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Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 08:31 AM
Old OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=290180) | Current OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=326108) | Die rolling thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=290197) | Current IC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=328955)

A Beautiful Day, a Failed Execution...

Her followers called her Jackie, and said she was the greatest revolutionary of the modern day. Her jailers at Sankwen Cliffs have called her many things, but today they call her by her full name, Jacquelyn Assari. They are ever so polite to her today, the day she will hang.

Jacquelyn Assari didn't seem like a revolutionary. Certainly there had been no hint of this when she was arrested in Malkus for vagrancy and petty theft. But after three nights in a holding cell she had managed two attempted escapes, and almost incited a riot. This unassuming middle-aged woman had been possessed by a zealous fervor, and with a surprisingly gifted tongue, she convinced everyone around her to rise up and fight the machinations of the Malkuthian justice system.

She was transfered to Sankwen Cliffs, a small island just off the coast of Malkus. Here she was placed in a stone cell eighty feet above a rocky beach, with limited access to other prisoners. Still she somehow managed to smuggle out letter after letter, and the contents of these letters percolated through the underbelly of Malkus, inspiring dozens of acts of solidarity, and a pervasive feeling that something within the City on the City was about to break.

But soon it would all be over. Today was the day when Jacquelyn Assari would hang, after yet another foiled attempt at escape. The Mayor of Malkus, Honorable Francis Lorens, arranged for a floating bridge to be built to Sankwen Cliffs, so that all could watch her execution. Thousands took him up on his offer, and the rocky shores of the prison island are crowded as so many attempt to see the notorious figure, to hear her last words.

And so, the shores are filled, and all eyes are on the gray and green uniforms of the Sankwen Cliffs guards as they make their solemn march up the steep outer stairs of the prison. The scaffolding where Jacquelyn will hang is high atop the prison walls, where all can see.


Down below, the crowd hums with excitement. Closest to the wall, those who are most aggressive or intimidating have begun pushing away those who arrived earliest. It is a motley crew that stands beneath her stone cell. A tall man - or is it machine? - made of iron and glittering mithral stands near the front, curiousity shining out of his white eyes. Equally tall is a young woman with dark red hair, leaning on a tall staff capped in metal. A bald man with a severe look about him stands not far off, a wicked smile curling his lips.

Oddly enough, among the seemingly rough crowd near the front of the crowd is an old woman, white-haired and bent. People push past her, but she always seems to regain her spot. Also odd is a small girl, not even five feet tall, with red hair and fox-like features. Some jeer and begin to move her aside, but when she looks up at them, they see the Death's Hand upon her face and surprisingly old eyes, and they back away.

Up above, the guards are finally reaching Jacquelyn's cell. They swing open the outer door and...
...with a shriek, a muted cry...
...something happening, commotion, unseen...
...another cry and a body is falling, down, down from the cell, eighty feet down to tumble on the rocks below.

The crowd moves aside as the body falls. It is Jacquelyn Assari, eyes wide with horror, something fluttering out of her hand as she collides with the rocky shore.

The guards are rushing to the stairs, but it is a long way down for those who have not taken Jackie's shorter route. The crowd looks at the dead figure of the once-proud revolutionary. Was this an attempt to die on her own terms, rather than hanging by the neck? Or was she thrown?

Fluttering down more slowly, a piece of paper follows her down and lands at the feet of the old woman. It is crumpled, as though it had been tightly grasped. On it in the common tongue, scratched in the same hand that penned those stirring prison letters, were a few short words:

Beware the Shining Brethren, for they are the hand and we are the glove...

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 01:10 PM
You are all positioned within a few feet of where Jacquelyn Assari fell, and you have at least fifteen minutes or so before the guards can get to where you are - probably more, as they must force their way through the crowd, which has grown thick. There are many people near you, but none who appear to be officials or guards.

All of you saw the note fall, although it fell closest to Gran. However, most of the crowd appears to be paying attention to the fallen body of Jacquelyn Assari, and no one else seems to have noticed the note.


You do not see any magical auras about the corpse of Jacquelyn Assari, nor on the note. There are several magical auras on some of those in the crowd around you, however, including on the old woman who was closest to where the note fell.

2013-06-29, 01:29 PM
Sasha hadn't been paying attention to the movements atop the wall, and as such she was caught off guard by the screams of the people around her, and looked up just in time to see Assari land. She whispers. Damnit. What is this?.

She spots the note almost immediately, and moves to Gran's side. She turns around, scanning the crowd, her brow creased.

Spot check to look for anyone suspicious. Looks of guilt, open smiles, ect.

She then turns back to the old lady.

Don't worry, ma'am. If these people step out of line, I'll keep you safe. She tightens her grip around her staff, and balances on the balls of her feet.

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 01:41 PM
Gran averts her gaze from the body of the woman who was Jacquelyn Assari. She lowers her head, speaking under her breath.
Poor woman. Even she did not deserve to die like this.

As she turns away she spies the note that has fallen at her feet. It begins to flutter in the wind, picking up slightly and moving towards the sea. Gran pins it to the ground with her oddly gnarled walking stick before it can move any further, reacting with surprising speed for a woman her age. She quickly glances around to see if anyone is looking her way, but does not notice that anyone but her has seen the note. She motions her hand towards the note, and it rises quickly into her open palm, working it's way free of her walking stick. She smiles slightly to herself, clearly pleased with herself.

She reads the note, brow furrowing as she tries to make sense of it. After reading it over twice, she glances around again, this time noting the glittering -no- shining metal man standing nearby. He has clearly noticed the note, and likely saw her little trick. Her face pales as she realizes the press of the crowd means she will not be able to move away with any speed.

She then notices the woman who has moved to stand next to her.
Oh, thank you dear. I feel safer already.
Her moving eyes betray that while she may feel safer, she definitely does not feel safe.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 01:44 PM
It's hard to tell with so many people around, but everyone seems as surprised as you are.

2013-06-29, 01:53 PM
Sasha notices Gran's fear, and looks around once more. The first thing she sees is the metal man - Siegfried, that's what they call him. He was the person she was here to meet, although not under these conditions.

She calls out to him. Hey, metal guy! Mind helping me clear a path? We've got to get this lady out of here!

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 02:13 PM
Gran turns to Sasha, concern clear on her face.
Do you know this...man? She asks, clearly unsure of the which terms to use concerning warforged.
She leans closer and speaks in a hushed whisper, voice growing deeper, and somehow more masculine.
Can we trust him?

She freezes, alarmed at her voice change. She shakes her head, coughing to clear her throat. As she does so, she seems to shrink as she leans more onto her walking stick, almost as if she was bigger a moment before. The tinge of green that was in her eyes disappears as they return to their normal hazel color.

2013-06-29, 02:18 PM
Sasha raises an eyebrow and looks back at Gran. Did I just hear what I thought I heard? She shrugs it off and replies.

Sure we can, ma'am. Sasha gives a confident smile. And if he tries anything funny, I'll just toss him into the sea.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 04:23 PM
Siegfried narrows his eyes and looks at Gran for a few seconds, then shrugs.

"Of course I can help. Follow me. You picked up the note, right? That might be important."

He turns to the crowd. "Clear a path! I won't have anyone else getting hurt. Move along, now."

2013-06-29, 04:32 PM
Aleister rests a hand on Gran's shoulder and pulls himself forward, setting one foot in front of the group.

Perhaps I may be of some assistance. This isn't the first hanging I've been to where there's been, shall we say... a hiccup.

He focuses his gaze on the body and drinks in everything he can about it: the angle of the limbs, the positioning of the body, what bones are broken, etc.

heal check to determine cause of death, hit DC 23. what has happened?

2013-06-29, 04:48 PM
Sasha scowls at the newcomer, sizing him up. Before she can say anything, however, he speaks, and she steps out of the way to clear a path to the body.

Sasha looks to Gran, then to Aleister. She seems worried for a moment, but then the feeling leaves her, and she goes back to leaning on her staff, waiting for Aleister to finish his examination.

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 04:58 PM
Gran scoffs as the impertinent man moves towards the body, then starts as she meets the gaze of the sinister goat head staring out from the back of his head.

Attended a few hangings before, have you?

Under her breath and mostly to herself, she mutters As a doctor, or the executioner?

2013-06-29, 05:02 PM
Aleister notices Sasha sizing him up with some amusement that he tries vainly to contain. As she scowls at him, he'll return her look with a serene expression and sniffs the air*. Once she makes way, he gives a small nod of thanks and goes to one knee, his back to her since he doesn't perceive her as a threat. If she keeps looking at him, she'll be able to see the goat tattoo on the back of his head, its nostrils flaring in time with his heartbeat if she pays close attention.

*Aleister points his "detect opposition" at Sasha. Once he's gotten a read of her, he lowers his gaze.

He keeps his focus on the body, not turning around to rise to Gran's taunt.

Oh, one does like to keep one's options open. I've worn many a hat in my day. I do like to keep things interesting.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 05:19 PM
Very odd. She looks like she was dead well before she hit the ground, but from no visible injury. You would need a closer examination to determine internal trauma.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 05:19 PM
Siegfried turns around. "Are we staying here for a bit? Alright."

He gives one last glare at the crowd, then turns to the group next to Jacquelyn's body, and takes a minute or so to size them up while Aleister inspects the body*.

"I find it odd that the crowd is so excited about her death. They were expecting her to die - how that happens does not seem important."

Siegfried concentrates on detect magic.

2013-06-29, 05:27 PM
Well, my shining friend, we humans are a bit queer in that way. Kill a woman when it's her day for execution and you're performing a public service. Kill her before, and it's murder.

Aleister pauses for a moment, enjoying, as always, being the center of attention.

And I can say with confidence that this is definitely the latter. Whatever did kill Miss Assari, it was not the fall. If you'll be so kind as to cover my flank, I may be able to ascertain what did

2013-06-29, 05:35 PM
Sasha nods, flashing everyone a confident grin.

I've got you covered, Mr... Sasha drifts off. Aw, screw it, I'll just call ya Baldy.

She turns to face the crowd, calling back over her shoulder.

Don't worry your goat-tattooed head, man. I've got this.

She leans on her staff, waiting for someone in the crowd to make the first move.

2013-06-29, 05:46 PM
Then I'm confident I'm in good hands, miss. Crowley is my family name, Aleister Crowley. But if there's one thing I've learned in my time on this earth, it's that an insistence on calling things by their true names is no way to get ahead. Address me as you see fit.

He moves his hands before him, careful not to touch the body. He looks as though he may be conducting an orchestra or working a marionette, or something in between as he ponders angles and positions.

He takes a deep breath and the goat blinks as Sasha mentions it.

I couldn't help but notice your exemplary posture and that nervous energy that buzzes under those knee-socks of yours. You wouldn't happen to be a dancer, would you? I've seen some wear weights on their legs in the same places you've got those armor plates, and carry little batons. It's supposed to help with balance.

2013-06-29, 05:52 PM
At Aleister's comment, Sasha turns back to him.

Not a dancer, per say, but I do use my legs primarily. I'm a show fighter, you see. Its a bit like dancing, and- She gestures to her clothing -the uniform is quite similar. The plates help with my kicks. She looks back at the crowd.

Oh, and I can set them on fire. Useful skill, that.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 05:57 PM
"How odd. Perhaps one of the guards was impatient. I had trouble with the guards once." He nods. "I can cover you, Mr. Crowley."

Siegfried steps back from Aleister and next to Sasha, and draws a circular sigil in the air with his hand. A transparent magical field forms around him, and he resumes looking at the crowd.

*I cast Entropic Warding and keep an eye out for any signs of trouble.

Heh, I rolled a 1. So... probably not. :smallamused:

2013-06-29, 06:01 PM
I was warm, at least. As you say, the two spheres aren't wholly divorced.

He looks over his shoulder as she mentions her pyrokinesis.

I believe you and I may share more in common than I initially surmised

He turns to Siegfried
I appreciate your assistance, sir

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 06:07 PM

No signs of trouble at all with that roll :smalltongue:

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 06:10 PM
Gran takes in the exchange going on around her, pausing when she notes Aleister's tattoo blinking. She looks a way for a moment, lips mouthing voiceless words (vestige names, if one looks closely enough), shaking her head at each one. She nods to herself at the conclusion that she is not looking at another binder, though his earlier words seem to imply he has some sort of power beyond the natural.

She sees the display by the warforged and leans in, clearly fascinated. For a moment her wrinkles seem to smooth and her form shrink even more as she quietly murmurs. Oooh, pretty.

She shakes her head again, then looks toward Sigfried, her body returned to its previous form. In her sweetest voice she innocently asks Trouble with the guards, eh? That certainly sounds interesting. Nothing too serious, I hope?

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 06:18 PM
Siegfried shakes his head. "Both sides took light damage. I later repaired myself, as did they. A week later, one gave me a job with a blacksmith, crafting armor."

2013-06-29, 06:25 PM
Well, who among us hasn't run afoul of some law or another? Aleister continues to examine Assari's body. Present company included, of course.

2013-06-29, 07:42 PM
Well, I haven't. Sasha smiles mischievously. But the key is not getting caught. Or paying off the guards. Underground fighting rings are a lucrative business, after all.

