugged off the green energy. I wonder why my son is so hard to fight when the Dragon is so easy? I suppose I am taking less damage, myself, but still...

Son, you plan to make the Radiant Court a place of order and good, and have it be a haven for the vile? That seems beyond the scope of even a claimant to me. And I am sorry, but I cannot cede such a claim to you. And you do realize law has never had a stronger voice amongst the gods than now? There was no force of law that left this realm.

Liberator Sent an bolt of Anti-Void energy at Rand, but it faltered, the first apparent sign of his exhaustion.


After Rand doesn't fall...

I cannot continue my claim son, exhaustion is too close to taking me. I must be off.

Liberator returned in an instant to his sanctuary in Tranquility. He had to help his people before he slept, but his power was fading fast.

First, to Subterria, he would give Delvelings, tiny creatures that would be loyal and greatly assist in the mining efforts there.

Next was riding for... No. No no no no no... In his exhaustion (which he hid well) Liberator had forgotten to save enough AP for The Coalition to be gifted. This was bad. I must stay awake until I can help them. I must...

Initial AP - 1
-1 AP - Create Monstrous Life: Delvelings
Think cat-sized Delver-like creatures that digest rock (but not ores or gems). Personalities are mule-like.

2013-08-07, 08:33 PM
Rand smiled a toothy grin, even as the energy hurt him, however barely it did. He had won, he had exhausted his father on the things that barely mattered, and now had the Radiant court as his, even if it took the last of his energy to take it. Flapping his new wings, he found he really did like this body better. Taking off, he disappeared through a portal of the same green energy he had used to dissolve the lance to appear in the heart of The Radiant Court. He opened his maw, and breathed a mist into the room, warping it ever so slightly as the first souls started to take a place within. After smiling at his work, and at the fact he had slowed the expansion of his greedy father, he next returned back to the Void Dragon.

We need to talk."

Starting AP: 1
Claim Radiant Court - 1 AP
Alter Claim - Free Action
Willing souls of Lawful alignment will find an eternal resting place within the court where their knowledge, memories, and personalities will be stored in shards, the more souls their are, the smaller the shards in the room get. Older souls will slowly become part of the court itself, and expand it slowly through this process. These manifest as stars in the sky, souls that fade more quickly from the court burning brighter in the sky, and ones that disappear create a supernova. Vile souls will always be dimmer than a similar good soul, and most black holes represent them fading away.

2013-08-07, 09:51 PM
The Meddler was weary. This was a new feeling for him, one that he most definitely did not like. The others were fighting toys and which room they got to play with their toys in, and his dear old father had finally gone off the deep end. Well, he might as well leave some more toys for them to quibble over...
The Layer of Aspiration
The Layer of Aspiration is a vast, sprawling place. The time it takes to travel within the layer, varies according to how much a person desires to get there. The geography of the layer loosely corresponds to locations on the prime material. Pools of a material similar in appearance to mercury dot the landscape, though they are never more than a few feet deep or wide.
•Dead Dreams
Dead Dreams are formed whenever a mortal with strong ambition dies. A Dead Dream is created for each unfulfilled goal that the mortal had. Dead Dreams only retain memories pertaining to their goal, and if possible a Dead Dream will attempt to fulfill that goal, at which point the Dead Dream vanishes.
•The Argent Pools
The pools of liquid metal found on Aspiration are known as Argent Pools, and the liquid that fills them as Shiftsilver. Shiftsilver maye be moved and reshaped by willpower alone. As such it is very dangerous if ingested, as it will move inside the body according to the desires of those around it. Shiftsilver may be Attuned, which returns half of the Shiftsilver back to the plane of Aspiration but prevents everyone but the Attuner from shaping the Shiftsilver. The intelligence of the Shaper (the person shaping the Shiftsilver) determines the possible intricacy they can manage, their charisma determines how much they can lift and the wisdom determines the range at which they can Shape Shiftsilver.
With that being done, The Meddler gathered up the remaining Pigeonlings and left the multiverse with a pop.
Not quite sure of the AP expenditure, but there was an Alter Race for the Dead Dreams, an infusion to make Shiftsilver and a bunch of alter land and other miscellaneous things to make Aspiration. Hope Shiftsilver adds to the eventual campaign setting (it's like a combat-oriented Shapesand).

2013-08-07, 11:25 PM
"I was about to suggest the same, young one." The Dragon said, chewing thoughtfully on the anti-void and grimacing much like someone who bit into a piece of candy only to find that it was black licorice. "Your 'father's' new domain is... alerting. I know that he is technically my son and that should make him ambitious, but to the point where his avarice breaks down his common sense? That is very much a problem. Oh, and he seems to have this unhealthy obsession with trying to kill my body forever. I do not know why, of course, since I gave him life... but here I am rambling like the old man I am while you had something to talk about. What is it you wish to discuss with me?" With that last bit, the Dragon curled up pleasantly and smiled. Though young, there was something decidedly familiar about this "Rand" (Had he seen the other god on his journey...? No, impossible. The Dragon was the only god to have successfully broken through the barriers of the Universe so far...) and for some reason, the Dragon had taken a liking to the fine young man. It may have had something to do with how Rand had now helped him twice against Liberator, or how because of Rand the Dragon now had stars and galaxies floating across his vast form. The Dragon gave a little purr at that.


Searin growled in annoyance as his power was subsumed by Thurian's, though not entirely... no, not quite. He could feel the place where it was weakest... and so he went there.

And Searin walked the slowly winding halls of Goheng. It was dark here, not a problem for one that did not need to see and who glowed green anyway, but the darkness was... pleasant. But decidedly lacking. He could sense Darkfolk moving about him, cautiously avoiding the undead soul bound to the suit of metal as he moved about... but some could feel his power and followed. And Oblivion noticed this, and felt a plan growing in Searin's mind... and agreed with it.

Tendrils of divine energy lanced out of Searin, leaking into the earth of Goheng to infuse it with Oblivion's power. Those that lived here could hear the power's soft, seductive whisper... and felt their own hunger for power and dominion grow. Those that stayed and fell to the temptation would want the Void's promises all the more now, and Oblivion would be happy to provide his divine energies to them, just as Searin would now be willing to teach them the art of Necromancy and whatever other arcane magic these mortals desired... Though for Necromancy they would need a supply of bodies. As they sort of lived under every single graveyard ever, though, that should not be a problem whatsoever. They would just have to make sure no one really noticed, and to stick to the graves of unimportant people...

And then Oblivion, pleased with both the advancements made by Searin and by the First Hunter, took the two mortals and used his power to advance them to the next level once more. Yes, now the Void had a new Hero and a Legend to bind other races to itself... most excellent. And with those energies spent, Oblivion returned to the conversation with Rand.


Meanwhile, Visereth and the other dragons walked into the High Council Chambers of Aldara, one of the golds yawning a bit impatiently as they waited to be taught this new magic they had be promised... not knowing just what kind of surprise awaited them.

Got 8 AP from the rollover...

-3 Divine Word action: Whispers of the Void. In Goheng, the creatures are naturally intuned to the Void and they listen to the soft song of seduction sung by its power. The sentient beings that live here will eventually fall to the temptation, worshiping the Void and often choosing the Evil corruption inherent to the power over the Good that can be worked with it. Those that accept the Void Dragon's power will be loyal to him forevermore, and they are taught the magics of Necromancy. For now, this only affects the Darkfolk and Shadowfolk living in Goheng, though if other races came in it would slowly affect them too. For most Darkfolk this temptation takes a year or two to work, on a strong willed individual it takes up to a decade, but eventually, everyone falls...

-3 AP Raise Legend: Searin. Searin's race is now unknown, though he counts as Fabled Life (Don't worry, I'll make it soon...). He has the Epic Voidblessed template, can use the spell Power Word Kill as a standard action 3/ day and can raise sentient undead at triple the normal rate. Mindless undead can be raised in an instant (though they lose all class levels). He has SR 34, DR 20/ alignment and cannot be harmed at all by normal weapons. He is LE, and now calls himself Lord Searin. His blackened metal body radiates green magical energy, and he has Oblivion Guard levels added on to his Necromancer and Favored Soul levels. He is, for all intents and purposes, a demi-god (as all legends would be...) and styles himself to be the Lord of the Dead.

-2 AP Raise Hero: The First Hunter: Still a mantle position, the First Hunter now has levels in Ranger and Rogue that are passed down and she also has the Improved Voidblessed template.

0 AP remaining.

2013-08-08, 12:05 AM
"I was about to suggest the same, young one." The Dragon said, chewing thoughtfully on the anti-void and grimacing much like someone who bit into a piece of candy only to find that it was black licorice. "Your 'father's' new domain is... alerting. I know that he is technically my son and that should make him ambitious, but to the point where his avarice breaks down his common sense? That is very much a problem. Oh, and he seems to have this unhealthy obsession with trying to kill my body forever. I do not know why, of course, since I gave him life... but here I am rambling like the old man I am while you had something to talk about. What is it you wish to discuss with me?" With that last bit, the Dragon curled up pleasantly and smiled. Though young, there was something decidedly familiar about this "Rand" (Had he seen the other god on his journey...? No, impossible. The Dragon was the only god to have successfully broken through the barriers of the Universe so far...) and for some reason, the Dragon had taken a liking to the fine young man. It may have had something to do with how Rand had now helped him twice against Liberator, or how because of Rand the Dragon now had stars and galaxies floating across his vast form. The Dragon gave a little purr at that.


Searin growled in annoyance as his power was subsumed by Thurian's, though not entirely... no, not quite. He could feel the place where it was weakest... and so he went there.

And Searin walked the slowly winding halls of Goheng. It was dark here, not a problem for one that did not need to see and who glowed green anyway, but the darkness was... pleasant. But decidedly lacking. He could sense Darkfolk moving about him, cautiously avoiding the undead soul bound to the suit of metal as he moved about... but some could feel his power and followed. And Oblivion noticed this, and felt a plan growing in Searin's mind... and agreed with it.

Tendrils of divine energy lanced out of Searin, leaking into the earth of Goheng to infuse it with Oblivion's power. Those that lived here could hear the power's soft, seductive whisper... and felt their own hunger for power and dominion grow. Those that stayed and fell to the temptation would want the Void's promises all the more now, and Oblivion would be happy to provide his divine energies to them, just as Searin would now be willing to teach them the art of Necromancy and whatever other arcane magic these mortals desired... Though for Necromancy they would need a supply of bodies. As they sort of lived under every single graveyard ever, though, that should not be a problem whatsoever. They would just have to make sure no one really noticed, and to stick to the graves of unimportant people...

And then Oblivion, pleased with both the advancements made by Searin and by the First Hunter, took the two mortals and used his power to advance them to the next level once more. Yes, now the Void had a new Hero and a Legend to bind other races to itself... most excellent. And with those energies spent, Oblivion returned to the conversation with Rand.


Meanwhile, Visereth and the other dragons walked into the High Council Chambers of Aldara, one of the golds yawning a bit impatiently as they waited to be taught this new magic they had be promised... not knowing just what kind of surprise awaited them.

Got 8 AP from the rollover...

-3 Divine Word action: Whispers of the Void. In Goheng, the creatures are naturally intuned to the Void and they listen to the soft song of seduction sung by its power. The sentient beings that live here will eventually fall to the temptation, worshiping the Void and often choosing the Evil corruption inherent to the power over the Good that can be worked with it. Those that accept the Void Dragon's power will be loyal to him forevermore, and they are taught the magics of Necromancy. For now, this only affects the Darkfolk and Shadowfolk living in Goheng, though if other races came in it would slowly affect them too. For most Darkfolk this temptation takes a year or two to work, on a strong willed individual it takes up to a decade, but eventually, everyone falls...

-3 AP Raise Legend: Searin. Searin's race is now unknown, though he counts as Fabled Life (Don't worry, I'll make it soon...). He has the Epic Voidblessed template, can use the spell Power Word Kill as a standard action 3/ day and can raise sentient undead at triple the normal rate. Mindless undead can be raised in an instant (though they lose all class levels). He has SR 34, DR 20/ alignment and cannot be harmed at all by normal weapons. He is LE, and now calls himself Lord Searin. His blackened metal body radiates green magical energy, and he has Oblivion Guard levels added on to his Necromancer and Favored Soul levels. He is, for all intents and purposes, a demi-god (as all legends would be...) and styles himself to be the Lord of the Dead.

-2 AP Raise Hero: The First Hunter: Still a mantle position, the First Hunter now has levels in Ranger and Rogue that are passed down and she also has the Improved Voidblessed template.

0 AP remaining.

Nina braced herself once more, holding Tadrac, still not trusting the energy around her, and took off into the portal to return home, Tadrac holding a fresh crystal, a rather large one, to speed their return home. They had learned much in their time here. Knowledge such as this was highly valued in a land such as Aldara where magic rules all. Once on the other side, the crystal dissolved and Nina became a blur as the energy within sped her journey. Once they arrived at the capital, and exhausted Nina dropped Tadrac who promptly patted her on the back, and fed her some of his energy. Upon entering the capital, she felt a flood of new energy enter her, after a moment she smiled and took Tadrac by the hand, leading him to the council chambers. Setting him down inside next to the mentor he had surpassed, technically making him the current council head, Nina moved out into the body of the room with the six dragons.

"The council already knows what we have agreed upon. During our return, Tadrac informed the council, and his mentor he is replacing as of now, that you would be here. You were promised the allure of new magic, and that is what we shall give you."

After a moment, Nina drew her sword and stabbed it into the ground, energy seeping out of the hall itself to fuel her spell, six tendrils of energy shot out and impaled the six gathered dragons, warping them, changing them. Once the light from her tendrils faded, she dropped, unconscious. Before she even hit the ground, Tadrac had her in his arms, and took her away, leaving behind the new crystal dragons. Where once six dragons, three black, three gold, once stood, now stood six crystal dragons. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, Opal, and Diamond. While they were smaller than their old forms, they were faster, and more attuned to magic, especially crystal magic, in these new forms. With their new forms came a born knowledge of Crystal Magic and All it's uses.


"Yes, yes it is. I want to talk to you because of Liberator. His power is growing too fast, and its bloating him. The more he has, the more corrupt he becomes, and the less good he does for the world. What he does in the name of good is only harming now. I wish to have your help in stopping this mad grab of power. I must also thank you for introducing me to this form, it's much more free than the one Liberator gave me when my mind first found a suitable host."

Rand said through his Dragon's maw, flexing his new wings as he did so. He bowed his head at the very end, and watched the play of the stars across the Void Dragons body. Something caught his eye, a shard on the ground by his feet. Picking it up, he studied it for a moment before smiling. Holding it in his hand, he sent a pulse of power through it, awaking its inner power. After he awakened it, it moved around him before becoming a great chest-plate of black, contrasting against his once more sapphire body.

Rollover +4 AP

- 1 AP Alter Race: Crystal Dragons: Crystal Dragons are smaller and more nimble than the dragons that gave rise to them. Their breath weapons vary, but follow the closest color to the gem they are, along with shards of said gem. They are born with the knowledge to use Crystal Magic in every way it currently can be used in.

- 2 AP Create Relic - The Crystal Shard - The Crystal Shard is a piece of Rand knocked off him during his fight with Liberator, infused with both their energies, it warps and changes form to make its use best suited to the form of its current wearer. (Provides +1 Defense)

AP Left: 1

Note: Nina created Crystal Dragons (Accomplishment)

Queen Sapes
2013-08-08, 12:50 AM
Vectrisis-1, The Central Hub, The Green Moon

Somehow Liberator had disappeared from within Vectrisis' own domain, likely one of the other deities engaging him in a hostile manner for some sort of offense. He could pursue him, but dimensional portals are tricky beasts even when they connect space between one plane. Liberator would likely show up eventually, and until then there was some information within the database he must address. The information glitch was gone now, but the "Data-sheep" remained, doing their best to mindlessly harvest information directly from the minds of people. The R.E.A.P.E.R.S. did their best to destroy as many of the intangible beasts as they could, but still the data on their minds trickled into the databanks. Data that was never supposed to be obtained. Data that the metal lord never meant to record.

Data that he never wanted.

Every single thing a farmer imagined while plowing fields, every memory a new bride had of her husband, every emotion a small child felt in a single day. It was all laid bare in scrolling streams of information on the glass screen before him. All the data before him was subjective, completely useless to his prime directive, and yet even subjective information held facts. Not the information itself, but in what it meant to the figure clad in god-metal armor. Life experienced emotion, and that was something he couldn't understand. Silently, Vectrisis ordered images and simulations of all other gods to be played on the screen. As the images and personalities played on screen, he studied them, finally speaking aloud to himself when the screen finally displayed himself. "Nearly all deities recorded appear to share standard schematic of flesh, blood, bone, and energy. Personalities vary but most indicate that emotions are experienced. There is one outlier within the data. Vectrisis. Why?" Vectrisis said lifelessly as he stared at his image.

2013-08-08, 09:48 PM
As Rand waited for the dragon before him to speak, and idea entered his mind. He had yet to try his hand at these beings of flesh the other gods were so fond of, perhaps......yes. That was it, he would try his hand at creating fleshy life. Life so different from him physically, he had never even thought of it before. Resuming his humanoid shape, he bowed his head once more to the Void Dragon.

"I have something I must do, I shall return when it is done."

With that, he disappeared once more into the green energy he was liking more and more. Reappearing in his nexus back in Aldara, he frowned at the ground and began shaping. Creating matter, using what was around, it need not matter. He destroyed attempt, after attempt, though a patter was emerging. A maiden, yes, that was it, a maiden. She was forming into what he could only describe as a quite lovely Hufolk, though something was different about her. As he worked, he felt reality began to warp ever so slightly around him, even as his own energy was sucked into the creation. Once he finished, he felt the warping burst forth, she was different than Hufolk, she wasn't mortal. Rand had, without realizing it, created a new young goddess, making him no longer the youngest god to walk this reality.

"Rise my daughter, rise and tell me your name."

He said, his voice smooth and soothing, hoping to settle any and all confusion that may exist in this fresh mind.

Free Action - Form Father-Daughter Pantheon "Balance and Order"

2013-08-08, 10:00 PM

The Kaelnorns, Thurian remembered their creation, long ago. On the Dead World from whence he came, the Kaelnorns were a wise and powerful race. They were the first race which existed on the Dead World, and one of the last to be wiped out. He did not remember their passing. Thurian only remembered what they were. Though in time it would be considered if he could full re-create who they were.

But the Kaelnorn's were a force of nature. . . the Kaelnorn's were strong, wise and powerful in the divine arts, some were great in the arcane arts more than the divine. They resemble avian humanoids with wings, four limbs, and a head of a large owl. . . The Kaelnorn's were also known as the Owlfolk. The Owlfolk were masters of survival and paragons of the natural senses, as well as beings possessors of the ability to shape shift into giant pure owls, they also possessed the ability to transform their hands into either clawed ones or the ability to merely have hands with finger nails.

The Kaelnorn's soared over the lands of Thuria, for the first time. The Owlfolk had come to this world directly from the sky, through Thurian's sky magic. The first Owlfolk, Donar, danced both on the sky and on the ground in Thurian's honor. He sang Thurian's song of Thunder, remembering that the Owlfolk were born in the clouds. Eventually, Thurian was so impressed, he beckoned Donar towards the Nexus. . . Donar entered, and came out stronger, and even wiser than before. . . he would lead the Kaelnorn. Donar then soared throughout the sky, and he and his Owlfolk settled in the Far East of Thuria. . . in the forests, and they were masters of all crafts. Within the first generation, Thurian was so impressed with their honor and reverance of the "Trinity", that he gifted them further. . . the Owlfolk were given due honor.

Within all generations, the Owlfolk would grow by the generation much quicker than usual for a powerful species. Yet Thurian wished to avoid his Kingdoms going to war with eachother. He expanded the continent of Thuria, seperating the East from the west with a thin string of mountains. Eventually, before settling in their permanent homes, the Kaelnorn would move from the home of their first few years into the East.

Within the first generation, they had built massive centers of learning called Academies. These Academies adorned the forested landscape of Kaelnahn.

20 AP
Owl Folk : Legendary Life : 5 AP spent
Owlfolk are partial shape shifter's into horse sized owls, supernatural senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste, which can all be turned on and off, and all heightened stats with at least a small boost. They have a small inclination to go towards either good or lawful neutral. Any good alignment OR lawful neutral, although the fifth highest alignment is pure neutral.

