View Full Version : BBEG help

2013-06-27, 08:44 PM
So, first off, this is for the Star Wars RPG. So if this does not interest you, leave now. If you are soon to be starting a game set on Nar Shaddaa (talking to my players here if you even check this site) then please navigate away from this post.

So, here is my thought. This is a Dark Times campaign, where the heroes are all smugglers/unsavory types/rogues(not rogues as in the class, but rogues as in the Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Jabba, Boba Fett, hive of scum and villainy type of rogue).
The campaign has not yet started, but for the main plot they will be pursuing leads, and eventually discovering that a rebel group is building a planet destroying super weapon. Their Hutt boss is interested in acquiring this superweapon so that he may use it for money gaining purposes. And yadda yadda, must decide between doing what is right, doing what makes them rich, betrayal, Dark Side vs Light Side, Destiny, Plot, that kind of thing
Anyways, I was wondering if you guys think I should end it with defeating the rebel group, or if I should link them to something else.
In either case, what are some cool ideas for the BBEG? I have no ideas as of yet, mostly been focusing on lower level villains and flunkeys. No stats needed, just ideas for what they should be like.

Thanks in advance!

2013-06-27, 09:38 PM
So, first off, this is for the Star Wars RPG. So if this does not interest you, leave now. If you are soon to be starting a game set on Nar Shaddaa (talking to my players here if you even check this site) then please navigate away from this post.

So, here is my thought. This is a Dark Times campaign, where the heroes are all smugglers/unsavory types/rogues(not rogues as in the class, but rogues as in the Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Jabba, Boba Fett, hive of scum and villainy type of rogue).
The campaign has not yet started, but for the main plot they will be pursuing leads, and eventually discovering that a rebel group is building a planet destroying super weapon. Their Hutt boss is interested in acquiring this superweapon so that he may use it for money gaining purposes. And yadda yadda, must decide between doing what is right, doing what makes them rich, betrayal, Dark Side vs Light Side, Destiny, Plot, that kind of thing
Anyways, I was wondering if you guys think I should end it with defeating the rebel group, or if I should link them to something else.
In either case, what are some cool ideas for the BBEG? I have no ideas as of yet, mostly been focusing on lower level villains and flunkeys. No stats needed, just ideas for what they should be like.

Thanks in advance!

If I may be forgiven for a shameless self plug I did rather lightly touch this subject in THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197339) post a while back.

As for specific ideas for a BBEG:

An Imperial Captain charged with keeping up the Imperial presence in the system. Has a deep seated loathing for "Scum and villany" and love's stopping and searching private vessels in the system. Keeps a small force on Nar (with hutt approval(bribed)).

A small time Hutt crime boss bucking to improve his lot in life. The PC's have (will in their first adventure) caused him to loose a major bid for power (and a great deal of credit). He has vowed to make the PC's pay for the insult and delights in machiavellian machinations aimed at causing the PC's harm.

The Cartel who has a distinct disliking for the PC's boss and stops at nothing to thwart his plans, which includes attempting to imprison or kill the PC's...

Silva Stormrage
2013-06-28, 12:13 AM
Shouldn't this be in the roleplaying forum instead of D&D 3.5?

Darth Stabber
2013-06-28, 12:46 AM
Shouldn't this be in the roleplaying forum instead of D&D 3.5?

assuming that this is SWSE or the other WotC sw game, it's a d20 game, and this is the 3e/3.5/d20 forum it could be construed either way. I would probably put in the other RPG sub forum or rpg general, but he's not actually wrong.

As far as the OP's actual question: the rebels need a boss, and do keep in mind that the alliance does have some less than savory allies (revolutions can create strange bedfellows), that could lead to an interesting showdown. My recommendation would be an alliance sympthetic bounty hunter, preferably mandalorian (race matters little, just culturally mando).

For the hutts, my initial thought was a bounty hunter, but I have a better idea. The Hutt has capitulated to the empire in order to preserve some of his power, believing that the empire's victory is inevitable. He has been tasked with tracking down this rebel superweapon for the empire, and when/if he fails the emperor sends one of his various darkside initiates (palpatine kept the letter of the rule of two by only teaching the ways of the sith to one apprentice at a time, but had several groups of darkside force sensitives at his beck and call) to clean up after the hutt (only an idiot trusts a hutt completely).

If this is swse you can give me a level range, concept, and a list of allowed resources I would happily contruct a boss certain to terrify the crap out of your players (I have a big backlog of characters for a swse game that ended early, and someone may as well get some use out of the work I put into them). I will have to do some modifications, as the original setting was old republic, but it's not a big deal.

