View Full Version : Cleric of Desna (halfling or human?)

2013-06-29, 03:05 PM
for a pathfinder campaign that is not too optimized i'm wondering if i should go.



i like the halfling with the dex and char but is 15 wis too low?

its a combination of rolls and point buy so cant move things around much.

2013-06-29, 03:11 PM
No. Even if you play a game that goes up to 17th level and higher, starting with a Wisdom of 15 is completely sufficient.

If you like the idea of a halfling, just go for it.
With very low strength and very high dex, you should think about using a ranged wapon as your primary weapon, or get something that allows you to use weapon finesse.
Since Desna is a deity of luck and travel, you could also consider taking some levels in rogue, limit yourself to light armor, and get all sneaky.

2013-06-29, 03:16 PM
i was going to go light armor and grab a STARKNIFE or 3 cause its awesome

luck and travel was the idea how very halfling huh :)

2013-06-29, 03:17 PM
Depends on what role you want to fill. If you want to actually use your magic offensively in a way that requires saving throws, you want to start with as high a base score in Wisdom as possible. If you're mostly buffing and focusing on no-save spells, you have more leeway, especially if you throw out a couple of spells and then use archery or whathaveyou to fill the gaps when you haven't anything better to do in order to conserve spells.

2013-06-29, 03:21 PM
Now that I think of it, if your group uses other classes than just those from the Core Rulebook, maybe you might take a look at the Inquisitor (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/inquisitor.html).
It's basically a sneaky cleric with lots of skill points and pretty much all the skills that use Charisma.
It doesn't have to be a "smite the infidels!" type of character. It can also be a priest who is just scouting out things for the church and bringing help where a dozen clerics and paladins in full armor might have a hard time getting to.