View Full Version : It begins! (Erfworld 1-6)

Darth Paradox
2006-12-07, 03:02 AM
The Battle for Gobwin Knob has begun.

I definitely have high hopes for this comic so far. It's not the punchline-a-page I'm used to from OotS (and most webcomics, at that), but there are some absolutely hilarious moments in here - the instant-messaging book is hands-down my favorite part.

So! Who's up for wild speculation? I'll start!

I think Erfworld is where the aliens deposited Elvis after abducting him from Earth, cloning him several times, and growing him to thousands of times his original size.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker
2006-12-07, 03:10 AM
Findamancers, Predictamancers, Croakamancers. Root words make everything better, don't they?

Wonder what the key lime pie was about...

I like it. Er, key lime pie that is. I like the comic too. :D

...Stanley, eh? Wonder if there's an Amulet of Yelnats drifting about...

2006-12-07, 03:16 AM
I like it! This looks like one of those comics that will grow really popular, keep em comin.

The scene with the dead leader and the MSN book was funny as hell BTW.

2006-12-07, 03:18 AM
I enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek style of it. Is it meant to be satire? If so, it's awesome! Keep it up!

If not, I'll just go on pretending it's satire and thinking it's awesome. =)

So I guess either way, keep it up. =)

2006-12-07, 03:19 AM
I thought I wasn't going to like it much when the previews were up...the art looked a little too cutesy. But the full strip was actually pretty neat and the storyline works well with the art and isn't too cutesy at all.

I too would like to know what the key lime pie was about...

Lazy Fat Man
2006-12-07, 03:19 AM
Findamancers, Predictamancers, Croakamancers. Root words make everything better, don't they?

Wonder what the key lime pie was about...

I like it. Er, key lime pie that is. I like the comic too. :D

...Stanley, eh? Wonder if there's an Amulet of Yelnats drifting about...

I remember a M*A*S*H epsiode where a dying man said he smelled freshly baked bread. I guess it's that sort of thing, like seeing a white light. Made me laugh, and also sad ,poor Lord Manpower the Temporary, we hardly knew ye.

The comic made me laugh aloud a few times, a huge success in my mind.

"sometimes you just need to bust a nut" Gotta love that line.

2006-12-07, 03:21 AM
I love the name... Manpower the Temporary... genius!

(For those who don't know, Manpower is one of the largest Temp Agencies in the U.S. It was utterly appropriate and I almost fell out of my chair when I realized the reference =) )

As I'm reading it back a second time now, I'm catching a lot of references that I didn't before. It's definately satire, and skillful at that. I'm undoubtedly looking forward to more. =)

The Vanishing Hitchhiker
2006-12-07, 03:23 AM
Ah. So the light at the end of the tunnel smells like key lime pie. And here I was thinking sampaguita.

Hey, first post about the first comic. I think I've earned myself some sort of fleeting, transient infamy/notoriety.

I was thinking "Manpower" simply referred to his role, but if that humor goes that deep, I'm doomed.

Can't help but notice he was a redsh-- redarmor. Well, and black. On account of it being so snazzily slimming.

2006-12-07, 03:24 AM
Why is there an OOTS strip where the 4th erf strip is supposed to be?
Someone tries to bluff me?

The Giant
2006-12-07, 03:27 AM
Try force refreshing your page. We had some trouble loading the comics which confused OOTS #1 and #4 with Erfworld #1 and #4. They SHOULD be straightened out now if you force your browser to download tthem new.

2006-12-07, 03:38 AM
Bwahahaha.... Croakamancer... uncroak.... I get it now!
And for so long I was expecting a frog summoner.

Fat Daddy
2006-12-07, 03:49 AM
I'm not sure whether or not I like it yet. The writing is great but the cutesy speak really annoys the heck out of me (more than I thought it would). And while the art is good, I just don't care for that style at all. I'll wait a few more strips before I give up on it though.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-07, 03:55 AM
The "smelling key lime pie" thing is a reference to the fact that if you poke someone's brain in the right place, they can feel sensations they're not actually feeling as you disrupt the proper connections in their brain.

Or something.

2006-12-07, 03:57 AM
Nice! I must say I'm impressed! I'd like to know more about the history, and what all of these classes mean. But I'm assuming those come with the tale. So Huzzah!

*And first page.

2006-12-07, 04:04 AM
I like it. Kitschy, in a very good way. I always love to see semicompetent, childish, evil? dictators. Especially the suffering of their much more capable minions.

2006-12-07, 04:13 AM
I'm liking it. It's a very definite change of pace compared to OOTS, and should complement it nicely, I think.

I also became hooked on the story by about #4, so I can't wait to see what happens next.

It seems likely that something is going to go horribly, horribly wrong when Wanda attempts to cast that spell... we have, after all, seen its results on the cast page.

2006-12-07, 04:18 AM
Love the art, but it's a bit confusing... think I'll have to read it again.

2006-12-07, 04:30 AM
But... But... I was hoping for a third pigeon.

Damn that Arkenhammer!

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-07, 04:37 AM
I am very impressed with the art work, and I thought it may be in black and white mostly.

*Heads off to find a predictmancer to get a peak into the next update.*

2006-12-07, 04:39 AM
Page 6, panel 10.
Thar be yer third pigeon.

Anyone else worried that Bogroll is about to get hit by fwaming dwagon cwap?

2006-12-07, 04:49 AM

SMS books
bulls eye dragon cr@pping
nut cracking ancient hammers
jewels from the bottom of Elvis's cape


Good work to Rob and Jamie
Good pick for an extra comic by Rich

This is a winner!

2006-12-07, 05:19 AM
I'm still undecided on it... as Fat Daddy says, the cutesy speak is very annoying. I'm holding out hope that it's only the 'evil' villian who speaks like that... and he doesn't show up often.

