View Full Version : The Forgotten Tomb - IC

2013-06-30, 06:51 PM
Our story begins with the sun rising over the horizon, illuminating a vast arid landscape. The only diversity to the landscape for miles is a circle of tents surrounding a scattering of liquor bottles and burning embers from a camp fire. Near the site, a number of arrows protruded from the ground within the vicinity of an unharmed bag of sand proudly wearing the marks of an archery target. The Rijor mountains can be seen off to the north where the legendary cave of souls is thought to reside.

The party had decided to camp out within a few hours walk of the mountains to be well rested for the day ahead and to avoid being stumbled upon by roaming goblins. They had been hired by a nearby village to investigate and run off a number of goblins which had been seen in the area near the mountains. Rumor has it that they were returning after being run off decades ago.

The party was nervous, this was the first paying gig they have ever been offered. They had even embellished about their previous accomplishments to win the contract. It was true that they had done battle and sunk a pirate ship off the coast of Eliner if you expanded the definition of "pirate ship" to include an unmanned fishing ship which had been improperly docked and set adrift by a midnight storm, and if you thought of "doing battle" as getting drunk and accidentally setting fire to the rigging.

They had thought ahead to allow themselves time in the morning to leisurely prepare for the rest of the journey.

2013-06-30, 10:22 PM
After 8 hours of sleep, Belor awakens, gets up, stretches, washes his face with water and spends the next 15 minutes concentrating to recover his spell slots.

After he's done with that he pulls out a hip flask half-filled with whiskey and takes a long swig. He does this for a few seconds until he runs out. He then casts Prestidigitation and with it he proceeds to clean his clothes, his teeth and his flask.

He then takes a moment to appreciate the landscape.

"What a beautiful day to risk our lives in a possibly suicidal way," he comments.

2013-06-30, 10:22 PM
Vindu gathered his equipment and belongings and crawled out of his tent, at the break of dawn. Stoking the fire and setting a pot off tea to boil he went to practice his stances, saying to his allies, who were still shuffling in their tents, "I have some tea set to boil, feel free to have yourself a glass." He moved to an open space behind the tents and began to ready himself for the day.

Vindu readies the following maneuvers:
- Burning Blade
- Distracting Ember
- Shadow Blade Technique
- Wolf Fang Strike

The stances available to him
- Child of Shadow
- Flame's Blessing

15 minutes later, when he finished his practice and meditation, he returned his tent and packed his belongings. He joined the others at the fire and began to sharpen his rapier using his whetstone. "When I am finished here, I will be ready to begin our walk towards this rumoured Cave of Souls. It's sounds like as good of a place as any to, as Belor said, 'to risk our lives in a possibly suicidal way.' What do you three know of it?"

Knowledge History Check: Cave of Souls/Tomb of the Goblin King

Used .1 lbs of black tea leaves.
Using Whetstone provides a +1 cicumstance bonus to damage on next foe hit with rapier.

King Ri-Ri
2013-06-30, 10:33 PM
Ricky Bobby takes a head count of the animals he brought with him

"First, my dogs, who is awake?" Dollin? Dollin replys with a bark. "Good, now Roger and Phifer. where are you?" The two bark in unison. "Uh huh. Mugsy?" Mugsy give a light growl to show displeasure at having to wake up. "Oh stop being a bitch. Now where's Boris?" A Donkey brays "Ah so you are awake. Now all that's left is Mr. Kitty." He looks down to see a leopard staring at a tasty gnome. "You know that you can't have anymore gnomes. It gives you terrible gas."

2013-07-01, 11:22 PM
Tiresias smoothed the wrinkles out of zir kilt, shaking zir head.

"All I know for sure is that there's a paycheck at the end of it."

Zie smirked, checking the contents of zir bags--not to make sure nothing was missing so much as to make sure nothing had invited itself inside. No one wants to reach for a wand and find a centipede instead. Satisfied that there were no unexpected visitors, Tiresias pulled the drawstrings on zir bags shut.

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-03, 05:01 PM
"We can always ask the towns people. Plus knowing where in the mountains would be nice. Lets ask the leader of this town" Ricky Bobby says as he puts on his armor and gear.

"Ready When y'all are."

Ricky Bobby looks around and notices that they are nowhere near town.

"By my buxom deity's bosom! What happened to the town?"

