View Full Version : Roads to Romani - Mage: the Awakening

2013-07-02, 05:42 AM
Roads to Romani


Stalking through the streets of Splott shortly after the clock struck six, a cabal of curious people were joined by a few strange looks and the swiftly approaching shroud of night. After some cajoling of the people of Consilium and pokes in the general direction of Dirk's mentor, the unnamed group managed to get hold of the victims of the latest kidnapping, or rather a missing child, and some information on their lives, as well as the young girl who went missing. Approaching after five was so both parents would be present, but before seven so the chilly winter couldn't take a hold of them.

With Dirk's sword cane tapping the ground every step of the way, they finally arrived a the corner of Farmville Road, number fifty one, wherein the Sayce family lived. The house itself looked sturdy enough, taken care of well and, after taking a glance through the windows, clearly decorated with all manners of expensive goods. A small garden led up to the door, filled with colorful flowers, and a shoulder-height, thick fence prevented easy access were the front gate to be locked.

The missing girl was Jaina Sayce, ten years old and attending Llandaff Private School, a prestigious school for girls, with an excellent reputation for the students it produces. Jaina was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Subtype, early at the age of eight. No other significant illnesses were listed in her records. From what the group could tell, she was also a good student, though not a genius, and kept in good health. She went missing during the night, exactly seven days ago, from her home. Nobody was awake at the time.

Pamela Sayce was Jaina's biological mother, who used to be something of a performer before the troubles with Jaina's mental health began, and quit to stay at home should an emergency with her daughter come up. John Sayce was Jaina's biological father and a construction manager, who works from nine to five.

2013-07-02, 05:54 AM
"Ah, we are finally there. Nice neighborhood." Dirk fixes his tie. "Dismas, would you kindly take care of the emotion control? You know how unstable parents with missing children can be. Let's chat with the Sayces first, and take a look around the neighborhood after that."
Dirk casts Mage Sight (Fate and Time), waits for everyone to get ready, and rings the bell.
Dirk is wearing a black suit with the red tie and white shirt.

18th Avenger
2013-07-02, 08:29 AM
Dressed in what couldn't rightly be called his Sunday best, Smack walking down the street looked exactly like a figure you wouldn't want to meet as night fell. Tall and looking like someone born on the wrong parts of the city, he didn't so much as stand out among his cabal so much as appear to be cut from a completely different cloth from them.

When the group had stopped in front of the Sayce home, it looked for all the world like the man in the leather jacket was sizing it up to rob it. To anyone watching the group, it didn't help matters when Smack reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper to check the address.

Smack whistled. "Nice place," he rasped. "Bit of a step up for our perp, innit?" The big man turned to the others and grinned a broken-toothed grin before twitching slightly as he felt the most well-dressed of them begin to 'work his will' as it were.

He hadn't gotten used to the idea that there were others like him yet. Much less working with them. But nevertheless, the poshly dressed Dirk had the right idea and Smack began to go through the motion of his own particular rote. The thick man in the leather jacket kept his 'Eyes' open while he watched Dirk walk through the garden to ring the doorbell of the Sayce home.

Smack casts Read Matrices.

2013-07-02, 11:32 AM
Dismas strolled along next to his companions, periodically casting glances over them to size them up. He was dressed simply, wearing jeans and a simple blue, button-down shirt. He wasn't quite sure what to make of them. He'd have to see how this investigation went. Certainly the one who introduced himself as 'Smack' would prove himself difficult, he wasn't dressed in any way that could help sway a Sleeper's trust.

Muttering to himself slightly about amateurs as they approach the door, Dismas gets himself into character, subtly making the hand motions necessary to cast the rote Illuminating the Inner Temple

Nodding at Dirk he says, Let me do the talking for now.