I did get a good chuckle about the jewel dropping off the back of the Red Elvis' cape.

2006-12-07, 05:25 AM
Looks like a winner so far. Very nice art, and the storyline looks quite epic and cool so far. Can't wait to see what Lord Stanley gets for his discount warlord. :smallbiggrin:

And I love the way Lord Stanley talks. :smallamused:

2006-12-07, 05:29 AM
I like this comic, it's a change of pace from OotS and the art is a perfect fit for the story. I mentioned this before but this comic is giving me a massive "Wind Waker" feeling, and for some reason the names of the spell-caster types remind me of it as well.

Wanda Firebaugh is rapidly becoming my favorite character, although we've seen little of her and the others so that may change.

2006-12-07, 05:30 AM
Does anyone else think the Overlord looks a little like Somethingawful.com's Lowtax? (He's their webmaster, and just as dictatorial/hapless)...vvvvv

http://jackwalshpaintings.com/lowtax1.jpg http://jackwalshpaintings.com/lowtax.jpg

2006-12-07, 05:33 AM
Too little for me to judge but from what I have seen from your previously work, I'm sure this'll be great. It'll be great to check GiantITP.com everyday and find a new comic.

2006-12-07, 05:33 AM
Well, the opening caught me off guard - the thing about buying an other regiment of axemen, is that from some computer game? I don't get it :smalleek:

However, I think the comic overall is very good. The art work is a really good mixture of comedic/cutesy with just awesome - the top panel on page 3 made me look again...and again...and again. Just brilliant.

The cutesy speak is ok for me, I think there's some mileage in that. Plus the whole real life parallels thing (like IM book) reminds me of a remake of Dracula I went to see at the theatre last year that used picture messaging and email to make up for lack of a million sets on stage, which I thouhgt was very cool.

I'm not a "marks out of ten" kinda guy, so I'll just say "keep 'em coming please" and look forward to enjoying the advancement of the plot and wonderful art.

Thanks guys :smallsmile: Or perhaps more correctly thog like pretty pictures and words! :thog:

2006-12-07, 05:34 AM
Excellent stuff. The writing and humour is pitched almost exactly right and the art is great. My only worry is that the strip will lose a lot once it updates in single format. Even still I'm very much looking forward to it.

2006-12-07, 05:47 AM
Meh. I wasn't overly impressed. So, following the advice of Thumper (you know, from Bambi) I'll stop here.

2006-12-07, 05:47 AM
Hmm... after the Giant pulled off Thog in a leprechaun costume, I don't think I'll be able to find many things funny for a while. It's overloaded my sense of humor, and it needs time to recover.

As for Erfworld... hmm. I'm not sure. I find it interesting, but something about it seems a little off to me. I'll give it some time.

2006-12-07, 05:51 AM

I don't...

I don't like it... I'm sorry, but the Giant is just too funny and too gripping...


2006-12-07, 05:54 AM
I join Fat Daddy in not knowing what I think. The start panel with all the Elvisses (what the heck is the plural of Elvis?) made me more raise my eyebrows and saying "huh?" than laughing. But like others said, the chatbook was quite amusing, and even more manpower, as I'm currently just working for them. Thanks to the forum I now have at least theories about the lime pie(and the reassuring feeling that I'm not the only one not to get it).

I'm not really into the style yet, though the art is great and I definetively like the camera angles used. In any case, it was funny and interesting enough that I'll keep on reading.

Fo Shizzle
2006-12-07, 06:01 AM
I think Erfworld is where the aliens deposited Elvis after abducting him from Earth, cloning him several times, and growing him to thousands of times his original size.

Or perhaps maybe Erfworld is extreamly small giving the illusion of a huge cloan army. :smallwink:

I liked it so far but it still needs time to devolope.

2006-12-07, 06:35 AM
I'm betting that Jillian is the new warlord for Stanley while Ansom is the warlord of the other side. (they both have "warlord" as their class)

I only just noticed that the different elvis titans have different colour gems on their capes. there's pink blue and can't tell the other but I'm guessing green if his ring is any indication. I wonder if there are only those three.

Did anyone else notice that the walnut, swept of the table, made a "coo" sound?

As for the whole axemen thing at the start, it's ment to be a take-off (wrong wording but couldn't think of another way to put it) of "all for the want of a nail".

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

2006-12-07, 07:26 AM
I'm not sure whether or not I like it yet. The writing is great but the cutesy speak really annoys the heck out of me (more than I thought it would). And while the art is good, I just don't care for that style at all. I'll wait a few more strips before I give up on it though.
Here too. I like the plot, and the names are cute, but their speech kills me. And their heads are really really big, which sometimes makes everything look wrong.

However, I do love the current plotline, and like I said the names - Dwagon, Croakamancer, Findamancer. The giant weapons work well.

2006-12-07, 08:15 AM
Looking good, I'm impressed! The artwork looks excellent, and I think it's been supporting (rather than overpowering) the story that's being told.

2006-12-07, 08:19 AM
I have to admit I don't particularly like it. Well, I don't hate it either. I just find it a bit confusing -- like I missed the first 300 pages or so. The drawings look good but the style of narrating reminds me of marvel style comics (unusual perspective, panels that seem cropped) which are definatly not on my fav list. Lastly I think the font is a little hard to read. Especially on computer screens I prefer very clear fonts. :smalleek:

But I'll give it some more tries. Maybe once I find my way into the story I'll like it more. :smallbiggrin:

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-12-07, 08:20 AM
Looks like we're off to a good start.

