View Full Version : [PF] Help against a Copper Dragon

2013-06-27, 12:45 PM
My party and I are preparing to take on an Adult copper dragon. I was wondering if anyone had some tips to take it out? Also, capturing it alive is an option if we come up with someway to actually do it.

Party make up (all lvl 7)

Wizard, trans with evo/div prohibited
Wizard, undead minion necromancer
Monk (druid 1)
Monk (Zen archer archetype)

Most of them are new to the game

2013-06-27, 12:58 PM
Well, the wizard could cast 'shivering touch' at it. It is a third level necromancy spell that deals 3d6 dex damage should it succeed, and an adult copper dragon only has 10 dex...

2013-06-27, 01:09 PM
Well, the wizard could cast 'shivering touch' at it. It is a third level necromancy spell that deals 3d6 dex damage should it succeed, and an adult copper dragon only has 10 dex...

That's not a Pathfinder spell....

2013-06-27, 01:35 PM
Bummer, I thought all the 3.5 spells carried over.

2013-06-27, 01:55 PM
Enervation it to death if you're looking to kill (really, anything that only requires a touch attack).

As far as capturing... maybe (assuming you have some time to prepare) tell your Wizards to buy a couple Lesser Rods of Merciful Metamagic and then Scorching Ray it.

Both of those assume you can either penetrate or bypass whatever SR it has. If you can't do that, let's see...

Well, Copper Dragons are generally good-aligned (unless your DM doesn't color-code your dragons :smalltongue:), so Diplomacy might be your best bet here. Maybe you guys can work out a deal, or he'll just shove off willingly.

2013-06-27, 02:01 PM
Challenge it to a joke contest while you set up a trap.
I'm not kidding. Coppers love that stuff.

2013-06-27, 02:15 PM
Well, we had a favor cashed in by a powerful Necromancer that -hates- copper dragons (they are good aligned in this setting), and, I'm guessing here, wants to get a second body for the draco-lich under his control. So he wants the dragon with all its meat, scales and such. He also gave us a portable hole to transport it in (we don't know how big the PH is yet).

The SR will be a toughy, I need to roll a 16 or something while our elven Wiz has to roll a 14 just to affect him with SR related spells, so we need ways to get around that while our ranger (who's favored enemy is luckily dragons) plinks away with gravity bow+haste if we go with an offensive route.

2013-06-27, 06:42 PM
My party and I are preparing to take on an Adult cooper dragon. I was wondering if anyone had some tips to take it out?

Just threaten its barrels until it does what you want.

LOL! Cooper dragon.

2013-06-27, 07:49 PM
Well, the wizard could cast 'shivering touch' at it. It is a third level necromancy spell that deals 3d6 dex damage should it succeed, and an adult copper dragon only has 10 dex...

Shivering Touch isn't available any more, but Excruciating Deformation(Sor/Wiz 3, Witch 3) deals 1 point of Constitution and Dexterity damage per round, although it offers too many save opportunities for it to really have much of an effect over time. However, Fleshworm Infestation(Sor/Wiz 4, Cler 4, Witch 4), deals 2 points of Dexterity per round. Both last 1 round/level, but a couple castings could probably take down the dragon.

2013-06-27, 09:14 PM
That's not a Pathfinder spell....

Why is it that people assume 3.X stuff is off-limits in Pathfinder, given that backwards-compatibility was one of the biggest selling points of PF:smallconfused: And how is it that the same people who dismiss the notion of using WotC content in a pathfinder game have no problem at all using 3.0 content in a 3.5 game?

Yea, the biggest threat is going to be spell resistance. The key, of course, is to find spells that don't allow spell resistance. You may also find it beneficial to buff your allies instead of attacking. A casting of Haste will ENORMOUSLY improve the effectivness of the non-casters in your party. Actually, haste is best in a large group like yours--cast it on the monks, the rogues, the ranger, and the barbarian (you can get 7 people at once with it) and they will have a much easier time knocking out the dragon.

2013-06-27, 09:27 PM
Challenge it to a joke contest while you set up a trap.
I'm not kidding. Coppers love that stuff.

Seconded. Copper Dragons are as gregarious and chatty as Red Dragons are cliche virgin-eaters. Like actually, think of tons of riddles and jokes and things. You probably don't have to even kill it, unless you need its heart or skin or something. Just about anything else, you could get it to give up as a bet or gamble in a Riddle Game, Gollum-style. Just make sure you can beat your DM.

Chained Birds
2013-06-27, 11:43 PM
Just threaten its barrels until it does what you want.

LOL! Cooper dragon.

Good word play graarrg.