View Full Version : "Go To Latest Strip" link

2006-12-06, 06:46 PM
It's not working. It can be found on the OOTS character page, URL is http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript
It won't go to 386 is all. Getting to the newest strip has been temporarily made slightly less convenient. Help me.
:roach: hasn't made an appearance in a while :(
:roach: :roach: :roach: :roach: :roach: :roach:
I love those guys.

2006-12-06, 07:48 PM
Getting to the newest strip has been temporarily made slightly less convenient. Help me.


There's a link to the latest comic in the menu on the left of every page...

2006-12-06, 08:40 PM
I bookmarked the script page so I could hit the bookmark and go to the latest strip right away. It looks like it's fixed, thanks!

2006-12-06, 11:46 PM
I was making changes to accomodate the new title and broke the piece that generates the latest page. Rawhide pointed it out and I fixed it.