View Full Version : Gundamar: First City of the Empire [Solo campaign]

2013-06-30, 05:13 PM
Backstory about the city
This is the City of Gundamar. The seat of the most powerful empire to ever hold the world in it’s grasp. It’s history is rooted in war and conquest, and it’s present in decadence and power mongering. Though it is called an empire, the imperial keep hasn’t seen an emperor in centuries. Not since the last emperor Titanus IV grew a conscience and the nobility decided that the imperial façade had gone on long enough. Since then, the nobles have held all the power in their sweaty grasp. They have never been a united front, and among the lesser nobility assassinations and scandal abound. However, they are a force to be reckoned with. They control much of the trade and the taxes in the empire, the army is in their pay, all the churches pay tithes to them, and anyone foolish enough to stand against them they send into the chasm. The nobles share in this collective power and wealth, each noble also has a personal revenue stream and personal guards. The common people just try to survive day to day as each day their labors make less and less coin, and more and more are press-ganged into the imperial army to take the spoils of foreign wealth. Millions live in the poor district of Gundamar, while a mere thousand or so live as kings in the Noble estates. Order is kept with a brutal and well trained city garrison who tolerate no transgressions of the law. However, despite their ‘efforts’ crime is rampant in the city though the middle class suffers less and the nobles almost never need suffer any crime upon their person or property. Rape, murder, theft, and more are common day to day occurrences in the poor district where you grew up. However, you have never suffered the predations of the city because you were raised by the Guild of Singular Purpose. The guild has sheltered and trained you and taught you their tenants. You believe in the guild and it's purpose of killing the nobles who make this world such a decrepit pit. Today is just another day of training, but soon... soon you will join your brothers and sisters in ridding the city of vermin.

Map (in case you are curious of what the city looks like (VERY rough I am not an artist)) http://s304.photobucket.com/user/bcool999/media/AssassinCampaign.png.html

I will likely use a lot of invisible rolls in this campaign. I will roll initiative for you if you enter combat. Feel free to do rolls in spoiler tags. IN your first post could you put a link to your char sheet? It would be appreciated. I wont do character colors unless you request them since you are the only PC. If you have questions PM me. Hope you enjoy!

"Dante!... Dante get up already!... Ugh I don't know why I bother... Hey wait!" You jerk awake as cold water splashes unto you.
"See I told you that would work." Rick says to Kiara as he tosses the basin away carelessly and laughs.
Rick and Kiara are the closest to your age in the guild and as such you became groupmates. As such you train, eat, and get punished for transgressions together. Kiara has always been nice, if a bit bossy, especially for an assassin in training. Rick, in a word, is insane. Well over half the punishments you receive come from him doing one thing after another. Murder, Larceny, Vandalism, and that is just what you know he has done. Rick is a skilled fighter, and Kiara is skilled in the arts of stealth, but neither has quite managed to combine the two disciplines as you have, which makes you both the arbiter and often the cause, of fights.
"*sigh* Whatever. Dante is up, so we have to get going now. Master Shard could be waiting already!" Kiara says this with perceptible edge about her and even Rick sobers noticeably before she continues, "We will meet you outside the building once you're ready, but for goodness sake hurry!"
With that she turns and leaves your room with Rick on her heels, though Rick can't help but look back and giggle at your now soaked bedclothes.

2013-06-30, 06:50 PM
Character sheet is here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=600216).
I found that I had quite a lot of trouble with the description; he is a character that evolves very quickly so I felt that any description I afforded him would change quite quickly. It was also hard to represent the essence of his character as a deadly assassin when at the same time he's still (currently) just an above-average recruit; bright eyed, and bushy tailed, keen to promote the Cause. As such, I've left the personality field blank (as I'm sure you'll get a feel for his personality soon enough) and the description field can be largely ignored until he really comes into his own. His basic physical appearance is a muscular young adult with a lean but powerful build, with choppy short dark brown hair and icy grey eyes. His skin has something of an ashen hue about it, due to his mongrel heritage, and he is reasonably handsome, but nothing about him is particularly exceptional or stands out (at the moment anyway).

As for character colours, I'd prefer it if speech was bolded and coloured when two different people are speaking in the same post as it helps me avoid confusion. It doesn't really matter what colour you use, even if you use the same colour for 20 different people and change the one you use for the same character 20 different times, as long as they're using a different colour to the other guy. I myself will use Indigo.

Oh, and I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I don't really have any boundaries or lines to draw when it comes to the... extremity of the content. If you create an individual so depraved even satan himself would hold him at arm's length, then so be it. By no means would this be gratuitous, but when there's an open playing field it tends to provide more options to play with when attempting to shock and horrify. As such, I felt I should just let you know that you can take this as far pas the realms of reasonable sanity as you want. I'm not sure where your own boundaries on this are, however, so of course its at your discretion.

Dante rises, groggily shaking from his head in a vain attempt to clear his sleep-clouded mind of its immediate urge to return to rest. Swinging himself from his bunk, he dries and dresses himself and picks up his equipment, preparing himself for the inevitable tasks ahead of him. He moves quickly, and once he is satisfied he leaves the room to follow after his two departing companions.

2013-06-30, 08:20 PM
The three of you head out through the poor district. Filth lines the streets and arguments can be heard through the thin doors of some buildings. Every building in the poor district appears to be an abandoned apartment complex. In the distance smokestacks belch black smoke into the air that quickly falls toward the poor district before being whisked north by the prevailing winds. A gang of street urchins swarm past the three of you, trying to pick your pockets you and Kiara deftly dodge their searching hands as the race by and Rick just smacks a couple and the rest leave him alone. You reach a building much like the others but here Kiara stops and turns around.
"Okay I think we are on time. Thank goodness, I thought-"
A tall slim man steps out of shadows you thought wouldn't hide a cat let alone a man, "Thought what Kiara? That you would keep me waiting?"
All three of you stand straight as arrows before Master Shard as he stares down at you, "Well come along then or you really will keep me waiting" and with that Master Shard turns and heads into the building. After a moment's hesitation (and a sigh of relief or two) the three of you head into the building after Master Shard.
"Today's training will be... different... up till know you initiates haven't experienced any real danger... that changes today." He gestures to a trapdoor set in the middle of the floor. A rug, obviously there for the purpose of covering it, rolled up to the side. "Down there you will be faced with a series of challenges designed to test whether you are ready for contracts or not. Make sure you don't disappoint."
You all start heading towards the trapdoor, but Master Shard holds up a hand, "Ah ah aaah one at a time if you would. We need to see if you are read as individuals. Kiara you first then Rick which leaves Dante for last."
Kiara nods and confidently heads down the steps...
About an hour later Kiara reappears from the trapdoor. She is visibly pale with her normally darkly tanned skin appearing almost white in the dim light. You are able to just barely perceive Kiara's red puffy eyes... evidence that she had been crying recently?
"Good enough I guess," says Master Shard, "Work on your blade-work and things like that won't happen. You're done for today your next Rick"
Rick swaggers down the trapdoor and as he passes Kiara as she heads out of the building you could have swore he stuck his tongue out at her.
Master Shard chuckles a couple of times during the wait but you fail to see or hear what is so funny.
After two hours Rick reappears battered and cut. His swagger is replaced with a limp and his step. Rick was always a bull of a man. Even though you are of similar ages he stands almost a head taller with much more muscle and fists that look like they can crack bricks. Well... maybe the cheap bricks here in the district. His shaved head has a nasty cut on it that looks like it will leave a scar right on his left cheek.
"Have fun?" Master Shard chuckles, "I never get tired of your... unique style of approaching your targets, but bonus points for the end there. Go on home you're done"
After Rick leaves Master Shard turns toward you an nods toward the door, "Your turn"

Wow that was a long one sorry bout that... they will be shorter from here on I just couldn't find a good place to pass it over to you take note of how both Kiara and Rick came through for a hint on how to do well.

2013-06-30, 08:42 PM
I can't imagine what he has set up down there to have shaken Rick and Kiara like that... presumably Rick tackled things head on, judging by all his injuries. Kiara came off somewhat less damaged, and combat isn't her forté, so perhaps stealth is the best option here. Gah! Well it can't be helped.

Dante nodded, gulped once, and proceeded to loosen his blades in their sheaths before entering through the trapdoor, keeping an ear out for any potential threats.

Listen: [roll0]
And its fine; the good thing about solo is it can go back and forth very quickly :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-30, 10:56 PM
You enter a dimly lit chamber beyond you can't hear anything beyond your own nervous breathing. The ground is rough dirt, like whoever dug out this cave wasn't doing it for aesthetics. You remember how beat up Rick was... and how bull headed he tended to be... best be careful, because as skilled as you are, Rick always could take a beating better than you.

2013-07-01, 06:44 AM
Scanning the area, Dante proceeds slowly and carefully, testing the ground in front of him for any signs of a trap. At the same time, he keeps an eye on his surroundings for the slightest change in environment tat might suggest hostility, and listens keenly for the same factors.