Spot check to look for trouble

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 07:49 PM

The guards are getting closer - they're almost at the bottom of the stares, although they still will have to push through a large crush of people that does not seem to be making room for them.

You also notice a small boat rowing in to the shore, and while they are still a little ways off, its occupants appear to be wearing the same gray and green as the prison guards.

2013-06-29, 07:51 PM
Well then, perhaps you may have some inkling of what did in Miss Assari here. I'd imagine that underground there's the odd match that isn't decided by knockout. Are you fighting in town? While it's not exactly something to build a career on, one does like to diversify one's investments.

2013-06-29, 07:56 PM
Sasha shrugs. Well, its not like I fight here anymore, and I've never seen anything quite like this. I fought just enough to pay for my brother's... She drifts off as she sees the guards approaching.

Uh, guys? One if by land, two if by sea. We should probably get out of here, fast.

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 08:05 PM
We haven't done anything wrong here. There's no crime in looking is there? Unless one us is on the run from the law.
She gives Aleister a pointed stare.

I suggest you finish soon Mr. Crowley. It does not well become anybody to be seen crouching over a body like this.

She turns to the ocean.
I can barely make out those boats. You've got sharp eyes, there... eh...forgive me dear. My memory isn't what it used to be. Did you give me your name?

2013-06-29, 08:09 PM
Sasha looks down at Gran, a compassionate smile on her face.

I'm afraid I did not, Ma'am. My name's Sasha. Sasha T.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 08:14 PM
"My eyes are far less so. I take it the guards are getting close?"

Siegfried tilts his head and thinks for a second, then turns to Sasha.

"If we have to run, I would prefer by land. I swim like a rock."

2013-06-29, 09:09 PM
Sasha looks Siegfried up and down, her right hand on her hip, staff resting in her left.

Yeah. I could imagine.

2013-06-29, 09:19 PM
I would never have it said that I overstayed my welcome. If we can stay no longer, then let us away

He'll draw his coat closed around him. If anyone looks, they'll see a deep black shadow clinging to his chest like a vest that he works to hide with his lapels.

2013-06-29, 09:23 PM
"Does that mean that if we throw you at the water, you'll skip?" Smirking, the redhaired foxgirl from before saunters up, the vulpine Death's Hand symbol (http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/850045/129064469/stock-vector-nine-tailed-fox-tattoo-129064469.jpg) prominently and proudly displayed below her right eye.

She spots Assari's corpse and blinks. "...I didn't do it. Actually, it's a bit of a shame she's dead. She deserved better. After all, her letters were quite amusing to read through."

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 09:35 PM
Little bit of advice, dear. "I didn't do it" is close to the most suspicious thing you can say when seeing a corpse. I'd also suggest you speak a bit more quietly when speaking favorably of dead revolutionaries. She's clearly made some enemies. Speaking of, where is my head?!
She brings her hand up to smack her forehead.

She dropped this note when she fell. I picked it up, but in all the confusion, I forgot all about it. It might say something about her death.

As she reads, the group notices she needs no spectacles, and she neither has to hold the paper extremely close or at arms length.

It says, "Beware the Shining Brethren, for they are the hand and we are the glove." It doesn't mean anything to me, but I'm just an old woman. perhaps some of the more worldly her would know something about these Shining Brethren.

She gives Sigfried a wary glace, noting his shining body.

2013-06-29, 09:38 PM
Sasha was closely observing the guards on foot as they progressed through the crowd and made their way closer. When she heard a new voice behind her, she whirled around, balancing on the balls of her feet. After getting a good look at the speaker, she relaxed, ignoring the Death's Hand symbol.

She looks over to Gran.

I don't know anything about the Shining Brethren, but that hand and glove part... Sasha looks around. Does that mean that they're among us, or something?

And really, Ma'am? You're worried about his guy? She thumps Siegfried on the back. He's been nothing but nice since he came over here. And besides, I told you I'd throw him into the ocean if he tried anything funny.

2013-06-29, 09:44 PM
That certainly is interesting

He turns to Sasha.

The unfortunate thing about our fears is that they don't always make sense. If they did, I doubt they'd be anywhere near so common

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 09:47 PM
"...No, I would sink. Imagine a small brick, not a skipping stone.

He pauses for a few seconds, and his facial features readjust to a grin. Oh, I see. That was a joke! Perhaps, little fox girl, although I do not think you have the strength to throw me in.

Siegfried patiently waits while Gran reads the note, and notices her suspicious glance.

"I assure you, madam, I do not know of the 'Shining Brethren'. My armor shines because I polished it this morning."

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 09:48 PM
There is a commotion as the guards reach the bottom of the stairs and begin pushing their way through the crowd. There are four in total, and the crowd reluctantly parts for them.

The boat is still twenty meters or so from the shore, as its drivers row against the current to keep it from dashing against the rocks.

OOC: Spot checks from everyone, please.

2013-06-29, 09:48 PM
"I think your head is on your shoulders, isn't it?" Natsu tilts her own head to the side, then grins at Siegfried. "Nah, but if you give me a long enough lever..."

She quirks an eyebrow at Sasha's hair-trigger reaction. "Maa... calm down, will ya? It's not like I'm going to do anything to you."

"And let's break that message down, shall we? The fact that that she uses 'the' likely means that these Shining Brethren are a group, which is further supported by the use of 'they'. The hand and glove statement suggests that they directly control us. Or that they are influencing the government to a significant degree."

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 09:49 PM
Am I really that transparent? Oh dear, I'm sorry. You'll have to forgive this foolish old woman. After all, Shining Brethren really could mean anything, could it. I just assumed it was a literal meaning, and our friend here really is shining. I mean no offense,...eh...Mr.... I'm so sorry, I seem to have forgotten your name, too.
15 for Spot. Not bad for an old lady.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 09:58 PM
"Siegfried. No offense taken; I often take things too literally myself."
I got a 17 on my spot. Not bad.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 10:08 PM

You notice that one of the four guards approaching has something strange about him. As he speaks to one of the other guards, his teeth seem to have strange fangs. They're not obvious, but it's definitely off a bit. There are also weird bumps on its hands that almost look like... spinnerets, perhaps?

If any of you have knowledge (arcana), you may roll that as well.

2013-06-29, 10:09 PM
Good insights, all.

I got a 21 for spot check. who needs the keeneye lenses?

2013-06-29, 10:09 PM
Sasha narrows her eyes at the guards, standing her ground.

Everyone, get behind me, and get out of here. I'll stall them.

2013-06-29, 10:13 PM
Natsu narrows her eyes at the approaching guards. "...a spider-man? Curious. It would indeed be a good idea for us to leave right now."

"And if you're going to stay, I suppose I should to. Perhaps I can simply scare him away with my scary, scary Death's Hand..."

Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 10:17 PM
Siegfried steps back a few meters, and pulls a thin metal rod from his belt.

"What do you see? I have never heard of spider-men."

2013-06-29, 10:20 PM
Sasha nods to Natsu, and looks back to Siegfried.

Yeah. One of these jerks has got fangs and weird arm bulges. He doesn't look like a guy to be trifled with.

2013-06-29, 10:25 PM
Aleister clenches his fists and gets behind Sasha. Little wires creep out of the goat's horns and weave their way around his head in a crown of thorns that look to be made of an obsidian-like substance.

Nor am I.

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 10:25 PM
I would like to know why it is everyone is getting ready to fight men who have no quarrel with us.

Sasha, do not be silly. I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself for a group of strangers. If it is me you are worried about, I assure you, I can take care of myself.

Gran stands up straighter, tightening her grip on her walking stick. It becomes apparent that she does not need to use it to walk at all

2013-06-29, 10:32 PM
"Because he looks creepy!" Natsu shudders. "And because the prison guard probably has enough discrimination that he's probably not an actual guard."

"Besides, if he does somehow turn out to be legitimate, we can just apologize."

2013-06-29, 10:33 PM
Sasha grits her teeth, spinning her staff, ready to fight. Her mind enters a sort of battle trance. Then, Gran speaks, and snaps her out of it.

She sighs, and looks at Gran. Who said anything about risking my life? I'll bet I can take these chumps. She pauses as her gaze passes over everyone. But, on the other hand, some help would be nice.

She turns to the guards, raising her right leg slightly off the ground, staff held horizontally, as if to balance her stance.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 10:40 PM

You have heard of some shape-shifting spider people known as the aranea. While you don't know too many details, you know that they have shapeshifting powers and some minor magical prowess.

The four guards push aside the crowd, aiming kicks at the souvenir hunters pulling scraps of clothing from Jacquelyn's body.

The shortest of the four guards, a young woman with dark brown hair, shouts at the crowd and draws a sap. Seeing the weapon, the crowd finally retreats, and two of the guards pick up the body of Jacquelyn Assari.

The young woman with the sap raises her voice. "Come on, everyone," she shouts. "Give us some space. Head back to the bridge."

The two carrying Jacquelyn's body start walking her in the direction of the boat.


One of the two carrying Jacquelyn to the boat is the spider-man you noticed.

2013-06-29, 10:45 PM
Sasha stands there, stunned. She lowers her staff, then her foot. She looks back to the others, a rare look of uncertainty on her face.

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 10:49 PM
Your face speaks volume, my dear. Did you see something I did not?

2013-06-29, 10:51 PM
Fangs. In mouth. Of guy. Carrying Jacquelyn.

I don't know about you guys, but I've lived in this city my whole life, and never, once, have I seen a guard with fangs.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 10:57 PM
"Neither have I, and nor do I now, but I am inclined to trust your eyes. I wonder if he is hiding any tricks up his sleeve."

Siegfried takes a few steps forward, and stares intently at the guards carrying the body.

Concentrating on detect magic, specifically looking for any auras on either of the guards.

If there are (and if I've got time before they walk away), Spellcraft to identify the school: [roll0]

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 11:00 PM
As the guards in the boat bring it to shore, the two guards carrying Jacquelyn's body place it there. One of the guards steps on the boat to join him when the first guard's face changes - there is a shifting of the features, the fangs grow more pronounced, and he leans forward and bites the first guard.

He crumples, and the spider-man turns to the others. "Row," he says, and they begin pushing off from the shoreline.


Definitely a magical aura on the spider man, as well as some small magical auras nearby that could indicate items. The main aura is transmutation, the minor aura appears to be illusion.

OOC: You are all about thirty feet from the boat at this point. It is fighting the current and only has two rowers, so it is moving very slowly.

EDIT: Siegfried, missed your die roll on the check, so there's additional information in the spoiler block now.

2013-06-29, 11:01 PM
Natsu frowns slightly, then tugs on Sasha's sleeve, whispering. "Come. He's an aranea. Shapeshifter. Innate arcane powers."

She quickly strides after the guards, hoping that the crowd's bulk will stop them from moving too far away. "Ah, excuse me, guard-san..."

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 11:02 PM
Never in all my years in this or any other city have I seen that. Something is very clearly not right here. Let me try something.

Gran leans her staff against her body as she brings her hands up to her mouth, cupping them oddly. As she does, her face shifts slightly, jaw becoming heavier, Adam's apple forming in her throat. When she speaks again, her voice is not her own, but it is not the male voice from before. It sounds like it is coming from somewhere other than her, thrown into the crowd. It is a shouting voice, directed at the guards.
Hey toothy, what happened to your face? Was your mother a spider or are you just that ugly?
If you think a bluff or disguise check is appropriate, I'll roll. On a separate note, are there any loose rocks around?

2013-06-29, 11:04 PM
OH NO YOU DON'T! Sasha rockets forward, reaching the edge of the bridge, then leaping high in the air, crashing down towards the boat.

Single move, then Sudden Leaping to the boat.

Jump Check [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-29, 11:07 PM
"I take it this means I can open fire? Should I target the rowers, or the spider-creature? It has magic of some kind."

Siegfried glances around at his companions, and then watches Sasha jump towards the boat.

2013-06-29, 11:09 PM
Flying KICK!

Sasha kicks out with one of her plated socks, aiming for the Aranea.

She uses her standard action to make a basic unarmed strike against the Aranea-guy.

Kick [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 11:12 PM
Alright, folks, and with that I think it's time to roll initiative!

Here are the results from the die rolling thread:

Aleister: (1d20+0)[17]
Trio: (1d20+0)[16]
Sasha: (1d20+8)[20]
Siegfried: (1d20+3)[22]
Natsu: (1d20+10)[26]

So that puts Natsu up first. Natsu, you're up!

EDIT: Stupid delayed connection. Natsu & Siegfried, you can still act first. Do you delay until after Sasha? (She was immediately following you all anyhow.)

Initiative order:
1. Natsu
2. Siegfried
3. Sasha
4. Aranea
5. Aleister
6. Trio

The Viscount
2013-06-29, 11:12 PM
Aim for the creature if you mean to use lethal force. The rowers are scared into rowing. We can scare them into stopping. The time for diplomacy has passed. Now is time for action.

2013-06-29, 11:12 PM
Aleister grabs the shoulder of one of the guards on shoreGuard! That simply can't be sanctioned behavior! That creature has struck down one of your brethren! We absolutely must-

He gets a faraway look in his eyes for a moment as the thorns from his crown bite into his forehead. They draw a small rivulet of blood that runs down the pit of his eye, dripping onto his cheek.