Can't wait to find out other caster type names. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-07, 08:37 AM
okay, the artistic style is awesome, the dialogue is great, and it's funny to boot! now i have a reason to come to this site every day, not just once or twice a week. all the detractors out there, give it a chance and keep up with it. it's not costing you anything just to look is it?:smallsmile:

Lord Manpower the Temporary. that's just great. and this conversation:

"Why do you have a parasol with a target on it?"
"it's a peculiar story, m'lady."
"does it involve the other henchmen?"
"then save it. i have to meet with lord stanleyalso i need to be as far away as possible from you right now."

2006-12-07, 08:45 AM
I like it.

Overlord Jack Chainer
2006-12-07, 08:46 AM
Overlord is the best in this comic so far i also love the whole story behind it. From one overlord to another....dont die fool.

2006-12-07, 08:58 AM
Hmm...after reading the first six installments, my reaction is, "Meh."

Although the art is wonderful, I think the writing so far does not lend itself to single-page episodes. The reader would be better off to read several pages at a sitting. Also, the dialog seems really contrived. It's either too cutesy or too self-refererntial for its own good. The writer is trying too hard to make things up too quickly. Pace yourself!

I'll give it a little longer, but right now it hasn't done anything to pique my interest.

2006-12-07, 09:03 AM
Well, I'm in a state of anticipation. This is going to be, if nothing else, yet another interesting story. It has the right spots of humor, and yes, perhaps it won't always hit a punchline, but it will give us some sort of laugh every now and then.

In short, this comic is a thinker. You require some brains and some patience to like it.

Unfortunetly, I don't have either of those at the moment... (damn school) yet I still like it, lol.

2006-12-07, 09:08 AM
I'm loving the world-consuming speech impediment. It draws a distinction that keeps me from translating Erfworld into D&D. Why do I have no problem with that fireball coming out of the wrong end of the dragon? Because it's a "dwagon".

2006-12-07, 09:58 AM
I love it! But I really dont understand why when they found the gem, they had extra Axmen. I guess I will learn later...

2006-12-07, 10:03 AM
The pun in the last few panels is too great.
Firebaugh: CRAP!
Dwagon: Pffrt!

I really like this, the humor is actually quite good, and strangely enough i love the art style because its something fresh and new. I also like all the custom titles instead of being normal and using 'scryer' and 'necromancer'. Here's to more Erfworld!

2006-12-07, 10:22 AM
Is it a bad sign if I think Wanda is hot? :smallredface:

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-07, 10:36 AM
Is it a bad sign if I think Wanda is hot? :smallredface:

She seemed rather cool and collected to me:smallwink:

2006-12-07, 10:37 AM
The pun in the last few panels is too great.
Firebaugh: CRAP!
Dwagon: Pffrt!
I am reminded of the old Bill Cosby joke about Mom's advice to always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident.

2006-12-07, 10:38 AM
Promising. It'll take a while for me to get a feel for the story, but it looks interesting enough to wait until things start to click.

2006-12-07, 11:07 AM
The start panel with all the Elvisses (what the heck is the plural of Elvis?)

I'd go with Elvi.
But people seem to like Elvises.

2006-12-07, 11:16 AM
I am reminded of the old Bill Cosby joke about Mom's advice to always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident.

Uhm, actually the joke was originally made by a scot, Billy Connolly.. So either you've got a name wrong, or on of the billy's copied it.

Yay, for first post, Erfworld looks promising

2006-12-07, 11:21 AM
I'm loving the world-consuming speech impediment. It draws a distinction that keeps me from translating Erfworld into D&D. Why do I have no problem with that fireball coming out of the wrong end of the dragon? Because it's a "dwagon".Umm, I don't think that was a fireball...

I really liked the comic. It's different. I had to look twice at the first panel and when I realized the Titans of Ark were Elvi... well, I was hooked.

I still saw a disconnect on the first page between the dropping of the gem and the Marbits and then the battle. Later pages explained a little better in that Stanley is questing to recover these items but it still seems a little disconnecting.

The "key lime pie" thing I assumed was because that was the part of Manpower's brain that was stimulated by the arrow. Before he died, of course.

The messaging system was another cool, yet unexpected, addition.

Overall, I'll continue watching. I like the art and I like the uniqueness of the world.

2006-12-07, 11:30 AM
I'd go with Elvi.You know you're only one step away from "Elves". Now hows that for a theory

2006-12-07, 11:31 AM
Oh, right, you're not The Giant and need some kind of feedback from the other modlike people on how this is all going.

Thumbs up all around. Art, Story, Characters.

Can't wait to see what happens after the part I already know about.
(No I haven't seen the comics. The Giant revelaed part of the fun introductory secret when talking it up at GenCon)

2006-12-07, 11:42 AM
I like the comic so far, but can't stand the font. I spend half the time trying to figure out if that "m" is really an M, or if it's an RN really close together.

Other than the font, the parts that I *could* make out were great.

2006-12-07, 11:45 AM
Come to think of it, if Elvis was a third declension Latin word, the plural WOULD be Elves.

2006-12-07, 11:47 AM
I love it! But I really dont understand why when they found the gem, they had extra Axmen. I guess I will learn later

Soldiers cost money, gems are worth money. By selling the gem, you have more money, enabling you to have more soldiers.

2006-12-07, 12:00 PM
Soldiers cost money, gems are worth money. By selling the gem, you have more money, enabling you to have more soldiers.I understand that, I guess, but the third, fourth, and fifth panels seem disconnected from the first two.

The Hammer of Thor
2006-12-07, 12:03 PM
Looks good so far. Keep up the good work.

2006-12-07, 12:09 PM
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

And for every kingdom-shattering nail out there, there are 35,723,042 other nails that don't matter nearly so much as individuals.

So, you know. Pretty good odds, really. :xykon:

2006-12-07, 12:36 PM
Bogroll with the bullseye parasol was great, as was starting the war with 11 cities - and now just the capital... go incompetent leadership!

