View Full Version : Help Explain Creation table in DMG?

2013-06-28, 02:45 PM
Exactly as it says in title.

I'm trying to create a rod with multiple effects where it has separate charges per day and I'm not understanding the second table where the effects lie.

Can anyone help me understand the table better? Most notably the section on table Spell-effect/Special?

I would like to create a rod of restoration at minimum CL with unlimited charges per day.

2013-06-28, 03:16 PM
Okay, Craft Rod is CL 9, Restoration is a 4th level Cleric spell with a minimum CL of 7. So the creator will create this item at a lower caster level than their own, so we will use CL7 as that is the minimum for the spell.

There is a 100gp material component included as well.

So we begin with Table: Summary of Magic Item Creation Costs and get the formula: Item Cost (we'll say 0 since you didn't mention this being used as a weapon) + (100gp x 50) + (0xp x 50) which is added to the Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values.

We're using a spell effect so let's consider the activation options:

Singe use, spell completion is not applicable because we want this to work for more than just a single use.
Singe use, use activated is not applicable because we want this to work for more than just a single use.
50 charges, spell trigger is not applicable because we don't want this to be an item that runs out of charges.
Command word is probably our best bet, as we can have this function every time we speak the command word. That's going to be 4 (SL) × 7 (CL) × 1,800 gp = 50,400gp
Use-activated or continuous is not applicable, although we could have it be a weapon that deals the effect upon striking but that would be a funny way of doing restoration.

Now let's look at the Special details:

Charges per day - we could cut the cost of this considerably by having fewer than 5 charges per day. Once you are up to 5 charges per day, you might as well go unlimited.
Uncustomary space limitation - this really applies to wondrous items, not rods so much.
No space limitation - this really applies to wondrous items, not rods so much.
Multiple different abilities - you mentioned multiple effects in the OP, but then just listed restoration. If you decide to add a second effect, determine the cost of both effects, multiply the lower cost by 1.5, then add them together. For instance, a +2000gp effect and a +3000gp effect would cost a total of 6000gp (2000 x 1.5 + 3000 = 6000).
Charged (50 charges) - again we could cut the price in half by making it charged, but we want this to be unlimited.

So at this point we have it priced as 5000gp+50,400gp, but there is an additional statement at the bottom that if item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges. So the 5000gp actually becomes 10000gp, for a total cost of 60,400gp.

Edit: Now someone will probably come in and say I did this wrong and then we will see 3 or 4 other people who come up with completely different results and ultimately you will want to go to your DM, present your math and ask if they agree with the price because in the end that is the only way to be sure. (These rules are just a bit convoluted!)

2013-06-28, 03:16 PM
If you want to create one item that combines many functions, you multiply the cost of each successive thing it does beyond the first by 1.5 (the "multiple different abilities" clause) unless those things are ability score bonuses or resistance save bonuses or suchlike.

The minimum CL for a rod of restoration is 4, if crafted by an ur-priest, apostle of peace, or divine crusader. For a command word Rod of Restoration, you would pay 28,800gp + 10,000gp for the material component, for a total of 38,800gp if you are buying it or 17,400gp and 1552 XP if you are crafting it as an ur-priest, apostle of peace, or divine crusader.

For a regular divine caster, it's a CL7 spell, and costs 60,400gp to buy or 30,200gp and 2416 XP to craft.

2013-06-28, 09:31 PM

So how much would it cost if I had 3 charges per day on the rod?

2013-06-29, 07:30 AM
4 (SL) × 7 (CL) × 1,800 gp = 50,400gp / (5/3) = 30,240 + 5,000gp = 35,240 gp
Note that as it is no longer unlimited use, the base cost is divided by (5/# charges per day) and the material component cost is no longer doubled.