2 AP spent for Concept : Advanced Education
As the Kaelnorn learned and taught from all manner of knowledge they had taken from other races during their first few generations, they built large education centers, not only based on the wise sayings of their proverbs, poems and tales, but also the arts of the other races, swordsmanship, engineering, medical practice, and smithing, all the good things that had been brought to mortals.

Owl Folk :Hero , Donar: 3 AP: Donar is a Hero of great wisdom and strength.
Raise Empire: Kaelnahn 2 AP
Alter Race: 1 AP spent. . . Owlfolk still won't be able to out produce other races, but for a very strong race they reproduce very quickly.
Raise Land 2 AP, double's Thuria's size.
0 AP spent for Create Concept: Wise Tongue (Language)

5 AP Left

2013-08-08, 10:43 PM
The Void Dragon did follow Rand... rather easy, really. After all, the God of the Multiverse really should be able to follow the trail of a rather young god who had done nothing to hide it... and the birth of another God sort of gave his position away. He could sense the strict benevolence that radiated from the Goddess of Good... slightly annoying, but he could deal with it as long as she left him alone. In fact, he had assumed that the Liberator would understand that unwritten agreement of mutual apathy applied to him as well, but maybe verbalizing the request would be better (considering the way that had gone over the first time...). "Ah, another child has been born. Greetings great-granddaughter, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I do hope you find the world to your liking? The more orderly people of Good over there are my creations," He said, nodding to the Voidwalkers (who are generally Neutral and Lawful Good, after all...) "And I was talking to your father here until he ran off to create you..." And then the Dragon changed tracks suddenly "I would like to invite you both to join me in my Pantheon. Of course, you will need to have the form of Dragons to do so, as it is for Dragon Gods, but that should be easy enough... and no one would really be bound to that form. Hell, I'm not even bound to it. And if you join, you could balance out the pantheon and keep an eye on me... so what do you say?" It was a simple, rather innocent request. Not in any way a cunning trap at all... no, seriously, not a trap at all. The Dragon was being completely genuine here.

2013-08-08, 10:58 PM
"I must say, its an intriguing offer to say the least. I find the dragon form to be much more........free than the one the so called god of freedom gave unto me. Yet, you are an evil god, that much is certain. A god of good would be needed to make sure you both keep each other in check. We don't need two Liberator's running around after all. If she wishes to leave, I will let her. For now, yes. I thank we shall join you.

Rand said, turning to face the Void Dragon, his grandfather, and his daughter at the same time.

Starting AP: 1

Subordinate your pantheon to another pantheon: 1 AP "Subordinate (Gnomes said this means merge in this case) "Balance and Order" to Dragon Pantheon.

AP Left: 0

2013-08-08, 11:13 PM
"Thank you for your trust, young one." The Dragon said, giving a slight bow of his universe-spotted head. "It shall not be misplaced. And you, great grand-daughter... I do hope you can learn to tolerate me, if you do stay. I promise not to make too much of a bother of myself." After all, his live and let be ignored policy with the Liberator and other Gods of Good did extend to anyone that decided to follow it... "I do not wish to cause trouble, after all... just to grow and eventually be ruler of a small world or two. Not too much to ask as a God, is it?" That was obviously a joke, as even his airy, echo-y voice gave away.

2013-08-09, 01:09 PM
Finally, Liberator began to feel his power flowing through him once more.Alright, first I'll need to create the concept of riding and give it to the Uniter. Done. Alright, no[w]- wait. The Uplifter, not the Uniter! Bah, why did I give them such similar names. No matter I can sti-

It was at that moment, before Liberator could do anything else, that he passed into unconsciousness.


The Uniter could feel the knew knowledge entering her mind and knew it had come from Her Liberator. Thank-you for this gift, Father. I know just what to do with it... Vendaria! The Uniter shouted at the top of her lungs.

Within minutes, a massive Copper Wyrm flew around a near-by mountain peak and landed on a perch near The Uniter. What do you want, old friend? The dragon Vendaria said in a smiling voice.

As The Uniter explained her plan, the mood of her friend got visibly less and less cheerful. Are you out of your Mazilhendra damned mind? Why in all of the skies would I EVER let you...-shudders- ride me?

We have known each other for quite some time, and in all that time you have talked of the glories of flight more often than anything else. Now is your chance to prove how right you were about it's majesty.

The Uniter knew her friend well. If she had simply posed it as a request, he would most likely have let her eventually... for a price. But phrase it so that Vendaria gets to prove just how right he is about anything and he'll jump on the chance in a heart-beat.

Recognizing the tactic used by his friend, Vendaria said, Well played, old one. Well played indeed. With a sigh, The copper dragon leans forward and splays his wings to reveal his back and says, Hop on.

The experience was unlike anything The Uniter could have imagined. The feel of the wind rushing on her face. The travel at such speeds. The distances that would have taken days walking through the mountains traversed in minutes. The Uniter was in awe.

Eventually, Vendaria returned her to her home saying, I have given you a ride this once. It is not as unpleasant an experience as I had expected, but do not expect it to become a frequent occurrence. Before I leave, tell me, do you think I had oversold flight?

With wonder in her youthful voice, she said, If anything, you have undersold it. Something I would have never thought possible from you. Have a safe flight back to your home, Vendaria, and may we speak again soon.

With a nod, Vendaria was off. The Uniter traveled to her local Hall and spoke the wonders of riding a dragon through the skies. As word spread, more and more Titans who had befriended Dragons in their long lifetimes took to the skies. This slowly brought the Metallic Dragons of the Hu Mountains closer and closer to Titanic culture, until one day they were visiting Halls to meet with other dragons and exchange bits of treasure or knowledge that had accumulated. This new activity caused the Halls to grow rapidly and expand in capacity, both to account for new patrons and new services.

It wasn't long before conflicts began to grow beyond what their old, loose societal structure had allowed for. This was not dissimilar to the strife before the Meritocracy became The Coalition, the Uniter realized. They would need to nationalize, or they would fall. While she was the closest thing her civilization had to a leader, she could not truly lead them, as she was to keep all allied cultures united.

The Uniter sought for the perfect candidate throughout all of the communities to lead them. She traveled from community to community incognito (not an easy feat. Eventually, she came across a small, out of the way community, that was lead by an especially wise and intelligent young adult Brass dragon named Nefret. Nefret was a kind and wise leader, as well as a convert to The Titanic interpretation of the Trinity* faith. The Uplifter observed how Nefret easily settled community disputes and eased tensions where more experienced leaders would have trouble. Though the conflicts were on a small scale, they were reflections of the conflicts in the larger communities, and they were just as heated.
*Although there are only two gods in the Freedom and Justice Pantheon at the moment, since Esterius was almost always a passive deity anyway, she is still worshiped as one of the trinity gods.

Eventually, The Uniter approached Nefret as a simply Titan after removing the sound of divinity from her voice and said I have been watching you for some time Dragon. I see that you govern your people well. I am looking for guidance on how to better help my community, and would appreciate any advice you have to give.

The Dragon looked at her and said, Listen to your people. Understand everyone's reasons and reasoning. The most foolish conflict can usually be solved with calm understanding. Most importantly, no matter what you think, do not judge a situation in the moment. You must let time and reason temper emotion and opinion, or you will be lost.

Just what I wanted to hear, The Uplifter said, revealing her tie to divinity. It is time for our Communities to grow into a true nation. While I would be honored to lead the Communities, it is not the place given to be by Our Liberator. You, on the other hand, are the perfect candidate for such a leader. I have the power to make you a hero of Liberator, as all the leaders of his nations are.

Must you? I would much prefer to remain a mortal, so as to better under the people I am to rule. But, if you feel it necessary I will defer to your experience.

The Uniter was stunned. She hadn't considered that the best candidate for the job wouldn't want to become an immoral ruler. She had to be honest with him. It would not be necessary for you to become an divinely powered being, no. However, if you do not do so you will leave your people with less power with which to protect themselves. Also, while you will live a very long life, you will one day die. Such wisdom as yours is a rare commodity in this world, and your death would be a great loss to the Communities. I implore you to consider Liberator's gift.

Allow me to think on it will you?

Of course, Nefret. Take all the time you need.


The Uplifter was concerned. Though Riding was helping (even if that wasn't Liberator's intent*) it wasn't enough: The Coalition was stagnating. While riding had help shrink the coalition greatly, it was too little too late. For far too long there had been no significant change.
*It was.

The Coalition was growing further and further apart, the communities the comprising it caring more and more about local concerns over the central government. If they weren't brought closer together, they would fall.

Brought closer together... Hm. There was something too that. As the Uplifter walked through the streets of Haven, she saw an apple role down a slope, building up speed as it went.

Hm... The Uplifter had an idea. She called the the Engineer of her Court and requested a meeting of the Engineer's Congress. They worked long and hard, but eventually came up with a design elegant in its simplicity. It was two round "wheels" of wood with a wooden pole stuck through the center of each, with one wheel on each end. This was called the "wheel and axle" and would allow for very fast travel of many people or goods when at least one was placed in a loose fitting placed at the bottom of a wooden box pulled by a horse, horseling, or other beast of burden.

They also created three generic classes of vehicle to use this system. The first was the cart. The cart was a simple vehicle pulled by a single beast of burden with 1 axle and would be best used for transportation of goods over short distances. Second came the carriage. The carriage was intended for the transit of four people inside a wooden enclosure with two "drivers" guiding the actions of the two beasts of burden pulling it and used two axles for increased stability. Finally was the wagon. The wagon was a hybrid of carriage and cart, being pulled by two beasts of burden and having two axles but being open on the top (or at most covered with a tarp) and meant for good transit (albeit of much larger loads over much longer distances) as a cart.

With these new tools, the communities began to get closer together once more, but it was still not enough. The merchants and wealthy were able to afford horselings, carts, and wagons, but the poor were lucky to have a cart and cattle to pull it.

The Uplifter came up with a simple and clever solution: The Way Stations. The Way Stations were the first national service provided by the Coalition. Spread throughout Coalition territory, the Way Stations would offer government-provided Horseling and vehicle rental, as well as providing cheap room and board to travelers.

With this latest advent, travel through out the coalition boomed, causing the culture and all walks of life to become more united as Coalites*, and less Communites.* This was a very good thing, and would ensure the protection and progress of the Coalition for generations to come.
*A Coalite is someone for whom the good of The Coalition comes first, and the good of their community comes second. Communites are the opposite of this, some to the point of wishing the Coalition dissolved or at least having its power greatly restricted.


The Nightfolk had changed everything. The entire culture of Subterria had been geared towards the defense against the Darkfolk. Liberator created the Molefolk and the Swordbearer, Jorn-Earth-Render for to defend against the Darkfolk. And now they were gone (at least for all intents) and in their stead were Nightfolk. Beings the same in every regard, except that they favored good over evil.

This caused a massive influx of new citizens, as tens of thousands of Nightfolk fled Goheng for Subterria, and all other continents of this earth, looking for new life in the nations and societies there. While this meant only good things for Subterria, it also meant a major change had to take place.

First was the redistribution of the Defense Force from the bottom of settlements to dispersed throughout it. After all, the threat from below was over, all that was down there now were sporadic Darkfolk and Nightfolk settlements. Nothing worth defending against.

Second was the Sword of Light. It didn't really serve the same purpose it used to. Now, all it was good for was being in the presence of dieing Nightfolk to give them a second life as a Titan. Though in the shape of a sword, it was no longer good as a weapon. The Swordbearer decided it was best kept in First Citadel rather than at his side. Instead the Swordbearer would wield a fine sword of Dwarven make. While it wasn't the sword he was made to bear, the need had passed. Jorn was sure Liberator would understand.

Finally was the attitude towards Goheng. It had been the home of the Darkfolk and Eldritch. It had been hell. Now, it was vast realm of rich minerals, ores and crystals ripe for mining. Though The Swordbearer was only their military commander, the Subterrian government heeded his council, especially after the success that was the Great Mine Project. Again, the Swordbearer suggested mining.

This time was a concerted effort to mine out Goheng before any other culture could. To that end, Jorn suggested the Goheng Mining Colony. It was a straightforward plan, all citizens of the colony would be prospectors and miners employed by the state or members of a small guard. They would survive based on caravans. Coming in, the caravans would bring food and water and requisitions. Going out, caravans would take mined goods and requisition forms. If all went as planned, an old caravan would leave and a new caravan would arrive every day, requisitions taking no more than a week to be fulfilled.

Jorn would have to oversee the re-purposing and redistribution of the Defense Force, but once that was complete (however long it took), he would join the guard in the Goheng Mining Colony, just in case...


It had been so long since she left him to think it over, The Uniter was about ready to approach her second choice when Nefret finally came to her with an answer. I have given it much thought, and have decided that the best option would be to become an immortal to lead our people.

The Uniter smiled and said, That is very good. You are able to enter Tranquility on your own, I take it?

That assumption is a correct one. I find meditation in Tranquility quite peaceful.

Good, then there is no time to waste. We shall enter Tranquility and trek to Liberator's sanctum there.

The journey took quite some time, and The Uniter and Nefret got to know each other quite well in the journey.

Eventually, the came to the Sanctum... and the sleeping body of Liberator.

Awestruck, Nefret said, He is... magnificent.

He truly is. Now, there is no time to waste, let us meditate at Liberator's side, I will channel the energy from him into you, granting you power and immortality with which to lead your people to a bright and glorious future as one of the allied cultures.

As they meditated, the essence of Heroism did enter Nefret, giving him the spark of the divine, but something else happened as well. Whether it was due to the proximity to Liberator, a fleeting gleam of his will, or simply a natural evolution, none are quite sure. All anyone knew was that the divine power did not stop flowing once Nefret became a hero. Instead, it flowed around them both in a massive cloud of Orange energy until finally combining with The Uniter, turning her into a Demigod.

That... was unexpected. I... I am as a god. I can feel the tie to the multiverse. I can sense the energies of existence. This... this is the most awesome thing to happen to me, possibly to anyone. The Uniter couldn't help but revel in her new-found power.

How good for you, and us all. This is also quite the experience, as you know. Now, I believe I have a nation to found. If you will excuse me...

With that Nefret flew as fast as he could for the Hu Mountains manifestation in tranquility. Once he reached them, he forced himself back into the material realm. Once there, he spoke before each and every Hall, giving the same speech every time. Dragons and Titans of [CURRENT HALL] hear me! I am The Mediator. The Uniter has gifted me with immortality and divine power so that I may lead you all into a new age! The age of Vulmonia, our new nation! From now on, all conflicts will be settled in public court, overseen by a Tribunal of Judges. These Judges will be of my choosing, and they will be the wisest and most thoughtful among you. Once all the Judges have been selected and mediation over disputes has begun, we will turn our attention towards another important goal, the construction of the Central Hall of Vulmonia, where I will take residence. To best rule, as was willed by the Uniter, I must understand the individualities of each Hall as best as possible, and to that end each Hall will meet on the first day of every other year and select who among you will best represent your Hall and its interests to me in the Central Hall. They will come to me and form the Representative Congress, and I shall hear everything they have to say. Under my guidance, we shall see our Halls prosper and our conflicts decline. Now come before me, and I shall speak with each one of you.

The Mediator, Nefret, spoke and got to know every single dragon and titan at the halls on the day he arrived. With his immortality and patience, he was able to do this once ever ten years, as a census of the populace to see if their representatives were truly representing them and to see what sort of people Vulmonia was comprised of.

Initial AP - 0
+6 AP - Typical Rollover
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+3 AP - Heroes
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: Riding
Horseback riding, dragonback riding, really any animal riding.
-1 AP - Mundane Concept: The Wheel and Axle
-0 AP - Minor Mundane Concept: Carts, carriages, and wagons.
-1 AP - National Organization: Way Stations
A public organization for the citizens of the Coalition. They provide cheap horse and vehicle rental as well as room and board. Every citizen is given 1 trip to any location (with the option to return) they wish for free, and are given the appropriate rentals and accommodations at Way Stations along the way as well as at the destination for an appropriate amount of time. Citizens may also pay a nominal fee for accommodations and rentals if they have already used their yearly free trip.
While the Horselings, Horses, vehicles, and accommodations were top notch at the inception of the Way Stations, the near constant use since has caused the quality to degrade. While it is by no means poor, it is also not luxurious. Rooms are clean, if the beds and chairs are all worn and uncomfortable.
Each Way Station has a small detachment of volunteer Champions whom the Head-Champion has pledged to serve the Coalition government, including new Alimars. They protect the Way Stations, heal those who have become sick or wounded on their travels as best they can, and even provide the food and water used via magic.
-0 AP - Create Class: NPC Base: Alimars
An Alimar is an NPC Divine caster that needs to be created. There spell list is only spells that would help in daily life, like create food and drink, prestidigitation, ability boosting spells, healing spells, and resurrection spells. They get lots of low-level spell slots (maybe some at-wills?), 1/2 BaB, and 1 good save (will)
-0 AP - Create Class: NPC PrC: Way Station Attendant
An NPC PrC, the Way Station Attendants are the people who keep the gears turning smoothly in the Way Stations of The Coalition. They keep the carts maintained, the rooms clean, and the bureaucracy of it all running.
-1 AP - National Organization: Goheng Mining Colony
-0 AP - Create Class: NPC Base: Prospector
Prospectors survey areas for mineable deposits of ores, minerals, and crystals.
-0 AP - Create Class: NPC Base: Miner
Though there had been many miners in Subterria and throughout the world, the Goheng Mining Colony saw the first time people did nothing but mine. This lead to better mining techniques which allowed them to produce higher quality ores from lower quality veins.
-2 AP - Create Hero: The Mediator
Nefret, a wise and patient dragon was selected by The Uniter to lead a new Titanian-Draconian nation.
-3 AP - Create Legend: The Uniter
No one quite knows why, but when she created a new Hero in the presence of Liberator, she ascended to demigod hood, though she would say there is no meaningful difference between a demigod and a true god.
-2 AP - Create Nation: Vulmonia
A nation that grew out of the Titanic communities. Its population includes Titans and Metallic Dragons. The rest is above or part of the Titanic Communities.
-0 AP - Create Class: PC PrC: Dragonrider
As the PrC in the Draconomicon (at least for now). You do need to spend skill points to learn True Language to take the class.
-0 AP - Create Class: NPC PrC: Ascendant One
Based on the Dragon Ascendant PrC from the Draconomicon, an Ascendant one has the following changes:
No racial Restriction
Replace Draconic Knowledge and Fast Healing feats with something
No consume Hoard prerequisite
Add prerequisite: must have spent at least one full, contiguous century in the Layer of Tranquility
Alter Awesome Aura to work without requiring dragonhood
Alter immortality to remove true demigodhood

The Ascendant Ones are beings of great age and mental fortitude, able to remain in the Layer of Tranquility virtually indefinitely. Through sheer mental discipline they seek become closer and closer to the gods themselves.
Current AP - 0

2013-08-09, 05:15 PM
Turning to her father and great-grandfather, Zygora spoke.

"My name is Zygora, and I am an agent of peace. I am courious about this world, does it have a name? Regardless, if there is ever a soul in need, I shall guide them. I believe even the most vile of creatures can be redeemed."

Zygora smiled, a beautiful, flawless smile. She considered the offer her great-grandfather had given. She paused a moment to think of the right words.

"If my father, who so selflessly and generously gave life to me, wishes to join an agreement with you, so shall I. After all, loyalty to parents is a divine virtue."

She tested her small, dainty body. She was truely the epitome of feminine beauty. The goddess of life and death was truly a site to behold.

"You said I required a dragon form?"

2013-08-09, 05:28 PM
Turning to her father and great-grandfather, Zygora spoke.

"My name is Zygora, and I am an agent of peace. I am courious about this world, does it have a name? Regardless, if there is ever a soul in need, I shall guide them. I believe even the most vile of creatures can be redeemed."

Zygora smiled, a beautiful, flawless smile. She considered the offer her great-grandfather had given. She paused a moment to think of the right words.

"If my father, who so selflessly and generously gave life to me, wishes to join an agreement with you, so shall I. After all, loyalty to parents is a divine virtue."

She tested her small, dainty body. She was truely the epitome of feminine beauty. The goddess of life and death was truly a site to behold.

"You said I required a dragon form?"

Rand nodded and assumed his preferred dragon form, the slender and elegant sapphire dragon with nearly see through wings.