2006-12-07, 01:01 PM
Ok someone already answered the thing about the gems...

But the corilation is, because of some seemingly insignificant thing in the past (the gem falling off the cape) made for a huge impact thousands of years later (or however long it's been).

Next the keylime pie thing

Cranial nerve damage is a common finding in mild to moderate head injury. One of the results can be a loss or alteration in the sense of smell and because of that the sense of taste.

In other words, certain types of brain damage can cause phantom smells or tastes, so there ya go.

Oh and the Stanley the Plaid thing I think comes from Stanley tools, and the plaid shirts that Bob Vila (or any of those hose fixing show guys) wears... perhaps kind a shot in the dark, but it makes the most sense to me...

Anyway plenty of small little jokes thoughout, somewhat randomness is always good. Probably not anything I'll check for everyday. Once every couple of weeks so I can get a digest like this, but decent nonetheless.

2006-12-07, 01:16 PM
Umm, I don't think that was a fireball...
Yah, not so much with the orangey-red, and more... brownish, I'd say... (See also coincidental expository statement by Wanda, immediately previous, for additional clues.) <roll eyes here>

(Hey, maybe she IS a Predictomancer!)

I still saw a disconnect on the first page between the dropping of the gem and the Marbits and then the battle. Later pages explained a little better in that Stanley is questing to recover these items but it still seems a little disconnecting.It's more linear if you remember the very first caption, at the top of that first page, before we even scan down to the title - "It's the little things which make a difference sometimes."

The Marbits* find a gem, pure chance. One more unit on the field, which in turn changes the tactical situation, allowing the crossbowmen closer, which in turn causes the death of Manpower, which loses the entire battle. This leads to Firbaugh's statement that the next battle will be fought at their capital, and probably be lost. Thus, the entire war is lost (and the "nearly lost" Plaid Tribe with it!), and all because a gem fell off an Elvis/Titan's cloak. "It's the little things which make a difference sometimes."

I think that will be a theme that runs throughout the story (especially since the big-head drawing style makes them all look like babies, "little things"). As someone said, this series will be more thoughtful, more rewarding over the long haul, and that won't be for everyone. It's not OotS, but it isn't trying to be, either.

(* still wracking my brain for that reference, btw. Everything else seems to have one. The Key Lime Pie also has a more specific reference, tho' the "pre-death hallucination" thing is clearly what's going on in general. See "puns" thread.)

2006-12-07, 02:00 PM
OK, character impressions.

Lord Stanley. Like him a lot. Obviously, someone who came from a line of tyrants, likely successful before him. He has the attitude, but not the skill. Has a lot of potential. Using divine artifact to crack nuts and being mildly amused by a stray magic from it was a nice touch. Coming up with a bad solution and forcing it down the throat of subordinates was likewise well done.

Wanda. She lacks that Smithers-like quality that makes Redcloak so amusing to watch. A little too competent to be in the role she is in, so not a good fit so far. Hard to say from a few scripts if her character fits well. The character sheet quote from her was more in line to what I think she should be.

Bogroll. No strong opinion so far, but I like him. A bit of Thog, a bit of Eeyore. A recognition that in his role he is going to get a lot of crap going his way and quiet acceptance of that role.

I expect to like Prince Ansom. As someone already mentioned, he seems to have that Zapp Brannigan thing going on and would be a nice "good" adversary

2006-12-07, 02:04 PM
So far so good, is what I say. Then again, it doesn't take much to entertain me. :smallbiggrin:

One thing I noticed, and couldn't believe no one else posted, were the references to all the Real Time Strategy games out there (particullarly the fantasy ones).

1.)Marbits find giant gem, suddenly have one more axeman unit. most fantasy RTSs have some sort of gem you need to collect (or other streamlined resource, like goldmines) in order to train and equip units for your army.

2.)Last Warlord dies, army is in need of new one to save it. A constant cliche in RTSs is that only the army under the command of the player seems to do anything right, and the player is usually brought in when the army is in it's most dire condition (as can be seen in the "11 cities down to capitol").

3.)The Croakamancer arrives to stangely bare capitol, tells henchman to round up "Infantry, no siege". The first time I looked at that panel, it just yelled to me "Tutorial Mission". Lots of room for building structures, and most RTS campaigns have the player only start out with basic infantry units before moving onto the more powerful stuff.

4.)The artwork. The style makes sense from a "cutesy RTS" standpoint. Big heads makes units easier to see (and tell the difference from) in the sky.

Of course, I could be just reading too much into things...

P.S. The moment I saw the Elvi, I couldn't stop laughing.

2006-12-07, 02:17 PM
Of course, I could be just reading too much into things...
Or, you're just playing WAY too much RTS games. Or the artists did. Or maybe a bit of all of the above - that's most likely the case. Inspiration usually has roots somewhere, conscious or otherwise.

2006-12-07, 02:36 PM
It was those pigeons, man. As soon as I saw those pigeons, I knew this was the comic for me. Especially those little "coo" sound effects in the background. Genius!

2006-12-07, 02:50 PM
Fantastic! I'll admit that I was a little unsure at first, but what sold it for me was the key lime pie.

I am already liking the way Wanda is developing, though I wonder why she hasn't already snuffed Stanley and won the war herself.

The dwagon is too damn cute for words. I hope he speaks.

2006-12-07, 02:52 PM
One thing I noticed, and couldn't believe no one else posted, were the references to all the Real Time Strategy games out there (particullarly the fantasy ones).

Yup, I partly agree. For me it's more like they are toys or maybe like a kid is playing the whole story. That would explain the language, it's like kid language: Someone noted that "Elvis" is close to "elves" -- I just picture a kid who has overheard the word "elves" but misinterpreted it as "Elvis". Same goes for "dwagon" and "spidew" and the names of the characters. And then the arkenhammer... doesn't it look like a toy hammer? I mean, it certainly does not look like an ancient artifact.