The guardsman* who was killed by the spider monster rises to its feat in the boat and swings its arm or weapon at the spider.

-kill it!

Aleister shouts and points with no uncertainty at the spider monster, ostensibly to the guard, but in actuality to order the zombie for when the boat drifts out of range.

Necrocarnum circlet raises the dead guard as a necrocarnum zombie. If he was merely incapacitated instead of being dead, then it raises Jacquelyn instead. Astral vambraces allow me to ignore the damage if she had less than 9 hit dice

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-29, 11:14 PM
The guardsman on the ground is not dead. He appears to be twitching and weak, but still conscious.

The woman who had been directing the crowd earlier runs to the incapacitated man. "Get help," she shouts at the last remaining guard, who is standing there slack-jawed at all that happened.

2013-06-29, 11:55 PM
Natsu grimaces. Apparently her suspicions had been correct. "We cannot let them escape..."

She dashes forward, a hand placed lightly on the hilt of her sword. With a sharp yell, she leaps the few feet from the shore onto the boat, her blade flashing out at supernal speeds to cut at the aranea.

Full-round: Charge at the aranea. Using Quick Draw to draw my sword right before attacking. Using Cunning Insight to get a +3 on this attack.
Attack: 15
Damage: 9

HP: 18/18
Inspiration: 2/3

Arcane Dilettante:

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 12:02 AM
The aranea reels backward, and the blow just barely glances off his armor. He hisses, his features becoming more and more spiderlike with each passing moment.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-30, 12:07 AM
"Lethal force it is."

Siegfried steps forward, and aims a blast of raw arcane energy at the aranea.

Move to D7
Eldritch Blast, hits touch AC 9, for 9 damage.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 12:10 AM
The aranea narrows his eyes and throws himself aside, dodging the blast of energy.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 12:20 AM
Flying KICK!

Sasha kicks out with one of her plated socks, aiming for the Aranea.

She uses her standard action to make a basic unarmed strike against the Aranea-guy.

Kick [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Sasha's flying kick connects squarely with the aranea, and she lands in the water next to the boat. He grunts and doubles over, before squaring himself upright. He begins to chant under his breath, keeping his eyes on Sasha's plated feat, as he draws up arcane energies.

As he does this, the boat rocks, and he loses his focus. Cursing, he finds himself left open to attack.

OOC: Aranea failed a concentration check to cast defensively. Sasha, you're within melee range, so you can make an attack of opportunity.

2013-06-30, 12:25 AM
Sasha, noticing the creature's moment of weakness, makes a quick kick. She aims for its stomach, but falls short.

Attack: 10
Damage: 7

2013-06-30, 12:31 AM
Aleister clenches his fist tight and takes a purposeful step forward. As he squeezes his hand, his crown of thorns tightens around his skull and blood runs down his face. He parts his lips in a wince and blood trickles into his mouth. He forcefully spits a glob of it forward, tinged with blackness the same color as the crown. It slithers its way into Jacquelyn's mouth and disappears.

He pulls his fist back and down to his hip forcefully as though jerking an invisible rope tied to her shoulders. She jolts to her feet shakily, like a marionette as he gestures with his other hand, his fingers dancing as if working a set of strings as her hands contort and ripple.

His eyes are alive with energy, blood running into them, but he doesn't seem to care. He bares his red-tinged teeth as he screams a single word, his breath heavy and thick:

Jacquelyn swings a stiff fist towards the aranea.

5 foot step from c5 to d5 then full-round to animate Jacquelyn's body with the necrocarnum circlet.

atk: 6
dmg: 5

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 12:35 AM
The aranea turns back in surprise as the body he dragged to the boat rises behind him. "What devilry is this? Who are you?"

The corpse of Jacquelyn swings her fist jerkily at the surprised aranea, but it is easily avoided.

2013-06-30, 12:43 AM
Aleister raises both wrists up, his fingers hanging down as though attached to strings and moves them ever so slightly.

Jacquelyn puts her hands on her hips and laughs, a harsh, hollow sound.

"I am Jacquelyn Assari! You will not be rid of me so easily! I know what you did, and you have underestimated me for the last time!"

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 01:15 AM
Gran turns to Aleister, trying not to show her alarm at seeing his bloody face contorted in anger.
Mr. Crowley. I am going to give the late Jacquelyn a weapon. See that she uses it properly.

Turning back toward the Aranea, she runs purposefully at full speed, no longer concerned with presenting the facade of a frail woman. She drops the walking stick in the process and draws a longspear from her cloak. She shakes a morningstar free from her cloak when she stops 10 feet from the aranea, but it does not fall to the ground. It instead floats in the air a few inches above the ground. Gran stares at it, then shoos it towards the zombie. Go! she says, as if commanding a dog. It flies into the zombie's hands.

She turns towards the aranea, and thrusts forwards with her spear, stretching out to reach it. It hits home with a sickening crunch, sliding in deeply.
That's a move action for up to 40 feet movement, a swift to move the morningstar to the zombie, and a standard to attack.

Attack: Rolled natural 20. Result 26
Confirmation roll: 18
Damage: rolled 7, 6, 7 for 20 overall

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 01:20 AM
Still distracted by the corpse behind him, the aranea turns just in time to see... granny? The old woman drives a spear directly through him, piercing his chest.

The aranea's eyes swim and he slumps down, still clutching at the spear in his chest, before fading to unconsciousness.

The two guardsmen in the boat, already startled by the proceedings, jump out of the boat and wade toward shore.

OOC: The aranea is alive but unconscious and bleeding, and looks close to death.

2013-06-30, 10:36 AM
Sasha hauls herself up onto the boat. She stoops over the fallen monster, thumbs hooked into her belt.

You're not getting away that easily.

She leans down, and a burst of whitish magic moves from her belt to her hand, then to the Aranea.

I heal 4 points of damage on him.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 10:39 AM
As the aranea convulses on the small boat, the two guards who were in the boat originally make it to shore and begin speaking to the young woman, who appears to be a captain of the guard. They are shaking their heads, with dazed looks in their eyes.

The captain continues attending to the man who was bitten by the aranea. He appears to be conscious but weak, and stumbles when the captain tries to help him stand. As the two guards from the boat approach, she looks up, sees the dead aranea, and sees...

...is that Jacquelyn Assari - standing? Moving?

Further beyond, the crowd nearest you has mostly quieted, and they all seem to have eyes for that very thing, the figure of Jacquelyn, standing in the boat. All of this happened so fast...

Then, muttering, pointing, whispering begins to break through the crowd like a wave.

The captain of the guard says something to the other two guards in a low voice, and they take their bitten comrade under the arms and begin walking him away. She waits a moment, watching as you fumble with the body of the aranea, before shaking her head, drawing her sap, and walking toward you all.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 10:41 AM
Sasha hauls herself up onto the boat. She stoops over the fallen monster, thumbs hooked into her belt.

You're not getting away that easily.

She leans down, and a burst of whitish magic moves from her belt to her hand, then to the Aranea.

I heal 4 points of damage on him.

As the healing energy spreads through the aranea, some of his wounds close and he stops bleeding, but he does not rise. He remains unconscious, slumped on the floor of the boat.

The captain gives a shout. "Just what in the... my gods, what is going on?"

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 11:06 AM
Gran finishes washing off her spear in the water and stows it in her cloak. She motions to her gnarled walking stick, which flies into her hand. She leans back onto it, appearing tired from her earlier exertion.
I was about to ask you the same question. Do you usually hire monsters as your guards?

2013-06-30, 11:11 AM
Aleister lets his hands fall to his sides, appearing greatly drained. He murmurs under his breath Sit. Stay. Play Dead. and Assari crumples in a heap as though the strings pulling around her limbs have been cut...

...for now.

necrocarnum circlet still active. she's playing dead for now but can be reanimated later as long as LOS is maintained

I need to do errands. viscount will take the reins should it be necessary. back later guys, looking forward to more fun times.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 11:35 AM
The captain steps forward. "That - that thing was no guard of ours," she says. "Whatever was in that foul bite, it seems to have poisoned one of my guards. By the Dreamers, am I going crazy, or did Jacquelyn Assari rise up and start talking?"

She shakes her head. "Good gods, I worked alongside Padrig for three years, and I never knew him to be some spider-beast," she said. "And what's your game? What is your part in all this?"

Her eyes travel over the group, resting for a long while on Aleister's goat tattoo and the vulpine Death's Hand on Natsu's face.

2013-06-30, 11:40 AM
Sasha throws the now-stabilized Aranea over her shoulder, and stands beside her friends.

Our game, Ma'am, was stopping this guy from escaping. We're just as clueless as you.

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 12:11 PM
Aleister draws a wine-colored kerchief from his vest and uses it to mop up the blood from his face. The kerchief is the perfect color to absorb it, and it doesn't seem to be stained at all, only darkened by wetness.
Indeed. We were merely concerned citizens doing our civic duty.
He smiles pleasantly, clearly amused by the casting of himself as a selfless hero.

Gran speaks next.
He certainly seemed in an awful hurry to leave with the body. Perhaps he know something about her death. We have no sinister motives, my dear. We saw a wrong and moved to set things right.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-30, 12:13 PM
Siegfried nods in agreement.

"When it was on the boat, I saw some small magic auras near it. We should search it and the boat; there may be enchanted items."

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 12:43 PM
Agreed. It might have stowed something dangerous. Sasha, would you be a dear and restrain the creature with its manacles? We wouldn't want it scurrying away while we're occupied.

2013-06-30, 12:47 PM
Sasha nods. Sure thing, Ma'am.

She plucks the manacles from the creature's belt, and snaps them to his wrists and ankles. She the sets him down, and leans casually on her staff. Sasha keeps one leg slightly raised, ready to stomp the creature into oblivion, if need be.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 12:53 PM
She sighs. "I suppose I appreciate the assistance," she says, "but I'd still like to know what's going on. Why kill Jacquelyn just before she hangs? Why not just let the noose do the job, rather than throwing her from her cell?"

She looks over at the unconscious aranea and shudders. "Here," she says, handing over a set of her own manacles. "You may as well lock his ankles together as well. I sent someone to fetch the city watch, to clear this crowd away. We'd better get her inside."

She looks at the corpse. "I swear by all the Dreamers I saw her speak," she said. "Are we sure she is dead? Could it have been some dark magic of Padrig's?"

OOC: Examination of the corpse with detect magic, the aranea appears to be wearing nonmagical studded leather of excellent quality. There is a small wand on his belt with an aura of illusion, as well as a nonmagical crossbow and sap, a set of manacles, and a small pouch of clinking metal. He also has a bracer of crossbow bolts, perhaps 10 in all.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 12:55 PM
(Sorry, Kymme, your post came as I was typing. Since you've grabbed Padrig's manacles, I'm modifying the above post to reflect that.)

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 03:52 PM
I can't say I know everything about these things, but it certainly seems possible that the creature animated Jacquelyn's body with its magic. As for her death, I believe Mr. Crowley can attest to that.
Baldfaced lying here, I use Social Intuition to take 10 on my Bluff check, and my result is 19.

2013-06-30, 04:02 PM
Perhaps a side effect of that poison you mentioned earlier. Aleister levels a gaze at the guard that was bitten. I'd keep an eye on him, were I in your position, miss.

He walks over to the bitten guardsman and wets his lips.

With your permission, sir, I might try my hand at extracting that poison. I'm sure you don't want to end up like the dearly twice departed. He gestures at Assari.

2013-06-30, 04:45 PM
Natsu notes the captain's lingering gaze and winks at her. "You like it? I think it brings out my eyes quite well."

She takes off all of the equipment from the unconscious aranea, explaining, "We wouldn't want him to break out of his manacles and have all of his gear, would we?"

"As for killing her before her time... it could be for personal revenge, or because they thought she had another letter to send, or to annoy the guards, or just because they were bored."

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 04:58 PM
Gran gives Natsu a sharp look, clearly aghast.
What kind of depraved monster kills out of boredom? Even the foulest demons kill for their own pleasure, not simply for lack of something better to do. Those are some very dark thoughts, little one.

2013-06-30, 05:06 PM
Shrugging, Natsu stands, stretching her arms. "You should meet my crazy aunt. I once accidentally blew up a mountain with a huge supply of my cousin's fireworks, and her only comment was 'You should have waited for me, brat. You know I enjoy random, pointless destruction'."

"...yeah, she really was crazy."

2013-06-30, 05:21 PM
Sasha grins.

Reminds me of my dad.

2013-06-30, 05:26 PM
I agree. I'm sure the aranea had a reason for killing miss Assari before her government-approved expiration date. Whether it was one we understood or not is a different matter.

2013-06-30, 07:05 PM
Sasha rests a hand on her hip, looking down at the unconscious aranea.

"They are the hand, and we are the glove", huh?

She whispers under her breath. Assari knew. She knew exactly what they were.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 07:24 PM
The captain stares at Gran, aghast. "By the Dreamers, that's a terrible thought," she said. "I'd rather see a friend die and be buried than see him walking about after death like a puppet. Please, if you know of these things, could you see to Alden?" She indicates the poisoned guard being carried off by the others.