[roll0] Listen
[roll1] Search (trapfinding)
[roll2] Spot
Incidentally, my original listen roll would have actually been an 11, not a 9, if that makes any difference, as I used a +3 modifier (my rans in the skill) not the +5 modifier I actually have.

2013-07-01, 07:10 AM
In the dim light you can see up to 30ft. ahead. The room is more of a wide corridor leading from the trapdoor behind you to the darkness ahead.
You easily pick out the three pressure plates on the floor and can easily move past them without triggering them. You also see the remains of fired bolts (blunted on the ends for non-lethal damage) near the pressure plates. You hear nothing ahead that seems hostile or worrisome.

2013-07-01, 07:28 AM
Dente proceeds, noting the remains of the blunted arrows, and collecting a few. He then proceeded to throw tem ahead of himself as he moved the thirty feet down the corridor, still listening, watching and searching for traps.

Hopefully these arrows will trigger anything I've missed. Mused Dante as he walked. No doubt Kiara or Rick was caught by this little trap here... probably Rick. It was always like him to blunder ahead. Kiara was the more cautious sort... what then, spooked her so badly?

[roll0] Listen
[roll1] Spot hostility and traps
[roll2] Search/Trapfinding

2013-07-01, 07:43 AM
You hear a loud GA-CHING from up ahead shortly after throwing one the blunted arrows you continue up to the trap you sprung to see the arrow had landed in a bear trap and had been snapped clean by the metallic jaws. nearby you spot a few more bear traps some still readied, but others have been sprung and you can see telltale bits of blood and fur from traps tell you that Master Shard has prepared something a little more wild than blunted arrows for you. Up ahead the corridor widens out to be a chamber or perhaps a cavern that gently slopes downward. Nothing sets your senses off yet, but the chances of your luck remaining that way up ahead are pretty grim.

2013-07-01, 08:00 AM
Dante pauses before the chamber, and decides that rather than chance whichever creature maybe hiding ahead of him he will conceal himself in the shadows and slowly make his way forwards, sticking to the areas that conceal him best. He moves on this way, trying his best to hide from the eyes and ears of the potential foe, still listening out and scanning the area, though no longer throwing the arrows- he is trying to remain unseen and unheard. He eases his knives from their sheathes, ready to fight at a moment's notice.

I have Darkstalker (http://dndtools.eu/feats/lords-of-madness--72/darkstalker--512/), just in case the creature has any of those properties.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2] trying to hear where the creature may be for an idea of its location and whether it may be trying to attack me or move up on me
Spot: [roll3] both for traps and whatever hostile creature is inevitably hiding down here
Search (trapfinding) [roll4] this is done very slowly and carefully, so as not to attract attention. If Dante comes across a trap he will attempt to avoid, rather than disable it, and make a mental note of its location. I figure there probably aren't any traps here, but it can't hurt to be extra careful.

2013-07-01, 08:18 AM
You notice no more traps as you continue down the gentle slope of the chamber. At the bottom of the slope near a set of torches you can make out two feral looking animals... wolves maybe? They seem unaware, and frankly, unconcerned with your presence as they ravenously tear into what appear to be two more wolves who have recently suffered massive head trauma. Beyond the wolves is a raised platform about ten feet tall which hold the torches that are bathing the wolves in light. Also, as you were traveling near to the walls to help cloak your form you notice pens built into the sides of the chamber. There are six pens in all, four of which are open and two remain closed with half-starved bundles of rabid fury still within. You think that either Master Shard or another Guild member can remotely open these pens to add more wolves as others are killed by previous test takers... Or perhaps even while test takers are still down here? Either way, you see that beyond the raised platform at the end of the chamber is a door to another area.

2013-07-01, 08:30 AM
Here's hoping they don't see me...

Dante moved carefully and deliberately, matching his pace to the snarls and grunts of the feasting wolves so as to minimise the possibility of his detection. Slowly treading, he makes his way to the door at the end of the chamber and slips through unnoticed, watching his back to ensure that no wolves attack him by surprise.

Worth a try...
Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

2013-07-01, 08:53 AM
You are so lucky neither wolf got better than a 5 on their spot checks.
With near miraculous skill you manage to sneak your way between the two ravenous beasts and get to the platform.
Taking a deep breath, you attempt to leap up to the platforms edge and haul yourself up!

Jump: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]

You don't quiet manage to reach the edge with your jump but you are able to get yourself up on the platform, just as the wolves lunge for you, by scrabbling frantically for a few seconds. You hear their angry snarls, and your frantic heartbeat, as you you proceed to the next room.

2013-07-01, 09:30 AM
Ah, didn't realise that :smallbiggrin: Sorry, if I misunderstand the description just let me know and I'll adjust my actions accordingly... that could have turned out rather messily otherwise. I don't have a problem with you rolling with it, and I'm happy how it turned out, but if I make a major mistake like that I'd rather reconsider my actions than plough on through, as it were.

Panting at how closely he had come from being savaged by the wolves, Dante proceeds to the next room.

2013-07-01, 09:52 AM
Yeah but I was pretty confident in your ability to take the two wolves if it came to that (though you literally passed within 10 ft. of both of them at the same time if they spotted you you would've been in a bad way with a wolf on both sides...)

You enter the well lit room beyond the door. Inside you see three evenly spaced poles each with a person bound and gagged at them. From left to right there is a man lower to mid thirties with an ugly gash at his throat that missed the vital arteries and nicked the windpipe... experience tells you how messy such a death would be with the man choking on his own blood but still managing semi-audible cries through his neck. In the center is a woman about the same age as the man who trembles with sobs and doesn't bother to look up at your entrance. To the right is a little girl no older than twelve who has had her neck efficiently broken... the girl herself would have felt no pain assuming the one who did it was quick about it, but the woman would have heard the snapping of bone and tendon distinctly. You approach the woman and only when you are close enough to reach down and touch her does she look up at you. You never for the rest of your days forget her eyes. They looked empty and hopeful all in one terrible package. Without any more sobs or any direction the woman lifts her chin and presents her throat.
Sense Motive: [roll0] DC 10 to read below (before posting anyway)
It's not hard to piece together what happened here. A family was taken from their home. A Father, a daughter, and a mother. Kiara obviously took care of the man. The cut was Master Shard's reference to her needing to work on her bladework. Rick broke the child's neck. You wonder if he stayed to laugh at the woman's pain. Now you must finish your test...

2013-07-01, 11:08 AM

This is effectively a coup-de-grace on a helpless commoner, and whilst there aren't any rules as such for what I'm about to do, I figure it makes perfect sense as an action. If you don't think this is okay, see the second spoiler for my alternate course of action.

Dante looks here in the eye for a short moment, holding her gaze. He then moves around behind the woman, placing his arm around her neck to lock one side against his bicep and the other against his forearm, using his free hand to compress the chokehold against the arteries on either side of her neck. Within six seconds she will have lapsed, almost painlessly- and most importantly, silently- into unconsciousness. Within twenty, she would most likely be dead. Dante maintained the hold for thirty seconds, just to be sure, and tested her pulse to confirm the kill. Pausing momentarily to take in what he had just done, he gathers himself and departs from the room.


This is assuming he can depart from the room- if not he looks for an exit or waits for Shard to come in.

I assume it would be fine- after all, she's helpless and its a completely effective method. Nonetheless, if this is unacceptable;

Dante takes one dagger and moves behind the woman, before stabbing it deeply into the side of her neck, behind the throat and arteries, and quickly wrenching the knife forward in something akin to a punching motion. The attack completely opens the neck and throat, and the woman dies within mere seconds. Its messy, yes, but brutally efficient- and silent, but for the meek rasping gurgles made by the woman in her last passing moments.

For reference, this method is a sentry-removal technique used by the Royal Marine Commandos (though I'm sure other commando and SF groups also use the technique) and is, to my knowledge, the most efficient way of silently eliminating someone from behind with a dagger, as described by this incredibly badass old soldier (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDGHKyB3T_U) at approx 1min into the video.

2013-07-01, 01:33 PM
The wolves from before are still there. Though they have gone back to feasting they seem to be getting full. However, you bet they would still kill you for trespassing. They still look a bit mangy and in ill health so perhaps if you get the drop on them you could finish them quickly and begone.

No fancy "I killed the target I now leave" for you! You get yourself into someplace you gotta get out.

2013-07-01, 01:43 PM
:smallbiggrin: Fair enough. Are the cages stacked or arranged in a way that may allow me to climb across them and avoid the wolves? Does the construction of the cages look sturdy enough to take my weight?
Actually... Is that corridor with the pressure plates within 20ft of me? :smallamused:
Spot: [roll0]

Dante considers the room, eyeing the cages containing the wolves to see if they may provide a possible alternative route out of the room. He also considers the distance between himself and the pressure plates and bear-traps.