Oh, btw... did anyone think of Magic: The Gathering when Stanley asked who he should "tap"? Or is it just me?

Maerad of Pellinor
2006-12-07, 03:20 PM
Great start!

It's not as laugh-out-loud funny as I expected, but I think the overall effect is very nice, and the jokes in the end were worth the waiting.

Heh. MSN books....:smallsmile::smallbiggrin:

2006-12-07, 04:32 PM
Not bad for the first few strips in a series (the first ones usually suck). I got into it as soon as I read the "key lime pie". That's awesome.

Although, from the moment I saw the three Elves, I knew that the strip's beginning was one where the author shows you too many excentricities of the world right away without giving the readers enough time to make sense of it. Oh well, there are far worse mistakes an author can make, and the solution to this one is to just wait and keep reading.

2006-12-07, 04:39 PM
...the strip's beginning was one where the author shows you too many excentricities of the world right away without giving the readers enough time to make sense of it. Oh well, there are far worse mistakes an author can makeI wouldn't consider that to be a mistake. I actually prefer to "jump right in" to the world.

2006-12-07, 04:58 PM
I like it so far.

The art style seems quite good, and I like the jokes. (Although I think the walnut to pigeon one was ruined a bit by the need to turn the page before the punchline.)

The plot also seems quite interesting, it has potential to be hilarious, while still having a serious side.

Finally, I don't care about the 'kiddie speak', it seems to suit the comic and I didn't really notice it.

2006-12-07, 05:29 PM
Oh and the Stanley the Plaid thing I think comes from Stanley tools, and the plaid shirts that Bob Vila (or any of those hose fixing show guys) wears... perhaps kind a shot in the dark, but it makes the most sense to me...

"Stanley the Plaid" appears to be a spoof on stereotypical titles like "Gandalf the Gray", "Eric the Red", "Lord Obliteratrix the Purple", etc. Which are almost as obiquitous as Adjective Noun taverns; I've been guilty of using colors as titles myself on more than one occassion.

I think the stoping points could use some work. No, each comic isn't going to be a self-contained gag with a punchline at the end, but you should still keep in mind that the last pannel is the last does of Erf that the readers will get for 2-5 days. Momentum (comedic or otherwise) is easily lost between updates.

For example, waiting until the beginning of comic 5 for the "That would have been a good time for it to work." line might have been a bad move. I found it akward and thought it took a lot of the steam out of the joke, and heck, all I had to do was wait for a dial-up loading time. Imagine if 4 had come on a Tursday and 5 the Tuesday after?

I like to think of each comic as a mini-chapter: no, it doesn't mark an absolute beginning/end, but a brief pause in the flow of the story. Putting it in the wrong place is a bad idea. In the same way that this is a, bad sentence.

No other real complaints (though I also wouldn't mind a minor font adjustment). The highlights- quacking im books, giant world-sculpting Elvi, key lime pie, etc- have all been covered. Good stuff, good stuff.

I don't think the speach is ment to sound cutsey, at least when I picture it in my head. That the big flying reptillians are called "dwagons" is just another Erfworld oddity, which its inhabitants patiently tolerate or are oblivious to. The "croaked" terminology was funny and made a surprising amount of sense to me (presumably used as an alternative to heavier words liked "dead", which should by all rights be reserved for the permanently-croaked).

I thought it was funny that the first person to die in the comic was a black dude (with a target painted on his chest). I wonder if the "uncroaked" Manpower the Temporary will be brought back to life or just raised as a zombie of some sort? Probably the latter.

I like it, but it's a different sort of humor than OoTS. It'll be interesting to see how well it goes over with this crowd in the longrun.

2006-12-07, 05:46 PM
Strangely, it reminds me of Avatar. I knew it would...

2006-12-07, 05:54 PM
I'm not sure whether or not I like it yet. The writing is great but the cutesy speak really annoys the heck out of me (more than I thought it would).

I'm yet another person to agree with this. The cutesy speak is killing me. However, the writing and humor may be enough to compensate for it. And I don't know, perhaps that's actually the point :smalltongue: I like that there's a lot of subtle humor that's balanced with a few outright completely non subtle funnies (the IM notebook was really good).

And while the art is good, I just don't care for that style at all. I'll wait a few more strips before I give up on it though.

This is not usually my type of art style either, however, I find I'm enjoying it.

2006-12-07, 06:13 PM
quote Aliquid:
"I wouldn't consider that to be a mistake. I actually prefer to "jump right in" to the world."

Well, yeah, but he did it in a way that only alienates and confuses readers. You're supposed to make the readers feel like they're part of the world before confusing them.

2006-12-07, 06:28 PM
It seems pretty clear to me: they live in a world crafted by giant Elvises. What's so confusing about that?

2006-12-07, 06:58 PM
I thought it was funny that the first person to die in the comic was a black dude (with a target painted on his chest). I wonder if the "uncroaked" Manpower the Temporary will be brought back to life or just raised as a zombie of some sort? Probably the latter.

I'm going with zombies here. The way that Wanda, in comic 3, calls for Uncroaked infantry suggests that the Uncroaked are distincted from the living, marked in some way. Similarly, in comic 5 when she refers to the number of "living" troops in their forces it reinforces the point that the Uncroaked are not strictly living.
I wonder, what's that grey-green creature sitting behind Wanda in comic 3? A gobwin? Or a cutesy-fied zombie?

2006-12-07, 07:07 PM
Likely a gobwin.
There's also a gobwin on the dwagon that's about to, er, attack Bogroll. Maybe it's a training thing.

