View Full Version : (M&M 2nd ed) question about alt powers and uncontrollable

2013-06-30, 06:03 PM
Let's say I have an alt power or a power in an array that's uncontrollable. Does it have a chance to go off whenever I'm not actively using the other powers? I'm lookin to make an npc who has colour control, but also partially real illusions that she creates subconsciously

The Rose Dragon
2013-06-30, 06:06 PM
Unless the Array itself is Uncontrollable, the character can control which power is active, and unless she deliberately chooses the Illusion power, she won't ever create unintended illusions.

However, since she is an NPC, and thus has no need to conserve power points, it is much more sensible to make Illusion a stand-alone power that shares the descriptors as the Color Control array.

2013-06-30, 06:09 PM
Unless the Array itself is Uncontrollable, the character can control which power is active, and unless she deliberately chooses the Illusion power, she won't ever create unintended illusions.

However, since she is an NPC, and thus has no need to conserve power points, it is much more sensible to make Illusion a stand-alone power that shares the descriptors as the Color Control array.

And how do I make it so that it only manifests when she's not focused? Like she can focus on painting with her color control, but when she let's her guard down the illusions start forming

The Rose Dragon
2013-06-30, 06:39 PM
It's Uncontrollable. Basically, it works as the GM wants it to work. If you are the GM, you can simply make it activate only when she doesn't use any other powers.

If it was a PC, you could create a 1-point Drawback that makes the Array default to Illusion on any round she doesn't use any other power in the Array, but since it's not, it's not really worth the trouble. It would take a lot of trouble to actually take advantage of the forced power selection anyway, and it is only worth the point when the Illusions themselves can get the character in trouble. Even then, it might be simpler to just say it's a Complication.