Is that 20 feet? Dante muses to himself. Even if its not, my throw need not be particularly accurate... absent-mindedly, Dante's hand falls to rest upon one of the many darts affixed to the bandolier upon his chest.

2013-07-01, 02:10 PM
The cages are built recessed into the wall such that they are flush to the wall so clambering over them would prove problematic. The entrance to the corridor ahead is roughly 30 ft. away and approximately 5 ft. above you due to the downward curve of the room you are in. You are pretty sure the wolves are unable to reach you up on this platform.

2013-07-01, 02:20 PM
Ranged touch attack with -2 penalty with a dart, aimed at the area with the bear traps. Lets see if I can't thin them out a little...

Dante ponders his options for a moment before tossing a dart towards the area containing the small field of bear traps. He angles the throw slightly, so as to give it extra range; accuracy wasn't much of a concern when his target was a large and unmoving patch of floor, after all.

This should get their attention... lets see if those keen ears don't hear a clink or two. Dante grinned quietly to himself, holding his position on the platform. If they fall for it my job should be a sight easier with one, or even both of them, locked up in a bear trap.

2013-07-01, 02:26 PM
Both of the wolves perk up upon hearing the GA-CHINK of another bear trap go off they leave their almost finished meals and approach the exit to the chamber, stopping right before leaving the chamber. You see them sniff and pace back and forth as if considering if it is worth it to enter a hallway that has already caused one of them to walk with a bad limp.
Remember the fur and blood from before? The wolves remember :smallbiggrin:. However they are now away from the platform a bit...

2013-07-01, 02:47 PM
Dante quickly dismounts the platform, quietly as he can, and sneaks quietly around the circumference of the room, his eyes on the wolves the entire time. Once he is as near as he can be to the entranceway without being noticed by the wolves, he tosses another dart to the opposite side of the room. He waits in place until the wolves move towards this new distraction, and then silently moves back through the entranceway, and proceeds along the corridor. Keeping his eyes on the traps previously discovered on his first walk down the passageway, he retraces his original path so as not to disturb any new devices that he may have missed in his first sweep. Once he has reached his point of entry, he exits via the trapdoor he entered to meet Master Shard.

Alright, so...
Hide [roll0]

If needed:
Climb: [roll1]
Jump (down): [roll2]
Move Silently (when dismounting the platform): [roll3]

Move Silently (through the room and back up the corridor) [roll4]

Hmm, oh dear. Still; nat 1s on skill rolls aren't fumbles, at least. Of course, this is all assuming the wolves move to the second disturbance.

2013-07-01, 02:50 PM
[roll0] Ranged touch attack on the floor. The general idea is that the wolves move in the opposite direction to where he's hiding when he makes the second throw. If not, he gets ready to fight.

2013-07-01, 03:03 PM
You let out a grunt upon dismounting the platform before you can stop yourself. One of the wolves perks up and turns letting out a snarl and starts heading toward you to attack!

Rolling Initiative:
Dante: [roll0]
Wolf 1: [roll1]
Wolf 2: [roll2]

Currently a Surprise round with you and Wolf 1 wolf 2 will join next round.

2013-07-01, 03:05 PM
The wolves are about 20 and 35 ft. away with the wolf that spotted you being the closer of the two.

I think the RNG wants you to kill these wolves. It won't let you sneak by, but neither can the wolves touch you... I mean really 2 nat 1 initiatives against a rogue?

2013-07-01, 03:27 PM
Dante lets two darts loose at the closest wolf before the wolf even notices him, and releases another two as it turns to face him. Grinning, he reaches for his daggers to prepare for the inevitable attack from the second wolf.

So attacks one: [roll0] for [roll1]
and two: [roll2] for [roll3]
All during the surprise round.

And then my attacks one: [roll4] for [roll5]
and two: [roll6] for [roll7]
During the combat round, and move action to draw the daggers. If the first wolf dies before I've used all my attacks, I direct the remaining attacks on the second wolf. I assume its moving towards me, so it would be in range of a normal attack by the time I'm done with wolf 1 (if I kill it, that is).

2013-07-01, 03:30 PM
Edit: Hang on, the forum roller is being weird. All my rolls are showing up as [rollx]. I'll try again:
Roll to confirm crit: [roll0]
Roll for damage: [roll1]
Ehh. Worth a try. How, in 4 attacks and a crit, I managed to deal only 1 point of damage I have no idea.

2013-07-01, 03:52 PM
Pretty sure surprise rounds only allow standard actions (no full attacks) but we will for get that for this first combat.

Surprise round actions
First dart misses
Second dart hits no crit but 1 damage and [roll0] sneak attack damage (you are within 30ft. so ranged sneak is OK also you are acting before them so they are denied Dex to AC)

The Wolf (1) prepares to charge at you.

First round actions
As you throw your next darts the wolf (1) charges you Running straight into a dart and dieing.
Bite: [roll1] for [roll2] Damage if still alive.
Wolf (2) charges as well Bite: [roll3] for [roll4] damage. Miss
You don't have any move actions this round do to full attack

Second round actions
I assume you still draw your daggers(?) and attack wolf (1) (if still alive) or wolf (2) if wolf 1 has died. [roll5] [roll6] If not let me know what you do.

2013-07-01, 04:33 PM

It wasn't a full attack; it was a standard action ranged attack with two weapons (hence the -2 to hit) using the TWF feat. If it were a full attack I would presumably get to make more than two attacks in the same round (but as a full-round action). As for full attacks in the surprise round, I think you're correct; only standard/swift/free actions are allowed.

In the first round, therefore, I only use a standard action to launch two darts using TWF, and still maintain my move action to draw my daggers during that round. As such, in the second round I make two attacks as a standard action at a -2 modifier with my daggers on wolf 2 (as wolf 1 is now dead).

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

Generally, I'd prefer to make all my own rolls and decisions for what my character does, though of course I don't mind you making rolls I forgot or missed out (e.g. when I didn't roll jump when I needed to, but declared what I intended to do).

But yeah, as a general note, when I attack twice in the same round I'm using my TWF feat, not a full attack. If I use a full attack, I'll declare it.

2013-07-01, 04:34 PM
Ooh, another crit:
[roll0] for [roll1]

2013-07-01, 04:55 PM
Unfortunately, TWF only allows you to use both weapons on a full attack (see page 143 of the PHB description of full attack for details) Your second attack misses anyway so I will not include it in attack flavor.

You plunge your dagger down into the wolf's neck grievously wounding the creature, but it still fights on.

Wolf Bites: [roll0] [roll1] damage on hit
(rolling trip attempt in case of hit (forgot these earlier :smallredface:)
[roll2] vs. dex check [roll3]

You narrowly avoid the snapping jaws of the wolf.

2013-07-01, 05:03 PM
Hmm, right you are. Sorry :smallbiggrin: so used to it being houseruled as an SA I didn't even consider to check! My bad :smallredface:
Anyway, its a wolf and I'm not exactly built for tripping anyway, let alone something with 4 legs. Full round TWF attack it is.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

2013-07-01, 05:04 PM
Dante is on a serious roll with these crits! (pun not intended)
Confirm: [roll0] for [roll1]
aaaaaand also on something of a roll when it comes to missing them. Ahh well.

Lunging at the wolf with both blades drawn, Dante brings them swinging down together, aiming both for the neck of the snarling beast and flinching in pain at the wound received, minor though it was.

2013-07-01, 05:12 PM
You plunge a dagger to each side of the wolf's body and twist the blades before removing them from the corpse and retrieving your darts. The way out is now clear and you can detect no more hostilities in the area (though the two wolves in pens are still there they haven't been released)

You actually came out unscathed because defenders win ties on attack rolls vs. AC.

2013-07-01, 05:32 PM

Dante stands from his battle-ready crouch, and after retrieving his darts and cleaning, then sheathing his daggers, he proceeds to exit the room the way he came in.

Well, I certainly came out better than Rick and Kiara. All in all... a success.

2013-07-01, 06:15 PM
OOC Congratulations you survived training there isn't anything new in the place so I will timeskip ahead to Master Shard's review then I will calculate exp and see if you ding (the answer probably being yes)

"Welcome back," greets Master Shard, "How did you find our little training exercise? Was it challenging enough for the infamous Dante?"

Master Shard attempts a sense motive check [roll0] against a bluff check (should you choose to attempt one) to hide your feelings on the task you were assigned.