With a 5 on her sense motive, the captain is more than willing to believe you know what you're talking about...

She shakes her head, then turns back to see Natsu stripping the aranea of his items. "We - um," she says, reaching a hand and then dropping it. "I'm sure the city watch will want to - I mean, they'll need to know if there's - oh, never mind," she finally exclaims. "It was their idea to build a cursed bridge over here without providing any manpower to keep things calm. Gods, what if there had been a riot? Most of our guards are on strict watch within the prison walls, we don't have the men to staunch a riot on our beaches."

She points to a heavy stone door set into the cliff face thirty meters down the line, where Alden is being carried to, and pulls a large key ring off her belt. "Anyhow, we had best get... her... inside, and this thing, too." She aims a light kick at the aranea. "My name's Alicia, by the way. Care to join me indoors? I'd rather move inside before this crowd gets any ideas."

2013-06-30, 07:40 PM
Sasha nods, hefts the aranea up onto her shoulder, and moves up to Alicia. She extends her hand.

Pleased to meet ya! The name's Sasha Terthian, but you can just call me Sasha.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 07:56 PM
She eyes the aranea warily, then nods back. "Pleasure," she says. She looks over the rest of you, then stops when she gets to Siegfried. "Hey, I know you! You're the metal man they found in the old ruins! I'm surprised they didn't keep you in the university, taking you apart." She stops, then, and blushes. "Sorry, that was a bit rude. Still, it's good to see a familiar face after so much weirdness."

Reaching the door, she unlocks it and swings it open. Inside, two guards are standing at the door with mancatchers, while another is sitting behind a small desk. They step aside to let Alicia through, then catch sight of the tall woman and the thing she is carrying - the thing wearing a guard's uniform.

Catching his expression, Alicia waves the first guard off. "Don't worry about it, Karl," Alicia says. "This has been an exceptionally strange execution. We'll need the intake office for now. Someone from the city watch will be coming soon."

The guard steps aside and stands to attention, but falters a bit as the whole weird tableau unfolds - the poisoned guard being carried in, wicked Aleister with his winking goat, an old woman on a cane, a young girl with a strange Death's Hand, a metal man, and to top it off-

It is too much for him. He breaks position and asks, "Is that Jacquelyn Assari? What in all the hells happened to her? I thought she was to be hung!"

2013-06-30, 07:57 PM
As I said, I'd be glad to offer my expertise.

Aleister walks over to Alden and presses his lips over the bite wound on the back of his neck. He rests his hand across his adam's apple and presses Alden's neck against his face. He inhales deeply and sucks the poison out, feeling his pulse race under his palm, and his breath draw raggedly into his throat under his fingers.

heal check to suck out the poison is 22

Aleister coughs a little as it burns the back of his throat and spits it into the ocean.

There, good as new. Let me know if you experience any... twinges or the like.

Aleister turns to Alicia.

That sounds most agreeable, miss.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 08:09 PM
The guards all stare at Aleister as he sucks out the poison from Alden with what appears to be entirely too much relish.

"...thanks," Alicia finally says, breaking the awkward silence. Alden himself simply stares, open-mouthed. Alicia shoos the guards further in. "Take him to the barracks and give him a bed," she tells them.

The guard behind the desk shakes his head at the whole exchange. "The intake room is open, Captain," he says.

Alicia leads you to a wide room with small lockers on one side and a table running down the middle. "I guess you can set her anywhere on the table," she says, pointing to the corpse of Jacquelyn Assari. Then she looks at the shackled aranea. "Him, too, I suppose. Any idea when he'll wake up?"


Heal check DC 22 is more than enough to allow him to succeed on his next save versus poison, which should happen shortly.

2013-06-30, 08:18 PM
Sasha unceremoniously drops the aranea on the table. At Alicia's question, she pauses for a moment.

Huh. Probably a couple hours. She hooks her thumbs into her belt. Or, I could give him another round and see if that wakes him up. Your choice.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 08:24 PM
She shakes her head. "No, no, the city watch will have questions for him I'm sure, but I don't think I can talk to him," she said. "It is a strange feeling to find out someone you have worked closely with for so long is a monster. I am not entirely sure I would be civil if we spoke."

2013-06-30, 08:46 PM
Gran mutters under her breath, her voice deepening a little as her features harden.

Sometimes overrated, civility.

Aleister quirks an eyebrow at Alicia, seeing an opportunity.

So you may find you're too close to the situation. The investigation may be aided with someone further away. Someone without a personal connection to the guilty party...

Before he can make his point, Gran elbows him aside, straightening up with a creak and crack of bones. She thrusts her walking stick into Aleister's hand, which he takes with a look of mild annoyance at being upstaged, clearly feeling foolish holding a cane in each hand.

Her voice is noticeably deeper now, her jaw having a decidedly more pointed edge.

You'll find I can be very persuasive.

2013-06-30, 09:20 PM
Natsu gives Alicia a small nod, holding out her hand with a grin. "C'mon, touching me isn't going to make you fall dead."

Later, in the intake room, she pokes at the aranea. "Eh, I wouldn't bother about it, Sasha. He'll just have to wake up on his own. I'm certainly not generous to burn a charge on him."

"...on the other hand, what else is there to do around here?" Glancing around, her eyes alight on the captain. "So, tell me about Assari-san. Beyond the revolutionary letters, what else did she do?"

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 09:49 PM
Alicia gets a panicked look on her face as she watches Gran and Aleister. "You have to understand, even though Sankwen Cliffs is supposed to run its own affairs, we are... subsidiaries to the Malkus city watch. I appreciate the help you've given thus far, but I am afraid this whole mess will already lead to several awkward questions." She stops then and scratches her chin. "One awkward question in particular," she muses, "might be how we never managed to notice that one of our own guards was some sort of plant."

At Natsu's words, she appears to be in more comfortable territory. "Jackie Assari was an interesting case," she says. "We have had prisoners of all sorts here, but never for something as minor as vagrancy. That's usually handled by the holding cells in Malkus proper. But they couldn't hold on to her there. If they left her alone with another prisoner for ten minutes, that prisoner would spend the rest of his time there fighting the guards, making their lives miserable."

She sat down on a stool next to the long table. "So she became our problem. Our outer cells are typically reserved for killers, for those too violent to keep around others. But Mayor Lorens insisted we keep her there. Well, we aren't going to get ahead by disagreeing with the Mayor of Malkus, so there she went. And pretty soon, we realized he was right. Everyone who talked to her for any extended period of time ended up feeling... not friendly, necessarily, but sympathetic. She was subtle. She never spoke to any of the guards about revolution, about the oppression of the city watch or any of this nonsense about the Mayor's tyranny and control over the city's council. That sort of talk she saved for her letters."

She sighs, exasperation creeping into her voice. "Four guards had to be removed or transferred because we caught them smuggling those letters out. Four guards! Do you realize how embarrassing that is for us?"

Finally she leans forward. "You didn't hear this from me," she says, "but listen, I don't think there was any escape attempt. I think the Mayor just insisted that we finally shut her up for good. We know we have a few guards here that are hand-placed by the city watch, to keep an eye on things here, and it was one of those guards who claimed he was attacked and that she tried to threaten him into releasing her. I don't buy it. I think the city watch put him up to it, so that we would have an excuse to hang her."

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-30, 09:55 PM
"Do you think someone in the regular city watch is responsible, or at least related to this?" Siegfried gestures at Jacquelyn.

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 10:01 PM
"Do you think someone in the regular city watch is responsible, or at least related to this?" Siegfried gestures at Jacquelyn.

"Could be," she says. "But why would they? Dying this way, she'll probably end up being a martyr, or perhaps even more, what with her standing up after an eighty foot fall. Why murder her as a hero, when she could have hung as a criminal?"

2013-06-30, 10:05 PM
Perhaps you're approaching this from the wrong angle. If murdering her would further her agenda rather than forestall it, perhaps it was one of her acolytes who did the deed. You said she possessed some kind of persuasive ability. Is it possible she engineered her death, knowing that execution was fated should she fail?

Piggy Knowles
2013-06-30, 10:11 PM
Perhaps you're approaching this from the wrong angle. If murdering her would further her agenda rather than forestall it, perhaps it was one of her acolytes who did the deed. You said she possessed some kind of persuasive ability. Is it possible she engineered her death, knowing that execution was fated should she fail?

"I had not thought of that. I find it difficult to imagine someone choosing to be thrown from a cell over a quick hanging, but Jacquelyn Assari was not like you or me," she said.

"But what of this... thing?" She indicates the bound aranea. "Padrig was a guard long before she was arrested. What was his part in this all? Why try to steal her body?"

2013-06-30, 10:20 PM
Aleister looks proud for a moment as she congratulates his quick wits.

Were I to dabble in corpse thievery, he says, lightly touching his thumb to his fingertips, looking as if he's fingering an invisible worry stone.

I wouldn't go through nearly so much trouble as attaining gainful employment among the town guard for these many years. I should think it would be considerably less effort to simply take the place of someone so trusted, especially since I would need his identity for such a short period of time. He leans on Gran's walking stick.

Especially if I were able to change my shape through supernatural means. He lazily runs a hand over the aranea, pinching at it to see what's real and if there's any give. When he finds there isn't, he seems to lose interest.

What I think, Alicia, is that there is every possibility that your coworker is still alive, and has been hidden away in some spider-hole by our prisoner here. As far as his motivations towards stealing miss Assari's body, all I can say with certainty is that he did not plan to resurrect her, as he seemed as surprised by the side effects of whatever toxin or fell magics he affected her with as we were

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-30, 10:22 PM
"I think that many of her followers would have seen her a martyr, even if she did hang."

"Did you figure out how Jackie died, Aleister, or did the aranea interrupt you?"

The Viscount
2013-06-30, 10:29 PM
Gran is turned to the corner, and seems engaged in a quiet, though animated discussion with herself. Two different voices emanate, tone and timbre flowing into each other. With a final statement Gran turns around to face the assembly, body creaking as her posture returns to its bent state. Her features return to their normal state though she looks a little haggard. She looks around for her walking stick and is surprised to find it held by Aleister. She accepts it from him with an apologetic nod, then enters the conversation.

I'm very sorry for that little outburst. All this excitement can be very...tiring for me. Mr. Crowley could be on to something. Perhaps he was an assassin. Then again, we're assuming he succeeded. What if he was supposed to spirit her body away before anyone knew she was dead, make it look like she ran away like a coward and stopped her revolutionary activities?

Oof. I don't mean to be a bother, but do you have a stool? These old bones are not happy with me at all.

2013-06-30, 10:35 PM
Regrettably, no. Even had I been left to my devices unmolested, I would be no closer to ascertaining her specific cause of death. All I can tell for the time being is that there was massive internal trauma. As far as a precise source, I can't say for certain.

Aleister pulls up a chair for Gran to sit on.

You've given them what they can handle for now.

2013-06-30, 10:51 PM
Gran's outburst sort of unnerves Sasha, who moves to one corner of the room. She leans against the wall, blowing a stray lock of hair out of her face.

What of her final message? Sasha scratches her head. She tightens her fist.

I think that she knew that they were coming for her. And she knew that they were among us. She turns to the others.

What of that?

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-30, 10:59 PM
Siegfried looks at Gran suspiciously, then shrugs. "You humans never cease to surprise me with your oddness."

"If we are to believe the note, then some secret organization is acting as a puppeteer, from the shadows. I wonder if they are influencing only Malkus, or if their figurative hand stretches to the other cities as well."

2013-06-30, 11:12 PM
Think. If she were hanged, she would doubtless be a martyr, due to the trumped up charge. But if she were not only executed unjustly, but in an unjust manner. The reaction would be much more severe.

Amidus Drexel
2013-06-30, 11:33 PM
"Do you suppose these 'Shining Brethren' mean to incite a revolution for their own gain, then? That would make sense, I suppose, but I still do not understand why they would try to take Jackie's body."

2013-07-01, 12:08 AM
"Do you suppose these 'Shining Brethren' mean to incite a revolution for their own gain, then? That would make sense, I suppose, but I still do not understand why they would try to take Jackie's body."

That's precisely what I suppose. Who stands to benefit from a revolution? When we can find an answer to that, we may be drawing closer to finding the members of these shining brethren.

Aleister runs his tongue over his teeth, hesitating for just a moment before answering Siegfried's other question.

Were you attempting the destruction of one of us fleshly creatures and wanted your methods undetected, even the canniest of investigators would be stonewalled should you spirit the body away. They would be quite unable to ascertain what tool you used to do the deed if they had nothing to go on.

2013-07-01, 12:19 AM
Sasha nods in agreement, a ponderous look on her face. Makes sense.

2013-07-01, 12:19 AM
"On the topic of why she would want to die in such a way, I for one would much rather die on my own terms than being humiliated through a controlled, public execution." Natsu sniffs, turning back to her motley companions.

"Another possible reason for her premature death is to bring her back either through necromancy or actual resurrection. This would allow her to get out of jail, thus allowing a wider range of revolutionary actions."

2013-07-01, 12:22 AM
Sasha turns to Natsu. As luck would have it, it seems that their plan failed immensely. The revolutionary is back in the hands of the guard, and we caught the man trying to spirit her body away.

