View Full Version : How many nightsicks can I fit into a bag of holding?

2013-06-28, 08:16 AM
Exactly what it says in the title. Also, there are no worries about WBL, as the campaign is designed around the fact that rule zero is temporarily nonexistent.

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-28, 08:26 AM
An arbitrary number as you can make them sized for a fine creature. This means they are roughly the size of a toothpick. I say that is roughly .060 in^3 each, maybe .01 Oz.

So more than you could possibly ever use.

2013-06-28, 08:28 AM
According to the DMG, page 233, a rod weighs about 5 pounds. Rods are a thing that I would measure by weight, not volume, as they are fairly compact for their weight (and thus you'll hit the limit for weight in a bag of holding first).

Thus, a Type I bag can hold 50 rods, a Type II holds 100 rods, Type III 200 rods, Type IV 300 rods.

A bigger issue is how to ensure that the nightstick you withdraw from the bag is not one you already used. I'd advise one bag for unused nightsticks, then put them in a second bag once they've been used for the day.

Also, if this is an important strategy for a character, never put all of said item in one place; squirrel some away in a belt of many pouches (MIC) or something.

Finally, I'm not clear on exact power limitations, but make sure to ask your DM if nightsticks stack in this manner. To freely DMM, you will probably need to use more than one nightstick at a time from time to time, and some DMs don't allow them to be used in this manner.

EDIT: A DM that allowed a character to pick up and activate rods sized for houseflies is probably going to allow them to stack. Unless the rods are custom made, assume they are as per the DMG description for a normal rod.

2013-06-28, 08:36 AM
A Bag of Holding I is 30 cu feet. A nightstick, such as used by police or the military for riot control purposes, are sold at 24" in length (google fu). This is a cylinder with a 1"-2" diameter. Using the cylinder model here (http://www.mathopenref.com/cylindervolume.html), we come to ~300 cubic inches, and let's add +25% because of the handle and the fact nightsticks do not act like water (there's space in a pile of nightsticks). 300 cubic inches converted to cubic feet is 0.176... so around 110 nightsticks. Or so.

Planning on outfitting a militia with riot gear?

2013-06-28, 09:04 AM
A Bag of Holding I is 30 cu feet. A nightstick, such as used by police or the military for riot control purposes, are sold at 24" in length (google fu). This is a cylinder with a 1"-2" diameter. Using the cylinder model here (http://www.mathopenref.com/cylindervolume.html), we come to ~300 cubic inches, and let's add +25% because of the handle and the fact nightsticks do not act like water (there's space in a pile of nightsticks). 300 cubic inches converted to cubic feet is 0.176... so around 110 nightsticks. Or so.

Planning on outfitting a militia with riot gear?

I think you don't understand - a nightstick is a magic item described in Libris Mortis that gives the owner 4 extra turn/rebuke undead attempts per day.

2013-06-28, 09:39 AM
I think you don't understand - a nightstick is a magic item described in Libris Mortis that gives the owner 4 extra turn/rebuke undead attempts per day.

Ah, well I'm not the only one who has made such an interpretation (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19559246/Nightsticks).

So it is a rod.

Physical Description
Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds.

They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their sturdy construction.)

These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27.

Well... then probably 110-180 of them per 30 cubic feet. Far more space than most people can actually deal with... or 6 rods by weight (stand in for mass).

2013-06-28, 09:53 AM
I think you don't understand - a nightstick is a magic item described in Libris Mortis that gives the owner 4 extra turn/rebuke undead attempts per day.
Has anyone ever actually used one to turn undead?

2013-06-28, 09:54 AM
Exactly what it says in the title. Also, there are no worries about WBL, as the campaign is designed around the fact that rule zero is temporarily nonexistent.

what Phelix-Mu said is prolly the right answer to your question, but have in mind that WotC mentioned that a single player cant benefit from more than one Nightstick.

The way the bonus turn attempts work are like a global pool that you can never exceed. so if u have 5 turn attemps and u grab a nightstick that makes them 9. but if u spend 6 for a DMM persist the u have spend 6/9 and have 3 more left, now if u drop down the nightstick your pool get at 6/5 so u have none left. If u grab an other different nightstick, your pool grows back to 9 and you still have used 6/9 and have 3 left. Same goes for the "I cast eagle splendor 74590985397807 bazillion times".