2013-07-01, 06:24 PM
You gained 1300 exp from this training (DING) and no loot (sorry the blunted arrows/bolts are useless :smallfrown:)
In case you were curious about the exp breakdown
Completed assignment 400xp
Avoided taking damage from traps 200xp
Avoided taking damage. Period. 200xp
Killed the wolves 300xp
Evaded the notice of two wolves by sneaking within 10 feet of them (:smalleek:) 100xp
Creative use of discarded arrow flavor text 100xp (honestly didn't see that coming)

2013-07-01, 06:28 PM
"It was... interesting, to say the least. I had no trouble uncovering the traps on the way in, and the woman died quickly. I regret that I was not as silent upon my exit as I could have been- my intention was to move to the exit unheard and use another dart to draw the wolves away once more, so that I could slip past unseen. From what you said to Kiara and Rick, I gather you were observing, sir? How would you judge my performance?"

He opts not to mention the impact had upon him by the woman'se gaze, though nothing that he says is a lie.

Evaded the notice of two wolves by sneaking within 10 feet of them (:smalleek:) 100xp
I'm sure Shard will have a few words to say about that :smallwink:

As for the use of arrows, thanks :smallsmile: I'm trying to use a lot of lateral thinking with this character.

2013-07-02, 01:17 PM
"Well I must admit I was surprised by your ability to come within a hairsbreadth of disaster and still come out of it unscathed. Compared to your peers you are the best of the lot. Kiara has mastered the art of stealth but her ability to takes lives are terrible, she couldn't even kill a helpless man right. Rick is the exact opposite, he has all the subtlety of a localized seismic event. You have the ability to be both, or either depending on how you look at it. I have a feeling that the time of your training is quickly coming to a close. Go on home and rest." Master Shard waves his hand in what is obviously a dismissal.

2013-07-02, 02:28 PM
I have a few questions regarding my build.
1. I won't actually be able to take a level in Assassin until I'm level 4, as the class has prereqs of 8 ranks in Hide and Move Silently. Obviously, these are skills I intend to keep maxed, but would you be willing to drop the requirement, with the provision I take 8 ranks as soon as soon as I'm able, and enter directly into Assassin before fourth level?

2. If this is not acceptable, would you be willing to drop the +2d6 sneak attack prereq on Daring Outlaw to +1d6? Otherwise I'll have to stay in Rogue til third level to use it, after which it becomes useless anyway as I'd probably just go right for Swordsage rather than take the 2 levels in Swash required for the feat to actually be of any use. I'm still debating this bit, as Insightful Strike is pretty tasty. It somewhat depends on my retraining options for Weapon Finesse. Feats I want to take are: Master of Poisons, Staggering Strike, Craven, Shadow Blade, Snap Kick, and maybe a few ranged feats like Precise Shot or (possibly) Crossbow Sniper, though its pretty low down on the list. Point Blank shot will probably feature somewhere, as its a prereq feat for a lot of things. I also intend, further down the line, to take Leadership (this will be when I start building my own guild). The big ones are Master of Poisons, Craven and Shadow Blade.

I'll level up pending on the response. I'm a bit less concerned with the Daring Outlaw issue, as a Rogue/Swordsage/Assassin build would suit me just fine- the main attraction of the Swashbuckler class is Insightful Strike. In the case that the prereqs for Assassin aren't lowered, I'll probably take Rogue 1/Sword Sage 2 and then something else, possibly Swashbuckler. If the requirement is lowered I'll probably go Rogue/ Sword Sage 2/ Assassin X or Rogue/Assassin X/Sword Sage 2/Assassin X

Anyway, if I've phrased any of that poorly, you have further questions or issues or whatever else please let me know and I'll try and work something out.

Dante hesitates for a moment, then proceeds to exit the room and return to his room to talk with Rick and Kiara about the test- judging from their reactions upon leaving the room it will be interesting to see how they felt.

2013-07-02, 04:45 PM
Yeah I have no problem dropping the pre reqs down to 4 ranks for all 3 of those skills so you meet Assassin requirements. (The only reason for the 8 ranks thing is to ensure that players are level 5 at least before entering prestige classes for flavor (i.e. this rogue has obtain skills that are specialized through years of work) or for game balance (which I'm not worrying too much about since you are the only player and you aren't a mage)) So I assume your build will be rogue 1/Assassin 1/ Swash 3/ Swordsage 2/rogue or assassin X?(or something similar?) That would provide some interesting options (shadow jaunt and the ability to turn invisible from swordsage alone comes to mind also +7 damage from insightful strike (Swash) and shadowblade would help out when you can't use sneak attack).

You leave the building but notice Kiara standing nearby. She looks as though she is better than she was upon leaving the testing grounds though you can tell she is still a little shaken. "Hey there Dante... H- How are you?" She looks concerned and searches your face for signs of distress finding none she gets angry and snaps out, "Or did you find it fun to do what we did back there? Rick can't stop laughing about what he did to the little girl and the look on the mother's face as he did it!" She looks at you accusingly waiting for your answer.

2013-07-02, 06:26 PM
Yeah, it will be some combination of those. I'll have a think about it and update my sheet as appropriate. Should have it done by the end of tonight/tomorrow (timezones are weird) :smallsmile:.

Looking at Kiara's distress, Dante deduced that due to her lack of injuries, the difficult part of the test for her had certainly not been the traps and the wolves. "Rick can be an oaf sometimes... you no doubt noticed the injuries he suffered as a result. If it gives you comfort, in your skills at least, you did a sight better than either of us at bypassing those wolves." Dante paused for a moment before his face shifted to one of concern, reaching a hand out to place on Kiara's shoulder to comfort her. "Kiara... I didn't find it fun. Death isn't fun. Rick needs to learn that. But it's necessary... the guild raised us for this. Saved us for this. I killed her with a chokehold- she was unconscious within seconds; her death would have been painless. But... at least the girl died quickly. Your hesitation would have given that man a painful death. This isn't something you can approach with half a heart; its something you have to approach without one. Look, we can't let Shard see you like this; lets find a tavern somewhere. No use going back to the chambers when Rick will only upset you, and I know I could use a hot meal and a drink after all this."

Don't know if bluff is relevant; he's not lying, but he's implying he felt more remorse than he did/was more affected by it than he was. Here it is anyway: [roll0]
And here's diplomacy to calm her down: [roll1]

2013-07-02, 07:56 PM
I feel that the concern for her is truthful so no need to bluff but good diplomacy check!

Kiara visibly takes a deep breath and sighs, "Your right, your right, its just... we are supposed to be the good guys aren't we? Freeing the city from tyranny and oppression? Those people weren't anything like that! they weren't rich or powerful they were just a family taken from their homes and murdered to test our resolve! Ugh... Common lets go eat it's past noon so lets get wasted." It had been a long time since Kiara suggested drinking heavily... The last time being when Rick killed her pet dog, and for once it was entirely an accident. Rick even apologized and offered to help her get a new one. It was pretty weird seeing Rick be so nice, which is probably why Kiara didn't absolutely destroy Rick. You knew of two taverns nearby one was a bit more pricy but a lot cleaner. The other was a bit rougher, you actually got in a fight one time, but the prices are more reasonable.

2013-07-02, 08:12 PM
I'm still skint as anything, so to the rough one I go. Besides, I have a shiny new level in assassin, so I reckon I'll be alright.
Edit: Hmm... not only that, I actually have no money at all. Well then...

Dante pulls a thick cloak over his armour and weapons, so as not to unnecessarily aggravate the patrons and moves off with Kiara in the direction of the... rougher establishment. Confident enough in his and Kiara's skills that he needn't worry about any of the more violent patrons, and fully aware of the empty state of his purse, he decided to forego the more reputable alternative.

Besides, ale is ale, and when you drink enough of it, it all begins to taste the same.

"I'm sure there was a reason those people were chosen. Sometimes its not always the evil ones that must die for the greater good- its hard decisions like these that define us as assassins, after all. We act so that others don't have to."

And he believes every word of it, the poor bastard.
Anyway, second diplomacy if needed: [roll0]

2013-07-02, 08:18 PM
As he walks there with Kiara, Dante keeps an eye out for anyone that may have a loose purse or bag, trying to gauge his potential success at increasing his funds with a few cut strings.

Either this, or I let Kiara to buy the first round and mug some poor fool in the outhouse... or start a fight and take his cash. To think I'd be reduced to petty thuggery at such an early stage :smallbiggrin:.
Anyway, Spot: [roll0]

2013-07-02, 08:29 PM
You don't need to worry about all these diplomacy checks she wants to believe you and is a close friend (besides she can get drunker at the cheap place for the same amount of money! Also she will pay for herself so if you get anything you buy but she will pay for her drinks)
Sleight of Hand: [roll0]
That's good enough for about 2 sp (20 copper pieces) over the course of the walk to the tavern

You move toward the bar and keep your eyes open for some 'Loose Change' lying around and pick up any that you find.