Sasha smiles widely, giving a quiet laugh. Looks like WE were the variable they didn't see coming.

2013-07-01, 12:26 AM
Natsu grins back. "Indeed. And what a variable... although it is a small victory, there is still much left to discover. Perhaps the aranea will tell us more once he wakes up."

"...out of curiosity, would you mind telling me why you have not attempted to get rid of me or similar? Most people do, you know..."

2013-07-01, 12:32 AM
I'm hardly one to quash pride when I observe it in the wild, my dear, Aleister says to Sasha, drinking in her look of satisfaction

But assuming what Alicia says is true -and we have no reason to think otherwise- and miss Assari was merely incarcerated for vagrancy, I'm not certain we should feel such joy in turning her over to the proper authorities.

He reaches onto the slab where Jacquelyn lies and brushes her hair out of her face. He flicks his eyes up to Alicia, looking at her as a snake charmer would his cobra.

Not that I'm having second thoughts about our chosen course of action, you understand. Just that I came here today thinking I was to see an enemy of the state swing, not an old woman guilty of not having a roof over her head

2013-07-01, 12:43 AM
Sasha brushes off Aleister's comment, as if unwilling to accept his words. She looks down, regarding Natsu, a doting expression on her face.

Get rid of you? Why would anyone want to be rid of you? Personally, I think you're adorable.

2013-07-01, 12:48 AM
"Eh?" Natsu blinks at Sasha, a faint blush coming across her cheeks. "T-The whole Death's Hand thing...? The social stigma of associating with me?"

"And I'm not adorable. I am an elegant lady, dammit!" She turns her face away, pouting, the blush just getting more evident.

2013-07-01, 12:56 AM
Sasha looks at Natsu with a sort of motherly tenderness.

Hey, my little Bro's got one of those marks on his cheek. That mark doesn't mean anything to me anymore. We're cool.

2013-07-01, 01:02 AM
Aleister's nostrils flare a little as he detects the note of wounded pride in the air as a shark smells blood in the water. He draws his hand away from Jacquelyn's face and grasps the head of his silver-tipped cane tightly in his fist, his knuckles turning white.

We all lie to one another, Sasha. He covers his fist with his other hand, calming himself just as the cane began to shake, the silver making a soft, but piercing rattle against the stone floor.

There's no shame in that at all. It's the only way the society we've fashioned for ourselves can limp onwards. But to lie to oneself... His grip relaxes on the head of his cane, and you can see that it's a globe, the contents forming a rough approximation of the world as we know it.

...that way lies woe. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't seem the type to be so chipper about reclaiming an old woman back into the clutches of danger. He nods towards the sleeping Gran.

No, you're better than that. There must be some other reason you don't want to entertain the possibility you could be wrong.

Aleister turns his head to Natsu to allow the conversation to breathe.

I've found much joy in embracing those society has ordered us to shun. You are proving no exception

2013-07-01, 01:03 AM
"I..." Natsu's gaze turns back to Sasha, and she leans forward slightly, an intent look in her eyes. Her voice is also different, softer, and more polite. "May... may I ask how he died and came back...?"

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-01, 01:11 AM
Siegfried glances at Aleister. "She may have been sent to prison for vagrancy to begin with, but she caused enough trouble there to be sent all the way out here, and then even more trouble from her cell. I imagine the people that ordered her execution were trying to quell the thoughts of revolution, not incite it further."

"As to whether they have succeeded in that regard remains to be seen."

His eyes move around the room while he talks to Natsu, as if absent-mindedly taking in his surroundings again. "I never understood the stigma behind those marks. Why should anyone care if a person has died and been brought back, short of any legal issues? Even if you factor in the fear of the unknown and the unusual, there could be much to learn of the afterlife from studying the memories of people once-deceased. It seems silly to me, although I suppose it is simply another oddity of this culture."

2013-07-01, 01:15 AM
Sasha, mouth agape, turns to Aleister. All traces of confidence leave her face, and a tear appears in the corner of her eye. She speaks softly, her voice bereft of its edge.

Cause... if I didn't lie to myself, I'd have never gotten him back. And if I didn't lie to myself, I would never have been able to win the money to do it.

She clears her throat. If you even entertain the idea that you might loose a fight, then you risk the chance of loosing everything.

Sasha looks back to Natsu, collecting herself. A few years ago, a plague came through town. It ran rampant among the poor. Michael was one of the first to go. I fought, earned money on through fighting circuits, and got enough to bring him back. Seems priests these days are motivated by gold, not good will.

2013-07-01, 01:18 AM
While that may be true, it's natural for our kind to want to escape when you put us in a box. True for man and beast alike. The proper authorities even said -off the record of course- that this treatment was unusually harsh, given her crime.

You don't seem the type to take umbrage at one's misguided curiosity, but you speak of our culture as though it's alien to you. What precisely is your history with this area? Have you awakened from a period of dormancy, like the fabled rip van winkle?

Aleister offers a monogrammed handkerchief to Sasha as he notices her tear, his eyes focusing in on it.

There we are. We all have our own reasons. Far be it from me to question yours. But if you fail to question yourself about why you do the things you do, it's easy to get lost.

He gestures at his polished black boots with the tip of his cane, and then to Sasha's weighted leggings.

Clearly the two of us are from different walks of life. I don't surmise you would have done well to follow my path. Should you wish to follow in my footsteps, failing to question your own motivations is an excellent first step. However, I don't think this is your intention.

Aleister lights up as she mentions the clergy.

An unfortunate reality of the world we live in. As with many things, I've found that taking matters into one's own hands is the remedy. There was a time I too was dependent on the clergy for the bits of magic big and small we all need to make us tick. Eventually they said in less than direct terms that they disapproved of my chosen lifestyle, and I attempted to look to greener pastures.

Aleister shrugs off his coat. He's wearing a waistcoat and a button-down shirt. He rolls up a sleeve, and Sasha sees a dark black film caked around Aleister's forearm, like gum or resin.

I learned that though the names may change, the men behind those vestments don't. I had to rely on myself for the first time in my life and didn't find me particularly reliable.

He puts his hand down on the table and reaches into his pocket, drawing out a cutthroat razor.

Fortunately, though I too often forget it, I'm not the only man on earth. There were many others before me, and their hearts beat in their breasts just as mine does when I find myself in need. Just as in moments of great hardship, a determined individual such as yourself can draw upon reserves of great skill, depths of talent or willpower, or whatever the situation calls for, I found in myself another talent.

He flicks it open with his thumb and draws the blade across the palm of his open hand, making a thin, red slash across it. He closes his hand with a squelch.

The film around his arm hums low with power, the veins on his skin flaring to life and standing out, stretching the tarry black substance taut against his skin. He opens his fingers and his palm is unblemished.

I was at a sideshow, once. The star attraction was Timothy Shallowgrave; "Tiny Tim" they used to call him. Giant of a man. He was a fighter too. There was a prize if you could last more than a round in the ring with him. People got frighteningly creative when they faced off against him. But no matter what they brought to bear: bottles, rocks, chair legs, old Tim just shrugged it off.

He runs a finger along the gum on his arms, his skin rippling slightly under the pressure.

Big as he was, he was just born with a small heart. Eventually the pressure was too much and he just keeled right over. But I'll never forget the punishment I saw that man go through. Never seemed to bother him, he just laughed. So when I need protection, I just call on Tiny Tim. Neither faith nor money required.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-01, 01:37 AM
"I am. I was built in the city you call Old Malkus, although it was simply Malkus at the time. I worked for two years with an armorsmith before I was deactivated to be put into storage. My next memories following that are of being re-activated by archeologists in a warehouse, a few months ago."

"Culture changes with time, I guess, but I sometimes wonder just how far removed I am from my creators. I suspect that information is lost to the ages, though; none of the people who discovered me knew anything I wanted to know about Old Malkus or its people."

2013-07-01, 01:49 AM
Sasha drys her tears, her face returning to its normal jovial expression. She hands the handkerchief back to Aleister.

You're right. I wasn't thinking. She takes in his words, mulling over everything.

You know, Aleister, when I first saw you, I thought you were no good. Now, though, I see that you're an alright guy. I'll take what you've said to heart.

Sasha glances over to Siegfried.

Also, sorry about all that "throw you into the ocean" business. No hard feelings?

2013-07-01, 01:58 AM
Aleister pockets it gingerly.

No harm in it at all, my dear.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 07:29 AM
Alicia sits, watching the exchanges between you all. The closes her eyes and thinks hard for a while.

I wouldn't go through nearly so much trouble as attaining gainful employment among the town guard for these many years. I should think it would be considerably less effort to simply take the place of someone so trusted, especially since I would need his identity for such a short period of time. He leans on Gran's walking stick.

Especially if I were able to change my shape through supernatural means. He lazily runs a hand over the aranea, pinching at it to see what's real and if there's any give. When he finds there isn't, he seems to lose interest.

What I think, Alicia, is that there is every possibility that your coworker is still alive, and has been hidden away in some spider-hole by our prisoner here. As far as his motivations towards stealing miss Assari's body, all I can say with certainty is that he did not plan to resurrect her, as he seemed as surprised by the side effects of whatever toxin or fell magics he affected her with as we were

Alicia opens her eyes quickly at these words. "You mean - Padrig could be alive? And need help?" She looks around. "But, if he's alive, where is he? Certainly I would prefer to think that the man I worked with and this beast are not one and the same," she says, "and it would also serve to make our life here at Sankwen Cliffs easier if we were simply taken in by a shapeshifter for a day, rather than for years. Without a way to prove it, though..."

What of her final message? Sasha scratches her head. She tightens her fist.

I think that she knew that they were coming for her. And she knew that they were among us.

"If we are to believe the note, then some secret organization is acting as a puppeteer, from the shadows. I wonder if they are influencing only Malkus, or if their figurative hand stretches to the other cities as well."

Alicia appears confused at this. "Note? What note? What secret organization? Did you all come here because of a note? Something Jacquelyn smuggled out of here?"

"Another possible reason for her premature death is to bring her back either through necromancy or actual resurrection. This would allow her to get out of jail, thus allowing a wider range of revolutionary actions."

"That is a thought, yes it is," she says. "Although I would imagine that being resurrected would stain her in the eyes of the..." Her eyes travel to Natsu's mark, and then she trails off. "I'm sorry," she says. "You have been nothing but helpful so far. But you must understand, the only people I know with the Death's Hand are criminals, and not just criminals - criminals with connections. People whose bodies we are instructed to burn after they hang, because there is risk of them coming back. From what I've been told, being brought back... changes a person."

Siegfried glances at Aleister. "She may have been sent to prison for vagrancy to begin with, but she caused enough trouble there to be sent all the way out here, and then even more trouble from her cell. I imagine the people that ordered her execution were trying to quell the thoughts of revolution, not incite it further."

"Oh, don't let my soft words confuse you," she says. "Jacquelyn Assari was a poison. She may have come in for a silly reason, but she twisted everyone around her. While I may not agree with killing her, I certainly cannot call her blameless. Several members of the city watch were assaulted when they held her, some close to death, before she came here. And here, even with only limited interaction with a few guards, she has caused no end of trouble. Those guards she has corrupted - well, many of them have families, and I would not see them all put out of a job. But they are useless now, cannot be trusted in any position of authority, must be constantly watched."

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 07:52 AM
After a short time, there is a knock on the door. Alicia goes to answer it. Peering past her, you can see one of the two guards from the boat speaking to her in a low voice. She thanks him, taps him on the shoulder, and walks back in.

"Breton says that he and several other guards were approached by Padrig this morning, shortly before the execution," she says. "Perhaps two and a half hours ago, now. He said that Padrig spoke to them and convinced them to help him spirit Jacquelyn away. Both he and the other guards listened, convinced that this was the right thing to do, and so they arranged for the boat to be brought around. Alden was suspicious of the whole thing and insisted on accompanying them, which is perhaps why he was attacked."

She stops, and looks at Aleister. "By the way, our chirurgeon says the poison has gotten no worse, and Alden's condition remains steady. I believe I owe you some thanks."

Looking back at the rest of the group, she says, "In any case, when you -" pointing at Gran "- put a spear through Padrig's chest, the guards said it was like a fog lifting from their minds. What do you make of that?"

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 08:33 AM
Gran starts suddenly, only now aware that she had briefly dozed off.Well, the aranea did have some magical power of its own. It's certainly possible that it influenced their thought somehow, convinced them with magic or bullied them into working with it. As for proof that it is not Padrig, that wand it was carrying may have something to do with it.

As for all this fear about the Death's Hand, I don't put much stock of it myself. I cannot blame people for being afraid of death. It serves as a reminder to them that one day all living things must die. I for one am not bothered by death. I'm an old woman. Death to me is the approaching last stop on a long, but enjoyable journey. I do not welcome death, but I have made my peace with it.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 09:21 AM
"That's not all Breton had to say," Alicia says. "According to him, the city watch just arrived and is dispersing the crowd. They've instructed us to hold things here - Black Bill is on his way. He'll be here within the hour, to find out just what happened here."

She looks worried. "I'd expected some official response, but Black Bill - that's the Mayor's personal guard! They'll expect answers, answers I just don't have..."