2006-12-07, 07:09 PM
Heheh. I like this comic. Now the website has 2 comics- A very funny comic with a decently deep storyline, and a comic with a very deep storyline and some pretty good laughs.

As for humor, I loved 3 things-Manpower the Temporary (Woot, more like Manpower the I will die in 5 frames.)150000 coins for the preperations and the casting of the spell, and last, the diary chatroom thing. That was hilarious. Why did it quack though, lolz?
"Yo, manpwr bit it @ warchalking :( need u 2 uncroak him an find smoebody new 2 lead army"

Gold. Well, silver compared to Thog breaking in the room with a leprechaun costume, but Gold for Erfworld. Looking forward to this comic growing :D

2006-12-07, 07:14 PM
No firm opinion yet. Willing to give it a try though and see where it goes.

2006-12-07, 07:19 PM
I wonder, what's that grey-green creature sitting behind Wanda in comic 3? A gobwin? Or a cutesy-fied zombie?

I do believe that be an uncroaked Manpower the Temporary. You'll notice some simularity in dress, and the IM book did have the message "Uncroak Manpower, then find new guy to lead."

2006-12-07, 07:22 PM
I do believe that be an uncroaked Manpower the Temporary. You'll notice some simularity in dress, and the IM book did have the message "Uncroak Manpower, then find new guy to lead."

I think you're right; the armour is kinda the same. He's even wearing an eyepatch :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-07, 07:50 PM
I like the starting in medias res, but by virtue of that, and that there isn't a gag a page as yet, it's going to take awhile to feel at home inside the strip. I'm looking forward to seeing where it all goes!


2006-12-07, 08:15 PM
I do believe that be an uncroaked Manpower the Temporary

That sentence is great. This comic is fun to talk about!

2006-12-07, 08:31 PM
But... But... I was hoping for a third pigeon.

Damn that Arkenhammer!
Actually in the middle of the next next page it generates another pigeon, so congratulations :smallsmile:.

Wanda Firebaugh is rapidly becoming my favorite character, although we've seen little of her and the others so that may change.
I agree. She seems like the most intelligent, and actually competent person we've seen so far, and so I like her. The straight man(woman) is usually my favorite character, kind of like Roy in OOTS. Although Manpower the Temporary gives her a run for her money with the funniest line I've heard in a while.

Hmm I play RTS's too and your right that is amazingly coincidentally close to how they tend to work. Even though I understand the whole reality behind the gem thing.

I love how Manpower's uniform has a target on it. Ask to die much?

And finally I'm going to have to agree with mikeejimbo that Wanda is really hot. Call me a freak if you will, I don't care. Heh.

2006-12-07, 09:51 PM
Oh... I thought the child-speak was actually a speech impediment on the part of the Dictator.

I definately like it, but (as someone pointed out) it may get shadowed by the Giant for most people. The Giant's sense of humor is very mainstream (for the geek crowd anyways), while the humor in here was more obscure and crafted for the purpose of hiding... which some people appreciate a great deal, but others find frustrating.

Luckily, I'm in the former group... I'll be looking forward to new ones. =)

2006-12-07, 09:56 PM
I do believe that be an uncroaked Manpower the Temporary. You'll notice some simularity in dress, and the IM book did have the message "Uncroak Manpower, then find new guy to lead."I didn't notice at first, but I think you are right!

2006-12-07, 10:42 PM
quote Aliquid:
"I wouldn't consider that to be a mistake. I actually prefer to "jump right in" to the world."

Well, yeah, but he did it in a way that only alienates and confuses readers. You're supposed to make the readers feel like they're part of the world before confusing them.Aah, but it didn't alienate or confuse me. I found it odd and intriguing.

Your statement should be changed to "alienates and confuses some readers"

The question is... does the comic confuse too many readers?

2006-12-07, 11:51 PM
Wow. I wasn't expecting this.

It's different, to say the least. I like how Wanda just shrugs off every weird thing around her.

(I have a character like that...)

So, did this end with a poop joke?

Mr Wizard
2006-12-07, 11:59 PM
So, did this end with a poop joke?

Kinda, it also filled in some information that makes dwagons different from dragons.

Dragons "belch" fire, and dwagons... erm... is "flatulate" a word?


2006-12-08, 12:58 AM
I likes it muchly. Strong art, vibrant one might say. The ambitious leading the cynical and loyal in a perilous last battle ~ what more can one ask for. Well, avatars would be nice, I have a strange sense of brotherhood with Manpower the Temporary.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker
2006-12-08, 04:57 AM
I do believe that be an uncroaked Manpower the Temporary.

Wow, so even black guys turn pallid green when uncroaked. I expected at least a rich forest green, y'know?

2006-12-08, 07:26 AM
Wow, so even black guys turn pallid green when uncroaked. I expected at least a rich forest green, y'know?

It wasn't intentional to make the first kill a black guy. Manpower is just such a strong name I envisioned an Avory Brooks type character. He's pale green because all the uncroaked are pale green regardless of original ethnicity.

I know the art isn't clicking with some, but I hope no one is terribly offended by Manpower's death.

Shhalahr Windrider
2006-12-08, 08:51 AM
I know the art isn't clicking with some, but I hope no one is terribly offended by Manpower's death.
What's there to be offende by. Now I have an excuse to make some key lime pie. :smallbiggrin:

2006-12-08, 09:01 AM
Aah, but it didn't alienate or confuse me. I found it odd and intriguing.

Your statement should be changed to "alienates and confuses some readers"

The question is... does the comic confuse too many readers?

No confusion here. I like it.

2006-12-08, 10:08 AM
I know the art isn't clicking with some, but I hope no one is terribly offended by Manpower's death.Step off the PC express. No one is about to call the NAACP :smallwink:

2006-12-08, 10:47 AM
The marbits (http://marbits.com/)reference unveiled.

