View Full Version : Help with fluff mechanics.

2013-06-29, 11:14 AM
In my next campaign I'll be playing a Human Spellthief, either of CG or CN alignment. I want him to have a condition where he has a severe magic addiction. If he goes so long without absorbing a spell, I'm thinking either twelve or twenty four hours, depending on the severity of the withdrawal symptoms, something start happening to him, but I'm having trouble figuring out fun effects that won't be annoying and problematic for the other players.
Some effects I was thinking about already is alignment sliding farther towards CE the longer he goes, perhaps negatives to wisdom and bonuses to strength or dexterity, to represent loss of logic due and becoming more desperate and animalistic due to the "cravings." I'd prefer not to have him out right into something else, and I'd like to have "stages" of withdrawals that increase the longer he goes without absorbing magic, but I am open to all ideas! Thanks in advance, Playgrounders!

2013-06-29, 11:30 AM
BoVD has a section on drugs that you can borrow from. For instance, there is a "satiation" mechanic just after you get your fix (which in your case would be when you absorb some magic), and you can even assign different addiction ratings to different spell levels or even schools of magic.

2013-06-29, 01:43 PM
Just go magical-kleptomaniac on any PCs or NPCs available whenever you haven't had your fix.

2013-06-29, 05:12 PM
Just go magical-kleptomaniac on any PCs or NPCs available whenever you haven't had your fix.

The main problem with this is it is potentially -very- annoying to the players,, not to mention I feel it would get old fairly quickly for me as well.