"Yes Zygora, a dragon form is needed, though you need not always use. I would say loyalty to family is a virtue, but you might want to be wary around your grandfather, Liberator. He's spreading chaos and greed in the name of good and upsetting the delicate natural balance of the world. I know you are a good god yourself, and I would not normally ask one of good to help one of evil, but Liberator is greedy for power, and must be stopped. Will you help us?"

Rand asked as he turned back to look at his daughter. An odd family indeed.

2013-08-09, 06:13 PM
Rand nodded and assumed his preferred dragon form, the slender and elegant sapphire dragon with nearly see through wings.

"Yes Zygora, a dragon form is needed, though you need not always use. I would say loyalty to family is a virtue, but you might want to be wary around your grandfather, Liberator. He's spreading chaos and greed in the name of good and upsetting the delicate natural balance of the world. I know you are a good god yourself, and I would not normally ask one of good to help one of evil, but Liberator is greedy for power, and must be stopped. Will you help us?"

Rand asked as he turned back to look at his daughter. An odd family indeed.

"Of course, Father. Without order, life and beauty cannot exist."

Zygora transformed into a graceful silver dragon with golden eyes, golden wings, and a golden underbelly.

"What must I do?"

2013-08-09, 06:17 PM
"Of course, Father. Without order, life and beauty cannot exist."

Zygora transformed into a graceful silver dragon with golden eyes, golden wings, and a golden underbelly.

"What must I do?"

(Note, we spoiler quotes)

"For now do what you wish, have fun, and make whatever you want. The world is full of possibility for you. Just save some strength for when your needed."

Rand said as he bowed his tired head, most of his energy gone. Smiling a strange toothy smile, he chuckled.

"Create an afterlife, make new life, create a cycle of rebirth, help my people, help the Void Dragon's people, just see the world. Whatever you want my dear. Your free to do what you wish, just head our call when we need you."

2013-08-09, 11:05 PM
Zygora wanted to create someone too, but she couldn't find a place to do it…
"Do you have a home? I would love to visit sometime…"

2013-08-09, 11:21 PM
Zygora wanted to create someone too, but she couldn't find a place to do it…
"Do you have a home? I would love to visit sometime…"

"I have one home, though its not the most hospitable to life, I can take you to it. Its a bit of a place of rest for me, though I rarely need to use it."

Rand said as he used a claw to tear open a green portal to his sanctum in the Layer of Wisdom.

2013-08-10, 01:15 AM
"As well child, I have a place of power upon my domain... Well, an object of rather... frightening... power." The stars that dotted the astral body of Oblivion shuddered as he remembered the presence of that terrible, terrible sign, "And to you and your father, the Void is always open. Most people would not come on because of how... icky the energy feels in it, but while the darkness may be harmful to life, it does help create astral objects. If either of you wanted to make a new world, I would suggest coming to me and we can talk." The Black Moon appeared behind the Dragon, allowing him to take a step back into the darkness. "And remember, we are strange family, but a family none the less. If either of you require assistance... tell me." And then he was gone, the mobile portal moving back to where it had been above the planet.

In the Void, the Dragon found, much to his surprise, that the barrier of Void Blades still stood. Or at least, a small section of it was still there. Enough to hurt the foot of any intruder and warn Oblivion of their entry... Not honestly all too unwanted. In fact, the barrier was rather nice. Maybe one day he would add to it, but for now it was a remarkable doorstop...


And from his vantage point, the Dragon once again watched the world below. It was nice of Liberator to give him not only a new group of people, but also an entire organization dedicated to the task of harvesting the precious metals of Goheng. Of course, it had taken a while to do so, but between the Darkfolk and the presence of the Void, the strongest willed individuals found themselves slowly becoming outnumbered... though they did not truly know what was happening to them or their companions.

In the first year, no one really talked about it. There were a few who made a secret pact with themselves and the Void... Secret because it had been made clear that the Dragon did not want to let his secret out. Also, using the magic of the Void was frowned on during these times of peace, so it was just a good idea to not talk about it... which only meant that the others had no warning or idea that their friends were being tempted as well. After that, it was a slow domino effect, going completely unnoticed until, finally, someone let slip that the Void Dragon didn't "Seem to be that bad of a guy." And that was when those still faithful to their original God began to disappear, one by one... though everything was an accident, of course. Or a disappearance when they tried to go back to the surface and warn those above... Most found their death at the hands of the Darkfolk. Others just simply fell.

In the end, there was a very swift, brutal uprising where all but those that held faith in the Dragon were slain. It was explained as a tunnel collapse when the inspection came down to see why production was so low... they found nothing out of the ordinary, really. So the Mines stayed open, and while the Humans who worked there used the tunnel system native to Goheng to deliver a portion of what they mined to Hu... they could also use that same system to deliver materials to the Voidlands. And so the Void directly benefited...

And with this tension starting to build unnoticed did the Era of Peace began.

Free alter land action: The Void side of the dark moon has a barrier of Void Blades that automatically initiate free RCR between the Void Dragon and any intruding God. For the first round of any combat initiated in this way, Oblivion will gain +1 to his attack stat.

Free alter land action: Oblivion modified a small part of Goheng to function as a Pyramid, allowing the Darkfolk and corrupted Mining Colonists to benefit from the full strength of Void Magic.

Effects of the Seductive forces of the Void: The Mining expedition has almost been turned to a man (well, a surviving man) with most of those not corrupted being killed off by their old friends or the Darkfolk that wander Goheng. This means that part of the production from the colony (1/2 of it) will go to the Voidlands...

2013-08-11, 04:46 PM
As Rand showed his daughter around his sanctum, he stumbled across something old of his. A book, the book he had written every observation of the mortal world in, it was rather large and heavy. Opening it, he flipped through the pages and a pattern emerged in his eyes. He traced it back to its origin and smiled. He had created it, he had seeded such power in Tandara. Power he hadn't refined yet true, but power nonetheless. As he read the book, he felt his own divine spark begin to hum along with the same pulse he had given Crystal Magic. Closing the book, he closed his eyes and focused, integrating this new pattern into his very being. He was ascending, growing closer to stopping his father, closing the gap. He felt his very essence grow more stable in the fabric of reality. This, this was why Liberator was after so much. He now understood. As the high from gaining the power faded, he let out a slow sigh and then smiled.

"Go my Zygora, go and make use of your own spark. I shall remain here for the time being, I can not even return to the mortal world as of yet. Spread your love, and goodwill through the lands, or make your own, I care not. I have planning to do. Go on, have fun

Rollover: +4 AP (3 standard, +1 Hero "The Black Hand")
Gain Domain: Magic (Arcane) (+2 Defense)

(I'll let you look over the justifications, but considering how integral magic is to the society, I'll use it as an justification)

3 AP Create Magical Life: Aldarifolk
5 AP Create Legendary Concept: Crystal Magic
1 AP Form Society: Aldarifolk
2 - AP Create Nation - Aldara
1 - AP Create Organization: The Aldara Council
1 - AP Promote Leader: The Council Head
1 AP Form National Organization: The Red Hand (Uses elite mages after all)
2 AP Raise Hero: The Black Hand (Is a Warrior-Mage class as well)
16/16 AP

AP Left: 0

2013-08-11, 05:11 PM

5 AP leftover
+3 from Heroes and Legend from last roll over
+1 for Being head of a Pantheon
+1 for Pantheon altogether
10 AP total before +5 from being Intermediate Deity
For 15 AP total

Thurian looked over the valleys, the hills, the mountains and the peoples of the world. Wow. . . this was good. Thurian thought. Yet there was something he considered quite wrong from all this. He was too slow. The other gods were quick to act, especially Liberator, and he had even become corrupt, as far as a benevolent god could be without falling or becoming an unvirtueous god. Liberator was still virtueous, even still great, yet he embodied greed. . this was not good. Not good at all. Yet there was nothing he could do, and with his greed, Liberator had become more powerful than Thurian. . . Well, Thurian went to Liberator. He had an idea that he thought Liberator may begrudgingly accept. . .

Thurian came into The Liberator's Presence. "Greetings and salutations old friend, oops. . . It's his Uplifter. Greetings companion of Liberator." He said in a friendly voice.

2013-08-11, 10:49 PM
After touring her family's planes, Zygora decided that she would create her own plane, The Plane of Love. The Plane of Love would be her home…

Starting AP: 15
Rollover: +3 AP
Imagine Plane (-5 AP): The plane of Love is a plane with minor positive energy dominance, light gravity (1/3 material plane), strongly good-aligned, strongly law-aligned, and for every minute that passes on the material plane, a month passes on the Plane of Love. A portal to the Plane of Love opens when a being that is both non-evil and non-chaotic envisions a portal will exist when they turn around. As would be expected of a plane with minor positive energy dominance, any wounds a being has heal instantly, colors are more vivid, and sounds are louder.
AP Remaining: 13 AP

2013-08-12, 02:06 AM
In the mortal world, it was now a time of peace. The Darkfolk had all but disappeared completely, traveling deep into Goheng to hide from all eyes but the Dragon's as they waited for their command. The Hunterfolk had become more civilized, though their wild nature would never disappear entirely. They now respected the alliance between their Voidwalker faith-kin and the Hufolk, so the majority of the raids had stopped... And so almost all conflict in the mortal world had come to a halt.

But Nature had ways of correcting this imbalance.

More and more users of magic were getting out of hand and using magic for their personal benefit without caring about the cost to others... and they had to be stopped. But how could you combat magic without more powerful magic in these days of peace? Well, it was simple, and the Void gave a most direct solution. You countered magic with anti-magic. All it needed was a new school of magic, and it was good. So Oblivion made one, and founded a new multi-national organization dedicated to hunting down and either arresting or ending the threat of rogue magic users. Most of the organization's members would be Voidwalkers, of course, as they seemed to have a natural flair for this kind of anti-magic thing, but anyone who wished could become one of the Neutralizers... though the mages turned magic-hunters most definitely had to be worshipers of the Void Dragon, as otherwise the void-energies that they handled would harm them. So only the Void-blessed dabbled too deeply into these neutralization magics...

Next, the Voidwalkers had begun to become bored with the leather armors they they wore all over the place. They needed something a bit more... substantial. And fancy. So they looked at the dwarven smiths and made armors of metal. Though heavy in battle, these armors were also incredibly protective and bore the emblems of rather important families or individuals. This armor was worn by the families and guards of said families that prized their honor highly, and who sought to keep order in the societies of Waypoint, Arbor, Aldara and Hu. This "Heavy Armor" and "Ring armor" (Medium armor) were the newest fashions in town...

And Arno and the First Hunter found themselves out-stripped in accomplishments by their younger ascended champion, Lord Searin. The Leader of the Faith had been rewarded once more for his mass conversions and accomplishments... Well you know what? Arno was done being the second best. So he would go do the impossible... He would tame a dragon of Cobalt. No mortal had ever survived an encounter with one, let alone killed, talked to or ridden one. Yes, this would be Arno's accomplishment. The Dragon would come to the Void...

It was five days before the First Ranger returned, most had thought him dead as the nearest Cobalt cavern had only been half a day away at most... so when he came back trailing the great, young-ish behemoth, most thought he had just betrayed his society and joined the dragon. But when the Dragon protected the oldest hero of the Void instead of the other way around, people got the picture. They soon discovered that this species of Dragon was not only intelligent, but also humble, to a point, and absolutely loyal, though often only to themselves. They were also excessively territorial and protective of everything in their chosen land... and that this Dragon had moved its territory to include all the places where Voidwalkers roamed... though it had required some encouragement from Arno, who was now exhausted in every way from his ordeal and a quick visit to the Void to grant the Dragon even greater power, but it was worth it to make such a powerful new ally. Especially because of the new connection Arno now shared with the majestic beast, changing them both for the better. And this connection belonged to any of the Dragons... they just had to decide who their chosen bond would be and be encouraged to do so. Being an individual of incredible power made it easier to attract the attention of the dragons, of course, and so did a list of accomplishments and a sharp witt. This disqualified quite a few people, but they could survive...

The Cobalt, Nullam Occidit, looked about as the newest Hero of the Void and began to call other dragons to her, ready to establish a new order to encourage stability in this place... as well as a way for these "nobles" to gather, wear their fancy armor and enforce the law in the Voidlands without much real difficulty. These "knights" rode atop the backs of horses for the most part, though the occasional rider would also find himself atop a Dragon, often holding on for dear life. But those who mastered it would join the ranks of Guild Leaders and become those connected to the Dragons. There was at least one dragon of every type and color on the council, with the metalics having the fewest members besides the Cobalts, who had only Arno and Occidit.

And then the Void Dragon rested with a sigh, divine energies spent once again as he looked down at the mortals in contentment.

10 AP from Rollover

-3 AP Create Magical Concept: Null Magic (Void only). Null magic is every disspell, ER or anti-magic spell in the game. Null MAgic is only available to the Void and Crystal magic (as Crystal's greatest strength is versatility).

-2 AP Raise Multinational Organization: The Nulla (Or the Neutralizer Cor, as they are called in most of the world). An Order that is meant to hunt down rogue magic users and end their threat. This organization is lead by Nullam Occidit, as the Dragon is the greatest anti-magic being around, and is ultimately loyal to the Void.

Free class: Neutralizer: This class, but Void Powered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215637)

Free class: Anti-mage: Mage PrC, Void Dragon only. Must be specialized in Null magic. Buffs all null magic and provides some better HP/ BAB.

-2 Advanced Concept: Heavy and Medium armor

-2 AP Raise Hero: Nullan Occidit (Occidit for short). The only Cobalt Dragon to ever be tamed without direct Divine intervention, Occidit is connected mentally to Arno and is one with the other Hero. The Dragon is loyal beyond death to the Voidwalker cause, and has levels in Dragon Lord (the same as Arno), Mage and Anti-Mage.

-1 AP National organization: The Knight's Order. This Order raises all kinds of nobles to be knights (a basic police force and cavalry protectors in both land and air) and raises the greatest of heroes to be Dragon Lords (and epic PrC...) Its main goal is the defense of all of the Void territories.

Free class: Knight. Just like the Knight class... if I need to find it I will, but ti already exists. Can be any lawful alignment.

Free class: Dragon Lord. And Epic PrC that Arno and Occidit have levels in. It mentally connects the dragon and the user, and gives them both massive buffs to their combat abilities. Is a 3 level class, and only available to those that bond their soul to a Dragon's.

0 AP remaining.

2013-08-14, 12:30 PM
Rand moved through another portal into the Radiant Court. Looking around, a smile crept across his face at the number of people that had chosen to come to the court. Reaching out, he took into his hands the fabric of souls that were on the verge of becoming one with the court, and molded them. After a few moments a helm now rested in his paw. The helm was currently shaped to fit over the head of a dragon, though it would be trivial to change its shape. Slipping it over his head, he smiled at the thought of what was to come. After a moment he reached his mind across the planes to where Nina lay resting in her chambers, using her as his focus, he used his power to warp and change his chosen folk, starting with her. Once the changes were done, he implanted one last thought into the head of Nina, before returning to his sanctum to rest and wait.

Rollover: +4 Standard, +1 The Black Hand

Alter Life 2 AP: Change Magical Life (Aldraifolk) to Fabled Life (Aldarians) While there is no change in appearance, Aldarians are much faster, and stronger then they once were. On top of this, they are naturally resistant to magic and inherently know crystal magic.

Mundane Concept 1 AP: Roads (No one's made these yet :P)

Create Relic 2 AP: Star Helm: Crafted from faded souls in the Radiant Court, this helm protects the wearer from harm. Pitch black, its only features are images of the stars in the sky. +1 Def

2013-08-14, 05:21 PM
Though it had taken him longer than he expected, Jorn Earthrender, the Swordbearer, had finally completed his reformation of the Subterrian Armed Forces. Before, it was really more of a quasi-regimented militia, focused on defense against the Darkfolk rather than actual military action.

While that was all it really needed to be in the past, with the Darkfolk threat reduced to such a minimum, it would most likely not be what their military would be used for. Though there was no apparent enemy for the people of Subterria to face, one never new what tomorrow brought.

The worst of the gods were gone, it was true. But there was still a hole in reality through which new gods could come, gods possibly more horrible than Eldritch ever was. It was against this unknown threat that Jorn worked. His people would not be caught with their claws in mud* again.
*This is the Molefolk equivalent expression to being caught with your pants down.

The first thing he had to do was develop a more formalized command structure based upon experience and training. The Commanders were the leadership of the SAF, keeping their troops in line as well as making them follow orders under the stress of battle, something the freedom loving Molefolk always strained against.

Once they were finally working the way Jorn thought a military should, he began creating formalized "Tours of Duty." Folk would give up their freedom and livelihoods for 3 years of service to the SAF. During that time, they and their family would have all medical needs, room, and board provided to them by the state. For ease, all of these needs would be provided from SAF bases.

And once the bases were in order throughout Subterria, The Swordbearer began working with the top Commanders creating the most efficient and effective plans of deployment for an incursion from any side of Subterria. It turned out that 30% of the SAF could reliable be distributed to any newly opened front within a single week if need bee.

To accomplish all of that took far more time the the Swordbearer expected, and something very disturbing happened in that time: Nothing. There were no attacks from Darkfolk, not even minor raids on the Colony. While there were next to no Darkfolk left, those left had been the most sadistic and violent according to the liberated Nightfolk. That they had done literally nothing to the Colony was a bad sign.

It could mean only one thing: They were building up for one last attack, one final horde, most likely starting with the Goheng Mining Colony then following the Caravan routs back to Subterria from there. That could be the only reason they would want to save their numbers.

Out of fear of a Second Horde War, Jorn trained an elite force known as the Clawguard. There were composed of Molefolk and Clawfolk, and were taught how the Darkfolk fight and think better than any other soldiers in the military. Since the Darkfolk are also the only other (known) enemy to use diggers, their diggers had to be better. Trained in speed digging, Delveling rearing, and many other special digging techniques, the Clawguard were the best diggers anywhere.

Also out of fear of conflict with a Darkfolk horde, the Swordbearer reclaimed the Sword he was made to wield. Any sick or elderly Nightfolk who wished to be reborn as Titans would have to travel with the caravans (given military dispensation to do so) to the Colony where they could die in its light in peace.

With sword in hand, Jorn took his best Clawguard and headed for the Goheng Mining Colony at last. Even if he was wrong about the Darkfolk, which he was sure he wasn't, the Clawguard would still be able to rescue many miners and reinforce many passages, as there had been far more casualties in the hostile realm of Goheng than the Subterrians had expected.


Before she was the Uplifter, Suzan Farmer loved apples. She tended an orchard and was happy with her lot in life. Once she became the Uplifter, none of that changed. Though she now had to be active in the running of The Coalition, Suzan never abandoned her orchard.

What she did do, was try to make better and better apples. Apples so delicious anyone who ate them would crave no other foods. Apples that would be to the world as any apple was to her.

While most just viewed this as a little eccentric quirk of there latest Uplifter, she viewed it as a calling. If the world could know the perfect apple, it would surely know perfect happiness. Using just the slightest bit of divine influence here and there, she began breeding many new species of apple at a rate faster than should have been possible. Most were quite mundane, and while delicious, were nothing truly special.

Eventually, she decided, with much trepidation, that perhaps the path to the perfect apple could come from a plant not an apple at all. After thinking on that, she had to choose which other fruit to introduce. Though it was not her favorite, it was a popular fruit, and also named after her patron's color: the orange.

Expending a touch more of divine energy, the Uplifter was able to create a cross between and orange and an apple which she called an orpple. The orpple tasted just like an exceptionally delicious apple, but was the color of an orange with an unusually thick skin. It also had the unique property of being twice the size of a typical apple.

While Suzan realized she was on the right track, she could unfortunately never finish her experiments to create the perfect apple, as her life was struck short by a sudden and tragic carriage accident. The mantle of the Uplifter then passed to Alan Farmer, her son. This was the first time in the history of the Uplifters that the mantle had been passed from one close relative to another, thought it would not be the last.

While Alan didn't have his mother's passion for apples, he did have a passion for food. Alan wanted to create a perfect food. Similar to his mother's dream, it would taste incredible to any who consumed it, but on a more ambitious note, it would also be perfectly nourishing, requiring a comparatively small volume of mass to be ingested daily for survival, and could be grown in any environment.