2013-07-01, 09:49 AM
Aleister smiles, his gums reddish and puffy from the poison, drawn taut away from his teeth. You and he alike are most welcome. I'll check in on him later myself, with the permission of your relevant medical authority.

Our prisoner holds all the proof we need, one way or the other. Surely, regardless of what he is, he still possesses some form of survival instinct. I'd imagine the penalty for merely impersonating a member of the guard is markedly less severe than the penalty for murdering one.

Aleister lifts the back of the aranea's head and looks into its many eyes, unsure of when it will wake.

We're, none of us, so different once you get under our skin. All we need do is convince him there's something in it for him should he lead us to Padrig. If he's still alive, I'm sure we'll learn of his location shortly. If not... Aleister lets go of the aranea's head, letting it land on the table with a thud.

...then I'm sure he'll be all the more eager to ingratiate himself to us by giving us other information we seek, such as why he was to spirit miss Assari away in the first place. He's no suicide soldier, or he wouldn't have run. However alien he may be on the outside, I can at least tell you how he'll behave when backed into a corner, same as any of us.

He turns to Alicia.

Black Bill? I'm sure he's important, of course, but perhaps your professional circles are a bit more insular than you're aware of. I'd imagine he has some form of reputation that precedes him? As far as answers go, we can at least try to have something to give him that we aren't thrown under his spokes alongside the riffraff here.

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 10:17 AM
This Black Bill certainly sounds important, but you shouldn't worry yourself so. He can't expect you to know everything that's happened here...
She pauses, then smacks her forehead.

Especially when we haven't told you everything. Where is my head? A word of advice, young ones. Never get old. When Jacquelyn fell, she was holding this note.

Gran produces and reads the note aloud for Alicia's benefit.

Did she ever speak of these Shining Brethren before? Did she seem particularly agitated about someone coming for her? I admit I've never heard of them before, but perhaps you have?

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 10:31 AM
"You've not had dealings with Black Bill? You're lucky then," she says. "Commander Willem Toccora is the name he asks to be called, but I'd wager even his mother calls him Black Bill - if he has a mother. He's a man of many hats, commanding the city watch and serving as personal guard and food taster for the Mayor. He wears a black mask over his face, supposedly to hide a childhood injury. Most of us think he's died and been brought back so many times in the Mayor's service that he has become a sort of avatar of death."

She gives herself a shake and stands up from her stool. "I'm sorry," she sighs. "I usually try not to go for such superstitious talk. Whatever Black Bill's faults or virtues, his presence here means the Mayor is taking a personal interest in this. I'm no enemy of the Mayor's - I approved of the council's choice when they appointed him, and still do. But I can't imagine that's a good sign."

Hearing Gran speak, Alicia takes the note. She reads it several times, looking thoughtful. "This is the first I've heard of them," she finally says, "and I've read every one of the letters Jackie successfully smuggled out, as well as a few she never managed to. I even interviewed all four guards she had influenced. No, this Shining Brethren is new to me."

2013-07-01, 10:44 AM
Well, even if his visit isn't a social one, perhaps Black Bill may be able to enlighten us as to the brethren's activities

2013-07-01, 12:24 PM
Black Bill, huh? Sounds like a show name. Somehow makes him seem even less scary. Sasha looks around, her gaze stopping on Alicia. You're afraid of this Black Bill guy? He that intimidating? Hm. She thinks to herself for a few seconds.

At Aleister's comment, she moves over to the aranea. You think this Black Bill guy might know about the Brethren, or whatever cool acronym we have for them? Sasha thumps the aranea's chest. Welp, its more info than this guy's gonna give us, in his current state.

2013-07-01, 12:35 PM
I do. I see no reason that the higher tiers of government should be dispatched if they had no greater ability to get to the bottom of things than those already onsite.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-01, 02:35 PM
"Even if he does not know of the Shining Brethren, he may know of a place to begin looking into Jackie's murder." He stops for a second, then looks back at Aleister."Do you know when that aranea is going to wake? Commander Toccora will likely want to hear its account of today's events."

2013-07-01, 03:01 PM
Regrettably, I couldn't say for certain. I'm confident though that Black Bill will bring smelling salts or some other more forceful method to reinvigorate the aranea.

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 03:02 PM
Living things are not all so predictable as mechanics, nor are they nearly as reliable. It may take some time. It may already be awake, listening in on our conversation.

2013-07-01, 03:10 PM
Aleister clears his throat and snarls out a low, guttural sentence. The old woman may have a point. Does anyone else present speak Gnoll?* In case he is eavesdropping

OOCOr whatever language we decided on, I'll amend if necessary

2013-07-01, 03:11 PM
Sasha raises an eyebrow, leaning over the unconscious aranea.

I doubt he's awake, but...

She turns to Aleister, speaking in hushed Gnoll.

<<I could give him a little kick to the abdomen. That'd tell us if he's awake or not.>>

2013-07-01, 03:24 PM
We've been touching him rather freely since he went down. If that would be his way to reveal himself, he'd have done it by now. If he's disciplined enough not to react to all the lifting and jabs he's been subjected to over the last few minutes, that won't tell us anything we don't already know. Besides, his shape is tenuous as it is, I don't think any more beating would leave him in good enough shape to answer Black Bill's questions

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 03:31 PM
Gran clears her throat and begins to speak in surprisingly accurate Gnoll as she subconciously elongates her mouth and jaw into something resembling the hyena-like snout of the Gnolls.
<<How rare it is to meet another Gnoll speaker, much less two. An interesting group we make. Mr. Crowley is right. I have another idea, though. Could someone lend me a helmet, or a shield? Something metal and resonant.>>

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 05:44 PM
Alicia looks around in confusion, as all those around her begin speaking in a guttural, foreign tongue. "I don't - I don't understand," she says. "If you're asking whether Black Bill will know of these Shining Brethren, I couldn't say. I'm sure he'll want to question our captive, and he'll probably want to question all of you as well. I just don't know."

2013-07-01, 06:16 PM
Well then, I'll just have to hang around until he gets here. Sasha rests on her staff, making herself comfortable.

<<Oh, and before I forget. Gnoll was, and still is, pretty popular in the fighting circuits. Obscure laguages like Gnoll let the fighters trash talk each other, while keeping the fights family friendly.>> She rolls her eyes. <<Well, as family friendly as knock down, drag out fights tend to be.>>

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 06:19 PM
<<That's a very clever workaround. I'm sure you hurled insults with the best of them.>>
Gran notes Alicia's confusion. She opens her mouth to speak, only to notice the feral snout it is contorted to. She brings her hand to her mouth as if stifling a yawn for a moment, and when she draws it away her face is hers again.
Oh, I'm sorry dear. I forgot we weren't all taking part in this conversation. May I borrow a spare helmet or shield of yours? I'll only need it for a moment.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 06:23 PM
Oh, I'm sorry dear. I forgot we weren't all taking part in this conversation. May I borrow a spare helmet or shield of yours? I'll only need it for a moment.

Alicia gets up and begins opening lockers, until she finds one with a small steel shield. "Will this do?"

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 06:36 PM
That will do excellently.
<<Everyone, you may wish to cover your ears.>>

She looks toward the shield in Alicia's hands intently for a moment, her brow knit in concentration, then relaxing as the shield rises into the air. She looks toward Alicia, and mimes hurling the shield to the floor with her empty hands. She then covers her ears with both hands, giving Alicia a look that suggests she do the same. Her gaze returns to the floating shield. As she focuses, it moves over until it is close to the aranea, then rises in the air until it is slightly less than head height above the ground. The shield pauses for a moment, then hurls itself against the floor with an echoing clang. Gran watches the aranea for signs of movement as the shield returns itself to Alicia's hands.
I'm using Ronove's Far Hand.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 06:40 PM
Reluctantly, Alicia puts her hands over her ears.


There is a scuffling outside and two guards run into the room, only to see everyone standing around a corpse and an unconscious aranea, with their hands over their ears. Alicia catches their eye and sends them off with a nod of her head. They leave, shaking their heads in confusion.

The aranea remains unconscious.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-01, 06:43 PM
Siegfried replies in a rough, mechanical voice that almost sounds like gears grinding together. <<That would be three Gnoll speakers. I was programmed with it because a gnollish master craftsman worked in my shop, and she and I needed to be able to communicate. I have not had much use for it lately, although it seems as if my proficiency with it will not go to waste in this group.>>

He delicately clasps his armor plating in several places to stop it from vibrating, then says, "Well, I think that settles that."

2013-07-01, 07:08 PM
Sasha removes her hands from her ears, nodding approvingly at Gran.

Yup. Totally out of it.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 07:12 PM
Alicia takes the shield back from Gran and replaces it in the locker. "I suppose I could always call the chirurgeon, if you wanted a few minutes to interrogate him before the city watch gets here. Or do you think we should wait for them? It shouldn't be long either way," she says.

2013-07-01, 07:21 PM
If it wouldn't be too much trouble. We're in a position to offer him more than your representatives are. As you said, we may not have much time

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 09:19 PM
Alicia calls one of the guards, who departs the room. A few minutes later, a young man in a long overcoat of the same gray and green as the guards.

"Alden's doing well," he says as he walks in. "Whatever venom sapped his strength doesn't seem to be returning. Whoever removed the venom did an excellent job."

"Thanks," says Alicia. "We've got some... other charges for you to take care of just now." She indicates the aranea, and explains what she needs.

The chirurgeon leaves and returns a few minutes later, with an array of salves and smelling salts. He dresses a few of the aranea's wounds and, after waving the salts under its nose, the aranea begins to stir. At a signal from Alicia, the chirurgeon departs again.

Slowly, stirring, he gets up, only to find himself bound hands and feet. He hisses, and says under his breath, "mirali be elas i me miralkut ba!"

Anyone who understands Sylvan:

<<Let me free or you all die!>>

2013-07-01, 09:23 PM
Ha, bound with his own manacles! Sasha moves up to the aranea. She stands out of his reach, and stares intently into his eyes, like she would any enemy in the ring. Hey, buddy. What say you stop speakin' you fruity-speak and answer my questions? I know you can. You spoke eloquent Common to those guards you manipulated.

She slams her hands on the edge of the table.

Who sent you?

2013-07-01, 09:32 PM
I've always heard it said that one should take pride in whatever one does. Your words fill me with a sense of contentment for a job well done. It's... not a feeling I've often experienced firsthand.

Aleister jumps a little as the aranea comes to.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 09:34 PM
His eyes narrow. "Let me go now," he says, "and maybe you'll live through the day."

2013-07-01, 09:38 PM
Holding Sasha back with a raised hand, Natsu steps up to the bound pseudo-guard. "mirali me elas e me miralis ne toloya," she spits back with an amused grin. "tilas in'e ilita me?"

"Let you go and you'll kill us anyway."
"Besides, why should we help you?"

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 09:51 PM
At the sound of someone speaking Sylvan, the aranea turns. "Fena miralo be menalis," he spits. "You should help me," he continues in Common, "because I'm not alone. But if you'd prefer to waste your time and die instead, by all means, do so."


Go back to the forest, little girl.

The Viscount
2013-07-01, 10:10 PM
Gran steps forward, voice warm and understanding, yet firm. She weaves her train of thought in and out of the questions, but you get a sense she isn't as scatterbrained as she's letting on.
Let's just all take a deep breath. (pause) There, doesn't that feel better? Now, let's take this slowly. First things first, do you have a name dear? It feels terribly awkward to refer to you only as Aranea. You certainly aren't Padrig.
Speaking of Padrig, where is he? is he still alive? I'm sure his family must be worried sick about him.
Come to think of it, why did you replace Padrig? Are you here to do something? Should we tell your friends you were detained? You said you weren't alone. We wouldn't want them waiting for you if you don't show up with the body.
Oh. The body. Now, it's very strange to me. Why did you take this body? Is Jacquelyn important, or were you just hungry? I'm sure we can find something
for you to eat if that's a problem.
Tch. Poor Jacquelyn. It's a shame. Do you know how she died? I'm at a loss, though I think it might have something to do with these Shining Brethren. You wouldn't happen to know anything about them, would you?
Gran takes 10 on Diplomacy with social Intuition, her result is 21.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 10:22 PM
"You're a batty old fool," he whispers. "Don't think I'll forget you pushing that spear through my chest." He coughs and splutters a bit at this, a thick and throaty sound. "Padrig is safe for now, with my darling wife. I can take you there. Or, when she doesn't hear from me, she can feed him to our children. As for you all, well, what she lacks in forgiveness, she makes up for in patience. You may walk out of here alive today, but she will find you, and she will kill you, mark my words. We are... talented at remaining unnoticed, as you may have guessed."

2013-07-01, 10:28 PM
Aleister smirks.

It appears as though you're confused as to who is interrogating whom. We've sent for some professional help. I'm sure you've heard of him; goes by the name Black Bill.

He flicks open a pocketknife and cleans under his fingernails with it.

I understand he got the moniker from the color of his weapon of choice. It's not clear to me whether it's made of black iron or scarred from his rather... lackadaisical methods of hygiene regarding its care.

I'm not sure what it would do to that exoskeleton of yours. He might try to pry it off or smash it in with that bill of his.