2013-07-03, 08:09 PM
Belor checks his backpack, refills his hip flask, pulls out some rations and starts eating them. "I'm not sure my studies could shed some light on this Cave of Souls, but let me try to remember something...

Just in case -
Knowledge Arcana - [roll0]
Knowledge Dungeoneering - [roll1]

"At any rate, I'm ready to go whenever too."

Upon hearing Ricky Bobby's outburst, Belor opens his mouth, pauses and then closes it. Note to self: upon mastering the arcane arts, research a divination to remember how it was I ever met this man.

Belor decides to go along with the outburst. "The town! By Cayden's half-filled mug, did I get us lost again? Is this going to be like the incident with the hallway?"

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-03, 08:26 PM
Ricky Bobby stares at Belor for a moment. He replies in a somber tone,

"I thought we agreed to never speak of the hallway again."

2013-07-03, 08:48 PM
Belor gasps, freezes for a moment, then covers his mouth with his hand. He hangs his head in genuine shame. He should have thought his words through. While still looking down, slighly hunched over, Belor puts a hand on his hip and another covering his face, his body language clearly indicating regret and a desire to move on.

Why do people insist on making each other suffer? Is nothing sacred? "...I am so sorry."

2013-07-03, 09:56 PM
Vindu sheathed his now sharpened rapier, and stowed the rest of his equipment, except for a ration bar. Taking a bite he moved over to Belor and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. The hallway deserved it.

"Let me and Tiresias don our armor, and we can go. Just leave the tents up for the trip back to the town. We'll discuss whatever it is that we remember about our destination on our way over." Having said this, Vindu returned to his tent and donned his studded leather armor.

A minute later he returned from the tent and made final preparations for his equipment. Ready to leave, he entered his favorite stance, Child of Shadow. Dark shadowy energy swirled around him as he munched on his granola and elderberries.

Child of Shadow's effect: When a character moves at least 10 ft. in a round, they gain concealment against all melee and ranged attacks.

2013-07-04, 07:48 PM
Tiresias ducked back into the tent to don zir Chain Shirt armor, re-emerging a few minutes later. Zie adjusted zir weapons for comfort, took a moment to tighten zir bootstraps, and brushed zir hair back.

"Ready when you are."

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-04, 08:25 PM
"Then by the Double D Doorknobs of my Deity, let us go to the Cave of Souls!"

Ricky Bobby, taking his animals with him, leads his companions to the Cave of Souls.

2013-07-04, 09:30 PM
"Let us go forth then." Belor then begins walking in the opposite direction of the mountains, unless someone corrects him, as usual.

Upon being corrected, he follows his companions to the Cave of Souls, shaking his head at his lack of direction.

2013-07-04, 09:59 PM
Vindu nodded and moved to the front of the group. "I'll take the lead and do my best to look for any incoming threats."

For all his experience traveling, Vindu was not the most entertaining companion for long walks or journeys. During his life, he had already taken longer trips by himself, and rarely felt the need to tell stories, tell jokes, or anything that would keep a lively mood. Vindu simply moved with his eyes forward and a hand on his scabbard.

2013-07-07, 09:52 PM
The party gathers up their belongings and leave their tents unattended in the wilderness, perhaps hoping that when the town comes back they will decide to have the sheets cleaned for their brave heroes.

Vindu takes the lead with his eyes vigilant for any disturbance. This is easy due to the (almost intentionally) featureless landscape. He walked in such a way to keep a hand on every weapon and an eye in every direction. This gave him a look (to some omnipotent bystander) of a kitten which has ventured outside for the first time. (You don't need to say anything to be entertaining).

Belor walked with the kind of unflinching confidence which caused others to follow him into adventure all his life. Soon he was corrected and continued to walk confidently, but in the right direction.

Sadako having pragmatically donned zir armor began walking after Belor. After zie had zer hair brushed zer hair blew irritatingly into zer eyes. Perhaps zie had left zer hair clips in zer tent after zer un-restful night sleep.

Finally Ricky Bobby finally having recovered from his traumatic conversation about the hallway and having wrangled his dogs (and donkey) follows up the rear with Dollin following up his rear.

They walk in this fashion for some undetermined period of time during which they montage over their conversations with the townsfolk. They had learned that this area near the mountains had been growing more dangerous over the last several years as goblins began to wander back into the area. A warrior told you that those goblins that had been captured purported to be in search of the cave of souls. An old scholar type in the town informed you that the actual location of this cave had been lost long ago, so no one, not even the goblins really know where it is.

The party does not know the exact location of the cave of souls, because no one does. This is disheartening because the quest they have takes place there. They all feel mildly disheartened at this fact as they walk directly towards and eventually arrive at the area just outside the cave of souls.

Our heroic party then stops to gather together before the turn which would lead to the entrance of the cave. The camera zooms in close as they discuss.

2013-07-07, 10:22 PM
The party is surrounded by short bushes and high treetops. This covering would make it difficult to spot any approaching threats, although the party is confident that they were not seen entering this area. They might be able to use this covering or perhaps the giant mountainous stone bit of mountain to cover an attempt to gather more information about the mouth of the cave without being seen.

Vindu recaps an old history lesson he took at a community college. The Goblin King was in fact king of the goblins. He attained this position by being stronger than any other goblin. It is also said that he was buried in the cave of souls with several of his strongest followers. (They weren't dead yet, but the history book did not seem to care.)

Belor also recalls some pertinent information. Light radiates off of him as he concentrates on his knowledge of all things magic. The earth shakes as his brain muscles flex to accommodate this new request. After several moments of this, he looks up at his party again, and retrieves the page from the quest PDF which outlines all the abilities of the Goblin king and the goblin heroes buried near him. Belor also understands that the goblins would likely try to raise the dead given the chance. They once performed the ritual in another cave they thought to be the cave of souls, but instead raised a cat from a pile of bear droppings which they used to make a really nice stew. It was eaten by the townspeople that killed them.

Lore also has it that the cave was sealed off. That's why it's so damned hard to find. (go dungeoneering!)

moments are passed as the crisp pages are passed around the group.

2013-07-07, 11:14 PM
Vindu raised a hand to the party, telling them to stop. "I'll check and see what's waiting for us around this corner. Try and keep an eye on me and I'll give you a signal for when to follow me."

The swordsage moved 15 ft. around the corner, drawing his rapier into his right hand, looking to see what awaited them at the mouth of the cave that they apparently knew was there without looking around the corner.

Stealth Check: [roll0]
(if one is necessary) Perception Check: [roll1] minus any penalties for distance from hiding targets

2013-07-07, 11:38 PM
Belor retrieves the pages without questioning the logic of it. As he looks them over, he is immensely glad that as a force effect, Magic Missile hits even incorporeal targets.

Realizing they were about to enter the cave, he expends a spell slot to cast Mage Armor.

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-08, 12:54 PM
Ricky Bobby Draws Great sword in anticipation for Vindu's signal.

2013-07-08, 08:09 PM
Tiresias, slightly confused by who this 'Sadako' person is and idly wishing that the English language had a better, less arbitrarily constructed gender-neutral pronoun (perhaps one with fewer 'z's), draws zir crossbow and takes the opportunity to load it.

2013-07-12, 10:47 PM
For good measure, Belor pulls out his crossbow and loads it as well. He then eagerly waits for Vindu's signal, no matter how long it might take.

2013-07-13, 01:13 PM
As Vindu peers around the corner, he notices first the gaping mouth of the cave. Light fades quickly into darkness so he is unable to see far into the cave. His perceptive eyes do notice a number of tracks leading through the entrance. This cave has obviously been frequented recently. There are tracks appearing to belong to a small bipedal creature and larger prints which are obviously not bipedal. Also he does this all relatively quietly.

2013-07-13, 03:12 PM
Vindu looked over the bushes, and deciding that all was clear began to move back to the others. There were tracks leading through the entrance, and not all would be the footsteps of whatever goblinoid or worse creatures might be waiting in there. Vindu strolled back through the bushes, to relay this information back to the party, leaving his rapier drawn.

He was a tad shocked when he came across his companions with all their weapons drawn and loaded, looking like they were about to charge around the corner. "You can calm yourselves. No one awaits us at the caves entrance.

He gave them a minute before he continued. "However, there are clearly some creatures that move through the entrance or guard it. Some are probably humanoids, and the others are not bipedal. I would guess goblins and goblin dogs, but I can confirm my suspicions by looking at those pages later," he said, pointing at the pages of monster information in Belor's hands.

"For now, how do we want to deal with the situation? We could try to set up an ambush outside the cave, or we could try to move forward and straight at whatever guards are waiting for us.

"What say you?"

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-13, 03:25 PM
Returning to ease, Ricky Bobby ponders on the next course of actions. He replies,

"I think we should enter the cave. If there are guards inside, they will hear an ambush out here. If we remove them it would give us time to observe the area in the event that something is returning. Although I doubt this seeing as it is morning. Any thing venturing out of the cave at night will have already returned and anything venturing during the day will most likely not be returning soon."

2013-07-13, 04:43 PM
"We should move forward. Preparing an ambush is too risky, and there is no guarantee that they will exit anytime soon. It would be best to set our own pace and attack when they have no reason to expect it."

2013-07-15, 12:41 AM
"If we are to move forward, I could send a summoned creature ahead as a distraction," Tiresias says, zir crossbow resting on zir shoulder, "Could help give us an advantage...not to mention an extra set of fangs and claws."

2013-07-17, 11:24 AM
"I'd rather have Malirith than some fiendish pony today, Tiresias."

Responding to the groups decision to go in swords swinging, Vindu has another question for them about their strategy for going into the cave. "Well if we're going to charge through the entrance, who should go first? The way I see it, it should either be Malirith and Bobby, or Tiresias and Belor at the lead. Obviously Bobby and Malirith could lay the hurt on any guards we might find, but it might be a good idea to try and get the drop on them with some magic from Tiresias and Belor."

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-17, 01:18 PM
Ricky Bobby steps forward striking a noble and heroic pose.

"It is the paladins duty to to protect his allies in the face of danger. I shall go first, for I am protected by the gargantuan goombas of my goddess. Let no goblin get past my mighty swing, protruding pompoms of my protector!"

2013-07-17, 05:27 PM
Our group of heroes deliberated with weapons drawn and felt firm in their resolve that they would in fact enter the cave.

The wind blew softly over our heroes as would a child's breath would over an unsuspecting ant.

Leaves fell slowly.

2013-07-18, 06:22 PM
"Yeah, and I mostly hide behind endless waves of summoned mooks and my Eidolon. Let's let Ricky go ahead," Tiresias says. "And if we're going that route, then it might be time for me to bring out my giant schlange."

The leaves fall in peace,
Soon to be crushed beneath a
Giant summoned snake.

2013-07-18, 06:45 PM
Seeing that Belor was still contemplating on his second question, Vindu decided to take this time to look over the sheets of information on the monster they might face. He didn't know most of the creatures, except for the goblins. That said, they all seemed relatively easy to identify based on their names and the equipment (if any) that they carried.

"Before we go in, we might as all take a quick look at these sheets. I'm sure we could all gleam something about the enemies we're going to face from them. I'll apparently want to punch the skeletons and this 'Ochre Jelly' instead of trying to stab them with my rapier."

Looking through the list some more, he continued. "I have no idea what to do with this 'Shade,' though. Do we have any way to seriously hurt an enemy that can't be hurt with normal weapons?"

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-18, 09:07 PM
"That depends on what this 'Shade' is. If it is undead, surely the power of the Eternal Rose's Radiant Rack will aid us in 'smiting evil'. Of course, it would probably be best if we do not arouse it from it's slumber. Even dead goblins deserve some piece."

2013-07-18, 11:22 PM
Belor nods at Vindu's question. "Magic Missile works on just about everything. But I agree with Ricky Bobby, not disturbing the dead might be a better option overall. I mean," he says as he imagines himself blasting all manner of undead back to wherever they come from while claiming all their treasures, "it's not like we'd either enjoy or benefit from it."

2013-07-18, 11:57 PM
Vindu is relieved by his companions confidence that they can face this "Shade," or at at least avoid it. It's time they headed into the cave and faced whatever was there. "Well then, enough dwelling on what awaits us, who says we face it? We'll follow you Bobby."

Vindu focused himself on maintaining his stance and began to move around the corner.

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-20, 12:25 PM
"Then by my idol's incredible igloos, let us enter." Bobby takes the lead as he and his animals start heading towards the mouth of the cave.

2013-07-20, 09:07 PM
Vindu slowed his pace, moving himself behind Ricky Bobby, as they approached the cave entrance. Looking back behind him, Vindu saw that Belor, Tiresias and Malirith were still behind the rock.

Vindu quickly returned back to the other side of the corner, and waved at his friends, while chiding them to come forward. C'mon guys, get moving. What are you waiting for, some sign from whatever being gave us those pages of monster information? Let's go."

Vindu turned back around and caught up with Ricky Bobby.

2013-07-21, 11:30 AM
Belor follows Vindu swiftly, crossbow ready, spells as well. "No worries, just keep moving."

2013-07-22, 08:47 PM
A rune appears on Tiresias's forehead as a massive, otherworldly serpent materializes next to zir.

"Let's do this," zie says, as Malirith slithers forward, joining the front line.

2013-07-25, 12:29 PM
The crew of courageous adventurers proceeded loudly towards the cave. Upon reaching the entrance they fell into a formation allowing two of them to walk side by side into the small mouth of the cave. The light became incredibly scares as they continued forward and the outside light fell far behind them.

As they continued forward, the party came to a slightly larger area where two large hunching figures lay in wait. The party almost took them for large boulders at first, except for their slight movements.

The party slid to a halt and their eyes slowly adjusted to the new light. When they were finally able to see the figures they noticed that they appeared to be giant Beatles with many legs. They were sitting in the center of the room perched on their hindmost legs and were apparently playing a complex game of patty cake with their top legs.

The party now proceeded to do stuff.

2013-07-25, 12:50 PM
Vindu whispered back to his teammates, "Would someone like to provide some light? Even my eyes can only see so well."

2013-07-25, 01:25 PM
Belor carefully takes out his Everburning Torch and passes it to Vindu.

"I can generate more Light if you want," he whispered back.

2013-07-25, 01:46 PM
Vindu lights the everburning torch, carrying it in his off hand. "No no. A torch should be fine for most of us. You're the one who has the most trouble in the dark around here." Vindu looked around some more, and only seeing the beetles, decided to keep walking.

"The beetles are interesting, but they're not why were here. So... let's keep moving," Vindu said with a shrug.

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-25, 03:56 PM
Takes out his torch, lights it, and attaches it to Boris. "I agree with Vindu. They are not the true villains here. Let them live under the shade of Shelyn's shakers in peace." replied Ricky Bobby. He continues forward, carefully avoiding the beetles.

Items used:
1 Torch

2013-07-27, 10:43 PM
The heroes continued forward with the intention of bypassing the oddly behaving Beatles. There may have even been an eye roll for whatever mad being would have ordained such a peculiar situation.

When they came along side the Beatles, in a completely unsuspected turn of events, the Beatles attacked. The Beatles simultaneously spun towards the group of adventurers and performed a quick series of complex maneuvers. One did a double back flip followed by a number of jabs which could barely be tracked by the eye. The second produced a pair of numb chucks which flew into motion and were passed between 6 arms and flew wildly, yet with perfect precision, around the Beatle. After finishing, the first held out one leg and pivoted it in an angry motion beckoning you to 'bring it on'. The second made a sound which none of the party would hope to understand, but which could be translated most closely in common to "Let's get em' Ringo!".

The Beatles now having reached the limit of their training, dropped their accoutrements, fell on all legs, and attacked like the nearly mindless animals they were.

See OOC thread for instructions

Also note that the numb chucks dissipated, never to be seen again.

2013-07-28, 01:03 AM
The adventurers took a moment to heat some popcorn and enjoy the show. This would be a good story to tell at the next adventurers clubhouse meeting.

Divinity must have smiled upon the party by granting Vindu such a poor sense of humor. He became bored with the show mid way through, grabbed Dollin who looked like he needed to stretch, and left the half circle of bean bag chairs to venture to the food bags looking for some prune juice and his most recent copy of Senior Living.

As they turned, they came to face a group of goblins who were quietly pushing open a secret door to a side passage on the opposite side of the room as the Beatles were performing. It was this group of goblins which had spent months training the Beatles to play patty cake and martial arts, for just this situation. It is true that goblins were not bright. Dollin gave a doggie grin as if to say "I see what you did there".

The first goblin raised one of his short spears and threw at Dollin presumably misunderstanding the doggie smile as an insult.

Roll to Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Plus Strength: +3

Note also that the room suddenly reoriented in size as if a being of undecernable intelligence determined that this room may have been a little too small for 13 combatants.

2013-07-28, 01:33 AM
Current Health: 26 wounds, 14 vigor
Vindu recognized the danger and dropped the torch in his off hand. His combat experience up to now gave him the presence of mind to replace it with his kukri. Seeing that the most lightly armored goblin had yet to act, Vindu charged past Boris and tried to attack him with his rapier.

As he moved, the shadows swirling around him, cloaking his form to those who would wish to reprise him for his actions.

The enemy was not hidden by Vindu's rapier. It flew from the shadows that swirled about him and through the leather than the goblin was wearing. It struck into his gut, rupturing arteries, piercing organs, and blasting through the back of the goblin, and then repeating the process when Vindu pulled back the blade.

Only the goblins could make out the twisted grin that formed on Vindu's face, while he grimaced from the pain in his wounded gut. Vindu loved battle, and thought he was pretty good at it.

Vindu does a standard action charge, moving 15 ft. (3 squares) to his right.

Normal attack:
Attack: [roll0] (+2 to attack for charge) CRIT THREAT
Damage: [roll1]

Effect of Charge: +2 to Attack, -2 to AC. AC 18 until his next turn
Effect of Stance: Vindu has moved 10 feet this round, granting him concealment (20% miss chance) until the start of his next turn.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Total damage 11


2013-07-28, 04:58 AM
The lightly armored goblin black blade retrieves some reading glasses and looks over your acting suggestions. He smiles and shakes his head slightly pointing out that they had set a trap for you and therefore must have been aware of your presence. He points towards his feet to show you their full form.

He does play along taking a few of your suggestions and 5 damage. He even lets out a quiet wail for your benefit. He tactfully omits the portions pertaining to organ rupturing.

He holds this pose for a pause to allow Dollin to perform his lines.

2013-07-28, 05:12 PM
The Goblin Blackblade was actor enough to admit when he was wrong. After carefully reviewing the script and comparing against his feet, he discovered that he was indeed flat-footed. This was quite embarrassing for him, however he moved his hand over the front of his face letting the expression drain, and resetting the scene. He then preformed the most perfect rendition of Vidnu's script the party could have imagined. He even went so far as to rupture a number of internal organs and let them ooze from his newly created chest wounds.

The gurgling noise which was produced vocally was awful, and satisfying for Vindu. The Blackblade never broke character again, although it his eyes twinkled slightly as if he had secretly enjoyed performing the skit the way Vindu had written, though he would never admit it.

All now looked to Dollin.

King Ri-Ri
2013-07-28, 06:14 PM
Unsure of who attacked him, Dollin returns the favor by attacking the second goblin warrior.

Attack- Bite: [roll0]

In case of success:
Damage: [roll1]

In case of critical:
confirm: [roll2]


Total Crit damage: 7

Effect of Charge -2 AC for charging

2013-07-31, 06:39 PM
Dollin rushed forward, foaming at the mouth, with a vicious doggie grin on his face. The goblin warrior was not prepared for the force of the animal slamming him in the chest, and only barely managed to move his arm into the path of a bite aimed at his neck. He had manages to avoid the worst of the attack, but came away with a largish wound trailing blood down his arm.

4 damage to warrior goblin 2

2013-08-01, 11:25 PM
Pippin heard his queue and acted swiftly. He was however cornered. He had not expected the pray to notice them, or if they had not to be so quick to the draw. He was now blocked in on both sides by his larger companions and in front by one of the quicker of the pray. The path behind him had magically disappeared due some divine laziness.

He therefore was forced to act in close combat, which he hated. He attacked the large figure blocking him in with his short sword.

Roll to hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

In case of Crit threat: needs 19 to threat
Roll to Confirm: [roll2]
Damage X2

2013-08-01, 11:31 PM
The blow missed Vindu completely and swung wild. Pippin would make a note of this as a pretty poor beginning to the performance, but he had always been tenacious, and he vowed to do better.

2013-08-01, 11:46 PM
"Frodo hurt. Frodo angry! Frodo kill large mean rat!!"

Frodo grab short spear and poke at rat.

2013-08-01, 11:47 PM
Then Frodo attacked.

Roll to hit: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

natural 20 required to crit threat
Roll to confirm: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

Dollin takes a spear to the back (and 5 damage). His doggie eyes fill with pain, but he is a tough old dog and is not ready to quit yet. He quickly rallies even as the blood drips over his side and down his hind leg.

2013-08-05, 06:27 PM
Tiresias takes aim with zir crossbow at Frodo. Ze doesn't stand for animal cruelty.

Roll to hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit threat on 19 and 20
Roll to confirm crit: [roll2]
Additional damage: [roll3]

2013-08-09, 08:46 PM
The missile missises the target completely. sadly Frodo is allowed to continue his life of animal abuse.

King Ri-Ri
2013-08-09, 09:30 PM
Mr. Kitty charges beetle 2. At the last minute, he pounces at the beetle and latches its jaw onto it, while swiping furiously. Basically something like this but they are both still grappled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbBlYfTbA44

Charge effect: +2 attack, -2 AC
Special Abilities being used : Pounce, Grab, Rake

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Confirm Crit: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Claw 1: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Confirm Crit: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]

Claw 2: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Confirm Crit: [roll10]
Crit damage: [roll11]

If bite attack successful:

Grab (against CMD): [roll12]

If Grab Successful:

Rake-Claw 1: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Confirm Crit: [roll15]
Crit damage: [roll16]

Rake-Claw 2: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]

Confirm Crit: [roll19]
Crit damage: [roll20]

Current AC for Round: Ac = 13, Touch = 12, Flat Footed = 9

Now in square SE of beetle 2

2013-08-11, 04:00 PM
It has been said that "your cat is a psychopath". This is because after nightfall, your cat will usually wander around in the dark on a murderous spree. If you were not previously a believer, witnessing this event would leave you shaken.

Mr. Kitty's eyes lit up with glee and as the Beatles began moving. He immediately produced carefully concealed razor blades which glinted in the low light (due to still being covered in popcorn butter), and without a moments hesitation leapt with full force towards the nearest Beatle. Mr. Kitty latched onto the poor animals jugular with his fangs and as they both rolled all could be seen was a whorl of claws and blood.

The Beatles antenna jittered around in a native phrase which could only be translated as "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away".

This was the happiest Mr. Kitty had been sense Ri-Ri had once been distracted by a group of bears and Mr. Kitty had been able to kill his horse.

The Beatle was not previously a believer in the phrase "your cat is a psychopath", and is therefore now shaken.

He also takes 24 damage.

2013-08-11, 04:38 PM
The first goblin warrior decided to attack the fast man who attacked his friend. He quickly did some mental math. He had thrown his first spear already. But he had a second one. But he couldn't grab it out yet. If he tried, the fast man would probably attack him. If he stepped 5 feet to draw he would no longer be able to attack. The reduction in damage from his spear to his fists would be at most 2 points, and it would take him close to 8 rounds for to make up the average damage with a spear if he lost this round, however given that he was in the first chamber, he probably would not live that long. He liked math, what if he had missed his 2:00 train from New York to Ebberon which would be traveling 55 MPH or 88.5KMH. Could he run to the train in time?

He decided he could not, got frustrated, and attempted to hit Vindu with his shield.

Vindu's 20% miss chance
misses on a 1 through 20.

Roll to hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If Crit: 20 required
Roll to hit: [roll3]
Plus 2 damage straight to wounds.

2013-08-11, 04:39 PM
Sam felt poorly about missing his target, took a 5 foot step out of combat and drew his spear.

2013-08-11, 05:13 PM
Current Health: 26 wounds, 14 Vigor
Vindu quickly scanned the situation, and remembering what the goblin warriors' abilities, namely that they were hard to hit and could hit him pretty easily, decided to make life a little bit easier by drawing away from them.

However, when stepped to the west, the warrior to his right followed right along with him. As the shadows that swirled around him began to die down, he awkwardly delivered a line that he thought was clever when he thought it up that morning.

"Well, when life gives you lemons, use shadow blade technique to destroy them for revenge!"

Vindu weaved his weapon in an ornate matter, it's energies flowing to create a shadowy double complete with it's own deadly rapier. Vindu and the shadowly duplicate dove in to strike at the warrior.

As the warrior dodged the shadowy blade Vindu took the opening and stabbed his rapier into the warrior, only barely missing a vital artery. He cursed himself for wasting such an opportunity, but still felt joy when he realized he position the warrior had placed himself in.

"Malirith, flank this goblin with Dollin!"

*DM approved the movement of the warrior via message before I posted my action.*

Shadowblade Technique: As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack against an opponent. Unlike on a normal attack, you roll 2d20 and select which of the two die results to use. If you use the higher die result, resolve your attack as normal. (Your mystic double misses, but your true attack might hit.) If you use the lower die result, or if both die results are the same, your attack deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage as both the mystic double’s attack and your true weapon strike home.
Attack Roll 1: [roll0] <- I choose to use the crit threat.
Attack Roll 2: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Cold Damage: [roll3]

If Crit:
Confirm: [roll4] <- No Confirmed crit this time, though.
Damage: [roll5]
+2 Wounds Damage

The attack deals 7 damage to warrior 1

Free: 5 ft. Step
Standard: Shadow Blade Technique Maneuver

*AC back to 20
*No longer has 20% concealment

2013-08-14, 12:31 AM
A glint in Malirith's eye indicated that Vindu's command was understood. Scales hissed across the floor as it maneuvered to flank the goblin and, fangs bared, launched itself at the foe. With any luck, goblin would be on the menu tonight.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit on Natural 20
Confirm: [roll2]
Extra Damage: [roll3]

If attack is successful, grapple check as a free action to see if Constrict happens:

Combat Maneuver Check: [roll4]
If successful, Goblin is Grappled and takes damage equal to the Bite attack
Damage: [roll5]

2013-08-15, 07:12 PM
Snake may go hungry tonight.

King Ri-Ri
2013-08-15, 10:48 PM
Dollin seeking revenge, attacks warrior 2 with a bite, but misses the goblin. Clearly his injuries are getting the better of him.

Flanking with Marilith: +2 to attack

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

King Ri-Ri
2013-08-15, 11:22 PM
Phifer, seeing Mr. Kitty entangled with a beetle, decides to join in the fray. she moves around Mr. Kitty ending up South West beetle 2. She then bites at it's vital areas. Sadly, Phifer's spunk couldn't helper hit the vitals of the beetle. Her little head could not get throught the entangled bodies of her friend and her foe.

Called Shot (Vitals): -5 to attack

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

on success:
target sickened for [roll2] rounds and can not run or charge (Successful fort save reduces it by 1 round)

if critical:
Crit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] Con Damage

on succecsful crit: sickened for [roll5] minutes instead of rounds and target is nauseated for [roll6] rounds (Successful fort save negates nauseated)

2013-08-18, 11:22 PM
Pippin felt like it was once again time to display his prowess. As you know, there is no telling if there are any directors in the audience, and scrying productions were becoming popular. Not to mention, he hated this venue. He was tired of playing back seat to the Beatles.

He quoted one of his favorite lines from "The Angry Goblin" and attacked Dollin.

In case you were wondering, You will not see the lines from "The Angry Goblin" because my keyboard doesn't have goblin characters, and also because I am lazy.

Roll to hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Critical Damage (19 required)
Damage [roll2]

Dolin gets caught by the blade as it swings (in perfect form). This is a bad day to be a dog.

2013-08-21, 06:43 PM
Belor stays still for a few moments before he realizes that the group is under attack, and then quickly starts speaking arcane words and moving his hands in the general direction of the goblins.

"You bitches, suffer the wrath of a PETA-sympathizer!"

And from Belor's fingertips sprung two powerful purple blasts of force, which hit both goblins which were already hurt.

Magic Missile time!
[roll0] (Against Blackblade)
[roll1] (Against Warrior 2)

2013-08-31, 01:57 AM
The last beetle standing yawns and trudges forward towards Ricky Bobby. He lazily looks Ricky Bobby over.. for Chocolate. Or Chips. The Beatle had a serious case of the munchies. He decided that Ricky Bobby's pack looked promising.

The Beatle nudged forward against Ricky Bobby which given his size was roughly like Vindu's mom falling over. It hit with a mighty force.

Roll to hit: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] (bludgeoning)

This Hits.

2013-08-31, 04:26 PM
Frodo hurt. Bad man attack Frodo. Frodo monolog about how hard Frodo's life is. Frodo hit bad man. Plot probably on Frodo's side.

Attacks Vindu.

Roll to hit (short spear): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit on 20
Roll to confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

King Ri-Ri
2013-09-05, 04:38 PM
Not phased by the Beetle's attack, Ricky Bobby takes a five foot step to the south. He then lays his hands upon himself and allows Shelyn's light flow through him. He then strikes at his attacker with great power while screaming: "I will sex you so smoothly".

Lay On Hands: Heal [roll0] points

Power Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

King Ri-Ri
2013-09-05, 04:58 PM
Roger, faithful to his master, followed him south and attacked Ricky Bobby's assailant.

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

King Ri-Ri
2013-09-05, 05:14 PM
Mugsy, ready to fight, moves toward the black blade and strikes.

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]