View Full Version : 1st try at a Summoner for Jade Regent AP (PEACH)

2013-06-27, 12:49 PM
Hey Playgrounders!

The Age of Worms game I was running blew up after 3 years and I get to play a character of my own. Yay! The group asked me to cover the 'tank' role for Jade Regent and I thought a summoner would be appropriate. I also found out the have no skill-monkey... Rules are PF & 3.5 w/ all WoTC and PFSRD allowed. Campaign material is often scoffed at but usually ok (everyone loves an artificer...). Stats are 3.5 point buy w/ 35 pts. 2 traits allowed, but 1 must be AP specific. 1 Flaw is ok. Group is a goblin pistolero gunslinger, a ratfolk witch, and a human arcane sorcerer. I was gonna try the following

Unseelie Fey Magic-Blooded Half Elf (DM groaned, but ok'd it) CN Summoner (w/ the bishounen subtype! :smallbiggrin:)
After Racials: Str 6, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 22
Alternate Racials: Arcane Training:Summoner,Wary
Traits:Two World Magic: Launch Bolt (See below),and Childhood Crush:Shalelu (Blonde Elven Ranger Girl [tm])
Skills Trained: Diplomacy, Fly, Linguistics, and UMD. (no spellcraft or knowledge as we have two tier 1 arcanes as is)
Notable Untrained:Intimidate has +4 racial bonus and Cha synergy.
Starting Feats:Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summoning - Flaw: Noncombatant
SLA's: 1/day- Magic Aura,Undetectable Alignment,and Read Magic
SQ's: Iron Vulnerability(dangerous at low levels!), Summer's Caress- as Magic Circle but against all non-fey,animals, beasts, & magic beasts.(Also, so beautiful that everyone has to make a will save 19 or not come within 10 ft of me. Great for crowded streets.)

Eidolon is a pocket rogue: She's a small quadruped (for speed when flying is picked up at 5). Half Elf provides an additional .25 evo. pts (min 1)
Evo Base: Legs (x2), Bite. Starting Evo- Arms, Skilled (x2)- Perception and Stealth
Traits (thats right.):Resilient, and Finding Haleen (re-flavored)
Feats:Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Nymph's Kiss (I'm the fey) - Flaw:-6 to initiative
Skills Trained: Acrobatics,Dis. Device, Perception, Stealth, Survival, +1/lvl floating
*I send her in to scout, serch and disable, and when she finds trouble, I dismiss her and use one of the base 9 Summon Monster effects I have for combat.

Thats what I have so far. This is my first PF character so I may have missed a few things. I snagged the Launch Bolt cantrip for a bit of offensive punch, since the summoner lacks any inherent mechanic of its own. DM is letting me fire Large bolts out the gate, and can increase bolt size by 1 category per 3 caster levels w/ no penalty. To progress the character, I'm looking to grab Eldritch Heritage:sylvan for an animal companion (baby Roc) @ lvl -3 (DM OK'd it!), boon companion, superior summoning,obtain familiar, impr. familiar (faerie dragon)...probably in that order. Eidolon is continuing to get more focus on rogue skills, mobility, and perceptive abilites.

By level 10 I'll be providing: A Std-action banishable rogue, A Lrg flying meat shield w/ talons, I mean Eagle, 1d3+1 SLA wielding summons lasting for minutes, An extra flying wand wielding bird (thrush familiar, not quite a dragon yet.), oh, yeah...and me.

What do ya think? What can I do better? Is the character bishounen enough? Spells is an area I haven't researched much. I'm fey, so enlarge and reduce are both kind of wasted. Mage armor is good but does it stack with exalted armor boni? If no, then its no good for my eidolon or familiar (both with VoP). I have no archery focus so launch bolt as offense is only going to go so far...

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-27, 01:15 PM
If you are going to focus on your summons for combat, consider the master summoner PRC. This will allow you to do some more awesome summoning for combat.

2013-06-27, 01:33 PM
Master Summoner PRC? where is this thing? I haz not heard of it. :smalltongue:

Are you referring to the Master Summoner Archetype? If so, I'm afraid it neuters the eidolon too much for the sake of having concurrent summons out (Eidolons at 1/2 HD? It hurts, mommy!).
I'm ok with only 1 summon effect active at a time. It makes me pace the uses of my ability, and with a companion active by lvl 3, multiple summon monster effects sounds like, "Its my turn? Ok, first my AC goes, next the eidolon, then my first squad of hell hounds go, Then my squad of kaorti each using a different SLA...don't worry, I'll get to me in 20 minutes..." Thats a very real example at level 5. While I am aiming at a degree of minion-mancy, there is a point where enough is enough.

2013-06-28, 12:24 PM
No additional insights, huh? Guess I must have done an okay job with design. Still could use some help with spell progression though. Anyone?