Bogroll is actually a character from one of the strips (http://www.partiallyclips.com/index.php?id=1009)from Rob's other comic.

Has anyone else noticed that the crest or symbol of Stanley's army is a red circle inside concentric red rings? Very spare and utilitarian in a design sense. And quite bad for your health.

2006-12-08, 11:09 AM
Bogroll is actually a character from one of the strips (http://www.partiallyclips.com/index.php?id=1009)from Rob's other comic.

Hehee, he's put on a lot of weight since then!

2006-12-08, 11:13 AM
Hehee, he's put on a lot of weight since then!

But still gettin' picked on by the other henchthings.

2006-12-08, 11:18 AM
It wasn't intentional to make the first kill a black guy. Manpower is just such a strong name I envisioned an Avory Brooks type character. He's pale green because all the uncroaked are pale green regardless of original ethnicity.

I know the art isn't clicking with some, but I hope no one is terribly offended by Manpower's death.

Actually at first I didn't notice he was black, then when someone pointed it out on the boards it struck me as funny... IE Scream 2, where the black guy at the beginning was bothered by the fact that the first person to die in those movies are always brothers. And then he died.

So I just took it as a play on that.

Hilary Moon Murphy
2006-12-08, 11:58 AM
Oh... I thought the child-speak was actually a speech impediment on the part of the Dictator.

A speech impediment on the part of a dictator can become the rule for pronunciation for the entire rest of the populace in a parody.

There's a wonderful urban legend that the Castilian "lisp" comes from the edict of a Spanish king who had a speech impediment. (The real reason (http://spanish.about.com/b/a/044680.htm) for the difference in the pronunciation between Castilian and Latin American Spanish is far more complicated, and likely off-topic to this forum.)

Given that urban legend, I could see the creators of Erfworld making the decision that the speech impediment had spread to the entire populace.

My single favorite moment was the text-messaging diary that quacks, but really, I'm liking this comic so far.


2006-12-08, 12:00 PM

After re-reading Jami's post regarding the death of "Manpower" and Alynn's post with the "Scream 2" reference I've come to the realization that regardless of what happens in Erfworld us fans are going to find some way to parallel it.

Like someone said in a previous post/topic... Erfworld is the "Where's Waldo of Jokes" however, I wonder how many Waldo's we're finding that the designers never put in.


2006-12-08, 03:10 PM
I like it! This looks like one of those comics that will grow really popular, keep em comin.

The scene with the dead leader and the MSN book was funny as hell BTW.

Maybe it's cuz I'm a Mac user, but I totally saw the book as a reference to Adium (http://www.adiumx.com/), Mac's multi-client IM program, as the logo is a duck and it makes duck sounds. I could be wrong there.

In any case, I really like it... it has kind of a "Billy and Mandy" feel, but better - the child-like characters, the girl who's very confident and pretty much runs things. I really like the deeper feel to it, and the jokes are subtle but very funny.

I really like the artwork - very well done. Great! Now I'm addicted to TWO comics!

2006-12-08, 03:33 PM
I was never too sure about Erfworld. Nothing in the preview page really jumped out and grabbed me, and while the cast page had its amusing moments I decided to reserve judgement one way or another until I read the first few strips.

But I knew I was in for an...interesting read once I loaded up the first panel and saw the giant Elvises. Definitely different, but hey, I like different. :smalltongue:

As for the other jokes, I'm not a fan of 'gross-out' humor, so the very last one didn't do much for me...though on the other end of the spectrum, the instant messaging book had me in stitches. :biggrin:

I liked the other, more subtle jokes, and the dialogue as well. I'm not as vehemently opposed to the 'cutesiness' as some of the other posters are, either...or at least that element in the artwork doesn't bother me. Too much of it in the dialogue might be different story, but at the moment at least it seems like most of the childishness is reserved for Lord Stanley. Of course I guess I'll be proved wrong if Wanda uses the word 'dwagons' in any of the upcoming strips. :smallwink:

Wanda is an awesome character by the way. Maybe even a little too awesome, because the main question I was left with is why anyone that intelligent would put up with taking orders from a mentally deficient annoyance like Stanley. (I'm wondering if his parents were a little more competent, and she perhaps started off working for them?)

As for the rest of the characters, Bogroll has potential, I think I'll like Sizemore and Jillian, (cute pun on her name, btw...I only just now got it) and just by reading his profile on the cast page I know Prince Ansom is going to drive me batty every time he shows up. That personality type combined with the too-good looks never fails to completely rub me the wrong way. :smallmad:

Anyway, that said, I think it was a smart move on the author's part to release several pages at once. It's hard enough hooking people with a new comic, and I imagine a slower paced one that's only updated biweekly makes hanging onto readers even more difficult.

Being able to read six pages at once was nice; I've got some idea of the world and what are probably the main characters now, and gotten to see the plot advance a little. Right now I'm thinking I'll probably continue to read it in this fashion, waiting a couple of weeks so that there's more to see...though I've said that about a lot of comics, and in reality once I get more involved in the plot that I'll probably be waiting impatiently to read every new strip as it's released. :)

And I'm betting I probably will get pretty involved with the plot, since I can already intrigued by the kind of grey area the characters have started out in, what with the traditional bad guys being the protagonists and the 'good guy' looking like he's going to be insufferably arrogant and self-absorbed... Though I'm a big fan of Goblins, so I enjoy fantasy cliches turned on their heads now and then. :smallsmile:

2006-12-08, 03:48 PM
Oh, I have trouble seeing how someone could perceive "black guy dies first" as offensive. It's just a goofy horror movie convention that has leeked into pop culture. I remember seeing a chart that took into consideration a number of factors to calculate your exact horror movie survival chance: for attractive single female caucasion teenagers it was over 90%, but went down hill rappidly from there.