Dismas Casts Augment the Mind, with success going to Manipulation and Presence.
Resolve (3)+Academics (0)+ Mind (3)= Dice Pool 6

2013-07-02, 12:39 PM
Clad in a nice-fitting white blouse, gray slacks, and shiny black loafers, Marzanna certainly looked the part of a professional. Though looking at Smack she wondered if she possibly could've gone with something a bit more casual. Oh well; too late now, right? Walking along with her newly formed cabal she cast a few curious glances at the surrounding neighborhood. It was a terrible thing, this missing children business. Getting to the bottom of it was of the utmost importance... especially since it seemed as if there was involvement of the non-sleeper persuasion.

Arriving at the home of the missing Jaina Sayce she quirked her lips into some semblance of a smile at Smack's comment. With Dirk and Dismas springing into action she squared her shoulders and put on a "serious" look. "Here goes..." And with a subtle twirling of her fingers, she calls upon a little aid for her sight...

Marzanna activates Aura of Gloom, aka Grim Sight.

2013-07-03, 06:40 AM
Shadows flicked past the transparent silk curtain a few moments after the doorbell rang, followed by silence until the door was pulled open. Standing on its threshold was a fairly bedraggled woman, her hair disheveled by running her hair through it too many times, though her outfit was a clean blouse and skirt, with her make-up remaining perfect. She seemed to be somewhere in her late thirties, and offered a smile to the man at her door. "Hello. Can I help you?" She asked, an eyebrow slightly raised as she saw the rest of the group.

MarzannaThrough her grim sight, Marzanna sees no thick shadows of death clutching to the woman, giving hope that perhaps Jaina isn't dead, wherever she might be.

SmackSmack's pocket gave a small vibration, as the text came through for that week's location of the fight club. It was a small, disposable phone only suited for such texts.

2013-07-03, 06:56 AM
"Goddammit, Smack, do you even have a concept of an appropriate clothing?" thought Dirk mentally facepalming. "Good day, mam. I'm Thomas Dirk, from "Dirk's Holistic Detective Agency", you may have heard of us." "Poor woman, she must have really loved her daughter. Or at least cared." Dirk moved closer to a woman and offered her his business card.

Ever since he Awakened, keeping business cards became a bitch. Because of the sympathy, he couldn't afford to be careless with his stuff. At his home, Dirk kept a stack of cards. Every Monday he took the top card of the stack and in the end of the week, if he still had it, he burnt the card.

"And these are... my associates. Kidnapping rates have greatly increased in the last few months, and I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefuly, if I were to just leave that as is. I know that your daughter, Jaina, has disappeared. Can we talk abought it? I know that it's hard, but everything you say can help us find the kidnapper, and your daughter." Dirk looked intently into a woman's Fate, trying to discern anything unusual.

2013-07-03, 02:56 PM
No visible or tangible death resonance. Alright. Marzanna nodded to herself, mostly, content with that bit of knowledge for now. Jaina could very well still be alive. Though what state she would be found in was another matter altogether.

Dirk launched into his little spiel, and when Mrs. Sayce cast a cautious glance over all of them Marzanna did her best to give her a comforting smile. It was a long shot that she would let four complete strangers, "detectives" or not, into her home without a little extra persuasion. Dismas would, if all things went according to plan, be able to help with the distraught woman's obviously frayed emotional status.

So, for now, she remained quiet.

2013-07-03, 04:08 PM
Dismas erects a knowing, conciliatory smile, looking the woman in the eye. Manipulating those that were in distress was particularly easy, something Dismas had been doing his whole life. Now that he had Awakened, it had simply become second nature.

Ma'am, my name is Roger Dismas, and I understand how you must feel. Please. We want to find your daughter just as badly as you do. We just have a few questions we'd like to ask.

Attempting to use Persuasion (Fast-Talking) to get her to let us in. Manipulation (4+2 from Augmenting the Mind)+ Persuasion (3) 9 dice.

18th Avenger
2013-07-04, 12:14 AM
Smack, on the other hand, tried his best not too look too much like... Himself. Just before Mrs. Sayce invited them in, he felt a buzzing in his pocket. He took out the disposable phone and read the short message he'd received.

With a nod, he resolved to tell his group at a later date. Smack put the phone back and nodded at the distraught-looking Mrs Sayce and saw the very familiar hollowing-out in a personality that the Kopachek's had worn when their bright star, Michelle, had gone missing.