Unless of course you tell us what you've done with Padrig. And why you're here. Otherwise... He flicks the knife closed with a click.

...we're going to feed you to Black Bill.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-01, 10:42 PM
"You're working with Black Bill? I didn't realize the Mayor's hiring standards had fallen so low," he says. "If Black Bill is really coming, I am as good as dead anyhow, and I see no reason to tell his hirelings anything."

He stops and wheezes. "I need to know that I will be protected," he finally says, closing his eyes. "Without that, you get nothing."

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-01, 11:25 PM
"What sort of protection are you looking for? I am not sure what we can do, but we cannot help you if we do not know exactly what you want."

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 07:25 AM
"What sort of protection are you looking for? I am not sure what we can do, but we cannot help you if we do not know exactly what you want."

"I want to see my wife, and my children," he says. "In the basement below the barracks... take me there, and I will... tell her not to kill you all."

The aranea closes his eyes. "It is hard to breathe," he said. It tries to shift itself into a new position, but fails. "Listen, I am dead right now. I understand that. If you are dishonorable people you will let Black Bill make a mockery of my dying form. But if you are not - you must tell... my employer, she was already dead."

There is a silence. He seems distracted, then focuses again. "My... employer. Tell him," he repeats. "Tell him the medallion was not needed. Jacquelyne was empty when I arrived."

Watching his eyes, it appears he is drifting in and out of consciousness. His voice drops to a husky whisper: "My wife is already here, holding Padrig. Soon she will come and... kill you all. We will feed you to our children."

2013-07-02, 08:56 AM
As Sasha watches the aranea, she cannot help but pity the creature. At least until it threatens to kill them all for the umpteenth time. Then, she looks to Alicia, a look of curiosity on her face.

I take it that you were unaware of a nest of araneas under your barracks? Don't people check the basement once in a while?

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 09:26 AM
Alicia shudders. "This is news to me," she says. "Our basements are rarely used except for limited storage. They flood regularly, so we cannot keep much down there."

2013-07-02, 12:23 PM
Your proposition sounds acceptable. However, if we're to relay this message to your employer, we will need to know who he is

Aleister squints at him as he changes his tune.

Friends, I think there may be more to this than I had initially surmised

sense motive EDIT: 17. 20 is he under mind control/ is he telling the truth?

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 12:37 PM
Aleister:You get the impression that he is addled and swimming in and out of coherence, but you don't believe he is lying or under mental control.

2013-07-02, 12:38 PM
Huh. Lets see.

Sasha stares down the aranea, trying to catch any falsehoods that escape his lips.

21 Aid Another to help Aleister, so he gets a +2 to his roll.

2013-07-02, 12:46 PM
I've had the dubious honor of dealing with some of the most devious liespinners of our age. I can say with confidence that he is not among their ranks. There's too much iron in his words. I believe him to be trustworthy, he says to Alicia.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-02, 01:30 PM
Siegfried looks around at the group. "Is there time to take the aranea to its family? Even if it is a trap, I see no reason to deny them some last words with their relative, would-be assassin or not."

He turns back to the aranea. "So, you did not kill her, at least. Have you any idea of who did? Do you know how she was killed?"

He glances to Aleister, and says, "Those who lie on their deathbed do so for spite. I think this one still has some hope of being reunited with its family, and therefore has little reason to spite us."

2013-07-02, 01:36 PM
I couldn't agree more

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 01:44 PM
The aranea narrows its eyes at Aleister, but Siegfried's talk of letting him see his family calms him a bit. I know not how she died. I was told to poison her quickly, while the medallion protected me from her influence, and to fetch her body. But when I arrived, she was still, with her own hands still clutching at her chest.

I know little beyond that. Now will you let me see my family, or must I die on this table, tormented by questions?

2013-07-02, 02:00 PM
Aleister looks to Alicia.

if there are no objections.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 02:19 PM
She bites her lip. "I don't know," she says. "It might be our only chance to save Padrig. But what do I do if Black Bill gets here?"

2013-07-02, 02:25 PM
If it's your only chance to save Padrig, then tell him so. I'm sure he didn't get ahead by dancing on the backs of his fellows. I somehow feel from his reputation lying to him or stalling him would not be the best use of our efforts.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-02, 02:28 PM
Siegfried thinks for a second, then says, "Tell him we have gone to save Padrig, and that we took the aranea along to make sure it gave us the right location. Technically, it is the truth, if not the whole truth. Would that satisfy him, at least long enough for us to return?"

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 06:07 PM
Alicia looks back and forth between the dead body of Jacquelyne Assari and the shifting form of the aranea. She seems to consider for a long while.

Finally, she speaks. "If you had not come, this... creature would have killed Alden and gotten away with this body," she says. "It seems rude of me to ask you to do more than that. But if you are willing to go and find Padrig, I would be in your debt. Just - please come back. I haven't had many dealings with Black Bill, but he frightens me..."

She takes the ring of keys off of her belt, finds three small keys, and hands them to Siegfried. "Follow the hallway down, unlock the door at the end and take the stairs down to the barracks. Access to the basement is through there. Good luck!"


The aranea is currently bound hand and foot, and is disabled. It can take a single move action each round (at half movement while its feet are shackled), or a single standard action, but doing the latter will drop it back into negative hit points.

If it gets healed at all, it will no longer be disabled and can take full actions, including double moves, if necessary. It will still move at half speed while its feet are shackled.

The Viscount
2013-07-02, 06:21 PM
I suppose we best be off then.

She turns to the aranea and helps it along, supporting it as they walk together.

Come, lean on Gran's shoulder. You're very tired, and you shouldn't be exerting yourself. We wouldn't want you getting hurt. I can hold you up, you don't need to worry about that. I'm a bit stronger than I look, and certainly stronger than you look.
She chuckles at her own joke, leaning more heavily on her staff to support hte sudden extra weight.

2013-07-02, 06:35 PM
Sasha gets up, thumbs in her belt. She follows behind Gran, smirking.

You know, now I'm a bit curious. What's your lady look like, Not-Padrig? She as gross as you?

2013-07-02, 06:45 PM
You know what they say. Eyes of the beholder, and all that. It's my understanding that your kind select their mates based on smell. At least, that's what the soul of Old Lob Many-eyes says when it graces me with its company. I've often wondered if there was any truth to that. He looks at the nearest pair of the aranea's eyes for an answer.

Aleister lets out a high-pitched whine at the back of his throat.

<<You're doing an admirable job as the bad cop, Sasha. I didn't know you had it in you.>>

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-02, 06:49 PM
Siegfried makes his way to the front of the group, and begins walking down the hallway. "Female spiders tend to be larger than their male counterparts, although I am not sure if the same can be said of araneas." He glances back at the aranea. "You never did tell us your name. I would be more comfortable addressing you as something besides the name of your species. For example, I do not refer to Aleister as 'human', despite it being an accurate description of him."

2013-07-02, 06:53 PM
Sasha calls back to Aleister.

<<Thanks. Just a natural, I guess.>>

She glances up to Siegfried. So... we should be expecting some sort of huge, hen-pecking spider-wife? Oh, joy.

2013-07-02, 09:20 PM
"I'm sure she's very pretty in her own way," Natsu grins. She pauses for a second, then pulls out the amulet she had taken earlier, turning to the aranea. "You mean this amulet? It functions as a magic circle, does it not?"

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 09:20 PM
After Alicia sends a runner down to the barracks to let them know you are coming, you begin making your way down the corridor and into the barracks, the aranea leaning heavily on Gran.

At the mention of his name, he hisses. After a while, he eventually says, "Fenmaer."

Eventually you make your way to the barracks stairs. Here he stumbles. "You know, it might be easier if you unchain my legs," he says. When he gets no response, he continues on down, tripping and fumbling at each step.

In the barracks there are several guards, but it appears that Alicia's runner made it, for they give you a wide berth. Most of the guards look away when they see the monstrosity that is Fenmaer, still wearing Padrig's uniform.

Finally you make your way into the basement. The first room you come to is clearly being used as a storage room still, with crates of equipment. Two oil lamps hanging from the ceiling flicker dimly. Most of it is kept on pallets to keep it above the floor, which is visibly damp. Fenmaer directs you through this room into a smaller, darker hallway.

"Down this way," he says. "At the end of this corridor, there are a series of old storage rooms. Our nest is toward the rear."

As you move down the hallway, the dim light from the first storage room becomes little more than a memory, and the corridor fades to black...


Thirty foot hallway, first 20 feet are low light, beyond that is darkness. Room opens up at the end of it.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 09:22 PM
"I'm sure she's very pretty in her own way," Natsu grins. She pauses for a second, then pulls out the amulet she had taken earlier, turning to the aranea. "You mean this amulet? It functions as a magic circle, does it not?"

"Yes, that one! I know not how it works, but my employer promised it would protect me," he says. "What else of mine did your filthy hands steal?"

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-02, 09:27 PM
"Everything that we could find, both in your pockets and on the boat. And I would hardly call my hands filthy; I polished my plating this morning."

Siegfried stops and looks back at the group behind him. <<Does anyone have a lantern or a torch? I am leery of going further without being able to see.>>

2013-07-02, 09:46 PM
Surely you understand the other guards wouldn't let us down here with you still outfitted as you were on the surface. We're pressing our luck as it stands.

<<I'm afraid I have nothing to help us in this instance. Since you feel unsafe, I will take point. Tiny Tim travels with me, and his thick skull will protect me from harm. If anything strikes at us, I will last the longest.>>

2013-07-02, 09:48 PM
Natsu shrugs. "What he said. And my hands aren't filthy either. I'll have you know that I take pride in my hygiene."

"And your employer was wrong; this should protect you against most mind control effects, but Assari-san's words were never magical. She was simply such a persuasive speaker."

She digs around in her pack for a while before pulling out a small orb of glowing sunlight. Placing it in a small bracelet on her wrist, it shines out upon the surroundings. "Heh... that good enough?"

Yay, liquid sunlight! :smallbiggrin:

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 09:55 PM
As the light from Natsu's bracelet spreads through the corridor, you can hear a skittering and see a few small shadows retreat to darker corners. The corridor itself is unadorned, with two small doors on the right and a larger door at its end.

"That one," says Fenmaer, indicating the far door with a nod of his head.

OOC: Spot checks, please.

2013-07-02, 09:56 PM
Splendid. As with our mechanical friend, I believe you to be taking Fenmaer's words too literally, Natsu. I believe he's referring to a more metaphorical muck and mire. One of the soul rather than the body, in which case I can hardly say myself pristine.

He helps Fenmaer steady himself as they move down the hall.

<<In that case, I'll allow you to lead the way. No sense going in blind when we don't have to>>

got a 19. who needs the keeneye lenses with rolls like these?

2013-07-02, 10:02 PM
"...oh." Natsu stops to ponder this statement, then shrugs. "Yeah, I suppose he's right then, with the filthy hands and all..."

Spot is 14... >.>

2013-07-02, 10:03 PM
Sasha smiles at Natsu, her teeth flashing in the light of the orb.

Neat trick. I've got something in here, too.

She rummages through her pouch, and withdraws a thick, folded wad of dark fabric. It unfolds into a long, midnight blue coat. She puts it on, and almost seems to fade away into the shadows.

Activating Child of Shadow stance.

Oh, and I got a 21 Spot.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-02, 10:06 PM
"A wise precaution nonetheless. Ah, good, we have a light."

Here goes nothing indeed. I got a 0. :smallamused:

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-02, 10:11 PM
OOC: For anyone with a spot of 15 or higher:
When the light went through the hallway, it looked like there was a slight flicker of shadow from underneath the first door on the right, as though something had been just on the other side of the door and had backed up quickly.

2013-07-02, 10:14 PM
Sasha narrows her eyes and ghosts up to the door. She moves on the balls of her feet, like a trained burglar.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2013-07-02, 10:18 PM
Aleister nods towards the door

<<something there>> he whispers to the others

The Viscount
2013-07-02, 11:06 PM
Quietly, though panting slightly at the effort of carrying Fenmaer, Gran responds.
<<I saw it too, but only barely. Do you think we're being set up?>>
15 for Spot.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:08 AM
Fenmaer pushes on, attempting to bring Gran with him. "I said the end of the hall," he spits. "There's nothing else here. My wife and children cleared out everything else living here days ago."

The door itself is a simple thing, just a poorly fitting plank of wood with a hook latch. It has obviously been warped by water at some point, but it appears dry now.

2013-07-03, 11:13 AM
Perhaps "living" is the operative word here. If you'll allow me...

Aleister closes his eyes and splays his hand across the door. He inhales deeply through his nostrils and holds his breath.

Necrocarnum circlet gives blindsight 30. SRD says blindsight functions off hearing, so he should be able to hear through the door if the source of the shadow/noise is undead. Is it?

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:18 AM
You don't sense any undead through the door. You can make a listen check to hear normally while you're there, though.

2013-07-03, 11:21 AM
Not sensing any vibrations through the magic in his blood, Aleister presses his ear to the door, perhaps against his better judgement.

14 ain't bad. ain't good either.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:26 AM
It's tough to be sure through the door, but you are pretty sure you hear more skittering from inside - a lot of skittering, actually, now that you mention it...