2013-06-28, 12:25 PM
I like the idea of the Imperial Captain. I will probably include that. Thanks

As for the boss, well, maybe 10th level or so, maybe 12th? around there. I would personally love to go with a sith type villain (those guys are so fun) but my players asked for no Force Users, since they said the Force is OP, and they don't want to be Force Users themselves. But, I may just drop a force user on them anyways. And then laugh as their blasters are useless versus deflect/reflect combo :smallamused:

So, yah, Darth Stabber, if you want to design them, be my guest. maybe a 10th level boss and a 12th level boss?

Darth Stabber
2013-06-28, 12:46 PM
I like the idea of the Imperial Captain. I will probably include that. Thanks

As for the boss, well, maybe 10th level or so, maybe 12th? around there. I would personally love to go with a sith type villain (those guys are so fun) but my players asked for no Force Users, since they said the Force is OP, and they don't want to be Force Users themselves. But, I may just drop a force user on them anyways. And then laugh as their blasters are useless versus deflect/reflect combo :smallamused:

So, yah, Darth Stabber, if you want to design them, be my guest. maybe a 10th level boss and a 12th level boss?

The force isn't all that OP if everyone is optimizing alot, but force users are easier to optimize so in most games they are very strong. If your players made it clear tht they wnted to leave the force out it, it could be considered poor form to drop them it, but it's starwars, what's the point if the force never comes up?

If you give me concept i'll have something

2013-06-28, 03:11 PM
I was thinking a Sith Assassin. You know those really cool ones from the Old Republic Era? not sure if there were stats for them in any of the books, but something like that.

No, I don't really want to put in Force users since they asked for none. I already have a Jedi (Who they, in theory, won't fight) so a Sith may not be that big of a transgression, but I think I may actually just go with the Imperial Captain, and the Hutt being a lackey of said Imperial Agent. Maybe having a non-Force Using Imperial show up? some guy from the ISB or something, to oversee the Hutt's progress.
And the Mando sounds great for the combat boss of the rebels. Not the actual boss, but, you know, the boss fight. Especially since we are having a Mando in the party... hmm. I see potential for nasty character background shenanigannery plot twisting stuff.

Mando boss, Imperial Captain, and lackey Hutt it is!

2013-06-28, 08:58 PM
I was thinking a Sith Assassin. You know those really cool ones from the Old Republic Era? not sure if there were stats for them in any of the books, but something like that.

Saga Edition does have a "Knights of the Old Republic" source book, and on page 150 list the stats for the Sith Assassin. (the rest of the chapter starting on page 144 is devoted to the various Sith in the KOTOR games.)

Darth Stabber
2013-06-28, 09:08 PM
I was thinking a Sith Assassin. You know those really cool ones from the Old Republic Era? not sure if there were stats for them in any of the books, but something like that.

They are in fact in the Old Republic source book, in the sith section, I don't remember what level or such they are (there's 2 different ones), but they don't use lightsabers or any obvious force powers (surge, rage, and battle strike IIRC), instead using vibroblades, so your players might never know of their force sensitivity. In fact there are several cool force powers that aren't obvious, meaning this is a case where you could have your cake and eat it too.

No, I don't really want to put in Force users since they asked for none. I already have a Jedi (Who they, in theory, won't fight) so a Sith may not be that big of a transgression, but I think I may actually just go with the Imperial Captain, and the Hutt being a lackey of said Imperial Agent. Maybe having a non-Force Using Imperial show up? some guy from the ISB or something, to oversee the Hutt's progress.
And the Mando sounds great for the combat boss of the rebels. Not the actual boss, but, you know, the boss fight. Especially since we are having a Mando in the party... hmm. I see potential for nasty character background shenanigannery plot twisting stuff.

Mando boss, Imperial Captain, and lackey Hutt it is!

When I get home from work I'll dig through my file cabinet and make some modifications and have them ready late tonight or tomorrow.

2013-06-28, 09:29 PM
They are in fact in the Old Republic source book, in the sith section, I don't remember what level or such they are (there's 2 different ones)

Jedi 4/Scoundrel 2

2013-06-29, 09:30 AM
thanks guys!

I'm thinking now that a good way to tie these all together is to have the Imperial Moff be manipulating the Rebels right from the start. Or is that too close to what Palpatine was doing?
In that case I shall make him be behind the mysterious mercenary group that keeps popping up in the campaign, but nobody knows who they are.
Far less Plapatiny. but still gives him some leeway to try and influence both sides. and create scenarios where he (and his fleet) are needed.

2013-06-29, 02:01 PM
People decide to fight for the empire you know. Not in a dark-side Evluve kind of way but because their characters genuinely support it and think its the right thing to do.

So that's my pitch; a wholehearted imperial who thinks he is a good guy and actually may have a point.