His expression softened. "Please worry not, marm," he said as politely as he could manage. Smack could very well relate to what Mrs. Sayce was worrying about. "We can find yer little girl."

2013-07-04, 06:35 AM
Mrs. Sayce continued to stare at the group for a few moments, slipping a hand into her pocket and leaning against the doorframe as though to bar entry with her stature, which wasn't particularly large. "How did you find out about my daughter?" She directed her question at Dismas, as she took the business card from Dirk's hands and casted her eyes across the information it possessed.


2013-07-04, 08:45 AM
"Why, from the authorities of course! Detectives often have relevant friends. I assure you, mrs. Sayce, our only intent is to get to the bottom of these kidnappings, and you can help us." said Dirk with the most reassuring look he can give.
Tisk tisk, what a paranoid world we live in. Can't a man just want to do something good without everyone assuming the worst?

2013-07-04, 12:35 PM
Dismas smiled at Mrs. Sayce. Please, we're just trying to make sure that we can bring your daughter home.

While he says this, Dismas is concentrating, projecting feelings of trust onto Mrs. Sayce. Dismas is hoping that this bereaved mother is desperate enough to trust complete strangers to find her daughter.

Casting Emotional Urging, trying to generate a feeling of trust. Dice Pool: Gnosis (2)+Mind (3)=5

2013-07-05, 06:50 AM
I'm gonna go ahead and note that trust isn't an emotion.


2013-07-05, 07:15 AM
"Policemen telling you about the details of my situation is a violation of their policy and my rights." Mrs. Sayce told Dirk with a frown slowly creasing her elegant brow, as one of her hands reached for the handle on the door, but made no further motions, besides her voice getting steadily more unstable. "And you keep saying that you're just here to help me; saying it again won't do you any good, will it? I know that. You said it. I'm not stupid."

18th Avenger
2013-07-05, 07:45 AM
Smack could tell things were going south in a hurry. He stepped forward to stand alongside Dismas and Dirk to face the woman, who was fast approaching a state of agitation.

The man in the leather jacket reined in his natural compunction to get up in her face and scare her. He thought of his sister, lying in the ward of Cardiff General, breathing but dead to the world. And of the long nights he spent prowling Cardiff's underside, searching out any clue, any little tidbit of information just to know that she was okay...

"Nah. You're not. We're sorry if it seemed that way. But I want you to know that you ain't alone," Smack took a deep breath, steadying himself, for even the group behind him didn't know what he was about to reveal. "My little sister was kidnapped too." He fumbled in his pocket for his wallet, flipping it open and handing Mrs. Sayce a photo of himself and Michelle. It was taken a long time ago, in front of the lion display at the local zoo. It was obvious from Smack's mohican and the way the happy little blonde girl clung on from his neck that they were much younger. And happier, in Smack's case, taking the anger and surliness from the ex-punk's typical look and making him look just a little more handsome.

"Me an' my family, we was one of the lucky ones," Smack continued. "We were able to find her in some dank old alley. Six months after she'd gone missing. Yeah, what Messrs. Dirk and Dismas are sayin' is correct, we're detectives lookin' for these missin' tykes. But we're also wossnames..." It was obvious Smack was stretching his vocabulary. The frustration and anger he'd felt when they began to boil through the surface and he brought it to heel in a hurry. "We... We jus' don't want what happened to you to happen to anyone else."

Rolling Manipulation

2013-07-05, 01:28 PM
Dismas looked sideways at Smack. While he obviously wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack, his sense of earnestness could work wonders. He decided to pick up and follow where he'd gone. He knew that in these situations, desperation and grief could make one apt to trust even strangers, so he went to work, exploiting Mrs. Sayce's state. and her sense of justice.

Miss... We want to get the bastards who did this to Jania just as badly as you do. It makes me sick that these neighborhoods aren't safe for children anymore. But in order to do that... We'll need your help.