2013-07-02, 08:48 PM
You arrive at "The Rusted Dagger" a charming little building that would have been condemned long ago if anyone cared to inspect it. The shutters that remain have broken hinges, the door needs to be lifted to open or close, and while this tavern doesn't rent room there are many tenants living below the floorboard that occasionally surface to eat the discarded food and drink that often finds its way to the floor. Inside are the usual thugs, thieves, and laborers who drink their problems away. "The Rusted Dagger" is considered a neutral zone for thieves because anyone desperate and tough enough to drink there isn't worth robbing. You find an empty table and sit down at it and motion for the barmaid to come over. When she was younger the barmaid might have needed to wear extra padding to cover all the 'attention' a young woman in such an establishment is likely to receive. However, such attentions are but a memory to her now, "What will you have? We got a gallon of ale for a silver and food for 5 coppers each."

Slow down speedy I like introducing places. :smalltongue:

2013-07-02, 08:54 PM
Oh, my bad, when you said 'you move toward the bar' I thought you meant the area within the tavern that drinks were served, not the tavern itself :smallbiggrin:
As for the gallon... ehh, why not. We're getting drunk. Very, incredibly drunk, from the looks of things. I think my 20 coppers covers it all even if Kiara isn't paying.

Eyeing Kiara with a mischievous grin on his face, Dante looks up towards the waitress and proceeds to deliver his order. "We'll have two bowls of whatever food's going, and a gallon of ale between the two of us. And two mugs."

Once the waitress has left with their order, Dante turns to Kiara and begins to speak. "So, how did you find the test? All of it, I mean, not just the... test of will, as it were. You looked like you fared much better than Rick, after all. When he came out he was covered in wounds- you appear completely unharmed!"

2013-07-02, 09:12 PM
The barmaid shouts, "Frank a gallon of ale and 2 bowls over here!" She then scoops up your 20 coppers and walks away to serve another patron who just waved her over.

Kiara shrugs and says, "Well you don't look so beat up yourself. The traps were no problem, I mean really, they were wooden platforms set on a dirt floor not hard to spot. It's no surprise that Rick didn't even take the time to look for them and just charged through real fast hoping to dodge some. As for the wolves they were just hungry, I had some food with me and decided to share it with them hehe they were just big pushovers after that. That reminds me Rick didn't hurt them did he? They tried to follow me out, but I told them to stay so they wouldn't set off the traps they just sat right next to the platform and waited. I hope they aren't still waiting there... But where else could they go?" She is interrupted by Frank coming by with some thin meat stew, a hard hunk of bread, and the Ale and mugs he then walks back to the kitchen. Kiara fills a mug for herself and drinks half before throwing the bread in the stew to soften.

2013-07-02, 09:26 PM
She's a bit soft for a trainee assassin, isn't she?

"From the looks of things, he just ran right through and hoped for the best. He doesn't have your subtlety, after all, so I imagine they would have attacked him right away and forced him to defend himself." Dante grimaced lightly, and drank some ale before tucking into his own meal. "Dangerous and unsubtle. Very Rick." Dante paused for a moment before continuing, electing to select his phrasing carefully, and using a neutral tone as he spoke each word. "I managed to make it past them without much trouble on my way in- on the way out I made a mistake when dismounting the platform and drew attention to myself... they attacked, and I was forced to kill them both. They died quickly, if it helps. To be frank, I imagine Shard will simply keep them there to test the next batch of recruits; I think I did them a mercy, freeing them from that."

Fixed it. I'll take it from what you said that I don't need to keep making bluff checks; Dante doesn't really care about the wolves at all- he's happy they died quickly because it meant he performed his task efficiently, not because it minimised their suffering. He does, objectively, appreciate that his actions did them a mercy, but that certainly isn't why he did it. However, his desire to comfort his companion is genuine; his phrasing is therefore a little bit clumsy, as he's caught between not wishing to lie about what he did or how he felt doing it, and wanting to make Kiara feel better.

2013-07-02, 09:42 PM
Yeah she's CG and really hates the nobility and corrupt officials but she doesn't want to hurt the little people. And you didn't actually kill the first 2 wolves she fed Rick did. The next two were fresh from the pens except one tried to follow Rick and Kiara's scent out and got hurt in a bear trap, if you want to edit what you said you can. If you wanna keep it add a bluff check in a new post. Excellent sorry for taking so long it doesn't email when it's just an edit -_-.

"Yeah I figured something like that happened. Rick had a bite mark or two so I guess I shouldn't have asked" On her second mug now and Kiara already looks a bit flushed. Still a lightweight then... You know what I hate? *Kiara pauses to drink* I hate this city! Kiara is suddenly shouting and drawing attention from the other patrons, "Would it have been so much to ask to be born a brainless farm girl somewhere who didn't have to put up with the crap in this city?" Kiara downs another pint sized mug of ale and sighs... You don't like the looks she is getting, and what's up with this farm girl fantasy? Last time she got drunk she just cried. Sure it was awkward, but this is going to start something if... Too late. Two heavily muscled day-laborers sit down at the table moving their chairs to be on either side of Kiara. One starts to put his arm around Kiara but she wrinkles her nose and pushes him away, "See? You see this this is the exact crap I'm talkin about. I don't remember inviting you you three? Four? However many of you there are! Get Lost!" This will assuredly escalate if you don't do something, quickly.

Didn't want to actually think up dialog for two unimportant NPCs but you can imagine some horrible and pointed bar pick up lines and the like. Also didn't follow drinking rules for Kiara (lets say she has a lightweight flaw:smalltongue:)

2013-07-03, 10:02 AM
Epic Post Of Alerting (because edits aren't that important apparently)
Also for spells outside the spell compendium or the DMG (snuff the light) put a label of the book so I can look it up (I found it in drow of the underdark so no harm no foul) Also if you would update your sheet with your multiclasses as you get them that would keep me from freaking out (before remembering you were going assassin :smallredface:) as I try to understand where all the new feats and class features come from :smalltongue:

2013-07-03, 10:37 AM
You know what? I'm young, cocky, and they're presumably first level commoners. Lets do this.

Incidentally, I deliver the lines in a voice similar to this man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuCT45SnO1E).

Touch attack on the floor: [roll0]
Intimidate: [roll1]

This is probably a bad time to ask if you award circumstance modifiers for good threats and stuff like throwing darts at their feet :smallwink:

Updated the sheet, sorry about that.

Dante leans back slightly in his chair, and tosses a dart to the floor between one of the men's feet. Fixing them with a cold glare, he speaks in steady, measured tones.
"I'd back off if I were you, gents. Wouldn't want things to kick off now, would we? That could get messy, and I can tell you from experience that blood stains can get pretty hard to clean up."

2013-07-03, 11:13 AM
They rolled high saves against your intimidate and your threat wasn't that good it was the sort of threat from a young punk that makes them wanna fight even more.

The thug who you threw the dart at looks down at it and then back up at you. "What's this a little knife?" He pulls out a club as does his companion. "We don't take kindly to that around here." The rest of the patrons have already started scooting their tables away clearing roughly a circle about 10 feet wide surrounding the table. The other thug says, "Why don't you leave your lady friend here with us while you still have all your teeth." He reveals his own gap toothed smile and says, "We will be sure to take goood care of her don't you worry."

Initiative time (unless you are willing to leave Kiara here?!?!)
Dante: [roll0]
Thug 1: [roll1]
Thug 2: [roll2]
Well... the rogue who strikes first strikes hardest (this will be quick)

2013-07-03, 11:33 AM
Yeah, reckon I might just leave.
Definitely going to do that.

Its still daytime isn't it? Else I'd Snuff the Light, hide in the darkness and sneak attack them to death, for assassin brownie points.

RP dictates I'm going down the lethal route...
Attack [roll0] for [roll1]

Dante keeps his eyes on the second thug, studying his movements, and draws both knives, diving forward to plunge one into the neck of the assailant on the left before he can even react to the rapidly developing combat.

2013-07-03, 11:53 AM
Sneak attack: [roll0]

The thug couldn't even see the blade coming as it plunges into him. He was completely surprised that such a punk could move so fast. Looking at you now ready to fight in a relaxed stance though, he thinks he might have signed his own death warrant. He see's his friend move around the table shouting obscenities as he swings his club two handed at this deceptive fighter.

Thug 1: [roll1] [roll2](technically you are flanked but thug 2 is flat-footed (and quiet possibly dead) so no bonus (unless he lives through the next six seconds))

2013-07-03, 12:00 PM
That will do it for thug 2 and thug 1 just crit failed so he has stumbled and become flat footed (like you need this at this point...)

The wounded thug tries to warn his friend about the warrior they are fighting but all that comes out is a gurgle of blood before he falls down dead. The surviving thug put so much effort into his blow that when you casually side-stepped it the thug was caught completely off balance and vulnerable to retribution.

In other words... Finish Him.

2013-07-03, 12:07 PM
Calmly moving behind the stumbling thug, with the deft steps of a trained fighter, Dante lifts both blades and plunges them down into the back of the second thug, stepping away at the last moment to avoid the spray of blood.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

2013-07-03, 12:08 PM
Confirm critical: [roll0] for [roll1]

Wahey, I crit on my crit! Full damage too!

