View Full Version : Looking Back- Almost 10 years since its start

2013-06-28, 03:22 PM
So after reading the thread about how its almost (in a few months) OOTS's 10th anniversary I was curious, how many times have you all read the comic through? I personally, despite only having read it since last September, have read it 3-4 times through :)

2013-06-28, 03:38 PM
I'm not one to re-read stuff, unless it's been a whole hell of a long time since I read them before. It's possible I've read the comic twice, up to where it currently ended of course.

Rogar Demonblud
2013-06-28, 04:25 PM
Three or four times for the whole thing, mainly because I needed my OOTS fix during the medical hiatus.

2013-06-28, 04:48 PM
With all due respect, why didn't you just reply to that thread instead of posting another one? Seems folk around here are a little quick on the trigger to post a new thread rather than reply to a current one with a similar subject.

Anyway, since getting all the books from Kickstarter, I'll flip through them again quite often. Also quite often, I'll skim through the commentaries.

2013-06-28, 04:58 PM
I first started reading back when the comic was somewhere in the Thog v Roy fight in the arena but I think I've read it upwards of five times since then. I'm an avid webcomic reader and OotS has become my favourite in the short time since then.

2013-06-28, 05:08 PM
I think my last was my 5th or 6th full read-through. I like to do so every 100-150 strips just to keep the whole story sharp in my head.

2013-06-28, 07:32 PM
With all due respect, why didn't you just reply to that thread instead of posting another one? Seems folk around here are a little quick on the trigger to post a new thread rather than reply to a current one with a similar subject.

Because I felt that it would be a distraction and was not relevant to the thread in question. It would have been rude of me to hijack that thread asking whether OOTS had had its 10 year anniversary with my question asking how many times people have read through the comics. In fact it would be derailing the thread which, if I'm not mistaken, is against the forum rules.

2013-06-28, 07:42 PM
I started reading I believe somewhere in DStP, though it may have been earlier, and since then I've read up to current 3 times, once with the prequel books.

2013-06-28, 08:59 PM
Hm. I know I've read the comic through three times, each time in the summer, and got much of the way through it again during Rich's medical leave. But, I have no recollection of where the plot was when my buddy first suggested it and I started at the beginning -- in other words, no recollection of the first anticipated new strip I experienced, but I'd love to figure it out. What was going on in the plot during the summer of 2010, anyone remember?

Tiktik Ironclaw
2013-06-28, 09:07 PM
I read it once, then the sad tale of the Brave Digit Knight being struck down by the glass monsters came up, and I started it over a second time, and read up to 870, the current one. Then, around the beginning of the Lotus Eater sequence, I started again, and am on #861. So, 3 times.

Bulldog Psion
2013-06-28, 10:03 PM
About four times, I think.

2013-06-29, 03:18 AM
I started reading when the comic was in the early double digits or so. Each time I get a book I read each book over again. So since I have books , d,-1,0,1,2,3,4, plus a signed copy of 1 and D that is is a total of 8 times (counting the signed copies as one book)

2013-06-29, 05:21 AM
I had a problem not being able to do a full re-read in book form until recently (I missed NCftPB and OtOoPCs before the Kickstarter). But overall I would say I have done somewhere around six re-reads (And in the month I have OtOoPCs I have read it three times :smallbiggrin:).

Plus seeing each strip another couple of times while reading the forum.

(On another note: I am unable to figure out when I started reading, too :/ - It was before SSaDT (since that was my third book), I think even before 400 but could easily been 200, too. I wished I could really say when I started with OotS :smallfrown: - and my Forum registration doesn't help me either, since I lurked forever. And my memory is just too bad to connect even a year to when I started.)

2013-06-29, 02:59 PM
I think I've only read all the way through twice, and one of those was back in 2005 when I started following the comic, so there were only 150 or so strips to get through.

But I tend to re-read in "chapters" of 20-100 strips, picking out a part of the story that sticks in my mind or needs refreshing, so I wouldn't be surprised if I've read each individual strip at least eight times (except for the ones that are too recent to be re-read material yet ... which basically means those since the Thumb Incident).

2013-06-29, 04:44 PM
Oh... no...
You've created a monster.
You see, I started reading the comics when Miko was just a shrouded mysterious character we knew nothing about. We didn't even know she was a she at that point.
I... liked OotS... before it was cool.
ETA- so, yeah, on subject, I do occasional re-reads of sections, when I want to clear something up in my mind, or see if something was as awesome as I remember it, or see if there was foreshadowing for some latest twist. My last one was about a month ago, after my copy of Don't Split the Party (COOLER THAN YOU) arrived and I wanted to re-read what came after.