2013-07-05, 03:33 PM
Oh boy. Marzanna shifted as things started to spiral downwards. Could she possibly persuade the woman? She was going to give it a shot -- until Smack stepped up and took the reins. His story about his sister's disappearance tugged at her heart strings for sure. Hopefully, Mrs. Sayce would be moved by the tale and more willing to trust the foursome standing on her doorstep.

Clearing her throat, she nodded, "Yes. We're here to help put a stop to these crimes. So please... any bit of information, no matter how insignificant you may think it to be, would be a big help..."

2013-07-06, 06:25 AM
A few shadows flickered over Mrs. Sayce's eyes as she listened to Smack's story and the words of everyone around her, though she didn't move away from the doorway. A few moments of silence passed in the light of the setting sun before she let out a sigh, meeting the eyes of each person present. "Fine. You can ask your questions; but I'm not getting to let you in. We can do it here, on the doorstep. First of all;" She looked to Dismas in particular. "Jaina wasn't taken from the streets. She was taken from her bedroom, in the middle of the night." Her voice, though wavering slightly at first, hardened almost immediately.

18th Avenger
2013-07-06, 07:26 AM
"Michelle got nicked on her way from school," Smack grumbled, face crumpled in thought. He scratched his chin. "Any point of entry, like broken windows or that sorta thing?"

2013-07-06, 09:42 AM
Dismas nodded his head in thanks, showing his appreciation.

Thank you, Mrs. Sayce. This will help so much, we appreciate everything you're doing for us. Was there ever any sort of ransom note, any demands?

As Dismas asks these questions, he pulls back on the layers of The Lie, just as he was taught by his mentor. Reaching out, Dismas pierces through the obfuscating veils to read Mrs. Sayce's aura and discern her emotional state.

Casting Aura Perception: Dice Pool Gnosis: 2+ Mind: 3= 5 dice.

2013-07-07, 09:16 AM
"No windows were broken; not that we could see. There was even a lock on her window, to stop her from escaping when she has one of her...episodes." Mrs. Sayce began to explain, looking at Smack with her lips slightly curling downwards, as he explained more about his little sister. She gave the slightest shake of her head before looking back to Dismas. "None at all. No demands or even a note. She was just gone."

2013-07-07, 10:17 AM
Dismas slowly nodded. This sounded more and more like the work of a mage, which was very disconcerting. Then something Jania said piqued his interest.

Excuse me... But what do you mean by 'episodes'?

2013-07-08, 02:47 AM
No sign of forced entry. Girl taken from her bedroom. Her otherwise locked bedroom. Marzanna did a good job of keeping the grimness she was wrestling with inside off of her face. Though she did cast a few looks at her companions, figuring they were all on the same wavelength more or less with this. Now she was really itching to have a talk with her "special source"...

2013-07-08, 12:02 PM
"Jaina has Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Subtype. I guess your corrupt friends didn't tell you that on the reports, hm?" Mrs. Sayce responded to Dismas with no small amount of bitterness in her voice. "Are there any other questions you want to ask, or are both of our days being wasted standing on the doorstep while you question the victims rather than follow the trail?"

2013-07-08, 12:39 PM
"To get a 'trail'", Dirk made air quotes to amplify his sarcasm, "we need to know things, and you are refusing to cooperate. And I take offense to the "corrupt" thing. They are upstanding citizens concerned with the kidnappings. I feel proud, knowing that I'm their friend. And yet you treat us as some rabble, refusing to believe even for a second that there are well-meaning people in the world." Dirk's pride has been wounded by the implication of his 'shadiness'. As he speaks, his tone gets more and more sarcastic.
"But, back to the topic. Did Jaina had any suspicious contacts lately? Did she know any 'drifters'? How long has she been diagnosed with the illness?"

2013-07-08, 01:04 PM
"Consider getting a better public relations party than a short-tempered **** in a suit who openly displays his disrespect for personal privacy." Mrs. Sayce countered Dirk's sarcasm by refusing to look at him as she spoke to Dismas. "I used to work in entertainment, so I know how to please the people. Apparently you're new at this, seeing as you have no clue how to approach or deal with victims, or to hide the shadier aspects of your dealings. If you expect my co-operation in continuing your line of questioning, which, I might add, the Police already know, so I suspect your friends in the Police don't trust you as much as you believe, then perhaps you'd care to reveal just how you plan to go about finding anyone's children."