2013-07-03, 12:17 PM
If you want you can roll to confirm the second critical to confirm Death Blow i.e. Decapitation, Rending, or other over-the-top death blow you can think of, or just let the dead man die (you also got 2d6 sneak attack damage as well for flat footedness)

2013-07-03, 12:51 PM
...Yeah, I'll do it. Kiara is gonna vomit though.
[roll0] to tear his still-beating heart from his body and crushing it.
Edit: that should be 23, though it doesn't really matter.
I crit my crit's crit. Now this is just silly.

Using his knives to pry apart the man's flesh, Dante plunges his fist deep into the man's body, tearing his still-beating heart from his body in one swift, brutal motion, then crushing it in his hand. He then stolls calmly back to his table, finishes the remainder of the ale in one go, and leads a drunken and stunned Kiara out of the bar.

2013-07-03, 01:12 PM
After drag-carrying Kiara for a while, you realize that she passed out sometime during the commotion. You pick her up and carry her home.

Timeskip to Kiara's room you can describe putting Kiara in bed if you want the room looks the same as yours (assassin's are discouraged from personalizing their living spaces)
So it is basically a small 10x10 foot room with a bed a dresser and a washbasin with steel mirror and a chest under the bed for personal effects

EXP gained
600 XP for the combat

2013-07-03, 01:28 PM
Dante lays Kiara down in the bed, and proceeds to wash the blood from his body. Bloodstains were difficult to get out, after all.

Hopefully Shard won't hear of this... He mused to himself, as he cleaned the last of the blood from his body. Thankfully, Kiara appeared to be clean, but for a few bloody handprints- which must have been from his own blood-soaked hands. He attempted as best he could to clean the blood off of her as well, and tried splashing some water on her face to wake her up.

"Kiara! Kiara! Wake up!"

2013-07-03, 01:38 PM
You try to wake Kiara, but, try as you might, you can't even elicit a response. You could leave a message for her, or just let her sleep it off. However, for now she is dead to the world. There are only a few hours left till sun down, but the day is yours to do with as you wish.

You can go find Rick if you want, or explore the city, or just go to bed or whatever.

2013-07-03, 01:47 PM
After finally giving up on trying to wake Kiara, Dante goes off to find Rick.

2013-07-03, 02:01 PM
You don't need to go far because Rick is standing right outside Kiara's room. "What happened to Kiara?" Rick says he tries to sound mad like it's your fault she's not well, but you sense that he is genuinely concerned about Kiara's well-being.

2013-07-03, 02:06 PM
"She was a bit shaken up after the test, so we went drinking and... well. We got into a fight. It was messy, and, well, she's a bit squeamish about that kind of thing. I think she passed out from shock. I've cleaned up most of the blood, so hopefully she'll be fine when she wakes."

2013-07-03, 02:27 PM
"Hmph that test was a joke. Who would have traps set up in their house like that anyway?" You notice that his wounds have been bandaged and seem to be healing well, but he must still be sore.

2013-07-03, 02:36 PM
"You know how paranoid nobles can get... and its not like they haven't got money to spare on defences. Killing the wolves, and the two men that attacked us... it was easy. My body just moved, and then they were dead. But the woman... she was helpless. She wasn't a threat. Killing her was... odd. They looked like they'd just been snatched off the streets."

Dante makes a point of letting his eyes rest on Rick's bandaged wounds for a few moments while speaking, though at no point does he mention his friend's wounds.

2013-07-03, 08:49 PM
Rick stares at you for a moment then he shakes his head and starts to laugh. Softly at first, but quickly rising to a full belly laugh that shakes his entire body. You would think that with his wounds it would hurt but Rick doesn't seem to care. "I can't HA I can't believe it... Dante Cacciatore, famed initiate of the cause is a true believer in it! Ah-hahahaha *Sigh* Dante please wake up. How long has this guild been around? Do you see nobles dropping every time they stick their head out of their fortified palaces? No I am not including the lesser nobility those are just flies compared to the high nobles. When has one of those been assassinated, Ever? That's right none zilch nada. We aren't liberators Dante, we aren't heroes, we aren't even good guys. We. Are. Assassins. We kill for our gold and nothing else the sooner you see this the sooner you can enjoy the work." Rick walks off to his room before you can come up with a reply. You never suspected that Rick didn't believe the cause like you or Kiara did. But despite how much you don't want to believe him... he was telling the truth... none of the Big 13 nobles have met their ends on assassin blades for the whole history of the Guild.

2013-07-04, 02:26 PM
Dante stood there for a moment, stunned at Rick's words. He moved slowly, taking a chair and bringing it into Kiara's room, then seating himself. He sat there, watching Kiara to make sure her condition didn't worsen, and thinking over what Rick had said. It was true; for all Shard's words the guild hadn't accomplished anything. It was... odd. But it was equally unthinkable that they had been lying to him all this time- that the people who raised him, saved him and trained him were lying. He pushed it to the back of his mind, and slowly drifted off to sleep in the chair by Kiara's bedside.

2013-07-04, 03:27 PM
"Ugh... Dante? What are you doing in my room? And why does my head feel like bees are buzzing around and stinging my brain?" Is the first sound you hear as you wake up, stiff from your awkward seated position, in Kiara's room. Kiara is sitting on her bed still in her armor, since you couldn't work up the courage to change her while she slept. (The mere thought of the vengeance she would extract from you if you did change her clothes was enough to keep any sane man from contemplating such an act). "Dante did you sleep in that chair all night? What's wrong with you?" Her voice is a whisper to keep her pounding headache from rearing its ugly head, Kiara is very much hung over. You, on the other hand, are alright a little light sensitive but nothing to worry about.

2013-07-04, 03:34 PM
"I was keeping an eye on you to make sure you were alright, and I must have drifted off. Can you remember anything about last night? Sorry about the rough night's sleep, by the way, I didn't want to change your clothes. It seemed... intrusive."

2013-07-04, 03:47 PM
"Well... I remember the test of course and wanting to go get drunk afterwards... and judging from the state I'm in I must have done that. I remember you taking me somewhere, that must be the bar... Other than that everything is hazy..." She gets up from the bed, winces and puts a hand to her forehead for a minute then looks down at herself. She notices the bloody hand-prints and sighs, "Couldn't cough off the coin to take a girl to a nice place huh? Oh well the alcohol was definitely effective at least." She then shoos you out of her room and tells you to go to your own room to freshen up.

2013-07-04, 04:09 PM
"Heh, well I paid for the drinks and the meal, so don't complain" Dante comments as Kiara shoos him. "Alright, I'm going!" Dante walks out creakily, stretching stiff muscles and rolling his shoulders around to try and loosen up. He heads to his own room, removes the armour and washes himself, cleaning off the rest of the blood from himself and his apparel. Once he's satisfied, he redresses himself and heads into town.

I'm glad she doesn't remember the fight. Dante thought to himself as he walked through the cobbled streets. Maybe Rick had a point... maybe we aren't doing as much for the cause as I thought. Well... if the average member of the criminal element behaved like yesterday's opponents, then I'm sure there's something I can do for the city. On my own, if I need to.

He payed for some bread with the last of his coin and proceeded to munch on it thoughtfully, strolling in something of an absent-minded daze towards the rougher areas of the poor district, his mind absorbed by contemplation. After a time, the seedy bars became increasingly common and scantily-clad women with faces painted in cheap make up began to call after him as he strolled past. Before he knew it, he was outside the home of his youth; a place he hadn't seen since he found his mother dead.

How odd He mused to himself, looking over the dirty walls of the apartment. He moved closer to the building, tracing familiar cracks in the walls, and found himself at the door. It was a home without windows; more of a cell, truly, with the only light coming from holes in the planks. Some were placed deliberately, as makeshift windows, but most were from simple disrepair and poor construction. Looking around to make sure he wasn't being watched, he began to work the shoddy lock, listening out for any potential dangers and scanning his eyes over the crowd to make sure he didn't have any unwanted observers; after all, though it was morning there was still light.

Open Lock: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

I assume I can keep an eye on the crowd as I do this; picking a lock is entirely about physical feedback anyway so its not like I need to look at it as I do it.

Apologies if I've rushed past a plot point here, by the way :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-04, 05:23 PM
Well you did rush by a plot point but it's okay I like where this is headed more than what I had. I also assume you enter the house since that is the second part of breaking and entering.

You need hardly bother with the people outside. Everyone in this part of town keeps their cards close to their chest, and nobody cares if some house gets broken into. As long as it isn't their house they see no reason to risk some armed mook cutting their throat for being nosy.
As you take out your tools and set to work on the lock you realize that the door has been broken into many times and as such is missing a lock for you to pick. So you enter the house. Inside is even less impressive than the outside as many skittering insects swarm away from the sudden light in the dark room. Dust clings to the few broken pieces of furniture you see and piles of filth from the occasional squatter appear in the corners of the room you are in. There is a door to the right that leads to the kitchen and pantry if you remember correctly, and another door ahead that leads to the upstairs to the two bedrooms.