It wouldn't have been terribly funny on it's own, but it was compounded by his name and the fact that he was wearing a target. Plus his death was funny on its own. I wouldn't be surprised if "Manpower the Temporary" came into use with my game group (who are all OoTS fans) as the singular of "redshirt".

The "Were's Waldo of Jokes"? Yea, that sounds about right. XD

2006-12-08, 03:53 PM
The plural of 'Elvis' cannot be 'Elvi'. 'Elvis' is obviously third declension, not second, otherwise it would be 'Elvus'.

civis -> cives

Elvis -> Elves

2006-12-08, 03:56 PM
You say potatoe, I'll say potahto.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker
2006-12-08, 04:07 PM
It wasn't intentional to make the first kill a black guy. Manpower is just such a strong name I envisioned an Avory Brooks type character. He's pale green because all the uncroaked are pale green regardless of original ethnicity.

I wasn't the person who pointed out the first dead guy was a black guy, but you did answer my question.

Hey, maybe the reason he smelled key lime pie was...wait, no, good key lime pie is actually more yellow. And Sir Manpower the Temporary deserves nothing less than the best. Throw that theory out the window...

2006-12-08, 07:18 PM
Key-lime Pie flavored croakamancy?

2006-12-09, 06:33 AM
I have read some complaints that it is sort of anime-ish, but I don't agree, some aspects of it made me think about some European stuff instead. I really liked page 3, really, really good. No punch line needed. Overal this comic relies a lot on the way the characters are drawn and on the ambiance. The details are remarkable for something only 700 pixels wide. The desk is awsome. I hope to see that room again, I want to see better what is there on the ceiling, and is that a pit? Seeing the door behind her on page 5 is also interesting. She was not in danger but it feels right knowing there is an escape.

The sound effects and the way the dialogs are presented are also a plus. I'm conviced by the art, I just hope to be convinced by the storyline.

2006-12-09, 10:43 AM
How often can we expect updates?

2006-12-09, 11:38 AM
I know the art isn't clicking with some, ...

I felt the need to register just to come down on the other side. The art is unbelievable. The lighting, use of unusual perspective, etc. combine to make it very dramatic. The first panel of page 3, viewing the dwagon from below, was breathtaking.

Oh yeah, and the offbeat, subtle humor I also find irresistable. Funniest panel so far IMO... the offscreen "CRACK! Coo... Hey!" :smallsmile:

I agree with teratorn -- I look forward to being pulled in by the storyline as well. I wouldn't say I'm totally hooked by the plot so far... but I'm very patient.

2006-12-09, 12:45 PM
Well, it didn't have the appeal that made me first like OOTS. But doesn't bug me. I will keep watching, try to get used to the world.

2006-12-09, 01:16 PM
quote Aliquid:
"I wouldn't consider that to be a mistake. I actually prefer to "jump right in" to the world."

Well, yeah, but he did it in a way that only alienates and confuses readers. You're supposed to make the readers feel like they're part of the world before confusing them.

I disagree. You're supposed to set the tone early, give the readers an idea of what kind of world they're about to step into. If you don't "get" giant elvises creating the world (which is hilarious to me), if that confuses or alienates you, then maybe it's not your kind of comic.

So really, the author isn't making a mistake, he's doing you a favor and saving you some time and some reading energy :smallsmile:.

2006-12-09, 02:04 PM
The lighting, use of unusual perspective, etc. combine to make it very dramatic. The first panel of page 3, viewing the dwagon from below, was breathtaking.

That reminds me, I meant to comment on that as well; the first panel blew me away, and in fact all of page three is great.

I hope we get to see more of Stanley's office in the future too. (And in the meantime I would recommend that anyone who hasn't done so take a look at the 'Blowing up Erfworld' thread.) I'm intrigued by the thing on the ceiling, even though I guess it's just a carving or something.

2006-12-09, 02:48 PM
The details are remarkable for something only 700 pixels wide. The desk is awsome. I hope to see that room again, I want to see better what is there on the ceiling, and is that a pit?

You're in luck. See this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29187). Maybe I should make that sticky.

2006-12-09, 04:43 PM
You're in luck. See this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29187). Maybe I should make that sticky.

Thanks, the "blowing up" made me think it was something different, I didn't think of checking it out!

2006-12-10, 12:15 AM
How often can we expect updates?

Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rob and I are working hard to give ourselves enough buffer to cover our update schedule.:smallbiggrin:

2006-12-10, 08:54 PM
That reminds me, I meant to comment on that as well; the first panel blew me away, and in fact all of page three is great.

I hope we get to see more of Stanley's office in the future too. (And in the meantime I would recommend that anyone who hasn't done so take a look at the 'Blowing up Erfworld' thread.) I'm intrigued by the thing on the ceiling, even though I guess it's just a carving or something.
Sorry. I didn't mean to get into an argument about this. I know all about setting tones, but I guess I too much tend to err on the side of caution in terms of "too weird" in the beginnings of my writings. Maybe that's why I never get passed the beginnings.

And I never said I didn't like the comic.

2006-12-10, 10:06 PM
Comic is quite hilarious. The instant-messenger book is hilarious, and though I didn't understand it, the key lime pie bit was somewhat amusing. I especially liked the target umbrella. So far, two funny gags have had to do with an umbrella of some sort. It was just great.

2006-12-10, 11:57 PM
I'm not sure about it yet as well. To me it seems as though it just hasnt found its rhythm yet with dialogue, but it is getting better and I will continue reading it and see what the next few comics bring.

2006-12-11, 08:14 PM
hmm guess we'll have to wait to see how well it goes over with oots fans...its definately different and i hope the plot & dialogue improve with the next couple of adds