2013-07-08, 04:08 PM
Dismas glanced at his new companions. Inwardly he sighed. It was proving to be much more difficult to extract information from Mrs. Sayce than he thought it would. Next time he'd have to go alone and do it. Dismas decided that he'd go out on a limb and try something rather risky.

Mrs. Sayce... You're right. I'm sorry that we attempted to deceive you, but we felt that you'd trust private investigators more.

Dismas audibly sighs, slumping his shoulders. His face takes on a defeated cast and he looks downward briefly before looking up to speak again. When he does his voice is weaker, shakier.

You see, we've all lost someone in the last few months.My daughter, Cynthia... They took her while I was gone. The babysitter didn't even notice... Look, Mrs. Sayce, we're just some concerned citizens, trying to find our children. Mr. Dirk here is supposedly rather good at this... So we're trusting him. But we need you to trust us... We're trying to get some evidence, see if there are any common threads between the disappearances. Obviously the cops aren't happy with our investigation. But they're just not taking this seriously enough.

2013-07-08, 09:22 PM
"Good save." Dirk put a hand in his pocket, found a paper sheet, and gave it an illusion of the photo of a girl and him standing together. He took the sheet out of the pocket and, taking care not to give mrs. Sayce a chance to touch it, showed it. "Emily disappeared about a month ago from her school. Yes, Pamela, we all have a rather personal stake at this."

EDIT: I forgot. Dirk tries to remember, if the other victims had psychic disorders.

2013-07-09, 12:45 AM
'Cool it, Dirk.' Marzanna would've elbowed him in the side if it wouldn't have been such an obvious gesture. They really did have to tread lightly with Mrs. Sayce. At least Dismas seemed to understand that, coming up with a clever ruse to prop open the swiftly diminishing window of opportunity they had.

"My niece... She was like a sister to me. She was taken from a seemingly safe place. Just like Jaina. The police haven't found anything so... Here I am. With these guys. I want to get to the bottom of this as badly as you do."

18th Avenger
2013-07-09, 01:33 PM
Smack was forcing down his anger at the woman's dismissive treatment. The voice in his head that once told a young Sidney to up and leave Cardiff was now telling him to coat his fist with the unseen forces that make up the world and redecorate Mrs. Sayce's living room with her brain matter. Things were seeming to take a turn for the worse.

But then, as he felt his fist clenching slowly, another voice began to beat down the first voice. What'll that do, it asked. Other than get you locked up for Assault an' Battery?

The posh woman, one of those they were trying to help, was digging too deep. Weren't they supposed to be asking the questions? Smack blew out a breath, trying to pass it off from the oncoming chill, and began the laborious process of letting go of his building fury. He started by paying close attention to the various stories his Cabal had let out. It surprised the ex-punk that they'd been connected in such a familiarly painful way (until the first nagging voice told him not to look too closely. Chibbs had said something about alibis, but he couldn't remember what exactly).

"We have... Contacts," Smack began, as levelly as he could. "As soon as my colleagues are done here, we will go about pursuing them." He liked to think that the word 'colleagues' had the least amount of sourness he could allow. Also, the way he phrased it also made clear that that was all the information he'd care to politely volunteer.

2013-07-09, 08:38 PM
Mrs. Sayce listened with a critical ear to the explanations of the strangers at her door, twiddling the business card given to her between her fingers before she offered it back to Dirk, held between two fingers. "I'll start with the fact that this man," She gestured to Smack. "Revealed his actual loss to me long before the rest of you; if these really were your true intentions that you were trying to hide, why was he allowed to reveal his before the rest of you? Secondly, that business card is clearly a forgery. Thirdly, neither of you are good liars, or even slightly talented at whatever it is you're trying to accomplish." She flippantly pointed at at Dirk and Marzanna. "Whatever sick game it is that you're playing, I will have no part in it. Now **** off."