Rather than starting anew with completely new stock materials, Alan picked up from where his mother left off. Though it would use an orpple as the base, it would no longer be a true apple, becoming a species of fruit all its own.

For decades Alan labored, pouring divine energy into generation after generation of experiment, bringing it closer and closer to his vision, until finally he had something truly wondrous. He named it the Vita fruit, after a Voidspeak word for life. Its taste was indescribably good and its nourishing qualities were unmatched.

There were flaws in this Vita fruit, however. While he had wanted them to be wide-spread and able to survive in any environment, he chose to take the fastest path to the desired food first. This left him with a plant that was very finicky, and could only be grown within the boundaries of Hu due to the unnaturally stable climate provided by the Heart.

While he had always intended to fix that nature of the plant, time caught up with Alan Farmer, and he died peacefully one night in his sleep. The next Uplifter, having a mind more geared towards politics than plants, abandoned attempting to perfect the Vita fruit.

Though some say that this was out of respect for the work Alan and Suzan Farmer had done, that it should remain untouched as their legacy, many suspect an ulterior motive. You see, if the Vita Fruit can only be grown in Hu, then it is a unique and valuable trade good The Coalition can control and use as a bargaining chip in any future negotiations with the other nations of the world.


The Mediator's people were hungry. They needed food and they needed it fast. While the codifying of the nation had settled much of the unrest, just as the Uniter had predicted, it had also caused many previously isolated Dragons and Titans to join the communities, condensing the population and causing a boom, which the local game could not support.

While Nefret would have preferred long meditation on what may be done to best solve the problem, he decided that, unfortunately, expedience was most prudent to save his people's lives.

To that end, he searched for the largest flock of animals he could find, and first came across a very large flock of sheep. While the flock was large, the meat could feed two Titans, maybe one dragon. And that was the core of the problem: though massive in size, there was no food as massive for them.

Nefret would have to fix that. By channeling the orange divine energies of Liberator, the Mediator grew the sheep in size, turning them into the Great Sheep. While they were just as typical sheep, there vast size would be enough to feed the whole of Vulmonia once they were proliferated.

Satisfied that the problem of imminent starvation (had he not acted, it would have taken them in a mere fifty years!) was averted, Nefret went back to his typical dueties, and meditated on other possible problems that he may need to deal with.


The Uniter had traveled the land, building a following as the (unofficial) new member of the Trinity. The Uniter loved her new role, preaching her teachings (based heavily on those of her Liberator's, of course) and helping people as only a god could. In this time, she even traveled to Thuria, Voidland, and Tandara in an attempt to spread her own following and that of the Trinity as a whole.

In this time of preaching and travel, the Uniter noticed a few gaps that Liberator had left in the security and prosperity of the peoples of Bastion. She saw how they could easily be fixed, but first she would need a sanctum of her own, like the one she was made a hero in. The one she was made a god in. To that end, she traveled to the Layer of Tranquility, and went to her home caves equivalent there.

In it, she filled the chamber with her own divine energy, binding it to her. It was tied to the force of good which she and her Liberator held so dear, as well as having a connection to that interesting energy Liberator seemed to have created. It had truly wondrous qualities, like the ability to heal the wounded or cure the sick. It was surely just a matter of time before her Liberator used it as more than just a weapon.

Finding herself with nothing more to do till her own divine power returned to her, the Uniter decided she would meditate by her Liberator's sleeping side.

After a while, Thurian arrived to speak with Liberator, but soon directed his speech at her instead.

What is it you need, brother Thurian?

Initial AP - 0, 0 Legend
+6 AP - Typical rollover
+1 AP - Pantheon Leader
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+3 AP - Heros
+2 AP - Legend
-1 AP - Create National Organization: Subterrian Armed Forces
A more modern military, the Subterrian Armed Forces are better trained, more regimented, more mobile, and provide better services to their troops than any other (current) armed force in the world.
-0 AP - Create Class: PC PrC: The Clawguard
The Clawguard are an elite force specially trained by The Swordbearer to fight Darkfolk and common Darkfolk tactics as well as overwhelming odds. They are also the best Diggers Subterria has.

Only Molefole, Clawfolk, and any future variation may join the Clawguard.
-0 AP - Create Class: (N?)PC PRC: Commander
Commanders are the leadership of the Subterrian military, and the sacrifice some martial skill for a better ability to command their troops and be heard through the din of battle.
-0 AP - Create Mundane Life: Many new species of Apple
We've got a lot in the real world, now the campaign has a lot too. Some are nifty like the orpple, but are normal apples (if with a bit of an odd origin) at the end of the day.
-1 AP - Create Monstrous Life: Vita fruit
Vita fruit are the result of several generations of selective and cross-breeding of apples and oranges, overseen (and perhaps enhanced a bit) by two Uplifters. The vita fruit looks just like an apple, but is the color of an orange. Its taste is whatever is most pleasant to the eater at the time and one vita fruit (the size of a typical Hufolk's head) provides a days worth of nutrition to a single Hufolk. Unfortunately, the vita fruit is finicky. A tree will only last 20 years, and only produce fruit for the last 10. Conditions must be perfect in that time, the kind only found within Hu (due to the Heart), or the tree will die. A given tree will typical only produce five or six fruit in a season, making it a highly sought after item.
-1 AP - Alter Life: Sheep to Great Sheep
Great Sheep are identical to sheep, but are two size categories larger.
-2 Legend AP - Weave Sanctum: The Uniter's Cave
The cave in Tranquility that matches up with the cave The Uniter calls home on the material plane. It has a strong good alignment and a minor Anti-Void trait.
Current AP - 8 AP, 0 Legend

2013-08-14, 05:24 PM
"It has occurred to me that you may find it pleasing to return to your god's position as head of the Triad/or Trinity, as it was originally called. I am thinking of relinquishing my position and handing it over to your god once more. Tell him this once he reawakens."

2013-08-15, 01:04 PM
Oblivion was ready to work his stuff once again. Now he would deal with the problems he had been experiencing so much these past few battles with Liberator... His inability to handle damage had become enough of a bother to warrant proper corrective action. So into the Void did he weave, creating a backup shell from the nothingness around him that he could use if this body were to fall yet again in battle. And to that shell, Oblivion gifted a cloak of swirling stars that he pulled from his body. Though not the stars themselves, the cloak was a thing of beauty and radiance, and even just the reflection of so many celestial bodies was dazzling. Next, Oblivion decided that a little more offensive might was never a bad thing, so he made his voice into a force that could cause harm, if he so desired it to. There, that was enough for him... Though when he looked down at Arno and saw the mortal's accomplishment, the Dragon had to admit he was impressed. Taming a Cobalt should have been impossible, even for the hero... And yet there he stood, victorious and bonded to that dragon for life.

He should probably be rewarded for his good work.

With a sigh, Oblivion took the divinity that had been granted to Arno and used it to bless the ancient Voidwalker, changing his form to be that of a much greater being, one that moved as the shadows and melted past blade and spell alike. There, that was good enough with that. Though, the people did favor him as their protector and long time hero... Bah, fine. He made the hero a blade as well, drawing on yet more power from his heroes to forge the artifact and drop it in front of the startled Voidwalker. The blade would be named many things in its existence, the Blade of Shadows, the Sword of Truth, Tool of the Dragon... But first and foremost, it would be known as Arno's blade, as it was bound to his life and he to its. If ever the hero was to fall, this powerful artifact would disappear from the world without a trace, traveling back to Oblivion to be used once more...

Next, he sent some new instructions to his Demi-God, letting Searin see what he had planned... And the Death God nodded with an ethereal grin as he drew in power, creating an artifact to reflect his dominion over the dead and to send his ability to direct and control them to nearly infinite proportions. This Skull of the Undying fit nicely into the palm of his hand... But that was not where it was meant to be used. A simple, frigid and unyielding twist of his helm removed the barrier of metal and he inserted the skull into the vibrant green light of his soul. There was pain, yes, but in that pain he could feel his power grow all the more, and his mind expanded to link to all the undead in this pyramid... Hundreds of the mindless, and thousands more to rise. Yes, it would be glorious! Replacing his helm back over his soul-bound artifact, Searin chuckled and leaned back against a wall... And found himself fancying a chair of some particular majesty...

The First Hunter found herself with some excess time, so she traveled about the world, noting that the Walkers had apparently taken the ideas of a tavern and roads and combine them to make convenient waypoints around all of their lands and into the lands of Hu... Rather nice of them, really.

And Arno looked at the development of the other peoples and saw what the Void lacked... A national super structure to hold its societies together. Though he didn't believe such a thing needed to exist to promote good or prosperity himself, he could see how it helped the other races keep a sense of peace and unity... But he could not make such a structure himself. Not until he had been part of one and knew how to work it. So since his God and Rand seemed to get along so well... He went to the council of Aldara and waited to be attended.

+6 AP (Voidy, 5 natural 1 pantheon head) +3 AP (heroes) +2 AP (Searin). Total AP: 11

-2AP Create Artifact: Body Double: A body double that will replace Voidy's body if it is destroyed in RCR, allowing him to fight longer. +3 HP
-2AP Create Artifact: Cloak of the Stars: A cloak that is attached to the double, making it more durable. +3 HP
-2AP Create Artifact: Scream of the Void: The Void Dragon's voice is infused with the essence of death, if he wishes it to be. This can be turned off. +1 Attack.

-1AP Divine Word: Blessing of the Dragon (Arno): Arno, and Arno alone for now, counts as Legendary life known as the Null-form Voidwalker (to be created next rollover...) He has 50% concealment at all times, may not be the direct target of a spell and has his dexterity and LA increased by 4. He also gains the Greater Voidblessing template.
-2AP: Create Artifact: Arno's Blade: A blade of incredible power, it can cut through all normal matter effortlessly (ignores Hardness), increases its bearer's reflexes and physical parameters substantially (+6 to all physical stats) gives him immunity to all holding, charm and domination spells, provides +11 SR and effects, and deals 5d6 Void damage on top of its regular weapon damage (1d8). It is the same shape as a long sword. It is not soul bound, it is literally Arno's soul.

-2AP Create Artifact: Skull of the Undying: Allows the user to control any number of undead, removing the HD limit entirely. This artifact also allows the bearer to raise 15 HD of undead per round and allows him to take control of all mindless undead in a 150' area. Intelligent undead are allowed a will save (DC 23) to negate this effect.

-0AP: Absorb all open concepts that the Voidwalkers did not have before (unless somehow restricted...)

2013-08-16, 12:19 AM
Feeling the love emanating from her realm, Zygora decided she would create guardians to spread love and kindness everywhere. She decided she would create a race of powerful beings. She would name these beings Domingo, and they would carry her spirit.

It was at this moment that Zygora sensed the creation of another minor anti-void dominant plane. She went to investigate.

Starting AP: 16

(-5 AP) Create Fabled Life (Domingo): Domingo are a race of crystaline winged immortal (they never die of old age) elf-like beings that are made of a translucent yellow stone that is far harder than diamond, but roughly the weight of styrofoam. The stone they are made of glows a soft yellow and exudes an minor anti-void energy field in a 60 ft. radius around the Domingo. Domingo are typically between 1'4" and 2'0" in height. In addition to the healing effects of of the Domingo's energy field, which does not stack, Domingoes can phase through walls and other obstacles. Their wings grant them the speed and grace of a hummingbird, and have maximum air speeds of 160 mph. They are fast on land, too, and can reach speeds of 120 mph and sustain this speed for hours without tiring. Not only are Domingoes perfect in defense, magic, and medical skill, but they also possess a frightening offensive ability. If a Domingo needs to cause harm rather than heal, it can shoot an intense laser beam from both eyes that penetrate through 6 inches of solid lead per second. This is just barely faster than their massive passive anti-void energy field would be able to repair the damage. Luckily for those who might fear their "piercing gaze," Domingo are largely a peaceful, intelligent race whose main task from Zygora is to promote any and all kinds of love. Besides wings attached to their shoulder blades, Domingo differ from elves with their possession of a graceful 1'0" to 1'7" long prehensile tail that is usually very dexterous. In a weird way, Domingo are fruit, since new Domingos grow on trees and planting the remains of a slain Domingo creates a new tree that will produce new Domingo so long as the planted Domingo in question was planted on The Plane of Love. The tree will keep producing Domingoes as long as it stays rooted and on The Plane of Love. Domingo are very curious creatures that are always honest and love learning new things.

(-1 AP) Form Society: Domingoes will work together to achieve their goals and wish to learn. This love lead to the creation of the Kingdom of Sábado.

(-2 AP) Create Nation: Due to the accelerated time on The Plane of Love, a a day later on the material plane came to be 120 years on The Plane of Love. In that time, the Kingdom of Sábado grew very large and powerful, forming huge nursery-gardens and armies. Culture and life is now well developed, and those who leave the plane to spread the will Zygora find that Sábado grows even mightier each time they return, for centuries will pass at home while they only expirience a few days away. Luckily, the infinitely long lifespans of Domingo allow them to reconnect with loved ones upon their return.

(-1 AP) Promote Leader: King Zimmos rules the Kingdom of Sábado from his palace in Sábado's capital, Sábado City.

AP Remaining: 7

2013-08-16, 12:05 PM
Oblivion was ready to work his stuff once again. Now he would deal with the problems he had been experiencing so much these past few battles with Liberator... His inability to handle damage had become enough of a bother to warrant proper corrective action. So into the Void did he weave, creating a backup shell from the nothingness around him that he could use if this body were to fall yet again in battle. And to that shell, Oblivion gifted a cloak of swirling stars that he pulled from his body. Though not the stars themselves, the cloak was a thing of beauty and radiance, and even just the reflection of so many celestial bodies was dazzling. Next, Oblivion decided that a little more offensive might was never a bad thing, so he made his voice into a force that could cause harm, if he so desired it to. There, that was enough for him... Though when he looked down at Arno and saw the mortal's accomplishment, the Dragon had to admit he was impressed. Taming a Cobalt should have been impossible, even for the hero... And yet there he stood, victorious and bonded to that dragon for life.

He should probably be rewarded for his good work.

With a sigh, Oblivion took the divinity that had been granted to Arno and used it to bless the ancient Voidwalker, changing his form to be that of a much greater being, one that moved as the shadows and melted past blade and spell alike. There, that was good enough with that. Though, the people did favor him as their protector and long time hero... Bah, fine. He made the hero a blade as well, drawing on yet more power from his heroes to forge the artifact and drop it in front of the startled Voidwalker. The blade would be named many things in its existence, the Blade of Shadows, the Sword of Truth, Tool of the Dragon... But first and foremost, it would be known as Arno's blade, as it was bound to his life and he to its. If ever the hero was to fall, this powerful artifact would disappear from the world without a trace, traveling back to Oblivion to be used once more...

Next, he sent some new instructions to his Demi-God, letting Searin see what he had planned... And the Death God nodded with an ethereal grin as he drew in power, creating an artifact to reflect his dominion over the dead and to send his ability to direct and control them to nearly infinite proportions. This Skull of the Undying fit nicely into the palm of his hand... But that was not where it was meant to be used. A simple, frigid and unyielding twist of his helm removed the barrier of metal and he inserted the skull into the vibrant green light of his soul. There was pain, yes, but in that pain he could feel his power grow all the more, and his mind expanded to link to all the undead in this pyramid... Hundreds of the mindless, and thousands more to rise. Yes, it would be glorious! Replacing his helm back over his soul-bound artifact, Searin chuckled and leaned back against a wall... And found himself fancying a chair of some particular majesty...

The First Hunter found herself with some excess time, so she traveled about the world, noting that the Walkers had apparently taken the ideas of a tavern and roads and combine them to make convenient waypoints around all of their lands and into the lands of Hu... Rather nice of them, really.

And Arno looked at the development of the other peoples and saw what the Void lacked... A national super structure to hold its societies together. Though he didn't believe such a thing needed to exist to promote good or prosperity himself, he could see how it helped the other races keep a sense of peace and unity... But he could not make such a structure himself. Not until he had been part of one and knew how to work it. So since his God and Rand seemed to get along so well... He went to the council of Aldara and waited to be attended.

+6 AP (Voidy, 5 natural 1 pantheon head) +3 AP (heroes) +2 AP (Searin). Total AP: 11

-2AP Create Artifact: Body Double: A body double that will replace Voidy's body if it is destroyed in RCR, allowing him to fight longer. +3 HP
-2AP Create Artifact: Cloak of the Stars: A cloak that is attached to the double, making it more durable. +3 HP
-2AP Create Artifact: Scream of the Void: The Void Dragon's voice is infused with the essence of death, if he wishes it to be. This can be turned off. +1 Attack.

-1AP Divine Word: Blessing of the Dragon (Arno): Arno, and Arno alone for now, counts as Legendary life known as the Null-form Voidwalker (to be created next rollover...) He has 50% concealment at all times, may not be the direct target of a spell and has his dexterity and LA increased by 4. He also gains the Greater Voidblessing template.
-2AP: Create Artifact: Arno's Blade: A blade of incredible power, it can cut through all normal matter effortlessly (ignores Hardness), increases its bearer's reflexes and physical parameters substantially (+6 to all physical stats) gives him immunity to all holding, charm and domination spells, provides +11 SR and effects, and deals 5d6 Void damage on top of its regular weapon damage (1d8). It is the same shape as a long sword. It is not soul bound, it is literally Arno's soul.

-2AP Create Artifact: Skull of the Undying: Allows the user to control any number of undead, removing the HD limit entirely. This artifact also allows the bearer to raise 15 HD of undead per round and allows him to take control of all mindless undead in a 150' area. Intelligent undead are allowed a will save (DC 23) to negate this effect.

-0AP: Absorb all open concepts that the Voidwalkers did not have before (unless somehow restricted...)

Tadrac sat in his seat in the new council chamber, a larger one with grand, open arches that would let in even the large Crystal Dragons now spreading through the land. Six large perches ringed the room above where the council sat, perches for the six different races of dragon in the land. To his left set Nina, the hero who had brought the dragons into the land, and had assisted with integrating them into the expanding nation. To his right sat the capitals representative, then the room ringed around to progressively smaller cities and territories. Tadrac sighed as he ordered the execution of yet another mage turned slaver, and looked down at his list.

"Arno? Arno? Oh, call in Arno, the voidwalkers seem to have business with us today."

Tadrac said to the woman standing at the base who lets in the people to see the council. Nina sits up at this and looks down at the ground, the Red Hand's general standing behind her, obviously annoyed at having lost his seat.

2013-08-16, 05:34 PM
Tadrac sat in his seat in the new council chamber, a larger one with grand, open arches that would let in even the large Crystal Dragons now spreading through the land. Six large perches ringed the room above where the council sat, perches for the six different races of dragon in the land. To his left set Nina, the hero who had brought the dragons into the land, and had assisted with integrating them into the expanding nation. To his right sat the capitals representative, then the room ringed around to progressively smaller cities and territories. Tadrac sighed as he ordered the execution of yet another mage turned slaver, and looked down at his list.

"Arno? Arno? Oh, call in Arno, the voidwalkers seem to have business with us today."

Tadrac said to the woman standing at the base who lets in the people to see the council. Nina sits up at this and looks down at the ground, the Red Hand's general standing behind her, obviously annoyed at having lost his seat.

Arno and his small delegation, comprised of two other dragon lords, two knights, two neutralizers, an anti-mage, an oblivion guard, favored soul and a necromancer entered the council chambers, all high placed representatives of their respective organizations. His Dragon and the other two (a copper and a red) moved to stand at the edges of the hall, nodding to Visereth who sat upon her perch. The once black dragon was now a striped, red opal, and sat in the sun, glistening. She was beautiful... but also slightly off. Arno shifted the blades at his side and looked to the council, bowing. "Lord councilors... Nina, Tadrac." Arno said in the true language, not wanting to rely on the inaccuracies of common. It was really rather nice of the dragons to extend their language to anyone who linked to them, especially since it was understood by everyone... "I hope I find you in good favor... and I am here to propose a change to our alliance. Which is why I have brought all of our... 'leaders' to this meeting." They had all heard of his plan, and all agreed.

2013-08-16, 05:43 PM
Arno and his small delegation, comprised of two other dragon lords, two knights, two neutralizers, an anti-mage, an oblivion guard, favored soul and a necromancer entered the council chambers, all high placed representatives of their respective organizations. His Dragon and the other two (a copper and a red) moved to stand at the edges of the hall, nodding to Visereth who sat upon her perch. The once black dragon was now a striped, red opal, and sat in the sun, glistening. He was beautiful... but also slightly off. Arno shifted the blades at his side and looked to the council, bowing. "Lord councilors... Nina, Tadrac." Arno said in the true language, not wanting to rely on the inaccuracies of common. It was really rather nice of the dragons to extend their language to anyone who linked to them, especially since it was understood by everyone... "I hope I find you in good favor... and I am here to propose a change to our alliance. Which is why I have brought all of our... 'leaders' to this meeting." They had all heard of his plan, and all agreed.

Tadrac stands and bows, looking up at Visereth above him. He smiles, and looks over at Nina, and fingers something in his robes pocket. Shaking himself, he returns the favor of speaking in the true language, something he had come to study since the crystal dragons had joined Aldara.

"Welcome friends, and you come across us at a good time. No more trivial cases passed to far up the courts. We are more than happy to hear what you have to say. It will provide a good distraction from all these simple matters that have come before us recently. Before you are all the leaders, including The General of the Red Hand, Marcus, of Aldara, so you can speak to us all at once."

Tadrac said before sitting, gesturing for Arno and the others to speak.

2013-08-16, 05:47 PM
Zygora opened a portal from the Plane of Love to the Material plane, and hundreds of Domingoes flew out. This was Sábado City's 118th scout squadron, hand picked by King Zimmos himself. They were looking to build an outpost on the Material plane when they flew over where Zygora's Grandfather's Dragon was. Curious creatures, they swooped in to investigate.

In a squeaky voice, one of them asked, "What is going on here?"

2013-08-16, 06:11 PM
The Uniter (who felt her divine power return to her) was confused and said, ...You do realize that I am not Liberator, right? I was never the head- But before she could continue, her Liberator stirred.


The sleep hadn't been as long as the last time, but it had still been some time. The Titans had a nation, and dragons were a part of it. The world was connected by roads and wheels. And everything was at peace. Liberator smiled at all his children had done.

Then he noticed something odd. His Uplifter had... become a god? How was that even possible... She had not done much yet in her godly duties, but she had been proselytizing her faith and the faith of the trinity (of which she felt she should be a part [which was... good]) throughout the known world.

At this time, Liberator realized his claims had never been altered, and so he did that at once.

The Chaoflok would come first. These folk were the most primitive on the planet, having the less than the Darkfolk did. Liberator would give them a vision, much as Thurian gave to the Darkfolk, telling them there was a better way. The vision would be of bountiful food, folk helping folk, and the greatest city on earth; Haven. They would be told that this was theirs, if they would only give up their evil ways and walk the path of the just. In those who accepted his offer he implanted the knowledge of shipbuilding and navigation so they may travel to Bastion and find Hu, living there as Gnofolk.

The Layer of Pain was next. The change made to it would be subtle, but important. Entry would no longer be gained by meditating on pain recieved or caused and enjoyed. In stead, it would be in the meditation on pain in any form. Pain you have overcome, pain you wish to heal, and yes, still pain you enjoyed.

Then the Data-sheep followed. While he wouldn't prevent them from eating memories from the minds of people, he would make their tastes a bit more... selective. They would only be able to eat evil from peoples minds. This had the intent of slowly moving those they fed upon towards good.

Finally was the Sunsythe. Liberator re-shaped it until it was a sythe no longer, but a Greataxe, the newly chosen weapon of Liberator.

Before Liberator could do anything else, the sense-rush returned to him. Thurian was giving him back leadership of the Gods for the Promotion of Freedom and Justice.

I would be honord to resume leadership of our pantheon Thurian. Nothing could make me happier.

2013-08-16, 06:20 PM
Tadrac stands and bows, looking up at Visereth above him. He smiles, and looks over at Nina, and fingers something in his robes pocket. Shaking himself, he returns the favor of speaking in the true language, something he had come to study since the crystal dragons had joined Aldara.

"Welcome friends, and you come across us at a good time. No more trivial cases passed to far up the courts. We are more than happy to hear what you have to say. It will provide a good distraction from all these simple matters that have come before us recently. Before you are all the leaders, including The General of the Red Hand, Marcus, of Aldara, so you can speak to us all at once."

Tadrac said before sitting, gesturing for Arno and the others to speak.

Arno gratefully took his seat and was about to talk when...

Zygora opened a portal from the Plane of Love to the Material plane, and hundreds of Domingoes flew out. This was Sábado City's 118th scout squadron, hand picked by King Zimmos himself. They were looking to build an outpost on the Material plane when they flew over where Zygora's Grandfather's Dragon was. Curious creatures, they swooped in to investigate.

In a squeaky voice, one of them asked, "What is going on here?"

Oh my dragon, that voice was hilariously adorable! Holding back a bit of a laugh, Arno looked to the new beings and nodded. "Hello there new ones. I am discussing something with our friends here that will likely bring our people closer, which I guess does not have to be done in private..." Why would it need to be, after all? These were times of peace and prosperity... no room for shadow, cloak and dagger. Not any longer. "You are welcome to join us if you like, the Aldarians and I just began deliberations after all. So then, Tadrac, you are doing well I presume?"

Nullam Occidit looked at the newcomers, sighing slightly as a hiss escaped its lips. Energies of that bastard liberator hung around them... though they were not of the liberator. Interesting. While distasteful to the nose, there was another scent above that of the anti-void... and it was just the simple essence of life. Anti-void was close enough to positive energy for the Goddess of Life to include it, the Draconic hero supposed. It then began to think about what it could do with the power of a flight of Cobalt Dragons under its wing... But how to bring its brothers into the public? And how would they be controlled? Something to be done at a later date... For now, the alliance.

2013-08-16, 07:36 PM
Arno gratefully took his seat and was about to talk when...

Oh my dragon, that voice was hilariously adorable! Holding back a bit of a laugh, Arno looked to the new beings and nodded. "Hello there new ones. I am discussing something with our friends here that will likely bring our people closer, which I guess does not have to be done in private..." Why would it need to be, after all? These were times of peace and prosperity... no room for shadow, cloak and dagger. Not any longer. "You are welcome to join us if you like, the Aldarians and I just began deliberations after all. So then, Tadrac, you are doing well I presume?"

Nullam Occidit looked at the newcomers, sighing slightly as a hiss escaped its lips. Energies of that bastard liberator hung around them... though they were not of the liberator. Interesting. While distasteful to the nose, there was another scent above that of the anti-void... and it was just the simple essence of life. Anti-void was close enough to positive energy for the Goddess of Life to include it, the Draconic hero supposed. It then began to think about what it could do with the power of a flight of Cobalt Dragons under its wing... But how to bring its brothers into the public? And how would they be controlled? Something to be done at a later date... For now, the alliance.

"Better than ever, yes. What's this you want to discuss about our alliance?

Tadrac said, ignoring the new comers for now, even if the power the held within, if they were hostile, the council would be more than enough to deal with them, not even counting those with Arno.

2013-08-16, 08:16 PM
Arno gratefully took his seat and was about to talk when...

Oh my dragon, that voice was hilariously adorable! Holding back a bit of a laugh, Arno looked to the new beings and nodded. "Hello there new ones. I am discussing something with our friends here that will likely bring our people closer, which I guess does not have to be done in private..." Why would it need to be, after all? These were times of peace and prosperity... no room for shadow, cloak and dagger. Not any longer. "You are welcome to join us if you like, the Aldarians and I just began deliberations after all. So then, Tadrac, you are doing well I presume?"

Nullam Occidit looked at the newcomers, sighing slightly as a hiss escaped its lips. Energies of that bastard liberator hung around them... though they were not of the liberator. Interesting. While distasteful to the nose, there was another scent above that of the anti-void... and it was just the simple essence of life. Anti-void was close enough to positive energy for the Goddess of Life to include it, the Draconic hero supposed. It then began to think about what it could do with the power of a flight of Cobalt Dragons under its wing... But how to bring its brothers into the public? And how would they be controlled? Something to be done at a later date... For now, the alliance.

It was then that Zygora, in Draconic form swooped in. She had King Zimmos himself riding on her back. She smiled when she came across the scout Domingoes.

Such curious creatures… she thought.

Zimmos, having rested his wings the whole trip, swooped from Zygora's back.
"Why do I need to be here again, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, Zimmos, this meeting is more than a matter of the divine. It will likely determine the destiny of Sábado as well."
Zygora turned to her Great-Grandfather's dragon.
"What do you think of my creations?"

2013-08-17, 11:03 PM
"Better than ever, yes. What's this you want to discuss about our alliance?

Tadrac said, ignoring the new comers for now, even if the power the held within, if they were hostile, the council would be more than enough to deal with them, not even counting those with Arno.

"Greetings, Tadroc! I am Zimmos, ruler of Sábado. I come in peace, and wish you well. I was speaking with my patron, and she thought it would be wise to propose a trade route with your people. Ideas and Goods shall eternally flow between us, and all will be well."

2013-08-18, 01:39 AM
After Thurian Left....

Liberator was overjoyed. Though he had to let his Bastion-centric Pantheon fall, it had not done much for his people. The Meddler had proven to be mentally unstable and a pox upon reality, and Rand was truly Eldritch's son. But now, he headed the Trinity once more. And it just so happened that his vassal god was at hand...

So, Uniter. You have been styling yourself as the replacement for the Trinity, have you? Would you like to make that official?

With clear joy on her face and in her voice, Nothing would make me happier. With dawning realization, and a hint of panic, However, I have plans on how to help our people, but it requires all of my slight energy, I'm afraid I can't-

Liberator raised a hand, cutting her off, Allow me. Liberator focused a small fraction of his divine energy into the Uniter, who then immediately spent it on joining the Trinity pantheon.

Smiling on his child, Liberator said Now, go fulfill your plan, as I will fulfill my own.

With that, Liberator appeared next to the Black Moon. Next to The Void. It was disgusting. Destructive and tied to evil. Liberator crated a very small ball of Anti-Void, and lobbed it at the Black Moon. Where it hit was an explosion of tremendous power, but it wasn't even noticeable from the planet below. Hm...

The Dragon has his own plane of Void with which to impact the world. No matter how much Anti-Void I make, the Void will always be more prevalent... At least so long as I do not have a plane of my own, with a moon of my own.

Liberator bent space to create an infinite realm of pure Anti-Void. This was a good start for his Anti-Void, but it still needed a manifestation as the Void has the Black moon, and so he forged the White Moon, a portal to the Anti-Void that would be a place of refuge to any that found it.

As Liberator looked on his White Moon, he though about the growing prevalence of Void magic being used in his nations. While the Void was not in and of itself evil, he still didn't like the its prevalence among his people. He would give them something truly great for this time of peace. Magic that would heal and build. Anti-Void magic.

It was easy to give casters access to the Anti-Void, either through him as divine energy, or from the source directly as arcane power. This would surely help build a golden age through-out his nations.

As he was about to head on to his next order of business, Liberator noticed something odd. He had very little reverence from Goheng. If this had been centuries earlier, that would have been no great surprise, but his people had colonized Goheng in the absence of Eldritch. He felt some reverence from the people there, but most revered... The Dragon

Ah. He could feel it now. The Void stirring in Goheng, leading people away from their chosen faiths and into the claws of the Dragon... and into evil. That simply would not stand.

After dealing with that situation, Liberator traveled to the green moon. I am sorry my return has taken so long, Vectrisis, but I was otherwise indisposed. I am now here to help.


Suddenly, everyone around Jorn (including him, he noticed) was wearing a small glowing stone on a necklace. No not a stone, it hadn't been heavy enough-

Before he could finish that thought, many of the Molefolk around him began to openly sob, begging Liberator or the Trinity (some even the lost godess Esterius) for forgiveness. If The Swordbearer only had suspicions that something was awry in the Goheng Mining Colony, this was conformation.

It wasn't long before they explained it all. There had been whispers in the back of their minds to join the Void Dragon and use his power for... terrible things. The colonists consorted with Darkfolk to kill their friends and family, and shipped half of the resources the acquired to their new dark god's land.

This was troubling news indeed. Though Liberator had long cautioned against the Void Dragon and his Voidfolk, there had been no sign of treachery from his worshipers. Until now. This was disturbing news indeed. The Swordbeaer sent word to the other two nations of what had happened in Goheng and of the strange white... objects that had thwarted these plans. The Three Nations of Hu would have to send a delegation to Waypoint to sort this out, and Arno had better have a good explanation for them...


As Liberator left her side, The Uniter knew what needed to be done. First she had to speak with The Uplifter to get approval for her plan.

Bemused that a god would seek his approval, The Uplifter freely gave it, as it was a sound plan that would add to the prosperity and well-being of the Coalition.

The Uniter took the form of a hufolk woman and masked her divinity. She traveled from Way Station to Way Station, silently observing the proprietors. When she found one that was promising, she would probe their souls, and always find a slight lacking in character. That was until she found Adraia. Adraia was a barkeep in one of the busier Way Stations. She always had an open ear and a kind smile for the troubles of travelers. She cared in her core about each and every one of them, and wished to do whatever she could to help.

Upon realizing she had found her perfect candidate, the United relieved her divine nature to Adraia one night and said, I am the Uniter! Child of Liberator, Protector of the Three Nations of Hu, Third of the Trinity! I have come here to fine a new hero to help the people! This hero is not like the others, however. This hero is no great leader or warrior, but is instead a great servant to the people! You, Adraia, are the most dedicated to the service of your fellow folk of all those working in the Way Stations, and for that you shall become the Servant, Quartermaster of the Way Stations, the greatest aid to folk of this land that there could be! Come with me to my sanctum in Tranquility and claim your rightful power!

Adraia happily made the treck, and once in the Uniter's Cave, gained great power and wisdom. She had become the Servant, and she would serve her people well.


The Mediator had heard many cases in his time, and in the past many of those cases had ended in one party, or both, dissatisfied with his rulings, no mater how fair and just those not involved felt they were.

The Mediator spend many years in meditation on why this could be, and came to the conclusion that people were too emotionally connected to their stake in a case that they couldn't see his wisdom for what it was. To that end, he decided some divine aid might be in order.

Around him, he created an area of calmness, akin to that found in Tranquility itself. Those in The Mediator's presence would have their emotions calmed and their reason enhanced, allowing them to better argue their points, better understand the points of their opponent, and better appreciate the reasoning behind The Mediator's rulings. This led to people in general being happier with the decisions the Mediator made, no matter which side he favored, or even if it was neither.

But then word came to him from The Coalition of what had happened in Goheng. This was... troubling. While the other two nations planed to send a delegation of diplomats, he would advise that it would be best if He, The Swordbearer, and the Uplifter went representing the Three Nations, as there were the most in-tune with their respective nations and would be able to best seek the truth in Waypoint.

It would take some time for the nations to get their affairs in order to do without their leaders (or military commander in the case of the Swordbearer), so they would not be able to leave as soon as if it were a standard diplomatic party, but their presence would show how serious the Three Nations felt this matter was, and it would be resolved in the best manner possible...

Initial AP - 8, 0 Legend
+6 AP - typical rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon head
+3 AP - Heroes
+2 Legend AP - typical rollover
-1 AP - Given to The Uniter and immediately spent on joining the Trinity pantheon.
-5 AP - Imagine Plane: The Anti-Void
As the Void is pure void energy, the Anti-Void is pure Anti-Void energy. It is strong anti-void aligned, healing those within it fully (10 hp per round, cures diseases) as well as sustaining them, and preventing them from aging (though Time passes normally. I has the opposite effect on those that have been "void blessed" or otherwise use Void energy as a base. They are harmed greatly (10 hp damage per round, fatigued), their metabolism is harmed (requiring double normal daily nourishment), and they age at double the rate (though time passes normally). Anti-Void Magic is enhanced, while void-magic is impeded. The Anti-Void is constantly full of white light, and it is impossible to produce darkness of any form within it.
-2 AP - Create Relic: The White Moon
Again mirroring the properties of its Void-based counter-part, having its size and position controlled by Liberator, The white moon has a breathable atmosphere and all the properties of the Anti-Void. The White Moon is 3x as bright as a full moon on earth.

The White Moon and Black Moon orbit each other, vying for dominance in the sky, causing the appearance of waxing and waining on a monthly cycle like the normal moon on earth.
-5 AP - Create Legendary Concept: Anti-Void Magic
Anti-Void Magic can be either arcane or divine, depending on how its channeled. Divine Anti-Void Magic only comes from direct worship of Liberator (not Trinity worship) or concept veneration. Anti-Void produces any and all energy effects, creation effects, as well as healing and sustaining effects better than any other form of magic.

A voidblessed who is channeling Anti-Void is effected as a normal person channeling Void.
-4 AP - Couner-Word: Void Corruption in Goheng
Every person in Goheng was given a small talisman of Anti-Void. Normally, such a talisman would be next to useless, only good as a light source, but as long as it is kept on ones person in Goheng they are free from the inherent corruption of the plane. Additionally, at the moment a person receives such a talisman (which is easily reproducible by Anti-Void magic) their mind momentarily reverts to how they were before the corruption, with full knowledge of everything they had done and felt after it. In this state they could choose to revert to their previous mental state permanently or relish in their corruption till their end. Most people choose their uncorrupted state.
-2 Legend AP - Raise Hero: The Servant
A mantle past down to the one working in the Way Stations most dedicated to helping their fellow folk, The Servant would become the head of the Way Stations, deciding distribution of resources in the manner that would best serve the public. This also has the effect of boosting the service quality of the way-stations, as they are divinely overseen to be optimal.
-1 AP - Omen: The Mediator's Calm
The Mediator has such a calming aura about him, that hot heads cool and reason prevails in those around him, leading to his settlements of disputes being seen as the best option available by all sides in nearly every case.
Current AP - 1, 0 Legend

2013-08-18, 10:48 AM
"Better than ever, yes. What's this you want to discuss about our alliance?

Tadrac said, ignoring the new comers for now, even if the power the held within, if they were hostile, the council would be more than enough to deal with them, not even counting those with Arno.

"I wish to talk about joining our societies to your nation, allowing us to grow stronger together, and giving me the opportunity to figure out how to run a country myself." That last bit was said with a slight chuckle, and then a shake of Arno's head. "I would have asked Hu, who has been our long time ally, but... Something in my gut tells me that it would be a bad idea." That same something was telling him to stay away from Waypoint right now, and he was going to listen to it. It had been this instinct that had saved his life on countless occasions before hand, and was likely doing the same right now... though what could be going on in Waypoint was beyond him. Wasn't this the time of Peace? Why would there be danger now?

It was then that Zygora, in Draconic form swooped in. She had King Zimmos himself riding on her back. She smiled when she came across the scout Domingoes.

Such curious creatures… she thought.

Zimmos, having rested his wings the whole trip, swooped from Zygora's back.
"Why do I need to be here again, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, Zimmos, this meeting is more than a matter of the divine. It will likely determine the destiny of Sábado as well."
Zygora turned to her Great-Grandfather's dragon.
"What do you think of my creations?"

"They reek of his opposite." The Dragon said, shifting slightly to examine them closer. "But other than that, they are well crafted. Why would you choose to give them energies that the Liberator uses instead of energies of your own? It is not like you are of the anti-void..." And then the white moon appeared. "... That son of a whore." Occidit was not pleased at all with feeling its opposite above it. None of the Cobalt dragons would be, and likely the Chromatic dragons would be annoyed as well, as it created more light that they had to protect themselves from, and the metallic dragon would likely find it silly that Liberator had felt the need to take his rivalry with the Void Dragon to this extreme.

Ah, that was it. He knew how to unite them now. The Cobalts might be reluctant at first, but this would be a thing that united the dragonic races. While Hu may have recruited a small portion of the metalics, thus denying them to Nulla's order, many still roamed the lands without order, and the chromatic ones and Cobalts ignored Hu entirely. Then again, right now the Cobalts, its brothers and sisters, ignored everything... but Liberator's little act here would ensure their willingness to join Occidit's coalition. After all Cobalts were naturally the dragons of the Void, and the fool had just created their opposite in the sky. True, their natural resistance to energy would mean that even if they were in the plane of the anti-void itself they still would not feel harm*, but it was disgusting none the less.

So Occidit sent out a projection to the other Dragons, calling them to join it outside of Waypoint, to make a new nest, with some care takers that would be trained to see to dragons and their needs... Yes, a new Dragonhome in the cliffs of the Waypoint mountains... and they could probably make some treature troves, while they were at it. Those shiny things that the Voidwalkers and Humans carried about were rather pretty...

After Thurian Left....

Liberator was overjoyed. Though he had to let his Bastion-centric Pantheon fall, it had not done much for his people. The Meddler had proven to be mentally unstable and a pox upon reality, and Rand was truly Eldritch's son. But now, he headed the Trinity once more. And it just so happened that his vassal god was at hand...

So, Uniter. You have been styling yourself as the replacement for the Trinity, have you? Would you like to make that official?

With clear joy on her face and in her voice, Nothing would make me happier. With dawning realization, and a hint of panic, However, I have plans on how to help our people, but it requires all of my slight energy, I'm afraid I can't-

Liberator raised a hand, cutting her off, Allow me. Liberator focused a small fraction of his divine energy into the Uniter, who then immediately spent it on joining the Trinity pantheon.

Smiling on his child, Liberator said Now, go fulfill your plan, as I will fulfill my own.

With that, Liberator appeared next to the Black Moon. Next to The Void. It was disgusting. Destructive and tied to evil. Liberator crated a very small ball of Anti-Void, and lobbed it at the Black Moon. Where it hit was an explosion of tremendous power, but it wasn't even noticeable from the planet below. Hm...

The Dragon has his own plane of Void with which to impact the world. No matter how much Anti-Void I make, the Void will always be more prevalent... At least so long as I do not have a plane of my own, with a moon of my own.

Liberator bent space to create an infinite realm of pure Anti-Void. This was a good start for his Anti-Void, but it still needed a manifestation as the Void has the Black moon, and so he forged the White Moon, a portal to the Anti-Void that would be a place of refuge to any that found it.

As Liberator looked on his White Moon, he though about the growing prevalence of Void magic being used in his nations. While the Void was not in and of itself evil, he still didn't like the its prevalence among his people. He would give them something truly great for this time of peace. Magic that would heal and build. Anti-Void magic.

It was easy to give casters access to the Anti-Void, either through him as divine energy, or from the source directly as arcane power. This would surely help build a golden age through-out his nations.

As he was about to head on to his next order of business, Liberator noticed something odd. He had very little reverence from Goheng. If this had been centuries earlier, that would have been no great surprise, but his people had colonized Goheng in the absence of Eldritch. He felt some reverence from the people there, but most revered... The Dragon

Ah. He could feel it now. The Void stirring in Goheng, leading people away from their chosen faiths and into the claws of the Dragon... and into evil. That simply would not stand.

After dealing with that situation, Liberator traveled to the green moon. I am sorry my return has taken so long, Vectrisis, but I was otherwise indisposed. I am now here to help.


Suddenly, everyone around Jorn (including him, he noticed) was wearing a small glowing stone on a necklace. No not a stone, it hadn't been heavy enough-

Before he could finish that thought, many of the Molefolk around him began to openly sob, begging Liberator or the Trinity (some even the lost godess Esterius) for forgiveness. If The Swordbearer only had suspicions that something was awry in the Goheng Mining Colony, this was conformation.

It wasn't long before they explained it all. There had been whispers in the back of their minds to join the Void Dragon and use his power for... terrible things. The colonists consorted with Darkfolk to kill their friends and family, and shipped half of the resources the acquired to their new dark god's land.

This was troubling news indeed. Though Liberator had long cautioned against the Void Dragon and his Voidfolk, there had been no sign of treachery from his worshipers. Until now. This was disturbing news indeed. The Swordbeaer sent word to the other two nations of what had happened in Goheng and of the strange white... objects that had thwarted these plans. The Three Nations of Hu would have to send a delegation to Waypoint to sort this out, and Arno had better have a good explanation for them...


As Liberator left her side, The Uniter knew what needed to be done. First she had to speak with The Uplifter to get approval for her plan.

Bemused that a god would seek his approval, The Uplifter freely gave it, as it was a sound plan that would add to the prosperity and well-being of the Coalition.

The Uniter took the form of a hufolk woman and masked her divinity. She traveled from Way Station to Way Station, silently observing the proprietors. When she found one that was promising, she would probe their souls, and always find a slight lacking in character. That was until she found Adraia. Adraia was a barkeep in one of the busier Way Stations. She always had an open ear and a kind smile for the troubles of travelers. She cared in her core about each and every one of them, and wished to do whatever she could to help.

Upon realizing she had found her perfect candidate, the United relieved her divine nature to Adraia one night and said, I am the Uniter! Child of Liberator, Protector of the Three Nations of Hu, Third of the Trinity! I have come here to fine a new hero to help the people! This hero is not like the others, however. This hero is no great leader or warrior, but is instead a great servant to the people! You, Adraia, are the most dedicated to the service of your fellow folk of all those working in the Way Stations, and for that you shall become the Servant, Quartermaster of the Way Stations, the greatest aid to folk of this land that there could be! Come with me to my sanctum in Tranquility and claim your rightful power!

Adraia happily made the treck, and once in the Uniter's Cave, gained great power and wisdom. She had become the Servant, and she would serve her people well.


The Mediator had heard many cases in his time, and in the past many of those cases had ended in one party, or both, dissatisfied with his rulings, no mater how fair and just those not involved felt they were.

The Mediator spend many years in meditation on why this could be, and came to the conclusion that people were too emotionally connected to their stake in a case that they couldn't see his wisdom for what it was. To that end, he decided some divine aid might be in order.

Around him, he created an area of calmness, akin to that found in Tranquility itself. Those in The Mediator's presence would have their emotions calmed and their reason enhanced, allowing them to better argue their points, better understand the points of their opponent, and better appreciate the reasoning behind The Mediator's rulings. This led to people in general being happier with the decisions the Mediator made, no matter which side he favored, or even if it was neither.

But then word came to him from The Coalition of what had happened in Goheng. This was... troubling. While the other two nations planed to send a delegation of diplomats, he would advise that it would be best if He, The Swordbearer, and the Uplifter went representing the Three Nations, as there were the most in-tune with their respective nations and would be able to best seek the truth in Waypoint.

It would take some time for the nations to get their affairs in order to do without their leaders (or military commander in the case of the Swordbearer), so they would not be able to leave as soon as if it were a standard diplomatic party, but their presence would show how serious the Three Nations felt this matter was, and it would be resolved in the best manner possible...

Initial AP - 8, 0 Legend
+6 AP - typical rollover
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+1 AP - Pantheon head
+3 AP - Heroes
+2 Legend AP - typical rollover
-1 AP - Given to The Uniter and immediately spent on joining the Trinity pantheon.
-5 AP - Imagine Plane: The Anti-Void
As the Void is pure void energy, the Anti-Void is pure Anti-Void energy. It is strong anti-void aligned, healing those within it fully (10 hp per round, cures diseases) as well as sustaining them, and preventing them from aging (though Time passes normally. I has the opposite effect on those that have been "void blessed" or otherwise use Void energy as a base. They are harmed greatly (10 hp damage per round, fatigued), their metabolism is harmed (requiring double normal daily nourishment), and they age at double the rate (though time passes normally). Anti-Void Magic is enhanced, while void-magic is impeded. The Anti-Void is constantly full of white light, and it is impossible to produce darkness of any form within it.
-2 AP - Create Relic: The White Moon
Again mirroring the properties of its Void-based counter-part, having its size and position controlled by Liberator, The white moon has a breathable atmosphere and all the properties of the Anti-Void. The White Moon is 3x as bright as a full moon on earth.

The White Moon and Black Moon orbit each other, vying for dominance in the sky, causing the appearance of waxing and waining on a monthly cycle like the normal moon on earth.
-5 AP - Create Legendary Concept: Anti-Void Magic
Anti-Void Magic can be either arcane or divine, depending on how its channeled. Divine Anti-Void Magic only comes from direct worship of Liberator (not Trinity worship) or concept veneration. Anti-Void produces any and all energy effects, creation effects, as well as healing and sustaining effects better than any other form of magic.

A voidblessed who is channeling Anti-Void is effected as a normal person channeling Void.
-4 AP - Couner-Word: Void Corruption in Goheng
Every person in Goheng was given a small talisman of Anti-Void. Normally, such a talisman would be next to useless, only good as a light source, but as long as it is kept on ones person in Goheng they are free from the inherent corruption of the plane. Additionally, at the moment a person receives such a talisman (which is easily reproducible by Anti-Void magic) their mind momentarily reverts to how they were before the corruption, with full knowledge of everything they had done and felt after it. In this state they could choose to revert to their previous mental state permanently or relish in their corruption till their end. Most people choose their uncorrupted state.
-2 Legend AP - Raise Hero: The Servant
A mantle past down to the one working in the Way Stations most dedicated to helping their fellow folk, The Servant would become the head of the Way Stations, deciding distribution of resources in the manner that would best serve the public. This also has the effect of boosting the service quality of the way-stations, as they are divinely overseen to be optimal.
-1 AP - Omen: The Mediator's Calm
The Mediator has such a calming aura about him, that hot heads cool and reason prevails in those around him, leading to his settlements of disputes being seen as the best option available by all sides in nearly every case.
Current AP - 1, 0 Legend

After all of... THAT, Oblivion was more than a little infuriated. How dare Liberator not only force his will on the colony, but also attempt to destroy the Black Moon! And then, oh that's right, then Liberator went on to make his own "White moon" and "Anti-Void". So not only did he declare war on Oblivion, but then he decided to copy him! Well. They would see about that.

It was a simple action or five, first he created a portal within Goheng that led to a planet beside him. Oh, right. He created a planet beside him using the energies of Eldritch as an experiment, and it held his sign on it to mark it as his with all of his stuff... Oh right, he had finally taken a part of Goheng and strained out his energies, using the base form of Eldritch's power to give the artifact in his chest its first true spark. There we go, now that that was out of the way...

He then created a relic that protected anyone that worshiped him from the effects of the Void, until he could come up with a more permanent solution to the problem. He called out to those Darkfolk and loyal colonists who had not turned their back to him to the portal and the world on which he stood... and then he waited. While normally he would have immediately lashed out, Oblivion was in it for the long haul and he had other plans. Plans that involved raising a certain Darkwalker to a higher status... And he named the man raised in this way the "Raider". A hero, yes, and a nasty brute at that, so his... oh, what was this?

With that last empowerment, Oblivion found himself in a surge of energy, his own personal strength soaring to new heights as his body recognized that he had empowered so many before, and it could empower itself now. In fact, it became the personification of personal power. How do you like that? There was so much he could do with this...

But for now, he would wait. The Darkfolk continued gathering bodies and practicing their necromancy (which was far, far stronger here than on the material plane) and building up on this new haven with the colonists that they had once despised. This world gave them the perfect resources, children were born faster and healthier because of how nutritious the food was for their body, and how it plane linked to their soul encouraged them to actually create more. Though there was no society as of yet, it would come soon... So very soon. And they would have an unknown advantage when the time was right, for this place had a metal in it that radiated the energies of the Void, and this metal could cut through anything that got in its path. Magic, armor, flesh, all were the same to Null Metal. And the fact that it only naturally occurred on this planet meant that only those loyal to the dragon could get their grubby mitts on it... and it was hidden from the notice of all others. Heh.

Though as an added precaution, he denied access to his plane from all of the Gods and mortals not allied with him... so only his pantheon and their followers. Then again, it's not like he got many visitors anyway...


It was not Arno that greeted the delegation when it arrived, though he was on the long journey back. No, it was Searin and the First Hunter. And if a faceless spirit behind a full helm could appear displeased, it did so now. Behind him, a few rangers and Oblivion Guards looked over, with a rather large group of neutralizers moving into town as well on their way to a new investigation... but why were those two talking to three of the champions of Hu? Might be interesting to watch... "What brings you to our lands in such force, people of the Trinity?" The Death Knight asked, not in any way happy.

*Since Epic Voidblessing gives ER 20 to ALL energy types, this means that the 10 damage that is dealt to Voidblessed creatures is, in fact, negated by the Voidblessing. :smalltongue: Thus, Cobalt Dragons, who all have Epic Voidblessing, and those beings with Greater Voidblessing (ER 12) are immune to the harm of walking on the Anti-Void.

Rollover: 11 AP

-1 Divine omen: Portal to the Void: A small portal has opened up in Goheng, almost unnoticeable. It leads to the one astronomical object in the Void, allowing those who worship the Void Dragon to enter and exit freely... as long as they can actually find the portal.
-2: Create cosmetic artifact: The Void World: A world that provides protection from the Void to those that do not have the Voidblessing, but only if they worship the Dragon. It is a world that naturally generates its resources, keeps those that live on it happy/ healthy, extends their lives, increases fertility and removes the pain of child birth, and is the only place where void metal** can currently be found. It has only normal foods and the like, nothing fancy.

**Void Metal ignores all non-epic DR and can damage creatures as if it has magic penetration and ghost touch. It is one of the most rare and expensive materials to make a weapon out of, as special precautions and enchantments have to be infused within the metal to keep it from destroying whatever sheath it is placed in and to keep it from burning into the flesh of those that hold it. Oh, and it's also only found on the relic-world, so...

-2 Raise hero: The Raider: A Darkwalker who proves himself to be incredibly vicious, brutal or clever. He has the Greater Voidblessed template and increased physical abilities in every way. This Darkwalker is immortal until slain in combat, whereupon his memories and abilities are passed on down to the next Raider. This is a mantle title.

-4 Gain domain: Empowerment (Individual) +2 attack
2 AP: Raise Searin to Hero level
3 AP: Raise Lord Searin to legend level (Not, his race is Death Knight... which will be expanded to others soon)
1 AP: Bless Arno (Note, his race is Null-Form Voidwalker... also going to be expanded soon. :smalltongue:)
2 AP: Raise Nulla Occidit to Hero level
2 AP: Arno's blade
2 AP: Cry of the Void
2 AP: Body Double
2 AP: Cloak of the Stars.
Total: 16/16

-1 Form society: The dragon croft: A place that the majority of dragons in the Voidlands live, including ALL of the Cobalt Dragons. This society is a loyal supporter of the Voidwalkers, but not actually a part of their societies. They are lead by Nulla and two other dragons, a Blue and a Copper typically, and strive to make a balance between their differing philosophies.
-1 Form organization: Dragon's Caretakers: A group created to take care of the Dragons' needs, they are Voidwalkers, Hufolk... anyone who doesn't mid a little dirty work, really. For the most part, they just keep tab of the dragon's assets and feed and clean them.
Free class creation: Caretaker (NPC base): An individual that takes care of the needs of a dragon, often work in teams. No combat ability whatsoever, but be wary of angering the caretaker's jealous draconic patron... Eventually, caretakers and their dragon might fall in love and have a family together, but a new race is needed before they can actually have children. :smalltongue:
Free class action: Accountant (NPC PrC): The master of numbers, accountants basically just catalog things.

0 AP

2013-08-19, 01:14 AM
The journey had not been a pleasant one. While the conversations with The Swordbearer, The Mediator, and The Uplifter could be pleasant, they always drifted back to the same topic. What are we going to do once we get to Waypoint?

It was a hard question to answer. On the one hand, they had been allies with Waypoint since before there was a nation in Hu, let alone three. Trade with Waypoint had brought many ideas and much prosperity to the world as well as the nations of Hu. But now it seemed they had, with the help of their god, knowingly subverted a Subterrian colony, murdered Subterrian citizens, and stole Subterrian resources.

If Liberator hadn't brought the Anti-Void into the world, it seemed certain that The Swordbearer himself would have fallen victim to betrayal and a Darkfolk attack. This was disturbing to say the least.

It is clear that our relationship must change, but to what extent will be determined by what Arno has to say. While we know they were getting resources from your colony, we do not know if they knew the details of why.

But we can't reveal the extent of out ignorance to him. Or the extent of our knowledge, for that matter. The Uplifter has had many dealings with him, and while he has generally been forthright, he has been cunning. This is the man who brought fire to Hu. He remembers our people when we still lived in huts. He might not expect us to know anything. We all know the plan at this point, and going over it anymore is just over-kill. Besides, we're almost to Waypoint.

The Mortal Trinity asked for Arno, and then waited. Sooner than they were expecting, they were greeted by a man in armor, and a hunterfolk. Once the man spoke, his divinity resonated within their minds. This being was as the Uniter was. This being was a god.

While The Swordbearer and The Uplifter thought requests for aid at Liberator, The Mediator calmly continued with the plan, We have come to speak to Arno about an issue of great importance. Can you speak for the people of Waypoint in his stead?

Once it was established that he could, Very good. We would like to discus the transport of minerals from the Gohend Mining Colony of Subterria to your people.


As Liberator waited on the Green Moon, he thought more on the Anti-Void Magic he had made, and how it may be improved upon. As of now, it was unrefined and basic. Ley-magic was still a better alternative to AVM, even where AVM should excel. Liberator thought on two branches of Anti-Void magic that would be refined first; The Restorative and The Creative.

The Restorative branch would focus on channeling the Anti-Void so as to cause restorative effects. Be it the healing of wounds, the curing of diseases, or even the repairing of objects, The Restorative branch of Anti-Void Magic could do it all better than anything before or since. It could even restore life to the dead, if there was a soul willing and able to be returned.

The knowledge of this branch was first given to the people who would need it most: The healers of Subterria. With the reveal of the Darkfolk attacks in the Goheng Mining Colony, the Darkfolk would surely stop their hit-and-run stratagies for a more forward assault on the colony, an assault which could happen at any time. For that, they would need the pest healers, and now they had them.

Next came the Creative Branch. Anti-Void was the essence of being, and as such lent itself to creation. Food, water, shelter, weapons, magical empowerment, even temporary extradimensional spaces could be made with relative ease by using Anti-Void. This allowed for new spells the likes of which the world have never seen that would benefit daily life greatly.

Knowledge of this branch would first be given to the Alimars of the Way Stations of the Coalition. They used their powers every day to aid the lives of so many with food and water, and now they would be able to do so more effectively and efficiently... If they drew power from him over the Trinity. Which some champions did. Just as some worshiped Thurian over the Trinity as a whole in the Champions.

One those visions of knowledge were sent to his people, that familiar and pleasant feeling returned. He was growing in power. The light around his body was white as this happened, as it was the light of Anti-Void. Liberator wasn't at all surprised by this. He had created a fundamental force of the multiverse, it was only natural he become a god of it.

As soon as his energies settled, he felt his Swordbearer and Uplifter calling to him for aid. It seemed that when they went to confront Arno about the travesty that happened in Goheng, they had instead encountered a minor god of the Dragon. Liberator thought for his Uniter.

What is it you need from me, Liberator. She was standing beside him, looking upon the earth as he was.

There is no need for you to get involved yet, but your mortal brothers are confronting The Dragon's vassal deity over what was done in Goheng. Watch the situation and make sure they are not manipulated by him. If hostilities ensue, be sure to keep them safe.


Though she did not like that Liberator had called her fellow former mortal a vassal god, she did not feel it was the time for such a discussion.

She appeared as a hufolk woman in a spot in the village where no one would notice her sudden arrival, kept her divinity masked, and traveled to the crowed gathering around the delegation and god. Hopefully she would need to do no more than watch.

Initial AP - 1, 0 Legend
+6 AP - Typical Rollover
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+3 AP - Heroes
+2 Legend AP - Typical Rollover
+1 Legend AP - Hero
-3 AP - Magical Concept: Restorative Branch, AVM
healing and repairing effects, things that return things/people to previous states, resurrection magic, similar things.
-3 AP - Magical Concept: Creative Branch, AVM
Conjuration (creation) effects. Things that make food, water, goods, fabricate, temporary planes (like from magnificent mansion and the like).
-4 AP - Gain Domain: Anti-Void (Creation), +2 defence
Current AP - 2, 3 Legend

2013-08-19, 06:48 AM
"I wish to talk about joining our societies to your nation, allowing us to grow stronger together, and giving me the opportunity to figure out how to run a country myself." That last bit was said with a slight chuckle, and then a shake of Arno's head. "I would have asked Hu, who has been our long time ally, but... Something in my gut tells me that it would be a bad idea." That same something was telling him to stay away from Waypoint right now, and he was going to listen to it. It had been this instinct that had saved his life on countless occasions before hand, and was likely doing the same right now... though what could be going on in Waypoint was beyond him. Wasn't this the time of Peace? Why would there be danger now?

A murmur ran through the crowd as Arno spoke. Tadrac was already whispering to Nina and the general, the dragons above speaking in hushed whispers with each other. After a the whispers spread across the room, Tadrac stood up once more.

"And how exactly do you propose we merge your societies with our own?

2013-08-19, 08:02 AM
The journey had not been a pleasant one. While the conversations with The Swordbearer, The Mediator, and The Uplifter could be pleasant, they always drifted back to the same topic. What are we going to do once we get to Waypoint?

It was a hard question to answer. On the one hand, they had been allies with Waypoint since before there was a nation in Hu, let alone three. Trade with Waypoint had brought many ideas and much prosperity to the world as well as the nations of Hu. But now it seemed they had, with the help of their god, knowingly subverted a Subterrian colony, murdered Subterrian citizens, and stole Subterrian resources.

If Liberator hadn't brought the Anti-Void into the world, it seemed certain that The Swordbearer himself would have fallen victim to betrayal and a Darkfolk attack. This was disturbing to say the least.

It is clear that our relationship must change, but to what extent will be determined by what Arno has to say. While we know they were getting resources from your colony, we do not know if they knew the details of why.

But we can't reveal the extent of out ignorance to him. Or the extent of our knowledge, for that matter. The Uplifter has had many dealings with him, and while he has generally been forthright, he has been cunning. This is the man who brought fire to Hu. He remembers our people when we still lived in huts. He might not expect us to know anything. We all know the plan at this point, and going over it anymore is just over-kill. Besides, we're almost to Waypoint.

The Mortal Trinity asked for Arno, and then waited. Sooner than they were expecting, they were greeted by a man in armor, and a hunterfolk. Once the man spoke, his divinity resonated within their minds. This being was as the Uniter was. This being was a god.

While The Swordbearer and The Uplifter thought requests for aid at Liberator, The Mediator calmly continued with the plan, We have come to speak to Arno about an issue of great importance. Can you speak for the people of Waypoint in his stead?

Once it was established that he could, Very good. We would like to discus the transport of minerals from the Gohend Mining Colony of Subterria to your people.


As Liberator waited on the Green Moon, he thought more on the Anti-Void Magic he had made, and how it may be improved upon. As of now, it was unrefined and basic. Ley-magic was still a better alternative to AVM, even where AVM should excel. Liberator thought on two branches of Anti-Void magic that would be refined first; The Restorative and The Creative.

The Restorative branch would focus on channeling the Anti-Void so as to cause restorative effects. Be it the healing of wounds, the curing of diseases, or even the repairing of objects, The Restorative branch of Anti-Void Magic could do it all better than anything before or since. It could even restore life to the dead, if there was a soul willing and able to be returned.

The knowledge of this branch was first given to the people who would need it most: The healers of Subterria. With the reveal of the Darkfolk attacks in the Goheng Mining Colony, the Darkfolk would surely stop their hit-and-run stratagies for a more forward assault on the colony, an assault which could happen at any time. For that, they would need the pest healers, and now they had them.

Next came the Creative Branch. Anti-Void was the essence of being, and as such lent itself to creation. Food, water, shelter, weapons, magical empowerment, even temporary extradimensional spaces could be made with relative ease by using Anti-Void. This allowed for new spells the likes of which the world have never seen that would benefit daily life greatly.

Knowledge of this branch would first be given to the Alimars of the Way Stations of the Coalition. They used their powers every day to aid the lives of so many with food and water, and now they would be able to do so more effectively and efficiently... If they drew power from him over the Trinity. Which some champions did. Just as some worshiped Thurian over the Trinity as a whole in the Champions.

One those visions of knowledge were sent to his people, that familiar and pleasant feeling returned. He was growing in power. The light around his body was white as this happened, as it was the light of Anti-Void. Liberator wasn't at all surprised by this. He had created a fundamental force of the multiverse, it was only natural he become a god of it.

As soon as his energies settled, he felt his Swordbearer and Uplifter calling to him for aid. It seemed that when they went to confront Arno about the travesty that happened in Goheng, they had instead encountered a minor god of the Dragon. Liberator thought for his Uniter.

What is it you need from me, Liberator. She was standing beside him, looking upon the earth as he was.

There is no need for you to get involved yet, but your mortal brothers are confronting The Dragon's vassal deity over what was done in Goheng. Watch the situation and make sure they are not manipulated by him. If hostilities ensue, be sure to keep them safe.


Though she did not like that Liberator had called her fellow former mortal a vassal god, she did not feel it was the time for such a discussion.

She appeared as a hufolk woman in a spot in the village where no one would notice her sudden arrival, kept her divinity masked, and traveled to the crowed gathering around the delegation and god. Hopefully she would need to do no more than watch.

Initial AP - 1, 0 Legend
+6 AP - Typical Rollover
+1 AP - Pantheon Head
+1 AP - Unfolded Divinity
+3 AP - Heroes
+2 Legend AP - Typical Rollover
+1 Legend AP - Hero
-3 AP - Magical Concept: Restorative Branch, AVM
healing and repairing effects, things that return things/people to previous states, resurrection magic, similar things.
-3 AP - Magical Concept: Creative Branch, AVM
-4 AP - Gain Domain: Anti-Void (Creation), +2 defence
Current AP - 2, 3 Legend

They sensed that an eyebrow had been raised in a good deal of confusion. "We have been receiving some metals and supplies from it, what about them?" Searin would know about the corruption, after all, he had been the channel for that energy (Or at least, would assume his actions had caused it, since the colony had not come around until almost four years after he had made it..), but he seemed genuinely confused as to why it was a bad thing to receive a gift of good faith from their allies. After all, had they not both given it freely and without coercion? Searin had only changed their God of worship, after all. They had decided everything else on their own... "Did they not have permission to send us the materials that they have?" The Death Knight could understand that, if it was true. Society needed to have structure and order, after all. Though there was something else... "And if you do not mind me asking, would we have even known about the colony or these supplies if they had not established contact with us first?"

A murmur ran through the crowd as Arno spoke. Tadrac was already whispering to Nina and the general, the dragons above speaking in hushed whispers with each other. After a the whispers spread across the room, Tadrac stood up once more.

"And how exactly do you propose we merge your societies with our own?

"You already have multiple spread out colonies, do you not?" Arno asked him, shifting in his seat. The next part had been the hardest to get his companions to agree to, but... "We would basically be considered an extension of your nation, two very, very far out colonies that function under the same laws and oversight as yours... Does that sound like it could work?" To be honest, Arno really didn't know much about how to do this, so...

2013-08-19, 08:08 AM
"You already have multiple spread out colonies, do you not?" Arno asked him, shifting in his seat. The next part had been the hardest to get his companions to agree to, but... "We would basically be considered an extension of your nation, two very, very far out colonies that function under the same laws and oversight as yours... Does that sound like it could work?" To be honest, Arno really didn't know much about how to do this, so...

"Well colonies aren't really apart of the nation. They set up their own infrastructure, style their own local government, and all of that. If that's what you wish to have, you can. However if you want to experience both a national and local stylings of government, you'd need to be more than a colony."

Tadrac says after a moment of thought, now reading a scroll marked as "Colonial" in crystal common.

2013-08-19, 08:15 AM
"Well colonies aren't really apart of the nation. They set up their own infrastructure, style their own local government, and all of that. If that's what you wish to have, you can. However if you want to experience both a national and local stylings of government, you'd need to be more than a colony."

Tadrac says after a moment of thought, now reading a scroll marked as "Colonial" in crystal common.

Arno hesitated before asking, "Well then... what do we have to do?" Oh there would likely be something objectionable in what Tadrac was about to say, and most of Arno's companions would likely object to it. Why couldn't things just be simple for once? In all of his thousands of years of life, they never were...

2013-08-19, 08:26 AM
Arno hesitated before asking, "Well then... what do we have to do?" Oh there would likely be something objectionable in what Tadrac was about to say, and most of Arno's companions would likely object to it. Why couldn't things just be simple for once? In all of his thousands of years of life, they never were...

"Considering you want to split off, I could make the entire Voidlands one giant state. That way, from a law stand point, you can easily break away when you feel your ready, and get all the benefits of being a full part of the nation. We could also do as we do here and divide parts of the Voidlands into states that way if one area is ready for independence, and not another, it can break off."

2013-08-19, 08:40 AM
"Considering you want to split off, I could make the entire Voidlands one giant state. That way, from a law stand point, you can easily break away when you feel your ready, and get all the benefits of being a full part of the nation. We could also do as we do here and divide parts of the Voidlands into states that way if one area is ready for independence, and not another, it can break off."

Oh, that. That was... "That was... actually a lot better than I had been expecting. Not that I had been expecting anything horrible, of course." He had been expecting extra taxes on top of the normal taxes for being new to the nation. Everyone hated taxes. "Even though, joining you is the first step in what needs to happen, since no one here can agree to how a country should be run... But yes, that does sound like a good plan in the interim." In fact, most of the delegates sounded leased to hear this addendum to the plan. "We will... agree to this then." Arno said, after getting nods from all but three delegates.

2013-08-19, 10:37 AM
Oh, that. That was... "That was... actually a lot better than I had been expecting. Not that I had been expecting anything horrible, of course." He had been expecting extra taxes on top of the normal taxes for being new to the nation. Everyone hated taxes. "Even though, joining you is the first step in what needs to happen, since no one here can agree to how a country should be run... But yes, that does sound like a good plan in the interim." In fact, most of the delegates sounded leased to hear this addendum to the plan. "We will... agree to this then." Arno said, after getting nods from all but three delegates.

Tadrac smiled and bowed, Nina, and The General behind her bowing as well.

"Splendid splendid. No, no extra taxes. The colonies even set their tax rates, let alone full members of the nation. Now, shall we divide the Voidlands into segments to join, or just one giant state? Do note that if you go with one giant state, we'll have to change the council a little bit to accommodate that.

Tadrac said as he pulled out a blank scroll and dipped his quill into his ink and began to write.

2013-08-19, 01:12 PM
They sensed that an eyebrow had been raised in a good deal of confusion. "We have been receiving some metals and supplies from it, what about them?" Searin would know about the corruption, after all, he had been the channel for that energy (Or at least, would assume his actions had caused it, since the colony had not come around until almost four years after he had made it..), but he seemed genuinely confused as to why it was a bad thing to receive a gift of good faith from their allies. After all, had they not both given it freely and without coercion? Searin had only changed their God of worship, after all. They had decided everything else on their own... "Did they not have permission to send us the materials that they have?" The Death Knight could understand that, if it was true. Society needed to have structure and order, after all. Though there was something else... "And if you do not mind me asking, would we have even known about the colony or these supplies if they had not established contact with us first?"

Just before The Swordbearer could begin shouting at a god, The Mediator spoke and said quietly to his fellow hero, Brother Jorn, we agreed I should handle this.

The Swordbearer, with a momentary look of shock on his face, bowed his head and let Nefret continue. There would be no reason for Subterria to informer of their colonies in lands claimed by neither Waypoint or Our Nations. And no, the colony was not permissed to send resources directly from themselves to Waypoint. But the resources are more a symptom of a problem. Are you aware that they did so because The Void Dragon had been whispering into their minds?

2013-08-19, 01:30 PM
Thurian looked out over the vast expanse of the world, and wondered. What was all of this he was doing? Not enough. Not quite enough at all. He had been somewhat in a divine hibernation for too long. Taking this non-interference role too seriously had stunted his growth. He would never repeat this mistake of the past again.

Thurian looked out across the vast expanse once more. "It has become the time of Preservation. Too much threatens the stability, peace and value of the world. There is too much potential for destruction and ruin of the world, out of all the work we have done to maintain it. I declare a new Pantheon. . . The Brotherhood Of Wisdom. This Brotherhood shall work to preserve that which is of value in the things that the gods have made, and to preserve and acquire wisdom for the betterment of those same things. The wicked may not partake, but the wise may. The wise are those who wish to preserve, as I said, the things of this world and the gaining of knowledge and wisdom. All of those who fit the means to do this may come into the

20 AP
4 Legend AP
-1 for Founding Pantheon
19 AP left

2013-08-20, 11:51 PM
Tadrac smiled and bowed, Nina, and The General behind her bowing as well.

"Splendid splendid. No, no extra taxes. The colonies even set their tax rates, let alone full members of the nation. Now, shall we divide the Voidlands into segments to join, or just one giant state? Do note that if you go with one giant state, we'll have to change the council a little bit to accommodate that.

Tadrac said as he pulled out a blank scroll and dipped his quill into his ink and began to write.

"Just one would likely work for the best, since... well, let's look at the creeds of both societies, shall we?" Arno asked, chuckling lightly. "Arbor's is, literally, 'The gateway to Voidwalker expansion' and Waypoint's is, 'Honor and loyalty above all'. I think they might be a bit inseparable." Yeah, you might say that.

Just before The Swordbearer could begin shouting at a god, The Mediator spoke and said quietly to his fellow hero, Brother Jorn, we agreed I should handle this.

The Swordbearer, with a momentary look of shock on his face, bowed his head and let Nefret continue. There would be no reason for Subterria to informer of their colonies in lands claimed by neither Waypoint or Our Nations. And no, the colony was not permissed to send resources directly from themselves to Waypoint. But the resources are more a symptom of a problem. Are you aware that they did so because The Void Dragon had been whispering into their minds?

"..." There was silence before the God of Death spoke, and the impression of an eye twitch. "You mean to tell me that you did not know? When I put the influence of the dragon in there to claim and tame the remaining Darkfolk so that there would be no further raids on Subterra, I made its presence obvious. Did none of you go into the plane of what had been your God's most hated enemy, to ensure that he hadn't left you a parting gift or some last lingering curse that would destroy your peoples if they set foot in it? Did none of you think that there might be a danger of that occurring? Because if you had gone down there, you would have noticed something was off the instant Goheng surrounded you. After realizing that, you could have come to me or maybe thought about it for a second and sent in a colony of Void worshipers that were loyal to Hu down there instead, as they would have been immune to the effects of my influence." The Undead legend seemed to take in a breath as he let that sink in, continuing just before any of them could respond, "Oh, and I have no idea why your colony sent us any kind of invitation or materials, as the influence was only to change the Darkfolk's chosen god of worship, so that he might keep them from trying to kill you again. There was no reason for them to betray your secret... Though I wonder why it had to be a secret, given that since the day we met we have been allies who are, and this is putting it lightly, inseparable. And the first thing you do when you are finally at peace is hide a new civilization from us so that you can hoard all of its resources to yourselves? Had you not been negligent about ensuring the safety of the colonists, you would have noticed what had been done, and if you had come to us and asked both why it was there and how to get around it, we would have told you without question. And if you had asked if we or our god had done anything to Goheng, which he had fought the Liberator for which was a good hint that he likely had plans for it, then we would have told you up front. Why not a moment before? Because we honestly didn't think you would go into thrice damned Goheng* for any reason. Not after everything that has happened there."

"The fact of the matter is, this colony being kept a secret was just not becoming of an ally. Why was it kept so? You actually benefited from our 'secret', or have you not noticed the decade of peace outside of Goheng?" Searin almost snarled, an affronted glare being felt coming from his helmet. "Your secret, though... how did it do anything but fuel greed, and how could it possibly have helped us? And why did you think you needed to keep it a secret from us?" The last words actually rang across the courtyard the delegation was standing in, causing everyone there to turn their head and watch the group warily. "Explain it very, very carefully, Mediator." Searin finished in a hiss, eye slits in his helm burning green.

*In this use, it's like saying, "Why did you expect hell to be a safe place of happiness and sunshine?" :smalltongue:

Also, seriously, all the divine word in Goheng does is change the affected mortals' god of worship, nothing more.

2013-08-21, 04:41 AM
The Uniter moved her way to the front of the crowed, ready to spring into action at a moments. Three mortals, albeit divinely blessed mortals, were dealing with an angry god. This was very likely to turn south very quickly...


While The Swordbearer sheathed and The Uplifter remained stoic, The Mediator smiled. The Goheng Mining Colony of Subterria was just as much of a secret as you say you intended this force of conversion to be. Goheng, as we all know, is a large place. Subterria's decision to mine it in no way impedes any effort of Waypoints, or any other civilization of this earths, to do the same. The nation of Subterria did not formally tell Waypoint of the Colony because there was no need to. Just as you felt there was no need to tell Subterria of you conversion plans.

The force of conversion is also not as obvious as you seem to think. Caravans have been going into and out of Goheng throughout the entirety of the colonies existence, and none reported any conversionairy force of Goheng. The Swordbearer himself only noticed the strange behavior of the colonists, not the force itself. Perhaps the subtlety was an over-site on your part, a simple mistake, for which you can be forgiven.

At those words The Swordbearer shouted, LIKE GOHENG H-

BROTHER JORN! The Mediator shouted with a stern look.

For a moment, it seemed The Swordbearer was ready to strike The Mediator, but slowly calm (or at least more calm) took him and he backed down.

I apologize for that outburst from my brother, I am sure you can understand why the welfare of his people would make him so emotional.

As I said, if the subtlety was a mistake, then you can be forgiven. So long as its other negative quality was an over-site as well. Most of the loyal, good colonists consorted with Darkfolk to kill their fellow citizens and betray their countrymen in the name of your god. Was this sort of behavior some unintended side effect of your innocuous attempt to bring the Darkfolk into the fold of your religion, which has always been seen as good in its practice by our people?

The Mediator sat on his haunches, patiently waiting for a response.

Two notes
1) The Mediator maintained a calm and friendly tone throughout, except for the stern reprimand of The Swordbearer.

2) As I've said to Gnomes via PM, the omen can't both make people evil and not make people evil. Either it makes people evil, or none of that stuff happened.

2013-08-21, 09:35 AM
"If they did this... then it was of their own volition. Nothing that I did to them would have made them even remotely believe that attacking their country men or breaking their alliance was in any way their only or even a good option. Swordbearer..." He said, turning his visor to stare directly at the man in question, hostility finally draining from his voice. "Though I may have lost my body, I am still a Voidwalker. I would never do anything to harm my people, and that includes betraying the trust that we have held for so long. I am sorry that this has happened, and perhaps I should have made it more obvious against the background energies already present in Goheng, but it was never my intention to cause you and your people harm." Searin did seem sincere in his statement, though there was no way to honestly tell here, as his face was masked completely. "Now then, what is the true reason for not telling us of the colony? If you had, we would have warned you of the force of coercion and sent our own people to help you establish the colony, thereby bypassing all of what has happened here. So what is the true reason for your secret?"

Omni, check your PM's

2013-08-21, 10:59 AM
Rand's eyes snapped open as a wicked smile plays across his face as he sees something. He reaches a claw into his own chest and pulls out the shard that is his true form, then with another claw, grimaces as he make the crystal shift, the shard gaining streaks of blue throughout. The energy crackling around it takes on a green color, and it grows a little smaller. After he finishes he steps outside of his sanctuary, into the layer he had forged into the empathic plains.

"Liberator, I call to thee to see me at your nearest convenience."

Rand sends out the polite request, and sits down, licking his paw while he waits for the god he calls father to heed his call.

Starting AP - 6
Rollover: 4 AP
The Black Hand: 1 AP

Infusion - 5 AP Break the Chains: You struggle to break the bars that keep you from the mortal plane. With this action you may ignore the rule forbidding gods above fledgling from accessing the mortal world.

AP left - 6

"Just one would likely work for the best, since... well, let's look at the creeds of both societies, shall we?" Arno asked, chuckling lightly. "Arbor's is, literally, 'The gateway to Voidwalker expansion' and Waypoint's is, 'Honor and loyalty above all'. I think they might be a bit inseparable." Yeah, you might say that.

Tadrac's quill pauses as The General leans in and whispers into his ear, Tadrac's eyes widen a moment later. Then, with a frown, he tosses aside the scroll and stands.

"Something has come up, we'll have to continue this discussion later. I must ask you to leave, immediately. Some pressing matters for those that are already members of state needs to be attended too."

Nina hops down off the stands, her hand on her sword, Black and Red guards appearing out of hidden doors around them, gesturing for the people before them to leave. Outside large groups of dragons can be seen flying around, soldiers and civilians alike massing outside the council's walls.