Sorry if I am taking a while to post multitasking slows me down.

2013-07-04, 06:02 PM
Cleaner than I remember Dante thinks to himself bitterly. Ugh. Why am I even here? This place...

Dante wonders about the house, half-heartedly looking for... what? What was he looking for? This place had obviously been in and out of the hands of various down-on their luck individuals and squatters over the 15 years he's been away from it. There is nothing for him here but a reminder; of a dead mother, and of the guild who saved him. The thought that perhaps the guild had more of an active role in her death than he thought flashed through his mind, but he quickly disregarded it. Not, interestingly, out of his faith that the guild would not do such a thing and more out of the knowledge that they had no need to. She was a junkie; she sold him. There was no reason to kill a woman who was doing such a fine job of killing herself anyway. Her word would count for nothing against them, because who would listen to a madwoman?

Why wasn't the woman I killed more like that? Why did they have to take a family; one that cared for one another? The street was filled with junkies, thugs and rapists. Filled with the bottom-feeding waste of society that did nothing but hurt the people around them; why weren't they the ones to be taken? Those were the kind of people whose deaths would make a worthy tally. There was no pride in killing a random civilian. When he had taken the lives of the two thugs in the bar, it had felt much more natural- more right, than the execution of the mother.

Well; I shall serve the cause in my own way. Shard doesn't need to know, and even if he did I doubt he would care. Anyway... it was a test, after all. It was supposed to be hard. Killing those thugs wasn't much of a test of will, after all. Perhaps the intent was to test our resolve; our targets may be people that look just as innocent as that woman. Such people are often skilled manipulators, after all. Still... Dante shook his head to clear the thoughts bubbling up in his mind, and strode out into the daylight once again. He would find those people, those bottom-feeders of society, and he would put his skills to use. He would continue his training and serve his role within the guild. He would become stronger, so that he may serve the cause more aptly. For now, at least, he would return to his quarters. He imagined Shard would have something to say to him; after all, the man was like a ghost. No doubt he'd heard of Dante's tussle at the bar, and even if he hadn't he'd probably have some new task for him to complete.

Yeah, I imagined you might have something planned for me but I couldn't really think of anything to do but hover around my room for a bit, so I figured; why not some character development? Dante's last sentiment pretty much covers me re-railing myself, as I imagine Shard probably has a job for me, and hunting crime is best done under cover of darkness.

2013-07-06, 03:38 PM
Timeskip to the plot
Back at his room Dante discovers a purse of gold and a note. The note reads:
Due to your upstanding performance at the latest training exercise you have been selected to graduate from initiate to a full member of the Guild. In the purse you will find 600 gold pieces to spend as you see fit. Once you are prepared, head to the address written at the bottom of this note. Congratulations and welcome Brother."

Below you find an address that seems to be located in the Merchant Quarter.

2013-07-06, 04:16 PM
Taking up the money, Dante heads towards the wealthier area of the town, searching for a high-end weapon dealership. After a bit of asking around, he locates one, and upon entering the store he immediately spots what he was looking for: resting on a wall bracket, is a beautifully crafted shortsword. Purchasing it, he then moves towards the adress provided to him by Master Shard.

Purchase one Masterwork Shortsword. If this isn't ok, let me know and I'll go through whichever steps I need to to acquire it. Don't have enough gold for two yet, so I'll go with dual wielding the shortsword with a dagger until I can get another thirtyish gold in pocket.

If needed: Gather Information: [roll0]

2013-07-06, 07:38 PM
If you are only 30ish gold off make it a buy two get one half off deal so you have 145gp left that you can just hold onto for now
You approach the location mentioned on the address. It is a stately manor house that must belong to an incredibly wealthy merchant. The Grounds are surrounded by a high iron fence and the garden leading up to the front door is filled with topiary animals both mundane and magical and flower gardens ring the house and fence in abundance. Before you even approach the gate a guard stationed there opens it for you and stands at attention.

Sorry if my posting becomes sporadic I have things going on IRL but I will try to keep it to at least one post a day.

2013-07-06, 07:58 PM
Dante nods once at the guard, and proceeds up the path towards the mansion.

Unless anything of note happens, he'll enter the mansion as well.
As for sporadic posting, thats fine :smallsmile:

2013-07-07, 10:48 PM
The inside of the mansion is just as luxurious and meticulously maintained as the outside. You have never seen so much opulence in one place before. It made you think of all the poor and desperate in the Poor district of your birth. How much did that vase cost? That painting? The massive marble fountain inlaid with gold accents? Just as you were thinking this Master Shard appears, "What do you think, nice right? You don't need to worry about living in that hovel anymore. You passed and are now a full member of the Guild, and, with a little more training, Kiara and Rick should make fine members too don't you worry. Now I'm sure you have many questions and would like to look around, but first I must insist that you head up to your room and change into your dinner attire. That should leave you a few hours to explore and sate your curiosity a servant shall act as your escort, and she shall be at your beck and call during your stay." Master Shard gives you a knowing wink and quickly leads you up to your room before departing.

Inside you see a room that matches the quality of the mansion. A king sized canopy bed with silk ebony curtains sits atop the plush imported carpet. A personal fireplace with a luxurious armchair and book case sits at one edge of the room. Beyond an open door opposite the entrance you can see a dojo with weapon racks for training, and opposite the fireplace is a doorway that appears to lead to a bathroom, but you can't see inside from where you are. Near the bed is a wardrobe with a chest and a dressing mirror that would allow you to see yourself from almost every angle. The wardrobe currently holds only a jeweled set of Courtier's clothes that seem to be about your size. Standing at the foot of the bed is a young woman approximately eighteen to nineteen years old dressed in servants garb. She is silent as you examine the surroundings but as you examine her she gives a picture perfect curtsy and introduces herself as Charlene.

Long post today thought I would give you a full description because I plan to have this place be used for a while go ahead and explore a bit but remember that Shard wants you dressed for dinner before you got there.

2013-07-10, 08:21 PM
Looking around for a moment at this sudden luxury, Dante takes everything in slowly.

So this is my new abode... interesting.

After a few seconds, he suddenly realises the presence of the young woman by his bed, and smiles warmly in greeting. "Well met, Charlene. I am Dante Cacciatore." He provides a shallow bow in greeting, before taking up the Courtier's clothes and redressing himself. As a matter of habit, he retains possession of one of his knives, leaving it strapped to his thigh beneath the clothing; moving around unarmed is an unwelcome and distinctly uncomfortable feeling. He examines his appearance in the mirror and frowns at the image returned to him; the clothing seems too extravagant.

Nontheless, it is a gift, and I do not claim to understand noble fashions.

Dante sighs quietly, and bids Charlene take good care of his equipment and armour. Having her there makes Dante feel slightly uncomfortable, and the thought of leaving his belongings to the discretion of another makes this discomfort grow even larger. Still, this is what master Shard bids, and so it must be assumed she can be trusted. Shard's wink raised questions of their own about the... purpose of his new servant. This would require some thought. "So, Charlene," Dante begins awkwardly, uncomfortable with whichever social rules dictated the interaction between master and servant, and even moreso at the thought of needing to apply them. "Tell me about this place."

Sorry for my reply taking so long; I thought I had already posted :smallbiggrin: came back to check, and... oops.

2013-07-13, 09:19 PM
"Greetings Master Cacciatore." Charlene says with a curtsy, "I hope that I may serve you to your satisfaction. To the public this place is known as Thimbledown Manor and supposedly belongs to a wealthy and seclusive family of merchants from abroad who hold this manor should they need visit the capitol. However, that is a fiction purported by the Guild to maintain our anonymity. In reality, the Guild is the sole owner of this establishment and uses it to it's purposes. The servants here were raised by the Guild in much the fashion I imagine you were though we were trained for different positions in the Guild. If there is anything specific about the manor to which you were curious I would be happy to tell you what I know." Her speech is elegant and well refined as though she were a noble, but her manner is as humble and as eager to please as what you imagine a servant would be. Although, until now you have not had reason to make acquaintance with many servants.

Sorry responsiveness may be limited because my laptop needed to get fixed it was nothing major just got a key from the keyboard knocked off but it is annoying. :smallsigh: I have been having to use a tablet for stuff with a touchscreen which makes it super difficult to type things. Will have my laptop back Tuesday so will be back to normal then. Sorry for the wait.

2013-07-15, 08:56 AM
"So all the servants, then, are raised by the Guild also. Hmm... and what is your opinion of our Guild, Charlene? And of our good master Shard?" She is no ordinary servant then, thought Dante to himself.