With that, Mrs. Sayce stepped back and slammed the door.

2013-07-10, 02:51 AM
Dismas sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in a frustrated manner. It should have been so easy to enter the house, knick something of the daughter's, and then scry for her location.

These guys aren't exactly helpful He thought.

Turning to face his companions, Dismas spoke levelly:

This makes it much more difficult, but still doable. I have a plan. Here, lets go somewhere we can speak.

And with that, he steps off of the doorstep and walks away from the house.

2013-07-10, 03:16 AM
Well, that's depressing.
Dirk nods and follows Dismass.

If I need depression roll:

18th Avenger
2013-07-11, 02:02 PM
Smack waited for a minute and gave the door jamb a frustrated punch, growling out a word that could not be written if real life was actually some form of forum roleplay.

He contemplated spitting and reconsidered it, turning around and upturning his collar against the chill. "That went well," Smack ground out softly. "'Least all ain't lost." His face twisted in an oddly triumphant grin as he brandished his disposable mobile. "Now to a place what's a bit more... 'Receptive' to our type."

2013-07-12, 08:24 AM
"...Well good day to you too." Marzanna said to the firmly shut door, turning to shrug at the others. "Guess I'm not so convincing when it comes to this sort of thing, huh? Sorry." Thought Dirk? Was still to blame for most of that less than desirable exchange. Bad Dirk. Baaaaad.

2013-07-13, 05:40 AM
Dismas turned to Smack, raising an eyebrow slightly.

And where is this place that will be more receptive towards us?

18th Avenger
2013-07-13, 01:48 PM
Smack fished the cellphone out again and handed it to Dismas.

The meeting is at Boys' Village, a short trip, about a half hour walk, West of Cardiff. It's an abandoned holiday camp.
While he was reading, he gave them each another once-over. "Oh-kay... Maybe more my crowd, actually." While the tough-looking man tried to keep his face as helpful as possible, there was just the right hint of a sneer.

2013-07-15, 01:33 AM
Reading the text message, Dismas raises his eyebrow, and looks up to see Smack sneering at him.

Looking skeptical he addresses Smack.

This is your idea of a lead? Fine. Hopefully you won't bumble all over it and get us kicked out of this one too. Let's go.

And with that, Dismas gives him a smirk and returns the phone.

2013-07-15, 07:35 PM
Marzanna looked down at her style of dress. "Oh. Smack probably has a point." She then looked back up to grin at the brawler. "Oh well. At least we'll be the center of attention. Might make it easier to collect info..."

18th Avenger
2013-07-16, 10:50 PM
Smack gave Dismas a grin that would have been a dangerous look on a gorilla.

"Don't worry, it won't be me you'll have to worry about." He said as pleasantly as he could manage as they followed Dirk. "Anyway, you said you had something to add? Your own piece of mind?"

2013-07-16, 10:58 PM
"Nothing much. If we are going to the fight club, I should drop by my office and change the clothes."

2013-07-19, 12:44 PM
Marzanna shrugged, not intending to stop off and change. Time was of the essence! She could stand a few rough and tumble types staring at her like she was a unicorn or something.

"So what exactly are the odds of someone knowing something there, anyway?"

18th Avenger
2013-07-19, 01:10 PM
Smack tapped his nose. "Lead on then, Dirk. You're the one who stands the best chance of pickin' up weird things."

"Seeing as how we botched the interview, it's our best bet," he explained as they walked down the street. "And as to the odds, all sorts show up to place bets and try their luck." Smack nudged his foot at a passing cat. "Back home with you! Anyway, I know the girl who runs the club. An' she's the sort with her ear to the ground. If anyone can get us on the right track, it's her."

2013-07-20, 04:48 AM
Dirk writes down the adress of the club, and goes to the office to pick more casual clothes. He then rejoins the group at the club.

2013-07-20, 11:05 AM
Dismas nods.

This might be a good alternative lead. I recommend that we all cast defensive spells before we get down there, in case things go south.