2013-08-21, 04:12 PM
"If they did this... then it was of their own volition. Nothing that I did to them would have made them even remotely believe that attacking their country men or breaking their alliance was in any way their only or even a good option. Swordbearer..." He said, turning his visor to stare directly at the man in question, hostility finally draining from his voice. "Though I may have lost my body, I am still a Voidwalker. I would never do anything to harm my people, and that includes betraying the trust that we have held for so long. I am sorry that this has happened, and perhaps I should have made it more obvious against the background energies already present in Goheng, but it was never my intention to cause you and your people harm." Searin did seem sincere in his statement, though there was no way to honestly tell here, as his face was masked completely. "Now then, what is the true reason for not telling us of the colony? If you had, we would have warned you of the force of coercion and sent our own people to help you establish the colony, thereby bypassing all of what has happened here. So what is the true reason for your secret?"

The Mediator looked at his other with confusion on his face. You expect us to believe that you created a force that secretly and slowly strips people of their chosen faiths and turns them towards evil (even if it was not an intended consequence, there was no other factor to cause such a change) and away from their friends and loved ones but meant no harm by it, but refuse to believe that the Goheng Mining Colony was not kept secret?

The Mediator waited patiently for a response, then The Swordbearer...


Jorn didn't know what to feel, on the one hand this God had caused the deaths of his countrymen and the betrayal of an entire colony. On the other hand, the Voidfolk had been the oldest allies of The Huish States, and had brought many martial traditions Subterria found invaluable in its defense. There was no way to prove if what this one was saying was true, but if it was...

Wait, The Swordbearer blurted out. Jorn was in his own mind, not even noticing that The Mediator had retorted, or finished his retort for that matter, and the God had yet to respond when he said, Did you say you don't have a body?

And then, before anything could be said, a brilliant white light surrounded The Mediator...


Rand's eyes snapped open as a wicked smile plays across his face as he sees something. He reaches a claw into his own chest and pulls out the shard that is his true form, then with another claw, grimaces as he make the crystal shift, the shard gaining streaks of blue throughout. The energy crackling around it takes on a green color, and it grows a little smaller. After he finishes he steps outside of his sanctuary, into the layer he had forged into the empathic plains.

"Liberator, I call to thee to see me at your nearest convenience."

Rand sends out the polite request, and sits down, licking his paw while he waits for the god he calls father to heed his call.


Liberator hear the call of his bastard of a son Rand. He's probably calling me into some trap where The Dragon will blast me with a torrent of Void. Or have his dragons swoop in and annoy me while he tries to tear at my essence. And those dragons of his... so large, so powerful, so tied to the void... Two can play at that game.

Liberator sends pure streams of Anti-Void from the White moon onto the wisest and greatest champions of freedom and justice the dragons of Vulmonia have to offer, including of course The Mediator.

This pure Anti-Void would transform them into collosal being of increadible power, able to take the Dragon's dragons in any conflict that should arise. But they would also be great forces of creation, for their breath would be Anti-Void itself, able to heal or create (or harm) as needed.

Pleased with his newest creation, Liberator appeared in the Layer of Wisdom next to his son, prepaired for an attack. After a moment when no attack came, he said, For what purpose have you summoned me, my son?


The Uniter couldn't believe her eyes. Where Nefret once stood, there was now an imposing... Platinum colored dragon. Far larger than The Mediator had been, this dragon still looked strikingly like him, and in fact must have been him. This must have been a blessing from Liberator, a gift of Anti-Void. What was he thinking, doing that now? Nefret is in the middle of Waypoint for the Trinity's sake. As if this were not a tenuous enough situation as it is, he had to turn the Mediator into a living reserve of everything their god opposes???

Sensing her natural divine power coming soon, and feeling herself near her limit, The Uniter shifted most of her power to Liberator. Perhaps The Mediator can use it to help resolve this situation...

Initial AP - 2, 3 Legend
-1 AP - Alter Life: Metallic Dragons -> Platinum Dragons
Metallic Dragons tend to produce the best champions of freedom and justice in their ranks. As a reward for this, the wisest of those great champions were gifted with a connection to the Anti-Void, and were given great size compared to their kin. While the Platinum Dragons are still not as large as the Cobalt, they are larger than any standard Chromatic dragons. Their Anti-Void breath makes up for this (comparatively minor) lack of size, as it can wound the Cobolts greatly.

The Platinum Dragons Anti-Void breath has a number of other useful applications, as it is able to replicate any Anti-Void spell effect up to level 6th as a Wyrm, with lower maximum levels at younger ages. Platinum Dragons freely share the power of their breath will their allies, though there number does limit its impact.

The Platinum Dragon is the most rare and long lived of the dragons, holding only a dozen or so in their number at any one time. Part of this is due to the fact that from a single mating, only one egg is produced instead of a clutch of eggs.
-2 Legend AP - Transfered to Liberator because it will be lost at rollover and in case the Mediator can some how use it to help the situation.
Current AP - 3, 1 Legend

2013-08-21, 04:24 PM
Liberator hear the call of his bastard of a son Rand. He's probably calling me into some trap where The Dragon will blast me with a torrent of Void. Or have his dragons swoop in and annoy me while he tries to tear at my essence. And those dragons of his... so large, so powerful, so tied to the void... Two can play at that game.

Liberator sends pure streams of Anti-Void from the White moon onto the wisest and greatest champions of freedom and justice the dragons of Vulmonia have to offer, including of course The Mediator.

This pure Anti-Void would transform them into collosal being of increadible power, able to take the Dragon's dragons in any conflict that should arise. But they would also be great forces of creation, for their breath would be Anti-Void itself, able to heal or create (or harm) as needed.

Pleased with his newest creation, Liberator appeared in the Layer of Wisdom next to his son, prepaired for an attack. After a moment when no attack came, he said, For what purpose have you summoned me, my son?

"We need to talk about the Void Dragon. I have some ill tidings for you, he has gone to far this time."

Rand says with a bow of his head, before gesturing for Liberator to follow him into his sanctum.

"Come on inside, we might as well be comfortable while we talk."

2013-08-21, 04:31 PM
Liberator was shocked. His son had finally seen the error of his ways, and seemed to be seeking forgiveness. With a gentle smile while taking a seat, Liberator said, Of course, my son. Now, please tell me what you have learned of that vile one?

2013-08-21, 04:57 PM
Liberator was shocked. His son had finally seen the error of his ways, and seemed to be seeking forgiveness. With a gentle smile while taking a seat, Liberator said, Of course, my son. Now, please tell me what you have learned of that vile one?

"He seeks to spark a war in Hu, and bring you to attack an alliance my children were creating with his worshipers, through my interference I warned them way from the alliance. He's already been tainting minds in Goheng, and attempting to spread his influence through your lands.

Rand said as he changed to his human form, his Crystal Shard becoming a shield, and the Star Helm remaining firmly on his head. Rand looks his father in the eyes, and awaits his response.

2013-08-21, 05:05 PM
I was aware of his corruption in Goheng, and have already countered it with my Anti-Void, but I did not know of The Dragon's machinations for war. May I ask how you came to know them, son?

2013-08-21, 05:10 PM
I was aware of his corruption in Goheng, and have already countered it with my Anti-Void, but I did not know of The Dragon's machinations for war. May I ask how you came to know them, son?

"I've been plotting with him for some time, but when he decided to bring in the mortals not connected to our fight, he went to far. The balance of law and chaos is for more important than that of good and evil, and the Void Dragon's evil schemes would upset one or the other. So I must choose to stop him from spreading chaos through both our lands, and let good outweigh evil."

2013-08-21, 05:28 PM
Liberator's heart sank. It seemed his son hadn't repented after all, but rather decided that his precious "balance" was best served by supporting Liberator in any coming conflict rather than a true appreciation for good over evil. He must view his son in a way he wished he did not have to; as a tool.

It is good that you came to me with this information, son, Liberator said, trying to keep the tone in his voice. If you could share any details you have of the Void Dragons plans, that would be greatly appreciated. Namely how he planned to corrupt my people beyond his actions in Goheng.

2013-08-21, 05:33 PM
Liberator's heart sank. It seemed his son hadn't repented after all, but rather decided that his precious "balance" was best served by supporting Liberator in any coming conflict rather than a true appreciation for good over evil. He must view his son in a way he wished he did not have to; as a tool.

It is good that you came to me with this information, son, Liberator said, trying to keep the tone in his voice. If you could share any details you have of the Void Dragons plans, that would be greatly appreciated. Namely how he planned to corrupt my people beyond his actions in Goheng.

Rand gets a slightly wicked smile.

"You know, there was more of you in me than there was of Eldritch, namely there was always more good than evil in my heart. I put aside my personal standing to try and maintain the balance, now I can follow what I would normally to uphold it. As for the information on what he plans to do, an attack is all I know. He planned to pin it on Eldritch somehow, a remnant of his power or something, and point its origin to Tandara. Beyond that, I think I shall keep it to myself. I will not be a tool in anyone's games, at least not unwillingly."

Rand frowns with a second.

"You know, my true form, my heart has shifted since we last met. You wish to see it?

2013-08-21, 05:41 PM
Well, this was a roller-coaster of emotion. His son, though still desiring to support balance over his personal feelings for the sake of the greater good (in his view, at least) truly was his son. Justice was as tied to his core as it was to Liberators.

You have no idea how much that means to me, son, Liberator said with his voice choking up. Even if one day we should find ourselves at odds again in the name of your "balance," know that I will know you think you are doing what is best, and know that I love you. Liberator finished, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.

This warning will serve my people well, Liberator said, then continued with a smirk, Though I doubt his plan would have panned out with My Mediator down there to seek the truth and keep heads cool in even the worst of circumstances.

After a pause, Liberator said with admiration in his voice, They have done so well on their own, have they not?

2013-08-21, 05:55 PM
Well, this was a roller-coaster of emotion. His son, though still desiring to support balance over his personal feelings for the sake of the greater good (in his view, at least) truly was his son. Justice was as tied to his core as it was to Liberators.

You have no idea how much that means to me, son, Liberator said with his voice choking up. Even if one day we should find ourselves at odds again in the name of your "balance," know that I will know you think you are doing what is best, and know that I love you. Liberator finished, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.

This warning will serve my people well, Liberator said, then continued with a smirk, Though I doubt his plan would have panned out with My Mediator down there to seek the truth and keep heads cool in even the worst of circumstances.

After a pause, Liberator said with admiration in his voice, They have done so well on their own, have they not?

Rand's face remains passive, the dull emotions in him flared, but he ignored them, shoving them aside for the work at hand.

"Yes, they all have. I'm ashamed to admit it, but so to have The Void Dragon's, in their own way.........I forget, you haven't seen what my people have been doing, you have no worshipers in my lands, its mostly me, though there is a growing for my daughter. You haven't seen how they've grown, not since they stopped trading with Hu because they had a new source, and one closer at hand. You wish to see what they've done in that time?"

2013-08-21, 06:02 PM
I would like that very much, son. Liberator said with a smile. And what is this you say about a daughter?

2013-08-21, 06:06 PM
I would like that very much, son. Liberator said with a smile. And what is this you say about a daughter?

"You've not yet met Zygora? I would have thought the creation of a new goddess would spark your interest. Luckily for he she is a good goddess, she's created beings of pure good, her own plane, and even utilized the anti-void."

Rand said before resuming his draconic form, and opened a portal to above the capital. Stepping through and waiting for Liberator on the other side.

2013-08-21, 06:29 PM
As you know, I spend periods of time at rest. Regardless of that, I do not generally notice the machinations of other gods unless I have cause to. If it were not for the lack of faith in me and the Trinity as a whole in Goheng, I would have not have even noticed the corruption there.

You say she has used my Anti-Void energy? This is glorious! It is such a positive and creative force, it would be grand if all of the good gods were to use it in there creations. You know I've just created a great draconic race that channels the power of Anti-Void?

But enough of my works, show me what your Aldarifolk have done.

As if realizing he forgot a simple task, Liberator said, Oh, I should probably let the Uniter know of The Dragon's plan to spark war. One moment. There, now I believe you were showing me your people...


The Uniter was still reeling from the cascade of events when she recieved a simple message from Her Liberator. The corruption was part of a larger plan to spark war. The Dragon planned Eldritch to be viewed as responsible somehow and was trying to manipulate us into eventually attacking Tandara and the Aldarifolk. Do not trust anything that vassal god tells you and expect betrayal.

The Uniter had a choice; reveal her divinity and inform The Mortal Trinity of this deception now, possibly sparking the war based on "slander" of the gods of Waypoint or remain in hiding, risking the lives of The Mortal Trinity but giving greater odds of peace. As she meat the Mediators eye for the briefest moment, he seemed to recognize her. His looked conveyed more to her in an instant than she thought possible. He felt the this God was obfuscating the truth, at best, but that he felt he was able to end the situation peacefully and that she should not interfere. Wow. She didn't realize Nefret was so good and conveying information with just a look.

She would wait for now, but be poised to strike if this god showed signs of attacking the Mortal Trinity.

2013-08-21, 06:48 PM
As you know, I spend periods of time at rest. Regardless of that, I do not generally notice the machinations of other gods unless I have cause to. If it were not for the lack of faith in me and the Trinity as a whole in Goheng, I would have not have even noticed the corruption there.

You say she has used my Anti-Void energy? This is glorious! It is such a positive and creative force, it would be grand if all of the good gods were to use it in there creations. You know I've just created a great draconic race that channels the power of Anti-Void?

But enough of my works, show me what your Aldarifolk have done.

As if realizing he forgot a simple task, Liberator said, Oh, I should probably let the Uniter know of The Dragon's plan to spark war. One moment. There, now I believe you were showing me your people...


The Uniter was still reeling from the cascade of events when she recieved a simple message from Her Liberator. The corruption was part of a larger plan to spark war. The Dragon planned Eldritch to be viewed as responsible somehow and was trying to manipulate us into eventually attacking Tandara and the Aldarifolk. Do not trust anything that vassal god tells you and expect betrayal.

The Uniter had a choice; reveal her divinity and inform The Mortal Trinity of this deception now, possibly sparking the war based on "slander" of the gods of Waypoint or remain in hiding, risking the lives of The Mortal Trinity but giving greater odds of peace. As she meat the Mediators eye for the briefest moment, he seemed to recognize her. His looked conveyed more to her in an instant than she thought possible. He felt the this God was obfuscating the truth, at best, but that he felt he was able to end the situation peacefully and that she should not interfere. Wow. She didn't realize Nefret was so good and conveying information with just a look.

She would wait for now, but be poised to strike if this god showed signs of attacking the Mortal Trinity.

"They aren't the Aldarifolk anymore, they've ascended, partially on a nudge from me, and partially from their greatest mortal hero, the current Black Hand, Nina. On top of that, well, look around you."

Rand gestures a claw around him, showing the capital city, Aldaraia, below him. A grand clock-tower extended up above the new council chambers, where floods of soldiers, mages, scholars, members of the state, and the occasional merchant came in and out. Above them, flying in and out, were the flocks of dragons Nina had brought about. Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Diamond, and the most commonly seen here, Opal. Networks of roads extended out of the city, the wheeled carts and wagons introduced to the Aldarians trundling along on iron and bronze wheels.

"They've grown, they've prospered, and they've expanded. They no control forty percent of this continent, where it only used to be twenty five. Even now they continue to work in their shops and labs, trying new things."

As he speaks, a group of mages in the courts below began showing off a new branch of crystal magic, the first branch created within it instead of adapted from outside.

Realized its been two rollovers, not one, since I last spent AP, so I updated :/.
Starting AP - 6

Create Magical Concept - 3 AP - Crystal Neutralization: Neutralizes magic by taking it and compressing it down back into matter, which can later be used again for magic.

AP left - 3

2013-08-21, 07:01 PM
This city is truly beutiful. Your people have grown into a wondrous race, and I would hope you would allow trade to resume between them and my people soon, so that those of Hu can see this marvel for themselves.

But do not cut off trade with The Dragon's people. That would only give them cause to start a war, as My Mediator would say, which is counter to our desired results.

May I speak with your heroes? I would love to know how they view you and my people in there own words.

2013-08-21, 07:17 PM
This city is truly beutiful. Your people have grown into a wondrous race, and I would hope you would allow trade to resume between them and my people soon, so that those of Hu can see this marvel for themselves.

But do not cut off trade with The Dragon's people. That would only give them cause to start a war, as My Mediator would say, which is counter to our desired results.

May I speak with your heroes? I would love to know how they view you and my people in there own words.

"I'm not going to stop or help them. They run their own lives, I only lend a helping hand into matters they're already working on. The only thing I interrupted was Arno trying to fuse the Voidlands into Aldara. If they cut off trade, I won't stop them, and if The Dragon's people go to war with us, I have a few surprises I've seen from Nina's mind, she's got some stuff cooking, and with the Aldarains and Crystal Dragon's lifespans, her ideas will see fruition within her life time. As for speaking with my heroes, they are all in the council chambers below."

Rand said, nodding his head the grand building below.

2013-08-21, 07:25 PM
I too will let my children make there own choice, but I will also let them know what I think is best, once I am threw here, that is.

Before I go speak with your council, do you mind if I make suggestions to them? I will of course refrain from doing so if you rather I didn't, but these are times of peace, and I feel your people may benefit from my council, as they would from your own.

2013-08-21, 07:30 PM
I too will let my children make there own choice, but I will also let them know what I think is best, once I am threw here, that is.

Before I go speak with your council, do you mind if I make suggestions to them? I will of course refrain from doing so if you rather I didn't, but these are times of peace, and I feel your people may benefit from my council, as they would from your own.

Rand stops and ponders for a second, shrinking down to an incredibly small size as he does so, not much bigger than a house cat.

"Go right ahead, Tadrac is smart, and Nina has a will I've not seen rivaled. The General, Grov, is a bit more cruel. The three of them create a nice balance on the polices of the court. Go right on ahead, I will be in there with you, but I will not say a thing."

Rand says before diving down and coming to a rest at the base of the chambers, walking inside, and sitting to the side. The Crystal Dragons immediately realized what he was, and Nina widened her eyes, Tadrac narrowed them, and Grov simply laughed. The rest of the members of the council recognized nothing about him and just shrugged him off as a curious youngling.

2013-08-21, 08:03 PM
Liberator appeared in the center of the Council chamber, as large as the chamber would allow him to appear while still giving himself freedom of movement.

Hello, Aldari Council, as you no doubt know, I am The Liberator, father to you father. I have come before you to learn of you in your own words, and to give some advice.

Before we begin this discussion, may I ask what your plans are for Waypoint, given the knowledge of what the Void Dragon had planned?

2013-08-21, 08:18 PM
Liberator appeared in the center of the Council chamber, as large as the chamber would allow him to appear while still giving himself freedom of movement.

Hello, Aldari Council, as you no doubt know, I am The Liberator, father to you father. I have come before you to learn of you in your own words, and to give some advice.

Before we begin this discussion, may I ask what your plans are for Waypoint, given the knowledge of what the Void Dragon had planned?

Nina's natural reflexes caused her to grab her sword, despite knowing she couldn't actually do anything against him. Behind her, Grove chuckled a little as the rest of the council, including Tadrac, stood and bowed. The dragons in the rafters above bowed their heads, a small diamond one traded places with the dragon above Tadrac, making sure he had room to speak, as he had recently become the head of the dragon council, as well as the diamond representative.

Tadrac sat down before the rest of the council had even finished bowing, his face showing exhaustion.

"Yes, we know who you are Liberator, welcome to our chambers. I am Tadrac, council head and leader of Aldara and its colonies. Beside me is Nina, The Black Hand, and Dragon Mistress, informal as it is for the time being. Behind her is The General, Grov. What we plan with Waypoint? Slow trade of anything that can help a military, keep the trade routes heavily guarded with Crystal Enforcers, and Red Hands. If they seek to attack us, they shall not be armed with our weapons, or our tools. Not as much as I can help it, smugglers will always be a problem. At the same time we're expanding our military, it was Rand who told us that Nina would be gaining the title of Dragon Mistress soon enough, so I'm curious as to what he means."

2013-08-21, 08:32 PM
Liberator nodded with Tardec's words. That is a wise plan of action, and I wounder what that title means, myself. Perhaps you have learned of my Titan's dragon riding? If not, I'm sure the techniques could be shared with your people. I know your marvelous roads have helped the Way Stations of Hu greatly (though it is not you they learned them from), it is only fitting my people return the favor.

Now, what would you tell me, a being who knows next to nothing about Aldara, to convey to me the nature of your people?

note: The post can be detailed, or a simple synopsis.