View Full Version : Swordmage With Ghost Powers

2013-06-26, 10:18 PM
Hi all.

My D&D home campaign is approaching Paragon tier, and with that, we will have to choose Paragon Paths. I am currently playing a Werewolf Warden, but because I have grown tired of roleplaying that character, my DM and I have been working to dispose of the werewolf and bring back my first character, my Swordmage.

Zavain Iceweaver is a Winterkin Eladrin Swordmage, and the heir to the noble House Iceweaver. Because he was heir to his family's seat of power, my original plan of Paragon Path for him was Bralani Wintersoul. However, recent campaign events and story development have made that Paragon Path completely inappropriate from a fluff standpoint, and while I'm well aware I could just refluff it, I don't want to do that.

Now, Zavain died at level 5, and as of yet has not come back to life (we're currently level 10). The circumstances under which he died, without getting into too much detail, caused him to become a ghost after his death, bound to his sword. The party has communed with him once or twice, but he can't really manifest yet.

When Zavain comes back to life, I'd like to have some of his ghost powers remain. I may fluff it as echoes of the power he had when he was dead, I may fluff it as him approximating those powers with arcane magic. I think the most appropriate way to model this would be through choice of Paragon Path and possibly Character Theme.

I'm well aware that as far as fluff and most of the mechanics go, the Ghost Blade Swordmage PP is ideal for this, but the Encounter Power and Utility Power are BEYOND underwhelming, and its features are somewhat hard to make use of.

So, my question for the Playground; without homebrew (I have nothing against homebrew on principle, but Character Builder makes life about eight hundred times easier), what's the best way for an Eladrin Swordmage to get ghostly abilities?

2013-06-26, 11:40 PM
Dragon mag #420 has rules for converting player characters into ghosts. It might be worth a read.

2013-06-26, 11:59 PM
We're going to be using those for the time between when he's released from the sword and when the party gets him revived. There was nothing left of his body after his death (he was devoured by displacer beasts), so bringing him fully back to life is going to be more complicated than a ritual.

2013-06-27, 04:48 AM
So... problem solved? Or do you still want ghost-like suggestions for when he is fully raised?

2013-06-28, 06:14 AM
You could ask for use of heroes of shadow death cleric attacks.

Lord Haart
2013-06-29, 02:27 AM
There is always Uncarnate paragon path, avaiable through multiclass Psion. Made a complete and utter shadow both of its 3.5e self and of what it is supposed to represent; would work far better as an epic destiny, imho.