View Full Version : Path of Exile

2013-06-28, 11:50 AM
Really there isn't a thread here about this game?
Anyone else play it here?
What do you think?
What are you playing?
What league are you playing in?

I personally like it a lot. Apparently it's like Diablo II, but I never played that game. I like the skill tree mechanic in the way that you don't really have any restrictions to what you are playing as long as you are willing the traverse the tree to get where you want to go.
I'm currently playing a witch using Bows and Chaos Inoculation, may switch to daggers later if I can't find any good arrow spells.
I'm currently playing on Onslaught.

2013-07-02, 03:04 PM
It's my new favorite game!

I got top 20 of a class in one the Season 3 races (and #21 in another race) but am wary of PUGs for the party races. If you're interested in a more serious (and coordinated) attempt with Ventrilo or something, shoot me a PM on the Path of Exile forums (same username) and we can coordinate.

I've yet to get a character to 60 in Onslaught. I have trouble balancing defensive passives vs. life passives vs. offensive passives later in the game and find that once the game ramps up in Cruel difficulty, a damage spike usually gets me somewhere. It doesn't help that I'm willing to risk playing outside of a group.

2013-07-02, 07:41 PM
Yeah, I've been playing off and on (mostly off) for a while and I'm having trouble killing the act 3 boss (name omitted to avoid spoilers) in Cruel with my dual-wield duelist predominantly because of lag, but also, if the official game forums are anything to go by, I have something like 2/3 the max life other melee characters have, even though 90% of my passive skill points have been spent on defense. My guess is because the people I've seen posting on the forums have been farming and rerolling the mods on their equipment a lot more than I have.

Anyway, I like the game a lot, I think the shared stash idea is great (because people are going to be transferring stuff between their characters anyway.)

2013-07-03, 05:59 PM
It's great fun, I recently got back into it. My dual-claw shadow is doing well so far, it's great fun to leech more life than the enemies can take away in melee, though I still have to be careful with bosses and big Groups (enduring cry + enfeeble helps a lot, though). Hopefully Vaal Pact will boost my survivability, once I make my way to it.

I really like the passive skill tree and the skill gem system. Seems to create a very deep item selection with a lot of interesting factors to consider (even though linked sockets rule them all). I find myself starting a lot of new characters just to try out crazy builds - sometimes simply inspired by a lucky gem drop. Very cool design.

2013-07-03, 06:47 PM
I really liked the versatility available in the early game. It falls apart at the end game though where if you did anything besides stack health you are no longer viable.

2013-07-03, 07:06 PM
Recently found this game myself infact, about a week ago, I find it quite fun, it is similar to Diablo 2 in its ways, and its feel and overall style of a darker outlook on things, unlike tourchlight which comes across quite cartoony and light hearted.

I'm currently floundering around the skill tree guessing where to head next knowing that eventually whatever I do, my build won't be optimised unless I look online and follow a guide, which I don't want to do, I want to just experiment and discover as I go...

So far my "main" character is only level 18 but thats because I've been trying out all the classes so far.

2013-07-04, 05:30 PM
I play a bit, no attempts at optimization just enjoying building to character ideas. Can anybody explain the "ratios" of how many life/defense passives to offence/utility passives you should shoot for?

2013-07-06, 10:36 PM
I play a bit, no attempts at optimization just enjoying building to character ideas. Can anybody explain the "ratios" of how many life/defense passives to offence/utility passives you should shoot for?

Well... Very roughly, I'd say about 8:1 in favor of the defensive stuff. I know, I know, there are a lot really tasty looking offensive nodes, but they should be your secondary concern; the primary purpose of your passive skills is to keep you alive, offense boosting is an occasional bonus.

As two examples, this (http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEABS0OPA6tEuEUcRjbGS4c5yDwIQIhVSFgJ-0otSmlKvYyCTkOOlJAoEOcROdQUFRJVgRXDVhjWfNfP2BLYIhh UmoeajtyqXTtdPF253rve4x82YZgjM-Rzp65ns2fy6LqpzCoGKyqud3AGsbY0iHZYd-_51LvDu9O8i_2SPe-) is the passive tree for my current 2H mace Ground Slam marauder, and this one (http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAecFLQ6tEuEUdRjbGS4hYCftKLUppTIJNug6UjqzOu 1AoEOcR35KfVPfVElWBFcNWNtbr18_YEtgiGFSZU1noG5pcql0 7XTxeu982YTZhO-GYIcph3aQCpHOmSubg565ns2fy6LqpzCrxayqud29gb6nwA_Eu NIh0k3Uj9X42WHdDedS7w7vTvIv9778xQ==) is for my dual-wield Cleave/Dual Strike duelist. Notice how there are a bunch of really nice looking offensive nodes I could have taken, but haven't. I've been considering respeccing the 5 points I spent on the offensive bottom path of the Marauder's tree, but I don't need the extra defenses just yet.