View Full Version : Pathfinder cleric (begginer)

2013-06-27, 11:14 AM
Im looking to make a pathfinder cleric as the title suggests. I'm thinking a Female human cleric of Besmara for fluff reasons. i want to be a bit pirate-like (ok a lot piratelike) I was hoping for a decent dex and to channel neg energy with the channel smite weapon finesse maybe. war and trickery?
rolled stats and got 8 11 11 13 13 14 ouch.

i havent played a pathfinder cleric before, i can ditch the pirate stuff, and fall back to a caster but i still want to deal damage and have a sailor fluff maybe NISE (3party diety crappy domains)

OH core and base classes only. paizo archetypes only. 2 traits.

and core races only

2013-06-27, 11:48 AM
Core Races only? Ouch. I was going to suggest Aasimar to help with those stats.

In the current situation: I assume you have the advanced player's guide, so you have access to the subdomains.

My suggestions:
Deity: Erastil (LG deity)
- Feather (Animal Subdomain)
- Community


Deity: Desna (CG deity)
- Luck
- Travel


Deity: Cayden Cailean (Chaotic Awesome deity)
- Liberation
- Travel

Stats arranged: 8 11 13 11 16 (+2 human) 13

2013-06-27, 11:59 AM
I was just looking at Desna actually looks good.

what about Halfling basmara (thinks shes a great pirate, but not really)

8(-2) 13(+2) 13 11 14 11 (+2)

would the 14 wis be REALLY bad? or the 6 str for that matter?

2013-06-27, 12:19 PM
Im looking to make a pathfinder cleric as the title suggests. I'm thinking a Female human cleric of Besmara for fluff reasons. i want to be a bit pirate-like (ok a lot piratelike) I was hoping for a decent dex and to channel neg energy with the channel smite weapon finesse maybe. war and trickery?
rolled stats and got 8 11 11 13 13 14 ouch.

i havent played a pathfinder cleric before, i can ditch the pirate stuff, and fall back to a caster but i still want to deal damage and have a sailor fluff maybe NISE (3party diety crappy domains)

OH core and base classes only. paizo archetypes only. 2 traits.

and core races only

You don't really have the stats to be a warrior-type cleric. Go spellcaster.

ST 8 DX 11 CO 13 IN 11 WI 16 CH 13

Feats: Selective Channeling, Extra Channeling
Favored Class bonus - hit points, 3rd level feat: Toughness
Ability score increases - Wisdom or Charisma, you want magic items that will increase both. Wisdom item takes priority and get a wand of Eagle's Splendor. Your party will appreciate it when using Selective Channeling for your negative energy.

If you're Neutral for a Neutral deity, I forget the name of the feat but there is one that will let you heal with Channeling as well for 1d6 lower. That's your 5th level feat.

Try to have at least one attack spell against Will and one attack spell against Fortitude. Buff party members, Dispel Magic, and Summon Monster. Sanctuary is your friend starting at level 3. Blessing of Fervor (Advanced Player's Guide) is your BFF at level 7.

2013-06-27, 12:25 PM
Some more info on the gods I suggested.

The reason I would recommend Erastil:
- You could get a cool bird as an animal companion (*cough* Roc *cough*)
- You get a longbow as a deity's favored weapon. The thing about all naval IME, is that you're going to be skirmishing from long range for about 3 to 4 rounds before you enter melee. You might as well be proficient with a weapon equipped to handle that.

The reason I would recommend Desna:
- Great domains.
- Chaotic alignment and all about travel (Desna created the stars you travel by) and freedom. Good for any pirate.

The reason I would recommend Cayden:
- He is known as "The Drunken Hero," his favored weapon is the rapier, and he is known for always trying to hit on the cute lady gods. He is the pirate of the gods.

And yes, 14 wisdom really is that bad for a cleric. If you would like to try and be slightly more effective in combat: Put 13 into dex, and take toughness to make up for the decrease in Con. Being core races only really hurts here, because I am sure that there is a race that boosts Wisdom (and a physical stat) and dumps int, dex or str. That would help you a lot because an 11 in con is more passable if it's to get a 15 in another martial stat, or you could get two 13s.

Aasimar: (+2 Wis, +2 Cha)
Undine: (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str) + swim speed (useful)
Gripplie: (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str) + climb speed (useful)
Merfolk: (+2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha) + 5 ft. land speed & 50 ft. swim speed

That's the list. All the other boosts to wisdom come with a penalty to charisma or Con, which aren't worth it.

2013-06-27, 01:52 PM
I think im going to try to go with a different feel: (just wanted a reason to be on a shipwreck anyhow)

Desna NG

play the healer type that channells positive energy.

try for the very rare (i made it up ) human ARF +1 to every stat. this replaces the normal +2 to 1 stat.

2013-06-27, 02:14 PM
If you're going healing you want to go Sarenrae, who has the healing domain, which makes healing spells actually pretty useful (free empower ftw).

2013-06-27, 05:59 PM
With Channeling for healing you'll still want Selective Channeling so that you don't heal the bad guys. Extra Channeling is still good as well.

Out of curiosity, not saying do it, but what about Oracle? Only Life Mystery gives you Channeling, and while the Revelations help being a heal-bot, and a very good one speaking from experience, your spell selection still allows you to do stuff besides healing. Alternatively you could use the Waves Mystery to facilitate the pirate theme as being one with the oceans. You won't have Channeling, but you'll still have the Cure Wounds spells that don't count against the number of known spells.

2013-06-27, 06:06 PM
oracle is a possibility, id even consider sorceror. i just want to be a caster of some sort. i had played a cleric in 3.5 so i figured id start there. the pirate idea was just a starting point. the campaign starts on a shipwreck, i needed a reason to be on the ship. i came up with the idea in a few minutes of looking at PF dieties and i found NISE (later found out she sucks, and is 3rd pary).

as a matter of fact a sorc with a raven would be fun.can i pull that off with these stats?

2013-06-27, 07:22 PM
No matter what you pick with these stats you're going to have a problem. With a sorcerer, your stats will just become 8, 13, 13, 11, 11, 14 (16 with the +2 racial).

Without paragon surge you're going to want to be human, and take their alternate favored class bonus of +1 spells known every level. Being human will also help with the lack of skill points.

2013-06-29, 01:19 PM
Ive been allowed to make some adjustments to stats (10 point buy) and found out ill be playing in a harsh jungle environment NO SPOILERS PLEASE
I've narrowed my choices down to two:

CN (human) Cleric of Caliestra
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 12
WIS 17
CHA 14

Luck/Trickery Domains
Focused Channelling, Weapon Finesse.

1. negative or positive energy (i was thinking neg and channelled smite through my whip , wicked cool, but not very effective.plus ill probably be in the back most of the time making the burst innefective.)
2. Trickery has some cool abilities how should i use them.
3. probably a debuff cleric


CG (halfling) Cleric of Desna
Dex 16
Con 12
INT 12
Wis 15
CHA 16

Luck and Travel Domains
Focused Chanelling,
positive energy more healing and buffing style

the desnan seems easier to play for a begginer, but the caliestran sounds cooler. the party is going to need some healing, endure elements, restoration type stuff. Any advice is great

2013-07-02, 01:33 PM
You look like you're fine, and you have a pretty flavourful character background just from your deity. You're a halfling worshiping the god of elves, after all.