2013-07-03, 11:29 AM
Sasha raises a questioning eyebrow at Aleister.

She whispers. <<What do you hear?>>

2013-07-03, 11:31 AM
Aleister beckons Sasha over and points to the door.

<<Skittering. You've got a better ear than I do, give it a crack>>

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:34 AM
Fenmaer tries to walk to the door at the end of the corridor, though his manacles and Gran's surprisingly firm grip hamper him. "Do we really have time to waste on this? You said Black Bill was on his way!"

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-03, 11:34 AM
Sigfried whispers <<If Fenmaer is telling the truth, then something may have moved in since, although I doubt it would go unnoticed by his family.>>

He says to Fenmaer, "He was not told to come here, though, so we may have more time than you think."

2013-07-03, 11:35 AM
Sasha puts her ear to the door, breathing in deeply. She closes her eyes, and focuses on all the sounds around her. She hears Fenmaer's labored breathing, even the sound of her own heartbeat. With a deep breath, all the myriad sounds fade away until there is only one.

Listen [roll0]

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:38 AM
It sounds like a rather large number of many-legged creatures are moving around behind the door.

2013-07-03, 11:41 AM
Sasha's eyes snap open, and she slowly moves a few steps from the door. She speaks in a whisper.

<<Swarm. Lots and lots of bugs.>>

2013-07-03, 11:41 AM
If there is something in here you're not aware of, none of us want it interrupting our negotiations with your wife. The situation will be tense enough as is. If you're certain there's nothing behind this door, it means it's moved in without your knowledge, and in your current state, you can't afford to be ambushed.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:52 AM
Fenmaer's eyes follow each person as they discuss what's going on in that strange, guttural tongue. His attention snaps back to Aleister when he is addressed in Common.

"Just walk past the door," he whispers. "I promise, Padrig was at the end of the hall just this morning. Just - just keep moving."

The Viscount
2013-07-03, 11:53 AM
Are you certain there's nothing familiar to you behind this door, Femaer? Things could get violent very fast, and I don't want to have to fight with your wife or children. You seem scared of something, and it's making me very nervous.

Sense Motive, I get a 17 with Social Intuition.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 11:56 AM
He drops his head. "Our children - the little ones are in there. They are just tiny things, still not yet grown beyond the primal instincts, not yet learned to speak or reason. They are like wild things when they are this young... Wild and vulnerable..."

Sense Motive result for Gran and Sasha:
He appears to be telling the truth, although he was almost certainly lying just a few moments ago when he said nothing was behind the door.

2013-07-03, 11:59 AM
Sasha folds her arms, waiting for any sign of falsehood.

Sense motive [roll0]

2013-07-03, 12:00 PM
Aleister rests a hand on his carapace.

All we wanted to know, friend. We'll leave them be. All of us must get past that stage, some sooner than others. The last thing we want is to interfere.

The Viscount
2013-07-03, 02:38 PM
Let's press on then. I wouldn't want to have to explain to Black Bill why we were scurrying around in the dark basement like...

She quickly raises a hand to cover her mouth, realizing the implications of her statement.
Ooh, I'm sorry Fenmaer. It seems like my brain is slower than my mouth some days. No offense, dear.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 04:55 PM
You press on down the hallway. Fenmaer leans heavily on Gran as you walk. "Slowly, please," he says. "Unless you wish to feed my brood, I would not recommend startling them."

At the end of the hallway, Fenmaer pauses. "My wife is probably sleeping this time of day," he says.

The door is wooden and warped, like the other doors have been, but this seems less ill-fitting. The door is ajar by a couple of inches, but there is no movement seeping in from the other side of it.

As you approach the door itself, before you can begin inspecting it, Fenmaer stumbles. Leaning on Gran for support, he lets out a surprisingly loud hiss, bares his teeth and bites Gran directly on the neck.

The wound is a vicious one. With poison dripping from his spider fangs, swaying in place, Fenmaer hisses, "Manas! Il mani faras etyl!" And with that, he collapses, his wounds from earlier re-opening.

As he does, you hear a much louder hiss greet you from the other side of the door, and three loud *thumps*, as though something fell from the ceiling to the floor...


<<Manas! I bring you food!>>

OOC: Gran has been critically bitten by Fenmaer's bite attack, which deals 6 points of damage, and she must make a Fortitude save versus its poison. Fenmaer, being disabled, has dropped to -1 hit points and is currently dying. Initiatives and a map of the area coming shortly.

2013-07-03, 05:06 PM

Sasha rushes to Gran's side, touching her savaged neck. Both her hand and the second gem on her belt glow with the same white luminescence. But before she can let the glow activate, she stops herself. Sasha looks back, meeting Aleister's gaze. Help her.

She rushes to the door, and holds it shut.

2013-07-03, 05:28 PM
You should feel a slight pinch, Aleister says as he sidles behind Gran. He puts his hands on her shoulders and parts his lips around her neck wound. Gran feels him breathing down her neck as he bites down slightly, squeezing the dirty blood into his mouth.

23 on suck out the poison check. better than last time, so I assume I'm just as successful. Can I hold the poison in my mouth and spit it at my assailants, or ar araneas immune to their own venom?

Aleister produces his bloodstained handkerchief from his pocket and kneels to staunch the fenmaer's wounds.

What a stubborn bastard you are. If you don't make it through this, I'm sure I'll have many an occasion to draw upon your restless soul in times of crisis

When Fenmaer's wounds won't close, Aleister ties the handkerchief around the largest one and drags him as far away from the door as he can, then returning to the party.

stabilization check: 6. win some, lose some. I'm through playing nursemaid until combat's over

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-03, 05:49 PM
Fenmaer remains unconscious, the wound in his chest bleeding freely.

On the other side of the door, there are more small thuds, and as she holds the door, Sasha can feel something small and solid strike it low to the ground. The door does not budge, and the thing skitter offs somewhere.

2013-07-03, 05:52 PM
Sasha turns to the others.

Someone, get the other door. I think its looking for another way in.

2013-07-03, 05:53 PM
Aleister will get the other door

The Viscount
2013-07-03, 06:09 PM
As Aleister steps away, Gran gasps, leaning heavily with both hands on her walking stick. She shrinks inward for a moment, then stills. Her body shakes and ripples as her labored breathing clears, then becomes an angry growl. The staff strikes the floor with a solid slam as Gran stand up, straighter and taller than before. White hair shortens dramatically, turning black and stopping when it is only about two inches long. Crows feet and sags disappear. Skin becomes less pale. Formerly hazel eyes are now a pale green, looking out from under a brow knit in anger. Gran no longer stands before the group. Alexei is here.

Disgusting vermin! I should have killed you when I had the chance.

He moves to a spot diagonal from both doors, stowing his walking stick and drawing a morningstar.
Let them come. I have let one aranea live today. I need to make up for that error.

2013-07-03, 06:25 PM
Sasha stares, dumbfounded, at Gran's transformation. Then she shrugs, and goes back to blocking the door.

When we get out of this, remind me to ask you what the hell you are.

The Viscount
2013-07-03, 06:32 PM
He laughs with genuine mirth, though his voice does not express much of it.
Straightforward and confident. I can see why Gran likes you. When we get out of this, we will explain everything to you. You all deserve an explanation for protecting her.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-03, 06:43 PM
Siegfried slowly backs away from the doors, and readies himself on the opposite wall of the corridor. He re-draws the circular sigil from before, and the translucent field of energy returns. He mutters to himself, "Not that I think the spiders are going to shoot me with crossbows, but it is a good precaution nonetheless."

His eyes widen as he looks at Alexei. "I feel like I am slowly becoming the most normal one of us, aside from Sasha."

The Viscount
2013-07-03, 06:47 PM
I have never met a normal man. I have met tall men. I have met short men. I have met thin and fat men. I have met cruel, kind, happy, sad, good, and especially evil men. But I have never met a normal man.

2013-07-03, 10:47 PM
"Eh, normality is boring." Natsu chuckles, resting a nonchalant hand on the hilt of her sword. "And I would presume you are some sort of shapeshifter? Don't answer now, but I'd like to know in detail later..."

She tilts her head to the side, remembering something. With a faint smile, she pulls out the amulet taken from Fenmaer and slips it on. "Let's see if this thing does what it's supposed to..."

The Viscount
2013-07-03, 11:49 PM
Insightful, little one. Gran tells me you speak the language of the aranea. Did you happen to catch what it said when it bit Gran? Was it anything important?

2013-07-04, 12:00 AM
"It's not technically their language exclusively. It's the fey tongue. But yeah, I he said something like 'Manas, I have food.' Which probably means his mate is on the other side. And hungry."

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-04, 08:03 AM
OOC: Start of the initiative sequence!

As you all line up in the hallway, there is a momentary stillness inside. Then you hear a loud, chittering cry from inside, far louder than either of the other noises you had heard before.

The cry is answered by many smaller cries coming from the door that Aleister is holding shut. Looking down, he sees several small spiders scurry out from underneath the ill-fitting door jam and run about between his feet. Then more come, and more, and more. And still he can hear hundreds, thousands of little cries from within the door, and knows that there are far more coming.

There is the sound of massive legs moving from inside the main room at the end of the hall.

OOC: Natsu, you're up.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-04, 06:32 PM
As Natsu falls back on the balls of her feet and readies a strike, there is another loud thud against the door as something slams into it. Sasha manages to hold it against the assault. Two more thuds follow, but Sasha holds strong.

Fenmaer writhes on the ground, his wounds still bleeding freely.

OOC: Siegfried, you're up next, followed by Gran, Sasha and Aleister in that order.

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-05, 07:14 AM
The hard form of Alexei, such a stark contrast from old Gran, moves over to the side door. He pushes his shoulder against it as Aleister moves down to help the bleeding Fenmaer.

Sasha turns and, seeing Natsu and Siegfried readied for an oncoming attack, swings the door open.

The storage room here is larger than the others, with two large shelving units, mostly bare. The walls are rough-hewn stone, and go up about thirty feet. The room has no visible light source, but the sunlight from Natsu's bracelet comes pouring in, revealing rotting cobwebs and tiny bones strewn across the floor. You realize then what Fenmaer meant when he said they cleared out everything living - the bones must be from hundreds of dead mice and rats.

Standing arrayed at the door are two massive spiders, each the size of a small dog. They shrink back slightly in the light, but hold their ground. A third is just visible a few feet to the left of the door.

Through the dusty shelves, you can see something hanging from the ceiling, swinging slightly in the breeze from the open door. It is wrapped in a thick webbing, roughly human shaped.

Before you can get your bearings, though, there is a *dripping* from up above. Droplets of something rain down into the middle of the floor and sizzle slightly where they land. Your eyes traveling up to find the source, you are met first with glittering black eyes, and then with a monstrous form on the ceiling.

It is big, far bigger than the smaller spiders at the door entrance. Perhaps two hundred pounds, this spidery monstrosity is nearly five feet across, with long, spindly legs and a humped back. The eyes shimmer with malevolence as they look down on you, and as the mandibles move, a husky voice cries out, "Fenmaer!" Looking closer, what appeared to be a set of legs are actually arms, arms with long, almost skeletal fingers and double-jointed thumbs.


OOC: OK, Sasha, if you've swung open the door, you can still make an attack on one of the spiders as your standard. Aleister, you go after her, so you can choose to stabilize Fenmaer or attack as needed.

Map & Initiative Recap:
Alright, all, now that you can see the room, here's the layout:


The W's are the two shelving units, which are mostly empty and go up almost all the way ceiling. S represents the small spiders you saw (anyone is welcome to make knowledge (nature) checks to identify), while H is where the humanoid form is hanging from the ceiling wrapped in webbing.

The aranea is on the ceiling itself, which is thirty feet up, at approximately C3.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the order as follows:

On initiative 26, something from inside the main room did something you guys didn't see.
On initiative 22, Natsu readied an action to attack whatever comes through the door.
On initiative 22, one of the small spiders slammed against the door but could not push it open past Sasha.
On initiative 17, Fenmaer tried and failed to stabilize.
On initiative 16 & 16, the other two small spiders also tried pushing the door open, but similarly failed. (One managed to get a -1 to open the door, so I can only imagine he was accidentally pulling instead of pushing. Stupid spiders!)
On initiative 16, Siegfried readied an action to blast whatever comes through the door.
On initiative 16, Alexei moved over to the side door and placed his shoulder against it, freeing Aleister to move about if necessary.
On initiative 15, Sasha opens the door and may attack one of the spiders.

So, we've got the resolution of Sasha's action. Next up after that is Aleister. We also have two readied actions to fire on or attack the spiders when they come through the door. If the readied trigger does not occur before Natsu/Siegfried come up again in their initiative sequence, they will of course be able to act normally instead. Both Natsu and Siegfried selected the same "trigger," but Natsu's readied action will resolve first, as she is higher in the initiative sequence.

2013-07-05, 11:28 AM
Sasha grins at the aranea above her. She turns back to the unconscious Fenmaer.

Aw. You're perfect for each other.

She makes a low kick against one of the smaller spiders.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Piggy Knowles
2013-07-05, 11:32 AM
Moving surprisingly fast, the spider skitters back away from the kick, hissing in anger.

Aleister, you're up.