Thats fine :smallsmile: I actually have the same issue (ish)! The screen in mine has given out completely, and my replacement arrives tomorrow. technology woes.

2013-07-15, 09:14 PM
"The Guild is quite good to the servants here. As for Master Shard, well... a man of his talents is quite useful to the guild so some... 'allowances' must be made to keep such a man happy..." Charlene looks worried for a moment as though she had said something she shouldn't have then says, "It is nothing you need worry about master. Is there anything else you would like to ask? Or would you perhaps wish to have a tour of the grounds?"

2013-07-18, 12:12 PM
"Allowance, you say? Hmm. Well then, a tour of the grounds would be quite lovely Miss Charlene."

I'm back! New computer all sorted out :smallsmile:

2013-07-18, 08:34 PM
"Right this way then." Charlene says before leading you on a tour of the grounds.

The top floor (which is really the loft) holds the servants quarters. This is where Charlene can be found if she is not serving you. The rooms are about the quality of your old room in the poor district. Good for a single person but not extravagant.
The next floor down holds your room as well as other rooms in the east wing. In the west wing there is a library (with many maps of the city including many architectural blueprints of many of the notable homes and buildings in the city) and a study or reading room complete with cigars, pipes, and cozy chairs.
Down another floor is the ground floor which includes the entrance hall that you saw upon arriving and a vast decorated dining hall to in the east wing with the kitchens (where the servants eat) just beyond. In the west wing there is a ballroom that has a wall of windows showing the gorgeous pond and garden in the back yard of the estate which can be accessed by a large set of stained glass double doors.
Charlene mentions that there is also a wine cellar and a floor beneath that that servants are not allowed to enter.

"Well master that is about all we have time for dinner will be starting any minute now and it wouldn't do to be late." Charlene says as the tour is concluded.

Just then you hear a soft gong echo through the manor. "That is the dinner 'bell' you should hurry on your way," Charlene curtsies then runs off to eat.

2013-07-22, 05:11 PM
Dante offers his thanks to Charlene for the tour, and makes a mental note to study the maps in further detail when he has the chance. As for now, he heads to dinner to face Shard.


Still here! I've been abnormally busy these last few days helping some family members move house and I still haven't made the full transition to my new computer yet. I'll post as often as I can, which should hopefully be much more regularly after today! Thanks for bearing with me. :smallsmile: [SPOILER]

2013-07-22, 06:19 PM
You enter the dinning hall and are greeted by the aromas of fine cuisine. Roasted meats, pastries, and other delectable foods can be found across the many tables that fill the dining hall. Many others are taking their seats at tables and you assume them to be fellow guild members. Some appear to be common thugs while others would fit in with the city's creme de la creme. While you were taking in the sights and sounds of the room Master Shard sidles up next to you unnoticed and says, "Quite the place am I right? I am sure you will be quite happy here between missions, which we will talk about later. For now come join me and meet some of your brothers in arms while we dine." Master Shard leads you to a table with three occupants and you both take a seat, filling up the table. "Allow me to introduce you to Jorry, Sheen, and Regi." Jorry and Sheen nod as they are introduced, but Regi puffs up in indignation and says, "My name, Master Shard, is Reginald Heronus Boyle the Third and-"
"Oh shut it you overgrown peacock no one has time for that mouthful when there is food on the table." says Jorry before grabbing a drumstick off of some bird and sticking almost the whole thing in his mouth before pulling out the stripped bone. He crushes the bone and tosses it over one shoulder before picking off another drumstick in a manner that reminds you much of Rick. Reginald opens his mouth to speak, but instead huffs and helps himself to a delicate finger pastry. Sheen merely smiles at the exchange and takes a hearty meal of stew and buttered bread.

Jorry looks like a hulking brute with scars covering his arms and face and brown hair cut short in a crew cut. He also looks nearly comical in the courtiers clothes you are all wearing.
Sheen's midnight black hair goes stunningly with his black satin courtiers clothes covered in jet and black pearls. His features tend to not call attention to themselves and while he is handsome he is also easily forgettable.
Reginald is as handsome as Sheen but sticks out as much as Jorry. His outfit is customized in a cascade of colors that are on the verge of garishness making the peacock jab from Jorry seem strangely appropriate. However, Reginald wears it well and it seems quite natural for him to be dressed like that. His face has noble features with a strong jaw and high cheekbones, and you can tell that it can run a gambit of emotions judging by the very convincing pout displayed on it currently. His hair is a lustrous blond that falls in waves down to his shoulders.
Welcome back :smallsmile: what did you think about the campaign I mentioned in that PM I sent? Interested?

2013-07-22, 07:35 PM
I probably wouldn't mind picking it up when things ease off for me :smallsmile: One of the games I'm in have dropped off, so I'll have a bit more time on my hands- could you give me a bit more information on what sort of campaign it is? Just PM me with your ideas about the world/character/what sort of campaign you want it to be. No need for a full sheet, but I need a bit more info to get an idea of what you're looking for in the campaign, if that makes sense.

"I am Dante. Well met." he introduced himself, bowing his head slightly in greeting before helping himself to some food. What an odd group of people. You'd jhardly think from their behaviour that these people are the merchants of death, though I do suppose that is rather the point. I suppose these are my new comrades.

A thought coming to his mind suddenly, Dante speaks once more to Shard, "Will Rick and Kiara be joining us?"

2013-07-22, 09:12 PM
"Unfortunately I believe it will be a few months until Kiara and Rick can adequately complete their training and join us here so you will not see them for some time. But enough of that, try this wine it is simply divine." Master Shard smiles at his turn of phrase as he pours you a goblet of dark wine to drink.

2013-07-24, 08:12 PM
Nodding, Dante resumes his meal, taking a sip from the wine offered to him, and offers a general 'Well met" to those in his company.

I can't really think of anything else to say/do so feel free to move things on from here.

2013-07-26, 04:12 PM
After a wonderful if silent meal, many diners in the hall begin to drift away to their rooms and beds. Before you can join them however, Master Shard motions you and the others at the table to follow him. Together you travel through the wine cellar and into the area that Charlene said was forbidden. Inside there is a room with torches. Jorry and Sheen both take a torch and light them. Together all five of you descend a stairwell that leads down beneath the cellar. When you emerge there is a stone corridor leading to a door at the end of it. Instead of walking down it however, Master Shard and Regi each head to a wall and together push in a stone on both sides. A faint click is heard and then you all proceed down the corridor and into the room beyond the door.

Inside is a map table with a scale model of Gundamar. It is detailed enough that you can make out landmarks like the Prison to everyday places such as the store you bought your new weapons from. All of you take places around the table and Master Shard says, "Let us begin planning Dante's very first official mission for the Guild shall we? Your target is minor nobleman David Castrof a rising power in the city, but as of yet still approachable by one of your experience. He has chosen to make his residence here," Master Shard points to the map at a building that, while very close to the noble estates, still technically falls into the middle class portion of the city. "That is where you will find and kill him. Now I must be off, ask your brothers what you will. They are here to give you the benefit of their experience, but the kill is to be yours alone." With that Master Shard departs the chamber and leaves you with your brothers to formulate the death of David Castrof.

2013-07-30, 11:45 PM
Turning to speak to the others in the group, Dante asks "Do you know how often he leaves his home? How paranoid he is? It seems logical that he would be more vulnerable when outside the grounds of his estate, but some nobles are so concerned with their own safety that they will scarcely leave their house without a retinue of guards."

2013-08-02, 06:40 PM
Reginald frowns. "Unfortunately, Mister Castrof must be killed before he next leaves his abode. While not being a suspicious man and rarely traveling with armed escort the next time he leaves he will be quite heavily guarded and on his way to a meeting with fellow nobles that the Guild wishes him to never see. Thus, it is up to you to infiltrate his compound and kill David Castrof. How you do so is up to you, but you only have four days to complete this mission." He holds up his hands and shakes his head side to side before snapping his attention back to you and raising one hand in the air and another hand on his hip, "But fear not young Dante! For me and my fellows shall impart onto you all the knowledge and experience we have to share and with that knowledge you shall overcome any and all obstacles between you and your quarry!" Reginald finishes his speech with a theatrical bow.

At this point, Sheen speaks up and says, "What Regi is saying is that you need to either sneak, fight, or bluff your way inside and kill Castrof. Each of us specializes in a certain method and will tell you how we would manage the kill." Reginald gives Sheen a venomous look for stealing his spotlight before nodding glumly in agreement.

2013-08-03, 08:31 AM
Taking this information in, Dante nodded slowly before responding. "Four days then? Very well- I fear that my inexperience is such that I wouldn't know which questions to ask, so may I request each of you share in turn your expertise with me?"

2013-08-05, 06:24 PM
I'll be on holiday until the 13th of August, starting tomorrow evening, so I won't be able to post for a while; just a heads up in case you started wondering why I'd disappeared :smallbiggrin: