View Full Version : The Land of the Iron Sails [Campaign Journal]

2013-06-30, 10:02 PM
Hello GitP.
Herein is set forth a recount of my latest campaign that started this Friday.
Weekly updates are likely going to be the norm.
Though, it being summer and all, that may change at points
But, that being said, I hope you enjoy.
Welcome, my friends, to a land of adventure, intrigue and excitement.
The exotic island states of The Land Of The Iron Sails.

NOTE: We are starting at level 10.

NOTE 2: First Session (Which happened on friday, should be up today or tomorrow)

The Setting:
The Land of the Iron Sails (Properly known as Kathadar) in a collection of islands to the far west of Terrenanda (Another continent from previous campaign [This campaign takes place several years before the events of the past one{Feel free to check out my previous campaign journal, though it is unfortunately incomplete}])
It was once ruled by a single sultan, the Great Sultan Ast'iin. However, just over 10 years ago, the great sultan passed away. In his will, he declared that the land would be ruled by whichever of his four sons was the most worthy. Now, of course, each of the sons considered themselves to be the most worthy, and fought angrily over who would take the throne. After realizing they were at an impasse, the sons agreed to divide the islands amongst themselves, leaving the large central island of JaAnsha [Capitalization is correct] as a neutral territory. The capital of Kathadar is Commune, an enormous city on the south east side of JaAnsha, and holds the ruling body of JaAnsha - the Council. (The four brothers form the Council, and make decisions for the nation via majority vote)

For more information of the lore of Kathadar, see below (The above information is all that is currently necessary, but below is contained a more extensive look at Kathadar and its governing body.)

Kathadar [Expanded]
The Great Sultan Ast'iin: Oktal Ast'iin was a young warrior from the island-state of Pirooz. Upon finishing his rite of passage to become a man at the age of 18, he departed upon a small vessel to explore the other island states. Over the next 10 years, Oktal Ast'iin traveled across the nine island-states, gaining repute and respect everywhere he went. He had many advertires, fighting terrible beasts and accomplishing amazing feats. He became a hero in each of the states he visites. Upon his 30th birthday, Oktal Ast'iin negotiated an agreement with the nine lords of the island-states that would bring all the states together under a single banner, and under a single leader, as the nation of Kathadar. Oktal Ast'iin was given the position of Great Sultan, and under his rule, the land prospered and bloomed. The nation of Kathadar was a strong and prosperous empire. Upon the main island of JaAnsha was constructed the capital city of Kathardarat, a beacon of hope for the entire nation. Great Sultan Ast'iin was a wise and brave leader, keeping his people pleased and safe while continuing to advance his empire's power. Many advancements in craftsmanship and technology were made under his decrees.

After 10 years of his rule, the Kathadari vessels to ever do so touched down on Terrenanda's shores. The Terrenandians first noticed the unusual construction of the Kathadari vessels. The Kathadari, over those 10 years of Great Sultan Ast'iin’s rule, had discovered and mastered an exotic and extraordinary technique. The Kathadari had found a way to use the heat of the sands and the sun and a unique smithing technique to learn how to weave mithril like cloth. This took form in the Kathadari boats having sails made of enormous, paper thin sheets of mithril rather than cloth. The mithril sheets were not only more durable than cloth sheets, but also better trapped the winds, thus allowing for faster voyages. The Kathadari Warriors, known as Kathdarak, wore thin, light robes made of the same substance. Their vestments could shrug off most weapon blows without the slightest thought, and were feared on the battle field, as they had no need for the heavy full-plate and chainmail of the Terrenandians, and thus were faster and more agile, but no less protected.

Under the careful hand of Oktal Ast'iin, Kathadar’s trades and relations with Terrenanda flourished. Though, despite the Terrenandian’s pleas, he would not divulge the secret of the Iron Sails, as the mithril weaves had come to be called. However, 40 years later, the Great Sultan Ast'iin, after a lifetime of leadership and success, passed away. His legacy was carried on by his sons (In order from youngest to oldest), Masta, Kolta, Tel and Javet Ast'iin. However, the Great Sultan specified in his final will and testament, that the rule would go to the son who truly deserved the throne.

The sons of the Great Sultan, unable to come to a dispute, decided to split Kathadar into four different states.

The main island of JaAnsha remained neutral, and became the site of the Kathadar Council, a council formed of the four brothers, in lieu of a single sultan.

Masta Ast'iin, the youngest son, gained control of the islands of Pirooz & KhodA-dAd.

Kolta Ast'iin, the second-youngest son, was granted dominion of Shervin & Shasam.

Tel Ast'iin, the second-oldest son, received leadership of Rostam & Shaheen.

While Jarvet Ast'iin, the eldest, took Zai & Shahayr for himself.

Since then, the states have been in an uneasy alliance, with the empire of Kathadar unable to advance as rapidly as before because of the enmity between the brothers.

The Kathadari empire still trades regularly with Terrenandans, and the main city of Commune, the location of the Kathadar council, has become a vital and bustling trading hub.

Meanwhile, uneasiness is beginning to settle amongst the brothers, as Jarvet has stopped attending meetings. It was already a reason to be suspicious when he voluntarily took upon himself the smallest of the islands, despite his ambitious nature. And it has been nigh on a year since Jarvet was last seen in the council room, a representative has instead stood his post, insisting that ‘My lord is very busy tending to the needs of his people, all is well’. This despite the rumors of brutal sandstorms ravaging the island of Shahayr. On top of this, rumors have begun to circulate that Jarvet has begun to change. Those who have glimpsed him say he has become thin and dry, his eyes yellow and empty. He spends most of his days in his throne room, the doors locked, discussing with unknown beings.

Some say he has become inflicted with a great sickness. Others say, whispered in back alleys and under the cover of night, that Jarvet has found the Dry Liches, the ancient order of undead warriors, and has begun the lengthy and painful process into joining their ranks.
Why, some may ask. Those brave enough would respond that he plans to raise an army and retake Kathadar, throwing his brothers from their seats of power, and claiming the kingdom as his own, under an iron fist.

The people always have such outrageous gossip though, but rarely does it reach the ears of the Kathadar council.

The Characters: (Read All Information. Important to Plot.)

Builds are presented as they will be at level 20.

Brutus Barateonis:

Anthropomorphic Bear Paladin /Crusader/Divine Crusader/Fist of Raziel
[RHD removed from Anthro, Only LA, and Large as base size. LA bought off]
[Accelerated Paladin Spellcasting Variant, Crusader dip for Maneuvers just cuz, Divine Crusader for 9th level spells, and Fist of Raziel to progress Divine Crusader spells as well as awesome Smite Evil-ness]

Description: 11'3” and 3.6 tonnes of rippling muscle and fur, Brutus Barateonis towers over even the largest men, an intimidating and imposing figure by all standards. His fur is dark brown, and he is recognizable by the tribal claw design of white fur on his right shoulder, a birthmark present in all males of the Barateonis family. Brutus wields an enormous Tetsubo, the weapon of his people. It is larger than most men (8 feet) and weighs more than most men could lift (250 lbs). Blessed with ridiculous strength, even for an Ursae (27 naturally, 31 with items) Brutus is the closest most men will ever see to the epitome of physical power. However, despite his raw strength, Brutus is gentle and calm at most times, his deep bass voice is calming and measured. However, in battle, though he is controlled and careful, he is known to display terrifying feats of strength, accompanied by bloodcurdling roars that make even the bravest men whimper and cower. (Intimidate Bonus = +31 (DM lets me add STR to Intimidate)

Brutus is an Ursae, a Bear-kin, the Ursae are one of the four great Anamalus (Anthropomorphic Animal) tribes on Kathadar. [The four tribes are/were, the Leonals (The Lions), The Ursae (The Bears), The Lupi (The Wolves, and the Feli (The Catfolk)] The Ursae were a noble and brave people of nomadic warriors, feared in battle for their roars that were said to shake the very earth, but also known for their mercy upon weary travelers and other nomads. Brutus is the son of the previous Cheiftan of the Ursae, Braeton Barateonis.

However, these great nomadic tribes were rarely in agreement with one another. The Ursae respected the Leonals as warriors, but found them to be often barbaric and savage. They were neutral with the Feli, as the Catfolk rarely caused any conflict, and never of substantial proportions. The Lupi, on the other hand, were bitter enemies of the Ursae.

Many centuries ago, just as humans had begun their ascension to power, the Lupi attempted to drive the Ursae from their sacred meeting grounds in an attempt to seize more hunting ground and resources for their ever-growing tribe.

The Ursae did not take kindly to this act of aggression, and, uniting as a tribe, forced the Lupi back, slaughtering much of the attacking force as they did so. This event came to be known as The Night of Many Fangs. It was told as a story of victory by the Ursae, while the Lupi told it as a story of cruelty and injustice.
Ever since that night, the Lupi hated the Ursae, but never took action against them in fear of even more substantial losses. However, 10 years before the events of this campaign, The Lupi took their revenge. One night, when the Ursae were gathered together in their sacred ground, the Lupi struck.

It had been many years that the Lupi had been planning their revenge, and that night, they took it. The entirety of the combat-capable Lupi, every man or woman who knew how to defend themselves, swarmed the Ursae camp. And set it, and its inhabitants ablaze. The Ursae awoke to fire and screaming. The Lupi, who were well organized and efficient, overpowered every man, woman and child of the Ursae, suffering significant losses at the hands of those Ursae who stood and fought, each Ursae being worth at least 5 Lupi. However, the element of surprise was too strong for the Ursae to counter. And by the next morning, the last of the Ursae lay dead, a charred corpse upon the earth. Their sacred ground, where each child was brought within a year of their birth to learn of their clan's history, was a black wasteland, every tree charred and blackened.

However, Brutus and his father, Braeton, had been out of the camp when the brutal holocaust, known as 'The Great Purge' happened. Braeton had just completed the ceremony which declared Brutus, age 18, a man of the Ursae. Returning to their camp, they were met with the horrific aftermath of the Great Purge. The Lupi, wanting to be 100% sure that no Ursae remained on the face of Kathadar, had left warriors behind. When they arrived, Brutus and his father were ambushed. Braeton, seeing that he and his son were outnumbered, ordered Brutus to leave, and run for the hills, to leave this place and never return. Brutus did as he was told, running from the camp while his father, roaring defiantly, charged the Lupi.

Brutus, having left the camp, was thrust in an unknown and frightening world. He had lived his entire life so far in the nomadic lifestyle of the Ursae, following the clan's rules and living as his people had for years, was now thrust into world dominated by human civilization, and its chaotic system. Brutus spent many months wandering the forests, hunting and foraging as he had been told, with no true purpose. However, after a year of such things, driven by the need for purpose, he returned to his people's sacred ground. There, standing in the scarred field, the first signs of returning life barely showing, surrounded by the bones of his ancestors, Brutus made a choice. The Chieftan of the Ursae, his father, and his father's father, and his father before him, had always been bound to a code: The Ursarus Majaorai, which made sure that the leader held himself to the highest of standards, and was the personification of the honor and righteousness that the Ursae held in such high esteem. Standing there, Brutus realized he was the last of the Ursae, and that when he died, his people would be nothing but whispers upon the winds of history. He carried upon his shoulders the legacy of his people, whose remains lay around him, blackened bones and skulls. And he would not let them down, he was not simply the last of the Ursae, he was the Ursae. He was every mother, father, son and daughter who had ever been born to this tribe. He vowed, there and then, to take up the Ursarus Majaorai and follow it until the day he died. To walk with his head high for all to see, to stride down the path of the righteous, to bring light to the darkest corners of the world, to lead by example. He vowed that when he finally died, the Ursae would not simply be a remnant of history, but that they would forever be remembered as the most honorable people Kathadar had even seen. Empowered by this declaration of sheer will, Brutus made his way into the world, ready to protect those who could not, and to bring his peoples' memories peace.

TLDR: Brutus is the last of the Ursae, a tribe of Anthropormorphic bears. The Ursae were killed during an enormous holocaust known as The Great Purge, by the Lupi (A tribe of Anthropomorphic Wolves AKA Lupin) He decided, that as the last of the Ursae, he would exemplify his peoples' honor and righteousness by following the Ursarus Majaorai, the code of honor of his people, and by doing so, would cement the legacy of his people forever in history.

Bella Mathias:

Whisper Gnome Beguiler/Shadowcraft Mage
[Standard Shadowcraft Mage shenanigans]

Description: 3'7” and textbook gorgeous by almost any civilized race's standards, Bella possesses both the unnatural beauty of a highborn lady and the regular charm of your average townsfolk. Relatively young at the age of 18 years old, she is wise past her years, and is far smarter than most people will be in their entire lives. Born into a family with access to the finest teachers and academics that money could buy, as well as a vast library, Bella became fascinated with the many tongues of Kathadar and its inhabitants, and began to learn several languages. She took to it like a fish to water and is rarely found without a tome written in some new language, as she has become so familiar with languages, that she can learn one simply by reading it for an extended amount of time. (When the game starts, she can speak 29 different languages)

Bella is a whisper gnome, and comes from an island just off the southern edge of Kathadar's borders. Her island is ruled by several royal families who refused to be ruled by The Great Sultan when he assimilated the island states together. As a compromise, her family agreed to build and monitor the Sultan's Fist, the prison that holds all of the worst criminals from Kathadar. The island is divided between the Sun Elves, a militaristic and violently inclined race, and the "Mathias" family of whisper gnomes. They believe that the island should belong to them entirely, as well as viewing the prison as a sign of weakness and appeasement to the Sultan and more recently his sons. When Bella was born instead of a son, as it had been in the "Mathias" family for several generations, she inherited the birth right to rule when she came of age, if she did not have a husband by that time. The Sun Elves saw this as an opportunity, and when Bella was young, convinced her parents to agree to an arranged marriage to the Sun Elf Prince. However, the Sun Elves were less than honest, and planned to kill Bella's parents as soon as the marriage was completed and to take over the "Mathias'" land, and the prison, and to turn the island into their own kingdom.

Bella was more perceptive than her parents however, and uncovered the Sun Elf's plot. However, if she informed her parents, Bella knew that they were would be killed. So, the night before her wedding at the young age of 16, Bella, who had been training in the magical arts of deception in preparation for this night, escaped her palace, and fled on a small boat under the cover of night to Kathadar, so as to prevent the Sun Elves' takeover, but also to spare her parents. Arriving at Kathadar, in true Whisper Gnome fashion, she abandoned her old name _________ __________ [Can't let you find out just yet, can I?] and took up the pseudonym of Bella Mathias

Brutus & Bella's Friendship:

When the campaign starts, Brutus and Bella are traveling together, and are close friends, here is the backstory to that.

After Brutus vowed to live his life as the exemplar of his people's code, he began to hunt down those who were instrumental in the Great Purge, determined to bring them to justice and face their punishment by the code of his people.

Bella, having fled her island, had angered the Sun Elves, who sent mercenaries after her, with the orders to bring her back.

Brutus, who had been investigating rumors of a troupe of Lupi mercenaries, including one of the head tacticians behind the Purge, traveling across the islands, driven by justice, Brutus began to track this band of swords-for-hire.

Bella, through a loose information network, heard of the mercenaries sent to hunt her, and fled across several islands, using her ingenious wit and highborn intellect to narrowly evade the mercenaries pursuing her the entire way.

As fate would have it, the mercenaries Brutus was tracking were the same ones hunting Bella. And, one fateful night, their paths crossed. Bella, having been fleeing through the wilds for several days, gave in to the temptation of warm meal and a soft bed, and stopped at an Inn in a seaside town. The Lupi were much closer behind than expected, and before Bella could enjoy her meal, they captured her, disabling her magic capabilities with an Anti-Magic collar.

However, as the Lupi retreated to an abandoned shipping warehouse to plan their victorious return to the Sun Elves, Brutus, who had guessed their route, and made to intercept them via taking a boat to the town, spotted the troupe retreating into the old wooden structure.

Brutus smashed through the warehouse doors as the Lupi interrogated Bella about how she escaped, and brought swift death to several Lupi who attempted to stop him. The leader, and the tactician behind the Purge, took Bella captive, knowing Brutus would not let him kill a child, and fled the warehouse to the docks.

As Brutus followed, the leader, now only concerned for his own life, chained Bella to a heavy piece of stone and threw her into the water as Brutus arrived, before fleeing into the night. Brutus, bound by morals, honor and his code, dived into the water after the child. Bella, unable to use her magic, struggled against the stormy waters as she sunk deeper and deeper into the cold water. Brutus reacher her, and with the unbelievable strength of an Ursae, broke the chain with a single swipe, before scooping up Bella, and swimming to the surface.

Emerging onto the safety of land, Brutus knew the Lupi tactician was long gone, and occupied himself with the child, breaking the collar around her neck, Brutus took the shivering child in his arms and took her to safety.

When Brutus tried to find out where Bella was from, she refused to speak of it, Brutus explained that he just wanted to return her home where she would be safe, and Bella told him that her home was not safe anymore. Brutus, realizing he would not get any more out of her, but not willing to abandon the child, decided to allow her to accompany him.

For the past 2 years, they have travelled together. And in that time, they have grown close, Bella has revealed her past and true name to Brutus, who has vowed to aid her and her family as soon as he is powerful enough and has enough influence to do so. While Brutus, in turn, informed Bella of his troubled history, and Bella, in her stride, swore to aid Brutus to hunt down those responsible for The Purge.

Since then they have brought several key leaders of The Great Purge to justice, each one currently imprisoned for life in the prison on Bella's home island.


Half-Vampire Half-Human Warmage/Mind Bender/Ardent/Cerebremancer/Life Drinker
[Made to go absolutely Nova if necessary] [LA bought off]

Shorter than even Bella, Runa appears, to the naked eye, to be a completely normal 6 year old girl.
However, she is far from it, the being known as Runa has been alive, in some definition of the word, for over six hundred years. When she was 6 years old, Runa was bitten, but not killed, by an ancient vampire whose sole intent was to create a half-vampire, Runa was one of the first of her kind to appear on the face of Kathadar. Prevented from advancing physically by her young age when she was created, Runa has instead sharpened her mental faculties, making herself mind a veritable weapon. Studying both the arcane and psionic arts, Runa has become a versatile mental combatant, switching flawlessly between arcane and psionic forms. However, like all half-vampires, she is dependent on blood, and must drink blood regularly, at least once each day, or face fatigue and exaggerated effects of dehydration. Runa is accompanied by her pet drake, who is comparatively young, and was gift to Runa from her 'creator' on the anniversary of her 'birth'.

As stated, Runa was created over 600 years ago by her 'creator' in an attempt to create a half-vampire. Of course, it was successful, and she spent the first years of her undead 'life' close by her master. However, as the centuries went by, Runa began to explore the world. Just recently, she found herself in Commune, and began to study and watch the Ya-ael monks (See Serenity) with great interest in their art. However one watchful and perceptive young trainee (Serenity) spotted the strange figure watching from on top of the monastery's walls, and, intrigued by this mysterious person, spent several nights attempting to catch them spying. Eventually she succeeded, and Runa was caught. However, rather than protest, when brought before the grandmaster of the Ya-ael, Runa petitioned him to train with the Ya-ael. The grandmaster, seeing this as an invaluable to chance to get his hands on a powerful tool against evil, accepted. Since then Runa has become somewhat of a secret weapon in the monastery. She is regarded warily because she does not follow the laws and codes of the Ya-ael, but tolerated because of her unparalleled capacity for dealing death, preferably to evildoers.


Catfolk Monk
[Monk Variant, accelerated UAS, Better FoB, less MAD (Dex and Wis reliant) and better abilities (Dex to damage, more Dimension Door, etc.]
[Spring Attack build, using FoB on standard attack (Variant) as well as tripping opponents]

Serenity was born into civilization, many generations separated from her nomadic and tribal roots. [The Feli, one of the great tribes, were quick to join human civilization as it progressed and became more prominent, though still a fairly rare sight, more Feli live in human civilizations than out on the lands of their ancestry now] Serenity was raised from a young age as a Ya-ael monk. The Ya-ael monks are an elite martial art organization who believe that the only way to defeat evil to wipe it from existence. Trained in exotic weapons from all corners of Kathadar, as well as unarmed strikes, the Ya-ael makes sure to harden their students both physically and mentally, making them swift and perceptive. However, the techniques used by the monks can lead to a level of commitment to their cause that nears blindly zealous indoctrination. However, the one thing that cannot be argued is that the monks produce committed and powerful warriors. Serenity has been a prodigy in the eyes of the grandmaster, using her natural speed to her enormous advantage, and has sharpened her senses to best resist the strategies that evildoers often employ.

As she has become more and more powerful, the grandmaster has trusted her with more and more responsibility and power, and has recently appointed her as Runa's “Companion”, Serenity accompanies Runa on her missions against evil, and keeps her in check at the monastery.

Judged by the grandmaster to be ready to leave the monastery's watchful eye, Serenity has been selected to graduate from the monastery, or 'Ascend' as it is called by the grandmaster, so that she may make her own way in the world and seek out evildoers wherever they may be, and in doing so uphold the views and codes of the Ya-ael. As a symbol of this, she will be given her second name, [Her first – Serenity – was given to her when she became an official member of the Ya-ael]


Human Duskblade
[Standard-ish Battle Jumper build, Leap Attack, Battle Jump and the others for feats as well as Extreme Leap as a Skill trick. Based around leaping, attacking, using a spell in the attack, and then moving 10 feat as a swift action. Rinse and repeat]

Khallos is slightly taller than your average human, 6'2”, and is muscular and wirey, with a face hardened from many battles, though still in his relative youth. Wielding a large Falchion, Khallos wears the mithril breastplate that he was given when he served as a guard for a Merchant Lord. Khallos was a skilled swordsman, and only a year after reaching adulthood, was hired by a Merchant Lord [The powerful head of one of the spice-shipping networks upon which Kathadar's economy relies the most for their income] He served for several years with distinction, proving himself over and over to be not only a capable warrior, but surprisingly nimble. Training relentlessly in his armor has allowed Khallos to not only move almost seamlessly in the metal protection, but is capable of leaping extreme distances. He was even gifted a pair of magical boots by the Merchant Lord to enhance his capabilities even more. (Boots of +10 jump)

However, his service did not end well for Khallos. One dark night, the Merchant lord was taking much needed rest in his private mansion, and Khallos was set on guard duty for the front gate. A man showed, or rather, a Lupi showed up. He was cloaked in black silk, and looked exquisite, fine jewelry hung from his neck and dazzling rings glinted on his fingers. He informed Khallos that he was here to see the Merchant Lord, Khallos informed him that the lord was resting, and that it would have to wait till morning. The Lupi, in hushed tones, explained a situation of most urgent importance to Khallos, a rival Merchant lord had become angry with Khallos' lords success, and planned to sabotage a large shipping of spice. The lupi told Khallos that he had tried to warn the captain of the vessel that would ship the spices, but that he had laughed, and said he took orders from nobody but the Merchant Lord. Khallos knew the lord had been planning a very expensive shipment of spices that would yield him exponential wealth if it succeeded, and the Lupi had such detailed knowledge of the plans that Khallos presumed he must be telling the truth. Khallos let the Lupi in and escorted him to the Lord's room and past all the other guards.
The Lupi slipped in ahead of Khallos, and Khallos watched from the doorway. Then, suddenly, before Khallos could react, the Lupi drew a dagger from underneath his tunic, and slit the sleeping Merchant Lord's throat before leaping out of the second floor window and disappearing into the night air. Khallos was stunned, he had just escorted an assassin straight to his target. Knowing that he would be killed as soon as the others found out, Khallos sprinted from the mansion, and into the night, not stopping as the other guards called after him, asking what was wrong, he simply ran.

He fled the area and even the island. After about a month of covering his tracks, Khallos became set on exacting revenge, he began an armed escort business for wealthy nobles, where he would provide protection on the roads between cities, and made good coin doing so. However, he was also using his client's many connections to investigate the assassin, and his guild, that has caused his cowardly exile, vowing revenge.

First session set up:
It is The Day of Ascendance for the Ya-ael monks, set on the Great Sultan's birthday to signify his contributions against evil. These two events, the Sultan's birthday, which is also marked by a great festival, and the Ascendance ceremony attract massive crowds, pushing Commune to its very limits as people come from all over Kathadar to enjoy the spectacles. Serenity has been selected for ascendance, and nervously awaits the gift of second name, a simple action that verifies and justifies years upon years of training.

In the mean time, Runa sits, a secret weapon of the Ya-ael, not allowed to ascend, or even be acknowledged by the grandmaster, while her close friend becomes part of a legacy.

Khallos' research has lead him to Commune, where it is rumored the assassin that killed the Merchant Lord would be on the day of the festival. He has escorted a minor noble to the festival to pay for his travel expenses.

Brutus and Bella have been tracking the same assassin, as he was allegedly one of the first Lupi to bring the idea of the Purge forwards. They do not know why he is in Commune, but they can only guess it is with evil intent.

Amongst all this lurks the assassin, hidden from view.
Whether or not they know it, the scene is set for an encounter of great forces.

2013-06-30, 10:04 PM

2013-06-30, 10:07 PM
[Reserved again]

2013-06-30, 10:08 PM
[Reserved Thrice]

2013-06-30, 11:47 PM
Thiiiiiiiis is gonna be a sick campaign. Can't wait for the rest to come out. Keep up the awesome writing.

2013-07-01, 12:36 AM
Thiiiiiiiis is gonna be a sick campaign. Can't wait for the rest to come out. Keep up the awesome writing.

Keep it tuned in.
The first session...gets a bit hectic...

2013-07-01, 02:59 PM
Expect session at some point today.