2013-06-28, 10:18 AM
Has anyone ever actually used one to turn undead?


I am not sure what you mean. What would using Turn attempts on an undead do?

Darth Stabber
2013-06-28, 10:23 AM
Turn: no, rebuke: heck yeah!

Come to the dark side, we have better class features!

2013-06-28, 10:38 AM
A bigger issue is how to ensure that the nightstick you withdraw from the bag is not one you already used. I'd advise one bag for unused nightsticks, then put them in a second bag once they've been used for the day.Where does it say that you must take them out of the bag? LM only requires possession of the rod, no handling required.

2013-06-28, 11:31 AM
Where does it say that you must take them out of the bag? LM only requires possession of the rod, no handling required.

By that logic, if I lock them in my vault, are they in my possession so long as I hold the lease to the land?

As a GM, I'd rule that a bag of holding, since it uses an extra-dimensional space does not constitute "possession." Before you get to claim a bonus, a character should at the least add its encumberance to his/her total.

2013-06-28, 11:42 AM
The way the bonus turn attempts work are like a global pool that you can never exceed. so if u have 5 turn attemps and u grab a nightstick that makes them 9. but if u spend 6 for a DMM persist the u have spend 6/9 and have 3 more left, now if u drop down the nightstick your pool get at 6/5 so u have none left. If u grab an other different nightstick, your pool grows back to 9 and you still have used 6/9 and have 3 left. Same goes for the "I cast eagle splendor 74590985397807 bazillion times".

Well said, nothing else to add...
Buy 5000 nightsticks... way to waste money

2013-06-28, 11:43 AM
By that logic, if I lock them in my vault, are they in my possession so long as I hold the lease to the land?By RAW, yes. Nightsticks however are notoriously badly worded.

2013-06-28, 12:59 PM

I am not sure what you mean. What would using Turn attempts on an undead do?

I think it lets you cast spells all day or something? I'm not really sure what else turn undead is supposed to do.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-28, 07:55 PM
Get a belt of many pockets and put a use activated Wish trap that produces Nightsticks on one of them. Whenever you need one, draw it, use it, and then chuck it over your head. :smallwink:

2013-06-28, 08:26 PM
I think it lets you cast spells all day or something? I'm not really sure what else turn undead is supposed to do.
Well, that's what they do with DMM: persist. In their natural state, I think they're mostly only able to convert swift actions into movement. The real question here is why it's called "turn undead" in the first place. It should really be called, "Mess with the action economy." :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-28, 08:39 PM
If I were a DM I'd personally rule that you if you want to use a continual use item you have to attune to it for a day. That might not be RAW but it would cut down the shenanigans. That ruling would also stop the abuse of luck blades etc. The writers clearly did not intend for infinite metamagic by night stick.

2013-06-28, 09:14 PM
If I were a DM I'd personally rule that you if you want to use a continual use item you have to attune to it for a day. That might not be RAW but it would cut down the shenanigans.

I'm actually not sure it would help at all; just attune to all of them at once, and there you go.

2013-06-28, 10:02 PM
I suppose a relevant question would be, how many nightsticks (i.e. extra turn attempts) can you actually use in a day?

If you are never going to need—even in this TO sort of exercise—more than a few hundred or few thousand extra Turning attempts in a day, you can stop stacking up Nightsticks at some point.

(And if "in your possession" is good enough and multiple Nightsticks stack, just toss them in a Portable Hole if you can't be bothered with the relevant Bag of Holding.)

2013-06-28, 11:38 PM
The writers clearly did not intend for infinite metamagic by night stick.
True. If they did, they would have set the Cleric's BAB to 1/2 level instead of 3/4s, to balance it out.

But then they'd realize that isn't exactly a fair trade, so they'd give the cleric a familiar to make up for it.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-06-29, 12:01 AM
In one group I was in nightsticks stacked but you could only burn one attempt at a time.(and there were no metamagic feat cost reducers). So the cleric could extend damn near everything he cast but it really cut down on the divine metamagic abuse.